Galvanized Slip-Critical Connections
Galvanized Slip-Critical Connections
Galvanized Slip-Critical Connections
If you’ve ever asked yourself “why?” about something related to structural steel design or construction, Modern
Steel Construction’s monthly Steel Interchange column is for you! Send your questions or comments to
Galvanized Slip-Critical Connections for column stability also exists when girders frame continuously over
Section 7.2 of the AISC Seismic Provisions indicates that bolted the top of the column. See Section 2 of the 13th edition AISC Steel
joints must have Class A faying surfaces. Section 3.2.2(c) of the Construction Manual for further information.
RCSC Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or Brad Davis, Ph.D., S.E.
A490 Bolts indicates that galvanized faying surfaces are des-
ignated as Class C. Does this mean that we are unable to use
steel members that are galvanized in the vicinity of the connec- Bolting for High-Seismic Applications
tions, for high-seismic applications? Are slip-critical connections required for seismic connections?
And if so, for what seismic design category are they necessary?
The classes of faying surface finish requirements have been revised
in the 2005 AISC Specification, now only including Class A and Class In high-seismic applications, slip resistance is required, but the con-
B requirements. The 2004 RCSC Specification was based on the three nections are designed for bearing values. According to Section 7.2
Class distinctions. The Commentary to Section J3.8 (page 349) of the of the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 341) (a free download
2005 AISC Specification discusses this revision. The previous Class A at, “All bolts shall be pretensioned
and Class C categories have now been consolidated into one Class A, high-strength bolts and shall meet the requirements for slip-critical
which includes hot-dip galvanized and roughened surfaces. faying surfaces … with a Class A surface.” Also, “The available shear
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E. strength of bolted joints using standard holes shall be calculated as
that for bearing-type joints…” This is applicable for high-seismic
Floor Plate applications where the requirements in AISC 341 must be met.
A note at the bottom of the Floor Plate Bending Capacity table Amanuel Gebremeskel, P.E
on p. 2-145 in the 9th edition ASD Manual indicates that the
loads are based on an extreme fiber stress of 16 ksi and simple- Nut Engagement
span bending. The 16 ksi allowable stress seems to be very We have a situation where bolts have been installed too short
conservative, assuming that the plates would likely have a yield (the bolt tip is below the top of nut) in a steel-to-steel joint. Is
strength of not less than that for A36 steel. What is the 16 ksi there a way to assess the reduced capacity based on the per-
allowable based on? centage of thread engaged?
You are right that the tables published in the Manual for simple-span The 2004 RCSC Specification (a free download at www.boltcouncil.
flexure of floor plates may be conservative. However, these tables are org) requires that “the bolt length used shall be such that the end of
merely design aides based on the conservative assumptions that are the bolt extends beyond or is at least flush with the outer face of the
stated. Floor plate is commonly specified as ASTM A786, which is nut when properly installed.” Thus when the bolts are “short,” the
generally a commercial grade steel with no defined strength level, installation is non-compliant. There is no reduced value permit-
and this table allows for a very low strength level product. The ted by the specification. The bolts should be replaced with bolts
responsible design professional always has the option of making their of the correct length.
own analysis based on known parameters of the material they are Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.
working with, rather than use what they may deem to be conserva-
tive design aides. However, floor plate design is usually controlled by Hole Sizes for Galvanized Bolts
deflection anyway. An engineer designed the structural steel connections using
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E. standard holes in all plys for ASTM A325-N bolts such that
the connections need not consider slip-critical limit states. The
Rotational Restraint at Support steel is to be hot-dip galvanized. The galvanizer is requesting
AISC Specification Section J10.7 requires full-depth stiffeners that the standard holes be increased by an additional tolerance
at the “unframed ends of beams and girders.” What does this of 1⁄16 in. to account for the coating thickness. I’m hesitant to
mean? Would an example be a girder bearing on a column with grant approval for a hole size that would require slip-critical
no beam framing into it at the column? limit states to dictate connection design. If the hole size is
increased, would the connection design need to be reevaluated
Yes, this section addresses situations such as the end of a beam that for slip-critical conditions?
bears on column cap plate. Unless the column top is restrained, the
beam might twist or the web might distort, allowing the bottom flange Increasing the hole size to account for the galvanizing in a bearing
to move transversely. This creates a dangerous situation, because the condition is not an accepted practice and is not allowed by the AISC
column below was designed assuming a pinned-pinned condition with Specification or the RCSC Specification. If the holes are oversized the
its top is restrained against lateral displacement. If a brace is provided connection must be designed as slip-critical.
to restrain the top of the column, the beam end is framed. If not, stiff- Larry S. Muir, P.E.
eners can be used as required in Section J10.7. Note that the concern
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E. Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
Punching Shear The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
Why is there a requirement to check punching shear on the position of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. and have not been reviewed. It
is recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
wall of an HSS column with a single-plate shear connection, but licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
no similar check when connecting to the web of a W-Shape? principles to a particular structure.
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
Punching shear can occur at a W-shape column or girder web. have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
However, it is not usually a consideration, because W-shape column
and girder webs are usually thick enough that punching shear won’t
control. Using Equation K1-10 of the 2005 AISC Specification, for a
⁄8-in. ASTM A36 shear tab and an ASTM A992 web, the web would One East Wacker Dr., Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601
tel: 866.ASK.AISC • fax: 312.803.4709