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ABE Guide To Command Words

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ABE guide to command words

Command Word Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Analyse Can analyse a range of materials Can analyse a variety of materials Can analyse new and/or abstract Can analyse complex, incomplete
Examine a topic and a selected number of sources from different sources and draw data and schools of thought and or contradictory areas of
together with with minimum guidance using conclusions independently, using can consider alternative solutions knowledge and diverging schools
thoughts and given models, principles and given models, principles and and outcomes independently, of thought using appropriate
judgements about definitions definitions using a range of appropriate models, principles and definitions
models, principles and definitions

Can compare alternative models Can compare and analyse Can compare and analyse Can analyse a range of models
and techniques using appropriate alternative models and alternative models and schools of and schools of thought
rationale and criteria techniques using appropriate thought using appropriate independently demonstrating
rationale and criteria rationale and criteria critical awareness and originality
of thought
Appraise Can provide a detailed account of Can provide an analytical account Can provide a comprehensive Can evidence a depth of
Evaluate, judge or the subject area including key of the subject area with and detailed critique of the understanding and a substantial
assess theories and models reference to relevant theories subject area demonstrating an in body of knowledge working with
and models showing insight and depth understanding and ideas and models that are at the
awareness awareness forefront of the discipline

Can demonstrate an Can demonstrate awareness and Can incorporate a critical ethical Can demonstrate awareness of
understanding of the wider social insight into the social and dimension when analysing lines and ability to articulate the
and environmental implications environmental implications of of argument implications of conflicting ethical
of different contexts different contexts dilemmas
Argue Can produce reasoned arguments Can develop rationalised Can engage in an effective debate Can critically analyse complex,
Provide reasoned in response to a given brief using arguments to given scenarios in a professional manner incomplete or contradictory
arguments for or terminology correctly using appropriate terminology, evidencing a comprehensive areas of knowledge of a strategic
against and arrive concepts and principles understanding and application of nature and communicate the
at an appropriate key principles outcome effectively
Assess Can constructively consider and Can consider a range of data Can synthesise and assess new Can assess a wide range of
Evaluate or judge effectively assess a wide range of and/or information and assess and/or abstract information and theoretical principles/
the importance of information for specified tasks their relevance for specific tasks data in the context of wide methodologies, applicable to the
something, ranging problems, using a range discipline and their own work and
referring to of techniques apply these within a senior
marketing management context
schools of thought
Compare (and Can constructively consider and Can analyse and summarise the Can synthesise and analyse the Can synthesise and analyse the
contrast) effectively analyse the similarities similarities and differences similarities and differences similarities and differences
Look for and differences between two or between two or more contexts between two or more contexts between two or more contexts,
similarities and more contexts in a manner that is innovative
differences and original
leading to an
Define Can define key words reflective Can define key words reflective Can define key words reflective Can define key words reflective
Write the precise of a body of knowledge at level 4 of a body of knowledge at level 5 of a body of knowledge at level 6 of a body of knowledge at level 7
meaning of a word
or phrase. Quote a Can show that the distinctions
source if possible. contained or implied in the
definition are necessary or
Describe Can constructively consider and Can analyse and clearly describe Can synthesise and analyse new Can critically analyse complex,
Give a detailed clearly describe a range of ideas a range of ideas and information and/or abstract ideas and incomplete or contradictory ideas
account of and information towards a given for a given purpose information and present a clear and information and can present
purpose description and account of the the findings clearly and
findings effectively
Demonstrate Can clearly explain a range of Can clearly explain a range of Can explain a broad range of Can explain and utilise theories
Explain, using ideas, using illustrative examples ideas, concepts and theories and ideas persuasively and with and concepts from the forefront
examples to underpin concepts used support them with relevant originality, using a wide variety of of the discipline/practice
examples illustrative examples to underpin demonstrating a mature and
findings and exemplify points analytical understanding and
awareness of principles and
practice at a strategic level
Discuss Can produce well structured, Can produce coherent arguments Can produce detailed and Can synthesise information, with
Investigate or coherent and detailed arguments to support ideas or solve specific coherent arguments in response critical awareness in a manner
examine by in response to a given context, problems using appropriate to well defined and abstract which is innovative and original
argument and using terminology fluently vocational terminology problems using relevant using language which is
debate, giving vocational language appropriate at a senior level
reasons for and
Evaluate Can select appropriate Can select from a range of Can select from a range of Can critically evaluate complex,
Make an appraisal techniques to evaluate the techniques and justify their techniques to critically evaluate unpredictable and contentious
of the value (or relevance and significance of the relevance and significance, complex, contradictory information, often in a specialist
not) of something, information and data collected especially in relation to information to support context and arrive at informed
its validity, information and data; to make conclusions and conclusions and argue alternative
recommendations and draw recommendations and in the approaches
meaningful conclusions process review its reliability,
validity and applicability
Explain Can present valid and relevant Can present valid and Can present complex information Can present complex, incomplete
Make plain, information evidencing appropriate evidence, which evidencing comprehensive or contradictory areas of
interpret and knowledge, understanding and demonstrates in-depth knowledge, understanding and knowledge of a strategic nature
account for, application of key principles knowledge, understanding and application of key principles and communicate the
enlighten, give relevant to a defined context application of key principles relevant to an applied context information effectively
reasons for
relevant to an applied context
Illustrate Can apply a wide variety of Can apply a wide variety of Can apply a wide variety of Can apply relevant contemporary
Give examples to illustrative examples to underpin illustrative examples to underpin illustrative examples to underpin issues demonstrating a mature
make clear and concepts used concepts, findings and findings supported by references and analytical understanding and
explicit, to recommendations to wider reading to exemplify awareness of strategic issues that
demonstrate points are at the forefront of the
Justify Can support lines of argument Can justify arguments with Can effectively communicate well Can articulate complex
Support with relevant information from a relevant information from a structured and coherent arguments with critical
recommendations, range of sources range of sources arguments relevant to awareness in a manner which is
explanations or appropriate contexts innovative and original
arguments, with
valid reasons for
and against
Outline Can selectively identify valid and Can selectively identify valid and Can selectively identify valid and Can selectively identify valid and
Give main features relevant information from a relevant information from a relevant information from a relevant information from a
or general
principles, range of sources relevant to level range of sources relevant to level range of sources relevant to level range of sources relevant to level
ignoring minor 4 5 6 7
Recommend Can produce valid conclusions Can produce reliable and valid Can produce reliable and valid Can produce reliable, valid and
Put forward and proposals based on abstract conclusions and proposals based conclusions and proposals based incisive conclusions and
proposals, data and information, on abstract data and information, on abstract or incomplete data proposals based on complex,
supported with a appropriate to context appropriate to context and information, which is incomplete or contradictory data
clear rationale appropriate to context or information, which is
appropriate to context
State Can present new and /or abstract Can present new and /or abstract Can present new and/or abstract Can present complex, incomplete
Present in a clear data and information in a clear data, information and situations data, information and situations, or contradictory data or
brief form and concise manner, appropriate in a clear and concise manner, in a clear and concise manner, information in a clear and concise
to a given context appropriate to context appropriate to context manner, appropriate to context
Summarise Can summarise information and Can summarise and collate Can summarise abstract Can summarise complex,
Give a concise collate in a logical manner information and data in a logical information, data and contradictory or contentious
account of the key manner contradictory information in a information in a logical and
points, omit logical, and concise manner concise manner
details and

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