Coker Vessel Life Extension Repair Implementation Amador AZZ DCU Mumbai 2016
Coker Vessel Life Extension Repair Implementation Amador AZZ DCU Mumbai 2016
Coker Vessel Life Extension Repair Implementation Amador AZZ DCU Mumbai 2016
Repair Implementation
Pedro E. Amador
VP Business Development & Technology
Coker Failures
• Weren’t designed well for low cycle fatigue
or compressive strength of coke
• Increasingly aggressive cycles
• Running different feedstocks
Typical Repairs:
• Skirt Repairs
• Piping Repairs
• Bulge Mitigation
• Cladding Restoration
• Partial/Through-Wall Crack Repairs
(External or Internal)
Ref.: Chen, S., and Wang, Z. 2005, “Investigation of temperature distributions and deformations
for coke drums”, Multiscale Damage Related to Environment Assisted Cracking, ISBN/ISSN: 7562818045 Bending Stress DistributionNot for Redistribution
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Bulging Repair by Weld Overlay
Laser Mapping
Gouging in process 2 – 3 mm
material removed
Surface removed
410 cladding
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Bulge Repair by ID Weld Overlay
Automated Welding
• Optimal and controlled welding parameters
• Consistent minimal heat input throughout the deposit
• Optimal homogeneous mechanical properties
• Facilitates temper bead process (no PWHT)
• Optimal chemistry / minimal dilution
• Predictable weld quality
• Minimal distortion
1. Excavate are to remove cracks & previous repairs
2. Utilize temper bead technique to eliminate PWHT
3. Re-contour geometry to minimize stress concentrations
Contoured Finish
As Fabricated
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Skirt Attachment Replacement
Client options:
SMAW Repair:
• Already had contracted with local general
contractor to gouge and re-weld, and it
was going to take 3 outages to complete.
• Required separate PWHT vendor
• 3 Outages x 5 days = 15 Days Required
• Two machines used per panel with two panels being worked per
drum (four machines per drum operating at any time).
• Total duration of ~40 days.
• Less than 0.3% reject rate using PAUT inspection for all welds.
• Fatigue cracking in 17 circumferential seam welds.
• 30 inch diameter, 0.312 to 0.500 inch P1 (carbon steel)
• Did not want to shut down operations for repair
• Some seam welds had an inadequately designed weld overlay repair
• Repair in-situ during operation (200oF to 500oF)
• Space restrictions
Pedro E. Amador
VP Business Development & Technology