Opposition MR Sasil
Opposition MR Sasil
Opposition MR Sasil
1. That defendants and their counsel advance the argument that their failure
to attend the schedule pre-trial was due to excusable negligence because they
believed that the schedule was in the afternoon;
2. That plaintiffs find the explanation rather flimsy because the notice sent to
the counsel and the defendants themselves individually states that the hearing is set
at 8:30 o’clock in the morning;
3. Besides, the calendar is owned by the counsel and not by the defendants’,
are they implying that the counsel and the defendants share the same calendar?
4. If the calendar of the counsel states that his schedule is in the afternoon, it
does not explain why the defendants also failed to appear for the hearing which was
set in the morning, wherein they were properly notified. This is very important
because appearance of the defendants during pre-trial is mandatory while the
counsel’s appearance is not.
5. All told, it is the strong contention of the plaintiffs that the failure of the
defendants to appear for pre-trial last February 10, 2009 can in no manner be
considered as excusable.
6. Plaintiffs also vehemently register their opposition of the Verification (in
the nature of affidavit of good faith) because the same can never be considered as
affidavit of good faith. It does not state that they have a valid and meritorious
defense aside from the fact that the one who executed it was the counsel and not the
defendants themselves.
7. Plaintiffs also vehemently objects to the fact the defendants violated the
three-day-notice-rule, the instant motion was received by the counsel on March 6,
2009, the same day the motion was set for hearing.
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