Bus Stop Location
Bus Stop Location
Bus Stop Location
Bus stop placement directly impacts the convenience and accessibility of the system. The final decision on bus stop
locations is dependent on ease of operation, pedestrian transfer situations, space availability, and traffic operations.
Pace performs on-site evaluations of proposed bus stops to analyze operating conditions and identify appropriate bus
stop locations. All bus stop locations should be designed to accommodate at least one 45-foot bus, with an additional
45 feet of queuing space per vehicle when multiple transit vehicles are expected to utilize the bus stop
Developers and/or municipalities should consult Pace’s Transportation Engineer during their initial development
planning stages to identify potential bus stop locations and to coordinate the placement of Pace signs.
Pace asks that municipalities place “No Parking” signs at bus stop locations and that local police strictly enforce
parking restrictions in these zones.
Far-side bus stops are located immediately after an intersection, allowing the vehicle to pass through the intersection
before stopping for passenger loading and unloading. When the bus reenters the traffic stream, the upstream signal
regularly generates gaps in traffic allowing buses to reenter the traffic lane. Far-side stops require shorter
deceleration distances and provide for additional right turn capacity by eliminating bus blockage within the curb lane
on the approach to the intersection. Additionally, the location of the stop encourages pedestrians to cross behind the
bus. For these safety and capacity benefits, far-side stops are preferred by IDOT (Bureau of Local Roads & Streets
Manual, Special Design Elements, IDOT, pg. 41-4(1), 2006) and Pace if traffic signal and geometry conditions are
During peak periods, however, when bus queuing is possible, intersections may be blocked by buses waiting to
access the bus stop. The act of accelerating at an intersection and then immediately decelerating at the bus stop has
the potential to increase the number of rear-end collisions. Additionally, queued buses may restrict sight distances for
crossing vehicles and pedestrians.
Near-side bus stops are located immediately before an intersection, allowing for passenger unloading and loading
while the vehicle is stopped at a red light, preventing double-stopping. When the bus is ready to reenter the traffic
stream, the intersection is available to assist in pulling away from the curb and provides the driver with an opportunity
to look for oncoming traffic and pedestrians. Near-side stops also allow passengers to board the bus immediately
adjacent to the crosswalk, minimizing walk distances.
During peak periods, however, queued buses may block the through lane on the approach to the intersection,
potentially disrupting traffic flow. The stop configuration also generates conflicts with right turning vehicles, and delays
associated with loading and unloading may lead to unsafe driving in which right turning vehicles drive around the
transit vehicle to make a right turn in front of a bus. Additionally, queued buses may restrict sight distances for
crossing pedestrians.
Allows transit drivers to utilize the intersection and available sight distance when pulling away from the curb
Provides pedestrian access closest to the crosswalk
Mid-block bus stops are located between intersections, which are generally less congested locations than intersection
stop locations. As pedestrian crossings are less common at mid-block stops, vehicle and pedestrian sight distance
concerns are typically minimized, but the distance passengers must travel between the bus and a protected
crosswalk is increased. These stops can be paired with major mid-block generators to reduce walking distances for
the majority of transit uses at the stop.
Mid-block stops should generally be used only under special circumstances. However, they increase walking
distances for transit users crossing at the nearest intersection, and even encourage illegal mid-block street crossings.
Additionally, mid-block stops require both deceleration and acceleration areas, requiring either additional no-parking
restrictions or increased turnout construction costs compared intersection stops.
The design of bus stops has a significant influence on construction costs, parking restrictions, and the impact of
transit vehicles on traffic flow characteristics. All stop locations should be examined to determine traffic volumes,
traffic speeds, passenger volumes, bus frequencies, bus dwell times, crash patterns, pedestrian and bicycle facilities,
roadway geometrics, accessibility, and planned roadway improvements. Types of bus stop designs include bus bays,
turnouts, and bulbs.
For bus stop areas, including on-street stops, bus turnouts and terminals, the rigid roadway surface is strongly
recommended. This pavement surface has the best potential to retain its shape when exposed to loads and shear
forces applied during bus starting and stopping. The pavement should be designed with a minimum 8” portland
cement concrete jointed reinforced pavement on a 4” subbase of stabilized granular material. This complies with
IDOT’s Bureau of Design Manual. However, if local standards require additional reinforcement, the stronger
standards should be used.
Bus bays consist of a dedicated zone on the side of the roadway for passenger loading and unloading and are
commonly created through the restriction of parking and curb-side operations of other vehicles. Bus bays may be
used for far-side, near-side, or mid-block stops. All bus bays require a deceleration zone, a stopping zone, and an
acceleration zone. Depending on the location of the bus bay, the intersection may serve as the acceleration or
deceleration zone. If conflicts with parked vehicles are encountered, bus bays may also be constructed using a
‘closed’ configuration, with a tapered curbs marking the bus stop zone, preventing encroachment by parked vehicles.
Bus bays prevent the need to block a travel lane during passenger loading and unloading. Bus bays have the
potential to reduce rear-end collisions as buses pull out of the lane to come to a stop. However, merging back into the
travel lane may be challenging during peak hours, increasing the potential for side-swipe or rear-end collisions on
reentry. Bus bays also require the restriction of more on street parking. Bus maneuvers at stops may also generate
potential conflicts with cyclists when a bicycle lane is provided.
According to IDOT’s Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual, bus bays are most effective when:
Bus turnouts do not block a travel lane during passenger loading and unloading and reduce the potential for rear-end
collisions by allowing buses to turn out of the travel lane before decelerating ahead of the bus stop. Acceleration
distance is provided ahead of the taper to allow the vehicle to merge back into traffic at higher speeds. Curb
delineation also helps to guide the bus operator into the bus stop.
Bus turnouts typically have higher construction costs. They rely on otherwise unutilized pavement space for
deceleration and acceleration. Bus turnouts remove more potential on-street parking space than bus bulbs, and
create potential conflicts with cyclists if on-street bicycle lanes are provided.
Note: L=45’ for each bus that needs to queue in the turnout. (See Section 4a for vehicle characteristics). Source: Bureau
of Local Roads and Streets Manual, Special Design Elements, IDOT, pg. 41-4(6), 2008
Bus bulbs require buses to wait within the travel lane while passengers load and unload, potentially generating
congestion. Buses stopping in the travel lane may also lead to rear end collisions, or results in unsafe passing
maneuvers under congested conditions. Bus bulbs also typically require an infrastructure investment and are more
expensive than curbside stops or bus bays with simple parking restriction signs.
Additionally, bus bulbs provide a geometric option for incorporating bicycle lanes through the stop area, reducing
potential bus-bike conflicts at stops.
According to IDOT’s Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual, bus bulbs are most effective when:
Transit Technologies
Queue jump and bypass lanes are a geometric form of transit priority in which buses are allowed to use restricted
lanes to bypass queued vehicles at signalized intersections, reducing travel time and providing improved service
A queue jump allows a bus to enter into a short lane, that could also be utilized as a right turn lane, that is located
adjacent to the through lane, stopping at the near side of the of the intersection. A separate signal would provide an
early green light to the bus to move through the intersection and into the through travel lane prior to the general
traffic. Near side bus stop stations are typically used with queue jump lanes.
A bypass lane, which would be adjacent to the through lane, would not have a separate signal, but would continue
through the intersection with the general traffic into a receiving lane on the opposite site of the intersection prior to
entering into the through lane. Far side stops are typically used with bypass lanes. These are both alternatives to
providing mainline transit signal priority.
Several U.S. cities, such as Portland, Denver, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Seattle, have implemented queue jump
and bypass lanes into their transit systems.
According to the USDOT Transit Signal Priority Handbook, queue jump lanes provide the greatest benefit in the
following situations:
Heavy congestion.
Existing right turn lanes are available or there is available right-of-way to construct an a lane adjacent to the through lane.
Existing roadway shoulders can be utilized if they are wide enough (10-feet minimum) and the pavement is designed to
accommodate buses.
Relatively low right-turn volume at intersection. High right-turn volumes may conflict with through bus movements and
may warrant a separate right turn lane.
Implementation of Transit Signal Priority (TSP) in the through lanes would have an unacceptable impact on bus travel
times and/or general traffic delay.
Delay from signalized intersections typically accounts for around 10 to 20 percent of all bus delay. A variety of
techniques can be implemented at intersections with traffic signals to give transit priority, reduce transit delay, and
improve service reliability. These techniques include transit signal priority (TSP).
The report Transit Signal Priority (TSP): A Planning and Implementation Handbook, published by ITS America and
funded by the United States Department of Transportation, recommends a systems engineering approach, including:
Operations and Maintenance
Evaluation, Verification, Validation and Building on TSP
Through this approach Pace will work closely with a number of stakeholders, including IDOT, other DOT's and local
jurisdictions, to measure the need for TSP, develop TSP strategies and work through the design and specification
process. Usually, traffic signal controllers need to be upgraded to accommodate TSP hardware.
Signal Preemption is an emergency system in which the traffic control device terminates normal operation in order to
serve the approaching vehicle. The cycle and progression plans are interrupted in order to provide green on the
priority approach as quickly as possible. Preemption is common with emergency vehicles and some light rail transit
Signal Priority takes into account the time at which the request for priority was made, and modifies the normal signal
operation to provide preferential treatment for the vehicle making the priority request without necessarily disrupting
Common types of priority timing plan modifications include green extension (extending the green time for the priority
movement to allow the approaching vehicle to continue without stopping), early green (shortening the preceding
phases to minimize red time on the priority approach), phase insertion (inserting a special priority phase into the
normal signal sequence), and phase rotation (modifying the order of signal phases).
Signal priority requires a more sophisticated controller system that is able to compare the time of the request to the
real-time signal phasing. More advanced signal systems combined with real-time traffic detection systems allow for
adaptive signal priority strategies, that assess real-time conditions based on a number of performance criteria, such
as person, transit, or vehicle delay, and implement timing plans optimized based on the current state of the system.
To the extent possible, use rigid roadway surfaces at bus stops, bus turnouts, Local public works/engineering
and transit terminals. standards, D.O.T standards
Utilize appropriate bus bay configurations to ensure efficient bus service on Local public works/engineering
busy streets. standards, D.O.T standards
Coordinate with Pace to implement suitable transit technologies (such as Local public works/engineering
queue jumps and transit signal priority) when roadway geometry and traffic standards, D.O.T standards
conditions permit
Proper design of off-street facilities can be just as important to the overall efficiency, safety, convenience, and comfort
of the transit system as on-street systems. Design of these facilities present an opportunity for integration with
surrounding land uses, including mixed use development and existing structures. It is also an opportunity to ensure
that stations and services are fully accessible for all users. Regardless of location, taking into account the appropriate
turning radii, space requirements at queuing areas, and efficient loading and unloading configurations at off-street
facilities will minimize the land area required for these facilities while optimizing the functionality of the overall system
and enhancing user perceptions of the system as a whole.
Bus Berths
Bus berths are recessed bus stop areas designed to accommodate more than one transit vehicle. Similar in concept
to bus turnouts, bus berths provide convenient, off-street service points and bus staging areas that do not interfere
with traffic movement. Bus berth designs, parallel or sawtooth, also can be incorporated into transportation center,
transfer facility and park-n-ride site plans for passenger loading and unloading as well as for bus layovers.
Pace's transportation engineer should be consulted to determine the bus bay capacity at specific locations.
The bus berth should be constructed with concrete landing pads to prevent the buckling of pavement and should be
designed to accommodate the largest bus size planned to use that particular facility. Where feasible, the bus berth
should be separated from roadways and drive aisles utilized by other vehicles. Barriers may be particularly important
for facilities located adjacent to high speed roadways.
Pace's transportation engineer should be contacted to determine the appropriate location and specifications for
bollards and other safety resources.
Bus berths should be used at park and ride facilities as well as areas where transit routes intersect and bus waiting
areas are appropriate. If these type of facilities are provided for an on-street facilities they should be located at mid-
block locations rather than intersections to avoid conflicts with turning vehicles and to take advantage of gaps in
traffic produced by traffic signals. To allow buses to more effectively re-enter traffic, bus berths should be designed so
that vehicle operators have clear rear-vision capabilities. Bus berth widths of 15 feet - with appropriate pavement
markings and signage - are desired for more effective and proper vehicle maneuverability where no barrier separation
exists. However, Pace will evaluate barrier separation needs on a case by case basis.
Lighting for safety at boarding and circulation areas is important for both on and off-street locations.
Since many factors are involved in the design and location of these facilities, developers should consult Pace for
assistance during the site plan development stage.
Bus Turnarounds
Bus turnarounds are roadway facilities that expedite a bus’ return to the service route. These facilities can be used at
the termini of routes to turn transit vehicles or they can be incorporated into a development’s site design.
Turnarounds can improve schedule adherence and service reliability. These roadway facilities also provide effective,
off-street waiting and service areas for transit users. Site considerations and passenger requirements will determine
the location of the passenger waiting area.
Bus turnarounds should be designed so the bus can be turned in a counter-clockwise direction to improve the drivers’
visibility. Additionally, the design should allow adequate space for a bus to pass a transit vehicle that may be
loading/unloading passengers or have a mechanical breakdown. A 30-foot roadway width typically permits passing
within a turnaround.
The “jug handle” bus turnaround design can be used at appropriate mid-block bus terminal locations to turn a transit
vehicle. Proper signage or traffic signals along the roadway and at the turnaround may be needed for traffic control
purposes and to expedite the return of the transit vehicle to its route.
The “cul-de-sac” and “loop” designs are acceptable for developments that do not have internal roadway networks to
return a bus efficiently to an arterial roadway. Note, however, that transit operations are most efficient when provided
on through streets. Therefore, “cul de sac” and “loop” turnarounds are typically located at the end of bus routes in
appropriate locations, however they can be used in other situations.
Jug Handle
Park-N-Ride Facilities
The design of an off-street facility is typically not standardized, but is instead based on the size, function and location
of the specific facility. Bus berths and bus turnarounds should be incorporated into the design of the parking facility to
provide safe and efficient bus service. The design of the parking facility should consider the following.
Parking Facility Size
The number of parking stalls to be provided at an off-street facility should be based on the existing and projected
transit ridership. General guidance for parking lot size identifies that approximately 90 to 100 stalls can fit on one acre
of land. The local municipality code should be reviewed to determine parking space and aisle dimensional
Accessible parking spaces serving the transit facility should be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from
adjacent parking to the transit facility. The number of accessible stalls required shall follow ADA Accessibility
Guidelines. The facility design should incorporate measures to reduce pedestrian/automobile conflicts to promote the
overall safety of the facility.
Vehicular Access
Access to the off-street facility should be at points that create as little disruption to existing traffic as possible and
proper intersection spacing should be maintained based on the roadway classification and jurisdictional requirements.
Transit vehicles and automobiles should be separated within the facility to maximize transit efficiency and safety.
Pedestrian Access
Passenger waiting areas should be provided adjacent to bus loading areas and shelters should be provided.
Pedestrians should not be required to walk excessive distances from the passenger shelter of the parking facility to
boarding areas. Longer distances may be permitted, depending on size and configuration of the off-street facility.
Provisions for bicycle parking should be incorporated into the overall design and should be located adjacent to
passenger waiting areas.
The image to the right illustrates how this scheme has been implemented in the Milwaukee region. This type of facility
could be implemented in phases. First as a smaller ride-share lot, then upgraded to a full park-n-ride stop with
additional parking capacity and investment in infrastructure.
The image on the right illustrates how this scheme could be implemented in a typical condition in the Chicago region.
The exact location and amount of commuter parking would be dependent upon the location of bus stops, availability
of parking at different times of day, and agreements with local property or business owners.
Off-street Facilities Implementation Checklist
Coordinate with Pace to appropriately integrate off-street bus Local zoning and subdivision regulations, Local
facilities into development. public works/engineering standards, D.O.T
Coordinate with Pace to accommodate appropriate bus Local public works/engineering standards,
turnarounds as needed. D.O.T standards
Design park-n-ride facilities that consider parking facility size, Local zoning and subdivision regulations, Local
waiting areas, and pedestrian access, and incorporate bus berths public works/engineering standards, D.O.T
and turnarounds into design. standards
Bus stop accessibility for all users should be the first item addressed at all Pace bus stops. As required by IDOT, all
bus stop landing pads should been connected to streets, sidewalks or pedestrian paths, and have at least one safe
and easily identifiable accessible route. All access ramps, sidewalks, and detectible warning surfaces should comply
with current ADAAG standards (United States Access Board, 2002).
Guidance on the design and placement of curb ramps is provided in Chapter 41 of the Illinois Bureau of Local Roads
and Streets Manual (IDOT, 2005) and in Section 4.7 of the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
(United States Access Board, 2002). The most up-to-date resource should be consulted during the design of all new
curb ramps.
Guidance on the design of sidewalks is provided in Chapter 41 of the Illinois Bureau of Local Roads and Streets
Manual (IDOT, 2005) and in Section 4.3 of the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (United
States Access Board, 2002). The most up-to-date manual should be consulted to ensure compliance with current
The incorporation of a paved passenger waiting area is recommended to provide a safe, comfortable and convenient
waiting area for all transit users and to promote access for those who are mobility limited. Landing pads are required
to be provided at all station locations, no matter if shelters are provided or not. According to IDOT standards, all new
bus stop landing pads constructed for use in conjunction with a lift or ramp shall meet the following criteria:
Waiting area amenities increase the safety, convenience, usability, and comfort of bus stops, and influence the
overall attractiveness of public transportation. Bus stop locations that are designed with paved waiting pads, shelters,
benches, lighting, windbreaks, route information, trash bins, bike racks, and, in some cases, pay stations and real-
time arrival information, provide a comfortable, safe, and convenient waiting area for transit users.
All shelter areas and amenities should comply with ADAAG standards (United States Access Board, 2002).
In some cases, building lobbies can be designed as interior waiting areas for transit users. These lobbies should be
located within close proximity of a Pace bus stop and face the service area. Transit users should be able to view
approaching buses for a 1000-foot distance . For passenger comfort, seating should be provided in the lobby.
Several factors influence the need for various stop amenities. High-ridership route transfer locations, stops with
nearby healthcare facilities, and rapidly growing areas, for example, may indicate a need for targeted investment to
improve passenger comfort and to draw additional transit users. In general, all new bus stops should be constructed
with sufficient space to accommodate all of the amenities listed here, and Pace should be consulted to provide a
recommendation regarding the appropriate amenities given specific local services.
Passenger shelters are recommended for bus stop areas that are high volume boarding sites. The locations, size and
design of passenger shelters will vary depending on space availability and the number of passenger boardings.
However, the standard shelter that is accessible to individuals with mobility limitations is 13.5 feet by 6.5 feet, with a
minimum clear floor area of 3 feet by 4 feet, and should allow for a clear path for a wheelchair user to enter from the
public way. Shelters should have a minimum 4-foot setback from the street at the closest point. When possible, bus
stop information is provided on the shelter rather than on a freestanding sign.
Pace shelters are available to communities at no cost. These structures are designed to be constructed on concrete
pads that have a minimum 5 inch thickness. If requested, Pace will install the shelters.
Developers and municipalities can provide shelters that are architecturally consistent with particular development
designs. Shelter placement should be reviewed by Pace and the local jurisdiction (i.e. IDOT, county or municipality)
to avoid visual obstructions to vehicle drivers as well as interference with utilities. The maintenance of these shelters
is usually the responsibility of the developer, municipality or other appropriate party. For additional information
regarding Pace’s shelter program, please contact the Transportation Engineer.
Benches are highly desirable at bus stops, and should be integrated with trees and lighting features when a shelter is
not available. Benches should be located within the confines of the area where a bus stop shelter would be installed,
or adjacent to a shelter with at least three feet of separation. The bench design should be compatible with the
surrounding environment, constructed with vandal-resistant materials and have dividers to designate seats and
discourage lying down. The bench design should not create a hazard nor contain advertising that is distracting to
Provide seating space for at least three adults and one wheelchair space.
Maintain adequate clearance on the sidewalk and designated walk aisles within the bus stop area.
Provide adequate separation between seating and any trash receptacles.
Place seating on a stable, non-slippery pad.
Integrate seating with lighting.
Bench segments should include vertical seperators between individual seats.
Trash Receptacles
Trash receptacles provide a number of benefits and should be considered at all bus stops. Providing trash
receptacles helps to maintain the overall cleanliness of the stop, improving the health, safety, and comfort of waiting
passengers. Carefully designed and sited trash receptacles can even improve the overall aesthetics of the stop area,
contributing to the sense of an inviting pedestrian environment.
Trash receptacles require regular pick-up and maintenance, however, and should comply with the following
Adequate lighting should be provided at bus stops and waiting areas for passengers. Lighting features are integral
components of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) methods, and a well-lit waiting area tends
to increase a pedestrian’s feelings of security. Adequate lighting will also allow transit vehicle drivers to clearly see
the bus stop area and identify waiting passengers and possible obstructions in the bus stop zone.
The placement of freestanding municipal lighting fixtures is recommended by Pace. Local municipalities establish
lighting standards for their jurisdictions. Lighting plans for bus stop areas as well as those for the entire development
must be coordinated with appropriate municipalities.
The following should be considered when determining the lighting needs at bus stops:
The following should be considered when adding landscaping features to bus stop areas:
Shrubs should maintain a low maximum height, and the lowest branches of trees should be high enough, to
ensure that visibility at eye level for vehicle operators and pedestrians is unimpaired.
Native trees and plants with minimum maintenance requirements should be used.
Trees should be positioned to provide maximum shade for benches and waiting areas.
Plants should not block views of accessways.
Plant relocation and selective thinning or clearing should be used to preserve natural landscape features.
Bicycle racks and storage can be provided near bus stop locations to encourage bicycle use to and from transit.
Stationary racks that provide stable support for bicycles or enclosed bicycle lockers with locking doors can be
installed for storage purposes.
Weather protection and security from theft and vandalism should be considered when selecting the bicycle storage
device and to determine its location. The facility should be located in a well-lit area that has a high degree of visibility.
If possible, a monitored location should be used.
Any bicycle storage facility within a bus stop area should have the following attributes:
Minimum clearance distance from the nearest object to ensure easy circulation and access to bicycles and other
Clearly visible from surrounding areas.
Located at the periphery of the bus stop area.
Securely mounted on the ground.
Preferably located at the upstream end of the stop area, away from the landing pad.
Preferably shielded from rain.
Preferably in a well-lit area.
Bicycle racks help foster the interface between bus transit and other means of personal mobility.
Additional convenience amenities can be provided at transit stops to reduce the number of trips a pedestrian must
make to obtain convenience items and increase the appeal of the transit stop location. Automatic teller machines
(ATMs), shopping cart storage, and newspaper vending boxes are a few of the items that will enhance passenger
waiting areas. Care should be taken to integrate these amenities to minimize visual and physical clutter at the stop
and to avoid obstructions to the corner sight-line.
Transit facilities can incorporate small service or retail facilities that enhance the rider experience.
Real-time passenger information can be displayed on variable message signs (VMS), providing passengers with the
knowledge that they are receiving reliable, up-to-date information. Information related to vehicle arrival times may
help instill rider confidence and comfort and can contribute to overall travel time competitiveness by allowing
passengers to run short errands when time allows. Destination and transfer information at bus terminals may also
increase the overall usability of the system.
According to IDOT standards, all signs and mounted objects should meet the following criteria (Bureau of Local
Roads and Streets Manual, Special Design Elements, IDOT, pg. 41-6(8), 2008):
Objects projecting from walls (e.g., signs, telephones, canopies) with their leading edges between 27 inches and
80 inches above the finished sidewalk shall not protrude more than 4 inches into any portion of the sidewalk.
Freestanding objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang their mountings up to a maximum of 12 inches
when located between 27 inches and 80 inches above the sidewalk or ground surface.
Protruding objects less than 27 inches or greater than 80 inches may protrude any amount provided that the
minimum clear width of the sidewalk is maintained.
Where the vertical clearance is less than 80 inches, provide a barrier to warn the blind or visually impaired person.
Address bus stop accessibility for all users early in the decision Local zoning and subdivision regulations,
making process for all bus stop plans Local public works/engineering standards,
D.O.T standards
Coordinate with Pace to design bus stop locations with amenities to Local public works/engineering standards
provide a comfortable, safe, and convenient waiting area for transit
Coordinate with Pace to provide passenger shelters for bus stop Local public works/engineering standards
areas that are high volume boarding sites
Coordinate with Pace to integrate transit route information, local Local public works/engineering standards,
wayfinding, and/or Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to provide D.O.T standards
accurate route and schedule information to the public.
Grid Connectivity
A well-connected grid pattern supports walkability by providing direct routes from several origin points. Street patterns
should be designed to maximize network connections and avoid “dead end” segments that result in circuitous paths.
Link-node ratio is a measurement frequently used to quantify the connectivity of a street grid. It measures the ratio of
links (street segments) to nodes (intersections or dead ends). Areas with bus transit service should strive to enhance
connectivity by providing as many links as possible between network nodes, and therefore, a higher link-node ratio.
Block Size
Access to transit is often impacted by the size of blocks. Large blocks limit opportunities for direct walking routes and
create large segments of roadway that can be difficult to cross for pedestrians. The Chicago region’s traditional block
dimensions are approximately 600’ long and 300’ wide, though blocks are often 300’ by 300’ in downtown areas.
Though standard block size varies by community, block sizes in areas served by transit should not exceed 600’ in
length, and should be between 300’ and 350’ in downtown areas.
Right-of-way Width
The size of the right-of-way has direct impacts on transit access in terms of what types of vehicles and infrastructure
can be accommodated, what kind of service may operate, and to what extent it inhibits pedestrian access to the
service and facilities. The widths of rights-of-way vary greatly throughout the region based on the classification and
jurisdiction of a specific roadway, as well as the context within which it operates. Currently, rights-of-way for major
suburban arterials tend to be between 100-150’ and typically have expansive parkway strips along each curb, while
more traditional commercial streets are approximately 75-90’. Existing local streets may have rights-of-way from 60-
75’. Transit-supportive rights-of way should provide the space necessary for vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian
operations, yet minimize unnecessary elements that create additional space and barriers between local activities and
transit services.
The following sections describe transit supportive rights-of-way for various roadway configurations.
Streets with a 60’-75’ right-of-way are typically local streets that host residential or community-based commercial
activities. Generally, these streets should aim to provide local multi-modal access to goods and services. Transit,
bicycle and pedestrian circulation should be a high priority.
Multi-modal access
The cross-section should balance local priorities related to dedicated bicycle facilities and adequate pedestrian areas
Dedicated bike lanes provide efficient multi-modal mobility along the corridor
Pedestrian alternative
Expanded sidewalks provide space for sidewalk amenities that complement areas of more intensive pedestrian activity
Bike Lane 6’, if provided 8’, if other transit supportive amenities have been maximized
The cross-section should be designed to balance vehicular efficiency and transit and pedestrian safety
Landscaped median alternative
A landscaped median provides an attractive element that breaks up the length of pedestrian crossings
The width for the sidewalk can be maximized to accommodate sidewalk amenities and heavy pedestrian volumes
associated with local commercial activity
Bike Lane 6’, if provided 8’, if other transit supportive amenities have been maximized
Landscaped Median 8’ 16’, if other transit supportive amenities have been maximized
Streets with right-of-way of 90’ or more are typically major arterials. They tend to provide higher-speed mobility to
other parts of the region, and typically host large-scale commercial and retail uses. Major arterials generally consider
vehicular mobility as the main priority. However, the right-of-way can often accommodate infrastructure that
effectively integrates transit, bicycle and pedestrian mobility. Medians, buffers, dedicated paths and other urban
design elements should be used at strategic locations to create comfortable multi-modal conditions and an attractive
corridor character.
Pedestrian safety and comfort
On streets primarily designed for vehicular movement, infrastructure and design elements must be used to maximize access
to transit and surrounding uses
An expanded median provides a refuge area at crosswalks and enhances the character of highly traveled corridors
Wide rights-of-way can accommodate comprehensive transit supportive infrastructure including wide sidewalks that provide
additional buffering between pedestrians and vehicular traffic flow
Bike Lane 6’, if provided 8’, if other transit supportive amenities have been maximized
Multi-modal Networks
Streets should safely accommodate all modes of travel. All rights-of-way should have sidewalks on both sides of the
street. Streets should be designed to accommodate safe bicycle use, especially on corridors that are identified as
local or regional bike corridors. In this case, special efforts should be made to accommodate dedicated bike lanes.
Urban streets and suburban downtowns should accommodate several modes of access, including on-street parking, bike
lanes and strong pedestrian networks
Suburban corridors and rural roadways should foster bicycle and pedestrian mobility that is safely integrated with high-
speed vehicular traffic flow
Often, design specifications oriented toward vehicular movements compromise the integrity of local access to transit.
To the extent possible, the following principles should be followed in areas where transit service is provided.
The width of traffic lanes should be limited to the minimum allowable standard. This will reduce pedestrian crossing
distances and potentially slow traffic to mitigate the risk of accidents.
Curb radii should be kept to the minimum allowable standard. Wherever feasible, mountable curbs should be used
to accommodate truck turning movements. This will reduce crossing distances for pedestrians when trucks are not
The design and installation of infrastructure and pedestrian amenities should be closely coordinated. Often, the
expansion or replacement of infrastructure results in a compromised sidewalk network. Such improvements should
be performed in such a way that a fully accessible sidewalk network is maintained.
Design a well-connected grid pattern of streets that Local zoning regulations, local subdivision regulations
maximizes network connections
Maximize multi-modal infrastructure within existing Local subdivision regulations, local public
right-of-way works/engineering standards
Limit traffic lanes widths to the minimum allowable Local subdivision regulations, local public
standard works/engineering standards, D.O.T standards
Keep curb radii to the minimum allowable standard Local public works/engineering standards, D.O.T standards
Coordinate the design and installation of infrastructure Local subdivision regulations, local public
and pedestrian amenities works/engineering standards, D.O.T standards