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CVS Type 657 Diaphragm Actuator: Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual

CVS Type 657

Diaphragm Actuator
Sizes 30-70
All CVS Controls equipment, including actuators, are
to be installed and maintained in accordance with
instructions supplied by CVS Controls. Only
qualified personnel may install and service the
actuator, and, if necessary, contact a gas service

The CVS Type 657 Actuator is used for the
automatic operation of control valves, and is
designed as a direct acting, spring-opposed
diaphragm. By varying the pneumatic loading
pressure on the actuator diaphragm, the valve plug
within the body will open, close or throttle.

When the loading pressure is increased within a

direct-acting diaphragm actuator the actuator stem
moves downward, compressing the spring. A Figure 1: CVS Type 657 Actuator
decrease in pressure will cause actuator stem to
move upward with the decompression of the spring
(Figure 2). Installation
The CVS Type 657 Diaphragm Actuator is usually
The valve plug action of the CVS Type 657 Actuator delivered furnished mounted on a CVS Controls
can be set to “push down to close” or “push down to valve body. When installing the valve body into the
open” and will then either open or close the control pipeline, consult the instructions for that particular
valve upon failure of the loading pressure. When the valve body. Should you have any questions during
loading pressure fails, the diaphragm of the actuator the installation procedure, consult your CVS
moves to the extreme upward position and performs Controls representative.
the selected action.
The loading pressure is connected to the NPT
Refer to Table 1 for the specifications for various connection in the top of the diaphragm case (1/4”
sizes of CVS Type 657 Actuators. All accessories for sizes 30 through 60, 1/2” size 70). With larger
used with the CVS 657 have individual manuals sizes, it may be beneficial to reduce the connection
which should be consulted regarding installation, down
operation and maintenance.

Head Office Calgary Sales Office

3900 – 101 Street 3516 – 114 Avenue SE
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (780) 437-3055 Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (780) 436-5461 Fax: (403) 291-9487

Website: www.cvs-controls.com E-Mail: info@cvs-controls.com

Table 1: CVS Type 657 Diaphragm Actuator

Actuator Size 30 34 40 45 46 50 60 70
Nominal Effective Area
46 69 69 105 156 105 156 220
(Sq.In.) (Diaphragm)
Yoke Boss Size Diameter
2-1/8 2-1/8 2-13/16 2-13/16 2-13/16 3-9/16 3-9/16 3-9/16
Valve Body Stem Size (In.) 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4
Maximum Allowable Stem
2300 2300 2700 5650 7550 5650 6800 8800
Force (Lbs)
Maximum Travel (In.) 3/4 1-1/8 1-1/2 2 2 2 2 3
Maximum Diaphragm Case
140 75 75 60 50 60 50 65
Pressure (PSI)*
Approximate Kg 16 22 23 37 49 42 53 107
Weight Lb 36 48 51 82 107 92 116 235
*Maximum allowable diaphragm case pressure may be used only when maximum allowable stem forces are not exceeded.

Installation cont’d
3 to 15 PSI or 6 to 30 PSI, but other ranges may be
to 1/4”. Pipe or tubing may be used, and should be
run to the output pressure connection on the Pressure within the valve body creates forces on
automatic controller. Avoid transmission lag in the the valve plug which directly affect the actual
control signal by keeping the length of pipe or operating diaphragm pressure range. When
tubing as short as possible. When long distances pressure conditions in the valve body are different
are involved, install a valve positioner on the from those indicated in the factory settings, the
actuator. If the valve positioner is provided as part valve may not stroke completely over the indicated
of the original equipment, the loading pressure range. To achieve correct travel for the diaphragm
connection will be made at the CVS Controls pressure range utilized, a simple spring adjustment
manufacturing facility. is necessary. Note, however, that the actuator
spring has a fixed pressure span and that
If the CVS Type 657 Diaphragm Actuator is adjustment of the spring compression simply shifts
shipped alone for field mounting, it should be this span up or down to make the travel of the valve
mounted onto the valve body and secured in place correspond with the diaphragm pressure range.
with the yoke locknut. Clamp the actuator stem
and valve plug stem together using the stem
connector to provide the proper valve travel. Refer Typ e 6 5 7 Dir ec t Ac t in g
to the “Assembly Instructions” section of this Dia p h r a g m Ac t u a t o r
manual for complete instructions. AIR
For ease of service, ensure that the control valve is DOWN
located for easy access and serviceability with
room above for accessibility. Ensure that sufficient
room is provided below should removal of the
actuator and valve plug be necessary. SPRING

Operation and Adjustment

Refer to the nameplate on the yoke of the actuator
for details on the specific construction and
operating range. The requirements of your specific
application will dictate the spring and diaphragm
used in your CVS Type 657 Actuator. When in STEM MOVES UPWARD WITH
service, the actuator will create full travel of the LOSS OF OPERATING MEDIUM
valve plug when diaphragm pressure is applied
according to the range indicated on the name Figure 2: Schematic of CVS Type 657 Actuator
plate. Generally, the diaphragm pressure range is

spring seat (key 4).
Operation and Adjustment cont’d 9. If necessary, remove the lower half of the
diaphragm case (key 8) by loosening the cap
The CVS Controls nameplate indicates a “bench screws.
set” pressure range in addition to a standard 10. Removing the spring adjuster will complete the
diaphragm pressure range. The “bench set” disassembly.
pressure range indicates the range required to
completely stroke the valve with out any pressure Assembly Instructions
in the valve body, for example as if the valve 1. The CVS Type 657 Actuator can be assembled in
were being tested on the work bench. While In the reverse order of the disassembly instructions.
service, however, with the specified pressure These additional steps below will assist with
drop applied across the valve, it should stroke proper assembly and continued operation.
over the standard diaphragm pressure range as 2. Apply lubricant to the threads and spring seat
indicated on the nameplate. bearing surface of the spring adjuster (See
location marked “LP” on Figure 4).
Once the control valve has been installed and 3. Ensure that the spring seats and the lower seat
connected to the controller, it should be tested for align properly and rest against the diaphragm
correct travel, lack of friction and correct action plate.
(air-to-open or air-to-close) to match the 4. Use a criss-cross pattern to evenly tighten the
controlling instrument. To ensure the most nuts on the casing bolts.
effective operation, the actuator stem and the 5. If the stem locknuts were removed during
valve plug stem must move freely when disassembly, install them onto the valve plug
responding to the loading pressure change on stem and place the travel indicator (key 12) with
the diaphragm. the cupped side downward.
6. Secure the actuator onto the valve body using
Disassembly Instructions the yoke locknut.
Although the following instructions describe how 7. Assemble the stem connection as follows
the CVS Type 657 Diaphragm Actuator can be according to the required action:
completely disassembled, when inspection or
repairs are required, only disassemble those a. Mounted on Body with “Push Down to
parts required to accomplish the job. Close” Valve Plug
i. When the body is assembled and the
Consult Figure 4, and proceed as follows for actuator is mounted, ensure the valve
disassembly: plug is in the closed position.
ii. Once the locknuts are secured onto the
1. Bypass the control valve and exhaust any stem, set the travel indicator disc onto
actuator loading pressure to atmospheric. the locknuts with the cupped portion
Disconnect the actuator supply line and any facing downward.
leakoff piping. iii. Raise the valve plug off of the seat, with
2. Relieve all pressure from the spring by the travel specified on the nameplate, or,
threading the spring adjuster (key 2) out of pressure the actuator until the stem
the yoke. moves down the specified valve travel.
3. To remove the valve body from the actuator, iv. Install the stem connector by clamping
separate the stem connector (key 21) and the actuator stem to the valve stem.
remove the yoke locknut. v. Raise the indicator disc to the stem
4. Loosen the stem locknuts (keys 13 and 14), connector, using the locknuts to tighten
remove the two cap screws and separate the in position.
stem connector. vi. Ensure that the desired total travel is
5. Loosen the diaphragm case cap screws and available by cycling the actuator. This
nuts (keys 19 and 20) and remove the upper will also demonstrate that the valve plug
diaphragm case. seats properly. If necessary, minor travel
6. Remove the molded diaphragm (key 6). adjustments can be made by slightly
7. Extract the diaphragm plate and actuator loosening the stem connector, tightening
stem (keys 5 and 3) as an assembly. These the locknuts and screwing the stem
parts can be further separated if required. either into or out of the stem connector
8. Remove the actuator spring (key 1) and using a wrench on the locknuts.

vii. Once the valve travel has been Note: When making adjustments to
accomplished, secure the stem the valve stem, do not rotate the valve
connector, lock the travel indicator stem more than the 1/8” that it was
disc against the connector using the screwed into the actuator stem in step
locknuts, and adjust the travel “vii”. Over rotating the valve stem
indicator scale (key 16) to show will prevent the valve from shutting
valve plug position. off.
viii. Using a gauge, measure the
pressure delivered to the actuator. ix. Proceed with steps “vii” and “viii” as
Make any adjustments on the in section “A” above.
actuator, or the positioner, to set the
starting point of valve travel and Serial Number
ensure full range of travel as desired. Each CVS Type 657 Actuator has a serial
number, stamped on the nameplate. When
b. Mounted on Body with “Push Down to corresponding with your CVS Controls
Open” Valve Plug representative, always refer to that serial number
i. Attach the locknuts to the stem and when requiring replacement parts or technical
set the travel indicator disc into information.
ii. Raise the valve plug to the closed
position. On larger body sizes, a pry
bar may be inserted through the
body line flange opening. If the valve
is located in a pipeline application,
you may remove the bottom flange
and raise the valve plug from below.
iii. Install the stem connector and
ensure that the actuator stem
threads are fully engaged.
iv. Install the two cap screws in the
stem connector to clamp the actuator
stem to the valve stem.
v. If a pry bar has been used, remove it
now. If the bottom flange has been
removed, replace it now.
vi. Apply loading pressure to the Figure 3: Nameplate on CVS Type 667 Actuator
diaphragm case and move the valve
plug down off of its seat.
vii. Rotate the valve plug stem into the
stem connector approximately 1/8”.
Slightly tighten the stem locknuts to
move the travel indicator to the
proper position. CVS Type 657 Actuator Parts List
viii. Check the availability of desired
travel by fully cycling the actuator. The following parts list includes complete part
The valve plug should seat before numbers for components of the CVS Type 657
the upper travel stop. If required, Actuator that are generally replaceable in the field,
minor adjustments to total travel can and are most commonly used. Key numbers
be made by slightly loosening the correspond to those in Figure 4. If materials and
stem connector, tightening the parts are required, but are not outlined in this
locknuts and screwing the stem literature, consult your CVS Controls
either into or out of the stem representative. Include the serial number of your
connector using a wrench on the actuator in all correspondence regarding
locknuts. replacement parts.

CVS Type 657 Actuator

Table 2: Parts Reference

Key Part Name
1 Actuator Spring
2 Spring Adjuster
3 Actuator Stem
4 Spring Seat
5 Diaphragm Plate
6* Diaphragm
7 Upper Diaphragm Case
8 Lower Diaphragm Case
9 Yoke
10 Cap Screw
11 Cap Screw
12 Travel Indicator
13 Hex Nut
14 Hex Jam Nut
15 Self-Tapping Screw
16 Travel Indicator Scale
17 Nameplate
18 Drive Screw
19 Cap Screw
20 Hex Nut
21 Stem Connector
22 Twin Speed Nut (not shown)
Pipe Bushing (Size 70 only)
(not shown)
* Recommended spare part

Figure 4: CVS Type 657 Actuator Assembly Drawing

Table 3: Parts List

Key Description Part Number

1 Actuator Spring Consult CVS Controls
Size 30 CVS1E792924102
Sizes 34, 40 CVS1E807324102
2 Spring Adjustor
Sizes 45, 46, 50, 60 CVS1E832624102
Size 70 CVS1N129724102
Size 30 CVS1E792824102
Size 34 CVS1E872924102
Size 40 CVS1E807124102
Actuator Stem
3 Sizes 45, 46 CVS1J332924102
Steel, CD PL
Sizes 50, 60 CVS1E832424102
Up to 2” Travel CVS1N129424102
Size 70
Over 2” Travel CVS1N132524102
Size 30, Steel CVS1U425623122
Sizes 34,40, Steel CVS1R179923122
4 Lower Spring Seat
Sizes 45, 46, 50, 60, Steel CVS1R180023122
Size 70, Cast Iron CVS1N129619052
Size 30 CVS2E880419042
Sizes 34,40 CVS3E880519042
Diaphragm Plate
5 Sizes 45, 50 CVS2E831519042
Cast Iron
Sizes 46, 60 CVS2E847519042
Size 70 CVS2N127019042

CVS Type 657 Actuator
Parts List continued

Key Description Part Number

Size 30 CVS2E791902202
Sizes 34, 40 CVS2E670002202
6 Sizes 45, 50 CVS2E859502202
Sizes 46, 50 CVS2E859702202
Size 70 CVS2N126902202
Size 30 CVS2E791528992
Upper Diaphragm Sizes 34, 40 CVS2E806028992
7 Casing Sizes 45, 50 CVS3E830928992
Steel Sizes 46, 60 CVS2E847228992
Size 70 CVS2N126628992
Size 30 CVS2E792225062
Lower Diaphragm Sizes 34, 40 CVS2E806325062
8 Casing Sizes 45, 50 CVS3E831625062
Steel Sizes 46, 60 CVS2E847425062
Size 70 CVS2N127125062
Size 30 CVS3E792619042
Size 34 CVS2E869619042
Yoke Size 40 CVS3E807019042
Cast Iron Sizes 45, 46 CVS2E903719042
Sizes 50, 60 CVS3E832319042
Size 70 CVS3N127319042
Size 30 CVS1E798032982
Cap Screw
10 Sizes 34, 40 CVS1E760432992
Steel, CD PL
Sizes 45, 46, 50, 60, 70 CVS1E775432982
Size 30 (6 req’d) CVS1D529824052
Push Down to Sizes 34, 40 (6 req’d) CVS1A368424052
Close Valve Sizes 45, 46, 50, 60 (8 req’d) CVS1A368424052
Size 70 CVS1N129328992
11 Cap Screw
Size 30 (3 req’d) CVS1D368424052
Push Down to Sizes 34, 40 (3 req’d) CVS1A368424052
Open Valve Sizes 45, 46, 50, 70 (4 req’d) CVS1A368424052
Size 70 (9 req’d) CVS1N129328992
Sizes 30, 34 CVS1E793138992
12 Travel Indicator, SST Sizes 40, 45, 46 CVS1E807238992
Sizes 50, 60, 70 CVS1B832838992
Sizes 30, 34 (2 req’d) CVS1P131224142
13 Hex Nut, SST Size 40, 46 CVS1A413224122
Sizes 50, 60, 70 CVS1A375424122
Size 40 CVS1A353724122
14 Hex Jam Nut, SST Sizes 45, 46 (2 req’d) CVS1A353724122
Sizes 50, 60, 70 CVS1A351124122
Self-tapping Screw, Sizes 30, 34, 45, 46 (2 req’d) CVS11793238992
SST Sizes 50, 60, 70 (2 req’d) CVS1E831338992
16 Travel Indicator Scale, SST See following Table 4
17 Nameplate, SST CVS12B6508X0A2
18 Drive Screw, SST (4 req’d) CVS1A368228982
Cap Screw, Standard Size 30, 34, 40, 45, 50, 60 1” bolt
3/8” Bolt Size 70 1-1/4” bolt
20 Hex Nut, Standard 3/8” Nut 1” Nut
Sizes 30, 34 CVS1E7977000A2
Size 40 CVS1F659225142
21 Stem Connector, STL Sizes 45, 46 CVS1J3330000A2
Sizes 50, 60 CVS1E8337000A2
Size 70 CVS1H8655000A2
Sizes 30, 34 CVS1E793938992
22 Twin Speed Nut, SST Sizes 40, 45, 46 CVS1E808438992
Sizes 50, 60, 70 CVS1E833538992
Pipe Bushing,
23 Size 70 CVS1C379026232
Steel, PL

Table 4: Travel Indicator Scale
Part Numbers
Actuator Size
3/4” Travel 1-1/8” Travel 1’1/2” Travel 2” Travel 3” Travel
30, 34 CVS1E793638992
40, 45, 46 CVS1E808138992 CVS1E808228992 CVS1E808338992 CVS1R444538982
50, 60 CVS1E833138992 CVS1E833128992 CVS1E833338992 CVS1E833428992
70 CVS1E833138992 CVS1E833238992 CVS1E833338992 CVS1E833438992 1N129838992

Table 5: Thrust Capabilities by Input Signal Range

Range to Thrust
Travel Actuator
Actuator Capabilities
mm Bar N
0.2-1 2250
0.4-2 3890
0.2-1 3380
0.4-2 5830
0.2-1 3380
0.4-2 5530
0.2-1 4670
29 45
0.4-2 8410
0.2-1 6940
0.4-2 13,190
0.2-1 5140
0.4-2 8410
0.2-1 6940
0.4-2 13,190
0.2-1 7930
51 70
0.4-2 18,590
Inch Psig Lb
3-15 506
6-30 874
3-15 759
6-30 1311
3-15 759
6-30 1242
3-15 1050
1-1/8 45
6-30 1890
3-15 1560
6-30 2964
3-15 1155
6-30 1890
3-15 1560
6-30 2964
3-15 1760
2 70
6-30 4180

Head Office Calgary Sales Office
3900 – 101 Street 3516 – 114 Avenue SE
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (780) 437-3055 Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (780) 436-5461 Fax: (403) 291-9487

Website: www.cvs-controls.com E-Mail: info@cvs-controls.com

April 2019

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