Din 17102 PDF
Din 17102 PDF
Din 17102 PDF
1. Field of application
1.1 This standard applies to hot rolled products in the form of flats (plate, strip, wide flats), sections and bars of weldable fine grain structural steels exhibiting, in the as delivered
condition as specified in subclause 7.2.1. minimum yield strengths of 255 to 500 n/mm referred to the lowest thickness range as specified in table3.
If the products of steels covered by this standard ard made or used for plants subject to reqular inspection, the relevant codes of practice, e.g. Technische Regeln Druck. behalter
(TAB) (Technical rules on pressure vessels),
Technische Regeln fur Dampfkessel (TRD) (Technical rules on steam boilers), Merkblatter fur Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehaler (AD-Merkblatter) (Instruction sheets o the
pressure vessel study group), Technische Regeln fur brennbare Flussigkeiten (TRbF) (Technical rules on flammable liquids), Technishe Regeln Drukgase (TRGl) (Technical rules on
high pressure gas pipelines) shall be observed. The same applies to other fields of application for which additional specifications exist.
1.2 This standard does not apply to hot rolled fine grain steels for cold forming as covered by Stah ( EisenWerkstoffblatt (lron and steel material sheet)092, nor to hollow sections,
tubes and forgings of weldable fine grain structural steels.
1.3 In addition to the specifications of this standard. the general technical delivery conditions for steel contained in DIN 17010 shall apply except where stated to the contrary
Chemical composition
Steel grade Percentage by mass
Material Cr Cu Mo Ni Nb Ti
Symbol C Max Si Mn P Max S Max N Max Al Min V Max Nb+Ti+V Max
number Max Max Max Max Max Max
StE380 1.8900
WStE380 1.8930
TStE380 1.8910
EStE380 1.8911
StE420 1.8902
WStE420 1.8932
0.20 0.05 0.20
TStE420 1.8912
EStE420 1.8913
0.10 to 0.60 1.00 to 0.60 0.30 1.00 - 0.22
StE460 1.8905
WStE460 1.8935
0.20 0.10
TStE460 1.8915
EStE460 1.8918
StE500 1.8907
WStE500 1.8937
0.21 0.22
TStE500 1.8917
EStE500 1.8919
Material C P S N Cr Cu Mo Ni Nb Ti V Nb+Ti+V
Symbol Si Mn All tot 1)
number ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤
1) If nitrogen is additionally controlled by niobium, titanium or vanadium, the specification minimum aluminum content is dropped.
2) The sum of the mass contents of the three elements chromium, copper and molybdenum shall not amount to more than 0.45%.
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Table 2. Permissible deviations of the chemical composition determined by the product analysis from the limiting values to be stated by the manufacturer for the cast analysis (see
subclause 7.3.2).
Permissible mass content by cast analysis Permissible deviations of results of product analysis from the upper or lower limiting values for the cast analysis 1)
% Percentage by mass
C ≤ 0.21 0.02
Si ≤ 0.60 0.05
≤ 13.00 0.06
>1.00 ≤ 1.70 0.10
P ≤ 0.035 0.005
S ≤ 0.030 0.005
Cr ≤ 0.30 0.04
Cu ≤ 0.70 0.07
Mo ≤ 0.10 0.03
Ni ≤ 1.00 0.05
Nb ≤ 0.05 0.01
Ti ≤ 0.20 0.02
V ≤ 0.22 0.02
1) If, from one and the same cast, several product analyses are carried out and if it is found in these analyses that the contents of a particular element are outside the range of chemical
composition permitted by the cast analysis, then, only values exceeding the permitted maximum value or only values falling short of the permitted minimum value shall be allowed, but not
Table 3. Grade classification and requirements to be met by the properties of the steels at room temperature in the tensile test and bend test 1)
Steel grade Mechanical and technological properties
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StE 1.8907 WStE 1.8937 TStE 1.8917 EStE 1.8919 610 600 590 580 570 500 480 470 460 450 440 430 420 410 18 3a 4a
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1) Except where stated the contrary in the column headings, the values apply to thicknesses up to 150 mm. For thicknesses exceeding 150 mm, the values shall be agreed.
2) If no pronounced yield strength occurs, the values shall apply to the 0.2% proof stress.
3) For product thicknesses below 3mm for which test pieces with a gauge length of Lo =80 mm are to be tested, the values shall be agreed.
5) For product thicknesses exceeding 70 mm, the mandrel diameter shall be increased by the value 0.5a.
6) Only for flats with a product width equal to or exceeding 600 mm.
Steel grade s≤ 35<s 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s s≤ 35<s 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s s≤ 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s s≤ 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s
35 ≤70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150 35 ≤70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150 70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150 70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150
Symbol 100℃ 150℃ 200℃ 250℃
WStE 255 1.0462 226 216 206 196 186 177 206 196 186 177 167 157 186 177 167 157 147 167 157 147 137 127
WStE 285 1.0487 255 245 235 226 216 206 235 226 216 206 196 186 206 196 186 177 167 186 177 167 157 147
WStE 315 1.0506 275 265 255 245 235 226 255 245 235 226 216 206 226 216 206 196 186 206 196 186 177 167
WStE 355 1.0565 304 294 284 275 265 255 284 275 265 255 245 235 255 245 235 226 216 235 226 216 206 196
WStE 380 1.8930 333 324 314 304 294 284 314 304 294 284 275 265 284 275 265 255 245 265 255 245 235 226
WStE 420 1.8935 363 353 343 333 324 314 343 333 324 314 304 294 314 304 294 284 275 284 275 265 255 245
WStE 460 1.8935 402 392 382 373 363 353 373 363 353 343 333 324 343 333 3214 314 304 314 304 294 284 275
WStE 500 1.8937 422 412 402 392 382 372 392 382 373 363 353 343 363 353 343 333 324 333 324 314 304 294
1) The yield strength values given in table 3 for room temperature are valued up to 50℃ as characteristic values to be used for calculation. For temperatures between 50 and
Table 4. (continued)
Steel grade Minimum values of 0.2% proof stress for product thicknesses s, in mm
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s≤ 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s s≤ 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s s≤ 70<s 85<s 100<s 125<s
70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150 70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150 70 ≤85 ≤100 ≤125 150
Symbol 300℃ 350℃ 400℃
WStE 255 1.0462 137 127 118 108 98 118 108 98 88 78 108 98 88 78 69
WStE 285 1.0487 157 147 137 127 118 137 127 118 108 98 118 108 98 88 78
WStE 315 1.0506 177 167 157 147 137 157 147 137 127 118 137 127 118 108 98
WStE 355 1.0565 216 206 196 186 177 196 186 177 186 157 167 157 147 137 127
WStE 380 1.8930 245 235 226 216 206 216 206 196 186 177 186 177 167 157 147
WStE 420 1.8935 265 265 245 235 226 235 226 216 206 196 206 196 186 177 167
WStE 460 1.8935 294 284 275 265 255 265 255 245 235 226 235 226 216 206 196
WStE 500 1.8937 314 304 294 284 275 284 275 265 255 245 255 245 235 226 226
Table 5. Requirements regarding impact energy for impact tests on ISO V-notch test pieces
Steel grades Test piece Minimum values of impact energy Av
of the flowing series direction for product thicknesses 10≤ s≤ 150 mm 1), 2). 3)
Longitudinal - 27 31 39 47 561 55 59 63
Low temperature series
Transverse 4) - 16 20 24 27 31 31 35 39
2) The mean of three tests shall be deemed to be the test result. Only one individual value is allowed to be below the minimum mean value, and by not more than 30%.
3) For product thicknesses under 10 mm, the data of subclause shall apply.
4) Only for plate and strip in rolling widths equal to or exceeding 600 mm; for wide flats anjd sections, see subclause
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Taking of samples
Product From each test unit there shall be taken, for the preparation of the test pieces described in subclause 8.3
supply in product
lengths, per as
rolled plate
1 ≤7m
supply in product
lengths, per as
rolled plate
1 > 7m
product widths b
b ≥ 600mm
Supplied as coil
b <600mm
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b ≥ 600mm
Supplied as plate
b < 600mm
product widths b
b ≥ 600mm
Wide flats
b < 600mm
1) Longitudinal test pieces for the impact test (see subclause
Figure 1. Synopsis of positions of test pieces to be taken from plate, strip and wide flats.
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