Soil Investigation and Exploration
Soil Investigation and Exploration
Soil Investigation and Exploration
The purpose of site investigation is to get clear information about the soil and
hydrological conditions at the site.
Site reconnaissance
It means the inspection of the site and study of topography to get a proper
information about the soil and ground water condition.
The purpose of site exploration is to get detailed information about
ii. Nature and engineering properties of of the soil and rock formation.
i. Nature of sub-soil
2. Borings
4. Geographical methods
A pit, eventually, can be excavated for exploring shallower depths, say of the
order of 2 to 5 m, or so. Such a pit can be easily excavated at the
proposed construction site, if the soil has a bit of cohesion, and the soil samples
can be lifted from such different depths, besides making the easy visualization
and examination of the different strata. Even undisturbed soil samples can be
lifted from such a pit by a process called chunk sampling.
Soil samples can be lifted from deeper depths by drilling bore holes by using
mechanical devices called samplers.
i. Drilling a hole and visually examining the cuttings coming out from different
ii. Lifting the soil samples from different depths by using mechanical devices
called samplers.
Methods of boring
i. Auger boring: This is simplest method of boring a whole by hand drilling. These
can be used for shallower depths generally confined to depths of about 5 m or so.
In cohesive and other soft soils above water table, augers may be used.
ii. Auger and Shell boring: Augers are suitable for soft or stiff clays and very stiff
and hard clays and sand pumps for sandy soils. Cylindrical augers and shells are
used for making deep boring. Hand operated, mechanized ring are used for
depths 25m, 50m respectively.
iii. Wash boring: this is a simple and fastest method, used for making holes in all
types of soils except boulders and rocks.
iv. Percussion boring: This method is used to make hole in all types of soils
including boulders and rocks.
v. Rotary boring (Mud rotary drilling): This method is used to advance hole in
rocks and soils. Rotating core barrels which are provided with commercial
diamond bits or a steel bit with slots are used for rotary drilling. This method is
used to obtain the rock cores, so this method is called as core boring or core
Soil samples and sampling
i. Disturbed sample: in disturbed sampling, the natural structures of soils gets
partly or fully modified or destroyed, although with suitable precaution the
natural water content may be preserved. Disturbed sample can be obtained by
direct excavations by auger and thick wall samplers.
ii. Undisturbed sample: in undisturbed sample, the natural structure and
properties remain preserved. These samples are used to tests for shear,
consolidation and permeability.
Sample Disturbance
This depends on the design of samplers and methods of samplings.
a) Area ratio,
Where D1 and D2 are internal and external diameters of the cutting edge
The area ratio should not exceed 25%. For soft sensitive soils, it should not exceed
b) Inside clearance: It allows elastic expansion of sample when it enters the tube.
The inside clearance must lie between 1 to 10%, for undisturbed sample it should
be between 0.5 and 3%.
c) Outside clearance: It should not be much greater than the inside clearance.
Normally it lies between 0 and 2 percent. It helps in reducing the force required
to withdraw the tube.
ii. Inside wall friction: The walls of the sampler should be smooth and kept
properly oiled.
iii. Non-return valve: The non-return valve should permit easy and quick escape
of water and air when the sample is driven.
These tests are carried our to measure the resistance to penetration of a sampling
spoon, a cone or other shaped tools under dynamic or static loading. These tests
are used for exploration of erratic solid profiles for finding depth to bed rock or
stratum and to get approximate indication of the strength and other properties of
There are two important tests used.
When N is greater than 15, Terzaghi and Peck have recommended the use of an
equivalent penetration resistance, Ne in place of the actually observed value of N.
Gibbs and Holtz have studied experimentally the effect of overburden pressure on
the value of N and their modification for air dry or moist sand can be represented
by the relation,
Note: The overburden correction is applied first and then dilatancy correction is
i. Electrical resistivity method
This method is based on the measurement and recording of changes in the mean
resistivity or apparent specific resistance of various soils. The test is done by
driving four metal spikes to act as electrodes into the ground along a straight line
at equal distances. This is shown in the figure. Direct voltage is applied between
the two outer potentiometer electrodes and then mean for the potential drop
between the inner electrodes is calculated.
Resistivity mapping: This method is used to find out the horizontal changes in the
sub soil, the electrodes kept at a constant spacing, are moved as a group along
the line of tests.
Resistivity sounding: This method is used to study the vertical changes; the
electrode system is expanded, about a fixed central point by increasing the
spacing gradually from an initial small value to a distance roughly equal to the
depth of exploration desired.
ii. Seismic refraction method
This method is very fast and reliable in establishing profiles of different strata,
provided the deeper layers have increasingly greater density, higher velocities and
greater thickness.
1. Static cone penetration test as per IS 4968 (Part-3) – 1976 for cohesionless
soils to determine modulus of elasticity as per IS 1888 – 1982.
2. Standard penetration test as per IS 2131 – 1981 for cohesionless soils
and soils to determine modulus of sub-grade reaction.
3. Unconfined compressive strength test as per 2720 (Part -10) – 1973 for
saturated but no pre-consolidated cohesive soil to determine modulus of sub-
grade reaction.
4. As specified in IS 2950 (Part -1) – 1981¸ plate load test as per IS 1888 – 1982
where tests at Sl. No. – 1 to 3 above are not appropriate such as for fissured clays
/ clay boulders.
5. In case of deep basements in pervious soils, permeability is determined from
pumping test. This is required to analyze stability of deep excavation and to
design appropriate dewatering system.
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Deep foundations are those where the depth of foundation is generally greater
than two times of width of footing (D = 2B). Deep foundations are required due to
various reasons. Read hereabout why deep foundations are required and types of
deep foundations.
The soil tests required for deep foundations are:
1. While the composition and depth of the bearing layer for shallow foundations
may vary from one site to another, most pile foundations in a locally encounter
similar deposits. Since pile capacity based on soil parameters is not as reliable
from load tests, as a first step it is essential to obtain full information on the type,
size, length and capacity of piles (including details of load – settlement graph)
generally adopted in the locality. Correlation of soil characteristics (from soil
investigation reports) and corresponding load tests (from actual projects
constructed) is essential to decide the type of soil tests to be preformed and to
make a reasonable recommendation for the type, size, length and capacity of
piles since most formulae are empirical.
2. If information about piles in the locality are not available or reliable, it may be
necessary to drive a test pile and correlate with soil data.
3. Standard penetration test (SPT) to determine the cohesion (and consequently
the adhesion) to determine the angle of friction (and consequently the angle of
friction between soil and the pile and also the point of resistance) for each soil
stratum of cohesion less soil of soil.
4. Static cone penetration test (CPT) to determine the cohesion (and
subsequently the adhesion) for soft cohesive soils and to check with SPT result for
fine to medium sands. Hence for strata encountering both cohesive and cohesion
less soils, both SPT and CPT tests are required.
5. Vane shear test for impervious clayey soils.
6. Un-drained triaxial shear strength of undisturbed soil samples (obtained with
thin walled tube samplers) to determine cohesion (c) and angle of internal friction
( ) for clayey soils (since graphs for correlations were developed based on un-
drained shear parameter). In case of driven piles proposed for stiff clays, it is
necessary to check with the c and from remoulded samples also. Drained shear
strength parameters are also determined to represent in-situ condition of soil at
end of construction phase.
7. Self boring pressure meter test to determine modulus of sub-grade reaction
for horizontal deflection for granular soils, very stiff cohesive soils, soft rock and
weathered or jointed rock.
8. Ground water condition and permeability of soil influence the choice of pile
type to be recommended. Hence the level at which water in the bore hole
remains are noted in the bore logs. Since permeability of clay is very low, it takes
several days for water in the drill hole to rise upto ground water table.
Ground water samples need to be tested to consider the possible chemical
effects onconcrete and the reinforcement. Result of the cone penetration test for
the same soil show substantial scatter. Hence, they need to be checked with
supplementary information from other exploration methods.
Pressure meters are used to estimate the in-situ modulus of elasticity for soil in
lateral direction. Unless the soil is isotropic, the same value cannot be adopted for
the vertical direction.