NCR - BAM - 008 - 001 (Reply For Response)
NCR - BAM - 008 - 001 (Reply For Response)
NCR - BAM - 008 - 001 (Reply For Response)
Further to above it was noticed that Contractor is not keen on identifying the actual root cause of the
non-compliance issued by PM’s Staff. Therefore, proposed preventive action is also not acceptable.
Proposal Reviewed by (For Project Manager):
Name AJS.SHAARIM Designation Assistant Resident Engineer
Signature Date
Signature Date
The Contractor shall carry out the Action Plan subjected to the Acceptance of the Proposal and the
implementation of the Action Plan shall be notified initially to the Resident Engineer. Sub-section No. 02
of Section III will be filled by a supervision team member of PM / RE accordingly. Any major deviation(s)
at the implementation of the proposed Action Plan shall be subjected to correspondence.
The NCR will be closed by the Project Manager in collaboration with the Reviews and Follow-up
Comments mentioned in Section III and any other Correspondence formulated thereof.
3) Preventive Action:
Signature Date