MN7182ES SUMMER 2020-21 Module Handbook Rv1
MN7182ES SUMMER 2020-21 Module Handbook Rv1
MN7182ES SUMMER 2020-21 Module Handbook Rv1
Module Guide Contents
Staff Details
This core module covers the major dimensions of marketing management, including
marketing research, marketing strategy, marketing communications and operational
management, and how they interrelate.
The module culminates in bringing all the marketing dimensions together with a view to
implementing them in a real business environment. This will support students’ learning
of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to help them succeed in the modern
business environment.
11 Module aims
This module aims to encourage the student to appreciate the tools marketing provides
the business planner and learn how to make use of them in a real business context.
1. Critical appreciation and use of Marketing Research tools for researching business
1. Marketing Research:
- Consumer behaviour & research
2. Marketing Strategy:
- Globalisation & internationalisation
- Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP)
- Implementation of marketing strategy
3. Marketing Communications:
- Advertising / PR
- On-line and social media & marketing
- Selling
4. Operations Management:
- Product/service design
- Logistics management
- Digital/technological operations
Essential texts:
Baines, P. and Fill, C. (2014). Marketing, 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press
and supporting on-line resources for students
Recommended texts:
Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012). Principles and Practice of Marketing. London:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Lussier, R. N., Gorman, J., and Kimball, D. (2015). Entrepreneurial New Venture Skills.
London: Routledge
Academic Journals
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Key websites
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Marketing stable of magazines
Professional Magazine
Marketing Week
Marketing Research Reports
Mintel Marketing Intelligence
15 Learning and Teaching strategy for the module including approach to blended learning,
students’ study responsibilities and opportunities for reflective learning/pdp
Reflective journal
This module will adopt the reflective practitioner model to encourage lifelong learning and
personal responsibility developing professionalism in management and leadership. Students
will be expected to spend time each week updating a reflective journal, which records not only
reflections on class-based sessions, but also other activities, thoughts and reflections, which
contribute to their learning. It is important that students make their entries regularly as they will
help to consolidate their learning throughout the module.
The module tutor / lecturer will regularly review entries in students Learning Journal and will
provide regular formative feedback.
16 Indicative learning and teaching hours for the module. Learning hours comprise face-
to-face and virtual contact hours plus self-managed and directed learning and time
spent on placements (where relevant).
Method Description and percentage of learning hours
Scheduled learning and teaching 45
Guided independent study 155
Placement/study abroad
17 Assessment strategy
The assessment strategy encourages the development of post-graduate level skills and
confidence to work with others as well as develop business acumen through analysing
and testing ideas. There are two assessments:
- Design product / service group presentation (20 min/+ QA) backed up with Prezi/PPT
The 2nd assessment will include a short reflective statement of personal learning and
the contribution made by the module to the student’s professional development
Students will be encouraged to consider applying the various models and concepts to
their chosen area of interest in each session so as to relate theory to practice. Formal
feedback will be provided for each student for Assignment 1, by Week 10, in order to
prepare the student for Assignment 2.
This core module covers the major dimensions of marketing management, including
marketing research, marketing strategy, marketing communications and operational
management, and how they interrelate. It enables the student to be aware of both strategic
as well as logistical dimensions.
The module culminates in bringing all the marketing dimensions together with a view to
implementing them in a real business environment. This will support students’ learning of
theoretical knowledge and practical skills to help them succeed in the modern business
Module aims
This module aims to encourage the student to appreciate the tools marketing provides the
business planner and learn how to make use of them in a real business context. In
particular it encourages the student to critically appreciated the following dimensions.
1. Critical appreciation and use of Marketing Research tools for researching business
1. Marketing Research:
- Consumer behaviour & research
- Product, services and brands research
- Industry/organisation research
2. Marketing Strategy:
- Globalisation & internationalisation
- Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP)
- Implementation of marketing strategy
3. Marketing Communications:
- Advertising / PR
- On-line and social media & marketing
- Selling
4. Operations Management:
- Product/service design
- Logistics management
- Digital/technological operations
Classroom sessions, delivered on a block and blended learning basis, will follow a workshop
format which will include some formal input as well as small group activities designed to encourage
collaborative working, sharing experiences and the organisation of self-study support groups. This
module will require independent study and research outside of taught sessions but, importantly, the
classroom sessions will provide the opportunity to share experience, literature & current research
Entries in students learning journals can only be viewed by the student and the tutors on the
Learning outcomes
1. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Research tools for researching business
3. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Communications to reach and influence target
Assessment strategy
The assessment strategy for this module aims to be experiential, reflective, valid, reliable and
diverse. It is student-focussed and driven, and aims to link with their own areas of interest in
academic and practical terms. Assessment is demanding in that it requires high-level academic
and practical research, is continuous and enables the demonstration of excellence. It is designed
to guide students’ improvement, to help them self-evaluate, to aid their decision making, to help
them learn from their mistakes and, where there are opportunities, plan their own curriculum and
future career.
Students are required to complete two assessments, which will be devised in response to the
curriculum, their own career preferences and current events, associated with organisational issues.
Students are encouraged to combine theoretical and industrial resources to provide realistic
arguments and, where necessary, arguments. The students must conduct their own inquiry and
identify their own sources as part of the remit of this module. The student is advised to utilise the
vast collection of electronic and hard academic resources that have been made available to them
via the London Metropolitan University MetraNet system and campus libraries. Latest publications
may also be considered from a wide range of other sources, in addition to those listed below:
Essential texts:
Paul Baines and Chris Fill (2014). Marketing, 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press
and supporting on-line resources for students
Recommended texts:
Futrell, C. (2010). Fundamentals of Selling: Customers for Life Through Service. London:
Kaufman I. and Horton C. (2015) Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with
Values, A Guidebook for Executives, Managers & Students. London: Routledge.
Lussier, R. N., Gorman, J., and Kimball, D. (2015). Entrepreneurial New Venture Skills.
London: Routledge
Chaffey D. and Smith PR (2017) Digital Marketing Excellence Planning, Optimizing and
Integrating Online Marketing Fifth edition London: Routledge.
Academic Journals
Relevant Journals include:
Social Marketing Quarterly
Journal of Social marketing
Journal of marketing
International Journal of Research in Marketing
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Key websites
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Marketing stable of magazines
Professional Magazine
The Marketer
Marketing Week
The second assessment is a report, which focuses on assessing a successful or failing company
from the perspective of a marketing philosophy, communication and operational strategies. This
evaluation should make use of both secondary as well as primary data. If you decide to continue
with the topic selected for assignment 1, there is a need to specify the outcome of your analysis
and seek primary feedback about the veracity of the results or not. The data gathering should
consider all 3 dimensions of the module (marketing, communication and operations).
Submission deadlines
IMORTANT NOTE: You are required to submit your coursework via ESOFT Metro
Campus Learning Management System (ICMS) on or before following dates given
(Unless otherwise stated, the deadline would be 12.00 midnight on the given day)
* Any slight change to above deadlines depending on the location would be communicated to by the branch coordinator
Aim: A critical assessment of a business proposition (new or existing product) linked to theory,
practice and outcomes.
You should select a current debate about a product or service of a particular company,
perhaps with a lot of loyal customers and refer to academic marketing theory to evaluate
e.g. You may select a product or service that may be controversial in the light of current
economic and social needs. You may refer to a framework that evaluate both marketing
and the social significance of the product. For example, consider the conflicting
messages for running a chocolate business that aims to maximise profitability yet
demonstrates social responsibility (linked to obesity and sugar related problems).
Working in groups, students are required to investigate a product or service that may have
been the subject of social debates
This critical evaluation, where possible, should be based on your experiential learning e.g.
based on past or current work experience.
Demonstrate your understanding of marketing concepts, theories and tools and their
Critically evaluate issues of best practice
Why is it important to the organisation?
Critically examine the multiple demands/stakeholders on an organisation (and the relevant
industry in general) and the challenge of balancing them
Consider how the selected business and associated industry are organised and whether
there may be strategic and/or tactical dimensions that may need considering perhaps
based on rational or empirical justifications.
Is there a mismatch between theory and practice? Is this justifiable?
What factors are worth reviewing to look for opportunity to improve value to stakeholders
and improve the business proposition.
Are there lessons and advice that the business should head based on your study?
Develop arguments based on both rational, theoretical and empirical justifications. This
Harvard referencing & professional presentation
The presentation should be supported appropriately by (1) the submission of a paper based
reference list /bibliography to postgraduate standard, (2) A diagrammatic conceptualisation
of the steps of the presentation, with key options reflected at each stage and 3) any audio-
visual support (e.g. powerpoint)
Successful completion of this assessment must demonstrate the achievement of the following
learning outcomes
1. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Research tools for researching business
opportunities (secondary research but may attempt some primary e.g. by ringing
company). This will provide the student with the necessary background information about
performance of the selected organisation and the level of application of marketing theory.
2. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Strategy models in a global context. Although
this outcome would particularly apply to global companies. All businesses should be
evaluated from a local as well as a global perspective with a view of further expansion.
Location: Assessor(s): Time:
Team Name:
Members’ Names:
Location: Assessor(s): Time:
Team Name:
Members’ Names:
Location: Assessor(s): Time:
Team Name:
Members’ Names:
Location: Assessor(s): Time:
Team Name:
Members’ Names:
Student name:
The assignment addresses the following learning outcome/s (with clarifications) of the module:
1. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Research tools for researching business opportunities. This will
provide the student with the necessary background information about performance of the selected
organisation and the level of application of marketing theory.
2. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Strategy models in a global context. Although this outcome
would particularly apply to global companies. All businesses should be evaluated from a local as well as a
global perspective with a view of further expansion.
3. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Communications to reach and influence target audiences. This
dimension should be evaluated in the light of both content and means of communication.
You will be marked, graded and assessed according to the following PG criteria:
Class Mark Characteristics
Excellent in every way. Knowledgeable, incisively analytical, conceptually sound,
widely-researched and well-structured. Displays a critical and sophisticated
Distinction 70 +
understanding of ideas, debates, methodologies and principles. Comprehensively
cited and referenced. A degree of flair apparent in the work.
Very good, well-researched, solid. Addresses question. Sensibly structured and
60 - well presented. Evidence of analysis, reasoning and evaluation. May have some
69 errors in emphasis but not in fact, and may be limited in terms of supporting material
and breadth of coverage. Appropriately cited and referenced.
Average to good. Reasonable bibliography. Signs of effort, though more
50 - descriptive than analytical. May have some errors but balanced by sound work.
59 May not fully address the question with deficiencies in knowledge and
understanding or directness and organisation.
Fail. Descriptive narrative. May be partly irrelevant. Indiscriminate. Lacks
structure. Could be more direct and explicit. Little independent research evident.
40 -
Fail Short bibliography.
May be confused or irrelevant. Heavily based on lecture notes, but a minimum of
understanding to justify a pass. Answers by inference.
Poor. Does not answer question directly. Little evidence of independent reading or
lecture notes. Major errors or too brief. Unstructured.
Fail 0 - 39
Very poor indeed. Fails in every respect to answer the question effectively. No
evidence of learning, reading or knowledge. Largely irrelevant. Very brief.
2. Student self-assessment
Proof reading:
4 3 2 1 0
please circle number of times
Please assess the following two aspects of EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE POOR INADEQUATE
your work as:
Introduction/Conclusion (effectiveness)
Citations (accuracy)
References (accuracy)
Marketing Communications and operations
Assessment 1: Paired presentation 30%
Academic Year 2020-2021
Title of presentation:
Weighting 33%
Notes from marker:
Agreed Mark
Signatures Date
Marking Scheme
Individual Essay 70+ 60-69 50-59 40-49 below 40
Background Extensive critical As 70+ but level As 60+ but As 50+ but there At 40+
awareness of learning of understanding understanding of is limited Key marketing
style and additional of key marketing key marketing and understanding of and
An academic areas demonstrated and operational operational key marketing and operational
discussion of Key theory identified academic academic concepts operational academic
marketing and concepts may not generally lack depth academic concepts are
operational be so thoroughly of information and concepts, or not really
requirements in Demonstrate a high applied or the discussion is models, poorly understood
a chosen level understanding of discussion of rather superficial. applied. There and concepts,
context key marketing and findings may lack There may be a may be very or models,
Demonstrate an operational academic depth (does not sense that one or limited discussion poorly applied.
understanding concepts and provide go far beyond perhaps two of findings There may be
of key marketing a detailed, critical reiterating what is theories/ models are very limited
and operational review of relevant in a general not well understood. discussion of
academic academic area background findings.
concepts chosen and use to introduction
applied to justify/ enhance There may be
practice answers a strong sense
that the
student has
not read the
Demonstrate a brief carefully
critical enough or has
awareness of missed some
own self- key aspect of
reflection within it.
Scholarship: Good evidence of As 70+ but one of As 60+ but with less As 50+ but with As 40+ but
evidence of wide wide academic the sources might evidence of wide limited evidence may have only
academic reading reading (at least 8 be an internet academic reading. of academic internet
different academic source or a There is at least one reading. A small references or
sources). Citations different version good academic number of no references
are relevant and of the same book. source e.g. the core references or an at all.
integrated well with Citations might text book over-reliance on
the leadership issue not be as well internet / non
i.e. not just citing integrated e.g. a academic sources
things without quote but with no for theory e.g.
connecting it to their real discussion of Wikipedia or
discussion its relevance to
the issue .
A record and Excellent evaluation As 70+ but As 60+ but with less As 50+ but with As 40+ but
critical of critical incident slightly less evidence of how limited evidence with very poor
discussion of and self-reflection – evidence of how theory can be used of the application information on
theory applied to Also considers how theory can inform to inform practice. of theory to how theory
practice theory can inform practice. Generally lacking practice can inform
Revisions made practice. Evidence of Evidence and depth of information, practice.
as a result of an integrative citations may not discussion, and Not really
formative approach of theory be as well application – informed by performance –
feedforward to practice integrated. somewhat theory not informed
superficial. Some by theory
solutions – limited
practical application
Formative submission: All students must present a 10 minute seminar on their work
in week 12
This assessment requires students to consider the role and practice of the marketing concept in a
company of their choice.
The report should demonstrate a critical evaluation of marketing and the relevance of its best
practice to the way the organisation functions.
This evaluation should make use of both secondary as well as primary data. If you decide to
continue with the topic selected for assignment 1, there is a need to specify the outcome of your
earlier analysis and seek primary feedback about the veracity of the results or not. The data
gathering should consider all 3 dimensions of the module (marketing, communication and
operations). Hence it is important that the selected organisation should offer information linked to
these three dimensions.
The student will need to evaluate the selected company from a marketing perspective and highlight
the level of success or failure in implementing a marketing approach to the whole business. The
approach will need to be both top down (working from corporate aims and translating them in terms
of marketing strategy and implementation) and bottom up in terms of continuously benefiting from
field information.
The student needs to adopt a marketing planning perspective that capitalises on the resources
available to the company to maximise the chances of its success. These need to take into account
macro, micro and tactical dimensions.
The report should demonstrate the benefits that the student has derived from this study and how
they may help him develop into a more savvy marketer and business manager among others.
The report should make use of theories associated with general marketing, marketing
communications and operations with a view of linking these dimensions in an integrated and clear
conceptualisation that informs the application steps.
The identification of a clear plan, with associated steps on how the challenge will be
A clear background analysis of the business and its environment (micro and macro)
A systematic yet critical exposition of the marketing, communication and operational
dimensions that may inform the selected business.
A clear exposition of positive and negative dimensions of the business derived from the
A systematic analysis of the options available to the business in terms of way forward.
A recommendation to the business backed up by both secondary and some primary
information. The primary information may be in the form of an investigation of a selected
stakeholder group such as a selected group that the company failed to attract etc
Provide recommendations to the business of how they could use theory e.g. model/
approach/ theories to improve their business
Towards the end of the report, you should determine how the study may have had an effect
at personal and career level. At personal level, you may identify personal attitudes such as
making unwarranted assumptions. At the career level, you may identify new skills or
knowledge (such as the steps of developing your business ideas including adopting a more
action research perspective) that may help you be more effective in the future particularly at
professional level. About 500 words should be dedicated to this dimension.
You should identify your current skill set and demonstrate how your learning on the module
has enhanced your own personal learning - your report should include a 500 words
summary of your learning
Support this report with appropriate theoretical referencing and evidence of wider
investigation and research.
The academic report must include substantial evidence of theoretical underpinning and research
as well as a clear application to practice and correct Harvard referencing. The report submission
deadline is 3pm via weblearn/ online submission.
Reassessment Information
It is very important to submit assignments on or before the due date. If you fail to achieve a pass in
the two assignments then students will have to repeat one or both of the assignments. University
Regulations allows one more attempt at each assignment through the reassessment process.
However, the reassessment mark is capped at 50%. If it is failed on this second attempt, the
student will have failed the module and have to repeat it. This means that the student will need to
re-enrol and pay the appropriate fee.
Student name:
You will be marked, graded and assessed according to the following PG criteria:
Class Mark Characteristics
Excellent in every way. Knowledgeable, incisively analytical, conceptually sound,
widely-researched and well-structured. Displays a critical and sophisticated understanding
Distinction 70 +
of ideas, debates, methodologies and principles. Comprehensively cited and referenced.
A degree of flair apparent in the work.
Very good, well-researched, solid. Addresses question. Sensibly structured and well
presented. Evidence of analysis, reasoning and evaluation. May have some errors in
Merit 60 - 69
emphasis but not in fact, and may be limited in terms of supporting material and breadth of
coverage. Appropriately cited and referenced.
Average to good. Reasonable bibliography. Signs of effort, though more descriptive than
Pass 50 - 59 analytical. May have some errors but balanced by sound work. May not fully address the
question with deficiencies in knowledge and understanding or directness and organisation.
Fail. Descriptive narrative. May be partly irrelevant. Indiscriminate. Lacks structure.
Could be more direct and explicit. Little independent research evident. Short
Fail 40 - 49 bibliography.
May be confused or irrelevant. Heavily based on lecture notes, but a minimum of
understanding to justify a pass. Answers by inference.
Poor. Does not answer question directly. Little evidence of independent reading or
lecture notes. Major errors or too brief. Unstructured.
Fail 0 - 39
Very poor indeed. Fails in every respect to answer the question effectively. No evidence
of learning, reading or knowledge. Largely irrelevant. Very brief.
Part 2. Student self-assessment
2.1 Checking and proof reading
Proof reading:
4 3 2 1 0
please circle number of times
Please indicate that you have checked the Paragraphs (NB: one sentence is not a paragraph) Y/N
following in line with the assignment brief: Illustrations (pay attention to referencing and titling) Y/N
Citations and References (do they correspond?) Y/N
Presentation (inc. spacing and visual appeal) Y/N
2.2 Quality of submission
Please assess the following two aspects of EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE POOR INADEQUATE
your work as:
70+ 60+ 50+
< 50 BELOW 40
Citations (accuracy)
References (accuracy)
What grade do you think the work is Distinction Merit Pass <40
Fail <50
worth? 70+ 60+ 50+
Title of report:
Weighting 20%
Weighting 20%
Weighting 20%
Weighting 20%
Notes from marker:
Agreed Mark
Signatures: Date
Marking Scheme
Individual Essay 70+ 60-69 50-59 40-49 below 40
Background Extensive critical As 70+ but level As 60+ but As 50+ but there At 40+
awareness of learning of understanding understanding of is limited Key marketing
style and additional of key marketing key marketing and understanding of and
An academic areas demonstrated and operational operational key marketing and operational
discussion of Key theory identified academic academic concepts operational academic
marketing and concepts may not generally lack depth academic concepts are
operational be so thoroughly of information and concepts, or not really
requirements in Demonstrate a high applied or the discussion is models, poorly understood
a chosen level understanding of discussion of rather superficial. applied. There and concepts,
context key marketing and findings may lack There may be a may be very or models,
Demonstrate an operational academic depth (does not sense that one or limited discussion poorly applied.
understanding concepts and provide go far beyond perhaps two of findings There may be
of key marketing a detailed, critical reiterating what is theories/ models are very limited
and operational review of relevant in a general not well understood. discussion of
academic academic area background findings.
concepts chosen and use to introduction
applied to justify/ enhance There may be
practice answers a strong sense
that the
student has
not read the
Demonstrate a brief carefully
critical enough or has
awareness of missed some
own self- key aspect of
reflection within it.
Scholarship: Good evidence of As 70+ but one of As 60+ but with less As 50+ but with As 40+ but
evidence of wide wide academic the sources might evidence of wide limited evidence may have only
academic reading reading (at least 8 be an internet academic reading. of academic internet
different academic source or a There is at least one reading. A small references or
sources). Citations different version good academic number of no references
are relevant and of the same book. source e.g. the core references or an at all.
integrated well with Citations might text book over-reliance on
the leadership issue not be as well internet / non
i.e. not just citing integrated e.g. a academic sources
things without quote but with no for theory e.g.
connecting it to their real discussion of Wikipedia or
discussion its relevance to
the issue .
A record and Excellent evaluation As 70+ but As 60+ but with less As 50+ but with As 40+ but
critical of critical incident slightly less evidence of how limited evidence with very poor
discussion of and self-reflection – evidence of how theory can be used of the application information on
theory applied to Also considers how theory can inform to inform practice. of theory to how theory
practice theory can inform practice. Generally lacking practice can inform
Revisions made practice. Evidence of Evidence and depth of information, practice.
as a result of an integrative citations may not discussion, and Not really
formative approach of theory be as well application – informed by performance –
feedforward to practice integrated. somewhat theory not informed
superficial. Some by theory
solutions – limited
practical application
As below, with highly sophisticated level of theorisation and
innovative conceptualisation or methodology
As below, with greater insight/originality and wider/deeper
engagement with the literature
75-79% Authoritative grasp of conceptual context
(confident) Insight or originality in way topic is conceptualised or
Comprehensive integration of relevant literature/debates
Advanced scholarly style (of publishable quality)
70-74% Strong grasp of conceptual context
(solid) Insight in way topic is conceptualised or developed
Good integration of relevant literature/debates
Scholarly style (publishable with minor revisions)
65-69% Good conceptual understanding
(very good) Critical analysis using an appropriate range of sources
Clarity and precision in presenting arguments
(competent) As above, with less depth and criticality
(promising) As below, plus stronger on analysis
Descriptive, unfocused work, lacking in interpretative or
conceptual dimension and use of sources
(inadequate) Incomplete or very poorly attempted work
LMBS Academic/Professional Integrity
September 2010
As a member of the University’s academic community you are required to act professionally and honestly
regarding the work you submit for assessment, it must be your own and appropriately referenced.
To this end:
You must ensure that you are aware of referencing conventions.
You must use the Harvard system of referencing.
All assignments require you to submit a list of sources by way of a bibliography or reference list.
In addition, go to where you can download the Zotero software package for free. This
package can help you compile a list of sources/references.
‘copying from another source, published or unpublished (including the work of a fellow student) and
fail to acknowledge the influence of another's work or to attribute quotes to the author. This is
stealing someone else’s work and is plagiarism. You are effectively taking the credit for their work.’
To this end, the university requires you to sign your coursework cover sheet confirming that it is your own
work. Plagiarism is identified by the university as an assessment offence.
Various forms of plagiarism exist, for example collusion, which is also an assessment offence and is defined
‘unless with official approval (e.g. in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously
collaborate in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an
identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her
individual efforts. Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between a student
and another person in the preparation and production of work which is presented as the student’s
own.’ (Liverpool University, 2009).
Avoiding plagiarism
Use good note taking techniques when planning preparing your assignment. Do not copy out huge
chunks of material without proper referencing at the time as you are likely to get confused about the
source when you are writing up your final assignment
Be confident. Do not be afraid to paraphrase other people’s ideas and acknowledge this, do not
convince yourself that their words are better than yours
Use your tutor and ask for guidance
When producing individual assignments you may share resources with your peers but you must
ensure that you write this up on your own
Do not provide other students with a copy of your assignments
Go to:
Good writing is about referring to the work of others by paraphrasing their ideas and acknowledging this in
the body of the work e.g. “Duddington (2009) argues that……”. In turn, it provides academic credibility for
your work and demonstrates that you have carried out reading around the topic. In addition, students who
achieve high marks are able to engage in critical thinking. To this end, you are expected to be critical of the
sources that you use i.e. you are expected to question what you read and not just agree with it just because
it has been published either in a text book, journal or on a web page. Being critical is about identifying
problems with an author's arguments or approach, and/or being able to identify another author's criticisms of
When using the internet consider the source/credibility of the material you are accessing. A useful tool to
assist you is the internet detective which helps you identify the ‘good, bad and the ugly’ for your online
Through their experience, teaching staff can usually detect plagiarism. However, in the past identifying its
source has been problematic. It is worth noting, that staff now have access to sophisticated software, which
assists in its detection. Where students are suspected of plagiarism they may be asked to submit their
disk/USB for checking or be called for a viva.
Such misconduct can result in you receiving zero, being suspended for a semester or even being excluded
from the University.