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WWW - Manaresults.co - In: II B. Tech II Semes Ester Supplementary Examinations, February Soil Mechanics y - 2022

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Code No: R1622354 R16 SET - 1

II B. Tech II Semes ester Supplementary Examinations, Februaryy - 2022

(Agricultural Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max.
M Marks: 70
tion Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part--B)
Note: 1. Questio
2. Answerer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answerer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
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Graph sheets to be provided.
1. a) Draw the ISSCS chart fo for soil classification. 3M
b) A long strip footing of width 2 m carries a load of 400 kN/m. Calcu culate the 3M
maximum stress at a dep epth of 5 m below the center line of the footing.
c) Draw the stress-strain ccurve, for Normally and Over consolidated clays cla in a 2M
consolidated drained test
d) Discuss the salient featu tures of Jodhpur mini compaction test. 2M
e) For a normally consolid lidated clay specimen, the following data are obtained
o 2M
from a laboratory consol
solidation test.
e1= 1.10, σ 1’ = 65.0 kN/
kN 2
e2= 0.85, σ 2’ =240.0 kN/m
Find the compression index
ind Cc.
f) Explain under what conditions
con Face failure and Toe failure occur in Finite 2M
2. a) Refer to the figure givenven below. Calculate σ , µ , and σ 1 at A, B, C andan D for the 7M
following cases and plo lot the variations with depth. (Note e= void ratiotio, w= water
content, Gs= specific ggravity of soil solids, γ d= dry unit weightt and γ sat=
saturated unit weight).
Problem Layer I Layer II Layer III
i H1 = 1.5 m H2 = 1.83 m H3 = 2.44 m
.6 kN/m3 γ sat = 18.87 kN/m3
γ d = 17.6 kN 3
γ sat = 19.65 kN/m
ii H1 = 4m H2 = 3 m H3 = 1.5 m
e = 0.6 e = 0.52 W%= 40%
Gs = 2.65 Gs = 2.68 e = 1.1
b) In a deposit of fine sandand the water table is 3 m below the ground surf rface but the 7M
sand up to a height off 1 m above the water table is saturated by capil pillary water.
The sand above this heigeight may be considered dry. For the sand, Gs= 2.68 2 and n=
40%. Calculate the effecective stress at a depth of 8 m.

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Code No: R1622354 R16 SET - 1
3. a) A rectangle area 4 m X 6 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 100 kN/m2at the 7M
ground surface. Estimate the vertical pressure at a depth of 6 m vertically below the
centre and also below a corner of the loaded area.

Influence factors for vertical stress beneath a corner of a uniformly loaded

rectangular area (After Fadum, 1941)
b) A flexible circular footing of radius R carries a uniform pressure q. Find the depth 3+4
(in terms of R) at which the vertical stress below the center is 20% of q. In addition, =7M
if the radius of the circular area, R = 3m, uniformly distributed load, q= 250 kN/m2,
calculate the vertical stress increase ∆σ z at a point located 5 m below the ground
surface (immediately below the center of the circular area).
4. a) The results below were obtained at failure in a series of consolidated – undrained 7M
(CU) triaxial tests, with pore water pressure measurement, on specimens of a fully
saturated clay. Determine the values of total and effective shear strength parameters.
σ 3 (kPa) 150 300 450 600
σ1 σ3 (kPa) 103 202 305 410
u (kPa) 82 169 252 331
b) For a normally consolidated clay, these are the results of a drained test: Chamber 7M
confining pressure= 104 kN/m2; deviator stress at failure= 125 kN/m2. Obtain the
angle of friction, φ ’. Also, determine the angle θ that the failure plane makes with
the major principal plane.
5. a) Illustrate (i) the effect of moisture content on the dry density for a constant
compactive effort and (ii) effect of compactive effort, the γ d -moisture content
relationship. The following is the data obtained in a compaction test.
Specific gravity = 2.65. Obtain maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content from the plot.

Moisture content(%) 2 4.2 5.5 6.6 7.5 10

Wet density(kN/m ) 20.2 20.8 21.7 22.0 22.1 22.0
b) An earthen embankment of 106 m3 volume is to be constructed with a soil having a 7M
void ratio of 0.80 after compaction. There are three borrow pits marked A, B and C,
having soils with void ratios of 0.90, 1.50 and 1.80, respectively. The cost of
excavation and transporting the soil is Rs. 0.25, Rs. 0.23 and Rs.0.18 per m,
respectively. Calculate the volume of soil to be excavated from each pit. Which
borrow pit is the most economical? Take G = 2.65.
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Code No: R1622354 R16 SET - 1

6. a) A clay layer 4 m thick is subjected to a pressure of 55 kN/m2. If the layer has a 7M

double drainage and undergoes 50% consolidation in one year, determine the
coefficient of consolidation. Take Tv= 0.196. if the coefficient of permeability is
0.020 m/yr, determine the settlement in one year and rate of flow of water per unit
area in one year.
b) Explain the Terzaghi’s theory of one-dimensional primary consolidation with is 7M

7. a) An infinite slope consists of 5 m of soil lying on top of a bedrock. The bedrock and 7M
the soil surface are both inclined at 230to the horizontal. The soil properties are:
= 18.5 kN/m3, c’= 15 kN/m2and φ ’= 200. Assume that the slope is dry.
i) Obtain the maximum shear stress developed within the soil?
ii) Calculate the maximum shear strength available within the soil?
iii) Determine the factor of safety for the slope?
iv) Evaluate the maximum possible depth for the soil before it becomes unstable?
v) Assuming the friction is fully mobilized, determine the factor of safety with
respect to cohesion?
The soil conditions adjacent to a sheet pile wall are as given in the figure, a
surcharge pressure of 50 kPa being carried on the surface behind the wall. For soil
1, a sand above the water table, c’ =0, φ ’ =38o and γ =18 kN/m3. For soil 2,
saturated clay, c’ =10 kPa, φ ’ =28o and γ sat = 20 kN/m3. Plot the distributions of
active pressure behind the wall and passive pressure in front of the wall.

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