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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No.

III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is meant by weathering? Describe its agents, process and effects on
(b) A natural soil deposit has a bulk unit weight of 19 kN/m3 and water content
of 5%. Estimate the amount of water required to be added to 1 m3 of soil to
raise the water content to 15%. Assume the void ratio to remain constant.
The specific gravity of solids is 2.67. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the salient features of Indian Standard Classification system.

(b) For a particle of diameter 0.2 mm how much time is required to settle through
a depth of water of 30 cm? The viscosity of water is 0.001 N-sec/m2 and unit
weight of water is 9.81 kN/m3 . The specific gravity of soil is 2.67. [10+6]

3. (a) Derive an expression for determining permeability of soil by falling head per-
(b) It is observed that in 12 minutes 800 ml of water passes through a soil sample
of 10 cm high and 75 cm2 cross section under a head of 60 cm. Determine
the discharge velocity and coefficient of permeability. If on oven drying the
sample weighs 0.0085 kN, compute the seepage velocity. Assume the specific
gravity of solids as 2.70. [8+8]

4. (a) Explain the following:

i. Seepage force,
ii. Critical hydraulic gradient,
iii. Flow net.
(b) A soil profile consists of a surface layer of sand 3 m thick (γ = 16 kN/m3 ), an
intermediate clay layer 2 m thick (γsat = 19.50 kN/m3 ), and a bottom layer
of gravel 4 m thick (γsat = 19 kN/m3 ). The water table is at the top of clay
layer. Draw total, effective and neutral pressure diagrams when a surcharge
of 50 kN/m2 acts at the surface. [6+10]

5. (a) Explain concept of vertical stress distribution at depth ‘h’ under centrated /
point load by Westergaard’s theory.
(b) Derive the equation for vertical pressure under a uniformly loaded circular
area. [8+8]

6. What are the different methods of compaction adopted in the field? How would
you select the type of roller to be used? [8+8]

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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 1
7. A clay layer, whose total settlement under a given loading is expected to be 12 cm
settles 3 cm at the end of 1 month after the application of load increment. How
many months will be required to reach a settlement of 6 cm? How much settlement
will occur in 10 months ? Assume the layer to have double drainage. [16]

8. In an unconfined compression test on a saturated clay, the unconfined compressive

strength was found to be 160 KN/m2 , It is known that the same soil showed an
angle of shearing resistance of 100 in a consolidated - undrained test. What is the
percentage error, and is it conservative or unconservative to use Cu = qu /2? Give
reasons. [16]


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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define the following terms with the help of phase diagram:
i. void ratio,
ii. percentage air voids,
iii. water content
iv. degree of saturation.
(b) A partially saturated sample from a barrow pit has a natural water content
of 14% and a bulk unit weight of 21 kN/m3 . The specific gravity of solids is
2.65. Determine the degree of saturation and void ratio. What will be the
unit weight of the sample on full saturation? [8+8]

2. (a) Describe the various corrections that are applied to the observed hydrometer
readings. How they are determined.
(b) What is plasticity chart? Explain its use in soil classification. [10+6]

3. (a) Discuss the factors that influence the value of coefficient of permeability of a
(b) A soil sample 90 mm high and 6000 mm2 in cross-section was subjected to
a falling head permeability test. The head fall from 500 mm to 300 mm in
1500 sec. The permeability of the soil was 2.4×10−3 mm/s. Determine the
diameter of the stand pipe. [8+8]

4. (a) What is quick sand condition? Derive the expression for the critical hydraulic
(b) Explain the graphical procedure of drawing the phreatic line in a homogeneous
earth dam provided with a toe drain. [6+10]

5. Discuss the basis of the construction of Newmark’s influence chart. How is it used?

6. To determine the insitu density of a compacted embankment a small hole is dug

into the embankment and the excavated soil is weighed. Uniformly graded dry soil
is then poured into the hole from a weighed sand pouring cylinder fitted, with a
pouring cone at the bottom. The cylinder after filling the hole is weighed. The
mass of sand filling the pouring cone is determined afterwards. The density of sand
used in cylinder is determined by filling it in 1000ml calibrating can whose empty
mass is 944g. If the water content of the embankment soil is 8% and the other test
data are as given below, determine the insitu dry density:

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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 2
(a) Mass of excavated soil = 925g
(b) Mass of cylinder + sand before the test = 5332g
(c) Mass of cylinder + sand after filling the hole = 4152g
(d) Mass of sand filling the pouring cone = 432g
(e) Mass of calibrating can plus sand = 2483g. [16]

7. (a) A normally consolidated clay layer of 10m thickness has a unit weight of 20 kN
/m3 and specific gravity 2.72. The liquid limit of the clay is 59%. A structure
constructed on the clay increases the overburden pressure by 10%. Estimate
the ultimate consolidation settlement. There is no secondary compression.
(b) The overburden pressure on a normally consolidated 5m thick clay structure is
250 kN/m2 . A laboratory consolidation test followed by a suitable correction
gave two points on the field curve
e1 = 1.12 p1 = 150 kN/m2
e2 = 1.02 p2 = 450 kN/m2
How much settlement does the clay layer experience due to an additional load
intensity of 150 kN/m2 . [8+8]

8. The following results were obtained from a series of undrained triaxial tests carried
out on undisturbed samples of soil.

Cell Pressure (KN/m2 ) Additional axial load at failure (N)

200 270
400 330
600 390

Each sample, originally 36mm diameter and 72mm high, had a vertical deformation
of 5.4mm. Determine total stress parameters. [16]


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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write notes on texture and structure of soils.

(b) A sample of clay soil of volume 1×10−3 m3 and weight 17.62 N, after being
dried out in an oven had a weight of 13.68 N. If the specific gravity of the
particle was 2.69, find:
i. water content,
ii. void ratio,
iii. saturated unit weight, and
iv. dry unit weight. [6+10]

2. (a) State Stoke’s law and explain its limitations as applicable to the sedimentation
(b) The following results were obtained from the liquid limit test:
Number of blows 55 46 32 22 15
Water content (%) 24 30 35 41 49
Find the liquid limit. Also determine plasticity index, liquidity index, and con-
stituency index if plastic limit and natural water content of soil were 24% and 32%
respectively. [6+10]

3. (a) Discuss the factors that influence the value of coefficient of permeability of a
(b) A soil sample 90 mm high and 6000 mm2 in cross-section was subjected to
a falling head permeability test. The head fall from 500 mm to 300 mm in
1500 sec. The permeability of the soil was 2.4×10−3 mm/s. Determine the
diameter of the stand pipe. [8+8]

4. (a) Derive equation to determine seepage loss stating the assumptions made for a
two-dimensional flow through soil mass.
(b) Determine the seepage loss through the foundation of an earth dam if the flow
net has 10 equipotential drops and 4 flow channels. The length of the dam is
300 m and the coefficient of permeability of the soil is 2.5×10−4 cm/sec. The
level of water above the base of the dam is 12 m on upstream and 2 m on the
downstream. [10+6]

5. A reinforced concrete water tank of size 6m × 6m and resting on ground surface

carries a uniformly distributed load of 200KN/m2 . Estimate the maximum vertical
pressure at a depth of 12m meters vertically below the centre of the base. [16]

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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 3
6. The following results were obtained from a standard compaction test on a sample
of soil.

Water content(%) 12 14 16 18 20 22
Mass of soil (Kg) 1.68 1.85 1.91 1.87 1.87 1.83
The volume of the mould used was 950cm3 . Make necessary calculations and plot
the compaction curve and obtain the maximum dry density and optimum water
content. Also calculate the void ratio, the degree of saturation and the theoretical
maximum dry density (G = 2.70). [16]

7. What is coefficient of consolidation? What is its use in the settlement analysis?

How is it determined? [16]

8. A sample of dense sand is tested in the following tests:

(a) Direct shear with a normal stress of 150KN/m2 .

(b) Triaxial shear with a confining pressure of 150 KN/m2 .
Find the maximum shear stress at failure in both the cases if the angle of
internal fiction of the sand is 360 . Explain your results with the Mohr-coulomb
envelope. [16]


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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is meant by weathering? Describe its agents, process and effects on
(b) A natural soil deposit has a bulk unit weight of 19 kN/m3 and water content
of 5%. Estimate the amount of water required to be added to 1 m3 of soil to
raise the water content to 15%. Assume the void ratio to remain constant.
The specific gravity of solids is 2.67. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the salient features of Indian Standard Classification system.

(b) For a particle of diameter 0.2 mm how much time is required to settle through
a depth of water of 30 cm? The viscosity of water is 0.001 N-sec/m2 and unit
weight of water is 9.81 kN/m3 . The specific gravity of soil is 2.67. [10+6]

3. (a) Distinguish between:

i. discharge velocity and seepage velocity
ii. coefficient of permeability and coefficient of percolation.
(b) Explain the phenomenon of capillary rise in soil and develop an expression for
the capillary rise.
(c) Indicate approximate range of values of coefficient of permeability for gravel,
sand, silt and clays. [6+6+4]

4. (a) What is quick sand condition? Derive the expression for the critical hydraulic
(b) Explain the graphical procedure of drawing the phreatic line in a homogeneous
earth dam provided with a toe drain. [6+10]

5. Discuss the essential differences between Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories.

For which condition do both these theories yield approximately the same value of
vertical stress. [16]

6. (a) The wet weight of a sample is missing in a proctor test. The oven-dry weight
of this sample is 189N. The volume of the mould used is 1000cm3 . If the
degree of saturation of the sample is 90% determine its water content and
bulk density?
(b) The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of a soil from stan-
dard proctor’s test are 18KN/m3 and 16% respectively. Compute the degree
of saturation of the sample, assuming the specific gravity of soil grains as 2.70.

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Code No: P0101/R05 Set No. 4
7. (a) Differentiate normally consolidated and over consolidated soils. How would
you determine the over consolidation pressure
(b) Differentiate Primary consolidation and secondary consolidation. [8+8]

8. (a) The following data are from a direct shear test on an undisturbed soil sample.
Compute the principal stresses and direction of principal planes:
Normal pressure = 16.8 KN/m2 , Tangential pressure = 14.2 KN/m2
Angle of internal friction = 230 , C = 7.6 KN/m2 .
(b) What is the effect of pore pressure on strength of soils? [12+4]


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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
Electronics & Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics and
Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) From the fundamentals obtain the expression for the DTFT and obtain its
inverse transform.
(b) Given the causal system
Find the response to the following:
i. x(n)=u(n)
ii. x(n)=2−n u(n). [16]

2. (a) Compute Discrete Fourier transform of the following finite length sequence
considered to be of length N.
i. x(n) = δ(n + n0 ) where 0 < n0 < N
ii. x(n) = an where 0 < a < 1.
(b) If x(n) denotes a finite length sequence of length N, show that x((−n))N =
x((N − n))N . [8+8]

3. (a) Let x(n) be a real valued sequence with N-points and Let X(K) represent its
DFT , with real and imaginary parts denoted by XR (K) and XI (K) respec-
tively. So that X(K) = XR (K) + JXI (K). Now show that if x(n) is real,
XR (K) is even and XI (K) is odd.
(b) Compute the FFT of the sequence x(n) = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } [8+8]

4. (a) With reference to Z-transform, state the initial and final value theorem.
Z 2 +Z
(b) Determine the causal signal x(n) having the Z-transform X(Z) = 2 .
( ) (Z− 14 )
Z− 21

5. (a) Describe digital IIR filter characterization in Z ? domain.

(b) Find H(Z) using Impulse Invariant method for given analog system.
H(s) = 1/(s + 0.5) (s2 +0.5s+2) [6+10]

6. Use a Hamming and hanning windows to find fourth order linear phase FIR filter
to approximate ideal low pass filter e−j2ω for a |ω| ≤ 1 and zero for 1 ≤ |ω| ≤ π.

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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 1
7. (a) Obtain the necessary expression for Interpolation process.
(b) Obtain the necessary expression for decimation process. [8+8]

8. (a) What are the advantages of DSP processors over conventional microproces-
(b) Explain the Implementation of convolver with single multiplier/adder. [8+8]


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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
Electronics & Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics and
Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define the following terms as referred to LTI discrete time system:
i. Stability
ii. Causality
iii. Time invariance
iv. Linearity.
(b) Determine whether the following system is
i. Linear
ii. Causal
iii. Stable
iv. Time invariant
y (n) = log10 |x (n)|
Justify your answer. [16]

2. (a) What is “ padding with Zeros ”, explain with an example, Explain the effect
of padding a sequence of length N with L Zeros (or frequency resolution).
(b) Compute the DFT of the three point sequence x(n) = {2, 1, 2}. Using the
same sequence, compute the 6 point DFT and compare the two DFTs. [8+8]

3. (a) Let x(n) be a real valued sequence with N-points and Let X(K) represent its
DFT , with real and imaginary parts denoted by XR (K) and XI (K) respec-
tively. So that X(K) = XR (K) + JXI (K). Now show that if x(n) is real,
XR (K) is even and XI (K) is odd.
(b) Compute the FFT of the sequence x(n) = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } [8+8]

4. (a) Determine the frequency response , magnitude response and phase response
for the system given by y(n) − 43 y(n − 1) + 81 y(n − 2) = x(n) − x(n − 1)
(b) A causal LTI system is described by the difference equation y(n)=y(n-1)+y(n-
2)+x(n-1), where x(n) is the input and y(n) is the output. Find
i. The system function H(Z)=Y(Z)/X(Z) for the system, plot the poles and
zeroes of H(Z) and indicate the region of convergence.
ii. The unit sample response of the system.
iii. Is this system stable or not? [6+10]

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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 2
5. (a) Describe digital IIR filter characterization in Z ? domain.
(b) Find H(Z) using Impulse Invariant method for given analog system.
H(s) = 1/(s + 0.5) (s2 +0.5s+2) [6+10]

6. Design band stop filter with desired frequency response

Hd (ejω ) = 1 |ω| ≤ π/6

=0 π/6 ≤ |ω| ≤ π/3

=1 π/3 ≤ |ω| ≤π

(a) Find filter coefficients of a 10 tap with rectangular window.

(b) Determine and plot magnitude and phase response of a filter. [16]

7. (a) Consider a signal x(n) = u(n)

i. Obtain a signal with a decimation factor ‘3’
ii. Obtain a signal with a interpolation factor ‘3’.
(b) Consider a signal x(n) = Sinπn. u(n)
i. Obtain a signal with a decimation factor ‘2’
ii. Obtain a signal with a interpolation factor ‘2’. [6+10]

8. (a) What are the advantages of DSP processors over conventional microproces-
(b) Explain the Implementation of convolver with single multiplier/adder. [8+8]


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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
Electronics & Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics and
Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define the following terms as referred to LTI discrete time system:
i. Stability
ii. Causality
iii. Time invariance
iv. Linearity.
(b) Determine whether the following system is
i. Linear
ii. Causal
iii. Stable
iv. Time invariant
y (n) = log10 |x (n)|
Justify your answer. [16]
2. (a) What is “ padding with Zeros ”, explain with an example, Explain the effect
of padding a sequence of length N with L Zeros (or frequency resolution).
(b) Compute the DFT of the three point sequence x(n) = {2, 1, 2}. Using the
same sequence, compute the 6 point DFT and compare the two DFTs. [8+8]
3. (a) Let x(n) be a real valued sequence with N-points and Let X(K) represent its
DFT , with real and imaginary parts denoted by XR (K) and XI (K) respec-
tively. So that X(K) = XR (K) + JXI (K). Now show that if x(n) is real,
XR (K) is even and XI (K) is odd.
(b) Compute the FFT of the sequence x(n) = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } [8+8]
4. (a) Explain how the analysis of discrete time invariant system can be obtained
using convolution properties of Z transform.
(b) Determine the impulse response of the system described by the difference
equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=x(n)+2x(n-1) using Z transform. [8+8]
5. (a) Describe digital IIR filter characterization in time ? domain.
(b) Convert analog filter with transfer function
(s + 0.1)/(s + 0.1)2 +9
Into a digital IIR filter using bilinier transformation. The digital filter vshould
have a resonant frequency of ωr = π/4. [6+10]

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Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 3
6. (a) Describe the FIR filter characteristics in time domain.
(b) Determine the frequency response of a linear phase FIR filter given by
y(n) = A1 x(n) + A2 x(n − 1) + A3 x(n − 2) + A2 x(n − 3) + A1 x(n − 4). [6+10]

7. Consider the signal x(n) = an u(n) , |a| < 1

(a) Determine the spectrum of a signal.

(b) The signal is applied to a Interpolator that increases sampling rate by a factor
by ‘2’. Determine its output spectrum.
(c) Show that the spectrum in part (ii) is simply Fourier transform of x(n/2).[16]

8. (a) What are the advantages of DSP processors over conventional microproces-
(b) Explain the Implementation of convolver with single multiplier/adder. [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: Q0201/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
Electronics & Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics and
Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Find out the convolution sum y(n) of the given signals:
x1 (n)=2n u(-n)
x2 (n) = u(n).
(b) State and prove time shifting and differentiation properties of DTFT. [16]
2. (a) Define DFT. properties of DFT.
(b) Discuss the effects of truncating a sequence x(n) of infinite duration.
(c) Compute the DFT of x(n) = {−1, 0, −1} with T = 0.5. Plot the DFT sequence
suggest a method for improving frequency resolution. [4+6+6]
3. (a) Implement the decimation in time FFT algorithm for N=16.
(b) In the above Question how many non - trivial multiplications are required.
4. (a) Explain how the analysis of discrete time invariant system can be obtained
using convolution properties of Z transform.
(b) Determine the impulse response of the system described by the difference
equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=x(n)+2x(n-1) using Z transform. [8+8]
5. (a) Justify the statement IIR filter is less stable and give reasons for it.
(b) √
Find filter order for following specifications
0.5 ≤ |H (ejω )| ≤ 1 0 ≤ ω ≤ π/2
| H (ejω )| ≤ 0.2 3π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π
With T = 1 sec. use Impulse Invariant method. [8+8 ]
6. (a) What is an FIR filter ? Compare an FIR filter with an IIR filter.
(b) Discuss frequency sampling method for an FIR filter design . [8+8]
7. (a) Obtain the necessary expression for Interpolation process.
(b) Obtain the necessary expression for decimation process. [8+8]
8. (a) What are the advantages of DSP processors over conventional microproces-
(b) Explain the Implementation of convolver with single multiplier/adder. [8+8]


1 of 1
Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering,
Aeronautical Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. State and explain in detail the five levels in Maslow’s need hierarchy. [16]

2. (a) Discuss the functional organisation structure and its advantages and disad-
(b) For what type of activities it is best suited? [12+4]

3. (a) What do you understand by ‘Plant location’ and explain the needs for a de-
tailed investigation before selecting the location.
(b) Discuss Weber’s theory on industrial location. [10+6]

4. What are the objectives of‘ ‘Time study’ and how is it organized? 1[6]

5. (a) What are the different forms and records used in a purchasing organisation
and explain clearly about each of them.
(b) Give a brief description on various types of purchasing. [10+6]

6. Draw the network for the following project, identify

(a) the critical path,

(b) find the project duration and
(c) indicate slack at each event. [4+4+4+4]

Activity 0-1 1-3 1-2 2-3 1-4 3-4 4-5

Time(months) 3 16 6 8 10 5 3

7. (a) Distinguish between inspection, quality control and quality assurance.

(b) Explain the objectives and functions of quality control. [8+8]

8. Critically evaluate different methods of merit rating. [16]


1 of 1
Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering,
Aeronautical Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. ‘Most important leaders show great concern, both for task and people’ - comment
on the validity of this statement providing a theoretical frame work. [16]

2. (a) Explain the concepts ‘Organising’ and ‘Organisation’.

(b) Comment how adhering to the principles of organisation can influence its
performance. [8+8]

3. Suggest suitable locations for the following industries and what are the key factors
to be considered?

(a) Auto parts unit

(b) Food processing industries
(c) Large scale milk dairy. [16]

4. Give a detailed account on the recording techniques and process charts used in
method study. [16]

5. (a) How are inventories classified?

(b) What are the costs associated with inventory maintenance and how optimum
level will be determined? - Elaborate. [4+12]

6. The following table gives the data relating to a project

Normal Crash
Activity Time Direct cost Time Direct cost
(Weeks) Rs (Weeks) Rs
1-2 8 7,000 3 10,000
1-3 4 6,000 2 8,000
2-3 0 0 0 0
2-5 6 9,000 1 11,500
3-4 7 2,500 5 300
4-6 12 10,000 8 16,000
5-6 15 12,000 10 16,000
5-7 7 12,000 6 14,000
6-8 5 10,000 5 10,000
7-8 14 6,000 7 7,400
7-9 8 6,000 5 12,000
8-9 6 6,000 4 7,800

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Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 2
Indirect cost per week Rs.1,000. By using iterative procedure, draw network dia-
grams and determine by trading off between time and cost parameters

(a) the optimum project completion time

(b) critical path(s) and
(c) minimum total cost of project completion. [16]

7. (a) What do you understand by ‘Acceptance sampling?

(b) Explain the concepts of single and double sampling plans. [8+8]

8. Critically evaluate the different methods of job evaluation. [16]


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Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering,
Aeronautical Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. ‘Management is no longer exclusive to business but common to all kinds of activities’

- Discuss. [16]

2. (a) Distinguish between formal and informal organisation.

(b) Describe the steps involved in the organising process. [8+8]

3. ‘Plant layout involves besides grouping of machinery, an arrangement of other fa-

cilities also’ - Discuss. [16]

4. (a) What are the objectives of ‘Method study’ ?

(b) Explain the different recording techniques followed for conducting method
study? [4+12]

5. Discuss the role of inventory control in the total materials management function.
How can it influence the efficiency of management? [16]

6. Explain and illustrate what you understand by network analysis. How would you
compare PERT with CPM? [16]

7. (a) Why are SQC techniques becoming popular?

(b) Explain how can you construct control charts for variables? [6+10]

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Job description

(b) Job rotation
(c) Job enlargement
(d) Job analysis. [4+4+4+4]


1 of 1
Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering,
Aeronautical Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. ‘In the present business era, managers are facing numerous challenges’-Elaborate.

2. (a) Discuss the functional organisation structure and its advantages and disad-
(b) For what type of activities it is best suited? [12+4]

3. Prepare a flow chart for overhauling the engine of an automobile and explain the
steps involved. [16]

4. (a) Define the term ‘work study’ and state its objectives.
(b) What benefits do you derive from work study. [8+8]

5. (a) What are the objectives of purchasing?

(b) Discuss the basic principles of economic purchasing. [8+8]

6. The following table gives the data relating to a project

Normal Crash
Activity Time Direct cost Time Direct cost
(Weeks) Rs (Weeks) Rs
1-2 8 7,000 3 10,000
1-3 4 6,000 2 8,000
2-3 0 0 0 0
2-5 6 9,000 1 11,500
3-4 7 2,500 5 300
4-6 12 10,000 8 16,000
5-6 15 12,000 10 16,000
5-7 7 12,000 6 14,000
6-8 5 10,000 5 10,000
7-8 14 6,000 7 7,400
7-9 8 6,000 5 12,000
8-9 6 6,000 4 7,800
Indirect cost per week Rs.1,000. By using iterative procedure, draw network dia-
grams and determine by trading off between time and cost parameters

(a) the optimum project completion time

(b) critical path(s) and

1 of 2
Code No: Q0301/R05 Set No. 4
(c) minimum total cost of project completion. [16]

7. (a) Distinguish between inspection, quality control and quality assurance.

(b) Explain the objectives and functions of quality control. [8+8]

8. Discuss in detail the broad objectives of Human Resources Management and what
are the prerequisites for attaining the objectives? [16]


2 of 2
Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. List the operating characterstics of

(a) Raster refresh systems

(b) Vector refresh systems
(c) Plasma panel
(d) LCDs. [4×4=16]

2. (a) Implement the line-type function by modifying Breshenham’s line drawing

algorithm to display either solid, dashed or dotted lines.
(b) Modify the mid-point algorithm for scan converting lines to write pixels with
varying intensity as a function of line slope. [8+8]
3. (a) What are the new coordinates of the point P(2, -4) after rotating 300 about
the origin.
(b) Write the general form of a scaling matrix with respect to a fixed point p(h,k).
4. (a) Derive the viewing transformation matrix for window-to-viewport mapping.
(b) Find the window-to-viewport transformation that maps a window whose left
corner is at (1,1) and upper right corner is at (5,5) on to a viewport that has
lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at 12 , 12 . [8+8]
5. (a) Derive the basis matrix for Hermite curve (MH )
(b) Draw the Hermite Blending function and explain their relevance in a curve
generation. [8+8]
6. Find a transformation Av which aligns a given vector V with the vector K along
the positive z-axis. [16]
7. (a) Explain the depth-sorting algorithm for visible surface detection.
(b) What are the special cases in determining the depth-order of surfaces? Explain
the procedure to resolve them with suitable examples. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain how the linear interpolation is implemented when the key-frame po-
sitions of an object are given.
(b) Describe linear list notation of animation languages. [16]


1 of 1
Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) How long would it take to load a 1280 by 1024 frame buffer with 24 bit 8-per
pixel, if 105 bits can be transferred per second.
(b) List the applications appropriate for raster refresh systems, vector refresh
systems, plasma panels and LCDs. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain the steps involved in scan-line polygon-fill algorithm. Illustrate with
an example polygon and the corresponding sorted edge table.
(b) Explain the steps involved in [8+8]
i. odd-even rule and
ii. non-zero winding number rule, which are used for and carrying out inside-
outside test.
3. (a) Describe the transformation that rotates an object point Q(x,y), θ0 about a
fixed center of rotation p(h,k).
(b) Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) to twice its size,
while keeping C(5,2) fixed. [8+8]
4. (a) List the algorithms which are suitable for line clipping when the clipping
polygon is non-rectangular window.
(b) Explain about the following categories of lines with respect to rectangular
clipping window. [8+8]
i. Completely visible
ii. Clipping-candidate
iii. Completely invisible.
5. (a) What are the steps involved in rendering a polygon surface mesh using Phong
(b) Define the terms
i. geometric continuity
ii. parametric continuity. [8+8]
6. (a) Prove that any two successive rotations about a given rotation axis is commu-
(b) Classify the projections and give the properties of each. [8+8]
7. (a) Write an algorithm to display the visible surfaces of a convex polyhedron using
the depth-sort (painter’s) algorithm.

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Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 2
(b) Explain how the visible surfaces of a polyhedron are determined using BSP-
tree method. [8+8]

8. Describe in detail about the methods of controlling animation. [16]


2 of 2
Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the fraction of the total time per frame spent in retrace of electron
beam for a non-interfaced raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024,
a refresh rate of 60 Hz, a horizontal retrace time of 5 micro seconds and a
vertical retrace time of 500 micro seconds.
(b) Explain the architecture of a simple random scan system. [10+6]
2. (a) Write on algorithm for scan-converting a line using mid-point algorithm.
(b) Modify the mid-point algorithm for scan-converting lines to write pixels with
varying intensities as a function of line slope. [8+8]
3. (a) What is the general form of the matrix for rotation about a point P(h,k).
(b) Perform a 450 rotation of a triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) about the origin.
4. (a) What are the stages involved in two-dimensional viewing transformation pipeline.
Explain briefly about each stage.
(b) What is parametric representation of a line? What is its form? What are the
typical range of values for parametric variable. [10+6]
5. (a) Derive the basis matrix for Hermite curve (MH )
(b) Draw the Hermite Blending function and explain their relevance in a curve
generation. [8+8]
6. Prove that the multiplication of three-dimensional transformation matrices for each
of the following sequence of operations is commutative.
(a) Any two successive translations
(b) Any two successive saling operations
(c) Any two successive rotations about any one of the coordinate axes. [16]
7. (a) Explain the possible relationships between polygon surfaces while implement-
ing area-subdivision method. How to handle these cases.
(b) Illustrate with an example a scence consisting of three or more planes and
explain how the BSP tree is constructed to represent the scene. [8+8]
8. Describe the features of animation language key frame systems with suitable illus-
trations. [16]


1 of 1
Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Consider three different raster systems with resolutions of 640by 480, 1280 by
1024 and 2560 by 2048. What size frame buffer (in bytes) is needed for each
of these systems to store 12 bits per pixel?
(b) Explain the working of plasma panel. [8+8]

2. (a) What are the steps involved in Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm for |m| <
1,, where m is slope of the line.
(b) Generate the intermediate points of the line segments, if the end-points of the
line are (20,10) and (30,18), using the above algorithm. [8+8]

3. Determine a sequence of basic transformations that are equivalent to

(a) x - direction shearing matrix and

(b) y - direction shearing matrix. [8+8]

4. (a) List the algorithms which are suitable for line clipping when the clipping
polygon is non-rectangular window.
(b) Explain about the following categories of lines with respect to rectangular
clipping window. [8+8]
i. Completely visible
ii. Clipping-candidate
iii. Completely invisible.

5. (a) Explain about different representation of polygon meshes in surface modeling.

(b) What are the characteristics of parametric cubic curves? What are its advan-
tages? [8+8]

6. A pyramid defined by the coordinates A(0, 0, 0), B(1, 0, 0), C(0, 1, 0) and D(0,
0, 1) is rotated 450 about the line L that has the direction V=J+K and passing
through point C(0, 1, 0). Find the coordinates of rotated figure. [16]

7. (a) Explain the depth-sorting algorithm for visible surface detection.

(b) What are the special cases in determining the depth-order of surfaces? Explain
the procedure to resolve them with suitable examples. [8+8]

8. (a) Explain how the linear interpolation is implemented when the key-frame po-
sitions of an object are given.

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Code No: P0501/R05 Set No. 4
(b) Describe linear list notation of animation languages. [16]


2 of 2
Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the effect of pressure on packed tower height.

(b) Is there any role molecular weight of solvent in absorption operation?
(c) Why absorption operation may not be considered as isothermal operation?
(d) Write short notes on ideal solutions. [4+4+4+4]
2. Show that Z= HtoG NtoG for an absorber. [16]
3. A solute is recovered from an aqueous solution containing 20% of the solute by
weight using kerosene as the solvent. The distribution of the solute in water and
kerosene may be described by x=6045y where x is the kg of solute per kg of water
and y is the kg of solute per kg of kerosene. Calculate the final concentration in
the final raffinate if the extractions done in 3 simple equilibrium contacts using 5kg
solvent per kg of initial solution in each stage. [16]
4. (a) Write short notes on fractional extraction with the help of flow chart.
(b) Explain the procedure for the estimation of number of stages for counter cur-
rent extraction of immiscible liquids. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain the concept of HETP and HTU.
(b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of cen-
trifugal extractor. [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss in detail about Adsorption equilibrium.
(b) Explain about adsorption Hysterisis.
(c) For adsorption from dilute liquid solutions in stagewise countercurrent oper-
ations, where the Freundlich equation describes the adsorption equilibrium,
derive analytical expressions in terms of n,m, Yo and YN , for the minimum
adsorbent/solvent ratio when fresh adsorbent is used. [4+4+8]
7. Nitrogen dioxide, NO2 , produced by a thermal process for fixation of nitrogen is to
be removed from a dilute mixture with air by adsorption on silica gel in a contin-
uous countercurrent adsorber. The gas entering the adsorber at the rate of 0.126
kg/s contains 1.5% NO2 by volume, and 90% of the NO2 is to be removed. Opera-
tion is to be isothermal at 250 C, 1 std atm. The entering gel will be free of NO2
The equilibrium adsorption isotherm at this temperature is given by the following

Partial pressure NO2 , mmHg 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Kg NO2 /100 kg gel 0 0.4 0.9 1.65 2.60 3.65 4.85

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Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 1
(a) Calculate the minimum weight of gel required per hour.
(b) For twice the minimum gel rate, calculate the number of transfer units re-
quired. [16]

8. (a) Explain what is Shank‘s system and compare with percolation tanks
(b) Seeds containing 20% by weight of oil are extracted in a counter current plant
with 90% of oil recovered in a solution containing 50% by weight of oil. If the
seeds are extracted with fresh solvent and one kg of solution is removed in
the underflow in association with every two kg of insoluble matter, how much
solvent per kg of seeds is used and how many stages are required. [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Benzene is to be absorbed from a benzene - air mixture by the use of non volatile
hydrocarbon oil. The inlet gas contains 2.5% by volume of benzene and the exit
composition is to be 0.01%. Operation of the tray tower is to take place at at-
mospheric pressure and the total gas feed rate is 0.2 kg/s. If the solvent oil enters
the tower solvent-free, calculate the minimum oil flow necessary to effect the ab-
sorption duty and the composition of the oil. The system may be assumed ideal.
The vapour pressure of benzene at the mean tower temperature is 13.33 kN/m2
and the molecular weights of air benzene the oil are 29, 78 and 250 kg/kmol, re-
spectively. If 1.4 times the minimum solvent flow rate is used calculate number of
stages. Equilimum data to provided. [16]

2. A air NH3 mixture containing 8 mol % NH3 is being scrubbed with water in a
counter current packed tower to remove 90% NH3 . The tower is packed with 25
mm Raschig rings and its temperature and pressure are 25 0 c and 1 atm. The tower
operates at 1.5 times the minimum liquid rate. Estimate the number of transfer
units required and hence the packed height of the tower. Ye =0.987X (Ye and X
are expressed in mole ratios) KG a=65 kg-mole/hr m3 atm. [16]

3. (a) If extraction of the solute C in the ternary system A-B-C is conducted at

a considerably elevated temperature, the rate of mass transfer will definitely
increase. The power consumption is also less because the viscosities of the
liquids decrease at an increases temperature. In this context, I sit advisable
to carry out extraction at an elevated temperature? Discuss.
(b) Write short notes on fields of applications of Liquid-Liquid extraction. [8+8]

4. Explain in detail for the estimation of number of stages for continuous counter
current extraction with out reflux using rectangular graph sheets and also write
the relevant equations. [16]

5. A 25% solution of dioxane in water is to be continuously extracted at a rate of 1000

kg/hr in a counter current fashion with benzene to remove 95% of the dioxane.
What is the minimum solvent required? If 900 kg/hr of solvent is used, estimate
the number of transfer units, NtoR . the equilibrium data was given below:
Wt.% of dioxane in water : 5.1 18.9 25.2
Wt.% of dioxane in benzene : 5.2 22.5 32.0 [16]

6. A solution of washed, raw cane sugar, 48% sucrose by weight, is colored by the pres-
ence of small quantities of impurities. It is to be decolorized using an adsorptive
solid in a contact filtration plant. The data for an equilibrium adsorption isotherm

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Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 2
were obtained by adding various amount of the carbon to separate batches of the
original solution and observing the equilibrium color reached in each case. The
data are as follows:

Kg adsorbent/kg solution 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.03

Color removed, % 0 47 70 83 90 95

(a) Calculate the necessary dosage of fresh carbon, per 1000 kg of solution, for a
single-stage process.
(b) Calculate the necessary carbon dosages per 1000 kg of solution for a two-stage
crosscurrent treatment, using the minimum total amount of fresh carbon. [16]

7. (a) Explain the working of Higgin‘s contactor with a neat sketch.

(b) Distinguish between fluidized and teeter beds. [8+8]

8. (a) Draw a neat sketch or Kennedy extractor and explain about leaching opera-
(b) What is the difference between leaching, and lixiviation
(c) What do you understand by constant underflow condition in leaching? Draw
the corresponding equilibrium diagram and show the tie lines? [8+4+4]


2 of 2
Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the Kremser method? To what type of separation operations is it

applicable? What are the major assumptions of the method?
(b) What is an absorption factor? What is a stripping factor?
(c) Why is a stripper frequently coupled with an absorber? [6+6+4]

2. A packed tower is to be designed to absorb sulfur dioxide from air by scrubbing the
gas with water. The entering gas is 20% SO2 by volume and the leaving gas is to
contain 0.5% by volume. The entering water is SO2 free. The water flow is to be
twice. The air flow rate (SO2 free basis) is 975 kg/hr m2 . The temperature is 30
C and the total pressure is 2 atm. The equilibrium data is governed by y=21.8x,
where y and x are in mole fraction units. Compute the number of overall gas-phase
transfer units. [16]

3. Draw a neat sketch of multistage cross current extraction unit and make the mater-
ial balance by using solvent free coordinates? Also explain how to estimate number
of stages for given problem. [16]

4. An aqueous solution of acetic acid (35% acid, rest water) is to be extracted with
‘pure’ di-iso-propyl ether in a countercurrent cascade at a rate of 2000 kg/h. A
solvent rate of 2970 kg/h is suggested. The raffinate stream must not contain more
than 10% of acid in it. The ternary. Determine the number of ideal stages required.
Also determine the minimum solvent rate for the job. The equilibrium data is as
follows [16]

Water layer (raffinate), mass%

0.981 0.012 0.0069
0.971 0.015 0.0141
0.955 0.016 0.0289
0.917 0.019 0.0642
0.844 0.023 0.133
0.711 0.034 0.255
0.589 0.044 0.367
0.451 0.106 0.443
0.371 0.165 0.464

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Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 3
Ether layer (extract), mass%
0.005 0.993 0.0018
0.007 0.989 0.0037
0.008 0.984 0.0079
0.01 0.971 0.0193
0.019 0.933 0.0482
0.039 0.847 0.114
0.069 0.715 0.216
0.108 0.581 0.311
0.151 0.487 0.362

5. (a) Explain the concept of HETP and HTU.

(b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of cen-
trifugal extractor. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain about negative solute adsorption in case of adsorption of concentrated

(b) An aqueous solution containing a valuable solute is colored by small amounts
of an impurity which is to be removed by a single stage contact with the ab-
sorbent carbon, which adsorbs insignificant amount of principle solute. Color
intensity is proportional to the concentration of colored substance. It is de-
sired to reduce color to 5% of its original value, the original value being 19.6
units. Determine the quantity of fresh carbon required per 1000 kg of solu-
tion in a two stage counter current operation. The equilibrium data could be
represented by:
Y* =8.91x10−5 X1.66
Where Y* = equilibrium color, units/kg of solution X = adsorbate concentra-
tion, units/kg carbon. [6+10]

7. An oil was contaminated with an impurity of 0.15% is to be removed by percolation

through a bed of adsorbent clay. Laboratory tests with the clay and oil in a rep-
resentative percolation filter show the following instantaneous contents of impurity
in the effluent oil as function of the total oil passing through the filter:

10 m3 oil / kg clay 0 1.75 3.50 8.76 17.52 35.04 52.56 70.08

% impurity 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.14

Assume that the specific gravity of the oil is unchanged during the percolating and
a product containing 0.08% impurity is allowed.

(a) If the effluent from the filter is composited, what yield of satisfactory product
can be obtained per kg of clay?
(b) If the effluent from the filter is continually and immediately withdrawn and
blended with just sufficient untreated oil to give desired sulfur content in the
blend, what quantity of product can be obtained per kg of clay? [16]

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Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 3
8. (a) What do you understand by constant underflow condition in leaching? Draw
the corresponding equilibrium diagram and show the tie lines?
(b) Write short notes on Continuous counter current decantation and leaching of
vegetable seeds. [8+8]


3 of 3
Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write short notes on ideal and non-ideal solutions.

(b) What is absorption factor? How is this related to stripping factor?
(c) Discuss what factors should be considered in the selection of a solvent for
absorption. [6+4+6]

2. (a) A packed tower is to be used at atmospheric pressure for the recovery of 97%
of SO2 content in a dry gas of which the analysis by volume shows 6% SO2
and 94% air. The total gases entering the tower whose cross section is 0.09
m2 is 100 kg/hr. assume a temperature of 20 0 C throughout the operation.
The solvent is fresh water. Determine:
i. minimum water rate at 20 0 C
ii. Mean driving force assuming the actual water rate to be 15%. Equilib-
rium data:

Mass of SO2 / 0.05 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1

100 mass of H2 O
Partial pressure of 1.2 3.2 14.1 26 39 59
SO2 in mmHg
(b) Mention the assumptions involved for the derivation of analytical expression
to calculate NtoG . [12+4]

3. (a) What are the different coordinate by which liquid-liquid equilibrium can be
(b) Discuss cross current multistage extraction operation of insoluble liquids?

4. (a) What happens if more than the maximum solvent rate is used?
(b) What happens if less than the minimum solvent rate is used?
(c) What are extract and raffinate reflux? Which one is of least value? Why?

5. (a) With the help of a neat sketch explain about spray and packed extraction
(b) Explain in detail how liquid extraction takes place in agitated tower. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain about various Industrial adsorbents.

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Code No: P0801/R05 Set No. 4
(b) Prove that for crosscurrent two-stage treatment of liquid solutions by contact
filtration, when the adsorption isotherm is linear, the least total adsorbent
results if the amounts used in each stage are equal. [6+10]

7. (a) Discuss fixed bed adsorption and its application in food industry.
(b) Apply Freundlich equation for multi stage cross-current adsorption operation
and derive
(Y1 /Y2 )1/n - 1/n (Y0 /Y1 ) = 1-Yn [8+8]

8. (a) Distinguish between insitu leaching and heap leaching.

(b) Distinguish between Dorr thickner and Dorr agitator.
(c) Write short notes on preparation of solids for leaching. [5+5+6]


2 of 2
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Given the following system in figure 1. Find the transfer function (C/R). [16]

Figure 1
2. Find the impulse response of an under damped second order system. [16]

3. Draw the Bode plots of the unity feedback control sytem

G(S) = S(1+S)1001+ S [16]
( 80 )
4. Discuss the concept of Bio feedback in detail. [16]

5. (a) What are the various Biological actuators?

(b) What are the feedbacks present in Skeletal Muscle Servomechanism?
(c) How do these feedbacks help in Skeletal Muscle Servomechanism? [3+3+10]

6. Explain how Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors are helpful in Cardiovascular sys-

tem? [16]

7. Explain in detail about sugar level control mechanism? [16]

8. Explain Receptor characteristics? [16]


1 of 1
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. For the block diagram given figure 1. Find C(S)/R(S). [16]

Figure 1
2. (a) Discuss the various positive and negative feedback systems present in the
human body.
(b) The open loop transfer function of a servo sytem with a unity feedback system
is given by
G(S) = (1+0.5S)(1+0.2S)
Determine the damping ratio and the percent overshoot to a unit step. [6+10]
3. Determine the range of ‘K’ for stability of the following system, shown in figure 3.

Figure 3
4. Describe the essential physiological pathways by which the retinal illumination is
fedback to control the pupil diameter with a relevant sketch. [16]
5. (a) What is Servomechanism?

1 of 2
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 2
(b) With a neat schematic diagram explain the skeletal muscle Servomechanism.

6. Explain how Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors are helpful in Cardiovascular sys-

tem? [16]

7. Give a short notes on :

(a) Blood cortisol control

(b) Blood Thyroxin control [8+8]

8. (a) What is rate sensitivity? Explain?

(b) Give the transfer function models of receptors? [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Obtain the overall transfer function of the system shown in figure 1. [16]

Figure 1
2. A unity feed back control system has open loop transfer function
Obtain the step response time at which the maximum overshoot occurs, and eval-
uate error constants for unit, ramp and parabolic-inputs. [16]

3. Discuss the response terms contributed by all possible types of roots with neat
sketch of roots in S-plane and its corresponding impulse response. [16]

4. Discuss the concept of Bio feedback in detail. [16]

5. List out and explain the Thermo receptor characteristics. [16]

6. Explain how Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors are helpful in Cardiovascular sys-

tem? [16]

7. Explain in detail about sugar level control mechanism? [16]

8. (a) What is rate sensitivity? Explain?

(b) Give the transfer function models of receptors? [8+8]


1 of 1
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Find the outputs of the system whose signal flow graph is given as shown in
figure 1a.

Figure 1a
(b) Find the output c(s) of the system whose block diagram representation is given
as shown in figure 1. [8+8]

Figure 1
2. (a) Define transient and steady state condition of a control system. How laplace
transform is more suitable for its analysis.
(b) Discuss the four basics standard test signals for time response analysis with
relevant figures and mathematical expressions. [8+8]

3. Determine the range of ‘K’ for stability of the following system, shown in figure 3.

1 of 2
Code No: P1101/R05 Set No. 4

Figure 3
4. (a) Explain the visual fixation system with the help of an information flow dia-
(b) Draw the oculomotor response curves in the saccadic and smooth pursuit
modes. [8+8]

5. List out and explain the Thermo receptor characteristics. [16]

6. Explain how Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors are helpful in Cardiovascular sys-

tem? [16]

7. Explain in detail about sugar level control mechanism? [16]

8. (a) What is rate sensitivity? Explain?

(b) Give the transfer function models of receptors? [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: P1201/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the impact of ineffecient screen design on processing time with an
(b) Discuss the chronological history of the internet [8+8]

2. Describe the following terms in respect of user interface design

(a) Forgiveness
(b) Predictability
(c) Recovery
(d) Responsiveness
(e) Simplicity
(f) Transparency
(g) Trade - off [3+2+2+2+3+2+2]

3. (a) Discuss indetail the human interation speeds for various tasks.
(b) State and explain various direct methods for determining requirements of a
business system. [10+6]

4. (a) State the screen design goals.

(b) Discuss how a poor screen design can distract the user and what a user expects
in good screen design. [4+12]

5. Explain various window operations. [16]

6. Discuss and elaborate the issues to be considered in choosing colors for statistical
graphic screens. [16]

7. Explain the role of software engineering tools in building the user interface. [16]

8. (a) Explain about the working of liquid crystal display LCD devices.
(b) Give a brief note about function keys on a keyboard. [8+8]


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Code No: P1201/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the importance of good design, and also benefits of good design
(b) Write the chronological history of graphical user interfaces [8+8]

2. Describe the following terms in respect of user interface design

(a) Forgiveness
(b) Predictability
(c) Recovery
(d) Responsiveness
(e) Simplicity
(f) Transparency
(g) Trade - off [3+2+2+2+3+2+2]

3. Discuss the important human characteristics which have influence on interface and
screen design [16]

4. (a) Discuss the browsing guidelines in a good screen design

(b) State and explain various problems with search facilities [8+8]

5. Define the following with respect to window

(a) Menu bar

(b) Status bar
(c) Scroll bar
(d) Tool bar
(e) Split box
(f) Command area
(g) Size grip
(h) Work area. [16]

6. (a) What are the issues to be considered in choosing proper words.

(b) What are common message types, explain briefly. [8+8]

7. (a) Give a brief note about user-action notation (UAN)

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Code No: P1201/R05 Set No. 2
(b) What is the role of state charts in specification? Give an example of state-chart
for file manipulation actions. [8+8]

8. (a) Distinguish between QWERTY and ABCDE style.

(b) What are the function keys? What are their advantages? [8+8]


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Code No: P1201/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Is good design of user interface improtant? What comprises a good design? Explain
clearly. [16]
2. Describe the following terms in respect of user interface design
(a) Aesthetically pleasing
(b) Clarity
(c) Compatibility
(d) Comprehencibility
(e) Consistancy [3+3+3+3+4]
3. What is meant by requirement analysis? Discuss the various techniques for deter-
mining them. [16]
4. Discuss the following qualities which provide visually pleasing composition in screen
(a) Balance
(b) Symmetry
(c) Regularity
(d) Predictability
(e) Sequentiality
(f) Economy
(g) Unity
(h) Proportion. [8 × 2 = 16]
5. List the types of graphical menus. Explain in brief about each. [16]
6. What are the phases involved in the design process of icons. [16]
7. (a) Distinguish natural-language, formal and semi formal languages used in soft-
ware specification.
(b) Give a detailed description about BNF notations. Give an example case.
8. (a) List the typical layouts of cursor movement keys.
(b) Distinguish between DVORAK and QWERTY layouts. [8+8]


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Code No: P1201/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the importance of good design, and also benefits of good design
(b) Write the chronological history of graphical user interfaces [8+8]

2. What is meant by graphical systems ? Discuss indetail various advantages and

disadvantages of graphical systems [16]

3. Discuss the important human characteristics which have influence on interface and
screen design [16]

4. Discuss the following qualities which provide visually pleasing composition in screen

(a) Balance
(b) Symmetry
(c) Regularity
(d) Predictability
(e) Sequentiality
(f) Economy
(g) Unity
(h) Proportion. [8 × 2 = 16]

5. Distinguish between the tiled windows, overlapping windows and cascading win-
dows and explain how a particular style can be picked. [16]

6. (a) What are the issues to be considered in choosing proper words.

(b) What are common message types, explain briefly. [8+8]

7. (a) What is the role of user interference architects in building software tools?
(b) Give the BNF notation for a telephone book entry. [8+8]

8. (a) What are the important features of video display unit.

(b) Give a brief note about CRT display devices. [8+8]


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Code No: P1901/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Describe what is meant by edge - trigger and explain why it is important?
(b) What is the purpose of the datapath of the controller? [8+8]

2. Write notes on the following:

(a) Debuggers
(b) Device Programmers
(c) Cross Compilers
(d) Assemblers. [4+4+4+4]

3. Explain about Synchronization among Processes. [16]

4. (a) What are the advantages of USB over RS232?

(b) Give the broad specifications of Bluetooth standard. [8+8]

5. (a) Explain Task scheduling and give some examples

(b) Explain about the following scheduling algorithms
i. First-in-First-out.
ii. Round-Robin with priority. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain different applications of Message Queues.

(b) Explain the procedure to create and delete a Message queue with examples.

7. (a) Explain the Basic features of Real Time Operating System.

(b) Explain any four VxWorks functionalities. [8+8]

8. (a) Describe the new challenges created by ‘cores’ for processor developers as well
as users.
(b) Show the correspondence of these types of cores with Gajskis Y- Chart. [8+8]


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Code No: P1901/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is an Embedded System? Why it is so hard to define?

(b) Explain about any application specific processor.
(c) Explain about any single purpose processor hardware. [8+4+4]

2. Write short note on the following topics.

(a) Reset Circuitry

(b) ASIPs
(c) Programmable Array Logic/ PLD
(d) Bus Handshaking. [4+4+4+4]

3. (a) Explain about Concurrent Processes.

(b) Explain briefly about embedded system example for Set-top Box system. [8+8]

4. (a) What is the need for communication interfaces in Embedded System?

(b) Explain about RS232 Communication Parameters. [8+8]

5. (a) Explain Task scheduling and give some examples

(b) Explain about the following scheduling algorithms
i. First-in-First-out.
ii. Round-Robin with priority. [8+8]

6. With suitable examples explain how to:

(a) Post a message in a Message Queue

(b) Read a message from message queue
(c) Show queue waiting list. [5+5+6]

7. (a) Explain the salient features of windows XP embedded system.

(b) Explain the merits of Embedded Linux operating system. [8+8]

8. What is a Gajski Y chart? How this chart is important in the design of an embedded
System. [16]


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Code No: P1901/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain about sequential logic design.

(b) Explain RT-Level custom single purpose processor design. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain how microprocessor selects a device like ROM, RAM memory or any
other device with a neat diagram.
(b) What are the various stages involved in microprocessor’s execution of instruc-
tions? [8+8]

3. (a) How to capture State Machines in Sequential Programming Language?

(b) Explain about Finite - State Machines. [8+8]

4. What are Bluetooth devices? Explain how they can be used to setup Personnel
Area Networks? [16]

5. (a) With suitable examples explain how do you Create and Delete a Semaphore
(b) With suitable examples explain how to
i. Create a Task
ii. Suspend a Task. [8+8]

6. With suitable examples explain how to:

(a) Query a Mailbox

(b) Post a message in a Mailbox
(c) Read message from a Mailbox. [5+6+5]

7. With suitable examples explain how to

(a) Set time

(b) Time delay (In system clock ticks)
(c) Reset Timer. [16]

8. Explain how automation approach improves designer productivity. [16]


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Code No: P1901/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Compare the rate at which the design productivity gap is growing per year.
What is the implication of this growing gap?
(b) Provide a definition of Moore’s Law. Explain the area where it is mostly used?
2. (a) What is DMA operation in a computer? Why it is required in a computer?
Clearly explain how it is implemented?
(b) Write notes on microcontrollers and the peripherals usually associated with in
the processor. [8+8]
3. (a) How to capture State Machines in Sequential Programming Language?
(b) Explain about Finite - State Machines. [8+8]
4. (a) Explain about DIFS and SIFS in CSMA/CA Protocol.
(b) Explain briefly about the protocols in Application Layer of Ethernet LAN
Protocol Architecture. [6+10]
5. (a) Explain Task scheduling and give some examples
(b) Explain about the following scheduling algorithms
i. First-in-First-out.
ii. Round-Robin with priority. [8+8]
6. With suitable examples explain how to:
(a) Query a Mailbox
(b) Post a message in a Mailbox
(c) Read message from a Mailbox. [5+6+5]
7. Taking suitable examples explain how to:

(a) Create a Memory block

(b) Get data from memory
(c) Post data in the memory. [5+5+6]

8. Explain how automation approach improves designer productivity. [16]


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Code No: P2101/R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are static stability and dynamic stability?

(b) With respect to an aero plane, explain the
i. Longitudinal stability
ii. Lateral stability
iii. Directional stability and
iv. Control. [8+2+2+2+2]

2. The aerodynamic forces and moments on the body are due to only two basic sources
as given below. Explain them with sketches

(a) Pressure distribution over the body surface

(b) Shear stress distribution over the body surface. [8+8]

3. (a) The use of stability derivatives is most conveniently demonstrated with missile
or rocket configurations. Why? Give the explanation.
(b) Show that dβ / dt = (Y β / m U) β - r
dr/dt=(Nβ / C) β+ (Nr /C) r [8+8]

4. Derive an expression for the contribution of the various parts of the airplane to the
total airplane stability. [16]

5. Using proper sketches, explain stick free longitudinal stability of an airplane. [16]

6. Draw typical variation of (d δe / d n ) versus centre of gravity position as a per

cent of mean aerodynamic chord. Explain the variations. [16]

7. Explain in detail, the weather cock stability of an aircraft. [16]

8. Explain pure convergence and pure divergence and damped and negatively damped
oscillations in the case of an airplane. [16]


1 of 1
Code No: P2101/R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Show with a sketch the axes system associated with an airplane.
(b) Explain the equilibrium forces and moments acting on the airplane, illustrating
with sketches and plots. How are these forces and moments controlled?

2. When the aircraft is not perturbed about the roll or yaw axis, only the longitudinal
modes are required to describe the motion. These modes are usually divided into
two distinct types of motion. What are they? Explain in detail. [16]

3. (a) Explain the method of measurement of coupled aerodynamic stability and

damping derivatives in a wind tunnel, with the help of sketches.
(b) State and derive the condition for Prandtl - Glauert compressibility correction.

4. (a) Explain about the contributions to the moment about the center of gravity of
an airplane with a sketch?
(b) Show that Cm, c.g. = Mc.g. / q∞ S c [8+8]

5. Derive an expression for the stick force required to trim an aircraft at a speed V in
an unaccelerated flight. [16]

6. (a) Derive an expression for the normal load factor of an airplane in a steady
constant speed, constant angular rate pull - up maneuver in a vertical loop
when the airplane is at a flight path angle γ in the loop.
(b) An airplane of mass 1.5 tonnes, flying at 250 kmph pulls up in a vertical
circular loop of radius 1.2 km. What is the lift required for this maneuver of
the airplane while at a flight path angle γ = 60 degrees to the horizontal?

7. An airplane is making a steady turn at constant altitude at an angle of bank of 60

degrees. If the speed of the aircraft is 300 kmph and the acceleration is 2g, what is
the yawing velocity of the airplane in degrees per second? [16]

8. Explain pure convergence and pure divergence and damped and negatively damped
oscillations in the case of an airplane. [16]


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Code No: P2101/R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Show with a sketch the axes system associated with an airplane.
(b) Explain the equilibrium forces and moments acting on the airplane, illustrating
with sketches and plots. How are these forces and moments controlled?

2. The aerodynamic forces and moments on the body are due to only two basic sources
as given below. Explain them with sketches

(a) Pressure distribution over the body surface

(b) Shear stress distribution over the body surface. [8+8]

3. (a) What does VSI stand for? Give the definition of stalling speed in a specified
flight condition.
(b) Explain compressibility of air at high subsonic Mach number. [8+8]

4. Explain the effect of tab on the pressure distribution of an elevator, when it is a

leading tab and when it is a lagging tab. [16]

5. Derive a relation between the elevator hinge moment derivatives CHα,t and CHδ,e
and the longitudinal stick-free static stability derirative CMα,free of an airplane. [16]

6. Derive an expression for the elevator angle required to overcome the rotational
moment of an aircraft about its pitch axis in terms of the forward velocity and load
factor of the airplane ‘n’ for pull up from level flight, assuming 10 % increase in
tail damping requirement. [16]

7. (a) Explain various types of ailerons and compare the corresponding hinge mo-
ments through sketches.
(b) Explain various types of elevator tabs and compare the corresponding hinge
moments through sketches. [8+8]

8. Explain pure convergence and pure divergence and damped and negatively damped
oscillations in the case of an airplane. [16]


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Code No: P2101/R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the following terms with examples

i. Stability
ii. Equilibrium.
(b) Comment upon the requirements of stability of a
i. Military fighter aircraft
ii. Commercial passenger airplane. [4+4+4+4]

2. The aerodynamic forces and moments on the body are due to only two basic sources
as given below. Explain them with sketches

(a) Pressure distribution over the body surface

(b) Shear stress distribution over the body surface. [8+8]

3. (a) What does VSI stand for? Give the definition of stalling speed in a specified
flight condition.
(b) Explain compressibility of air at high subsonic Mach number. [8+8]

4. Explain
 indetail about the elevator control power with sketches. Derive the equa-
tion dC m
= −at V ηt [16]
T ail

5. Derive an expression for the stick force required to trim an aircraft at a speed V in
an unaccelerated flight. [16]

6. Define the term stick fixed neutral point N0 and stick fixed maneuver point Nm in
a pull-up maneuver of an airplane. Derive an expression for Nm in terms of
N0 , W/S etc. Explain all terms. [16]

7. Derive the expression for rolling moment of an airplane

(a) due to aileron

(b) due to rudder. [8+8]

8. Explain the causes and describe the significance of the stability derivatives
C y, β , C n, β C l, β , C l, p and C n, δr . Use sketches. [16]


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