Extended-Design and Analysis of A Network Arch Bridge
Extended-Design and Analysis of A Network Arch Bridge
Extended-Design and Analysis of A Network Arch Bridge
The present dissertation aims the design and analysis of the hanger arrangement and the structural
stability of a Network arch bridge – a tied-arch bridge with inclined hangers that cross each other at
least twice. A comparative analysis with other types of hanger arrangements is also performed.
Possible solutions with respect to spans, materials and deck cross-section typology are presented
and briefly discussed. Modeling using a tridimensional finite element model of the main bridge is
A detailed analysis of the hanger arrangement influence on the structural behavior is performed for
the adopted solution. Four different arrangements of hangers – a vertical, a Nielsen and two
different Network arrangements – are compared in terms of stress distributions, deflections,
hangers’ relaxation and fatigue behavior.
The linear stability analysis is finally performed for the different models, comparing their buckling
modes and discussing the results with respect to different load patterns and load increments. The
critical loads are evaluated using the European standards formulation, a simplified method and
FEModel models.
Keywords: Network arch bridge, tied-arch bridge, bowstring bridge, roadway bridge design, hanger
arrangement, arch stability analysis
Arch bridges have outwardly directed
horizontal forces on the arch ends. These
important forces, proportional to the weight
being carried out, the relation between
Figure 1 – Arch mechanism, expressed as a “will to
bending and axial stiffness of the arch, the open", when sustaining loads.
rise, and several other factors, can be visually
understood from Figure 1, by the “will” of the Tied-arch bridges, also known as Bowstring
loaded arch to “open”. bridges, get their name from the way they
withstand these forces. The deck is used as a
2. Main objectives
tie (string) in tension to “hold” the top
compressed arch (bow) (Figure 2). The first aim of this thesis consists on
designing a Network arch bridge that can
cross over Llobregat River, in Barcelona
(Spain), 170 meters wide. This bridge should
have a total length of around 300 m,
considering the approach spans on both sides,
for crossing also a set of railway and roadway
Figure 2 – Tied-arch bridge. Arch in compression, tie in lanes. For aesthetical reasons and
tension environmental integration of the bridge, these
approach spans are also studied. Moreover,
Network arch bridges are tied-arch bridges
this dissertation intends to identify the
with inclined hangers that cross each other at
advantages or disadvantages of adopting a
least twice. To better understand it, this
Network arrangement of hangers and in
arrangement can be disassembled into three
which situations should it be considered.
or more simpler sets of hanger arrangements,
as for example the Nielsen arrangement of A second aim of this work is to investigate the
hangers, from Figure 3 to Figure 5, with structural influence of the different hangers’
hangers not necessarily with the same slope. arrangements on the bridge behavior. Four
different hangers arrangements are studied
using tridimensional SAP2000 FEModels,
namely: i) a Vertical hangers arrangement,
ii) a Nielsen hangers arrangement, iii) a
Figure 3 – Nielsen arrangement of hangers. 1 set of
Network hangers arrangement with constant
slope, and iv) a Network hangers arrangement
with variable slope. The influence of the
following aspects are investigated: i) resulting
Figure 4 – Hangers cross each other once. 2 sets of stresses distributions on the arch, ties and
hangers. hangers, ii) total stiffness of the structure and
expected deflections, iii) number and
importance of relaxing (compressed) hangers,
and iv) global stability of the structure.
Figure 5 – Network arrangement of hangers – most
hangers cross each other twice. 3 sets of hangers. Finally, it is also a main objective of this work
to investigate the stability of the arch,
Using the Network arrangement of hangers in describing and comparing the multiple
a tied-arch bridge, Per Tveit refers that is possible approaches. A linear stability
possible to save between 40 % and 50 % of analysis is performed, for the different
the cost of the superstructure, when models and arrangements studied,
comparing with other steel bridges. considering five different load patterns, and
discussing the different ways of incrementing
the bridge loads up to the bucking load. The h = 1.8 m, b =0.8 m, tw = 0.012 m, tftop =
different procedures to obtain this buckling 0.020 m, tfbottom = 0.040 m. End-cross-
load are also investigated using the proposed sections: h=1.0m, b= 0.4 m, tw = 0.012m,
formulation from the European standards, a tftop = 0.020m, tfbottom = 0.040 m]; iii) a
simplified method proposed by Outtier et concrete (C40/50) slab, 250 mm thick, with
al. and comparing the results with the ones φ25//0.10 longitudinal reinforcement bars
obtained using FEModel linear and nonlinear (A500); iv) 2 steel (S420N) arch box-sections
analysis. (1.400 x 1.200 x 0.040 m) leaning 79⁰
inwards; v) 2 x 70 steel (S460N) hangers, with
a 80 mm diameter, a Network arrangement
3 Adopted Solution with hangers equidistant (5 m distant) ate the
The adopted solution (Figure 6) has a total deck level, and coincident with the ribs / ties
length of 350 m, with two approach viaducts intersection, and a constant 65⁰ slope; and
with balanced spans of 25.5 – 34 – 25.5 m, vi) other secondary steel elements such as 7
and a tied-arch span of 180 m, separated by bracing box-section beams linking the arches
expansion joints. A composite steel-concrete and 2 box-section end-cross-girders (Fig. 6).
deck, 26.6 m wide, is the most economical
The adopted constructive procedure includes
solution. The main tied-arch span comprises
the launching of the steel part of the arch
the following structural elements: i) 2 steel
structure through the approach bridge decks,
(S420N) ties with a box-section (1.411 x 1.344
until its final position, with the aid of a
x 0.030 m); ii) 35 steel (S355N) ribs with a
floating pontoon, as can be seen in Figure 7.
variable I cross-section [middle cross-section:
Figure 6 – Elevation view, plan view and deck’s cross-section view of the designed bridge.
of the deck; and b) tension of the slab due to
the referred arches’ “will to open”.
4. Structural analysis
4.1 Overview
these corners.
4.4 Hangers
The resulting stresses on the deck, at the
conditioning cross-sections, for the Ultimate Hanger’s verifications are the following:
Limit States, are summarized in Table 1. 1) Maximum axial force.
Table 1 – Deck’s main conditioning stress results 2) Characteristic axial force (limited to
Structural Element fEd 𝜏Ed fyd 50% of the ultimate resistance).
Slab's rebars 403 - 435 3) Fatigue.
Ribs 213 161 355
4) Relaxation.
Ties 392 59 420
Units MPa 1), 2) and 3) are easily checked, by correctly
adapting the hangers’ characteristics, and 2)
4.3 Arches resulted the most conditioning. The 4),
The arch springs (corners) are also over however, presents great interest to be
discussed, since it is entirely related to the
stressed from the interaction between both
hangers' arrangement and live loads patterns
chords (arch & tie). Though, the highest
bending moments are in-plane, they occur in and significance.
the same arch sections and are due to wind Relaxation can be seen as the consequence of
action. The elastic stress verification, at the the hangers’ inability to sustain compression
arch spring, are presented in Table 2. forces, and, at both ends of the span, hangers
Table 2 – Arch corner elastic verification (MPa) do compress due to a truss-beam like
Stress NEd MEd 3-3 MEd 2-2 Total Limit behavior. Notice the similarities in Figure 9
σx,Ed -221 52 133 405 420
τEd - - - 20 242 and Figure 10.
right combination of prestress that prevents
relaxation. Two prestress combinations,
applied in different periods were required to
improve the structure behavior during the
construction stages.
Figure 9 – Hangers’ axial forces for DL (half span
shown). Leaning inwards’ hangers are compressed.
5. Hangers arrangements and
arch instability investigations
5.1 Hangers arrangement study
Figure 10 – Truss-beam scheme. Leaning inwards Different arrangements are studied, namely:
diagonals compressed.
“Vertical”, “Nielsen”, “Network” and
Then, for half-span loading, other central “Optimized Network”, and are respectively
hangers tend to relax (dashed hangers in illustrated in Figure 12.
Figure 11).
Table 4 – Main forces and displacements on the different hanger arrangements models.
Arrangement: Vertical Nielsen Network Opt. Network
LD: All Half All Half All Half All Half
M33,max 1631 -12203 937 916 848 688 996 817 kNm
Nmax -8492 -4513 -7767 -5633 -7664 -5576 -7811 -5635 kN
M33,max -1563 -10955 934 1114 732 737 607 656 kNm
Tie Nmax 5339 9721 4931 3653 4967 3677 4738 3517 kN
δmax 132 860 62 78 57 38 65 38 mm
Table 5 – Hanger axial forces on the different hanger arrangements
Arrangement: Vertical Nielsen Network Opt. Network
LD: All Half All Half All Half All Half
Nmin 215 58 46 -889 -118 -168 14 -65 kN
Nmax 344 222 584 1114 283 304 248 211 kN
From these results, compressed hangers were Finally, during the analysis, a few more
removed from the Nielsen model, LD-Half was remarks were noted:
applied and a bending moment of 10606 kNm
was obtained, opposing to the previously Within the same arrangement, the greater
obtained 688 kNm with compressed hangers. axial stiffness of the hangers, the more
Final conclusions are noted: uneven forces result.
The Nielsen arrangement has severe The higher the number of hangers, the
relaxation issues. For unsymmetrical loads lower bending moments on the ties.
it sees many of its hangers relaxed. This More steep hangers give smaller hanger
changes the apparently good results forces but bigger stress variations and
obtained in Table 4, since hangers cannot relaxations problems.
mobilize compression. For this reason,
5.2 Arch Instability analysis
when there is a live load in the nearness of
relaxing hangers, the effects of The same arrangements are analysed
incrementing that live load are very much considering 5 different LD (load distibutions)
like the ones in the Vertical Model. So, of the same LM4 preconized in EN1991-2[6]
accordingly to a higher or lower (Figure 13). The results of the instability
importance of the live loads, the Nielsen analysis were obtained from incrementing
arrangement behaves respectively, more Live Loads only, on the FEModel. This is a
closely to the Vertical Model or more conservative approach which revealed to be
closely to the Network models. sufficiently accurate. The results are listed in
Table 6.
The Vertical model, for unsymmetrical
loads, gets bending moments on the arch LD 1
17 times greater than the ones of the
LD 2
Network arch. (LD-Half)
According to Per Tveit [1], in a normal network i) and ii) predicts accurate results for the
arch the decisive load cases are maximum FEModels illustrated respectively in Figure 14
load on the whole span (LD1), which was and 15.
It can be concluded that both EN1993-2[7] unexpectedly high (Ncr = 404551 kN). In fact, β
procedures provide a lower and upper factors, obtained for spans greater than
boundary of the FEModel result, but within an 150 m were suddenly low. After confirming
unsatisfying large interval. Actually, procedure with one of the researchers that this was not
expected to happen, it was concluded it is
worthy trying to improve the formula and to In the author’s opinion, for out-of-plane
extend its validity domain in the future since it conditioned tied-arch bridges, EN1993-2[7]
offers an easy and straightforward procedure. may be carefully used in the two situations
analyzed and successfully compared: i) when
no bracing beams exist, or ii) when the
6. Conclusions bracing beams form a really stiff structure.
The base case design here developed allowed Finally, this study hopes to have
substantial material savings when compared demonstrated that Network arch bridges can
to many other tied-arch bridges. be competitive and structurally efficient when
compared to other tied-arch bridges.
The pre-design of the hanger’s arrangement,
facilitated by Per Tveit[1] and Brunn &
Schanack[5], proved to be remarkably accurate 7. References
on the benefits it predicted.
Both Network arrangements analyzed Per Tveit - The Network Arch. Findings on
network arches during 54 years (2011). Available
evidenced clear structural advantages over
the Vertical arrangement. The Vertical http://home.uia.no/pert/index.php/The_Network
arrangement only presented benefits for the _Arch [10/09/2013]
hangers’ forces, as a consequence of over [2]
Outtier et al. - Amelie Outtier, Hans De Backer,
requesting the bending stiffness of the Ken Schotte, Dries Stael, Philippe Van Bogaert -
chords. Design methods for buckling of steel tied arch
bridges - IABSE conference 2010.
On the Nielsen results, if significant [3]
Gonçalves, P. - Pedro Pereira Clemente Andrade
unsymmetrical live loads exist, the severe Gonçalves - Estudo Prévio de um Tabuleiro em
relaxation of hangers leads this solution to Arco Superior do tipo Bowstring, Tese de
behave similarly to the Vertical hangers’ Mestrado, IST, 2012.
arrangement model. [4]
EN1993-1-1 - European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), “Eurocode 3 – Design of
With the inclination of the arches and with
steel structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules
the presence of the bracing beams it is for buildings”, December 2003.
extremely unlikely to occur a pure in-plane [5]
Brunn & Schanack - Benjamin Brunn & Frank
buckling. The inclination of the arches also Schanack - Calculation of a double track railway
reduces the wind portal frames and the network arch bridge applying the European
bracing beams length, resulting in a more standards (2003).