Responsible Self: My Commitment To Lifelong Growth
Responsible Self: My Commitment To Lifelong Growth
Responsible Self: My Commitment To Lifelong Growth
= respond appropriately to
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences the moods, motivations and desires of
Intelligence others
- the ability to acquire and apply 8) Intrapersonal Intelligence
knowledge and skills = capacity to be self-aware
- the capacity for logic, and in tune with inner feelings, values,
understanding, self-awareness, beliefs and thinking processes
learning, emotional knowledge, 9) Existential intelligence
reasoning, planning, creativity, = sensitivity and capacity to
critical thinking and problem tackle deep questions about human
solving. existence.
- a measurement of intelligence and Contributors to Intelligence
is expressed in a number. a. Heredity
b. Environment
Human Potential
- can be tied to one’s preferences MOTIVATION
- Gardner’s focus on human THINK, AND FEEL THE WAY THEY DO.
potential lies in the fact that
people have a unique blend of Theories of Motivation
capabilities and skills a) Evolutionary Theory
(intelligences). = The motivation for sex,
- This model can be used to achievement, aggression and other behaviors
understand “overall personality, is rooted in the organisms.
preferences and strengths”. = If the specie is HIGHLY
COMPETITIVE, it is because such
Types of Intelligences competitiveness has improved its chances of
1) Naturalist Intelligence survival, and it is then passed down through
- Experience the great outdoors. genes from generation to generation.
- Do gardening. b) Drive Reduction Theory
2) Visual-Spatial Intelligence c) Optimum Arousal Theory
= ‘picture smart’ persons. = The Yerkes-Dodson Law states
Play Puzzles. that performance is at its highest under
3) Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence conditions of moderate arousal rather than
= Word smart people high or low arousal.
= great capacities in writing, LOW AROUSAL – one might be too
reading, teaching and listening lazy or unwilling to perform the
4) Mathematical-Logical Intelligence task
= number smart people HIGH AROUSAL – one might not be
= skill to think abstractly and able to concentrate on performing
conceptually the task.
5) Musical Intelligence KIND of TASK –e.g. mathematics
= ‘musical smart’ persons problems ---low arousal
= can appreciate and produce PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS –
perfect timbre, rhythm and pitch. sensation -seeking- the motivation
6) Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence to experience varied, novel,
=control one’s body complex, and intense feelings and
movements. experiences.
d) Cognitive approach
= The why, or purpose behind responding
= Latin movere “move”
= The driving force that moves us to -a
particular action
Theories of Motivation
1) Drive reduction theory
Clark Hull
- focuses on “homeostasis”
- states that motivation arises out
of a need state
NEED FOR FOOD 3) Humanistic
2) Incentive Theory
Kenneth Spence
= INCENTIVE – is aroused as an
organism approaches a GOAL and anticipates
performing the behavior that obtains the