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Конспект уроку на тему: "Jobs and professions" / Робота і професія

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Конспект уроку на тему: "Jobs and professions" / Робота і

Vocabulary practice
Game "Guess the job"
T: Now it’s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it?” I’ll describe you a profession and you will
give me the word. Here are some professions:
 journalist,
 bricklayer,
 architect,
 fashion designer,
 conductor,
 manager,
 accountant,
 sports instructor,
 cashier,
 programmer,
 decorator,
 car mechanics,
 physicist,
 interpreter,
 pharmacist.
(The words are written on the board.)
·     Listen to the definition of professions, try to guess and game them. (T – C1)
1. Some who can count well and keeps the money records of a business.
2. Someone who makes walls with bricks.
3. Someone who designs clothes.
4. Someone who writes computer programs.
5. Someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop.
6. Someone who repairs cars.
7. Someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel.
8. Someone whose job is to design buildings.
9. Someone whose job is to manage a company.
10. Someone who studies or works in physics.
T: Now, please describe the professions by yourself. (Pupils answer)
T: Now, I’ll give you out these pieces of paper. Doing these tasks you’ll get to know a bit more about
different existing professions. You may use the dictionaries or ask me questions if you don’t understand
·     Supply the best word or words (T – C1)
1. The person in charge of a business is informally known as the… .

a) chef;
b) chief;
c) boss.
2. The person who is in charge of a car is the… .

a) guide;
b) leader;
c) motorist;
d) driver;
e) conductor.
3. A person who prepares food is… .

a) cook;
b) cooker.
4. A person who works in an office is an… .
a) office worker;
b) officer.
5. A person who takes photograph is a… .

a) photographer;
b) photograph;
c) photography.
6. A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a… .

a) typewriter;
b) typist;
c) typing machine writer.
7. A woman who looks after other people’s children is a… .

a) nanny;
b) nurse.
8. The person you work with is your… .

a) college;
b) colleague;
c) collaborator.
9. The person who is in charge of a restaurant is the… .

a) patron;
b) manager.
10. The person who would service your car is… .

a) a mechanic;

b) an engineer;

c) a technician.

11. A person who studies the origins of the universe is a… .

a) physician
b) physicist
c) physics.
12. Another word for ‘a doctor’ is a… .
a) physician
b) physicist
c) medicine.
13. The person who teaches you or taught you at school is a… .
a) teacher
b) professor.
14. If you are on of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are a… .
a) client
b) customer
c) patient
d) guest.
15. If you serve people who come into a shop, you are… .
a) an official
b) an attendant
c) a shop assistant
d) a bank clerk.
Keys: 1 c; 2 d; 3a; 4 a; 5 a; 6 b; 7 a; 8 b; 9 b; 10 a; 11 b; 12 a; 13 a; 14 b; 15 c.
Match the columns. (T – C1)
1) A person who undertakes investigations in order to discover new facts or to
a) an doctor
get additional information.

2) A man who uses land for growing crops and raising animals. b) an accountant

3) A workman who makes and repairs furniture. c) a postman

4) A person whose work is filling, cleaning, taking out our teeth. d) a hair-dresser

5).A person who trains sportsmen for competitions. e) a soldier

6) A person whose work is shaving and cutting men’s hair f) a dentist

7) A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films. g) a farmer

8) A person who writes and keeps accounts. h) a barber

9) A man who delivers post. i) a carpenter

10) A member of the army. j) a coach

11) A person who dresses and cuts women’s hair. k) a researcher

Keys: 1 k; 2 g; 3 I; 4 f; 5 j; 6 h; 7 a; 8 b; 9 c; 10 e; 11 d.

T: Now listen to the interview and be ready to discuss it. (T – P1, P2, P3, P4)
– Have you already begun developing your plans for the future?

– It is very difficult to give a definite answer right now. But every time I am asked the question “What do
you want to be?” I feel nervous. I usually never tell the truth and say “ I haven’t the slightest idea” and try
to sound mysteriously.

– But why?

– That makes other people feel more nervous than me.

– Have you ever turned to your parents for advice?

– Oh. My mother is convinced that I should follow in the footsteps of my father and become a lawyer. My
granny thinks that I should find a nice wealthy man to marry. And my father says “Just do what makes
you happy”. My uncle encourages me by promising a job in his company. Being child I wanted to be like a
cashier in the supermarket with long hair, blue eye shadows and long fingernail moving the cash. But my
mother would say “You are not suitable for the job like that. You are too smart”. It is a very difficult to face
the real world after being spooned with knowledge at school. And the question “What do you want to be?”
never used to be threatening like now.

What if I choose the wrong thing and feel regret a mistake in future? Of course like everyone I have some
skills and interests and inclinations. But they seem to be undeveloped and may seem outstanding.

I realize that I should plan out the rest of my life and explore my choice from every angle, but I have never
thought more than six months ahead.
There is one thing I know I wouldn’t like to be “a square in a round hole”.

Questions for discussion

1. What problems are involved in this interview?

2. Why is the girl afraid to enter the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school.

3. What does the real world mean for her? And for you?

4. Why does her mother say that she is too smart to be a cashier?

5. Does it mean that a man doing a less prestigious work is a loser?

6. The girl doesn’t want to be a square peg in a round hole. Do you know someone who is a square peg
in a round hole?

7. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Give your piece of advice.

T: Now I offer you a sentence marking work. Try to use active words and word combinations. Use the
Conditionals and the structure should + infinitive. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. Важливо, щоб людина правильно обрала свою майбутню професію.

2. Якщо б вона вважала навчання дітей своїм покликом, вона б вступила до педагогічного
університету. Але вона стала юристом.

3. Шкода, що ти не зробив кар’єру в науці. Ти був створений для цього.

4. Неможливо, щоб їй подобалася професія учителя.

5. Якби мистецтво було його покликом, він би став художником, а не актором.

6. Батьки примушували його стати лікарем. Якби він став лікарем, то шкодував би усе життя.

7. На жаль, у нього немає жодних здібностей до математики, і він не склав іспит.

T: Have you learned anything new? I am sure English will help you in your future career and you’ll
choose your future job correctly! Your marks are…
Home assignment
T: Express your point of view on your career opportunities orally and in writing form.
What are you going to do when you leave the secondary school? What are you going to choose as a
career? Why?

Start like this:

After leaving my school I would like to study at one of the universities. I simply can’t tell you what I am
going to study yet. Well, I have thought of becoming… (a teacher of). My parents share/ do not share this
idea, they want me to become… (a doctor). They may be right, because a… (doctor’s) work is more
respected and acknowledged in a society. But I am not really persuaded by them saying that I would earn
more money and I would have a better life as… (a doctor). This job is simply not for me. I would rather
choose… (teaching) than… (medicine) as a career. I have no doubts about the poor financial prospects,
but, you know, money is not everything. It is much more important for me to do something I really love.

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