Emp 411 Assigno, DR Kanyiri
Emp 411 Assigno, DR Kanyiri
Emp 411 Assigno, DR Kanyiri
The Ministry of Education Science and Technology has developed policy and legislative
framework for Education and Training to realign the human capital development needs of the
country to the Constitution and the Kenya Vision 2030. A new policy and legislative framework
on education and training became necessary because the Constitution of Kenya 2010 introduced
a Bill of Rights which conferred a range of Rights to the Child that the Education Act, Cap 211
had not taken care of. The Sessional Paper No.1 of 2005 on Policy Framework on Education,
Training and Research did not also effectively provide the foundation necessary to develop the
skills and competencies that Kenya Vision 2030 require for its realization.
Importance in education
In order to address the above challenges, the government is already undertaking
Certain measures such as:
1. Providing additional support to low-cost boarding schools in all public boarding schools.
2. Providing special capitation grants for special education for learners with special needs.
3. Providing support to NFS institutions offering the primary school curriculum in slum areas.
4. Mobilizing resources from development partners in support of the Free Primary Education
5. Improving school health and nutrition in collaboration with the ministry of health.
6. The government has also introduced economic stimulus project to upgrade at least two
primary schools in each constituency.
7. Expansion of post primary schools to cater for large enrollment in elementary education. This
will help to reduce cohort wastage from each level of education.
8. Free KPCE also ensures all children are able to do their national examination.
To meet political, social and economic aspiration-The new policy defines the political, social
and economic aspirations of Kenyans by the year 2030 and beyond. The policies are intended to
improve the stability of the nation to facilitate conducive environment for teaching and learning.
Once implemented, the policy should enable Kenya to effectively address changing socio-
economic and political needs and expectations of the citizens. It is also expected to equip the
country to respond to the pressures that globalization and modernization of the world economy
have occasioned. The strategies for mobilizing necessary resources should focus on increased
budgetary allocations to the ministry responsible for gender, budgetary allocations in the sector
ministries towards activities for mainstreaming gender within sectors, and the balance from
international development partners as part of their commitment to the millennium declaration.
Most Kenyan households are experiencing abject poverty, whose prevalence is higher among
women, and should not therefore shoulder a big burden in the implementation of the
recommended actions.
Importance in education
1. Political stability will promote decentralization, by use of devolved funds in development of
local social amenities such as schools and roads leading to various learning institutions.
2. Equality of access to education and favourable teaching and learning resources by all children
in the country irrespective of one’s race, ethnicity, religion gender or social-economic status.
3. To promote just and cohesive society with social equity to both education of boys and girls.
This strategy will make special provisions learners with various disabilities and those from
marginalized communities.
4. To promote economic growth through development programmers, to minimize school dropout
over cases of poverty.
5. Political stability will ensure learning in schools will continue safely and peacefully.
6. Social mobilization, awareness creation and sensitization on the need for education and its
importance in realization of vision 2030.
Reforming education system and training in Kenya-The reason why education is such an
important pillar towards Kenya’s development pathway is because a proper education remains
the only way to break the cycle of underdevelopment and poverty in the majority Kenyans are
still caught. A proper education system has the potential to increase the employability or income
generating capacity of Kenya’s majority poor thereby enabling them to be employed or be
entrepreneurs in their own right mitigating on the high inequality levels in Kenya. Reforming
education and training in Kenya is intended to encapsulate the ideas and principles that should
guide the policies, programmes and initiatives that the Government, through their Department of
Education, ought to put in place in order to effectively
meet the emerging education needs and aspirations of the country. The guiding philosophy of the
reform efforts on Education is the need for a stable and cohesive nation to provide a platform for
socioeconomic development and the prosperity of the Nation. The policy on education and
training therefore envisage a curriculum that successively develops the knowledge, skills,
competencies, as well as lifelong learning dispositions of its citizens to meet the human capital
needs of the country. The goal is to develop a repertoire of skills and competencies necessary to
achieve the objectives and goals embodied in the Constitution, 2010 and Kenya Vision 2030.
The policy framework on education and training also envisages an education curriculum with
parallel and complimentary tiers: academic, vocational and technical curricular. The Government
will accordingly introduce a multi-track system to take care of the learning needs of all
these categories of education and provide a window for the progression to higher education
through any of the three tiers. Learners will be able to follow tracks where they have proven
competencies given that they will be able to discover what they are strong in. The Government
will establish and strengthen existing education Technical Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) and to ensure that the unique learning needs of children are adequately catered for. In
addition, the policy document explicates the strategies to be put in place to identify, nurture and
develop talents among learners. The main objective of TVET will be to develop an effectively
coordinated and harmonized TVET system that is capable of producing quality skilled human
resource with the right attitudes and values required for growth and prosperity of the various
sectors of the economy.
Importance in education
1. Early in the schooling system to focus on producing learners who can read, write and count.
2. Put in place internal controls to accountability, transparency of learning process and the use of
resources towards education at all government levels and in classroom.
3. The Department of education should ensure rapid filling of vacant posts and efficient handling
of disciplinary cases, or the support of teacher development.
4. National program to equip the supply of learning materials, the provision of libraries, toilets,
repair of windows and leaking roofs, maintenance of desks and infrastructure in South African rural
and township schools.
5. Provide bursaries, school feeding programs, life orientation programs and counseling
programs to learners in rural areas and townships
6. Open vocational training centers and out of school programs to improve the skills of South
Africans who are not in school and not working.
7. Instill values among students so that they go through the system with a sense of responsibility
and inclusiveness.
Importance in education
1. To oversee in consultation with the county government, the operation and management of
youth polytechnics, pre-primary education including early childhood care and education
programmes in the county.
2. To coordinate and monitor education and training in the County on behalf of the national
government and the county government.
3. To interpret national policies in education based on the county’s needs.
4. To initiate proposals for policy reforms in education at county levels.
5. To plan, promote, develop, and coordinate education, training and research in the county in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, the national education policy and the laws and
policies of the county government.
6. To collaborate with the Board of Management, the Principal, the Head Teacher, and other
appropriate authorities in the management of basic schools.
7. To register and maintain a data bank of all education and training institutions within the
8. To monitor curriculum implementation in basic education in various county schools, monitor
the conduct of examinations and assessments at the basic education and training levels in the
county in collaboration with all the relevant national bodies;
9. To collaborate with the Teachers Service Commission on teacher management within the
10. To prepare and submit a comprehensive school term annual report including Educational
written law. Central to ensuring access, retention and provision of quality instruction in
education and training institution is a robust standards and quality assurance system.
Importance in education
1. Helps to advise the government on the current trends obtained in learning institutions in areas
of access, quality, leadership, staffing, governance, health care, career guidance, curriculum
evaluation, pre-service training of teachers, teacher proficiency and institutional plans and
2. Reviewing the teaching and learning materials in collaboration with Kenya institute of
education and publishers (both formative and summative)
3. Liaising with Kenya institute of education in quality development service with the design of
in–service training programs whenever the curriculum is revised
4. Advising stakeholders on education matters pertaining to curriculum delivery, assessment and
provision of resources.
5. To integrity through upholding transparency and accountability through objective assurance
and educational standard assessment and reporting.
6. To promote professionalism through subject mastery and skill upgrading of teachers through
in-servicing and conducting teacher proficiency courses.
7. Good rapport by using collegial approach and respect of individual differences, available
resources and regional disparities.
Integration of ICT in teaching and learning-The policy has recognised ICT as an essential tool
for teaching and learning. ICT will be integrated and promoted as a tool for facilitating teaching,
learning and research in education and training and not simply as a subject to be taught and
examined independent of its functionality. The Policy and legislative framework has underscored
the central role of teachers in the teaching and learning process. Their training and continuous
professional development is pivotal to achieving the vision and aspirations of the country. The
Government plans under the policy framework, to reform teacher training programmes, staffing,
growth and their progression once they enter the teaching profession in public and private
educational institutions alike. A program on the teacher growth will be developed for the serving
teachers while the conditions for admission into Teacher Training Colleges will be changed to
ensure that the teacher training is in line with the goals and objectives of the Constitution and
Kenya Vision
Importance in education
1. ICT facilitates sharing of resources, expertise and advice among learners due to its greater
flexibility in when and where tasks are carried out.
2. Enables learners to gain ICT literacy skills, confidence and enthusiasm thus enabling them to·
access to up-to-date pupil and school data, anytime and anywhere.
3. Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials through greater
collaboration between teachers in planning and preparing resources.
4. Enhancement of professional image projected to colleagues.
5. Students are generally more ‘on task’ and express more positive feelings when they use
computers than when they are given other tasks to do.
6. More focused teaching, tailored to students’ strengths and weaknesses, through better analysis
of attainment data.
7. Students who used educational technology in school feel more successful in school, motivated
to learn and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
1. Brookings Institutions. (2013).Towards universal learning: What every child should learn.
Brooks. Brunner, J.S.(1961).The Act of Discovery. Harvard Educational Review, Vol. No.31
2. Ministry of Education Science and Technology (2005). Kenya Education Sector Support
programme 2005 – 2010. Nairobi, Kenya
3. Ministry of Education: Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, (2006) Handbook on
Teachers Proficiency course, Nairobi Kenya
4. Republic of Kenya. (2005a).) Sessional Paper No. 1 on Policy Reforms for Education,
Training and Research: Meeting the Challenges of Education Training and Research in the 21st
Century. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST Nairobi: MOEST.
5. Republic of Kenya.(2005b). Kenya Education Sector Support Programme 2005 - 2010:
Delivering Quality Education and Training to All Kenyans. Nairobi: MOEST.
6. Republic of Kenya .(2012a).Sessional Paper No.14 of 2012 on realigning education and
training to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and Vision 2030 and beyond. Ministry of Education
Science and Technology. Nairobi. Kenya.
7. Republic of Kenya.(2012b).A Policy Framework for re-aligning education to the Constitution
2010 and Vision 2030 and beyond.
SIGN: ………………….
One of the most recent policy documents in education is sessional paper no. 1 of 2005. Titled
"policy framework for education training and research",which provides new direction on the
provision of education and training on all levels. Analyse the key issues discussed in this paper
and their importance in education in Kenya today.