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Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344


A conceptual model for the origin of fault damage zone structures

in high-porosity sandstone
Zoe K. Shipton*, Patience A. Cowie
Department of Geology & Geophysics, Edinburgh University, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK
Received 24 July 2001; received in revised form 1 March 2002; accepted 5 March 2002

We present a conceptual model to explain the development of damage zones around faults in high-porosity sandstones. Damage zone
deformation has been particularly well constrained for two 4-km-long normal faults formed in the Navajo Sandstone of central Utah, USA.
For these faults the width of the damage zone increases with fault throw (for throws ranging from 0 to 30 m) but the maximum deformation
density within the damage zone is independent of throw. To explain these data we modify a previously published theoretical model for fault
growth in which displacement accumulates by repeated slip events on patches of the fault plane. The modi®cations are based on ®eld
observations of deformation mechanisms within the Navajo Sandstone, the throw pro®les of the faults, and inferences concerning likely slip-
patch dimensions. Zones of enhanced stress are generated around the tips of each slipping patch, raising the shear stress on adjacent portions
of the fault as well as potentially causing off-fault damage. A key ingredient in our model for off-fault damage accumulation is the transition
from strain hardening associated with deformation band development, to localised strain softening as a slip-surface develops. This transition
occurs at a critical value of deformation density. Once a new slip-surface develops at some distance from the main fault plane and it starts to
accumulate throw it can, in turn, generate its own damage zone, thus increasing the overall damage zone width. Our approach can be applied
to interpret damage zone development around any fault as long as the host-rock lithology, porosity and deformation mechanisms are taken
into consideration.
q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fault growth; Damage zone; Deformation bands

1. Introduction kilometre-scale faults in the high-porosity (20%) Navajo

Sandstone found that damage zone width was proportional
Faults are often surrounded by a zone of subsidiary struc- to the total fault throw (Shipton and Cowie, 2001). Similar
tures referred to as the damage zone (Chester and Logan, positive correlations have also been found in other high-
1986). Possible origins for damage zone structures include porosity sandstones (Knott et al., 1996; Beach et al., 1997,
¯exure of beds around faults (Jamison and Stearns, 1982; 1999; Myers and Aydin, 1998; Fossen and Hesthammer,
Antonellini and Aydin, 1994), repeated slip on a fault 2000) and in mixed sedimentary sequences (Wallace and
surface (Vermilye and Scholz, 1998), enhanced stress at Morris, 1986). Knott et al. (1996) discussed the effect of
fault tips (Cox and Scholz, 1988; McGrath and Davison, extensional and compactional quadrants around growing
1995; Martel and Boger, 1998; Vermilye and Scholz, faults on the width of the resulting damage zone. However,
1998) and strain at zones where adjacent fault segments the role of deformation mechanisms in controlling the scal-
link (Peacock and Sanderson, 1991; Childs et al., 1995). ing of damage zone width and displacement has not
Recognition of systematics in the geometry of damage previously been discussed.
zone structures would aid in the prediction of sub-seismic A model proposed by Cowie and Shipton (1998)
fault distribution (e.g. Knipe et al., 1998) and the character- conceives of fault growth as occurring by repeated slip on
isation of ¯uid ¯ow within and around fault zones (e.g. many small patches of the fault surface. This model success-
Caine et al., 1996; Shipton et al., 2002). fully demonstrated that observed fault displacement pro®les
A detailed investigation of damage zone structure around (e.g. Muraoka and Kamata, 1983; Dawers et al., 1993; Cart-
wright and Mans®eld, 1998) can be modelled by the
* Corresponding author. Now at: Department of Geology, Trinity
summation of many small slip events without creating
College, Dublin 2, Ireland. unrealistic stress concentrations at the fault tip (Cowie and
E-mail addresses: shiptonz@tcd.ie (Z.K. Shipton). Scholz, 1992). As we show here, this model also has
0191-8141/03/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0191-814 1(02)00037-8
334 Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344

generation of the damage zone in our study area. Finally we

discuss the potential for applying this model to other faults.

2. Field observations

2.1. Field setting

The Big Hole and Blueberry faults in the Chimney Rock

fault array, central Utah, have exceptional along-strike
exposures of damage zone structures (Fig. 1). Both faults
are several kilometres in length with maximum throws of
tens of metres. Cowie and Shipton (1998) presented high-
resolution measurements of throw on the Blueberry fault
and Shipton and Cowie (2001) presented throw pro®les
and maps of the damage zone from both the Big Hole and
Blueberry faults. The faults cut the Jurassic Navajo Sand-
stone, a medium-grained aeolian arenite with an average
porosity of 20% (Dunn et al., 1973; Shipton and Cowie,
2001). The excellent outcrops of the damage zones of
these faults allow us to investigate the development of
damage zone structures with increasing displacement.
Both faults have simple symmetrical throw pro®les char-
acteristic of isolated faults (Dawers and Anders, 1995; Nicol
et al., 1996). The eastern end of the Big Hole fault does not
appear to link with any other faults along strike although the
tip region is buried beneath Quaternary sediments. In
contrast the tip of the Blueberry fault is well exposed.
Because the Big Hole and Blueberry faults are of similar
size and have similar throw gradients, we treat the Blueberry
fault tip as a proxy for the tip of the Big Hole fault giving a
range of fault throws from 0 to 30 m (Fig. 2).

2.2. The damage zone

The Big Hole and Blueberry fault zones consist of a fault

core surrounded by a damage zone comprised of clusters of
deformation bands (Fig. 2). Deformation bands are ,1-mm-
thick zones of cataclasis and are the typical deformation
Fig. 1. Location map of the study area (a) and close up maps of (b) the Big element in high-porosity sandstones (Aydin, 1978; Aydin
Hole fault and (c) the Blueberry fault with the detailed study sites shown as and Johnson 1978, 1983; Antonellini and Aydin, 1994). The
white circles. fault core consists of tightly packed deformation bands,
often bounded by thin (,1 mm thick), highly polished,
important implications for the development of damage zone slip-surfaces. Slip-surfaces have distinctly different micro-
structures. When a slip-patch ruptures, stress is enhanced in structures compared with the deformation bands (Aydin and
a volume around the slip-patch tip. In addition to re-loading Johnson, 1983; Shipton and Cowie, 2001), and they accom-
the fault plane along strike, this could cause failure of the modate substantially more offset (up to 30 m along these
rock out of the plane of the fault. In this paper we investigate faults). One or more primary slip-surfaces can be identi®ed
the implications of this slip-patch model for the distribution, within the fault core, and these are the surfaces upon which
geometry and evolution of damage zone structures. the majority of the fault offset is accommodated. In the rest
We start by presenting ®eld data collected from two 4- of the paper we refer to this feature as the main fault plane.
km-long faults that provide a particularly well-constrained In the damage zone, discontinuous slip-surfaces occur
example of fault damage zone structures in high-porosity within deformation band clusters, and have offsets that are
sandstone (Shipton and Cowie, 2001). We then summarise typically between 30 and 200 cm (Shipton and Cowie,
the slip-patch model presented in Cowie and Shipton (1998) 2001).
and discuss the implications of the modi®ed slip-patch fault The damage zone is therefore comprised of deformation
growth model that includes strain hardening to explain the band clusters and occasional slip-surfaces, along with a
Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344 335

Fig. 2. Damage zone maps for the Big Hole and the Blueberry faults (from Shipton and Cowie, 2001). Clusters of deformation bands (thin black lines) de®ne
the damage zone (pale grey area) around the main fault plane (thick black lines). Outside this zone deformation band clusters are rare. Dotted grey lines show
the extent of outcrop. Small map on the right shows the Blueberry fault map at the scale of the Big Hole map (left hand side) plotted at the projected position of
the eastern tip of the Big Hole fault. The detailed study site locations are shown with the throw on the fault at that point.

proportion of relatively undeformed host rock. Outside this tations of damage zone structures are signi®cantly different
damage zone the rock is essentially undeformed: there are from those due to the regional strain ®eld (k ˆ 20.16,
no longer any deformation band clusters and only very a ˆ 248; Krantz, 1988). Thus, we interpret the damage
sparse, isolated, single deformation bands. This transition zone structures to have formed in a locally controlled strain
from deformation band clusters to few or no deformation ®eld due to growth of these faults.
bands de®nes the edge of the damage zone (Fig. 2). The Secondly, Shipton and Cowie (2001) showed that damage
proportion of strain that is taken up by the damage zone zone width varies along the faults such that on average the
compared with the main slip-surface of the fault is not width, w, is approximately two and half times the throw, t,
precisely known. However, given that deformation bands i.e. w ˆ 2.6t 1 7.2 (both w and t measured in metres).
are never seen to have large slips and that slip-surfaces Damage zone width data from ®ve drill holes through the
within the damage zone are relatively few in number and covered eastern end of the Big Hole fault (Shipton et al.,
not laterally extensive (Fig. 2), it is clear that the majority of 2002) also ®t this correlation. Note that there is signi®cant
the throw measured on the top Navajo Sandstone is taken up scatter associated with this scaling relationship, allowing a
on the main fault plane. variation in width of 10±20% for any given value of throw.
The geometry of structures within the damage zone of the However, the overall positive correlation suggests that the
Big Hole and Blueberry faults indicates that damage zone damage zone results from a process of displacement accu-
development is due to the process of displacement accumu- mulation on the main fault plane, and thus fault growth. The
lation on the main fault surface. Firstly, deformation band damage zone is approximately 12 m wide at the Blueberry
clusters dip synthetically and antithetically to the main fault, fault tip where measurable displacement has not yet accu-
but are not strike parallel. This variation in strike is symme- mulated (Fig. 2). Because deformation ahead of the fault tip
trical around the main fault plane de®ning an orthorhombic cannot be a direct result of displacement accumulation, we
symmetry, which implies that they formed within a three- interpret it as deformation associated with tip propagation,
dimensional strain ®eld (Reches, 1983; Krantz, 1988; Ship- i.e. the process zone.
ton and Cowie, 2001). For orthorhombic dip-slip normal
faults, the angle between strike sets, a , is proportional to 2.3. Deformation density
the ratio of the horizontal strains, k. The low angle between
the strikes of deformation band clusters in the Big Hole and The variation of deformation density within the damage
Blueberry fault damage zones (a ˆ 8 and 11.58, zone is a convenient way of describing local variations in
respectively) can be explained in terms of a component of strain. Deformation density is de®ned as the number of
fault-parallel extension that is much smaller than the fault- features per unit area. This measure is distinct from defor-
perpendicular extensional strain. For the Big Hole fault mation intensity, which is the density multiplied by the
k ˆ 20.02 whereas k ˆ 20.04 for the Blueberry fault tip offset on each feature (Jamison and Stearns, 1982). Intensity
(see Shipton and Cowie (2001) for more details). The orien- is more dif®cult to constrain because the offset is harder to
336 Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344

Fig. 3. Outcrop maps and deformation density maps for (a) and (b) the Blueberry fault tip (throw ˆ 0 m), (c) and (d) the 8-m-throw site on the Big Hole fault
(main fault plane is 1 m to the left of this image), (e) and (f) the 17-m-throw site on the Big Hole fault (northern strand with throw < 3 m), (g) and (h) the 17-
m-throw site on the Big Hole fault (southern strand with throw < 14 m), (i) and (j) the 20-m-throw site on the Big Hole fault. Note that the southern strand of
the Big Hole fault at the 17-m-throw site is de®ned as the main fault plane as it accounts for 82% of the total throw at this point. Deformation bands, slip-
surfaces and fault core are colour-coded black, red and blue, respectively, in outcrop maps (a), (c), (e), (g) and (i). Colour scale in deformation density maps
ranges from white ˆ 0% deformation to red ˆ 100% deformation. Some local maxima are edge effects where the focal window contains a large proportion of
`no data' points and the focal mean returns arti®cially higher values of density. Outcrop maps from Shipton and Cowie (2001).
Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344 337

Fig. 3. (continued)
338 Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344

measure and can be prone to signi®cant uncertainty. Digi- width of the fault core (,30 cm) does not correlate with
tised line drawings of individual outcrops (Shipton, 1999; fault throw along-strike, and the width may be much less
Shipton and Cowie, 2001) were analysed using the image than this locally (Fig. 3).
analysis package Erdas Imagine. The results of this analysis Fig. 4 summarises these observations in an idealised 3-D
are contour plots of deformation density (Fig. 3). Deforma- diagram. We observe that (1) within the damage zone there
tion density is calculated by ®rst assigning a value to each is an approximately constant maximum deformation
pixel of the image, which for these images represent 7 mm density, and (2) where throw on the fault is greater, the
in real space. Deformation bands, slip-surfaces and fault damage zone is wider and the number of slip surfaces
core (colour-coded black, red and blue, respectively, in increases, but there is no increase in the maximum deforma-
Fig 3a, c, e, g and i) and are assigned the value 100. tion density. In the following sections we show how these
Areas of outcrop with no visible deformation (white areas observations may be interpreted in the context of throw
in Fig. 3) are assigned the value 0. Areas where the outcrop accumulation on the Big Hole and Blueberry faults.
is covered are shown as grey in Fig. 3 and are assigned the
value 101, i.e., no data. The area over which density is
calculated is called the focal window and for the contour 3. The slip-patch model of fault growth
plots shown in Fig. 3 is 0.25 m 2. For each pixel in the image
we calculate the focal mean, which is the mean value of all Most seismically active faults rarely slip along their
the pixels within the focal window excluding pixels with `no entire length; instead, portions of the fault surface rupture
data' values ˆ 101 (grey pixels). The focal mean is thus in one earthquake (e.g. Crone and Haller, 1991). It is there-
equivalent to the deformation density for this size of focal fore not appropriate for fault models to be constrained by
window, i.e., the percentage area of uncovered outcrop assuming that failure always occurs over the entire fault
within the focal window that contains deformation. surface (e.g. Pollard and Segall, 1987; Cowie and Scholz,
The deformation density values that we obtain do depend 1992; Scholz et al., 1993; BuÈrgmann et al., 1994). Although
on the size of the focal window used, but the actual values earthquake ruptures can often terminate at segment bound-
are not of as much interest as their distribution. We can only aries (see Machette et al., 1991), many ruptures do not
use the results of this type of analysis to assess relative terminate at recognisable structural irregularities (dePolo
variations in deformation density at a given scale, in this et al., 1991; Roberts, 1996b). Therefore fault geometry is
case 0.5 m. Fig. 3 shows the results of our analysis for ®ve not the only control on rupture size. Small or aseismic faults
locations in the damage zone over a range of values of throw can also grow by repeated rupture of small portions of the
on the fault, from the tip (Fig. 3a, b; throw ˆ 0 m) to near fault surface. Cross-cutting microfracture sets around small
the fault centre (Fig. 3i and j; throw ˆ 20 m). faults (0.8±40 m long) led Vermilye and Scholz (1998) to
The damage density maps show several key features. conclude that these faults had grown by repeated propaga-
Firstly, deformation within the damage zone is clustered, tion of ruptures that were smaller than the length of the fault.
with areas of no deformation between zones of deformation Thus growth by multiple slip events along patches of the
band clusters. Secondly, at this scale the maximum deforma- fault plane (e.g. earthquake ruptures) is a common growth
tion density within the damage zone clusters is fairly mechanism in real faults.
constant, (Fig. 3b, d, f, h and j). Blue colours (,30% Cowie and Shipton (1998) developed a 2-D numerical
deformation band density) are generally associated with model to reproduce observed fault throw pro®les, in particular
clusters of deformation bands with either no slip-surfaces, to model fault tip throw gradients. This model idealises a fault
or with short isolated slip surfaces. The turquoise areas plane as consisting of a linear array of elements with randomly
(,40% deformation band density) represent the highest varying strengths. As the fault is loaded, the weakest element
density of deformation bands clusters where slip-surface will fail ®rst. This failure results in a reduction of stress locally,
development is, in general, more pronounced with incipient and stress is transferred to neighbouring elements. Rupture on
linkage of neighbouring slip surfaces. Some local maxima a small patch of a fault will relieve the stress on that portion of
are edge effects where the focal window overlaps a large the fault but results in loading of adjacent areas (Fig. 5) (e.g.
area of no outcrop and the focal mean returns arti®cially Stein and Lisowski, 1983; Martel and Pollard, 1989; Gupta
high values of density. These are , 1 m in size and occur and Scholz, 2000). The broken element is healed instanta-
where there are no slip-surfaces apparent. Thirdly, there neously by assigning it a new strength drawn from the initial
appears to be a positive correlation between the number strength distribution. As a consequence of the healing of slip-
(and continuity) of slip-surfaces within the damage zone patches, previously ruptured areas can support subsequent
and the throw on the main fault surface (Fig. 3; Shipton loading. When these slip events are summed over time, the
and Cowie, 2001). In contrast to the damage zone, in symmetry of the reloading results in an approximately symme-
areas where many through-going slip-surfaces are concen- trical throw pro®le with linear tip throw gradients. In this
trated along and immediately adjacent to the fault core, the model the fault propagates bilaterally so that the `oldest'
deformation density is much higher (60±80%) indicated by part of the fault is near the centre where the throw is greatest
green±yellow colours in Fig. 3b, d, f, h and j. The maximum and the `youngest' parts of the fault are near the tips where the
Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344 339

Fig. 4. Cartoon summarising the ®eld observations. These relate to the

scaling of damage zone width and deformation density with throw observed Fig. 5. Plan view of the stress change around a steeply dipping normal fault
in plan view. The details of cross-sectional scaling are not resolvable in (after Hodgkinson et al., 1996). Regions of positive stress change (i.e. stress
these outcrops, and the cross-section is shown merely to emphasise the enhancement) are indicated by grey shading, areas of negative stress change
orthorhombic nature of deformation band clusters within the damage (i.e. stress shadow) are indicated by dotted lines. If the stress around the tip
zone. Slip-surfaces are shown as darker lines in the deformation band exceeds the yield strength of the rock then deformation may occur within
clusters. DZ ˆ damage zone; FC ˆ fault core. the region of stress enhancement.

throws are small. Note that the location of the maximum throw slip-patch, the largest slip-patches would not cause damage
on the fault can vary with time. at the centre of the fault. Superimposing these slip-patches
therefore results in a damage zone that is wider at the fault
3.1. Implications of the slip-patch model for damage zone tips (Fig. 6b). However, because more slip events take place
structures at the centre of the fault there would be a greater density of
deformation in this area even though the width of the
The slip-patch model described above assumes a planar damage zone is less than at the tips. None of the above
2-D fault and ignores out-of-plane deformation. Here we scenarios can explain the observations described in Section
extend the model to consider the damage zone deformation 2 (Fig. 6c). Although the observed correlation between
that would be inferred from such a model. Deformation may damage zone width and fault throw might be explained by
be produced off the fault plane if the stress concentration in arguing that large ruptures occur only along the central
the volume around the tip of a slip-patch exceeds the local portion of the fault and small ruptures near the tip, there is
yield strength of the rock (Fig. 5). This off-fault loading no ®eld evidence to support such an assumption, e.g. no
effect can be seen in the distribution of aftershocks around variation in fault roughness along-strike (Shipton and
an earthquake rupture (Scholz, 1990, p. 206; King et al., Cowie, 2001). Consequently, an alternative explanation
1994; Hodgkinson et al., 1996). The size of the region of must be sought to explain the ®eld observations.
enhanced stress, and hence the width of the damage zone,
should scale with the size of the slip-patches (Martel and
Pollard, 1989). Thus the shape of the resulting damage zone 4. A modi®ed slip-patch model for the Big Hole and
produced by the original slip-patch model only depends on Blueberry faults
the relative size of the slip-patches as the fault grows.
If the slip-patches are all the same size and are small The structures in and around the Big Hole and Blueberry
compared with the fault length (as in Cowie and Shipton, faults are consistent with the two main assumptions of the
1998), then a damage zone of constant, relatively narrow slip-patch model, i.e. that the fault slips repeatedly in small
width would be expected to occur adjacent to the main fault patches and that healing occurs, which allows stress to be
surface (Fig. 6a). Furthermore, as there have been more supported on the fault surface. Microstructures in the fault
rupture events at the centre of the fault than at the tip we zone illustrate that it has had a complex history of over-
would predict that the density of deformation in the damage printing slip events. Very low porosity (a high degree of
zone should scale positively with the throw on the fault. grain crushing) is seen in the cataclasite adjacent to the
Alternatively the fault could fail by slip-patches of all possi- main fault slip-surface (fault core). This is overprinted
ble sizes, up to and including the size of the fault, located at with open microfractures and Riedel shears in orientations
any position along the fault (Fig. 6b). Because stress that suggest that they formed due to dip-slip shear parallel to
enhancement takes place preferentially at the ends of the the fault (Shipton, 1999). Multiple cross-cutting
340 Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344

ening deformation bands (Mair et al., 2000; Main et al.,

2001) and cataclastic fault core.
According to the model of Cowie and Shipton (1998), the
size of a typical slip patch may be inferred from the size of the
fault process zone. This is because only slip-patches that
rupture close to the tip of the fault will produce signi®cant
stress enhancement ahead of the tip (Fig. 6). The process
zone width is therefore an indication of the dimensions of
the last slip-patch to have ruptured close to the tip. The process
zone deformation at the Blueberry fault tip consists of macro-
scopic deformation bands in a zone 12 m wide and 45 m long
(Fig. 2). If, as argued by Cowie and Scholz (1992), the zone of
enhanced stress around a rupture tip is approximately 10% of
the length of the slip-patch then we infer the typical slip-patch
dimensions to be in the range 120±450 m long.

4.1. The importance of strain hardening versus strain


The observation of a constant maximum deformation

density within the fault damage zone, combined with the
correlation of damage zone width with throw, suggests that
some process is transferring deformation away from the
main fault with each repeated slip event. We suggest that
this process may involve the competing effects of strain
hardening and strain softening within this lithology. Strain
hardening due to cataclasis and interlocking of crushed
grains has been invoked to explain the formation of defor-
mation bands (Aydin, 1978; Mair et al., 2000). This
mechanism is active in the formation of deformation
bands and zones of bands until a slip-surface nucleates, at
which point the mechanism becomes locally strain softening
and signi®cant offset can accumulate (Mair et al., 2000;
Main et al., 2001; Shipton and Cowie, 2001).
The transition from strain hardening to strain softening
and localisation is vital to the overall development of the
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the distribution of damage zone defor- fault damage zone in this lithology. Repeated slip on the
mation produced due to enhanced stress at the termination of slip-patches main fault plane causes additional deformation bands to
shorter than the length of the fault. Two possible scenarios are shown: (a) form in the damage zone. Due to strain hardening, damage
many small slip-patches of a constant size, (b) slip patches of all possible is preferentially located in undeformed host rock so the
sizes up to and including the size of the fault. For simplicity the area of
deformation density increases. Small isolated slip surfaces
enhanced stress is shown as circular. The grey area is the damage zone
resulting from the summed effect of all the ruptures. The process zone is the within the damage zone may also nucleate at this stage.
deformation ahead of the fault tip. (c) Scaling of damage zone width versus However, when the deformation density at any point within
distance along the fault (i.e. throw) for the models shown above. Neither of the damage zone reaches a critical value (30% in our analy-
these scenarios produces the positive scaling of damage zone width with sis, see Fig. 3), an interconnected slip surface develops away
throw seen for the Big Hole and Blueberry faults (bold line).
from the main fault and begins to localise some of the total
throw across the zone (patch B in Fig. 7). This new slip
relationships between the deformation bands around the surface can, in turn, generate more damage when it ruptures,
main fault surface also con®rm that the fault has grown by further increasing the deformation density in adjacent areas.
multiple slip events (Shipton and Cowie, 2001). Concerning The width of the damage zone will increase as fault throw
the issue of fault healing, borehole data from the Big Hole increases because the critical value of deformation density
fault show that slip-surfaces are usually cemented at depth will be reached at progressively greater and greater
indicating that some form of chemical healing has occurred distances from the main fault as throw accumulates and
(Shipton et al., 2002). In addition, physical healing (inter- slip-surfaces within the damage zone gradually develop.
locking of asperities, grain crushing etc.) will have been This model implies a hierarchy of slip-surface development
important in this lithology as evidenced by the strain-hard- with distance from the main fault, i.e. better-developed slip
Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344 341

Fig. 7. Plan view cartoon of a steeply dipping normal fault showing the proposed mechanism for generating deformation at increasing distances from the fault.
(a) Slip occurs on a patch of a pre-existing fault surface (the main fault plane) at point A. The grey circles indicate the zone of enhanced stress at the slip-patch
tips. (b) Stress enhancement at the tips of slip-patch A induces further damage and eventual slip-patch development away from the fault at, for example, point
B. (c) Stress enhancement at the tips of slip-patch B can produce further damage at C or D. If this process occurs many times as throw accumulates on the main
fault plane, the resulting damage zone will be wider where the throw is greater (see text for explanation).

surfaces located nearer to the main fault plane and sparse but this process is not restricted to high-porosity aeolian
discontinuous slip-surfaces at greater distances. It also sandstones. Deformation bands have been found in uncon-
implies a greater number of better-developed slip surfaces solidated sand (Heynekamp et al., 1999; Cashman and
where fault throw is greater. All of these features of the Cashman, 2000), tuffs (Wilson and Goodwin, 2001) and in
modi®ed slip-patch model are consistent with our ®eld accretionary prism sediments (Karig and Lundberg, 1990),
observations (Section 2). We illustrate the proposed fault and therefore the scaling of damage zone width and throw
growth sequence in Fig. 8 assuming, for simplicity, a may occur in other settings.
constant slip-patch size on an isolated fault, which grows In lithologies that do not exhibit strain hardening beha-
bilaterally. The size of the slip patch used in Fig. 8 is much viour, the effects of the stress enhancement at slip-patch
smaller than the dimensions of the fault (of the order of terminations could simply be superimposed, as in Fig. 6a.
10%) consistent with the calculation presented above. The In this case, the deformation density would increase where
simple symmetrical shape of the throw pro®les along the the fault throw is greater (e.g. Little, 1996). Faults with
mapped faults supports the assumption that they grew extremely narrow damage zones, or even no damage
primarily by bilateral propagation. Fig. 8 also illustrates zones, occur in granites (Evans et al., 2000; Lim et al.,
variability in the extent of damage zone development that 2002; Pachell and Evans, 2002), mixed igneous rocks
may be caused by local changes in host rock strength, (Caine and Forster, 1997), mudstones (Schlische et al.,
related to local mineralogy and thus deformation processes. 1996) and carbonates (Roberts, 1994). If the fault zone is
very weak then deformation due to enhanced stress at
rupture tips may preferentially take place along the fault
5. Discussion surface rather than in the surrounding rock. For instance,
the faults in granite developed along pre-existing joints that
Our ®eld observations, coupled with the slip-patch model contain weak minerals (Segall and Pollard, 1983; Evans et
of Cowie and Shipton (1998), suggest a new integrated al., 2000).
model for displacement accumulation and formation of a Other factors affecting damage zone width include litho-
damage zone along faults in high-porosity sandstones. We logical variability, fault linkage and the evolution of defor-
®nd that the evolution of the damage zone and the scaling of mation mechanisms through time. Damage zone width can
damage zone width with throw are strongly controlled by be highly variable in a heterogeneous sequence of sedi-
the deformation mechanisms operating at the grain-scale ments. In layered sequences, units that are more clay rich
and thus the lithology and porosity of the host rock. Strain often have much narrower damage zones than sandier units
hardening is a vital component of the model proposed here, (Pruatt and Reches, 1997; Heynekamp et al., 1999). Many
342 Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344

Fig. 8. Cartoon of the displacement pro®le and plan view of an evolving fault through time after (a) one rupture, (b) 30 ruptures, (c) 55 ruptures and (d) 170
ruptures. The displacement increment associated with each rupture is shown in a different shade of grey. For simplicity each individual rupture is drawn as if it
had a symmetrical displacement pro®le and a circular zone of enhanced stress at its tips. This ®gure shows the overall widening of the damage near the centre
of the fault as it propagates bilaterally and accumulates throw, following the scheme outlined in Fig. 7. Local variations in host-rock strength may cause
¯uctuations in damage zone width locally (see text for further details).

faults grow by the linkage of fault segments (Peacock and developed along kilometre-scale faults in the high-porosity
Sanderson, 1991; Roberts, 1996a). The modi®ed slip-patch Navajo Sandstone of central Utah. These data show a positive
model that we presented here does not address this growth correlation between damage zone width and fault throw, for
mechanism, but linkage is usually accommodated by the values of throw ranging from 0 to 30 m. This correlation, plus
generation of cross faults and relay structures (Peacock the orthorhombic geometry of structures in the damage zone,
and Sanderson, 1991). Thus increased deformation density indicate that the damage zone has increased in width in
could be expected at linkage zones or areas of complex fault response to displacement accumulation on the main fault
geometry. The reason that damage associated with fault surface. The damage zone consists of clusters of deformation
linkage has not been considered here is that the Big Hole bands and discontinuous slip-surfaces that locally accommo-
and Blueberry faults show none of the characteristics of date minor amounts of throw (30±200 cm). In this paper we
faults that have grown by linkage, e.g. displacement anoma- show, by applying an image analysis technique to outcrop
lies and changes in fault strike (Peacock and Sanderson, maps, that the maximum deformation density within the
1991; Dawers and Anders, 1995). Finally, deformation damage zone has a constant value, i.e. is independent of throw.
mechanisms may change through time, due to effects of We present a modi®ed version of the slip-patch model for
¯uid migration and mineralisation for example, producing fault growth, described by Cowie and Shipton (1998), to
a corresponding variation in damage zone development as a explain the various scaling properties of the damage zones
fault grows (e.g. Knipe and Lloyd, 1994). observed in our ®eld area. We summarise the ®eld evidence
supporting the main model assumption that these faults
accumulated displacement by repeated slip in patches, and
6. Conclusions demonstrate that these patches may have been a few
hundred metres in size. According to our model, off-fault
We review detailed ®eld observations, previously published deformation will potentially occur in regions of high stress
by Shipton and Cowie (2001), of damage zone structures around the tips of each slip-patch if the stress exceeds the
Z.K. Shipton, P.A. Cowie / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 333±344 343

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