CSHS 2003 Gajic
CSHS 2003 Gajic
CSHS 2003 Gajic
1. Introduction
It is not always the case that the transient state pressure in the whole system is above the
vapor pressure of the liquid (water). In some low head systems or even in high head
systems in which transients are produced rapidly, the pressure in some part of it may be
reduced down to the vapor pressure of the liquid. This will cause the cavitation and may
produce vapor cavities in the flow or even column separation. If the system is not designed
to withdraw the high vacuum, the thin pipelines walls may be buckled, the pipe collapsing
inwards. Rejoining of the two separated columns or collapse of cavities results in reverse
waterhammer (RWH) with a large pressure rise. These pressure shocks may damage the
piping system, hydraulic machine, valve or/and any other part of the system.
If the pressure in a pipe drops down to the vapor pressure of the water (liquid), then the
cavity is formed and the water (liquid) column separation occurs. When the cavity is big
enough the column of liquid is divided into two separate parts. At the moment when the
cavity vanished, the two parts of water (liquid) columns rejoin. The theoretical pressure
rise due to contact of those two columns with different velocities may be calculated by the
Joukowski formula.
In cases of hydropower plants, pumping systems and water transportations the more
common title would be "Water column separation and reverse waterhammer".
The occurrence of a vacuum is usually disadvantageous, because it may cause strains,
which the system has not been designed to withstand. If the local pressure falls below the
vapor pressure then dissolved gases are released, water evaporates and a cavity is formed.
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
From that point the numerical analysis is based upon several hypothesis none of which
have been definitely proved to date.
In any long conduit (pipeline, tunnel, ...) reverse waterhammer may appear. First, a large
cavity is formed in the zone where the local pressure falls below the vapor pressure, and
later, when the cavity collapses, the separated water columns rush in, hitting each other.
Cases have been reported where this shock was strong enough to cause severe damages.
This is likely to happen in any plant with a long piping system. This event is very
dangerous because it may cause excessively high pressures, and even destroy the pipeline
or damage the machines.
The analysis should determine if the reverse waterhammer may occur or not. There is no
point in trying to design a system strong enough to withstand these shocks, therefore, the
design should be oriented towards preventing such an event. Two-phase flow and water
column separation is allowed only in the specially designed systems. Closed conduit flow
on the downstream side of the power plant could be very dangerous if the pipeline is too
long and water column separation occurs. Designers may decide to shorten the tailrace
tunnel in order to avoid a costly downstream surge tank, but the danger of too long
pressure tailrace is well known, and should be very carefully analyzed. Water column
separation and reverse waterhammer must be avoided in order to prevent costly accidents.
Even in cases of short pipelines reverse waterhammer occurrences were registered.
It is a well known fact that several accidents and damages had occurred in hydropower
plants (HPP) with Kaplan units due to reverse waterhammer (Krivchenko et al., 1975,
Pejovic et al. 1980, 1980-a), although the draft tubes were relatively short. Investigations
of the phenomenon were continued after some incidents already described in literature
(Pejovic et al., 1978; Pejovic et al., 1980-b, Gajic 1983). A numerical program has been
developed and verified by field tests (Gajic et all., 1992). The program consists of two
main parts; the first one is intended for the computation of the physical values of the unit
and the hydraulic system: discharges, pressures, runner speed, net head, etc., while second
part is intended for the computation of the hydraulic axial thrust and the estimation of the
occurrence of the reverse waterhammer. This program has been used for the estimation of
the reverse waterhammer occurrences in hydro powerplants with Kaplan and with bulb
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
Fig. 2.2.a Runner blade (No.2) Fig. 2.2.b Torn-off parts of the blade No.2
broken in the accident
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The turbine closure time was 4 s. It is important to notice that the pressure on the turbine
head cover (h1 and h2 ) becomes an absolute vacuum at the end of the servomotor stroke.
It means that an air-vapor cavity is formed above the runner, resulting in water column
separation. Pressure on the turbine head cover begins to rise only 20 s after the beginning
or the transient process.
Much more information about the phenomenon and about the analysis of the reverse
waterhammer, the axial thrust, pressure distribution in the turbine and some other data
recorded on a model turbine under various steady operating conditions, are given by
Pejovic at all. 1978, 1980, 1980-a, Pejovic, Gajic 1988., Gajic 1993.,Gajiü at al., 1993,
2000, 2002.
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Water rushing from the open manhole flowed down to the power house, causing severe
damage (Jaeger, 1977).
In other similar cases, thin pipeline walls buckled when vacuum occurred, the pipe
collapsing inwards.
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Fig. 2.9. Pressure envelops along the tunnel for different measured and calculated cases
3. Mathematical model
The mathematical model of the unsteady flow is based upon the theory of the rigid
waterhammer, while the case of air introduction into the intake behind the inlet wheel gate
is described by a system of differential equations. The turbine behavior is accounted for by
the model characteristics taking into account the added moment of inertia of the water
captured in the runner. The turbine governor is described by a system of the linearized
differential equations including all nonlinearities of various governor components.
The computation of the hydraulic axial thrust also involves model test data, while the
runner blades thrust, pressure forces acting on the shaft and the runner hub are analyzed
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
dh 1 dc cc
O 0 (1)
dx g dt 2D
The list of symbols is given in notations.
In this type of analysis it is assumed that pressure surges are not violent, therefore the
deformations of the pipes are negligible, and the water may be regarded as non-
compressible fluid. This is the case of Kaplan and bulb turbines, when the time for a
pressure and flow change is shorter then the pipeline reflection time 2 l/a. Reverse
waterhammer analysis in those cases are usually based upon the rigid waterhammer theory.
The scheme of a low-head HPP is given in Fig. 3.1. Unsteady flow in the system is
described by the following equations:
p a pv 1
§ Ol · Q2
g z 0 z v ¦ ¨¨ ] ¸¸ 1 2
dQ1 U 0 © 4 Rh ¹ 2A
dt dl
³0 A
pv p a 7
§ Ol · Q2
g z v z 7 H ¦ ¨¨ ] ¸¸ 22
dQ2 U 2 © 4 Rh ¹ 2A
dt dl
³2 A
In the case when discharges Q1 and Q2 are different and water elevation in the aeration
pipe z v is below z0 , then air flow appears into the inlet structure, see Fig. 3.2. The
corresponding equations are:
Q2 Q1 (4)
dM v
Av U v c z (5)
dz v Q2 Q1
dt Av
Uv (7)
pv U v RT (8)
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2x pA
cz M
x 1 U A
1 1
§ 2 · x 1 § 2 · x 1
Uv UA¨ ¸ , if pv d p A ¨ ¸ (9)
© x 1¹ © x 1¹
ª º
2 x p A « § pv · N 1 »
cz M 1 ¨ ¸
x 1 U A « ¨© p A ¸¹ »
¬« ¼»
1 1
§ p ·x § 2 · x 1
Uv U A ¨¨ v ¸¸ , if pv t p A ¨ ¸ (10)
© pA ¹ © x 1¹
Mv 0 pv
Uv lim
Vv o0 Vv 0 RTV
Q2 Q1
cz (12)
pv pA , Uv U A (13)
U Ac z cz
pv pA , if c¢ 40 m/s (14)
2M 2
Rotational speed is determined by
dn 30 M h M e
dt S J
The moment of inertia has to take into account all rotating parts of the unit Ju, as it was
described by Krivchenko at al. 1975, Pejovic at al. 1978, 1980, Duan 1983, including the
water mass captured in the runner Jad, see Fig.3.3.:
d w>cr @
Mh ³³³ U >cr @dV ³³ U >cr @vn dA ³³³ U dV (16)
dt V A V
J u J ad , if dn ¢ 0 ½
° dt °
° US 4 °
J ® J ad
De d i l sr sin G ¾
° °
° J u , if dn t 0 °
¯ dt ¿
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The turbine governor is of the temporary droop type, where the feedback is taken from the
auxiliary servomotor. The block diagram of this type of governor is given in Fig. 3.4. The
transfer function for each component is listed in the block diagram. The constraints of
various governor components are: maximal and minimal positions of the auxiliary
servomotor, different maximum velocities of the piston movement in the guide-vane and
runner blade servomotors and maximal and minimal positions of these servomotors. The
head dependent relationship E k = f(y1), i.e. cam characteristics, are approximated by a set
of linear equations.
The differential equations with corresponding constraints for various components may be
written from the transfer functions listed in Fig. 3.4.:
- auxiliary servomotor
dy1 1
x b p y1 e c , y1min d y1 d y1max (19)
dt Ty1
- temporary droop feedback
de b p
c x e b p y1 1 e, y Y
dt T y1 d T
- guide-vane servomotor
dy 1
y1 y , dy d dy , 0 d y d 1.0 (21)
dt Ty dt dt max
- runner blade servomotor
dE 1
E k E , dE d dE , E min d E d E max (22)
dt Trk dt dt max
E k ay1 b, a0 a0 Y
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Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
The mean pressure drop 'H K through the runner can be calculated upon the axial
hydraulic thrust Fa :
'H K , (23)
AR 1 rg2@
the mean value of pressure on the turbine cover will be:
ªc 2 º
H K H at H S 'H S K S « m » 'H K (24)
¬ 2g ¼
and the mean axial component of flow velocity at the runner outlet is:
cm Q (25)
ª D 2S 1 rg2 º
« »
¬« 4 ¼»
The condition which prevents the runner dewatering is:
H ² H vp H lim
In case the above condition is not satisfied, the following additional criterion is
c M ¢ clim
which means, that when the water reverses from the draft tube and strikes against the
runner blades, provided the water reverses at the same speed with which it leaves the
runner, the impact force will be relatively small and will not cause any damage. The values
of Hlim and clim must still be corrected on the basis of practical experience gained in
turbine operation.
The allowable meridional velocity and pressure are to be determined by analysis of
different types of turbines and turbine runners and draft tubes.
As the first approximation it could be considered:
clim = 0.5 m/s, H lim = 2 - 3 mWC
An additional condition is of equal importance. This is the time during which the runner
remains waterless, because both the size of cavity and the speed with which water
returning from the draft tube strikes at the runner depend on this. This condition is
specially suitable for analyzing oscillograms recorded when examining transient processes
in waterpower plants. If the duration of absolute vacuum is shorter than one second, it is
considered that there is no danger of accident because of waterhammer. These short
pressure drops are caused by pressure fluctuations and oscillations in the generating
unit.The dimensionless pressure on the ordinate is:
hm H s
and abscissa is the relative radius r/R = d/D or relative diameter.
The model test results are use to determine the local pressure coefficient
h H
\ s 2g m 2 s
on the turbine head cover (locations 01, 02, 03, 04, schematically given in Fig. 3.5.a) upon
discharge coefficient, v and head coefficient, j. Fig. 3.6 shows \ s 01 for the locations 01 at
runner blade inclination of E = 23 . The zero flow condition in the full closed positions of
guide vanes is rather complex in the runner chamber and in the draft tube of axial flow
turbines. Krivchenko, 1975. and Liu, 1987. presented more laboratory test results, with
pressure coefficients expressed in slightly simpler forms.
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
u e2
Hs H at 'H s H s \s (26)
The condition for the reverse water hammer, is that the runner is dewatered when the water
starts to flow back from the draft tube toward the runner. This will happen if, in the space
above the runner, the pressure is equal to that of the saturated vapor, provided that the
water flows out at meridional speed cm, higher than an allowable one, clim . Since the
computation is only an approximation which disregards pressure pulsation, a certain
pressure reserve H lim occurs in a sufficiently large zone above the runner, and mean value
of the meridional component of water outflow from the runner is
higher than the allowable speed clim .
It should be noted that the pressure distribution measured on the model, as well as the
equation (26), apply only when there is no absolute vacuum in the zone above the runner.
If that happens, the pressure distribution must be corrected, because the similarity
conditions are not fulfilled.
4. Numerical Analysis
Different transient regimes in HPP, shown in Fig. 2.1, including the case presented in Fig.
2.6, were analyzed after the accident described in chapter 2.2 (case II). Computed results
are presented in Fig. 4.1. The lines of guide vanes opening A, head H, discharge Q, and
speed n, are obtained by computation of the unit quick closure. To analyze the possibility
of RWH occurrence it is necessary to calculate, according to the methods already
described, the pressure distribution on the turbine head cover, or the mean pressure above
the runner, as was shown in Fig. 4.1.a. The time-dependent change of local pressures
H S 00 , H S 01 , H s 03 , and H s 04 , at the turbine head cover are given by broken lines. The
locations of the points inside the head cover are presented in Fig. 3.6.The line F shows the
hydraulic thrust variation. The mean pressure above the runner H , obtained from the
pressure change in the draft tube and the hydraulic thrust variation, is given by the full line.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
Results computed in a study described here were compared with those obtained by
measurement on site. The analyzes of the possibility of RWH occurrence were performed
according to the mean pressure method, because the model tests included axial hydraulic
thrust measurements, but not the measurements of the pressure distribution on the turbine
head cover. In spite of that, a very good agreement is received for all physical values
Load rejection from power output of 162 MW to the idle run is presented in Fig.5.1.
Experimental results are given by the solid lines, and computed results by dotted lines.
Notations are: Yy(mm)- guide vanes servomotor stroke, E ($) - runner blade inclination, n
(%) - runner speed , p sp (m) - spiral casing pressure, pdt (m)- draft tube pressure, Fu (kN) -
runner axial thrust. The turbine quick closure and stoppage are presented in Fig. 5.1. The
agreement of the experimental and computed results is obvious.
Fig.5.1. Load rejection and quick closure and turbine stoppage from 90 MW
6. Conclusions
The analysis of the various transient regimes can be done using the programs described in
the paper. For instance, manual stoppage from the runaway and the optimization of the
runner blade and guide vanes closure modes and other emergency cases which have not
been tested on site, and which were, consequently, analyzed mathematically. Study of
possible power output increase at the hydropower plant requires similar analysis for all
normal and emergency transient regimes which can occur in future operation.
Reverse waterhammer may be prevented by adjusting the time of turbine closure.
A sufficiently long closure time is the best protection. Governors with several closing
speeds, which permit slower closure mode at the end of closure, when the guide vanes
have small openings, are very suitable, since they permit a sufficient decrease in the unit's
rotational speed before the guide vanes are closed.
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
When control conditions require a minimal closure time, comprehensive and expensive
investigations must be conducted. The pressure distribution on the turbine head cover and
the hydraulic thrust should be measured on the model, under steady operating conditions. It
must be noted that in the case of cavitation, air introduction, or any kind of two phase flow,
there is no similarity between the model and prototype. The results should be critically
The guide vanes must be closed slowly, but the runner blades must be opened, or closed,
depending upon the initial steady conditions, if the governor fails to operate. If, at high
rotational speed and large runner blades inclination, the guide vanes close completely, the
axial thrust could raise the rotor, and serious accident may occur, because of the reverse
When axial flow turbines operate in the brake or zero flow condition, and the guide vanes
are partially or fully closed, the axial force is negative. If it is greater then the weight of the
rotating parts, the rotor will be lifted.
The intensity of axial thrust is relevant to the type, size, suction head, speed of rotation and
inclination of the runner blades, as well as the aeration of the turbine. At the moment when
the turbine is completely closed (a = 0) the speed of rotation has passed its maximum, but
is still slightly smaller then its maximum value (n = nmax ). Therefore, the axial thrust has
reached its maximal intensity, which is highly dependent upon the runner blade inclination
and rotational speed.
In the further treatment of this problem, the limiting values of the maximum pressure on
the turbine head cover and the allowable values of the water outflow speed under the
runner should be thoroughly tested. Likewise, an analysis should be made of the influence
of quantities that are not modeled, such as air supply to the turbine, change in the
cavitation coefficient, and other quantities.
AR (m ) - runner sectional area
p (m) - draft tube pressure;
a0 (mm) - guide vane opening;
bt (-) - temporary speed droop;
c (-) - command signal;
cm (m/s) - mean meridional component of outflow velocity;
D (m) - pipe, or runner, diameter;
dg (m) - runner hub diameter;
e (-) - temporary droop feedback signal;
Fn(N) - runner axial thrust;
g ( m 2 ) - gravity acceleration;
h (m) - piezometric head;
H (m) - net head;
'H k (m) - pressure rise through the runner;
Me (Nm) - electrical torque;
n ( min 1 )- rotational speed;
The research project in which the investigations has been carried out is supported by
Ministry of science , technology and development Republic Serbia, through project 1328.
Proceedings of the International Conference on CSHS03, Belgrade, 2003
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