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VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UESTION BANK SUBJECT CODE & NAME: ME6603 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS YEAR:3"! YEAR UNIT LINTRODUCTION PART-A 1, Illustrate the methods generally associated with the finite element analysis. BI2 2. If a displacement field in x direction is given by u=2x?#4y"+6xy, Determine the strain BT3 inx direction. 3. Point out any four advantages of finite element method BI3 4, List out the types of nodes. mh BTI 5, State the advantages of Rayleigh Ritz method. ee BI2 6. Compare the Ritz technique with the nodal approximation method, “=™") BT4 7. How to develop the equilibrium equation for a finite elemeiti, “W” BT6 8, Summarize discretization, “~ ” BT2 9. List the various method of solving boundary value problems. BTI 10. Formulate the boundary conditions of a cantilgycret AB of span L fixed at A and free at B subjected to a uniformly distribute@ load of P throughout the span. Bre 11, Name the weighted residual methods. >» BIL 12, How will you identify types of Figen Value Problems? BTI 13, Explain weak formulation af REMY” BT4 14, Distinguish benween Erfomanid Residual. BT2 15. Discuss;Ritz method. BTS 16. How yyll you Aedelop total potential energy ofa structural system? BT6 17. Explaiar he piineiple of minimum potential energy. BT4 18, Differentiate between initial value problem and boundary value problem. BT2 19. List out the advantages of finite clement method over other numerical analysis 4 method. 20. Define node or joint, BIL PART-B 1. The following differential equation is available for a physical phenomenon, ayidx’ — 10x? =5, OSx=1 Bra with boundary conditions as y (0) = 0 and y (1) = 0. Find an approximate solution of the above differential equation by using Galerkin’s method of ‘ighted residuals and also compare with exact solution,2. A beam AB of span ‘I’ simply supported at the ends and carrying a concentrated load “W" at the centre ‘C” as shown in figure .Determine the deflection at the mid span by using Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution. BT6 A c B }——__!—____+ Explain the step by step procedure of FEA. BT4 4, (i)Emumerate the advantages & disadvantages of FEM.(10) BT3 (ii) Discuss the factors to be considered in discretization of a domain.(6) >. BT2 5. Explain the process of discretization of a structure in finite element meth (Tin tail, with suitable illustration for each aspect being and discussed. e BT4 6. A uniform rod subjected to 8 uniform axial lond is illustrated in figure, Wedeformation of the bar is governed by the differential equation given 409 deci the displacement by applying Weighted Residual Method eS BI3 ane. with th SO soe (0-0, a VY ° : ° A 7. Find the approximate @eflectio® of a simply supported beam under a uniformly distributed load, ‘Dh io its span, By applying Galerkin and Least Square BI3 equation for a physical problem expressed as d”y/dx” + 100 = 0, dary conditions as y(0)=0 and y(10)=0 using (i) Point collocation lomain collocation method (iii) Least square method and (iv) h BT2 9. Calculate the value of central deflection in the figure below by assuming Y =a sin TIxJL the beam is uniform throughout and carries and central point load P. BT3 Ler10, Determine the expression for deflection and bending moment in a simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire span. Find the deflection and moment at mid span and compare with exact solution Rayleigh-Ritz method. Use yHq, sin=) + az sin() 11. A simply supported beam carries uniformly distributed load over the entire span. Calculate the bending moment and deflection, Assume El is constant and compare the results with other solution 12. Solve the differential equation for a physical problem expressed as d’y/dx” + 50 = 0, 0
13. Calculate the force in the members of the truss as shown in fig. 7 GPa. BT3 BTIUNIT II TWO DIMENSIONAL SCALAR VARIABLE PROBLEMS PART-A 1. Show the displacement function equation for CST clement. 2. How will you modify a three-dimensional problem to a Two-dimensional problem? 3, List out the application of two-dimensional problems, 4, Express the shape functions asso fed with the three noded linear triangular element and plot the variation of the same. 5. Define two-dimensional scalar variable problem 6. How do you define two dimensional elements? 7. Explain QST (Quadratic strain Triangle) element. 8, Relate path line with streamline 3 9. Formulate the (B) matrix for CST element, co oS 10. Express the interpolation function of a field variable for three-no¥@ triangular element 11. List out the CST and LST elements. ow 12, Illustrate the shape function of a CST element. NSN 13, Define LST element, SS 14, Express the nodal displacement equation for *yyr8? dimensional triangular elasticity clement 15, Show the transformation for mapping\x-€o0rdinate system into a natural coordinate system for a linear spar clement and 8a qyacratic spar element 16. What do you understand by af ‘dinates? 17. Define Isoparametric clemthis with suitable examples 1 of four node quadrilateral elements, ropy. hhape functions for a 1D, 2noded elements, 1. Calculate the clement stiffness matrix and temperature force vector for the plane stress element shown in fig. The element experiences a 20°C inerease in temperature. Assume a= 6x10*-6 C. Take E=2x10°5 Nimm, v= 0.25, t= mm, 0.0) 20) 2. Develop the element strain displacement matrix and clement stiffness matrix of a CST clement BT3 BT6 BTI BI2 BTI BIL BT4 BT3 BT6 BI2 BTI BI3 BTI BI2 BT3 BI2 BTI BT4 BTS BIS BT3 BT6. Express the shape functions for a constant strain triangular (CST) element. BT2 The (x, y) coordinate of nodes i, j, and k of triangular clements are given by (0, 0), (3. 0) and (1.5, 4) mm respectively. Evaluate the shape functions Ni, N2 and N3 at an interior point P (2, 2.5) mm for the clement. For the same triangular element, obtain the strain-displacement relation matrix B, BTS . Calculate the value of pressure at the point A which is inside the 3 noded triangular clements as shown in fig. The nodal values are ©; = 40 MPa, © > = 34 MPa and © 3 = 46 MPa, Point A is located at (2, 1.5). Assume the pressure is linearly varying in the element. Also determine the location of 42 MPa contour line. BI3 (0,0) 4 3(2,5) 2, (2,15) a al > . For a 4-noded rectangular element shown in fig. Infer the temperature atgtapdin (2.5,2.5). The nodal values of the temperatures are T1= 100°C, T2= 60°@.ghd T3— 50°C and T4= 90°C. Also determine the 80°C isotherm. BI4 alee sida for “Constant strain triangular (CST) element in terms of stem. BTL . Find at point (1, 1.5) inside a triangular element shown with nodal 16°C. Also caleulate the location line for triangular element shown in fig. BT3 K(1.3) LS 10,0) 420)9. Calculate the element stiffness matrix and thermal force vector for the plane stress clement shown in fig. The element experiences a rise of 10°C. BT3 y t=Smm E= 15 x 10' Nimmo? n= 025 a= 6x10° (0.0 an 10. For a 4-noded rectangular element shown in fig. Estimate the temperature point (7, 4), The nodal values of the temperatures are Ti ~ 42°C, Tz = 54°C and T3 ~ 56°C and T4 = 46°C. Also determine 3 point on the 50°C contour line. BI2 11. A 3 noded triangular clement as shown in fig Calculate'the temperature at the point P (4, 3), given that the temperatures at nodes NS are 75°C, 90°C and 60°C respectively. BT3 ° > 3(3,6) 12. Devel ction derivation for a owo-dimensional quadratic clement. BT6 13. derivatives of the shape function at ¢ = 1/2, = 4 of a qu that the temperature is approximated by bilinear, BTS 14. Est fess matrix for the triangular element with the (x,y) coordinates of the nodes are (0,-4), (8,0) and (0,4) at nodes i, j, k. Assume plane stress condition E= 200 GPa, Poission’s ratio = 0.35. BT2‘WO DIMENSIONAL VECTOR VARIABLE PROBLEMS, PART-A, 1, Illustrate the Stress-Strain relationship matrix for an axisymmetric triangular clement. 2. Classify the types of shell element. 3. Define 2D vector variable problems 4, List out the various elasticity equations, 5, Define plane stress and plane strain. 6. Discuss ‘Principal stresses”. > 7. Discuss the difference between th use of linear wiangular clement apnea rectangular elements for a 2D domain. 8, Define axisymmetric solid, 9. Distinguish between plane stress, plane strain and ax; analysis in solid mechanies. A 10. Show the machine component related with axis concept .cuss axisymmetric formulation, wy 12. Develop the Shape functions for axisymm ri: clements 13, Explain about finite element modelin; 6 QRisymmeri solid 14. Develop the Sibley AT axisymmetric solid A 15. Show the Stress-Strain deen matrix for axisymmetric solid 16, Deduce trix for axisymmetric solid 17. Asses \ditions for a problem assumed to be axisymmetric. lane stress or pline strain elements can be used to model the xplain your answer. a. A wall subjected to wind load b. A wrench subjected to a force in the plane of the wrench, 19. Define a plane strain with suitable example. 20. Define a plane stress problem with a suitable example. BT3 ‘BT4 BTI BT! BTI BI2 BT BTI Br2 BI3 Br BT6 BT4 BT6 BT3 BTS BTS BT4 BTl BTlPART-B 1. The nodal coordinates for an axisymmetric triangular element shown in fig are given below. Examine the strain-displacement matrix for that element. BIL 2a | 2. Calculate the element stiffhess matrix for the axisymmetric triangular clefacd) shown in fig. The element experiences a 15°C inerease in temperature, The cdsdinate are in mum. Take a=10x10*-6"C, E=2x10°5 N/mm2, y=0.25. or ws # Z ~ 3. Develop elasticity equation for 2D elem BT6 we 4, Develop shape function ia triangular elements BT6 5. Triangular element sot ¢ stress analysis of plate subjected to inplane loads. of nodes i, j, and k of an element are given by (2,3), (4,1), and /. The nodal displacement are given as : mm, u3= 3.0mm 0,0 mm, v3= 0.5 mm. ress, Let E= 160 GPa, poisson's ratio = 0.25 and thickness of the mm. BTL 6. Evaluate the Stress-Strain relationship matrix for axisymmetric triangular element. BIS 7. Develop Strain-Displacement matrix for axisymmetric triangular element BT6 8. Estimate the global stiffness matrix for the plate shown in fig. Taking two triangular elements. Assume plane stress conditions BT2 BT39, Calculate the stiffness matrix for the axisymmetric element shown in fig E= 2.1 x 10° ‘N/mm? and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3. BT3 (0, 50) [oO Ga 10.Calculate the clement strains for an axisymmetric triangular clement shown in nodal displacement are. u1= 0.001, u2 = 0.002, us = -0.003, wi = 0.002, « and w3 = 0.004 all dimensions are in mm. BT3 (6,9) 11 For an axisymmetric triangular elements hyn in fig, Evaluate the stiffness matrix. Take modulus of elasticity E = 210 GP! isson’s ratio = 0.25. the coordinates are given in millimetres, SS BTS °°” a\ (50, 100) (60,20) (80, 20) ol a 12.The inates for an axisymmetric triangular element shown in fig are given below. Evaluate the strain-displacement matrix for that element Br4 (ry23) x (30, 50) ‘3 2 (40, 10) (ty. 22)13. A long hollow cylinder of inside diameter 100mm and outside diameter 120mm is firmly fitted in a hole of another rigid cylinder over its full length as shown in fig. The cylinder is then subjected to an internal pressure of 2 MPa, By using two clement on the LOmm length shown caleulate the displacements at the inner radius tame E = 210 GPa. p= 0.3 BT3 14, Triangular element are used for the stress analysis of plate subj Bh inplane loads. The (x,y) coordinates of nodes 1, 2, and 3 of an cnaelee by (5.5), (25.5), and (13,15) mm respectively. The nodal displacement, ee 1005 mm, u6=0.0 mm 0.3 and use uni jickness. u1=0.005 mm, u2=0.002 mm, u3= 0.0 mm, u4=0.0 mi Evaluate clement stress. Let E= 200 GPa, "xS of the element. BI4UNIT V ISOPARAMETRIC FORMULATIO! PART-A 1. Illustrate the purpose of Isoparameteric element. 2. Differentiate between Isoparametric, super parametric and sub-parametric elements. 3. Define Isoparamettic formulation 4, Explain the Jacobian transformation 5, Give the shape functions for a four-noded linear quadrilateral element in natural coordinates. 6, Describe the Jacobian of transformation for two-noded Isoparametric element. 7. List out the advantages of Gauss quadrature numerical integration for cera clement 8, Define Isoparametric element 9, Discuss about Numerical integration iscuss about Gause-quadrature method. we 10. We ferentiate between implicitly and explicitly mate imerical integration 12. Differentiate between geometric and material Or ° 13. List out the significance of Jacobian tranafoath mn 14, Define Isoparametrie element with s 6 Mamnpes 15. Develop Stress- sige ge dor Four noded quadrilateral element using A natural coordinates. trix fOsoparametric quadrilateral clement quadrature method rapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule trapezoidal rule and Gauss quadrature, 20.Explain the transformation for mapping x-coordinate system into a natural coordinate system for a linear spar element and for a quadratic spar element. "ART-B 1. Examine the shape fimetions for 4-noded rectangular element by using natural coordinate system. 2. Develop the shape functions for a four-noded Isoparametric quadrilateral element. 3. Develop Strain-Displacement matrix, Stress-Strain relationship matrix and Stiffness matrix for Isoparametrie quadrilateral clement. BT3 BT4 BT! BIS BT2 BT2 BTI BTI BI2 BI2 BT4 BT4 BTI BTI BTS BT6 BTI BI2 BT2 BTS BTI BT6 BT64, Evaluate the Cartesian coordinates of the point P which has local coordinates € = 0.6 and f= 0.8 as shown in figure BTS y . ae, . an an 5. Calculate the Cartesian coordinates of the point P which has local coordinates and n= 0.6 as shown in figure BT 6. For the four noded quadrilateral element“@hown in fig analysis the Jacobian and evaluate its value at the point (1/2, 4) .. 6 1 BT4 7. Evaltate Jacobian matrix at the local coordinates €=n= 0.5 for the linear quadrilateral element with its global coordinates as shown in fig. Also evaluate the strain-displacement matrix. BIS8. For a four noded rectangular element shown in fig, Estimate the following aJacobian matrix b. Strain-Displacement matrix ¢. Element strain and d. Element stress. BT2 \(0, 2) (3,2) 4 x (0, 0) (3,0) + (08 4 tet 6hite 9, Find the integral = J-a(2x*-+8e*+ 6h sing Gaussian quadrature ith 2 point scheme. The Gauss points are +0.5774 and the weight at the Ss are equal to unity. ~~ BI3 4 10. Evaluate the integral [7.4 + 3x? — x)dx, BIS 11-Evaluate the integral I= SEGa1 + a2x + a3x% using three point Gauss integration. Brs 12 For the element shown in fig. Calculate the sag trix. Br3 < 2 13. Consider the isoparametric quadrilateral element with nodes 1 to 4 at (5,5), (11.7), (12,15), and (4,10) respectively. Estimate the jacobian matrix and its determinant at the element centroid. BT2 14, Tabulate the element characteristics of a four node quadrilateral element. BTI
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