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Standard Specification For Cast-in-Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (ACI 346-90) (Reapproved 1997)

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This document has been approved for use by agen-

cies of the Department of Defense and for listing in

the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.

Standard Specification for

Cast-in-Place Nonreinforced
Concrete Pipe (ACI 346-90) (Reapproved 1997)
Reported by ACI Committee 346
Committee voting on proposed revisions to ACI 346/346R-81:

Gilbert G. Lynch, Chairman Curtiss W. Gilley, Secretary

Ernest R. Comstock Robert D. Gofonia
Leonard J. Erie, II Robert E. Leake, Jr.
Morgan Johnson William G. Reynolds

These specifications cover construction of cast-in-place nonreinforced 4.4-Admixtures

concrete pipe used for the conveyance of liquids such as irrigation water, 4.5-Bonding mortar
storm water, sewage, and industrial wastes. 4.6-Storage of materials
These specifications are a reference standard which the engineer or
architect may make applicable to any cast-in-place pipe project by citing Chapter 5-Pipe dimensions and tolerances,
them in the project specifications. Individual chapters or sections should p. 346-4
not be copied into project specifications since their meanings could be 5.l-Wall thickness
changed by taking them out of context. 5.2-Pipe diameter tolerances
The specifications need to be supplemented by designating or specifying 5.3-Offsets
individual project requirements. A list is provided indicating places in 5.4-Bearing plates
these specifications and items that may require specific treatment by the
specification writer.
Chapter 6-Concrete properties, p. 346-4
Keywords: admixtures: aggregates; air entrainment; cast-in-place pipes; compressive
6.2-Cement and water content
strength; concrete construction; concrete pipes; curing; finishing; formwork (con-
6.3-Air content
struction); joints (junctions); mixing; mix proportioning; patching; placing; repairs;
slump tests; specifications; temperature; tests; tolerances; vibration; water-cement 6.4-Slump
ratio. 6.5-Proportioning and mixing

CONTENTS Chapter 7-Concrete placement, p. 346-5

7.1-Method of placement
7.2-Construction joints
Instructions to the Specifier 7.3-Temperature
Chapter 1-General, p. 346-2
1.1-Scope Chapter 8-Curing, backfilling, and clean-up,
1.2- Reference specifications and testing methods p. 346-5
1.3-Conflicts 8.1-Curing and backfilling
1.4-Definitions 8.2-Clean-up

Chapter 2-Basis of acceptance, p. 346-3 Chapter 9-Testing, p. 346-6

2.1-General 9.1-Testing of materials
9.2-Testing services
Chapter 3-Trench, p. 346-3 9.3-Core tests
3.1-Excavation 9.4-Load test
3.2-Rock 9.5-Thickness tests
3.3-Unstable soils 9.6-Hydrostatic test
3.4-Precast pipe
3.5-Fill material
3.6-Wetting Adopted as a standard of the American Concrete Institute in May 1981 to supersede
3.7-Grade and alignment tolerance ACI 346-70, in accordance with the Institute’s standardization procedure. Revised by
expedited standardization procedure, effective May 1, 1990.

Copyright © 1990 American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved including rights
Chapter 4-Materials, p. 346-3 of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies
4.1-Cements by any photo process or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written or
oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or
4.2-Aggregates retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright
4.3-Water proprietors.


Instructions to the Specifier C 76-88 Specification for Reinforced Concrete Cul-

These general specifications are intended for use as a vert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
reference standard which may be made applicable to any C 94-89b Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
cast-in-place concrete pipe project by being cited in its C 109-87 Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic
project specifications. They are not ‘‘guide’’ specifications. Cement Mortars (Using 2 in. or 50 mm Cube
Individual chapters or sections should not be copied into Specimens)
project specifications since there is danger that taking them C 138-77 Test for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content
out of context may change their meanings. (Gravimetric) of Concrete
These specifications should be supplemented by desig- C 143-89a Test Method for Slump of Portland Cement
nating or specifying individual project requirements as fol- Concrete
lows: C 144-87 Specification for Aggregate for Masonry
Section 3.1-Specify minimum acceptable soil condition in
C 150-86 Specification for Portland Cement
trench form and depth of cover over pipe.
C 171-69 Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing
Section 3.6-Specify any preirrigation or additional treat-
(1986) Concrete
ment of expansive soils if required.
C 172-71 Sampling Fresh Concrete
Section 4.1-Designate cement to be used or permitted if
any other than those indicated in this section.
C 173-78 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly
Section 4.4-Designate admixtures to be used or permitted.
Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method
Section 8.1-Specify compaction of backfill where re-
C 191-77 Test for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement
by Vicat Needle (Including Tentative Revi-
Section 8.1.3-Specify color of pigmented curing com-
pound if required, such as white for hot weather use.
C 231-89a Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Con-
Section 8.2-Specify any special provisions for clean-up
crete by the Pressure Method
and disposal of excess earth.
C 260-86 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures
Section 9.4-Specify load test if required, including min-
for Concrete
imum acceptable criteria. Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming
C 309-89
Section 9.6-Specify hydrostatic test if required, including
Compounds for Curing Concrete
the reaches of pipe line to be tested and the head to be
C 361-89 Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-
used in the tests.*
Head Pressure Pipe
Additional explanatory information will be found in
C 403-88 Test for Time of Setting of Concrete Mix-
“Recommendations for Nonreinforced Cast-in-Place Con-
tures by Penetration Resistance
crete Pipe” by ACI Committee 346.
C 494-86 Standard Specification for Chemical Admix-
tures for Concrete
CHAPTER 1-GENERAL C 595-86 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
1.1-Scope C 618-88 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Cal-
These specifications cover construction of cast-in-place cined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral
nonreinforced concrete pipe used for the conveyance of liq- Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete
uids such as irrigation water, storm water, sewage, and
industrial wastes. 1.3-Conflicts
In case of conflicts between referenced specifications and
1.2-Reference specifications and testing ACI 346, the specific requirements of ACI 346 shall govern.
The Standards of the American Society for Testing and 1.4-Definitions
Materials† referred to in these specifications are listed be- The following terms are defined for general use in these
low with their serial designation, including the year of specifications:
adoption or revision, and are declared to be part of these Project specifications---Any individual specification
specifications the same as if fully set forth elsewhere herein. which employs ACI 346 by reference and which serves as
the instrument for making selections available under these
C 31-88 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens specifications and for specifying items not covered herein.
in the Field Project drawings---The drawings which accompany
C 33-86 Specification for Concrete Aggregates project specifications and complete the descriptive informa-
C 39-86 Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical tion for concrete construction work required or referred to in
Concrete Specimens the project specifications.
C 42-87 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Contractor---The individual, firm, or agency responsible
Sawed Beams of Concrete for construction.
Specifier---The individual, firm or agency preparing
project specifications and drawings and/or administering
*Maximum head recommended is 15 ft [44.83 kPa] above center line of pipe. See
Recommendations Section 1.1. work under project specifications and drawings for the pur-
†1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. chaser.

Purchaser-The individual, firm or agency issuing 3.4-Precast pipe

project specifications and drawings for whom the work is In lieu of the construction of cast-in-place concrete pipe,
constructed. the Contractor may at his option and expense substitute
Trench form-The vertical sides and semi-circular bot- precast concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C 76 or ASTM
tom of the trench shaped to provide full, firm and uniform C 361, the class to be correlated with the field requirements.
supports for the bottom 210 degrees of the pipe. The class of pipe, type of bedding, and joints shall be sub-
ject to the approval of the Specifier.
3.5-Fill material
Where the pipe is to be constructed through fill material,
The acceptability of the pipe shall be determined by the such fill shall have stability in the zone of the trench form
results of the tests herein specified (unless otherwise re- equal to firm undisturbed earth in the area adjacent to the
quired in the contract documents) and by inspection to de- fill.
termine whether the pipe conforms to the project specifica-
tions. Any portion of the pipe failing to meet specification 3.6-Wetting
requirements shall be replaced, or repaired at the option of At the time of concrete placement, all soil adjacent to the
the Specifier, to meet the specifications at the expense of pipe shall be sufficiently wet that it does not absorb water
the Contractor. from the concrete nor expand upon additional wetting, and
the trench shall be stable and completely free of protrusions,
CHAPTER 3-TRENCH mud, debris, and standing water.
3.7-Grade and alignment tolerance
The trench shall be excavated to lines and grades estab-
Departure from and return to established grade shall not
lished by the Specifier. The trench shall be shaped to form
exceed 1 in. per 10 lineal ft (25 mm per 3 m) and the
the bottom outside of the pipe and shall be graded and
maximum departure shall be limited to 1-1/2 in. (40 mm).
prepared to provide full, firm, and uniform support by un-
Departure from and return to established alignment shall not
disturbed earth, rock, or compacted fill over a minimum of
exceed 2 in. per 10 lineal ft (50 mm per 3 m) and the
the bottom 210 deg of the outside of the pipe, hereinafter
maximum departure shall be limited to 4 in. (100 mm).
referred to as the “trench form.” When the soil around the
trench form must be over-excavated and then backfilled and
compacted, trenching shall be performed to produce the
above-mentioned stable trench form. Trench shoring shall
Unless otherwise permitted or required, cement shall be
comply with OSHA and local government trench shoring
Type I, conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 150 or
Types IS or IP, conforming to the requirements of ASTM C
595. Different types of these different cements shall not be
3.2-Rock used interchangeably in the same element or portion of the
Where boulders or other large rock particles are encoun- work.
tered, they shall be removed to at least 6 in. (150 mm)
below the grade of the bottom of the pipe. The grade shall 4.2-Aggregates
be reconstituted by filling voids with approved material, The aggregates used for concrete or mortar shall conform
such as sand, pea gravel, crushed rock, cohesive soil, or to the requirements of ASTM C 38, except that aggregates
other material approved by the Specifier to provide a failing to meet these specifications but which have been
smooth, firm foundation for placing the pipe. shown by special test or actual service to produce concrete
of specified strength and adequate durability may be used
3.3-Unstable soils where authorized by the Specifier. The nominal maximum
3.3.1 Noncohesive-- All unstable strata or lenses of loose coarse aggregate size shall be not more than 1/3 of minimum
sand, silt, or other noncohesive soils, below the contact line pipe wall thickness nor greater than 1-1/2 in. (40 mm).
of the concrete pipe and trench form, shall be stabilized by
approved methods or over-excavated and refilled in accor- 4.3-Water
dance with Section 3.3.3. Water used for making concrete and mortar shall be free
3.3.2 Cohesive soils-- When cohesive soil below the con- from injurious amounts of silt, organic matter, alkali, salts,
tact line of the concrete pipe and the trench form is unstable, and other impurities. Water is acceptable if mortar cubes
it shall be over-excavated and refilled as described in Sec- (ASTM C 109) made with that water have strengths equal to
tion 3.3.3 or stabilized by approved methods. at least 90 percent of companion cubes made with potable
3.3.3 Over-excavation and refill-- When this method is water, and if setting of cement paste (ASTM C 191) or of
adopted for stabilization, the trench shall be over-excavated concrete (ASTM C 403) is not adversely affected.
to such depths and widths as required, refilled with selected
cohesive soils, and compacted by acceptable methods to a 4.4-Admixtures
density that will provide stability for the trench form as If portland cement (ASTM C 150), portland blast furnace
described in Section 3.1. slag cement (ASTM C 595), or portland pozzolan cement

(ASTM C 595) is used, an air-entraining admixture shall be 5.3-Offsets

used in such amount as will produce concrete having an air Offsets at form laps and horizontal edges shall not exceed
content of 4 to 6 percent by volume of the concrete as /2 in. (13 mm) for pipe having inside diameter not greater
discharged from the mixer. Such air-entraining admixture than 42 in. (approximately 1.05 m); 3/4 in. (19 mm) for pipe
may be interground or blended with the cement as specified having inside diameter greater than 42 in. but not greater
in ASTM C 150 or C 595 or may be added to the concrete than 72 in. (approximately 1.8 m); and 1 in. (25 mm) for
as an admixture. However, pozzolans or other admixtures pipe having inside diameter greater than 72 in. (1.8 m).
as indicated below may be used with or in lieu of the air-
entraining admixture with the approval of the Specifier. All 5.4-Bearing plates
admixtures shall conform to the appropriate ASTM speci- Bearing plates, boards, or other supports necessary for
fications indicated below. two-stage construction shall be removed, and any indenta-
4.4.1 Air-entraining admixtures-- ASTM C 260 tions exceeding 1/2 in. (13 mm) left in the concrete from
4.4.2 Chemical admixtures-- ASTM C 494 such plates shall be cleaned, moistened, filled with mortar,
4.4.3 Fly ash and other pozzolans-- ASTM C 618 trowelled, and cured.


Bonding mortar shall consist of two or more parts of 6.1-Strength
cement to three parts of sand, by bulk volume. Sand shall Unless otherwise designated in the project specifications,
conform to ASTM C 144. the strength of the concrete shall be at least 3000 psi (20.7
MPa), when the concrete is not exposed to severe and fre-
quent freezing and thawing or 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) when
4.6-Storage of materials the concrete is exposed to severe and frequent freezing and
4.6.1 Cement shall be stored in dry moisture resistant, thawing, as determined on the basis of 28 day compressive
bins, or silos which will provide protection from dampness strength tests. Strengths shall be considered satisfactory if
and contamination. To avoid long storage with accompany- the average of any five consecutive sets of strength tests of
ing reduction in strength-producing properties, shipments of the laboratory-cured specimens is equal to or greater than
cement shall be used in the order received on the job. the specified strength, and if not more than 20 percent of the
4.6.2 Aggregate stockpiles shall be arranged and used in strength tests have values less than the specified strength.
a manner to avoid excessive segregation or contamination The pipe represented by unsatisfactory strength tests on cyl-
with other materials or other sizes of aggregates. To insure inders shall be further tested either by coring or by load
that this condition is met, tests for determining conformance testing at the Contractor’s option as specified in Sections
to requirements for cleanness and grading shall be per- 9.3 and 9.4. Any pipe failing these tests shall be replaced or
formed on samples secured from the aggregates at the point repaired at the option of the Specifier, at the Contractor’s
of batching. Sand shall be allowed to drain until it has expense.
reached a stable moisture content such that there is now
visible separation of water from aggregate at the time of 6.2-Cement and water content
batching. All concrete shall have a water-cement ratio not exceed-
4.6.3 Admixtures shall be stored in such a manner as to ing 0.53 by weight, including free surface moisture on ag-
avoid contamination, evaporation, or damage. For those gregates.
used in the form of suspensions or unstable solutions, suit-
able agitating equipment shall be provided to assure uni- 6.3-Air content
form distribution of the ingredients. Liquid admixtures shall All concrete shall contain 4 to 6 percent entrained air, as
be protected from freezing and from temperatures which specified in Section 4.4.
could adversely affect their characteristics.
CHAPTER 5-PIPE DIMENSIONS AND Slump of concrete shall be determined in accordance with
TOLERANCES ASTM C 143. Slump shall be the minimum required for
5.1-Wall thickness satisfactory placement of the concrete by the equipment
used by the Contractor.
The minimum wall thickness of cast-in-place pipe at any
point shall be 1/12 of the nominal internal diameter of the 6.5-Proportioning and mixing
pipe plus 1/2 in. (13 mm), but in no case less than 2 in. (50 Concrete shall be ready-mixed concrete meeting the re-
mm). quirements of ASTM C 94, or shall be job-mixed concrete
as described below. All concrete shall be mixed until there
5.2-Pipe diameter tolerances is a uniform distribution of the materials and shall be dis-
The internal diameter of the pipe at any point shall not be charged completely before the mixer is recharged. For job-
less than 95 percent of the nominal diameter, and the av- mixed concrete, mixing shall be done in a batch mixer of a
erage of any four measurements of the internal diameter type approved by the Specifier. The mixer shall be rotated
made at 45 deg intervals shall not be less than the nominal at a speed recommended by the manufacturer. Mixing shall
diameter. be continued for at least 1-1/2 min after all materials are in

the drum, for drum capacity not more than 3 yd3, (2.3 m3) 7.4-Finish
plus 1/4 min for each additional cubic yard of capacity. Except for the form offsets, the interior surface of the
pipe shall be equivalent to or better than a wood float finish.
CHAPTER 7-CONCRETE PLACEMENT All extraneous concrete shall be removed from the interior
7.1-Method of placement
The pipe shall be constructed in one placement, by either
the one or two stage method. The concrete shall be vibrated,
rammed, tamped, or worked with suitable compacting
8.1-Curing and backfilling
equipment until thoroughly consolidated.
The Contractor shall be responsible for proper curing of
the concrete and backfilling the trench to an even grade.
7.2-Construction joints Curing shall be performed in such a manner as to prevent
When work is stopped at the end of a placement or for premature drying of the concrete. The Contractor shall use
any period that would permit initial set to take place, a one of the methods described in Section 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3,
construction joint shall be formed. The ends of the pipe that or 8.1.4 and the method described in Section 8.1.5 for
are to be in butt contact shall be left in rough condition with curing the pipe. Final backfill shall be placed as specified in
a slope of approximately 45 deg. Before resuming, if the Section 8.1.1.
pipe diameter is 60 in. (1.5 m) or less, an excavation shall 8.1.1 A 3-in. (75-mm) layer of moist loose soil or sand
be made along the sides and bottom of the joint to permit may be carefully placed over the top of the pipe immedi-
casting of a concrete collar around the outside of the joint. ately after the pipe is cast. The backfill shall be materially
This collar shall have a minimum thickness of 1-1/4 times free of clods or rocks having a diameter greater than 2 in.
the wall thickness of the pipe and shall lap the entire joint by (50 mm), roots, or other deleterious foreign material. The
at least two times the wall thickness. Immediately before backfill shall be carefully placed over the top of the pipe to
resuming concrete placement the surfaces to be bonded prevent injury to the wet concrete. The thickness of the
shall be cleaned of all coatings, foreign materials, and loose backfill shall be increased to 6 in. (150 mm) after initial set
or defective concrete, thoroughly wetted, and coated with a of the concrete has occurred. The backfill shall be kept
layer of bonding mortar (Section 4.5) approximately 1/4 in. moist at all times until the pipe has been covered to a depth
(6 mm) thick. In lieu of the bonding mortar, neat cement of 12 in. (305 mm) or more. Final backfill, and compaction
paste may be thoroughly scrubbed onto the wet surface of where required, shall not be started until the pipe has de-
the previously placed concrete. veloped sufficient strength to support the loads to be im-
For a joint that may be used for connections to another posed and shall conform to local requirements and to project
pipe or structure, a joint shall be made by squaring off the specifications.
end of the pipe. An excavation shall be made along the sides 8.1.2 The exposed top portion of the pipe may be covered
and bottom of the cast-in-place pipe, for any diameter, to with wet burlap or other material of high moisture retentive
permit casting of a concrete collar as described above. properties immediately after the pipe is cast. The covering
The outside top of all joints shall be capped for the entire material shall be kept continuously moist until the place-
width of the pipe that is exposed, that is, between the earth ment of final backfill as described under Section 8.1.1.
walls of the excavated trench. This cap shall have a mini- Moisture retentive material may be removed or left in place
mum thickness equal to the wall thickness of the pipe and at the option of the Contractor.
shall lap the joint, both upstream and downstream from the 8.1.3 A pigmented membrane-curing compound con-
joint by at least twice the wall thickness of the pipe. A cap forming to ASTM C 309 may be applied to the exposed top
as described is required regardless of pipe size. surface immediately after the pipe is cast. The compound
shall be applied at the rate of not less than 1 gal. for each
7.3-Temperature 150 ft2 (1 liter for each 3.7 m2) of exposed concrete. The
The temperature of concrete when it is being discharged pipe shall then be covered with a minimum of 3 in. (75 mm)
from the mixer shall be not more than 90 F (32 C) and not of moist loose soil when the curing compound is sufficiently
less than 40 F (4 C) in moderate weather, or 50 F (10 C) in hard to resist damage from the fill. Final backfill shall be
weather during which the mean daily temperature drops placed as soon as the pipe attains suitable strength.
below 40 F (4 C). Whenever the mean daily temperature in 8.1.4 Polyethylene film complying with ASTM C 171,
the vicinity of the work site falls below 40 F (4 C) for more nominal thickness 0.0015 in. (0.038 mm), may be placed
than 1 day, the concrete shall be maintained at a tempera- on the exposed top surface of the pipe immediately after the
ture not lower than 50 F (10 C) for at least 48 hr after it is pipe is cast. The film shall be anchored in place with loose
placed. Concrete shall be protected against freezing tem- soil to assure continuous, adequate curing. The trench shall
peratures for an additional 48 hr immediately following the be completely backfilled as soon as the pipe attains suitable
48 hr of protection at 50 F (10 C). Where artificial heat is strength.
employed, special care shall be taken to prevent the con- 8.1.5 A humid atmosphere within the pipe as evidenced
crete from drying. The Contractor shall employ effective by condensation on the interior surface shall be maintained
means, such as precooling of aggregates and mixing water for at least 7 days following placement except for a maxi-
or placing at night, as necessary to maintain the placing mum period of 48 hr allowed for removing forms and mak-
temperature of the concrete below 90 F (32 C). ing repairs. To prevent air drafts which may dry the pipe

and to maintain a humid atmosphere inside the pipe, all and tested in accordance with ASTM C 42. The cores shall
openings into the pipeline shall be kept closed or covered have a length-to-diameter ratio of not less than 1. The Con-
except when and where work is actually in progress on the tractor shall take at least one core sample at locations se-
inside of the pipe. If necessary to promote high humidity, lected by the Specifier, for each set of two cylinders failing
the pipeline shall be partially filled with ponded water dur- to meet test requirements. The Contractor shall patch all
ing the curing period. core holes in a manner that will be as permanent and leak-
proof as the surrounding concrete.
8.2-Clean-up 9.3.2 Impact hammers, soniscopes, or other nondestruc-
The work area shall be restored to the same general con- tive testing devices may be used, if approved by the Spec-
dition that existed before the start of construction. ifier, to estimate relative strengths of various areas of the
structure as an aid in evaluating concrete in place or in
CHAPTER 9-TESTING determining locations of areas to be cored. Test results so
9.1-Testing of materials obtained, unless properly calibrated and correlated with
Routine testing of materials, of proposed mix propor- other test data, shall not be used as a basis for acceptance or
tions, and of resulting concrete for compliance with tech- rejection.
nical requirements of these specifications shall be the re-
sponsibility of the Purchaser and will be performed without 9.4-Load test
expense to the Contractor. Where specified, hydrostatic If the Contractor elects to make a load test under the
tests shall be performed by the Contractor according to Sec- provisions of Section 6.1, it shall be made without disturb-
tion 9.6. Other testing required because of changes in ma- ing the earth supporting the lower 210 deg of pipe. The load
terials or proportions of the mix requested by the Contrac- shall be applied to a 4-ft (1.2 m) length of pipe through a
tor, as well as any coring, load testing, or other extra testing “sandbox” in such manner that carefully placed sand in the
of concrete or other materials occasioned by their failure to sandbox forms a bedding over 1/4 the circumference of the
meet specification requirements, shall be at the Contractor’s pipe, measured at the center line of the crown. The sandbox
expense. The Contractor may retain at his expense a sepa- shall be made of metal or dressed timber so heavy as to
rate testing agency for his own information and guidance. avoid appreciable bending by the side pressure of the sand.
A strip of cloth or plastic film may be attached to the inside
9.2-Testing services of the sandbox on each side, along the lower edge, to pre-
The testing agency designated by the Purchaser shall per- vent the escape of sand between the sandbox and pipe. The
form the following tests which shall be used as the basis for depth of the bedding above the pipe at the thinnest point
accepting or rejecting the Contractor’s work. shall be 1/4 the inside diameter of the pipe. The sandbox
9.2.1 Test the Contractor’s proposed materials for com- shall not be allowed to come in contact with the pipe or
pliance with the specifications. sides of the trench. The sandbox shall be filled with sand
9.2.2 Review and test the Contractor’s proposed mix pro- which shall be clean and shall contain not less than five
portions. percent moisture and shall pass a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
9.2.3 Secure production samples of materials at plants on The upper surface of the sand shall be struck off level with
stockpiles prior to start of work and test for compliance with a straight edge and shall be covered with a rigid top bearing
specification and test throughout project as required by plate, the lower surface of which is a true plane, made of
specifications. heavy timbers or other rigid material capable of distributing
9.2.4 Secure at least one sample in accordance with the test load uniformly without appreciable bending. The
ASTM C 172 for each 50 yd3 (38 m3) of concrete used, but test load shall be applied to this bearing plate by piling
not less than one sample for each day’s work, nor less than weights directly on the bearing plate or by moving heavy
one sample for each section of pipe placed in a continuous equipment of predetermined weight onto the bearing plate.
operation. The bearing plate shall not be allowed to touch the sandbox.
9.2.5 Mold and cure two cylinders from each sample in The total load applied to the top of the pipe shall be at least
accordance with ASTM C 31. 125 percent of the maximum earth load to which the pipe
9.2.6 Test the two specimens at 28 days of curing in will be subjected, plus live load based on one 16,000 lbf (71
accordance with ASTM C 39. The 28-day test result shall kN) wheel load of AASHTO H-20-44 loading with an im-
be the average of the strengths of the two specimens, except pact factor of 2.0. The pipe shall be inspected prior to load
that if one specimen in a test manifests evidence of im- testing to catalog any existing longitudinal cracks; then the
proper sampling, molding, or testing, it shall be discarded pipe shall be reinspected after load testing to catalog any
and the strength of the remaining specimen used. additional longitudinal cracks.
9.2.7 Determine slump and air content of concrete in
accordance with ASTM Test Methods C 143 (slump) and C 9.5-Thickness tests
231, C 173, or C 138 (air content). Tests shall be performed The Contractor shall measure the thickness of the pipe at
no less frequently than the sampling frequency required by least every 200 lineal ft (60 m) with individual measure-
Section 9.2.4. ments staggered at points designated by the Purchaser.
Where thickness is not determined by probes through the
9.3-Core tests fresh concrete, small holes shall be drilled for the purpose.
9.3.1 If the Contractor elects to make core tests as pro- The Contractor shall patch all core holes in a manner that
vided in Section 6.1, cores shall be obtained from the pipe will be permanent and will not leak.

9.6-Hydrostatic test
If a hydrostatic test is required by the Purchaser when for a minimum of 4 hours during which loss of water from
calling for bids, the test shall be made at any time after the the section under test shall be measured. Water less than 50
concrete has been allowed to harden for 28 days, or earlier F (10 C) in temperature shall not be used for this test.
if mutually agreed upon. The pipeline shall be filled with During the test period, the exfiltration rate shall not exceed
water to the head specified in the project specifications and 1000 gal. per in. of diameter per mile per 24 hour (926 liters
kept filled at least 48 hours. The line may be filled in one per 10 mm of diameter per km per 24 hour). If the line fails
length or between structures or bulkheads. If leaks are ev- the hydrostatic test, the Contractor shall drain the line, re-
ident, the line shall be drained and the leaks repaired, by pair imperfections as necessary to provide continuity in
and at the expense of the Contractor. Thereafter, with the structural and hydraulic integrity and retest the line as de-
line filled and under the specified head, there shall be a test scribed above.

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