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Programming in C: Constants, Variables, and Data Types

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Programming In C

Part II
Constants, Variables, and Data types
The C Character Set
C uses:
• Uppercase letters (A→Z)
• Lowercase letters (a→z)
• Digits (0→9)
• Some special symbols (+, *, %, &, #, {, }, …etc).
Variables and Constants
• Variables and constants are named memory
locations in which data of a certain type can
be stored.
• Constants refer to data that remains
unchanged throughout the program
• Variables store data that may vary during
program exe
• Variables and constants must be declared
before they can be used in a program.
Identifiers and Keywords
1. Identifiers
• Identifiers are names given to various program
elements such as variables, functions, and arrays.
• Rules for naming:
– Only alphabets, digits, and underscores are allowed.
– An identifier must start with a letter or an underscore,
and may be followed by any combination of
characters, underscores, or the digits 0-9.
– The name cannot start with a digit.
– Uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as
– Optional: always choose a meaningful names for
identifiers in order to make programs easier to read.
Identifiers and Keywords
1. Identifiers
• Examples of valid identifiers:
x, y21, sum, sum_1, taxe_rate, _temperture.

• Examples of non valid identifiers:

4th, “x”, order-no, error flag
• C makes a difference between uppercase and
lowercase characters. Example: “Age” and
“age” are different identifiers.
2. Keywords
• Keywords are reserved words that have
standard and predefined meaning in C.
• C has 32 keywords:

• Remark: keywords cannot be used as user-

defined identifiers.
Data types
• Each variable in C has a specific type, which
determines the size and layout of the variable's
• Data type specifies the range of values that can be
stored within that memory; and the set of
operations that can be applied to the variable.
• The C compiler must be informed about the type
of data you intend to store in a variable.
• Based on the data type of a variable, the operating
system allocates memory and decides what can be
stored in the reserved memory.
Fundamental Data Type

1 byte (8 bits)

1 byte (8 bits)

4 bytes (32 bits)

4 bytes (32 bits)

8 bytes (64 bits)

Data type qualifiers
• The fundamental data types can be associated with
some qualifiers for their size and sign.
• For size: short/long
• For sign: signed/unsigned
• Examples:
– short int (2 bytes)
– unsigned int (4 bytes positive numbers)
– unsigned short int (2 bytes positive numbers)
– long double (10 bytes)
• If we do not specify either signed or unsigned, the C
compiler assume the type to be signed.
• If short, long, or unsigned are used without data type
specifier, it is taken as an int by the C compiler.
Declaring variables in C
• In general variables are declared at the beginning of a
block of a function. A block of a function is denoted by
{ }. Variables inside of a block are local to that block.
int main( ) {
int a,b;
float c;
char d;
• Variables may be initialized when declared with the =
operator like:
int main( ) {
int a=1;
float b=1.2;
char c='a';
Declaring constants inside a function
• Variables can be declared using constant
qualifiers to indicate that its value does not
change during the program execution.

int main( ) {
int a,b;
const float c=6.022
float d;

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