Flexural Strength of Externally Prestressed Concrete Bridges
Flexural Strength of Externally Prestressed Concrete Bridges
Flexural Strength of Externally Prestressed Concrete Bridges
Bridge configurations
The parametric study includes 102 analyses on 74
developed to obtain the increment of stress of external different bridges. The geometric and design properties of
tendons at ultimate. The effects of several parameters are these bridges are presented in Tables 1, 2, and 3. Several
analyzed. These include factors such as the effect of span assumptions are made:
continuity, construction scheme (monolithic or segmental), a. Live load is considered centered on the bridge axis.
span-to-depth ratio of the deck, cross section type, tendon b. All the bridges are analyzed with free slip of the tendons
layout, etc. at the deviators. This assumption is valid even for nonreplace-
able tendons, as has been proven in Reference 12.
FINITE ELEMENT MODEL c. Joints of segmental bridges were always considered dry
The parametric study uses a finite element model developed (without epoxy).
in this study to perform the ultimate analysis of externally The mechanical properties of the materials are summarized
prestressed concrete bridges. The model is general, and is in Table 4. The average values of strengths and modulus of
applicable for the analysis of simply supported and continuous elasticity were used. Double T-section decks were designed
beams and monolithic or segmental construction, including with better quality concrete than box girder decks to avoid
free slipping or no slipping at the deviators, as well as external problems associated with excessive initial compressive
and/or internal prestressing. stresses due to prestressing. The stress-strain curves used in
The model includes three different kinds of elements: the analysis were adopted from Model Code 90.4
1. Beam-reinforced concrete elements with 6 deg of
freedom at each node. Simply supported bridges
2. Prestressing elements; bonded internal and unbonded A longitudinal section showing the bridge profiles,
external. including the span lengths and distribution of deviators for the
3. Joint elements for segmental bridges.
A detailed description of the model can be found in Refer- Table 1—Simply supported box girder bridges*
ences 8 and 9.
This model has been verified by comparison with existing L = 30 m L = 40 m L = 50 m
laboratory tests, mainly with C.E.B.T.P. tests,10 those h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
performed at UPC,11 and the only full-scale destructive test.12 As1 h = 2.20 h = 2.70
h = 2.70 h = 3.30
PARAMETRIC STUDY h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
Definition of variables As2 h = 2.20 h = 2.70
The nominal moment strength (Mn) of a flexural member Simply h = 2.70 h = 3.30
is given by ACI 318-89 as supported
box girder h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
AP1 h = 2.20 h = 2.70
M n = (A s f y + A ps fps ) ⎛ d p – ---⎞
(6) h = 2.70 h =3.30
2⎠ Segmental
h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
AP2 h = 2.20 h = 2.70
Once Aps is obtained from service limit state (fully h = 2.70 h = 3.30
prestressed or partially prestressed members), the nominal *See notation appendix.
moment strength depends on: Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft.
a. As, the amount of reinforcing steel for monolithic
construction (As = 0 at the joints for segmental construction).
b. fps, which depends on Δfps [Eq. (1)]. The value of Δfps is Table 2—Simply supported double T-section
obtained from bridges*
L = 30 m L = 40 m L = 50 m
ΔL t h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
Δf ps = --------E (7) As1
Lt p h = 2.20 h = 2.70
supported Monolithic h = 2.70 h = 3.30
where Lt is the length of the tendon between fixed points of double h = 2.00 h = 2.00 h = 2.20
the tendon (i.e., points with no slip). Only special mechanical T-section
As2 h = 2.20 h = 2.70
devices can prevent slipping at the deviators. Therefore, Lt is h = 2.70 h = 3.30
usually the length between end anchorages, even when using *See notation appendix.
nonreplaceable tendons, as has been proven in Reference 12. Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft.
A summary of the results of the analyses performed in this
study are shown in Tables 5 through 12. The load process
adopted is as follows:
Load Level 1—Dead load + prestressing
Load Level 2—Dead load + prestressing + live load
Load Level 3—γDL dead load + γLL live load + prestressing
(1 < γDL = γLL < 1.5)
Load Level 4—1.5 dead load + γLL live load + prestressing Fig. 1—Longitudinal section for simply supported bridges,
(γLL > 1.5) showing span lengths and distribution of deviators (1 m =
Each load level is reached through several load steps. 3.28 ft; 1 kPa = 0.145 psi; 1 kN = 0.225 kip).
Simply supported bridges
From the results of simply supported bridges (Tables 5, 6,
and 7), it can be observed that the increase of tendon stress
does not change with the span length/depth ratio or with the
amount of reinforcing steel. Nevertheless, the increase of
tendon stress is affected by the cross section (box girder or
double T-section) and the construction procedure (monolithic
or segmental).
A statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
was performed to determine the statistical distribution that
best represents the results. The results of the statistical anal-
ysis can be summarized as follows:
a. The distribution of Δfps for box girder monolithic simply
supported bridges follows a normal (Gauss) distribution with
a mean value Fig. 2—Cross section of box girder deck with 3.30 m
(10.83 ft) depth.
Δfps (average) = 120.5 MPa = 17.47 ksi (8)
Fig. 5—Load Scheme 2 for continuous box girder deck with 2-span prestressing layout (1 kPa = 0.145 psi; 1 kN = 0.225 kip).
Table 5—Monolithic simply supported box girder bridges: results from nonlinear analysis
Span, m Depth, m Prestressing As, cm2 Midspan deflection, cm Δ fps, MPa γLL
11.6 8.6 100.0 1.34
30 2.00 4 T 32 φ 0.6 in.
89.8 11.4 123.5 1.95
11.6 22.5 125.5 1.30
2.00 6 T 37 φ 0.6 in.
149 19.3 115.7 1.72
12.4 19.7 124.5 1.31
40 2.20 6 T 35 φ 0.6 in.
148 18.1 121.5 1.81
13.11 14.8 123.5 1.34
2.70 6 T 29 φ 0.6 in.
128 14.5 125.4 1.97
12.4 27 115.6 1.21
2.20 10 T 31 φ 0.6 in.
264 28.8 124.5 1.70
13.11 21.4 112.7 1.28
50 2.70 8 T 33 φ 0.6 in.
204 24.1 126.4 1.86
13.8 18.0 119.6 1.31
3.30 8 T 28 φ 0.6 in.
183 18.6 126.4 2.03
Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft; 1 cm = 0.39 in.; 1 cm2 = 0.155 in.2; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.
Δf ps ( characteristic ) = 123.5 MPa of tendon stress for box girder continuous bridges, varying
(16) with the length of the tendon (tendon layout over 1, 2, or 3
= 17.9 ksi (confidence 95 percent)
spans) and the span-to-depth ratio. Fig. 6 shows the results
Continuous bridges for the minimum amount of reinforcement steel (As1) and
For continuous bridges, Δfps basically depends on the Fig. 7 shows the results obtained with the amount of rein-
length between tendon end anchorages and the span-to-depth forcement steel (As2) as previously described. There is no
ratio. Eq. (7) shows that Δfps is lower when the length of the significant influence of the amount of reinforcement steel,
tendon increases. This can be verified comparing any result even though with higher reinforcement (As2), Δfps is also
shown in Tables 8, 9, and 10. Fig. 6 and 7 show the increase higher due to the increase of the ductility of the bridge.
Table 7—Monolithic simply supported double T-section bridges: results from nonlinear analysis
Span, m Depth, m Prestressing As, cm2 Midspan deflection, cm Δ fps, MPa γLL
35 105 1372 1.34
30 2.00 4 T 25 φ 0.6 in.
862 129 1568 1.94
35 205 1470 1.29
2.00 6 T 33 φ 0.6 in.
153 198 1480 1.76
34 192 1480 1.32
40 2.20 6 T 31 φ 0.6 in.
141 184 1490 1.85
36 131 1303 1.33
2.70 6 T 27 φ 0.6 in.
134 121 1303 1.98
51 292 1352 1.25
2.20 10 T 31 φ 0.6 in.
214 272 1313 1.48
36 209 1303 1.30
50 2.70 8 T 31 φ 0.6 in.
189 210 1372 1.85
38 160 1235 1.30
3.30 8 T 27 φ 0.6 in.
176 183 1421 2.03
Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft; 1 cm = 0.39 in.; 1 cm = 0.155 in.2; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.
For segmental construction, there is no influence of the midspan sections when joint opening occurs. This happens
tendon layout because tendons are considered to always be with normal design before the pier section joints open,
anchored at each pier section. Assuming that Δfps follows a resulting in very different stiffnesses in both sections. For
lognormal distribution, the results can be summarized as instance, Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the bending moment
at midspan and at the supports for a monolithic box girder
Δfps (average) = 57.9 MPa = 8.4 ksi (17)
bridge with a 3.3-m (10.83-ft) depth.
The standard deviation is high, resulting in a low charac- Tendon layout influence
teristic value Table 12 shows the comparison between two tendon
layouts for the continuous segmental box girder bridges.
standard deviation = 13.8 MPa = 2.0 ksi (18) Layout Number 1 corresponds to a distribution of deviators
over the span of 15 + 20 + 15 m (49.2 + 65.6 + 49.2 ft), and
Δ f ps ( characteristic ) = 38.3 MPa (19) Layout Number 2 corresponds to 20 + 10 + 20 (65.6 + 32.8 +
= 5.55 ksi (confidence 95 percent) 65.6 ft).
Because the deviators in Layout Number 2 are closer to the
For both segmental and monolithic construction, the ulti- midspan area, the tendon produces a tendon stress increase
mate carrying capacity of the bridge is higher than that
Δfps higher than that obtained in Layout Number 1. The study
obtained from a linear analysis. This is caused by the fact
presented herein always uses Layout Number 1 and obtains
that the capability of bending moment redistribution of these
structures is significant. For monolithic structures, this conservative results.
capacity is due to the moment redistribution capacity of the
structure considering concrete and reinforcing steel PROPOSAL FOR CODE RECOMMENDATION
compressed by the prestressing. For segmental bridges, the From the results previously presented, simple values for
redistribution is due to the sharp loss of stiffness of the the increase of stress of the prestressing steel at ultimate Δfps
Table 9—Continuous monolithic box girder bridges, tendons anchored every two on pier sections: results
from nonlinear analysis
Span, m Depth, m Prestressing As, cm2 Load case Midspan deflection, cm Δ fps, MPa γLL
11.6 (span) Load #1 22.6 50.0 1.37
26 (support) Load #2 19.9 51.0 1.39
2.00 6 T 31 φ 0.6 in.
52 (span) Load #1 19.4 43.1 1.50
88 (support) Load #2 19.3 53.9 1.61
11.6 (span) Load #1 15.6 35.3 1.38
26 (support) Load #2 15.6 45.1 1.40
2.20 8 T 22 φ 0.6 in.
50 (span) Load #1 16.8 41.2 1.58
96 (support) Load #2 15.3 46.1 1.65
13.1 (span) Load #1 11.2 33.3 1.47
25.5 (support) Load #2 12.0 45.1 1.50
2.70 6 T 25 φ 0.6 in.
30 (span) Load #1 13.3 43.1 1.80
76 (support) Load #2 13.0 52.0 1.90
13.8 (span) Load #1 9.1 36.3 1.67
25 (support) Load #2 9.6 45.1 1.70
3.30 6 T 21 φ 0.6 in.
26 (span) Load #1 9.3 37.2 1.80
76 (support) Load #2 8.3 36.3 2.03
Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft; 1 cm = 0.39 in.; 1 cm2 = 0.155 in.2; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.
are obtained and can be incorporated into design specifications. Δfps = 39 MPa = 5.66 ksi (22)
These are summarized as follows:
a. For simply supported monolithic and segmental box These recommendations have been proposed by the
girder bridges, the Δfps recommended for design is Spanish Ministry of Public Works to the Permanent
Commission for Concrete to include them in the Spanish
Δfps = 108 MPa = 15.66 ksi (20) Design Code.
b. For simply supported double T-section monolithic COMPARISON WITH EXISTING CODES
It is interesting to compare the values of prestressing steel
stress increments given by current codes and those recom-
mended in this study.
Δfps = 122.5 MPa = 17.77 ksi (21)
A simply supported segmental bridge, spanning 50 m (164 ft)
with a box girder cross-section depth of 3.30 m [10.83 ft
c. For continuous monolithic box girder bridges, the incre- (Fig. 2)], was selected for comparison. The amount of
ment of tendon stress Δfps depends on the span-to-depth ratio prestressing is 10 T 27 φ 0.6 in. with the layout shown in Fig. 1.
and the prestressing layout, as shown in Fig. 9. The material properties used are shown in Table 4, corre-
d. For continuous segmental box girder bridges, sponding to Concrete Number 1. The effective stress in
The ACI 318-89 formula was obtained based on laboratory tendon eccentricity may be ignored without significantly
tests on simply supported beams, continuous beams, and affecting the results. This, however, may not be true for
continuous slabs prestressed with unbonded tendons. longer spans where high deflections produce large changes
Naaman and Alkhairi describe all the studies that lead to the in eccentricity.
formula.3 The tests were performed on short-span beam The AASHTO (1994) formula attempts to reduce the
models that were much shorter than normal bridge span analysis of beams prestressed with unbonded tendons to
lengths. Short tendons may produce high increases of tendon that of beams with bonded tendons through the use of strain
stress.11 In addition, the tests analyzed in Reference 3 were reduction coefficients.7 The value of the strain reduction
performed with internal unbonded tendons, neglecting the coefficient (Ωu) was determined using experimental tests
effect of loss of eccentricity of external tendons with high on 143 beam specimens. All the beams were partially or
deflections. For short-span beams, the effect of changes in fully prestressed with unbonded tendons, but they were