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Jhon Dave Surbano




I. Answer the following question

1. How did Pigafetta’s travelogue contribute immensely to the enrichment of
Philippine historiography?
History itself really matters, the travelogue of Pigafetta made a great
contribution to the Philippine historiography because he was called extensive data
concerning the geography, climate, flora, fauna, and native inhabitants of the places
that the expedition visited. His meticulous notes proved invaluable to future
explorers and cartographers, mainly due to hid inclusion of nautical and linguistic
data, and also to latter-day historians because of its vivid, detailed style. Antonio
pigafetta also wrote a book in which the voyage was given. his journal is primary
source of information about what really happened in the past. It is also stated in the
journal about the physical appearance, social life, religious beliefs, and cultural
practices of the people. In addition, he also witnessed about the economic activities
of the local folks, and the goods they offer for trade. Most importantly, witnessing
the battle of Mactan as a result of Magellan’s death.

2. What is the important imformation about the account of Antonio Pigaffeta in his
book, “First Voyage Around the World” to the Filipino history?
The book of Antonio Pigafetta was actually about expedition around the world
of Ferdinand Magellan, a Spanish Captain-General. It is also included their specific
places which is called “Landrones Islands”. In the expedition of Magellan, it shows
that the Filipino are hospitable because they are friendly. It gives us also the
information that the Spanish Culture influences the Filipinos with religion
(Christianity). Magellan also presided a mass and it is also stated that the first mass
happened in the Philippines is included to the expedition. Magellan planted a giant
cross which is still preserved in the present day. The original book was translated by
the scholars namely Theodore Cachey Jr. and Henry Edward Jogn Stanley.

3. Discuss the relevance of the Pigaffeta’s account to the contemporary times.

The relevance of his account matters a lot and in the modern days it is still
relevant because it contributed a lot in the Philippine historiography. Pigafetta’s
account is a primary source and can really basis of understanding history, the
Filipino history and what ever happens in the past. In the book of Pigafetta, it is also
included and opened a lot of things in the Philippines and in Spain, as well. It is
stated that Spain has a scarcity in spices and the economy cruel

Kartilya ng katipunan

I. Author Background

Emilio Jacinto was an eloquent and brave young man that brought him in the position for
the "Brain of Katipunan". He wrote a newspaper entitled " Kalyaan" and was the author of
"Kartilya ng Katipunan". This is the guide book for new members and current members of
katipunan. He was one of the highest ranking officers in the Philippines Revolution and was one
of the highest ranking officers of the revolutionary society Kataas - taasang, Kagalang -
galangang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or simply and more popularly called Katipunan,
being a member of its Supreme Council. He was elected secretary of the State for the Haring
Bayang Katagalugan, a revolutionary government established during the outbreak of hostilities.
He is popularly known in Philippine History texbooks as the Basis of the Katipunan while some
content he should be rightfully recognized as the "Brain of the Revolution" (a title given to
Apolinario Mabini). Jacinto was present in the Cry of Pugad Lawin with Andres Bonifacio, the
supremo of the katipunan, and others of its member which signated the start of tge Revolution
against the spanish colonial government in the island. He's real name is Emilio Jacinto y Dizon
and is from Tondo Manila. He is known for his pen name, "pingkian" "Dimasilaw" "ka llyong".
He was married to Catalina de Jesus who was pregnant at the time of his death.

The fist edition of the Kartilya was written by Andres bonifacio but is a later on
revised as Decalogue by Emilio Jacinto.

II. Short Descriptionof reference of used( Primary Sources)

Before the approval of the famous Cartilla (primer) of Emilio Jacinto, Andres Bonifacio had
already prepared a similar primer, but withdrew it because Emilio Jacinto’s seemed better to him.
Don Andres did not call his primer decalogue, though it was one in appearance, but simply
Katungkulang Gagawin ng Z.Ll.B. (Duties of the S(ons) of the P(eople). Love God with all thy
heart. Always bear in mind that the true love of God is the love of the country, and that this love
is also the true love for they fellow-men. Engrave in thy heart that the height of honor and
happiness is to die in order to save one’s country. Calmness, constancy, reason, and faith in all
work and actions crown every good desire with success. Maintain the mandates and aims of the
K.K.K. like thy honor. It is of the incumbency of all to deliver and aid, at the risk of their own
lives and property, and any one who runs great risk in the performance of his duties. Let the acts
of each in good government and the performance of duties be such as to serve an example to his
neighbor. In so far as it is within thy power, share thy means with every indigent or unfortunate
person. Diligence in the efforts to earn means of subsistence is the genuine love for one’s self,
one’s spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, and compatriot. Believe in the punishment of every
scoundrel and traitor and in the reward of every good act. Believe, likewise,, that they aims of
the K.K.K. are God-given, and that desires for thy country are therefore desires of God.

III. Content Presentation (Topic Summary)

The Kataas-taasan, kagalanggalangang na katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or Katipunan is arguably the
most important organization formed in the Philippine History.The Kartilla ng Katipunan by Jim on the
other hand was written for the Filipino People.

“A Katipunero who does not have a purpose lives is a useless life.” This tenet actually defines what life
is. “True act of kindness for a Katipunero is in the love and service he render to other people and not the
other way round.” It only means that having an open hand to give help without expecting in return is
one of the best example to show an act kindness.

“A Katipuneros’ life is not measured by what is his status in life nor with the things he
possess.Kartilya ng Katipunan is a set of principles that shows the path on how each and every one of us
must live of lives by living to the fullest through good values. I believe that this Kartilya ng Katipunan was
made to change the thoughts of every Filipino’s unacceptable behavior. And through Kartilya ng
Katipunan, Filipinos were united to fight for what they own.

Kartilya ng Katipunan became an oath the every Katipuneros must follow to show their determination
in being a part of the people who wanted a change. And while we have different interpretation with
what was intended by Bonifacio, there is one thing that everyone can agree on: Kartilya ng Katipunan
was meant to guide us in living our everyday life to the fullest. More importantly, it highlights the
importance of having the right attitude towards other people.

IV.Contribution of the documents in Understanding in the Philippines

In the history of the Philippines, “Kartilya ng Katipunan” played a big role and contributed a lot in
providing the independence that Filipinos are enjoying today.The people formed a secret society named
the KKK and it was led by Andres Bonifacio. To join the society one must fully understand and internalize
their reason. The” Kartilya ng Katipunan” is composed of guiding principles and main teachings so that
they will perform their duties wholeheartedly. It asserted that it was the internal qualifications that
make human greatness.

Raiders of the Sulu Sea





Filipino’s struggle for freedom

Opposition towards Western Imperialism
Political dynasty
“Bangsamoro” title was well-known throughout the Malaysian archipelago and among Muslim
Insistent resistance may have inspired Filipino revolutionaries

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