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DST 4601 Technical Manual

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FILE: EAAM011303I.doc
Data: 10/03/05
Preparato da: Andrea Rizzon
Controllato da: Walter Caielli

This document is owned by SICES s.r.l.. All rights reserved.SICES s.r.l. reserves the right to modify this
document without prior notice.

The disclosure by any means of this document to third parties is not allowed.


Revision Date Pages Notes

00-01-02 English version not issued

03 10/03/05 93 First English Issue

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. II


FILE: EAAM011303I.DOC ...................................................................................................................................I
REVISION ....................................................................................................................................................................... II
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ III
PARAMETERS USAGE INDEX ....................................................................................................................................... VII
1. FORWARD ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SYMBOLS.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. REAR PANEL......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 DIGITAL INPUTS ................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 MEASURE INPUTS ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 DIGITAL OUTPUTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 ENGINE INPUT/OUTPUT TERMINALS .................................................................................................................. 4
2.5 OTHER CONNECTORS. ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.1 JH (Power Supply)...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.2 JI (RS232) ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.3 JP (Optional RS232)................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.4 JQ (Optional CAN BUS interface).............................................................................................................. 5
2.5.5 JR (Auxiliary current measurement option) ............................................................................................... 6
2.6 INSTALLATION REMARKS AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................. 6
3. FRONT PANEL ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Key-lock selector......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Pushbuttons ................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 SIGNALS ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 MEASURE DISPLAY ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Gen-set phase to phase voltage ................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.2 Gen-set phase to neutral voltage .............................................................................................................. 11
3.3.3 Gen-set phase current............................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.4 Mains phase to phase voltage................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.5 Active Power ............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.6 Battery Voltage / Engine speed / Frequency............................................................................................. 12
3.3.7 Gen-set phase to phase voltage/ Gen-set current / Gen-set frequency ..................................................... 12
3.4 MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4.1 STATUS .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 MEASURES .............................................................................................................................................. 18
4. PROGRAMMING ................................................................................................................................................ 23
4.1 GENERAL STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Organization ............................................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.2 Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 OPERATING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 24
4.2.1 Enter in the programming mode............................................................................................................... 24
4.2.2 Menu selection .......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.3 Parameters selection................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.4 Parameters modifying............................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.5 Set up limits............................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.6 Exit from programming ............................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.7 Loading default values.............................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 ADDITIONAL NOTES ........................................................................................................................................ 27
5. EVENT LOG ARCHIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 28
5.1 HOW TO VISUALIZE THE ARCHIVES ................................................................................................................. 31
5.2 EXIT FROM ARCHIVES VISUALIZATION ............................................................................................................ 32

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. III


5.3 EVENTS PAGES................................................................................................................................................ 32

5.4 SLOW/FAST TREND PAGES............................................................................................................................... 33
5.5 PEAKS PAGES .................................................................................................................................................. 33
5.6 PASSIVE ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS PAGES ............................................................................................................ 34
5.7 RESET OF ARCHIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 34
6. SPECIAL PROCEDURES................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 ACTIVATION OF SPECIAL PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................... 36
6.2 “FUEL LEV.”: FUEL LEVEL SENSOR CALIBRATION. ....................................................................................... 37
6.3 “LANGUAGE”: LANGUAGE SELECTION ........................................................................................................ 38
7. WORKING SEQUENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1 BOARD MODES ............................................................................................................................................... 40
7.2 MAINS VOLTAGE ............................................................................................................................................ 41
7.3 GENERATOR ................................................................................................................................................... 43
7.3.1 Frequency ................................................................................................................................................. 43
7.3.2 Voltages .................................................................................................................................................... 44
7.3.3 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 45
7.4 INHIBITION ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
7.4.1 Inhibition from digital input ..................................................................................................................... 46
7.4.2 Inhibition by internal real time clock........................................................................................................ 46
7.5 ENGINE ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
7.5.1 Engine running/stopped status acknowledgement .................................................................................... 46
7.5.2 Engine commands..................................................................................................................................... 47
7.5.3 Manual control sequence.......................................................................................................................... 48
7.5.4 Automatic command sequence.................................................................................................................. 51
7.6 LOADS CHANGE-OVER .................................................................................................................................... 54
7.6.1 Change-over logic .................................................................................................................................... 54
8. ANOMALIES ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
01 – MINIMUM GENERATOR VOLTAGE .......................................................................................................................... 58
02 – MAXIMUM GENERATOR VOLTAGE ......................................................................................................................... 58
03 – MINIMUM GENERATOR FREQUENCY ...................................................................................................................... 59
04 – MAXIMUM GENERATOR FREQUENCY ..................................................................................................................... 59
05 – BELT BREAK .......................................................................................................................................................... 59
06 – MAXIMUM CURRENT ............................................................................................................................................. 59
07 – STOP KEY PRESSED WHILE IN AUTO ................................................................................................................... 61
08 – OPERATING CONDITIONS FAILURE ......................................................................................................................... 61
10 – AUXILIARY WARNING (FROM TERMINAL 4) ........................................................................................................... 62
11 – POWER REVERSE ................................................................................................................................................... 62
12 – GENSET LOCKED ................................................................................................................................................... 62
13 – MAINS CONTROL BREAKER (MCB) NOT CLOSED ................................................................................................... 62
14 – GENSET CONTROL BREAKER (GCB) NOT CLOSED .................................................................................................. 63
15 – OVER LOAD (FROM CONTACT)............................................................................................................................... 63
16 – SHORT CIRCUIT ON THE GENERATOR ..................................................................................................................... 63
17 – OVER SPEED (FROM CONTACT).............................................................................................................................. 63
18 – OVER SPEED (FROM PICK-UP OR W) ...................................................................................................................... 64
19 – OVER SPEED (FROM GENERATOR FREQUENCY)...................................................................................................... 64
21 – ENGINE NOT STOPPED ............................................................................................................................................ 64
22 – OVER CRANK......................................................................................................................................................... 64
23 – MAINS CONTROL BREAKER (MCB) NOT OPEN ....................................................................................................... 65
24 – GENSET CONTROL BREAKER (GCB) NOT OPEN ...................................................................................................... 65
25 – MINIMUM FUEL LEVEL (FROM CONTACT) .............................................................................................................. 65
26 – MINIMUM FUEL LEVEL (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) ................................................................................................ 65
27 – LOW FUEL LEVEL (FROM CONTACT) ...................................................................................................................... 66
28 – LOW FUEL LEVEL (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) ........................................................................................................ 66
29 – HIGH FUEL LEVEL (FROM CONTACT)...................................................................................................................... 66
30 – HIGH FUEL LEVEL (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) ....................................................................................................... 66
31 – HIGH COOLANT TEMPERATURE (FROM CONTACT) ................................................................................................. 67
32 – HIGH COOLANT TEMPERATURE (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) ................................................................................... 67

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33 – MAXIMUM COOLANT TEMPERATURE (FROM CONTACT)......................................................................................... 67

34 – MAXIMUM COOLANT TEMPERATURE (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) .......................................................................... 67
37 – LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 68
38 – HIGH BATTERY VOLTAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 68
39 – SERVICE REQUIRED ............................................................................................................................................... 68
40 – MESSAGE FOR THE OPERATOR ............................................................................................................................... 69
41 – MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE (FROM CONTACT) ........................................................................................................... 69
42 – MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE (FROM ANALOG MEASURE)............................................................................................. 69
43 – LOW OIL PRESSURE (FROM CONTACT) ................................................................................................................... 69
44 – LOW OIL PRESSURE (FROM ANALOG MEASURE) ..................................................................................................... 70
45 – MAXIMUM AUXILIARY CURRENT ........................................................................................................................... 70
46 – AUXILIARY ALARM (FROM TERMINAL1)................................................................................................................ 70
47 – AUXILIARY ENGINE ALARM (FROM TERMINAL 2) .................................................................................................. 70
48 – EMERGENCY STOP ................................................................................................................................................. 71
49 – HIGH POWER ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
51 – HIGH BOARD TEMPERATURE ................................................................................................................................. 71
52 – GENERATOR VOLTAGE ASYMMETRY ..................................................................................................................... 71
53 – GENERATOR CURRENT ASYMMETRY ..................................................................................................................... 72
55 – WRONG PHASES SEQUENCE ................................................................................................................................... 72
57 – CLOCK NOT VALID................................................................................................................................................. 72
61 – EXCITATION LOST ................................................................................................................................................. 73
62 – CAN BUS LINK FAULT ......................................................................................................................................... 73
68 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 8........................................................................................................................ 74
69 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 9........................................................................................................................ 74
70 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 10...................................................................................................................... 74
71 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 11...................................................................................................................... 74
72 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 12...................................................................................................................... 74
73 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 13...................................................................................................................... 74
74 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 14...................................................................................................................... 74
75 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 15...................................................................................................................... 74
76 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 16...................................................................................................................... 74
77 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 17...................................................................................................................... 74
78 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 18...................................................................................................................... 74
79 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 19...................................................................................................................... 74
80 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM INPUT 20...................................................................................................................... 74
81 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 01 ................................................................................................... 74
82 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 02 ................................................................................................... 74
83 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 03 ................................................................................................... 74
84 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 04 ................................................................................................... 74
85 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 05 ................................................................................................... 74
86 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 06 ................................................................................................... 74
87 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 07 ................................................................................................... 74
88 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 08 ................................................................................................... 74
89 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 09 ................................................................................................... 74
90 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 10 ................................................................................................... 74
91 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 11 ................................................................................................... 74
92 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 12 ................................................................................................... 74
93 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 13 ................................................................................................... 74
94 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 14 ................................................................................................... 74
95 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 15 ................................................................................................... 74
96 – GENERIC ANOMALY FROM EXPANSION INPUT 16 ................................................................................................... 74
118 – OVER SPEED FROM CAN BUS............................................................................................................................. 75
132 – HIGH COOLANT TEMPERATURE FROM CAN BUS ................................................................................................ 75
134 – MAXIMUM COOLANT TEMPERATURE FROM CAN BUS ....................................................................................... 76
135 – MINIMUM COOLANT LEVEL FROM CAN BUS...................................................................................................... 76
136 – LOW COOLANT LEVEL FROM CAN BUS.............................................................................................................. 76
137 – LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE FROM CAN BUS ......................................................................................................... 76
142 – MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE FROM CAN BUS.......................................................................................................... 77
144 – LOW OIL PRESSURE FROM CAN BUS .................................................................................................................. 77
158 – HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE FROM CAN BUS.......................................................................................................... 77

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159 – MAXIMUM OIL TEMPERATURE FROM CAN BUS ................................................................................................. 77

160 – WATER IN FUEL FROM CAN BUS ....................................................................................................................... 78
198 –WARNINGS FROM CAN BUS (CUMULATIVE)....................................................................................................... 78
199 – ALARMS FROM CAN BUS (CUMULATIVE) .......................................................................................................... 78
9. OTHER FUNCTIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 79
9.1 NONVOLATILE MEMORY ................................................................................................................................. 79
9.2 CLOCK ............................................................................................................................................................ 79
9.2.1 Engine TEST weekly planning. ................................................................................................................. 80
9.2.2 Working time intervals weekly planning................................................................................................... 80
9.3 THERMOMETER .............................................................................................................................................. 81
9.4 SERIAL NUMBER ............................................................................................................................................. 82
9.5 SECOND SERIAL PORT ..................................................................................................................................... 82
9.6 AUXILIARY CURRENT ..................................................................................................................................... 82
9.7 FUEL PUMP ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
9.7.1 Usage with an analogical level transducer .............................................................................................. 83
9.7.2 Usage with a level transducer with contacts ............................................................................................ 84
9.7.3 Level evaluation........................................................................................................................................ 84
9.7.4 Automatic pump control ........................................................................................................................... 85
9.7.5 Manual pump control ............................................................................................................................... 85
9.8 COUNTERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 85
9.8.1 Counters reset........................................................................................................................................... 86
9.9 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 86
9.10 GENSET LOCK ................................................................................................................................................. 86
9.11 LOADS PROTECTION FROM MAINS BREAKER DAMAGES ................................................................................... 86
9.12 ENGINE SPEED (RPM) .................................................................................................................................... 87
9.13 LOAD MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 88
9.13.1 Low load .............................................................................................................................................. 88
9.13.2 High load ............................................................................................................................................. 89
9.14 MONOSTABLE................................................................................................................................................. 89
9.15 INPUTS SETTING .............................................................................................................................................. 90
9.16 OUTPUT SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................... 91
9.17 CAN BUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 94
9.18 EJP FUNCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 94

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. VI


Parameters Usage Index

P.001; 22; 23 P.228; 41; 44 P.363; 66
P.002; 22; 23 P.229; 41; 44; 45 P.364; 66
P.003; 22; 23 P.230; 44; 45; 57 P.365; 66
P.101; 26; 39; 42; 56; 57; 58; 61; P.231; 44; 45; 57 P.366; 69
69; 70 P.232; 44; 45 P.367; 68; 81
P.102; 26; 42; 56; 57; 58; 61; 69; P.233; 47 P.368; 68; 81
70 P.301; 42; 43; 56 P.401; 81; 82
P.103; 42 P.302; 43; 56 P.402; 81
P.104; 42 P.303; 42; 43; 56; 57 P.403; 81
P.105; 41; 57; 62 P.304; 43; 56; 57 P.418; 38; 70; 78
P.106; 24; 57; 58; 60; 61; 69; 70; P.305; 41; 42; 57 P.419; 78
86 P.306; 42; 57 P.420; 39; 70; 78
P.107; 26 P.307; 41; 42; 57 P.421; 44; 70; 78; 79
P.108; 68; 80 P.308; 42; 57 P.422; 44; 70; 79
P.109; 68; 80; 81 P.309; 57; 58 P.423; 44; 70; 79
P.110; 21; 26; 44; 45; 62; 85 P.310; 57; 58 P.424; 66; 79; 83; 84
P.111; 21; 26; 44; 45; 62; 85; 86 P.311; 61 P.425; 66; 84
P.112; 20; 26; 67; 68 P.312; 61 P.441; 27
P.113; 20; 26; 65; 66 P.313; 60 P.443; 30
P.114; 20; 26; 63; 64; 81 P.314; 60 P.481; 69; 86
P.115; 26; 44; 45; 57 P.315; 69 P.482; 86; 87
P.116; 26; 39; 40; 44 P.316; 69; 70 P.483; 69; 86; 87
P.117; 39 P.317; 70 P.484; 69; 86; 87
P.118; 39 P.318; 70 P.485; 69; 86; 87
P.119; 26; 39 P.319; 70 P.486; 69; 86; 87
P.201; 39 P.320; 70 P.491; 55
P.202; 42; 56 P.321; 70; 71 P.492; 12
P.203; 39; 40 P.322; 70; 71 P.501; 68
P.204; 39; 40 P.331; 41; 42; 62 P.502; 68
P.205; 40; 44 P.332; 42; 62 P.503; 68
P.206; 40; 44 P.333; 62 P.504; 68
P.207; 44 P.334; 62 P.505; 60
P.208; 44 P.335; 65 P.506; 60
P.209; 47 P.336; 65 P.507; 14; 39; 52; 60; 61; 62; 63;
P.210; 50 P.337; 65 64; 65; 67; 72; 84; 86; 87; 88;
P.211; 51; 62; 63 P.338; 65 92
P.212; 51 P.339; 68 P.508; 52; 60; 61; 62; 63; 64; 65;
P.213; 48; 51 P.340; 68 67; 72; 73; 84; 87; 88; 89; 92
P.214; 48; 51; 62 P.341; 67 P.509; 72; 73; 88; 89
P.215; 51 P.342; 67 P.581; 45; 56; 81; 86; 87
P.216; 65; 66; 67; 68; 72; 73; 74 P.343; 64; 81 P.584; 90; 91
P.217; 50; 59 P.344; 64 P.591; 45
P.218; 53 P.345; 64; 81 P.601; 90; 91
P.219; 52; 53; 54 P.346; 64 P.602; 90; 91
P.220; 52; 53; 54 P.347; 63; 64; 81 P.651; 72
P.221; 52; 60; 61; 84 P.348; 63; 64 P.652; 72
P.222; 38; 53 P.349; 57 P.653; 72
P.223; 47 P.350; 69; 86 P.700; 62; 65; 66; 67; 68; 71; 73;
P.224; 44; 45 P.351; 69; 86 74; 75; 76; 85
P.225; 44; 45 P.352; 69; 86 P.703; 71
P.226; 42; 44; 45 P.361; 69 P.704; 73; 74; 75
P.227; 42; 44; 45 P.362; 66

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag.VII


DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag.VIII


1. Forward
1.1 Definitions
Throughout this document the word BLOCK is used to indicate an alarm that makes
generation function impossible and causes immediate generator shutdown.

The word DISABLE is used to indicate an alarm that makes generation function impossible
and causes the automatic generator shutdown after a proper cooling down cycle.

The word WARNING is used to indicate a warning that requires an operator action but
doesn’t require the automatic generator shutdown.

Throughout this document, the words SOFTWARE and FIRMWARE are used as
synonymous if they are referred to the board firmware.

Software code version is reported in a format like EB0220040xxyy, where xx is the major
version number and yy is the minor version number. Thus, code EB02200400001 refers to
00.01 software release.

Two different software packages are used:

• EB0220040xxyy: for standard DST4601

• EB0220057zzyy: for DST4601/P, boards used in parallel systems.

Starting from release 00.19 it is available a new version of DST4601 employing a 32bit
microcontroller. These board versions use the followings package codes:

• EB0220073xxyy: for standard DST4601

• EB0220074zzyy: for DST4601/P boards used in parallel systems.

The release code (xxyy) is consistent for all the software packages: that means that the
common features share the same code.

In the future, a new type of SW will be used; it will support two CAN bus interfaces. The FW
related codes will be:

• EB0220082xxyy: for standard DST4601

• EB0220083xxyy: for DST4601/P, boards used in parallel systems.

1.2 Symbols
In this document a vertical bar on the right margin or a gray background indicates that the
chapter or the paragraph has been amended with respect to the last document’s version.

1.3 References
[1] CANopen – Cabling and Connector Pin Assignment – CiA Draft Recommendation DR-303-1

[2] SICES EAM0136xx – Manuale utilizzo interfacce J1939

[3] BOSCH CAN Specification – Version 2.0 – 1991, Robert Bosch Gmbh

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 1


2. Rear Panel

2.1 Digital inputs

Connectors JA, JB and JC are the terminals of the optically coupled inputs of the board.
These inputs are active if connected to ground.

Some inputs have programmable functions that can be changed by a programming menu.

Terminal Function

JA 01 AUX ALARM. Auxiliary alarm (BLOCK) input.

AUX ENGINE ALARM. Auxiliary alarm (BLOCK) input enabled only after a delay time
JA 02
from engine running.
JA 04 AUX WARNING. Auxiliary warning input.
JA 05 MAINS SIMULATION. Inhibition / Mains simulation.
REMOTE TEST. External test command. If driven and the key-lock is in AUTO, actives
JA 06
the TEST mode.
INPUT 07 OIL PRESS. ALARM. Programmable input preset to a BLOCK for engine
JA 07
minimum oil pressure.
INPUT 08 OIL PRESS. WARN. Programmable input preset to a WARNING for engine
JA 08
low oil pressure.
INPUT 09 WATER TEMPERATURE ALARM. Programmable input preset to a BLOCK
JA 09
for maximum coolant temperature.
INPUT 10 WATER TEMPERATURE WARN. Programmable input preset to a
JB 10
WARNING for high coolant temperature.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 2


Terminal Function

INPUT 11 OVERLOAD. Programmable input preset to a BLOCK for external

JB 11
OVERLOAD sensor.
INPUT 12 OVERSPEED. Programmable input preset to a BLOCK for an external
JB 12
JB 13 INPUT 13 AUX INPUT 1. Free programmable input.
JB 14 INPUT 14 AUX INPUT 2. Free programmable input.
JB 15 INPUT 15 AUX INPUT 3. Free programmable input.
INPUT 16 MIN FUEL LEVEL Programmable input, preset to the MINIMUM FUEL
JC 16
LEVEL function.
INPUT 17 LOW FUEL LEVEL Programmable input, preset to the LOW FUEL LEVEL
JC 17
INPUT 18 FUEL PUMP START LEV. Programmable input, preset to the FUEL PUMP
JC 18
START function.
INPUT 19 FUEL PUMP STOP LEV. Programmable input, preset to the FUEL PUMP
JC 19
STOP function.
INPUT 16 HIGH FUEL LEVEL Programmable input, preset to the HIGH FUEL LEVEL
JC 20

2.2 Measure inputs

Terminal Function

JL 50/51 TA input, L1 phase

JL 52/53 TA input, L2 phase
JL 54/55 TA input, L3 phase
JN 63 Generator Voltage phase L1
JN 65 Generator Voltage phase L2
JN 67 Generator Voltage phase L3
JN 68 Generator Voltage neutral line N
JO 70 Mains/Grid Voltage phase L1
JO 72 Mains/Grid Voltage phase L2
JO 74 Mains/Grid Voltage phase L3

For single-phase system use terminals 50/51 (generator current), 63/68 (generator voltage),
70/72 (mains voltage).

The ammeter transformers must have a secondary nominal current of 5A. Dotted terminals
should me connected to terminals 50, 52 and 54; the other terminals should be connected to
terminals 51, 53 and 55. In case of terminals exchange, the current measurement will still be
correct but the measured power will be meaningful; check also the transformers orientation.
DST4601 uses internal additional current transformers to obtain insulated measurement: it is
thus possible to connect in series other instruments to the TA both before and after the

For applied voltage above that specify in par. 2.6, voltage transformer must be used in order
to reduce it and insulate the board. If standard 100V voltage transformers are used, please
order the option E620202710100 for generator input and/or E620202710200 for mains input:
boards equipped with this option have a limited input phase-to-phase voltage of 160Vac

2.3 Digital Outputs

The following table lists outputs that share input JD-25 as common input terminal. Source
voltage should be applied voltage to this terminal. Some of these outputs have alternate
functions configurable by means programming parameters.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 3


Terminal Output type Function

Relay, 1A, OUTPUT 21 FUEL PUMP. Programmable output, preset to the

JD 21
Relay, 1A, OUTPUT 22 FUEL ALARM. Programmable output, preset to the
JD 22
N.O. function FUEL ALARM.
Relay, 1A,
JD 23 ALARM OUTPUT. Output for additional external alarm horn.
STOP SOLENOID. Programmable output, preset to the command
Relay, 1A,
JD 24 issued during stop cycle. Useful for engines having excitation
shutdown system.
Relay, 4A,
JD 26 START. Command for engine’s starting motor.
Relay, 4A, FUEL SOLENOID. Fuel solenoid command for engines having drop-
JD 27
N.O. down shutdown system.

The following table lists outputs that have the battery negative pole (GND) as common
They are active when connected to ground otherwise they are open circuit. All these outputs
have alternate functions configurable by means programming parameters.

Terminal Output type Function

Open collector, ENGINE RUNNING. Programmable output, preset to signal an engine

JG 40
350mA. running status.
Open collector, WARNINGS. Programmable output, preset to signal the presence of
JG 41
350mA. one or more warnings.
Open collector, ALARMS. Programmable output, preset to signal the presence of one
JG 42
350mA. alarm or disable.
Open collector, MAN-AUTO-TEST. Programmable output, preset to signal the
JG 43
350mA. presence of one of the three listed mode
Open collector, AUTO-TEST. Programmable output, preset to signal the presence of
JG 44
350mA. one of the two listed mode
Open collector, OUTPUT 45 GENERATOR ALARM. Programmable output, preset to
JG 45
350mA. signal a block or disable dues to the generator.
Open collector, OUTPUT 46 SPEED ALARM. Programmable output, preset to signal
JG 46
350mA. block dues to engine speed.
Open collector, OUTPUT 47 ENGINE ALARM. Programmable output, preset to signal
JG 47
350mA. a block or disable dues to the engine.

The following table lists outputs having free potential contacts.

Terminal Output type Function

JM 57 Relay, 4A GCB – N.O. Genset contactor command. Open at rest.

JM 58 Relay, 4A GCB – COM. Genset contactor command. Common terminal.
JM 59 Relay, 4A GCB – N.C. Genset contactor command. Closed at rest.
JM 60 Relay, 4A MCB – N.O. Mains contactor command. Open at rest.
JM 61 Relay, 4A MCB – COM. Mains contactor command. Common terminal.
JM 62 Relay, 4A MCB – N.C. Mains contactor command. Closed at rest.

Notice: GCB relay is driven to load the genset; MCB relay is driven to disconnect the load
from the mains.

2.4 Engine input/output terminals

Terminal Output type Function

Output; max.
JE 28 EXC D+ 12V. Excitation output for 12V battery charger alternator.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 4


Terminal Output type Function

Output max.
JE 29 EXC D+ 24V. Excitation output for 24V battery charger alternator.
JE 30 Measure input D+ IN. Battery charger excitation voltage measure input.
RESERVED. Do no connect.
DST4601 boards having 32bit CPU and 0..5V or 0..10V input options
JE 31
source a reference voltage of 5V to use for external potentiometer
(10Kohm) to be connected by means a shielded cable.
RESERVED. Do no connect.
DST4601 boards having 32bit CPU and 0..5V or 0..10V input options
JF 32
source a reference ground to use for external potentiometer (10Kohm)
to be connected by means a shielded cable.
OIL PRESSURE / Analog input 1. Input for oil pressure sensor VDO,
VEGLIA or optional 0..10V or 0..5V.
In system equipped with J1939 interface and 0..5V or 0..10V input
JF 33 Measure input
option, a potentiometer or a driving signal, from external device such
as load-sharing, can be connected in order to regulate the engine
W. TEMPERATURE / Analog input 2. Input for coolant temperature
JF 34 Measure input
sensor VDO, VEGLIA, BERU or optional 0..10V or 0..5V.
JF 35 Measure input FUEL LEVEL / Analog input 3. Input for floater fuel level sensor.
ANALOG REF. Input for engine reference ground measurement. To
be connected to engine ground/casing or to board negative supply.
JF 36 Measure input
If terminal JF33 is used to acquire a potentiometer signal or load-
sharing signal, this terminal must be connected to JF32.
PICK-UP IN/W. Engine pick-up input. Battery charger W can be also
JF 37 Measure input
connected by means an additional filter.
PICK-UP IN RTN. Return signal for pick-up (normally connected to
JF 38 Measure input
GND). This input is AC coupled to ground.
JF 39 GUARD EARTH. Input for pick-up cable shield connection.

2.5 Other connectors.

2.5.1 JH (Power Supply)
Connect a direct current source in range starting from 6.5V to 32V. Negative terminal (GND)
should be externally connected to reference and safety earth. For application having
separate GND and EARTH, please ask to SICES for proper working condition.
2.5.2 JI (RS232)
JI is used to interface external RS232 devices. For supported functions and protocol, please
ask for “DST4601 Interface” manual (EAAS006301 or following revisions).
2.5.3 JP (Optional RS232)
If option E620202710701 or E620202710800 are installed, this connector is used to allow
connection to SICES I/O expansion boards.
2.5.4 JQ (Optional CAN BUS interface)
This connector allows connecting the board to the CAN BUS. The available function depend
on the BUS type and board SW. Normally, it is used to interface engine by SAE J1939

Connector style is conform to CANopen [1] specification.

WARNING: this connector has gold plated contact; do not exchange with other similar

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 5


Terminal Name Function

JQ - 1 CAN_V- Negative supply

JQ - 2 CAN _L CAN_L line (low when dominant)
JQ - 3 CAN SH Shield connection when required
JQ - 4 CAN_H CAN_H line (high when dominant)
JQ - 5 CAN_V+ Positive supply

2.5.5 JR (Auxiliary current measurement option)

Two different options using this connector are available.

• E620202710500 to connect external ammeter transformer

• E620202710600 to connect external measurement toroid.

Normally it is used for differential protection.

Terminal Name Function

Connect the dotted terminal of additional ammeter transformer or

JR 56 Measure input
JR57 Measure input Connect the other terminal of additional ammeter transformer or toroid.

2.6 Installation remarks and safety


For a proper use of the device, it must be mounted in a fixed way onto a panel or
cabinet. The rear panel of the device must not be accessible without the use of tools
or locking keys. The device must not be removable without tools.

Safety EARTH connection must be made in a fixed way by means at least one of the
dedicated terminals.

The generator and mains voltage lines connected to the measure inputs of DST4601
Controller must have an over current protection (such as fuse). The input load of the
board is about 1Mohm. A 1A protection threshold is suitable.

The safety heart connection wire must be at least equal in section as wires used to
cable mains and generator voltage lines to the board. Wire section must be consistent
to the over current protection used.

For CAT.IV operation, the negative pole of low voltage supply (GND at JH-48) must be
connected to the SAFETY EARTH. If required operation with GND isolated from SAFETY
EARTH, please ask to S.I.C.E.S. for the allowable operation condition.

For CAT.IV operation the maximum allowable phase to neutral voltage is 300Vac (520 Vac
phase to phase). Maximum allowable input voltage toward SAFETY EARTH is 300Vac.

For CAT.III operation, the maximum allowable phase to neutral voltage is 345Vac (600 Vac
phase to phase). Maximum allowable input voltage toward SAFETY EARTH is 600Vac.

For CAT.IV operation and GCB contactor supplied by generator voltage, L1 phases must be
used for terminal JM-58 supply.

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3. Front panel

The front panel contains a multifunction display, three four LED digits displays, twenty signal
LEDs, a key-lock switch and eleven keys (pushbuttons). There are two slightly different
versions of the front panel. DST4601/P panel differentiate from DST4601 panel due to the
lack of MCB signal lamp and in grid graphical representation.

3.1 Commands
Command operations are carried out by means a key-lock switch and 11 pushbuttons.
3.1.1 Key-lock selector
Key position Function

OFF/RESET Gen-set is disabled. All the alarms are reset. It is possible to gain access to
PROGRAM programming function.

MAN. Gen-set is in manual mode. START key allows cranking the engine; STOP
key allows to stop the engine and LOAD/UNLOAD key allows to LOAD or
UNLOAD the genset.

AUTO / TEST Gen-set is in automatic mode. Pressing START button while keeping pressed
MODE button change the mode to TEST. STOP key allows making an
emergency shutdown. In TEST mode, LOAD/UNLOAD allow to switch the
changeover. A properly configured input pin (or the receiving of a SMS
command or by serial port) allows to remotely start and loading the genset
even if GRID is live or MAINS SIMULATION is active.

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3.1.2 Pushbuttons

Button Function

SHIFT Dead key. Pressed together with another pushbutton, changes the
pushbutton function.
They allow selecting previous or followings pages of multifunction display if in
◄ In Program mode, they are used to move the cursor while typing character
(Right arrow Used together with the SHIFT key it modifies the display contrast.
and Left arrow)

▲ They allow selecting the multifunction display mode.

In addition, in PROGRAM and EVENTS LOG mode they allow to scroll
▼ menus, increase/decrease variables or scroll records.
Used in combination with the SHIFT button, in PROGRAM mode, it allows
(Up arrow scrolling menu by step of 3 rows or increase/decrease variables in ten units’
down arrow) steps.

ENTER It allows to enter the program mode (if pressed alongside with SHIFT enable
also the changing mode). Selects a menu entry or enables/disables the
changing mode of a variable; confirm a new value. It used to enter also the
EVENTS LOG function entering the selected archive. It is used also to
acknowledge EEPROM errors at board power up.

EXIT In programming mode, it brings up to the previous menu level or aborts the
changing mode; if it is kept pressed for at least two seconds, the
programming mode is leaved retaining the current menu position for further
programming access. Used together with the SHIFT pushbutton changes the
fuel pump mode to manual, enables/disables the fuel pump and recalls on
the multifunction display the fuel pump management page.
Used alongside the key MODE, it can be used to clear the counter,
archives and reload the default programming parameters. If CAN
BUS option is installed, it can be used to exit the BUS-OFF state –
see [3].

LOAD/UNLOAD Commands the genset loading/unloading. The pushbutton is enabled only if

the system function mode and status allows the operation.

MODE /ACK It is used to acknowledge any kind of alarm and to silence the horn. If there
isn’t any alarm to acknowledge, it can be used to select the MEASURES
display mode, scrolling the mode list. Used in combination with the SHIFT
pushbutton, allows to scroll backward the display mode list.
Pressed at the same time with the START key, while in AUTO mode,
it starts the TEST mode. Used together wit the EXIT key it allows to
reset the counters and to reload default parameters values.
If the board is equipped by the CAN BUS option, pressed alongside
the EXIT key, it allows to exit the BUS-OFF state – see [3].

START In MAN. mode it can be used to start the engine.

In AUTO mode, used together with the MODE/ACK pushbutton,
enables/disables TEST mode.
Pressed at the same time with the STOP key at the power up, it
allows to enter the board special functions.

STOP It is used to stop the engine. In AUTO, TEST and REMOTE START mode it
is issued a BLOCK. While the key lock is in OFF/RESET, the pushbutton
drives the LAMP TEST function.
Pressed at the same time with the STOP key at the power up, it
allows to enter the board special functions.

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3.2 Signals
There are 11 signal LEDs. If the board is in OFF mode, pressing the STOP key will light all
the signal LEDs.

Different flashing modes are used to signal different status; if not otherwise specified the
flashing mode is 50% on and 50% off.

Signals for Anomalies:

Signals Function

Signals the EMERGENCY STOP command activation. If flashing, the status

isn’t already acknowledged (it is to press the MODE/ACK pushbutton).
Signal a BLOCK or a DISABLE. If flashing, the status isn’t already
acknowledged (it is to press the MODE/ACK pushbutton).
Signal a WARNING. If flashing, the status isn’t already acknowledged (it is to
press the MODE/ACK pushbutton).

Signals for LED Displays

Signals Function

If ON, the MEASURES display is showing the phase-to-phase genset

If flashing it is showing the phase to neutral voltages.
GEN-SET CURRENT If ON, the MEASURES display is showing the genset phase currents.
If ON, the MEASURES display is showing the phase-to-phase mains
If flashing indicates that the inhibition input (MAINS SIMULATION) is active.
If ON, the MEASURES display is showing the genset phase active powers. In
case of single-phase measurement, only the first display is used.
If ON, the MEASURES display is showing the battery voltage (L1), the engine
speed (L2) and the genset frequency (L3).
The display is showing the phase-to-phase genset voltage (display L1), the
genset phase current (display L2) and the genset frequency (display L3).
Every 4 seconds it is changed the displayed phase. A horizontal bar on
display 4 identifies the displayed phase.

Signals for Auxiliary Functions

Signals Function

OFF: fuel pump inactive; it can’t start automatically (MAN-OFF)

ON: fuel pump command in automatic and inactive but it could start
automatically (MAN-ON or AUTO)
FLASHING: fuel pump command in automatic or manual and active.
ON if the board is connected by the RS232 port to an external
REMOTE LINK communication device (modem, PC etc.), FLASHING if there are some active
commands from the serial port.

Signals for Multifunction Display

Signals Function


MULTIFUNCTION display is in STATUS mode. If flashing, REMOTE START
and/or CHANGEOVER INHIBITION are active or pending
MULTIFUNCTION display is in EVENTS LOG mode; passive engine
diagnostic is shown (only CAN BUS version)

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Signals for System Status

Signals Function
If the board acquire the MAINS voltages:
OFF if all MAINS voltages are below the detecting threshold.
ON if MAINS voltages fall into the working threshold levels since a time at
least equal to the programmed time.
Flashing if at least one MAINS phase is detected but at least one phase is
MAINS LIVE outside the operating value range or the delay time from the falling in
operating range is not yet elapsed.
If the board doesn’t acquire the MAINS voltages:
OFF if MAIN SIMULATION input (terminal 05) is not active. The signal is
lighted on if the MAIN SIMULATION input is active from at least the
programmed delay time.
“Mains circuit breaker”.
OFF if open, ON if closed.
Flashing 25% ON and 75% OFF if open while it is driven to close.
Flashing 75% ON and 25% OFF if closed while it is driven to open.
“Generator circuit breaker”.
OFF if open, ON if closed.
Flashing 25% ON and 75% OFF if open while it is driven to close.
Flashing 75% ON and 25% OFF if closed while it is driven to open.
OFF if generator voltages are not below the detection threshold.
ON if all the GENERATOR phase voltages are into the working threshold
GENERATOR LIVE levels from at least two seconds.
Flashing if GENERATOR is present but at least one phase is outside the
working windows or they are valid from less than two seconds.
OFF if engine is dead.
ENGINE RUNNING ON if engine is running.
Flashing if cooling down.
It is ON if TEST mode was activated by the pushbuttons START and MODE
(pressed at the same time); it is flashing if the TEST mode was activated by
remote data communication (RS232 or modem or SMS), by terminal 06
(REMOTE TEST) or by the real time clock.

3.3 Measure display

It consists of three displays, each of which of four LEDs digits. The function to assign to the
display can be selected by the key MODE (if pressed together with the SHIFT key, the
selection sequence is reversed). For generator measures, L1, L2 and L3 inscriptions show
relations between phases and the display selected function.
The selectable modes are the followings:

1. GENSET VOLTAGE phase to phase

2. GENSET VOLTAGE phase to neutral


4. MAINS VOLTAGE phase to phase




Mode 2 is indicated by the flashing of GENSET VOLTAGE signal.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 10


Mode 7 alternates the displaying of the three phase in sequence every 4 seconds. The
active phase is indicated by the position of a dash on the fourth digit of the FREQUENCY
display: dash in upper position for L1-L2 phases, dash in middle for L2-L3 and dash in
bottom for L3-L1. Mode is indicated by the flashing of GENSET VOLTAGE, GENSET

In some cases the display is used to show other kind of information:

• during preheater cycle, before cranking the engine, display L1 shows the message
“PRE” while the other two are switched OFF;

• while cranking the engine display L1 shows the message “STAR” while the other two
are switched OFF.

Moreover, while in shutdown, the display flashes independently from the type of the selected

While in OFF/RESET mode, the displays are not used (they show a ‘-‘ on the second digit).
In this mode, pressing the STOP key all the signal LEDs and all the displays are switched on
(LAMPTEST) in order to check if all the visual information is properly working.
3.3.1 Gen-set phase to phase voltage
They are normally shown in volt; if the value is greater than 10.000 V, it is scaled in kV with
two integer and two decimal digits.

If in single-phase mode the second and the third displays are not used.
3.3.2 Gen-set phase to neutral voltage
They are normally shown in volt; if the value is greater than 10.000 V, it is scaled in kV with
two integer and two decimal digits.

If in single-phase mode the second and the third displays are not used; note that, in this
case, both phase to phase and phase to neutral mode will show the same voltage value.
3.3.3 Gen-set phase current
They are shown in ampere; the number of decimal digits depends on the TA value.

• TA < = 10: two decimal digits

• TA < = 100: one decimal digits

• TA > 100: no decimal digits.

If the measure displayed is greater then the nominal value of TA, display flashes to highlight
the out-of-range mode of measurement (DST4601 can measure up to four time the nominal
current with decreasing precision).

If in single-phase mode the second and the third displays are not used; note that, in this
case, both phase to phase and phase to neutral mode will show the same voltage value.
3.3.4 Mains phase to phase voltage
They are normally shown in volt; if the value is greater than 10.000 V, it is scaled in kV with
two integer and two decimal digits.

If in single-phase mode the second and the third displays are not used.

They are shown also in case the board is configured to not use the MAINS voltage functions
(nominal board MAINS voltage set to 0).

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3.3.5 Active Power

They are shown in kW with one or more decimal digit (depending on the value). If power is
negative a minus sign is shown. Display will flash if currents measurement is in out of range
mode to outline the decreased measurement precision.

If in single-phase mode second and third displays are not used.

3.3.6 Battery Voltage / Engine speed / Frequency
• Battery voltage is shown on upper display. Value is in volt and has a decimal digit.

• Engine speed is shown on the second display. Value is in rpm.

• Gen-set frequency is shown on third display. Value is in Hz.

3.3.7 Gen-set phase to phase voltage/ Gen-set current / Gen-set frequency
The three displays are used to show genset voltage, current and frequency. Every four
seconds the phase for which the measure is shown is changed.

On the first (top one) display is shown the genset phase-to-phase voltage. On the second
display is shown the genset phase current. On the third (bottom one) is shown the genset

The most significant digit of the frequency display (the bottom one) is used to highlight the
related phase. A hyphen on the digit top position means that the phase are L1-L2, in the
middle position means that the phase are L2-L3 and in the bottom position means that the
phase are L3-L1.

3.4 Multifunction display

It has four rows of twenty-characters each. It is a LCD type display.

The backlight lamp is managed by the internal logic and is switched off if P.492 time is
elapsed before any key is pressed. To light on again the lamp, press any keys (SHIFT key
alone is the best choice because it is a dead key). It is possible to disable the automatic
lamp turn-off by setting to zero the parameter P.492. During the crank phase, the backlight is
temporarily switched off to increase the board immunity to heavy voltage drop of poor
charged battery. When the engine is running, the lamp is always on, to improve the
readability (only if the engine was started by DST4601). Lamp is also switched off when the
board internal temperature rises above 60°C, in order to extend the LCD life.
On the contrary, the lamp is switched on when the temperature is very low, in order to
increase the poor performance of the LCD at low temperature.

The contrast ratio can be changed by pressing at the same time the keys SHIFT and ◄, to
decrease, or ►, to increase. During the change, the display fourth row shows


xx is the reference contrast ratio in percentage. The board automatically adjusts the contrast
ratio at temperature changing, to allow a constant readability over the operating temperature

Display is used in four different modes, outlined by four signal LEDs located on the display

• PROGRAM: allows to gain access to settings visualization and modifying. Please

see the related paragraphs.

• STATUS: shows information about genset and board status.

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• MEASURES: shows all generator, engine and board measures.

• EVENTS LOG: allows to gain access to the visualization of event records. Please
see the related chapter.

Usually the ▲ and ▼ keys are used to select the required mode. Actually, the PROGRAM
and EVENTS LOG modes use these keys also for other functions, depending on the mode
status. In these cases, press EXIT key the number of times required to go back up to the
enter page of the mode that lets the use of up and down arrow keys to select the display
PROGRAM and EVENTS LOG will be detailed by specific chapter.

3.4.1 STATUS
When the STATUS LED is on, the multifunction display shows one of the nine available
pages. First row identifies the shown page: on the left, the “S” letter (“S” means “STATUS”)
is followed by a number (1..9) that is the reference of the displayed page. The page identifier
is followed by a page title. The row ends with one or more flashing left and/or right arrows:
they outline that, by pressing the related arrow key, it is possible to gain access to previous
or successive pages. NOTE: From release 00.25, the enumeration of pages has changed to
insert the “STATUS 2” page. Page 1

Second row reports the board function mode. After the “Mode:” string, one of the following
messages can be shown:

• “OFF”
• “MAN”
• “AUTO”
• “REMOTE START” (up to release 00.19 this was TEST)
• "TEST (KEYBOARD)", activated by pressing MODE+START keys
• "TEST (INPUT 06)", activated if digital input #6 is active
• "TEST (CALENDAR)", activated by internal real time clock
• "TEST (COMM.)”, activated by serial communication
• "TEST (SMS)", activated by SMS (only if a GSM modem is connected)

Third row reports the present engine status:


DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 13



For a deep insight into the engine status, see the chapter related to the engine management.

Fourth row reports if an inhibition of automatic start is pending. If no inhibition is pending, the
row is empty, otherwise the following message are displayed:


S.02 STATUS 2 <>

Second row shows the text “REMOTE START command” if the input configured to acquire
this command (code 27 in parameter P.507 or equivalents) is active. If the input is active but
the REMOTE START mode is not yet active (because a long delay was set to the digital
input), third row shows the remaining time (“START IN xx s”). If together with REMOTE
START request, the CHANGEOVER INHIBITION (code 30 in par. P.507 or equivalents) is
active too, fourth row shows the message “CHANGEOVER INHIBITED”. If one of these
status is active the STATUS led flashes. Moreover, when these statuses are activated, the
board forces the visualizing of this page. Page 3


When a new anomaly is detected, the board automatically shows this page.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 14


On second and third rows, all the pending anomalies are cyclically shown, with a changing
rate of about two seconds.
At the row beginning, a letter code allows to identify the anomaly type:
• A means alarm
• D means deactivation
• W means warning
A three digit numeric code following the letter identifies the anomaly. This code is consistent
through all the FW versions and text languages and it is strongly recommended to use this
code for remote technical support.
The document EAAM0088xx (DST4601 parameters tables) allows to map the anomaly code
to related parameters and messages.
After the anomaly code, a message explains the pending fault. If no anomaly is pending, the
second and the third rows are empty.

On fourth row, additional information is shown, related to the displayed anomaly. A plain text
message allows to identify the type of anomaly (WARNING, DEACTIVATION, and ALARM);
if it is not already acknowledged, the message “PRESS ACK” will follow.
At the same time, the information relating to not already acknowledged anomalies is outlined
by LEDs “Alarm” and “Warning” flashing. Page 4
Status: [ ]

If fuel pump management is not enabled, this page is not shown, jumping from page 2 to
page 4.

If a manual command is issued to the fuel pump, this page automatically pops up.
Manual commands to the fuel pump are given by pressing at the same time the MODE and
EXIT keys. This action starts or stops the pump depending on the previous status.
On second row, it is shown the pump status (ON or OFF) and, enclosed in brackets, the
selected pump mode (MAN-OFF, MAN-ON and AUTO).
The pump mode can be changed directly by pressing ENTER and using the ▲ and ▼ keys
to select the new mode; when finished, use ENTER key to active the new mode (EXIT to

Starting from SW revision 00.19, these commands are disabled if the key-lock is in OFF

On third row, the followings related status message are shown:

• "Start required"
• "In hysteresys"
• "Stop required"

those statuses are depending on thresholds settings or on the activated contact. If the pump
is configured to use the floater measure as input, at the end of third row is shown the fuel
percentage level and on fourth row the level is shown as bar graph.

For more information, see par.9.7. Page 5
Wednesday 27/04/04
S.N.: 0000097B1698

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 15


If the board is in OFF/RESET mode and no keys are pressed within 60 seconds, this page
will pop up.

Second and third rows show the board real time clock. If the rows are flashing, it means that
the reported information is not reliable. The internal clock has a backup power system that
allows the clock to work for a couple of days without the power source. If the board is not
supplied for a longer time, it detects, at the next power up, that the time is no longer valid
and the date and time values will be shown flashing.
If the new time and date are set, the flashing will be clear (date and time setting are made
inserting proper values in PROGRAM mode).

For special applications, a rechargeable lithium battery can be requested (E620202711100

option); this allows a greater autonomy.

Fourth row displays the board unique numerical ID. This number is not related to the board
serial number, but SICES has a cross-reference database.
Communication programs can remotely read ID number. Page 6

This page shows the RS232 interface status. If a device is connected to the serial port
RS232, on second row is shown the identified device. It can be shown “GSM modem”,
“modem” or “direct”. In the first case, the board diagnosed the presence of a GSM modem
and has then enabled the related functions (SMS protocol). In the second case the board
diagnosed one generic modem (not GSM) and in the last case the board didn’t recognize
any modem, and so considers to be connected directly to a PC or to some other device
working as MASTER for the serial communication.
On second row, it is shown one string representing the status of the modem or of the direct

• Idle: no action in course

• Run: the board is exchanging messages with ModBus protocol

• New data call: the board is calling a remote PC to notify an anomaly or a status,
depending on how it has been set (only if a modem is present).

• Incoming call: the board is answering to a phone call getting ready to use ModBus
protocol (only if a modem is present).

• New sms: the board is sending a SMS to notify an anomaly or a status, depending
on how it has been set (only if a GSM modem is present).

• Incoming sms: the board is elaborating a just received SMS (only if a modem GSM
is present).

• Programming: the board is programming the diagnosed modem (only if a modem is


• Registering: the board is doing the registering of the SIM in the GSM net (only if a
modem GSM is present).

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 16


• Call pending: the serial port is temporary at rest because the board has carried out
a call attempt to a remote PC and is waiting for the configured delay before doing
another attempt (only if a modem is present)

If a GSM modem is connected to the board, fourth row shows a series of information
regarding the GSM net. Normally it is shown the company name of the telephone provider,
followed by a graphic bar showing the signal level (from one to four marks): if the provider,
the SIM card and the type of contract allow it, every four seconds this information is
alternated with the visualization of the SIM card residual credit. Page 7

This page is used only if a GSM modem is connected to the board. In these conditions,
protocol SMS can be used in order to send a generic text message to the board. The board
will show it on this page: on second row will be shown the reception date/time, on third and
fourth row the text of the message. When such SMS is received, the board actives also a
warning (W40) which will not be deactivated until the operator will read the message. This is
useful for supervised plants to give instructions to the operator. Page 8 (only with CAN option installed and activated)
S.08 CAN BUS <>
Errors rx: 0 tx: 0
Max er rx: 0 tx: 0

The page gives the diagnostic indication of the CAN bus communication status.
With the bus connected and regularly active, the mode must be ERROR-ACTIVE. The
eventual indication ERROR-PASSIVE shows a problem on the connection. In case of
serious connection problem, the board will be disconnected from bus, entering in the BUS-
OFF mode.
The ERRORS RX and RX counters show the present status of the counters CAN RX e TX;
these counters are managed in the way defined by [3].
The counters “Max er” informs on the maximum values assumed by the CAN error counters
since the board was supplied.
For more details, see [2]. Page 9 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

This page shows the diagnostic codes emitted by the engine on J1939 bus. The page shows
the SPN and FMI codes and, if available, the engine “flash” codes and explanatory
messages of the anomaly type.
For more details, see [2]. Page 10 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

This page highlights some status messages noticed by the J1939 bus.

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 17


When LED “MEASURES” is on, the multifunction display shows one of the nineteen pages
described in the following paragraphs. First row identifies the visualized page. On the left it is
visualized the “M” letter followed by a number (1..19); this is the index of the visualized
window (the “M” is for "MEASURES” function). Follows a string indicating the page title
(described more ahead). Two flashing arrows close the first row: if visualized, they show
respectively the presence of previous or following pages to the present one. NOTE: not all
the pages described are always visible; on the contrary, some pages are mutually
exclusives. In the description it will be notify when they are visible. NOTE: from release
00.25 the number and the content of the pages has changed. See release 02 of this manual
for board previous releases. Page 1
kW :
kVA : Φ:

This page is always visible. It shows the system total power measurements. Second row
shows active power in kW, with its sign, with the decimal digits number variables between
zero and two according to the nominal power. At the bottom of the same row, it is shown a
text indicating the phases sense of rotation. (CW= clockwise, CCW= counter clockwise).
Third row shows the reactive power, expressed in kvar and formatted as the active power.
Fourth row shows the apparent power, expressed in kVA and formatted as the active. It
shows moreover the total power factor, with its sign and two decimal digits. At the bottom of
the row it is shown also the nature of the total load (“i”= inductive, “c”= capacitive).
All measures shown in this page flash if at least one of the generator currents exceeds the
value set as C.T. primary, to indicate a lower precision of the measures. Pages 2,3,4
M.02 POWER L1 <>
kW :
kVA : Φ:

These three pages have the same format of page 1, but they show the power measurements
relating to one phase. If the system is single-phase, no one of these pages is visualized.
Same description of page 1, but here the rotation sense is not visualized. Page 5
M.05 ENERGY <>
kWh :

This page shows a part of the counters managed by the board. Here are shown the active
and reactive energies supplied by the genset. These two counters can be reset: to do this
press together for five seconds MODE and EXIT keys when this page is shown. Page 6
M.06 GENSET.1 <>
L1-L2: I1:
L2-L3: I2:
L3-L1: I3:

This page shows a first half of the generator measures. It is visible only with three-phase
systems. All the rows show the phase–to-phase voltage and the related current. Voltages

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are visualized in volts with five digits, currents are visualized in amperes with a maximum of
four digits and a number of decimal digits which is variable between zero and two (it
depends on the C.T.). Currents flash if they exceed the C.T. primary value, to indicate a
lower precision of the measure. Page 7
M.07 GENSET.2 <>
V1: Hz:
V3: IAux:

This page shows the second half of the generator measures. It is visible only with three-
phase systems. At the left side, there are the phase-to-neutral voltages of each phase.
Voltages are shown in volts with five digits. On the second row, it is shown the generator
frequency (in hertz, with one decimal digit). If the board is set to do also the auxiliary current
measurement, this one is shown on fourth row, in amperes, with the number of decimal
digits variable between zero and two, depending by the auxiliary C.T. primary settings. Page 8
M.08 GENSET <>
V :
I :
Hz: IAux:

This page is visualized in place of the two previous pages with single-phase systems (it is
not visualized with three-phase systems). It shows the voltage, the current and the frequency
of the single genset phase. For the measurements format see the two previous pages.
Starting from release 00.19, if the board is configured also for the measurement of the
auxiliary current, this one is visualized on fourth row, in amperes, with decimal digits variable
between zero and two, depending by the auxiliary C.T. primary settings. Page 9
M.09 MAINS <>
This page is about mains. It is always visible, also if the board if set to not use the internal
mains sensor. It utilizes the rows to visualize the phase-to-phase voltage of each phase. If
the system if single phase, third and fourth rows show dashes. Voltages are shown in volts,
with five digits. Page 10
M.10 SISTEM <>
VD+ :
Int. Temp.:

This page visualizes a series of auxiliary measurements. It is always visible. If the board is
set to use the D+ battery charger alternator signal, in this page it is shown his voltage (volts
with one decimal), otherwise replaced by dashes. It is moreover visualized (Vref) the
difference between the voltages of analogical sensors (oil, fuel and temperature) common
negative pole and the battery negative pole. The board uses this value to compensate the
measure errors on the sensors due to this voltage difference. It is shown only if the board is
set to use at least one of the sensors. Finally, it is visualized the temperature measured
inside the board itself.

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EAAM011303I.doc Page 11

M.11 ENGINE <>

Bar : Vbat:
°C : Rpm :

This page visualizes a series of measurements related to the engine. It is visible if CAN BUS
option is not installed or enabled (otherwise it is substitute by the following pages). It
visualizes the oil pressure in bar with one decimal digit, the water temperature in °C without
decimals and the fuel level in percentage. If one or more of these measurements is not
acquired, its value is replaced with dashes.
The page shows also the genset battery voltage (in volts with one decimal digit) and, if
acquired, the engine speed in rpm without decimals (if not acquired it is replaced with
dashes). Page 12
Running hours:
Abs run hours :
Eng. Hours:

This page, as the following, shows a part of the counters managed by the board. Here there
are shown the total and partial genset running hours counters, and the same counter but
acquired directly from engine via CAN BUS (fourth row, reference SPN247). If CAN BUS is
not present or not enabled, third counter will show dashes. First two counters can be reset
pressing for five seconds the MODE and the EXIT buttons together when this page is
shown. Page 13
Starts counter:
Next service h:

This page, as the previous, shows a part of the counters managed by the board. Here there
are shown the engine starts number and the hours remaining to next service. Second
counter will be substituted with dashes if there is no service planning setting (by means of
programming parameters). Starts counter can be reset pressing for five seconds the MODE
and the EXIT buttons together when this page is shown. Page 14 (only with CAN option installed and activated)
Bar : --.-
°C : ----.-

The page visualizes information relating to the lubricant obtained by means of J1939 bus.
If data are not available, due to bus errors or because it is not managed by the engine,
dashes will be visualized in place of the values. If the board oil pressure sensor is configured
(parameter P.112 different from zero), the board pressure input will be acquired and shown
instead of the CAN BUS pressure value. Page 15 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

°C : ---

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Lev%: ---.-

The page visualizes information about the engine coolant obtained by J1939 bus.
If data are not available, due to bus errors or because it is not managed, dashes will be
visualized in place of the values. If the board coolant temperature sensor is configured
(parameter P.113 different from zero), the board temperature input will be acquired and
shown instead of the CAN BUS temperature value. For some engines, coolant level can be
only 0% or 100% (they use an ON/OFF detector). Page 16 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

Bar: --.- L/h:----.-
°C : --- L:--------
Lev% ---

The page visualizes information about the engine fuel obtained by J1939 bus.
If data are not available, due to bus errors or because it is not managed, dashes will be
visualized in place of the values. If the board fuel level sensor is configured (parameter
P.114 different from zero), the level measurement will be acquired by it and not from CAN
BUS. Other measurements on fuel, acquired from CAN bus, are: fuel temperature, fuel
distribution pressure, the instantaneous consumption in litres/hour and the engine total fuel
consumption. Page 17 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

Rpm: ----
Engine desired: ----
Fine speed rpm: 5

The page visualizes information about the engine speed obtained by J1939 bus.
If data are not available, due to bus errors or because it is not managed, dashes will be
visualized in place of the values. If one of the board speed sensor is configured (par. P.110
or P.111 different from zero) the speed measurement will be acquired by it and not from
CAN BUS. Third row shows the speed which the engine CPU estimates to be the ideal value
for the present load conditions. Fourth row shows the fine speed regulation level (relative
value to the nominal speed). Page 18 (only with CAN option installed and activated)
Req:--.- Act: ---.-
Actual@speed: ---.-
Lost: ---.-

The page visualizes information about the engine torque obtained by J1939 bus.
If data are not available, due to bus errors or because it is not managed, dashes will be
visualized in place of the values. First value is the rate between present request of
torque/speed and the maximum available. Second value is the rate between the real torque
and the (configured) maximum. Third value is the rate between the real torque and the
maximum available at present speed. The last is the consumed (lost) by the engine for its
own functioning, expressed as percentage in respect to the (configured) maximum. Page 19 (only with CAN option installed and activated)

Boost pr. Bar: --.--

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Int.Manif: °C ---.-

The page visualizes auxiliary information obtained by J1939 bus.

If data are not available, for lacked operation of the bus or because it is not managed,
dashes will be visualized in place of the values.
First value is the turbocharger pressure (it can be an absolute or a relative value, depending
on engine). Second value is the intake manifolds air temperature.

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4. Programming
The board manages a high number of parameters that allow the manufacturer, the installer
or the final user to configure it in order to adapt it to the specific requirements of the system.
This document does not contain the list of the parameters (even if many of they are
mentioned in the description of the board several functions), but it is referred to the
document "EAAM0088xx, where they’re described in detail. Here is described the
programming general structure and the operating procedure to read and/or modify the

4.1 General structure

4.1.1 Organization
Each parameter has associated:

• A description, variable with the selected language

• A numerical code, with three digits (it permits the identification independently of the
selected language)

• A level of protection (see next paragraph)

The parameters are grouped in menu, which are organized with a tree structure (a menu can
contain others menu). Mixed menu do not exist: a menu cannot contain both parameters and
others menu.

To each menu there are associated:

• A description, variable with the selected language

• A one digit numerical code. In case of secondary menu, the code is composed by the
one of the main menu, followed by a dot and by its own code.
4.1.2 Protection
The access to the programming can be conditioned by means of three various levels of
PASSWORDS, listed in priority order:

1. Manufacturer password

2. Installer password

3. End user password

These three levels can be enabled/disabled individually, setting a password different/equal

to zero for the individual level. The three passwords in question are themselves three board
parameters (identified respectively by codes P.001, P.002 and P.003) and they are
configurable with the procedure described later on. They are placed in the menu “1-

In this menu there is also the parameter P.000 that works as “login”: it allows to insert a code
in order to gain access to programming. It will enable the modifying of the parameters that
have the protection level associated to the password inserted by means of parameter P.000.

Example: P.001=10, P.002=66, P.003=98 (arbitrary values to exemplify)

P.000<>10,66,98: no value can be modified

P.000=10: only parameters related to “manufacturer” levels and lower are modifiable

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P.000=66: only parameters related to ”installer” levels and lower are modifiable

P000=98: only parameters related to “end user” levels are modifiable

If in the previous example P.001 was set to zero, to access to all the parameters related to
“manufacturer” level, the “installer” password (66) would be necessary. If also P.002 was set
to zero, to access to all parameters related to “manufacturer” and “installer” levels the “end
user password” (98) would be necessary. If also P.003 were zero, all parameters would be
modifiable, without having to write nothing in P.000.

NOTE: each parameter value is always visible, but the modification is possible only if P.000
contains a password with superior or equal level to that one required by the parameter.

NOTE: while accessing to programming and setting the password (P.000), it is possible that
parameters P.001, P.002 and P.003 will not be immediately visualized. To enable the
visualization, go back to previous menu and subsequently come back.

The access code settings stays memorized for about 10 minutes since the end of
programming. When this time is elapsed the code is automatically reset to zero and must be
reinserted to access again to programming.

In case the password code has been forgotten, only knowing the password with higher level
it is possible recover the access right. In the contrary case (or in the case the manufacturer
password was loosen), it is necessary to send the board in factory in order to unlock the
programming associate functions.

For this reason, it is not advisable do not set up at least the “manufacturer” password
(P.001): if in fact someone else sets up this password or a lower password (even just for
distraction) without communicate it, it will not be possible to modify any parameter. Instead,
knowing the “manufacturer” password, it will be in any case possible to cancel or modify the
other passwords.

4.2 Operating procedure

This procedure will be describe the keyboard and display use.
4.2.1 Enter in the programming mode
Programming procedure is accessible in all the working status of the board. Parameters
modifying is however possible only if the key-lock switch is in OFF/RESET position. To enter
in programming mode, it needs to act on ▲ and ▼ keys until the led “program” is lighted, on
the left side of the multifunction display. NOTE: if the pressure of the keys doesn’t cause any
change to the led on the left of the display unit, press some times EXIT and then try again
(this can happen during the visualization of the history logs or during particular operations
as, for instance, the setting of the fuel pump command modes). The display will show the
following window:


Enter: view only

Shift+Enter: modify

The fourth row is showed only if the key-lock switch is in OFF/RESET. Pressing only the
ENTER key, the programming procedure starts without the possibility of change the
parameters. Pressing together the SHIFT and ENTER keys, the programming procedure
starts with the possibility to modify the values.

At the procedure start, it is automatically shown the menu or the variable selected before the
last exit from programming (the first time you enter it is shown the main menu). That is true if
programming was exited turnings the key switch to MAN or AUTO or if the SW aborted
automatically the programming after the maximum idle time.

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4.2.2 Menu selection

The following window is an example of the display page when a menu containing sub-menu
is scrolled through:



First row shows always the name of the current menu (the main menu in the example),
followed by the indication of the selected item and by the items number in the menu (in the
example it is selected the first item on a total of five items). The following rows of the display
are utilized to visualize the menu items, that are sub-menu. The selected voice is enclosed
between square brackets. Use ▲ and ▼ keys to slid the menu respectively towards the
items with inferior and advanced index, in cyclical way (pressing ▲ from the first voice it
passes to the last one and vice versa). Normally the selection moves by an item at once;
pressing the SHIFT key together with ▲ and ▼ keys, the selection moves by three items at
once (corresponding to one display page).

Press the ENTER key to get in the selected sub-menu (that one contained by square
brackets), press the EXIT key to get out from menu (returning back to the previous menu or
exiting from programming if already in the main menu).
4.2.3 Parameters selection
Next window shows an example of the page visualized when a menu containing parameters
is scrolled through.

1 SISTEM 10/22
(72 A) [50]

First row shows always the name of the current menu (in the example the “1-SYSTEM”
menu), followed by the indication of the selected item and by the number of the menu items
(in the example, the tenth item on a total of twenty-two is selected). Next rows are all utilized
to visualize one single parameter. In particular:

• Second and third rows show the univocal parameter code (106 in the example)
followed by the description in the current language.

• Fourth row shows, aligned to the right side, the variable value, included in square
brackets. For some parameters, as the one in the example, on the fourth row left
side it is shown a value in some way related to the parameter present value. In the
example, it is shown the plant nominal current, obtained from nominal genset
voltage (P102) and from the nominal power (P.106 exactly). Often this additional
measure is visualized when the parameter is expressed as percentage related to
something else, to show its absolute value.

Use the keys ▲ and ▼ to scroll through the menu toward the items with respectively
superior and inferior index, in a cyclical way (pressing ▲ from the first voice it passes the
last one and vice versa). Normally the selection moves by an item at once; pressing the
SHIFT key together with ▲ and ▼ keys, the selection moves by three items at once.
Pressing the ENTER key it will be enabled the parameter modify procedure (see next
paragraph); press the EXIT key to exit from the menu (coming back to previous menu).

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4.2.4 Parameters modifying

Once visualized a parameter, to start the modifying it is necessary to press the ENTER key.
The board shows an error message (for two seconds) if the request password is not set out.
Otherwise, the square brackets including the value start to flash, indicating that the modify
phase is in progress. Press ENTER key to confirm the new value, press the EXIT key to
abort the modifying and come back to the original value.

The parameter types existing are:

• Numerical: the value is modifiable by means of the ▲▼, respectively in order to

increase it or to decrease it of one unit (if such keys are pressed with the SHIFT key,
the value will be increased or decreased of ten units for time). The modifying is
cyclical: trying to increase the value when it is already at its maximum, it is set to the
minimum and vice versa.

• Numerical with selection between a predefined list (for example the TA primary
values): same as seen for numerical parameters; the ▲▼ permit to select the
next/previous value from predefined list (pressing ▲▼ together with the SHIFT key
the next/previous value is ten position ahead/back to the current value).

• Numerical with selection from list of number-string couples (for example the oil
sensor pressure type); same as the previous type

• Hour type: same as numerical types, with one exception: the board manages the
increase/decrease maintaining valid values (example: increasing from “00.59”, the
value goes to “01.00” and not to “00.60”).

• Strings (by example phone numbers): in this case the display shows also a cursor
indicating the currently select character in the string. The ▲▼ keys work on the
selected character (passing to next/previous character of the ASCII table or jumping
by ten positions ahead/back if SHIFT is pressed too), whereas ◄► keys allow
selecting the character to modify. NOTE: it is possible to set the ASCII characters
from 32 (space) to 127 (escape). It is not possible to set extended ASCII characters
(over 127) and the control characters (from zero to 31).

• Hexadecimal strings (by example the digital output bitmaps): same as for the string
parameters but the selectable characters are only ”0-9” and “A-F” (only capitals).
4.2.5 Set up limits
The operator has not to worry about verifying that the set up value is acceptable for the
board since it is not possible to set up not acceptable values. Naturally, this is true for the
single parameter. Nothing forbids, by example, to invert two thresholds values which for their
logic function must be the first lower than the second. These controls are however left to the
operator. Operator has the responsibility to verify that the programmed value is acceptable
for the system: wrong parameter values may led to generator set damage.
4.2.6 Exit from programming
There are three ways to leave programming mode:

• Press the EXIT key n times to go back until main menu appears and then press it
again to exit from programming. Coming a next time into programming, it will be
show main menu.

• Keeping pressed the EXIT key for two consecutive seconds from any position: it
follows the instantaneous exit and the next entry will be exactly in same point.

• Switching the key-lock to AUTO or MAN: next entry will be exactly in same point.

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4.2.7 Loading default values

In some situation may be useful to reload parameters factory default values. To do this it is
necessary first at all entering in the programming mode with SHIFT + ENTER buttons, then
keep the keys MODE and EXIT pressed simultaneously and consecutively for five seconds.
A message on the display will show to the operator the confirmation of defaults reload.

NOTE: the default values will be reloaded only for the parameters for which the access rights
are possessed.

NOTE: reloading the default values will clear all programmed value thus the system must be
reprogrammed before use.

4.3 Additional notes

This paragraph contains notes of general use on the programming.

Three fundamental menus describe to the board how the panel (or the plant) is made.

• Menu 1-SYSTEM allows mainly to indicate how the board is connected to the engine
and to the generator: single-phase or three-phases connection (P.101 for generator
voltage and, from release 00.19, P.119 for mains voltage), the type of C.T. utilized
(P.107), the presence and the type of engine speed sensor (P.110 and P.111), the
presence and the type of oil pressure, coolant temperature and fuel level
transducers (P.112, P.113 and P.114), and last, the presence of D+ signal (P.115).
This menu allows moreover to set the nominal characteristics of the electrical
measurements: voltage (P.102 and P.116), frequency (P105), power (P106.) etc. It
is fundamental to set correctly these parameters because almost all the thresholds
for the activation of protections are made in percentage in respect to them.

• The 5-I/O menu allows to inform the board how its configurable inputs and outputs
are used. NOTE: a wrong configuration of the inputs associated functions can
involve (in the worst case) the activation of false anomalies. The wrong outputs
configuration instead can even make damages. Be careful to the configuration.

• Only with CAN BUS version: the 6-CAN BUS menu allows to set how the board has
to communicate on the bus to acquire the engine measurements and eventually to
send commands.

The configuration of the working sequence is modifiable by means of 2-SEQUENCE menu.

The protections management is instead accessible from 3-PROTECTION menu. It is

important to know that to enable/disable a protection it is sufficient to modify its related time
(setting it to 0 to disable), leaving its threshold unchanged. This general rule has however
some exception. For more details and for how to disable every single protection, see the
chapter about the anomalies.

All what is not concerning the system configuration, the sequence and protections is
configurable from 4-AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS menu.

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5. EVENT LOG archive

During his working the board effects some periodical or on-event recordings; they are
partially configurable with programming parameters. The board manages four types of

• Events: when an event (previously configured) occurs, the board adds a record in
this archive. The full capacity is of 99 records. If the archive is full and a new event
occurs, the less recent is overwritten (so there are always the last 99 events). For
each event, besides a numerical code that identifies it, the following data are
recorded: the date/time when the event occurred, the key-lock switch status, the
status of engine, generator, mains and of changeover in that moment. If the event is
an anomaly, some analogue measurements are recorded too linked to the event.
The settings of what event must be recorded is possible by means of P.441

P.441 FW Cause of recording

VALU releas
E e

0 00.00 Blocks, disables, warnings, new start up and clock settings.

1 00.00 As “0” and moreover generator status variations

2 00.00 As “1” and moreover change-over status variations

3 00.00 As “2” and moreover engine status variations

4 00.00 As “3” and moreover mains status variations

99 00.00 All events

The following is a table with the codes of all possible events:

Code Rel. Registering cause

1 00.00 Board in OFF/RESET
2 00.00 Board in MAN
3 00.00 Board in AUTO
4 00.00 Board in TEST
5 00.19 Board in REMOTE START

10 00.00 Mains voltage absent

11 00.00 Mains voltage present
12 00.00 Mains voltage in tolerance

13 00.00 Inhibition activated (from input JA-05)

14 00.00 Inhibition not activated (from input JA-05)

20 00.00 Generator voltage absent

21 00.00 Generator voltage present
22 00.00 Generator voltage in tolerance

30 00.00 Closing GCB command

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31 00.00 Opening GCB command

32 00.00 GCB closed (from digital input)
33 00.00 GCB open (from digital input)

35 00.00 Closing MCB command

36 00.00 Opening MCB command
37 00.00 MCB closed (from digital input)
38 00.00 MCB open (from digital input)

40 00.00 Engine stopped

41 00.00 Starting cycle
42 00.00 Engine running
43 00.00 Cooling cycle
44 00.00 Stopping cycle

50 00.00 Manual start request

51 00.00 Manual stop request
52 00.00 Auto start request
53 00.00 Auto stop request
54 00.00 Digital input start request JA-06 (TEST)
55 00.00 Digital input stop request JA-06 (TEST)
56 00.00 PC start request (RS232) (TEST)
57 00.00 PC stop request (RS232) (TEST)
58 00.00 Periodical start request (clock/calendar) (TEST)
59 00.00 Periodical stop request (clock/calendar) (TEST)
60 00.00 SMS start request (TEST)
61 00.00 SMS stop request (TEST)

70 00.00 Fuel pump on

71 00.00 Fuel pump off

76 00.00 Date/time modified

77 00.00 New power on (of the board)

201 00.00 A022 – Over crank

202 00.00 A021 – Engine not stopped
203 00.00 A005 – Belt break
204 00.00 A017 – Over speed (from digital input)
205 00.00 A018 – Over speed (from pick-up)
206 00.00 A019 – Over speed (from generator frequency)
207 00.00 A025 – Min fuel level (from contact)
208 00.00 A026 – Min fuel level (from analogue sensor)
209 00.00 W027 – Low fuel level (from contact)
210 00.00 W028 – Low fuel level (from analogue sensor)
211 00.00 W029 – High fuel level (from contact)
212 00.00 W030 – High fuel level (from analogue sensor)
213 00.00 W031 – High coolant temperature (from contact)
214 00.00 W032 – High coolant temperature (from analogue sensor)
215 00.00 A033 – Max coolant temperature (from contact)
216 00.00 A034 – Max coolant temperature (from analogue sensor)
217 00.00 A041 – Min oil pressure (from contact)
218 00.00 A042 – Min oil pressure (from analogue sensor)
219 00.00 W043 – Low oil pressure (from contact)
220 00.00 W044 – Low oil pressure (from analogue sensor)
221 00.00 W049 – High power
222 00.19 W062- CAN BUS connection failure
225 00.00 A008 – Operative conditions failure
226 00.00 D001 – Undervoltage
227 00.00 D003 – Underfrequency

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228 00.00 A002 – Overvoltage

229 00.00 A004 – Overfrequency
230 00.00 A015 – Overload (from digital input)
231 00.00 A006 – Overload (from current measurement)
232 00.00 A016 – Short circuit
233 00.00 A011 – Power reverse
234 00.00 A052 – Voltages unbalance
235 00.00 A053 – Currents unbalance
236 00.19 X055 – Wrong phases sequence
237 00.19 A061 – Loss of excitement
241 00.00 W013 – MCB not closed
242 00.00 W014 – GCB not closed
243 00.00 W023 – MCB not open
244 00.00 W024 – GCB not open
249 00.00 W010 – Auxiliary warning from input 4
250 00.00 A046 – Auxiliary block from input 01
251 00.00 A047 – Auxiliary engine block from input 03
252 00.00 A048 – Emergency stop
253 00.00 W037 – Low battery voltage
254 00.00 W038 – High battery voltage
255 00.00 A007 – STOP key pressed in AUTO
256 00.00 A012 – Inhibition to genset use
257 00.00 X039 – Service required
258 00.00 W040 – SMS message for the operator
259 00.00 W051 – High board temperature
260 00.00 A045 – Max auxiliary current
261 00.19 W057 – Not valid clock
265 00.00 X067 –Configurable anomaly by input 07
266 00.00 X068 – Configurable anomaly by input 08
267 00.00 X069 – Configurable anomaly by input 09
268 00.00 X070 – Configurable anomaly by input 10
269 00.00 X071 – Configurable anomaly by input 11
270 00.00 X072 – Configurable anomaly by input 12
271 00.00 X073 – Configurable anomaly by input 13
272 00.00 X074 – Configurable anomaly by input 14
273 00.00 X075 – Configurable anomaly by input 15
274 00.00 X076 – Configurable anomaly by input 16
275 00.00 X077 – Configurable anomaly by input 17
276 00.00 X078 – Configurable anomaly by input 18
277 00.00 X079 – Configurable anomaly by input 19
278 00.00 X080 – Configurable anomaly by input 20
281 00.19 W144 – Low oil pressure from CAN
282 00.19 A142 – Min oil pressure from CAN
283 00.19 W158 – High oil temperature from CAN
284 00.19 A159 – Max oil temperature from CAN
285 00.19 W132 – High coolant temperature from CAN
286 00.19 A134 – Max coolant temperature from CAN
287 00.19 W136 – Low coolant level from CAN
288 00.19 A135 – Min coolant level from CAN
289 00.19 W160 – Water presence in fuel from CAN
290 00.19 W137 – Low battery voltage from CAN
291 00.19 A118 – Over speed from CAN.
295 00.19 W198 – General warning from CAN
296 00.19 W199- General block from CAN
297 00.25 X081 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 01
298 00.25 X082 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 02
299 00.25 X083 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 03
300 00.25 X084 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 04
301 00.25 X085 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 05

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302 00.25 X086 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 06

303 00.25 X087 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 07
304 00.25 X088 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 08
305 00.25 X089 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 09
306 00.25 X090 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 10
307 00.25 X091 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 11
308 00.25 X092 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 12
309 00.25 X093 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 13
310 00.25 X094 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 14
311 00.25 X095 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 15
312 00.25 X096 –Configurable anomaly by expansion input 16

NOTE: some codes in the table are prefix by an x. This is because the anomaly type is

• Fast trend: with a configurable frequency by means of parameter P442 (time step
increment in seconds), the board records the following analogue measurements:

o Generator phase-to-phase voltages, currents and frequency.

o Starting battery voltage, engine rotation speed, coolant temperature, oil

pressure and engine fuel level.

o Active, reactive and apparent powers, the power factor and the type of the
plant total load.

o Mains phase-to-phase voltages

Each record has associated its date/time. The measurements not acquired (because
the board was not set to acquire them) are substituted by dashes. This archive has a
capacity of 30 records that, with the predefined time step increment (60 seconds)
covers a period of half an hour.

• Slow trend: with a time step increment configurable by means of P.443 (minutes)
the board records the same measurements seen at previous point. Each record has
associated its date/time. This archive has a capacity of 48 recordings that, with the
predefined time step increment (30 minutes) covers a period of one day.

• Peaks: the board effects a series of recordings of the maximum and minimum peaks
for some significant measurements:

o Total active power: it is recorded the maximum peak, with its associated
date/time and the measurement of the engine coolant temperature (if

o Currents: for each current it is recorded the maximum peak value, with its

o Board temperature: the maximum peak of the internal temperature is

recorded with its time/date

5.1 How to visualize the archives

The historical archives are accessible in all the board working status. To enter in
visualization mode, it needs to act on ▲ and ▼ keys until the led “EVENTS LOG” lights on,
on the display left side. NOTE: if the pressure on keys doesn’t cause any action on LEDs,
press some times the EXIT key and then reprove (this situation may happen during

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programming operations or during some particular operations as, by example, the setting of
the fuel pump command modes). The display will show the following window:


Enter: view
Exit : back here

Up on the left there is the string E.01: the “E” letter means that the display is showing the
archives, the following number identifies the currently visualized page between those

• 01 : entry page

• 02 : archive selection page

• 30-34 : events pages

• 40-42 : fast analogues pages

• 50-52 : slow analogue pages

• 60 : peaks page

• 70 : engine passive diagnostics pages (only with CAN BUS).

To enter in visualization mode press the ENTER key. It will be shown the archives selection



The structure is similar to the programming. The required archive is selected by means of ▲
and ▼ keys, then press the ENTER key to visualize it (so the pages identified by E.30, E.40,
E.50, E60 and E.70 are available)

5.2 Exit from archives visualization

There are two ways to exit from archive visualization:

• Press the EXIT key n times to come back until page E.01

• Rotate the key-lock switch

In both cases, it will be show the page E.01, from which it is possible to pass to the status
and measurements visualization with ▲ and ▼ keys.

5.3 Events pages

Each event has at least two pages, which become five if the event is an anomaly:

• E30: visualizes date/time, the event code and its description in the current language

• E31: visualizes the key-lock and engine status (in the second row), the generator
status (in the third) and the change-over status (in the fourth)

• E32 visualizes the generator phase-to-phase voltages (third row) and currents

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• E33: visualizes the generator frequency and the engine speed (in the second row),
the battery voltage and oil pressure (third), coolant temperature and fuel level

• E34: visualizes the apparent and active powers (in the second row), the reactive
power and the power factor (third) and the mains phase-to-phase voltages (fourth)

Window is like the following (example for E.30 page)

E.30 EVENTS 01/99 <>

26/04/2004 17:44:23
Event code :077

First row shows the visualized page. Use the ◄► keys to access cyclically to all the event
pages (the final part of first row highlights with two arrows the availability of previous or
following pages). Still on first row, it is shown the present record index (1 in the example)
and the number of total records (each time the visualized record is changed, the display
comes back to E.30 page). The rows from second to fourth change from page to page, as
described in the previous list.

5.4 Slow/fast trend pages

Each record has three pages:

• E40 / E50: the page visualizes date/time (second row), generator phase-to-phase
voltages (third row) and currents (fourth).

• E41 / E51: the page visualizes the generator frequency and the engine speed (in the
second row), battery voltage and oil pressure (third), coolant temperature and fuel
level (fourth)

• E42 / E52: the page visualizes the apparent and active power (in the second row),
reactive power, and power factor (third) and the mains phase-to-phase voltages

The window is as the following (example for E.50 page):

E.50 ANALOG 01/48 <>

26/04/2004 17:44:23
VG: 0 0 0
IG: 0.0 0.0 0.0

First row shows the visualized page. Use the ◄► keys to access cyclically to all the record
pages (the final part of the first row highlights with two arrows the availability of previous or
following pages). Still on first row, it is shown the present record index (1 in the example)
and the number of total records (48 in the example). Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to scan
cyclically all the records (each time the visualized record is changed, the display comes back
to E.40 / E50 page). The rows from second to fourth change from page to page, as
described in the previous list.

5.5 Peaks pages

The window is like the following:

E.60 PEAKS 01/07

26/04/2004 17:44:23

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The peaks page has just one window, E.60 (so ◄► keys are not used). Moreover, it has
always seven records, as highlighted in the first row. Use the ▲ and ▼keys to scan
cyclically all the records. Each record is related to one measurement:

1. Active power maximum peak (with the coolant temperature in that moment).

2. L1 phase current maximum peak (with the power factor in that moment).

3. L2 phase current maximum peak (with the power factor in that moment).

4. L3 phase current maximum peak (with the power factor in that moment).

5. Engine coolant temperature maximum peak.

6. Board internal temperature minimum peak.

7. Board internal temperature maximum peak.

On second row, it is always shown the recording date/time, while on third row it is shown the
recorded value, preceded by a description in the current language. For the first four records,
on the fourth row it is shown the secondary measurement recorded, preceded by a
description in the current language.

5.6 Passive engine diagnostics pages

Only with CAN BUS, it is possible to read from engine CPU unit the list of all diagnostic
codes that was activated in the past but no more active.

The window is like this:

E.70 DTC-ENGINE 01/09


The visualisation has just one window, E70 (so ◄► keys are not used). Use the ▲ and
▼keys to scan cyclically all the diagnostic engine passive codes. For each code, second
row shows the parameters identifying it in SAE-J1939:

• SPN (SSSSS): shows what engine part/component has activated the diagnostic

• FMI (FF): shows what kind of anomaly the part has.

• OC: shows how many times the diagnostic code was been activated.

5.7 Reset of archives

The historical archives can be singularly erased. To do this it needs at first to go on a page
of the archive (by example E.30, to erase the events archive), then press together the
MODE and EXIT keys for five seconds. The cancellation is confirmed by forcing the display
on page E.01 (see above). For the events and analogue archives, the erasure simply forces
to zero the counter of the memorized records, while for the peaks archive all the
measurements records are forced to the present time (so it is better doing this reset when
the engine is stopped and cold).

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6. Special procedures
Besides to the normal working sequence, DST4601 includes special procedures which must
to be activated in a particular way. Some of them are reserved to S.I.C.E.S. s.r.l. and then
are not described in this document. Some other instead can be used also by the installer or
by the end user.

When DST4601 does one of these special procedures, the normal working sequence is not
executed and the genset is not available. It is then appropriate executing these special
procedures in phase of plant installing or start up. If these procedures have to be executed
in a second time, be sure to supply the loads from another source before starting.

Here the list of special procedures implemented by DST4601. Those ones in italics and
underlined are reserved to S.I.C.E.S. s.r.l.


• “TEST”: board self test

• “CALIBRAT.”: measurements inputs calibration.

• “FUEL LEV.” : calibration of the fuel level sensor.

• “LANGUAGE”: language selection

The necessary operations to active the special procedures are common for all, and are
described forward. NOTE: all special operations are protected with password. In this
document, the passwords are disclosed only for the procedures available to the operator. It
is not possible to modify these passwords: avoid then to disclose them to operators not
interested to special operations.

6.1 Activation of special procedures

In this phase, all board outputs (relays or transistors) are deactivated. The load is changed
over to mains.

It is required to follow these steps:

1) Disconnect the supply from the board (remove JH connector or open the fuse in the

2) Switch the key-lock to OFF/RESET

3) Now supply the board, keeping pressed together the START and STOP keys. In this
phase, the multifunctional display shows question marks. The two keys must be kept
pressed until the display will appear as in the following example. NOTE: if the keys
are released too soon, the board will start to work with its normal working sequence.
Special functions
Function: [LANGUAGE]

4) On second row appears in square brackets the name of a special procedure.

Release the START and STOP keys and press ENTER: the square brackets start to

5) Select the request procedure using ▲ and ▼ keys (until its name appears into the
brackets). Then confirm with ENTER key. The square brackets stop to flash and the
display appears as this (in the example, the procedure to change language):

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Special functions
Function: [LANGUAGE]
Enter pwd: [0]

6) In the third row, it is now necessary to set a password. This password is different for
each special procedure (see next paragraphs). Press ENTER to start the password
setting (brackets start to flash).

7) Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to increase or decrease the number into the squares (NOTE:
pressing the SHIFT key together to ▲ or ▼ makes the numbers increase or
decrease faster).

8) When into the brackets there is the desired number, confirm it by pressing ENTER
key. If the password is correct the selected special procedure starts (described later
on), otherwise the board shows an error message and automatically comes back to
step 1.

NOTE: it is possible to abort this procedure in every moment, by removing the supply from
the board. In each case, at the special procedure end, it is necessary removing and
providing again the supply to the board to come back to the normal working sequence.

6.2 “FUEL LEV.”: fuel level sensor calibration.

It is possible to connect to DST4601 an analogue sensor level to measure the fuel quantity
in the tank. This measure can be also used to manage a pump for automatic filling of the
tank aboard the genset. It can moreover utilized to activate anomalies if the tank is empty of
overfilled. The board manages resistive sensors that change their resistance between 0 and
400 ohms. This allows working with the most common sensors. Each sensor type has
however its own well-defined resistive range and each one is different from the other.
Moreover, also with same sensors, different tanks have different shapes and probably the
sensor cannot have (for mechanical reasons) its full resistance excursion. For these
reasons, the calibration procedure was implemented: it allows to the operator, in the phase
of installation or plant set up, to define the resistance values corresponding to empty and to
full tank.

To execute this calibration, follow at first the procedure described in 6.1, using the password
“135” to access the function. The board records in a not-volatile memory the calibration
values. Usually this procedure is executed only one time when configuring the genset.

When the procedure described in 6.1 is ended, the display will show:
Ω: 54.3 %: 45

Up to firmware release 00.19, in the last row it was shown only the level in percentage.

To calibrate the sensor, follow these steps:

1) Press ENTER key

2) The display shows:

Ω: 0.0 %: 0

The float has to be move to the level correspondent to the minimum measurable
level. Wait for at least some seconds that the reading will be stable. Then press

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3) The display shows:



Now set the numerical value to be associated to the present float position. Typically
with empty tank the value to visualize should be 0%, but it is possible to associate
any value (by example, if manually it is not possible to carry the float completely in
the empty position, it is possible to estimate the current level and set this value). To
set the level, press ENTER (square brackets start flashing), use ▲ and ▼ keys to
change the value and confirm new value with ENTER. NOTE: even if the desired
value is “0”, you must however to set it (by pressing two times the ENTER key).

4) Now the display shows:

Ω: 0.0 %: 0

(Up to release 00.19, in the last row it was shown only the level in percentage.)

The tank must to be filled to its maximum, or you must to move manually the sensor
float up to the level corresponding to full tank. Wait some seconds, until the
measurements shown in the second row are stable, then press the ENTER key.

5) The display shows:



Now set the numerical value to associate to the present float position. Typically, with
full tank, the value should be 100%, but it is possible to associate any value (if, by
example, manually it is not possible to reach the full tank position with the float, it
can be estimate the level reached and use this value). To set the level, press
ENTER (square brackets start flashing), use ▲ and ▼ keys to change the value and
confirm new value with ENTER. NOTE: even if the desired value is “100”, you have
however to set it (by pressing two times the ENTER key).

Now the procedure is complete and it restarts from step 1 allowing its repetition if needed: on
the last row, it will be shown the level value recalculated with new calibration. It is so
possible to move the float, verifying the proper level visualization.

When the procedure is at step 1, pressing together for five seconds the MODE and EXIT
keys it is reloaded the default calibration. This calibration is suitable for “VEGLIA” sensor and
corresponds to 360 ohms for empty tank and 10 ohms to full tank.

6.3 “LANGUAGE”: language selection

DST4601 allows to select the language to use for any text of the multifunctional display. At
the present three languages are supported: Italian, English and French (default language is
English). To select the desired language, follow at first the procedure described in 6.1, using
“1” as password. The board records the selected language in a non-volatile memory.
Normally, then, this procedure has to be executed only one time. At the end of the procedure
described in 6.1, the display shows this window (text changes with selected language):
Use standard program
procedure to select
the language

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To modify the language:

1) Press ENTER key. Square brackets start to flash.

2) Select the desired language (in the square brackets) using ▲ and ▼ keys. NOTE:
the text in the first three rows adapts itself to the selected language.

3) Confirm with ENTER key: brackets stop flashing.

Now it is possible to remove and give back the supply to the board and work with new

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7. Working sequence
7.1 Board modes
DST4601 management permits five modes (the last only from FW release 00.19):

• OFF/RESET: genset is not working (or it is stopping), anomalies are all reset and it
is possible to enter to the programming to modify parameters.

• MAN: genset starting and load changeover to the generator are made by operator
(the board does not manage them automatically). The genset stopping and the load
changeover to mains are normally made by the operator; since protections are
active, the board may in all cases changeover the load to mains if the generator is
not in tolerance and in the same way can stop the engine if an anomaly requiring it
occurs. It is allowed the access to programming only to visualize the parameters; it
is not possible to modify them.

• AUTO: the genset starting and stopping and the load changeover are managed by
the board (the operator cannot intervene). All the protections are enabled. It is
allowed the access to programming only to visualize the parameters; it is not
possible to modify them.

• TEST: this working mode is almost identical to AUTO mode. It differs by the fact that
the engine is in all the cases started (automatically) also with mains present. With
parameter P.222, it is possible to chose if the board has or has not to do the load
changeover to generator. However, the operator can do the changeover manually.
The board will pass automatically from TEST to AUTO if the conditions for an
automatic genset intervention are verified. It is allowed the access to programming
only to visualize the parameters; it is not possible to modify them.

• REM (REMOTE START): this working mode is almost identical to AUTO. It differs by
the fact that the engine is in every case (automatically) started also with mains and
inhibits input presence, and the load is then changed-over to genset. This mode has
priority to TEST mode (it can interrupt TEST or substitute itself to the periodical test).
The operator cannot changeover the load manually. The board will pass
automatically from REMOTE START to AUTO if the conditions for an automatic
genset intervention are verified. It is allowed the access to programming only to
visualize the parameters; it is not possible to modify them.

First three modes are selected with the key-lock switch on the board front panel. To activate
TEST mode, instead, board must be in AUTO mode and without AUTOMATIC start requests
pending (see the description of the engine working sequence late on). The flashing of the
homonym LED in the board front panel indicates TEST mode. It is possible to pass in TEST
mode in the following ways:

o Press together START and MODE buttons in the board front panel. The passage to
TEST mode is immediately. Press again these buttons to return in AUTO mode.

o Set properly parameters P.418, P419 and P420 (PERIODICAL TEST). They permit
to program weekly time slots during which the engine has to run in TEST mode (to
maintain it efficient). In this case, the passage to TEST is automatic in the scheduled
days and hour. The board comes back to AUTO mode at the end of the configured
TEST time interval.

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o Through an adequate SMS command message (see the document describing the
use of RS232 port). To utilize this possibility it is necessary that parameter P420 is
different from zero (it is the TEST duration). In this case the board passes to TEST
mode as soon as received the SMS message and comes back to AUTO mode after
the time P.420

o By means of a command from a PC connected to RS232 board serial port. The

board passes to TEST as soon as received the command from serial port, comes
back when receive the opposite command or when it consider loose the serial
connection (60 seconds without messages).

o From digital input 06 (REMOTE TEST). The board will pass to TEST if this input is
activated and it will come back to AUTO if deactivated.

To active the REMOTE START mode, the board must be in AUTO mode and without
AUTOMATIC start requests pending (see the description of the engine working sequence
late on). At least one board digital input must be set to acquire the contact of REMOTE
START request (code 27 in parameter P.507 or equivalents for others inputs). If this input is
active, the board passes in REMOTE START; when the input is deactivated, the board
comes back to AUTO mode.

7.2 Mains voltage

DST4601 acquires plant mains voltage (single phase or three phases), in order to command
automatic engine starting and stops when mains faults.

Mains must be connected to JO connector. For a three-phase system, the three phase lines
(neutral line is not utilized) must be connected, for a single-phase system it must to connect
the only phase line to “L1” input and neutral line to “L2” input.

Many parameters P. have an influence on mains management:

• P.101 (it becomes P.119 from release 00.19): set it to 3 if mains is three-phases and
1 if single-phase

• P.116: nominal mains voltage. Its value must be the nominal phase-to-phase voltage
for three-phase system and phase–to–neutral voltage for single-phase systems.
Thresholds are expressed in percentage respect to P116; if it is set to zero, mains
voltage is always considered not present, even if physically connected. NOTE: even
if P116 is set to zero, mains voltage value is always computed and visualized.

• P.117: if VT (voltage transformers) are used, connected to JO inputs, this is their

primary voltage value (in volts)

• P.118: as P117 but for VT secondary voltage value (volts).

• P.201: hysteresis applied to all the thresholds related to main voltage. It is a

percentage value respect to P116.

• P.203: low mains voltage threshold (percentage respect to P.116); under this value
mains is considered anomalous and the engine is started.

• P.204: high mains voltage threshold (percentage respect to P.116); over this value
mains is considered anomalous and the engine is started.

Let us see a practical example upon how thresholds work, with default values for the
parameters we have seen. Let us consider a nominal mains value (P.116) of 400V.
Therefore, the minimum mains voltage related to default value for P.203 (80%) is 320V. The
maximum mains voltage related to default value for P.204 (110%) is 440V. With P.201 set to
2.5 (default), the hysteresis is 10 volts (2.5% of P116). With these values, we can identify the
following bands:

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0 V .
A band: absent
70 (80-10) V .
B band: hysteresis
80 V .
C band: low
320 V .
D band: hysteresis
330 (320+10) V .
E band : in tolerance
430 (440-10) V .
F band: hysteresis
440 V .
G band: high
xxx V .

An 80 volts fixed threshold (not configurable) is used to define when mains is considered
present ob absent, with a fixed hysteresis 10 volt downward. Practically, mains voltage is
present if over 80 volts, absent if under 70 volts; the previous status is maintained if between
the two thresholds. Moreover, for the two configurable thresholds (320V and 440V), the
hysteresis is fully applied in the direction of threshold entry. This means that mains voltage is
out of tolerance if external to P.203 and P.204 thresholds, it is in tolerance if internal to
P.203 + hysteresis and P.204 – hysteresis thresholds, otherwise it maintains the previous

If the mains voltages are in the “B”, “D”, “F” bands, board maintains its previous status
(hysteresis). For example, if mains was in “E” band and now is in “D” band, it is considered
in any case “in tolerance”. If instead mains was in “C” band and now is in “D” band, it is
considered “low”.

Such statuses are managed for each phase. With a three-phase system, in order to
diagnose the mains “global” status, the following algorithms are utilized, shown in their
computing order:

• If all the three phases are in “Absent” status, also global status is “Absent”.

• If all the three phases are in “In tolerance” status, also global status is “In tolerance”.

• If at least one phase is in “High” status, also global status is “High”

• If no one of the previous conditions is verified, the global status is “Low”.

For automatic genset management purpose, the mains behaviour can be described in three

a) Steady out of tolerance: the mains global status was different from “In tolerance”
consecutively at least for the time configured in P.206, if the generator is not in
tolerance, otherwise for two seconds (not configurable time). If the key switch is in
AUTO, the board provides to start the engine and to changeover the loads to genset.
The LED “MAINS LIVE” is switched off if mains is “Absent”, otherwise it flashes.

b) Steady present: the mains global status was “In tolerance” consecutively for the
time set by P.205 (if the key switch is in AUTO, otherwise immediately). If the key is in

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AUTO and P.116 is different from zero, the board provides to change over the load to
mains and to stop the engine (with cooling cycle). “MAINS LIVE” LED is switched on.

c) Transitory: between the passage from “a” phase to “b” phase” or vice-versa. The
LED “MAINS LIVE” flashes.

On the frontal panel only the phases “a”, “b”, and “c” are visualized by means of the “MAINS
LIVE” LED. In no way the status “Absent” etc., whether global or for the single phases are
shown; they are however readable with ModBus protocol from serial port.

7.3 Generator
DST4601 measures generator (single or three-phase) voltage and frequency in order to
protect the loads and the generator itself from malfunctioning outside its tolerance

Generator voltages must to be connected to JN connector. For a three-phase system, you

must connect the three phase lines and the neutral line to their respective inputs (L1, L2, L3,
and N); for a single-phase system, the phase line must be connected to “L1” input and the
neutral line to “N”. The frequency measure is carried out only on the phase connected to L1
7.3.1 Frequency
Many parameters have effects on frequency measurements:

• P.105: nominal generator frequency. The thresholds are expressed in percentage in

respect to it.

• P.228: threshold (absolute in Hz) under which the generator is considered stopped.

• P.229: threshold (absolute in Hz) over which the generator is considered working.

• P.305: low frequency threshold (percentage in respect to P.105); under this

threshold, the generator cannot be loaded.

• P.307: high frequency threshold (percentage in respect to P.105); over this threshold
the generator cannot be loaded.

• P.331: overspeed (maximum frequency threshold as percentage in respect to

P.105); over this threshold, the genset must be stopped because it is possible to
damage both the engine and the alternator.

Let us see a practical example about thresholds, with default values for the parameters. We
consider a nominal genset frequency (P.105) of 50 Hz. So the threshold set by P.305 (it has
default of 90) is 45 Hz. The threshold related to P.307 default value (110) is therefore 55 Hz.
The threshold related to P.331 (default 120 %) is 60 Hz. Default values for P.228 and P.229
are zero (to disable the acknowledgment of engine running detection by the alternator
frequency measurements). For completeness, in this example, however, we consider that
the engine running threshold is 10 Hz (P.228) and the engine-stopped threshold (P.229) is 5
Hz. With these values, we can identify the following bands:

0 Hz .
A band: Absent
5 Hz .
B band: hysteresis
10 Hz .
C band: low
45 Hz .
D band: in tolerance
55 Hz .
E band: high

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60 Hz .
F band: overspeed
xxx Hz .

The only managed hysteresis band is to diagnose the status for engine spotted or engine
running. From generator’s viewpoint, the “E” and “F” bands are the same; they are
separated only to implement an over speed protection for the engine in the case his speed
cannot be detected in other ways (pick-up, “W” signal, etc.).

P.305, P.307 and P.331 thresholds are utilized also to manage the engine/generator
frequency protections. These protections can be individually disabled setting to zero the
parameter specifying the delay (respectively P.306, P.308, P.332). However, if protections
are disabled, thresholds are utilized to determine the frequency status; this allows to not
changeover the loads on generator if its electrical measurements are not in the tolerance
band (useful for asynchronous engines).

7.3.2 Voltages
Many parameters are used to manages generator voltages measurements:

• P.101: set it to 3 if generator is three-phases and to 1 if single-phase.

• P.102: phase-to-phase nominal generator voltage. For three-phase generator this

value is the phase-to-phase voltage, for single-phase it is line to neutral voltage.
Thresholds are expressed in percentage in respect to it.

• P.103: if VT (voltage transformers) are used, connected to JN inputs, this is their

primary voltage value (in volts)

• P.104: as P103 but for VT secondary voltage value (volts).

• P.202: hysteresis applied to all the thresholds related to generator voltage. It is a

percentage value respect to P102.

• P.226: threshold (absolute in volts) under which the generator is considered


• P.227: threshold (absolute in volts) over which the generator is considered working

• P.301: low generator voltage threshold (percentage respect to P.102); under this
value loads cannot be changed-over to genset

• P.303: high generator voltage threshold (percentage respect to P.102); over this
value loads cannot be changed-over to genset

Let us see a practical example upon how thresholds work, with default values for the
parameters. Let us consider a nominal generator value (P.102) of 400V. Therefore, the
minimum generator voltage related to default value for P.301 (75%) is 300V. The maximum
mains voltage related to default value for P.303 (112.5%) is 450V. With P.202 set to 2.5
(default), the hysteresis is 10 volts (2.5% of P102). Default values for P.226 and P.227 are
respectively 70 and 80 volts. With these values, we can identify the following bands:

0 V .
A band: Absent
70 V .
B band: Hysteresis
80 V .
C band: Low
300 V .
D band: Hysteresis
310 (300+10) V .
E band: In tolerance
440 (450-10) V .

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 44


F band: Hysteresis
450 V .
G band: High
xxx V .

To the two configurable thresholds (300 and 400V) is applied hysteresis fully in the direction
for the threshold entry. This means that generator voltage is out of the tolerance if external to
the thresholds P.301 and P.303, it is in tolerance if between P.301 + hysteresis and P.303 –
hysteresis, otherwise the previous status is maintained.

If the voltage is in the “B”,”D” or ”F” previous status is maintained (hysteresis). For example,
if the voltage was in “E” band and now it is in “D” band, it is considered however “In
tolerance”. If instead voltage was in “C” band and now is in “D” band, it is considered “Low”.

Such statuses are managed for each phase. With a three-phase system, in order to
diagnose the generator “global” status, the following algorithms are utilized, shown in the
order they are computed:

• If all the three phases are in “Absent” status, also global status is “Absent”.

• If all the three phases are in “In tolerance” status, also global status is “In tolerance”.

• If at least one phase is in “High” status, also global status is “High”

• If no one of the previous conditions is verified, the global status is “Low”.

P.301 and P.303 thresholds are utilized also to manage the generator protections on
voltages. These protections can be singularly disabled setting to zero their related parameter
specifying the delay (respectively P.302 and P.304). Thresholds are however utilized in
order to identify the voltage status: this allows to non-changeover the load to genset if its
electrical measurements are not in the tolerance band, also if protections are disabled (this
is useful for asynchronous engines).

7.3.3 Overview
To the general management, the generator behaviour can be described in three phases:

a) Steady out of tolerance: the generator voltages and/or frequency status was different
from “In tolerance” consecutively for two seconds. The LED “GENERATOR LIVE” is
switched off if voltages and frequency are in “Absent” status, otherwise it flashes.

b) Steady present: the generator voltages and frequency status must be “In tolerance”
consecutively for 0.5 seconds “GENERATOR LIVE” LED is switched on.

c) Transitory: between the passage from “a” phase to “b” phase” or vice-versa. The

On the frontal panel only the phases “a”, “b”, and “c” are visualized by means of the
“GENERATOR LIVE” LED. In no way the status “Absent” etc., whether global or for the
single phases voltages and frequency are shown; they are however readable with ModBus
protocol from serial port.

7.4 Inhibition
In automatic mode, the engine is started/stopped relating to the mains voltage status (AMF
function), in order to allow a correct supply to the loads. Actually, the engine starting for
mains voltage anomalies can be inhibited by at least two sources:

• operational time bands

• digital input

The “MAINS VOLTAGE” flashes when there is an active inhibition. NOTE: the inhibition
status has not an influence on TEST and REMOTE START modes.

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7.4.1 Inhibition from digital input

The board has a digital input (05) dedicated to the inhibition function (MAINS SIMULATION).
If the input is active, the engine is not automatically started when an anomaly on mains
voltage occurs. NOTE: if the internal mains sensor is not used (P.116 set to zero), mains is
always to be considered absent and then the engine in auto mode would always start.
Therefore, this input is the only way to keep stopped the engine. To this input can be then
connected an external mains failure sensor.

To manage any kind of external mains sensor there are two parameters to provide the
timings for mains steady present or steady absent. These parameters are P.207 (same as
P.205 for internal sensor) and P.208 (equivalent to P.206).

So the inhibition status by digital input is considered:

a) Not active: the input is not consecutively active for the time configured with P.207 (if
the generator is not ready to supply, otherwise for two seconds).

b) Active: the input is consecutively active for the time configure with P.207 (if the key
switch is in AUTO, otherwise immediately).

c) Transitory: when it pass from “a” status to “b” status or vice versa
7.4.2 Inhibition by internal real time clock
With parameters P.421, P.422, P.423 it is possible to define weekly time bands in which the
genset is enabled to work. In particular, by means of P.421 parameter is fixed in what days
of the week the genset can work. By the others it is selected a time band, same for all the
selected days. The time band start (P.422) is referred to the days selected with P.421, and
the time band end (P.423) is referred to the same day if it has value higher than P.422, to
the next day if lower (across midnight). Moreover, setting P.422 equal to P.423, it is defined
a band covering the whole day.

7.5 Engine
DST4601 is able to start, stop and protect the engine with a series of thresholds upon the
acquired measurements (oil pressure, coolant temperature, speed etc.). Before to describe
the engine management sequences, it is necessary to define in which way the board
determines the engine running status.
7.5.1 Engine running/stopped status acknowledgement
There are six possible ways to determine if the engine is running:

• The engine speed is higher than P.225 threshold. This control is not used if this or
P.224 threshold is set to zero or the measurement is not available (both P.110 and
P.111 parameters set to zero and CAN BUS not used).

• The D+ signal voltage is higher than the threshold configured with parameter P.230.
This control is not used if that threshold or P.231 threshold are set to zero, or the
measurement is not available (parameter P.115 set to zero).

• If the low/minimum oil pressure inputs are not active. This control is not used if the
parameter P.232 is zero (that is if it explicitly was chosen to not use it) or no digital
input is configured to acquire low and minimum oil pressure signals.

• If the voltage measured on at least one generator phase is higher than P.227
threshold. This control is not used if this or P.226 thresholds are set to zero.

• If the frequency measured on generator is higher than P.229 threshold. This control
is not used if this or P.228 thresholds are set to zero.

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• If the engine signals the running status on CAN BUS.

To acknowledge the engine running status, to DST4601 it is sufficient that at least one of the
previous conditions is verified consecutively for 0.5 seconds. The board disables the starter
signal (and prevent others activations) if it diagnoses that engine is running.

In the same way the conditions to acknowledge the engine-stopped status are:

• The engine speed is lower than P.224 threshold. This control is not used if this or
P.225 threshold are set to zero or if the measurement is not available (both
parameters P.110 and P.111 set to zero).

• Signal D+ voltage is lower than P.231 threshold. This control is not used if this or
P.230 threshold are set to zero, or if the measurement is not available (parameter
P.115 set to zero).

• If the low/minimum oil pressure inputs are active. This control is not used if
parameter P.232 is set to zero (that is if it explicitly was chosen to not use it) or if no
digital input is configured to acquire low and minimum oil pressure signals.

• If the voltage measured on at least one phase of the generator is lower than P.226
threshold. This control is not used if this or P.227 thresholds are set to zero.

• If the frequency measured on the generator is lower than P.226 threshold. This
control is not used if this or P.229 threshold are set to zero.

• If the engine signals the stopped status on CAN BUS.

The engine is considered stopped if all the previous conditions are verified (all that are not
disabled) consecutively for five seconds.
7.5.2 Engine commands
The board can manage six separated commands for the engine management:

• START: command for the starter

• FUEL: command for the fuel solenoid (engines having drop-down shutdown system)

• STOP: command for the stop solenoid (engines having excitation shutdown system).

• PREHEAT: command for the preheater

• GAS: command for the gas valve (for gas engines)

• IDLE: command to active engine idle speed

The board has two dedicated outputs to the START and FUEL commands, respectively on
outputs 26 and 27 of JD connector. These outputs are made with two relays (4A) which,
when active, report to these outputs the voltage supplied to input 25.

For the other four commands, because they are optional, dedicated outputs are not
available. It is however possible to assign each of these commands to any output of JG
connector (pins 40-47) or to pins 21, 22 or 24 of JD connector. When configuring the board,
it must keep attention on the output topology: JG connector is made by open collector
transistor outputs which, when activated, connect the output pin to the negative battery pole
(otherwise, the output is floating); JD connector outputs are instead made with relays (1A)
which, when activated, supply to the output the voltage on pin 26. This configuration can be
carried out by parameter from P.581 to P.591 (menu 5.2) using the values:

• 02: preheater

• 14 gas valve

• 16: stop solenoid (excitation shutdown system)

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• 23: idle command

By default, preheater, gas valve and idle commands are not used, whereas stop solenoid is
associated to pin 24 of JD connector.

7.5.3 Manual control sequence


Fuel solenoid

Not stopped

Washing (gas)


Waiting for Idle speed


Stopping Check for



The manual engine management presents the status showed in the previous diagram. The
rest status are Stopped and Not stopped. For both statuses, the board has deactivated all
the engine commands. The Not stopped status means that the engine has been started by
some other device or the engine did not stop after a stop cycle (this is possible only with
engines having excitation shutdown system or with defective fuel solenoid). By the board
viewpoint, these two statuses are the same, because the generator and engine protections
were never activated since the board considers that another device started and controls the

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EAAM011303I.doc Manual start

From rest status, pressing the “START” key on the frontal panel, manual start cycle begins.
If the engine was Not stopped, the starter is not activated and the next status is Running. If
the engine was Stopped, the cycle begins whit Preheat (if configured) or with the activation
of the Fuel solenoid.

All statuses are subject to the following rules:

• If a stop request arises then next status is Stopping.

• If the START button is released, next status is Check for running.

• If the engine running status is diagnosed, next status will be Idle speed (if
configured) or Running.

Preheat status is executed only if parameter P.209 (preheat duration in seconds) is different
from zero and no output is configured for the GAS engine washing (gas valve): In fact the
parameter P.209 is shared with preheat cycle and washing cycle (so they are executed in
alternative). It is not compulsory to set an output as preheat command. When this phase is
ended the engine will be ready to start. In this status the FUEL and PREHEAT are activated;
this is useful if there is a need to introduce a delay between FUEL and START commands.

The status Fuel solenoid is executed in alternative to preheat and is used to introduce a
minimum delay of 0.2 seconds between FUEL and START commands. This is made
because some fuel solenoids have a mechanical problem and cannot be opened while there
is a fuel de-pressure. After this status there is the engine start or, if configured, the washing
cycle. In this status, FUEL and IDLE commands are active.

The Washing cycle is useful only for gas engines. It consists in the activation of the starter
keeping closed the GAS valve. In this way a depression is created, which extracts the
residuum gases before the engine start. The cycle is executed if at least one output is
configured as GAS output and the duration is configured by parameter P.209 (shared with
the preheat cycle). When the configured time is ended, the engine starts cranking. In this
status FUEL, IDLE and START are active.

During Start status, FUEL, IDLE and START are active. This phase lasts until the
acknowledgement of engine running status or until the “START” button is released. The
engine running status is watched continuously (see previous paragraphs) to release as soon
as possible the starter engine. The cycle ends when the “START” button is released or when
the engine starts up (see notes at the beginning).

The Check for running status is entered if the “START” button is released before the board
has acknowledged the engine running. Really, the given command should be sufficient to
the engine, which should so start regularly. In this status the engine is checked for a
maximum time of 10 seconds, to verify if it is running. “FUEL” and “GAS” commands are
active (to help the engine to start). If the engine is really running, it follows the Running
status, otherwise at the end of the 10 seconds the board comes back to Stopped status.
Pressing the “START” button in this phase the start procedure is repeated, bypassing the
preheat status (from Fuel solenoid status).

The Idle speed status is executed if the parameter P.233 is different from zero. In this status
the commands FUEL, IDLE and GAS are active. If the board is connected with CAN BUS to
the engine, the idle speed command is managed directly by bus. Otherwise it is necessary to
configure one output to give this command. The cycle ends when the configured time is
over. If the board acquires the coolant temperature (with CAN BUS or from sensor), it is also
possible to set a minimum temperature threshold (P.223) to end the cycle: if the coolant
temperature is higher than this threshold for two consecutively seconds, the idle cycle is
ended. Next status is Running.

In Running status, FUEL and GAS commands are active.

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EAAM011303I.doc Manual stop

From Running status (but also from any other status described in the previous paragraph)
the board passes to Stopping status in the following cases:

• Pressing the “STOP” button on the board frontal panel.

• With a command from serial port (also via SMS).

• When an alarm or a deactivation occurs.

NOTE: the stopping phase can be executed also with stopped engine.

During the Waiting for stopping phase, the FUEL, GAS, START and PREHEAT commands
are disabled and it is instead activated the STOP command. The length of this phase is
configurable with the parameter P.213 (stop pulse duration). At the end, the board passes to
the Waiting for stopping phase.

During Waiting for stopping phase all five engine commands are disabled and the board
wait for the stop of the engine. The length of this phase is configurable with parameter P.214
(stop cycle duration, from which it is subtracted the time configured with P.213). At the end
of this phase, if the engine is not stopped the board passes in the Not stopped phase. If the
engine stops, the board returns to the Stopped status. The entire Waiting for stopping
phase can however be disabled setting parameter P.214 to zero.

If during these last two phases all the stop requests cease and the “START” button is newly
pressed, the board passes to the Cancel stopping status also if the engine has not been
already diagnosed stopped. It is in fact possible to end one stop cycle if the board is in MAN

The phase Cancel stopping is useful only to allow a little delay between the deactivation of
the eventual “STOP” command and the activation of the “FUEL” command. This delay is of
0.2 seconds, at the end of which the board comes back to the Stopped status, from which
the board will carry on with the engine start being there the conditions.

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7.5.4 Automatic command sequence

Preheat Fuel solenoid


Not stopped

stopping Idle speed Delay between
two starts

Wait for



The automatic engine management is used with AUTO, TEST and REMOTE START modes.
It does not exist any difference in the sequence between the three modes: differences are in
the protections and load change over management.

In automatic mode, the board manages the engine by means the status shown in the
diagram. Before describe the diagram it is necessary to define when the engine has to be
started or stopped automatically.

The engine is automatically started if there are not alarms or deactivations and if at least one
of these conditions is verified:

• The mains voltage is out of tolerance and it is not active the inhibition to the start,
nor by digital input neither by clock/calendar.

• The TEST mode is activated (see the paragraph describing the board working

• The REMOTE START mode is activated (see the paragraph describing the board
working modalities)

In automatic mode, the engine can be stopped in two ways:

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a) With normal procedure. This procedure consists of doing an engine cooling cycle
(only if the load was been connected to the generator), keep it running with loads
connected to the mains. This procedure is applied if:

o No more automatic start request is pending (see before)

o An anomaly, qualified as “deactivation” has occurred (it is an anomaly typically

dangerous for loads but not for the genset)

b) With an emergency procedure. This procedure requires the immediate engine stop,
without engine cooling cycle. It is applied if:

o The key selector is switched to OFF/RESET

o An anomaly qualified as “alarm” has occurred and the engine is in a status

different from Stopped or Not Stopped (see after). NOTE: in automatic the
stop commands from the panel (STOP button), from serial port and from SMS
are included among this category since they active the A07 alarm (stop key
pressed while in auto)

To describe the diagram, let us think as starting point the Stopped and Not stopped status.
In both the cases, all the engine commands are disabled. The Not stopped status means
then that engine has been started by some other device or it is not stopped after a stop cycle
(this is possible only with engines having excitation shutdown system or with defective fuel
solenoid). For the board view point the two status are the same, since the protections of the
engine and alternator were never been activated because the board considers that some
other devices is managing the genset. It is possible to exit from this status only if an
automatic start or stop request arises Automatic start

From the rest status, if a request (see before) arises, the start procedure is activated, doing
the Preheat cycle (if programmed) or activating the FUEL command and subsequently the
START command. If the start request is activated with the engine in a Not stopped
condition, the board passes directly in the Start confirmation status.

All statuses are subject to the following rules:

• If a stop request occurs, board passes to Stopping status.

• If the start request ends, board passes to Stopping status.

• If the engine running status is diagnosed, then board goes on with Idle speed status
(if configured) or with Running status

For the Preheat, Fuel solenoid, Washing, Start and Idle speed see what described for
manual starting procedure. As unique difference, the Starting status has a maximum length
configurable with parameter P.210.

Compared to manual start, two new statuses are introduced.

The Start confirmation status is executed when the Idle speed cycle has ended or
however after the engine was acknowledged running. This status is used to wait until the
generator reaches its working conditions. The engine in fact could stop itself (the board
could have acknowledged it running just because the starter has enough speed). In these
cases, the board has to try again to start the engine, until the end of the configured attempts.
From this status the board passes to Running status if the generator reach its working
conditions (in this case the start was successful and a subsequently stop of the engine is
symptomatic of a serious anomaly on genset); board continues with the Delay between two
starts status if the engine stop itself and to the Stopping status if the engine didn’t stop but
the generator didn’t reach its operating condition within the time configured with parameter

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 52


P.217 (the alarm A008 - “operating conditions failure” is activated). In this status, the FUEL
and GAS command are active.

The status Delay between two starts is executed each time the engine does not start after
an automatic start attempt. The length of this status is configured with the parameter P.212.
At the end the board goes on with the Start status: this status is executed P.211 times: if
after all the configured attempts the engine did not start, the board actives the alarm A022-
“Overcrank” and goes on with the Stop status. In this status FUEL and PREHEAT are
active, in order to use itself for the preheater of Diesel engines.

The starting procedure ends with the Running status. In this phase, the changeover is
enabled (in fact if the generator parameters drop out from the tolerance band, the board
actives alarms or deactivations that force the engine management to leave this status to
execute a stop cycle with standard or emergency procedure.). In this phase, FUEL and GAS
commands are active. Automatic standard stop

The standard stop procedure is preceded by a Cooling cycle (during which the board
changes-over the loads on mains) for the engine. This cycle is done only if during the
Running status the loads were changed-over on generator. During this cycle, the FUEL and
GAS commands are active. The length of the cycle is configurable with parameter P.215.
From this status it is possible to come back to the Running status if the requests to stop end
and it is present at least one start request (for instance the board was in this status after the
return of mains, but during the Cooling mains fault again). The cycle can be interrupted also
if an emergency stop request rises up (an alarm or the key switched to OFF). In this case, or
in any case when the time P.215 ends, the emergency stop cycle follows.
After Cooling, the board begins to stop the engine. See the following parameters. Automatic emergency stop

The emergency stop procedure consists in stopping the engine without the cooling cycle.
This procedure is common also in the standard stop, after exactly the cooling cycle. During
the Stopping phase the commands FUEL, GAS, START and PREHEAT are disabled and
instead the STOP command is active. The length of this phase is set with parameter P.213
(stop pulse duration). When this time is over, the board passes in the Waiting for stopping
status. If during this phase all stop requests cease and at least one start request is present,
the board passes to Cancel stopping status but only and uniquely if the engine was
acknowledged stopped. It is not in fact possible interrupt an automatic stop cycle, because
situations in which the engine may be difficult to restart if not previously stopped can

During the Waiting for stopping phase, all engine commands are disabled and board waits
exactly the engine stop. The length of this phase is configurable with parameter P.214 (stop
cycle duration, to which it is subtracted the time set by P.213). At the end of this phase, if the
engine is still running, it is activated the A021 alarm – “overcranck” and the board passes to
the Not stopped status. The entire Waiting for stopping phase (and so the alarm too) can
be in any case disabled setting to zero the P.214 parameter. If the engine stops, the board
comes back to the Stopped status. This phase cannot be interrupted to effect further starts.

The phase Cancel stopping is used only to allow a little delay between the deactivation of
the eventual STOP command and the activation of the FUEL command. This delay is set to
0.2 seconds, at the end of which the board comes back to the Stopped status, and goes
immediately on with the start having the right conditions (and restarting from zero the start
attempts count).

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7.6 Loads change-over

DST4601 uses two relays (4A) for the loads changeover. Both relays’ exchanging contacts
are available on JM connector. The pins 57..59 of this connector are dedicated to the genset
circuit breaker (GCB), the three remaining are dedicated to the mains circuit breaker (MCB).
It is possible to configure the board to command two separated breakers or a power switch.

o Separated breakers. It has to be used the GCB “normally open” contact to connect
the load to the generator. It has to be used, instead, the MCB “normally closed”
contact for command the connection of the loads to the mains. In this way, with the
board not supplied (and so with both the relays at rest) the loads are connected to
mains. To use this function it needs to set the parameter P.219 to a proper value.
This parameter set the minimum time that has to elapse between the open of a
breaker and the closing of the other. DST4601 never close together the two

o Power switch. It has to be used the GCB “normally open” contact for the command
to changeover the loads to genset. The changeover on mains is done when this
contact is open. To use this function, P.219 must be set to zero (see above);
otherwise, there will be a useless wait during the phase of changeover between
genset to mains. Moreover, it is possible to configure with the parameter P.220 a
minimum time for the holding of the power switch command: it will be not possible
(nor in manual neither in automatic) to invert the power switch command until the
time P.220 is not passed since previous command. This is useful because if the
command is inverted during the movement phase, with some type of power switches
it is possible that they lock themselves, and a manual action will be required to
unlock them.

The LEDs on the panel, named MCB and GCB, are switched on when the respective
breaker is closed and are switched off when it is open.

The board normally considers commanding directly the breakers. If their command is subject
to other external logics, it is possible to connect the status of one or both the breakers to the
board’s digital inputs. Then the board should be configured to acquire the status from the
connected input (codes 06 for MCB and 07 for GCB in the P.507… parameters). Using this
function, the actual status of the breakers is shown on the frontal panel:

o Led switched on: the breaker is closed.

o Led switched off: the breaker is open.

o Flashing led (on for 25% of the time): the board has commanded the breaker to
close, but it is open.

o Flashing led (on the 75% of time): the board has commanded the breaker to open,
but it is closed.

Besides, configuring a time different from zero for the inputs on which are connected the
breaker status (parameters P.508…), the board actives a warning if the command and the
status stay conflicting consecutively for that time. Finally, it is possible to configure the board
(parameter P.221) to start the engine and change over the loads on genset in the case the
mains breaker faults to close.

It is however possible to connect also the status of only one breaker (if needed): the
signalling of the conflicts command/status and the incidental warnings will be managed only
for this breaker.
7.6.1 Change-over logic
Loads can be changed-over to generator only if all the following conditions are verified:

o Generator voltages and frequency are in the tolerance band from a proper time (see
the generator sequence description).

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 54


o The engine has been started by the board (the fuel solenoid command must be

o No alarms or deactivations are present.

In the OFF/RESET mode, loads are always changed-over to mains (and so, switching the
key in this position will cause an automatic changeover to mains if load was connected to

In the MAN mode, loads are usually changed-over to mains. Using the LOAD/UNLOAD
button it is possible to invert the changeover status (the changeover to genset is possible
only if the conditions previously seen are verified). NOTE: it is possible only to invert the
status: it is not possible to open both the breakers. Passing from AUTO to MAN, the
changeover status rests unchanged (with /P version, it is forced the change-over to mains).

In AUTO mode, the loads are changed-over on genset (with respect of the proper
conditions) only when mains is out of the tolerance thresholds. As soon as mains comes
back in tolerance (with proper times, see mains sequence), loads are newly changed-over
on mains. The only exception is the presence of the MCB not closed warning: if properly
configured, the board changes-over to genset also with mains present. Passing from any
other working mode to AUTO, loads are forced as described, driving a changeover if
needed. The LOAD/UNLOAD button is ignored. This status uses another timing: to close the
loads on genset it must be passed the P.218 time since engine started, or, more precisely,
since the genset voltages and frequency are internal to the its tolerance bands. This delay is
used mainly to give a minimum time to the engine to warm itself before supply the load.

In the TEST mode, loads are normally changed-over to mains. Using the parameter P.222, it
is possible to force a changeover to genset following an engine start. Passing from any other
working mode to TEST, loads maintain their status. Using the LOAD/UNLOAD button it is
possible to invert the changeover status (the changeover to genset is possible only if the
conditions previously seen are verified). NOTE: it is possible only to invert the status: it is not
possible to open both the breakers. For this status too the delays configured with P.218 are
applied. It has to remember that the board passes automatically in AUTO (aborting TEST
mode) if its automatic intervention is required.

In the REMOTE START mode loads are always supplied by genset (in the conditions
previously seen), also with mains presence. All timings of AUTO mode are valid. The
LOAD/UNLOAD button is ignored. It has to remember that the board passes automatically to
AUTO mode (aborting REMOTE START mode) if its automatic intervention is required (fault
on mains). NOTE: see EJP function description in par. 9.

Wait mains -

On mains
On genset

Wait genset -

This diagram describes the changeover status. We examine it starting from the rest status
On mains. In this status both MCB and GCB relays are at rest (so closing loads on mains

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 55


because the command for the mains breaker is taken from the normally closed contact of
MCB). If it is required a change-over on genset, board passes to the Wait mains-genset
status only if MCB relays is at rest at least since P.220 time, otherwise board waits in this

During the Wait mains-genset phase the MCB relay is at work, whereas GCB is at rest (so
opening both the breakers, or confirming the change over on mains with power switch). In
this status, the board stays for the time configured by parameter P.219, then it passes to the
On genset status. If during the wait the changeover to genset request disappears, it comes
back to the On mains status, but only when the time P.220, since the entry in this status, is

In the On genset status both MCB and GCB relays are at work (closing then the loads on
genset because the command for the mains breaker is taken from the normally open contact
of MCB). If it is required a change-over on mains, it passes to the Wait genset-mains status
only if the GCB relay is at rest at least since time P.220, otherwise the board waits in this

In the Wait genset-mains phase the MCB relay is at work whereas GCB is at rest (so
opening both the breakers, or forcing the change over on mains if it is used a power switch).
In this status, the board stays for the time configured by P.219, then passes to On mains
status. If during the wait a changeover to genset is activated, the board come back to On
genset status, but only when the time P.220, since entry in this status, is elapsed.

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8. Anomalies
This chapter describes all the anomalies managed by the board. Some of these act as
protections for the loads, for the generator or for the engine. There is also signaling of
particular events in the management of the plant. Before describing them in detail, it is
opportune to give some definitions.

We define three typologies of anomaly:

• Warnings: these anomalies don’t require the arrest of the engine. They point out to
situations that are not dangerous at the moment, but the operator must take some
action because, if ignored, they could degenerate in one of the following categories.

• Deactivations: these anomalies require the arrest of the engine. They are dangerous
for the loads but not immediately for the engine. For this reason the engine can be
stopped with the standard procedure (with the cooling cycle). However, it is not
possible to restart the engine until someone takes care of the anomaly.

• Alarms: these anomalies require the arrest of the engine. They are dangerous for
the loads and/or for the engine and for the generator. For this reason the engine
must be stopped immediately, without the cooling cycle. It is not possible to restart
the engine until someone takes care of the anomaly.

When an anomaly is activated, the board performs the following actions:

a) It activates the internal horn and, if configured, also the external one.

b) It forces the multifunction display on the S.03 page (S.02 in releases up to 00.25)(on
the STATUS category). The second row of this page shows the numeric code and
the current language text related to the anomaly.

c) If the anomaly is a warning, the “WARNING” lamp starts blinking; in the other cases
the “ALARM” lamp starts blinking. The blinking status means that is active at least
one anomaly that has not been yet acknowledged by the operator. If the anomaly is
the emergency stop (048), then also the “EMERGENCY STOP” lamp starts blinking.

d) If the anomaly is a deactivation or an alarm, the loads will be connected to the

mains and the engine will be stopped (with or without the cooling cycle).

The operator can take two actions about an anomaly:

a) Acknowledge: this indicates to the board that the operator has token action about
the situation.

b) Reset: it tells to the board that the anomaly is not yet active.

The operator can acknowledge the anomaly (ISA2C sequence) by pressing the MODE key.
This operation also stops the internal and the external horns, and the “WARNING”, “ALARM”
and “EMERGENCY STOP” lamps stop blinking. The horn management is however related to
the P.491 parameter:

o If set to zero, the horn will be never activated.

o If set to 999, the horn will be activated when a new anomaly arises, and will be
deactivated when the operator press the MODE key.

o If set to any value between 1 and 998, the horn will be activated when a new
anomaly arises, and will be stopped both for pressing the MODE key and after
P.491 seconds from activation.

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The multifunction display shows the anomaly up to when the operator doesn't recognize it,
even if its cause is not still present.

The board automatically reset all the acknowledged warnings when their cause is not still
active. In order to reset the deactivations and the alarms, the operator must move the key-
lock switch in the “OFF/RESET” position (obviously it must be moved back to MAN or AUTO
in order to use the genset again). With this procedure, it is also possible to reset externally
managed anomalies. In fact, you can configure one of the board digital outputs (value 1 in
the parameter P.581 or following) to activate for one second when the internal reset
procedure is performed. Remember that this one second pulse is generated only for the
reset procedure, not for the acknowledge one.

An alarm can be activated only if no other alarms are already active (there are some
exceptions to this rule and will be underlined in the rest of the paragraph). An alarm can be
activated if some deactivations or warnings are active.

A deactivation can be activated only if no alarms and deactivations are already active.
Instead, some warnings can be active.

A warning can be activated only if no alarms and deactivations are already active. Instead,
some warnings can be active.

Here follows a detailed description of each anomaly. The word “enable” will be used to
describe the minimum conditions needed by the board in order to look for the anomaly. The
word “activation” will be used to describe the condition needed by the board to activate the
anomaly, after it has been “enabled”.

Note: normally all protections are “enabled” if the engine is started by the board, thus
if the fuel solenoid control is active. If not, the only way to “enable” the protections is
to force the board to start the engine again (by pressing the START key in MAN, by
example): the cranking motor will not be activated, but the fuel solenoid control will
be set and so all the protections will be “enabled”.

01 – Minimum generator voltage

Type: Deactivation
Category: Load protection
Related parameters: P.101 P.102 P.202 P.301 P.302
To disable: P.302=0
MAN (only if GCB is closed)

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is enabled when
the generator voltages and frequency firstly enter inside the band of tolerance (from the
engine start moment, see the engine sequence description). It is activated if, in the
previously conditions, at least one generator voltage falls under the P.301 threshold,
continuously for the P.302 time. NOTE: up to release 00.25, in AUTO, TEST and REMOTE
START the protection was activated also with KG open.

02 – Maximum generator voltage

Type: Alarm
Category: Load/generator protection
Related parameters: P.101 P.102 P.202 P.303 P.304
To disable: P.304=0

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid
command activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is

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activated if, in the previously conditions, at least one generator voltage become greater than
the P.303 threshold, continuously for the P.304 time.

03 – Minimum generator frequency

Type: Deactivation
Category: Load protection
Related parameters: P.105 P.305 P.306
To disable: P.306=0
MAN (only if GCB is closed)

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is enabled when
the generator voltages and frequency firstly enter inside the band of tolerance (from the
engine start moment, see the engine sequence description). It is activated if, in the
previously conditions, the generator frequency falls under the P. 305 threshold, continuously
for the P. 306 time. NOTE: up to release 00.25, in AUTO, TEST and REMOTE START the
protection was activated also with KG open.

04 – Maximum generator frequency

Type: Alarm
Category: Load/generator protection
Related parameters: P.105 P.307 P.308
To disable: P.308=0

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is activated if, in
the previously conditions, the generator frequency become greater than the P. 307
threshold, continuously for the P. 308 time.

05 – Belt break
Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.115 P.230 P.231 P.349
To disable: P.349=0

This protection is enabled only if the board is configured to use the D+ signal (P.115=1) and
if this signal is physically connected to the JE connector. The board must also be configured
to acquire the engine running status by the D+ signal (P.230 e P.231 different from zero).
The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated). It is activated if the D+ signal potential is lower than the P.230 threshold
continuously for the P.349 time.

06 – Maximum current
Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.101 P.102 P.106 P.309 P.310
To disable: P.310=0

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DST4601 implements a time-related maximum current protection (it activates so much more
quickly how much higher is the overload). The used curve is named EXTREMELY
INVERSE, and implements an I2t function. It is a generator protection (not an engine
protection) because it limits the thermal accumulation of the generator during, the generation
phase. For the engine, the maximum power protection must be used, that is independent
from the load typology.

We define a maximum current threshold, and the maximum time the generator can work with
this current. If the current is lower than the defined threshold, the protection is not activated.
If the current become greater than the threshold, the protection is activated with a time
inversely proportional with the entity of the over current. In order to correctly set the
thresholds, follow the following steps:

• You must know the nominal current of the system. You can obtain it from the
nominal power (P.106) and the nominal voltage (P.102):

o Mono-phase system: I nom =

o Three-phases system: I nom =

(P.106 3 )
⎛ P.102 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
By example, in a three-phases system with 400V voltage and 200 kVA
nominal power, the nominal current is around 289 A. Note: if you configure
first the P.101 e P.102 parameters, and then the P.106 parameter, the forth
row of the display shows the nominal current.

• Configure the maximum current threshold by the P.309 parameter, as a percentage

of the nominal current. In the previous example, if you want to set a 350 A threshold,
you have to configure 121 (%) for the P.309 parameter.

• Configure the intervention time for the protection in the P.310 parameter: the
protection will be activated exactly after the time you’ve configured if the current is
constantly equals to the P.309 threshold multiplied by 2 . In the previous example,
if you set 10 s in P.310, the protection will be activated after 10 seconds with around
495 A of constant load, in a fewer time if the current is higher, in a longer time if the
current is lower and never if the current is minor than 350 A.

In order to calculate the intervention time for a preferred current, please use the following

tI = 2
⎛ I ⎞
⎜ ⎟ −1
⎝ P.309 ⎠
I is the current in the circuit.
You must keep in mind that the board calculates the integral value of the current in the time,
so all the current samples over the threshold concur to determine the intervention time, with
their instantaneous weight as defined in the previous formula. The only way to verify exactly
this formula is thus to switch instantaneously from a normal load situation to an over load

The following graph shows the used curve, with P.310 set to 60 seconds (I is the maximum

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Intervent time


Intervent time (seconds)


1 10
Multiple of I

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle.

07 – STOP key pressed while in AUTO

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: -
To disable: -

This protection is always enabled and cannot be disabled. It is activated when, in AUTO,
TEST or REMOTE START the operator presses the STOP key or if a stop command is
received from the serial port or by an SMS.

08 – Operating conditions failure

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.217
To disable: -

This protection is always enabled and cannot be disabled. It is activated if the generator
voltages and frequency are not firmly inside the band of tolerance within P.217 seconds from
the recognition of the engine running status (or from the end of the engine’s idle cycle, if

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10 – Auxiliary warning (from terminal 4)

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.505, P.506
To disable: P.505=0

This protection is always enabled. It is activated if the board’s terminal 4 is grounded

consecutively for P.505 seconds. You can configure the text for this anomaly by the P.506

11 – Power reverse
Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.106, P.313, P.314
To disable: P.314=0

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is activated if, in
the previously conditions, the system total active power is negative and has an absolute
value greater than the P.313 threshold, consecutively for P.314 seconds. NB: P.313 is
expressed as a percentage of P.106.

12 – Genset locked
Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: -
To disable: -

This protection is always enabled and cannot be disabled. It is activated when the board
receives the lock command from the serial port or by an SMS. It is deactivated only when the
board receives the unlock command from the serial port or by an SMS. Disconnecting the
board from the battery cannot disable the protection. This feature can be useful in case of
rent; if the client requires the genset during the weekends of a month, the renter can lock the
genset from Monday to Friday, and is not forced to continuously move the genset to and
from the client.

13 – Mains control breaker (MCB) not closed

Type: Warning
Category: Generic, load protection
Related parameters: P.221, P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

NB: not supported by the /P version of the board.

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the MCB status (code 6 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other inputs), and if
a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for other inputs). It
is activated only when the board closes the MCB (relay on idle) but the acquired status is not
active (open) continuously for the configured time. When this anomaly is activated, you can

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also force the engine to start and the connection of the loads to the genset by using the
parameter P.221.

14 – Genset control breaker (GCB) not closed

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the GCB status (code 7 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other inputs), and if a
delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for other inputs). It
is activated only when the board closes the GCB (relay at work) but the acquired status is
not active (open) continuously for the configured time. No automatic changeover to the
mains is provided.

15 – Over load (from contact)

Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the external over load contact (code 17 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other
inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for
other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is enabled only if
the loads are connected to the generator. It is activated if the configured input is active
continuously for the related time.

16 – Short circuit on the generator

Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.101 P.102 P.106 P.311 P.312
To disable: P.312=0

DST4601 implements a short circuit protection, in addition to the over current protection.
This is in order to act as much faster as possible and to be untied with the timing described
for the over current protection. The protection is configured by setting a threshold (P.311)
expressed as a percentage of the nominal current (see the maximum current protection for
how to calculate the nominal current from the parameters P.101, P.102 e P.106). It is
enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is
disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is activated when at least one
phase’s current is higher than the threshold P.311 continuously for P.312 seconds.

17 – Over speed (from contact)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

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This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the external over speed contact (code 18 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for
other inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or
equivalent for other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel
solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It
is activated if the configured input is active continuously for the related time.

18 – Over speed (from pick-up or W)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.110 P.111 P.333 P.334 P.700
To disable: P.334=0

This protection is enabled only if the board acquires the engine speed measure. It can be
acquired by the pick-up input (JF-37, P.110 different from zero) or by the W input (JF-37,
P.111 different from zero) or by the CAN BUS (P.700 different from zero). It is enabled only if
the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during
the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is activated when the acquired speed is higher than
the P.333 threshold continuously for P.334 seconds.

19 – Over speed (from generator frequency)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.105 P.331 P.332
To disable: P.332=0

This protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping. It is activated when the
generator frequency is higher than the P.331 threshold continuously for P.332 seconds.
Note: P.331 is expressed as a percentage of P.105.

21 – Engine not stopped

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.214
To disable: P.214=0

This protection is activated if the engine does not stop itself before P.214 seconds from the
stop command. Note: this alarm can be activated even if another alarm is still active.

22 – Over crank
Type: Alarm
Category: Battery protection
Related parameters: P.211
To disable: -

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This protection is activated after P.211 attempts of starting the engine without results. It
cannot be disabled.

23 – Mains control breaker (MCB) not open

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

NB: not supported on /P version.

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the MCB status (code 6 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other inputs), and if
a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for other inputs). It
is activated only when the board opens the MCB (relay on work) but the acquired status is
active (closed) continuously for the configured time. No automatic changeover to the
generator is provided.

24 – Genset control breaker (GCB) not open

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the GCB status (code 7 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other inputs), and if a
delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for other inputs). It
is activated only when the board opens the GCB (relay on idle) but the acquired status is
active (closed) continuously for the configured time. No automatic changeover to the mains
is provided.

25 – Minimum fuel level (from contact)

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the minimum fuel level contact (code 8 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other
inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for
other inputs). It is activated if the configured input is active continuously for the related time.

26 – Minimum fuel level (from analog measure)

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.114 P.347 P.348
To disable: P.348=0

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This protection is enabled if the board is configured to use the analog fuel level sensor
(P.114 different from zero), and if this sensor is connected to the JF connector. It is activated
when the fuel level is lower than or equal to the P.347 threshold continuously for P.348

27 – Low fuel level (from contact)

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the low fuel level contact (code 9 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other
inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for
other inputs). It is activated if the configured input is active continuously for the related time.

28 – Low fuel level (from analog measure)

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.114 P.345 P.346
To disable: P.346=0

This protection is enabled if the board is configured to use the analog fuel level sensor
(P.114 different from zero), and if this sensor is connected to the JF connector. It is activated
when the fuel level is lower than or equal to the P.345 threshold continuously for P.346

29 – High fuel level (from contact)

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the high fuel level contact (code 12 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other
inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for
other inputs). It is activated if the configured input is active continuously for the related time.

30 – High fuel level (from analog measure)

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.114 P.343 P.344
To disable: P.344=0

This protection is enabled if the board is configured to use the analog fuel level sensor
(P.114 different from zero), and if this sensor is connected to the JF connector. It is activated
when the fuel level is greater than or equal to the P.343 threshold continuously for P.344

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31 – High coolant temperature (from contact)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.216, P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the high coolant temperature contact (code 15 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent
for other inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or
equivalent for other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel
solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It
is activated when the configured input is active continuously for the related time, but only
after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine start (oil mask time). This is useful to
avoid false anomalies when the engine starts immediately after a previous emergency stop;
in this situation, in fact, the engine has the tendency to warm up itself.

32 – High coolant temperature (from analog measure)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.113 P.216 P.335 P.336 P.700
To disable: P.336=0

This protection is enabled only if the board acquires the engine coolant temperature
measure. It can be acquired by the board input (JF-34, P.113 different from zero) or by the
CAN BUS (P.700 different from zero). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the acquired temperature is higher than or equal to the P.
335 threshold continuously for P. 336 seconds, but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed
from the engine start (oil mask time). See previous paragraph note.

33 – Maximum coolant temperature (from contact)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.216, P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the maximum coolant temperature contact (code 16 for P.507 parameters, or
equivalent for other inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input
(P.508 or equivalent for other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the configured input is active continuously for the related
time, but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine start (oil mask time). See
previous paragraph note.

34 – Maximum coolant temperature (from analog measure)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.113 P.216 P.337 P.338 P.700

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To disable: P.338=0

This protection is enabled only if the board acquires the engine coolant temperature
measure. It can be acquired by the board input (JF-34, P.113 different from zero) or by the
CAN BUS (P.700 different from zero). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the acquired temperature is higher than or equal to the P.
337 threshold continuously for P. 338 seconds, but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed
from the engine start (oil mask time). See previous paragraph note.

37 – Low battery voltage

Type: Warning
Category: Battery protection
Related parameters: P.362 P.363
To disable: P.363=0

It is always enabled except when the cranking motor is activated. It is activated when the
battery voltage is lower than the P.362 threshold continuously for P.363 seconds. Note:
P.362 is expressed as a percentage of the nominal battery voltage, which is not configurable
but is automatically selected by the board between 12 e 24 Vdc. The nominal battery voltage
is selected each time the board is powered and each time the key-lock switch is moved to
the OFF/RESET position. The nominal battery voltage is set to 12 V if in the previous
conditions the battery voltage is not greater than 17 V, otherwise is set to 24V.

38 – High battery voltage

Type: Warning
Category: Battery protection
Related parameters: P.364 P.365
To disable: P.365=0

It is always enabled except when the cranking motor is activated. It is activated when the
battery voltage is greater than the P.364 threshold continuously for P.365 seconds. Note:
P.364 is expressed as a percentage of the nominal battery voltage (see previous

39 – Service required
Type: Configurable
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.424 P.425
To disable: P.424=0

It is activated after P.424 engine working hours since the last time P.424 was changed.
Note: the working hours are counted also if other devices start the engine. When activated, it
acts as warning, deactivation or alarm as configured in P.425. Disconnecting the board from
the battery does not disable it. Only typing a new value in P.424 can disable it: you can
configure zero to disable this function, or you can set a new value (even the same value).
Note that P.424 and P.425 require the “installer” access level for program function: this
function can be used for genset rent in order to lock the genset when the established hours
are elapsed.

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40 – Message for the operator

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: -
To disable: -

This protection is always enabled and cannot be disabled. It is activated if the board is
connected to a GSM modem, when it receives a special SMS. To reset this anomaly, you
must move the current page on the multifunction display to the S.06 page. In this page the
SMS text is shown. The anomaly is used to force the operator to read the message.

41 – Minimum oil pressure (from contact)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.216, P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the minimum oil pressure contact (code 13 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for
other inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or
equivalent for other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel
solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It
is activated when the configured input is active continuously for the related time, but only
after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine start (this delay is needed to ignore the
normal low pressure state when the engine starts up).

42 – Minimum oil pressure (from analog measure)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.112 P.216 P.341 P.342 P.700
To disable: P.342=0

This protection is enabled only if the board acquires the engine oil pressure measure. It can
be acquired by the board input (JF-33, P.112 different from zero) or by the CAN BUS (P.700
different from zero). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid
control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is
activated when the acquired pressure is lower than or equal to the P. 341 threshold
continuously for P. 342 seconds, but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine
start (oil mask time). See previous paragraph note.

43 – Low oil pressure (from contact)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.216, P.507 P.508 (for input 1, or equivalent)
To disable: P.508=0 (or equivalent)

This protection is enabled only if one of the digital inputs of the board is configured to
acquire the low oil pressure contact (code 14 for P.507 parameters, or equivalent for other
inputs), and if a delay different from zero has been set for this input (P.508 or equivalent for
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other inputs). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control
activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is activated when
the configured input is active continuously for the related time, but only after P.216 seconds
was elapsed from the engine start (oil mask time). See previous paragraph note.

44 – Low oil pressure (from analog measure)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.112 P.216 P.339 P.340 P.700
To disable: P.340=0

This protection is enabled only if the board acquires the engine oil pressure measure. It can
be acquired by the board input (JF-33, P.112 different from zero) or by the CAN BUS (P.700
different from zero). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid
control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycle. It is
activated when the acquired pressure is lower than or equal to the P. 339 threshold
continuously for P. 340 seconds, but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine
start (oil mask time). See previous paragraph note.

45 – Maximum auxiliary current

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.108, P.109, P.367, P.368
To disable: P.368=0

This protection is enabled only if the board is configured to use the auxiliary current input
(P.108 e P.109 different from zero). It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board
(fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and stopping
cycles. It is activated when the auxiliary current measure is higher than P.367 threshold
continuously for P.368 seconds.

46 – Auxiliary alarm (from terminal1)

Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.501, P.502
To disable: P.501=0

It is activated when the terminal 1 of the board is grounded continuously for P.501 seconds.
You can configure the text for this anomaly by the P.502 parameter... It can be activated also
when the engine is stopped.

47 – Auxiliary engine alarm (from terminal 2)

Type: Alarm
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.216, P.503, P.504
To disable: P.503=0

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It is activated when the terminal 2 of the board is grounded continuously for P.503 seconds,
but only after P.216 seconds was elapsed from the engine start (oil mask time). You can
configure the text for this anomaly by the P.504 parameter.

48 – Emergency stop
Type: Alarm
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.361
To disable: -

This protection is always enabled and cannot be disabled. It is activated when the terminal 3
of the board is not grounded continuously for P.361 seconds (Note: when the emergency
push-button is pressed, the related contact is open).

49 – High power
Type: Configurable
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.106 P.481, P.483, P.484, P.485 P.486
To disable: P.481=0 o P.483=0 o P.485=0 o P.483>P.485

It is activated when the system total active power is positive and greater than the P.350
threshold continuously for P.351 seconds. With par. P.352 it is possible to choose the
protection to be activated. These are the available codes:

• 01: warning.

• 02: deactivation.

• 03: alarm.

NOTE: in releases previous to 00.25, the protection was related to the power status. See
release 02 of this manual for its management.

51 – High board temperature

Type: Warning
Category: Board protection
Related parameters: P.366
To disable: P.366=max

It is activated when the internal board temperature is higher than the P.366 threshold, even
for a small time.

52 – Generator voltage asymmetry

Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.101, P.102, P.315, P.316
To disable: P.316=0

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It is enabled only in three-phase systems (P.101=3) and only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine’s starting and
stopping cycle. The generator voltages and frequency must be inside the band of tolerance.
The threshold P.315 is expressed as a percentage of the nominal phase voltage of the
system. This threshold is the maximum absolute acceptable difference between any two
phase-to-phase voltages. The protection is activated when the difference between any two
phase-to-phase voltages is greater than the P.315 threshold (ignore the sign of the
difference) continuously for P.316 seconds.

53 – Generator current asymmetry

Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.101, P.102, P.106, P.317, P.318
To disable: P.318=0

It is enabled only in three-phase systems (P.101=3) and only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine’s starting and
stopping cycle. The generator voltages and frequency must be inside the band of tolerance
and the loads must be connected to the generator. The threshold P.317 is expressed as a
percentage of the nominal current of the system (see the maximum current protection). This
threshold is the maximum absolute acceptable difference between any two-phase currents.
The protection is activated when the difference between any two-phase currents is greater
than the P.317 threshold (ignore the sign of the difference) continuously for P.318 seconds.

55 – Wrong phases sequence

Type: Configurable
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.319, P.320
To disable: P.319=0

It is enabled only in three-phase systems (P.101=3) and only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine’s starting and
stopping cycle. The generator voltages and frequency must be inside the band of tolerance
and the loads must be connected to the mains (because the protection prevents the loads to
be connected to the generator). You can set the required phases sequence by using the
P.319 parameter (0=disable, 1=CW, 2=CCW). The protection is activated when the
generator phases sequence is different from the configured one continuously for 0,5
seconds. When activated, it acts as warning, deactivation or alarm as configured with the
P.320 parameter.

57 – Clock not valid

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.418 P.420 P.421 P.422 P.423
To disable: -

It is always enabled. It is activated if the board acquires the not valid status from the clock
and is configured at least one function that needs the clock, such as the periodic engine test
(P.418 e P.420) or the working enabled time periods (P.421, P.422, P.423). If you set the
clock, the protection is deactivated.

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61 – Excitation lost
Type: Alarm
Category: Generator protection
Related parameters: P.321 P.322
To disable: -

It is enabled only if the engine was started by the board (fuel solenoid control activated), and
is disabled during the engine starting and stopping cycles. It is enabled only if the generator
frequency is greater than 40 Hz (under this frequency the board does not measure the
powers). It is activated if the reactive power is negative in sign and is greater than the
threshold P.321, continuously for P.322 seconds.

62 – CAN BUS link fault

Type: Warning
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.700 P.703
To disable: -

It is enabled only if CAN BUS option is present and configured. It is activated if internal CAN
controller drops in the BUS-OFF status because of communication errors on bus.

67 – Generic anomaly from input 7

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68 – Generic anomaly from input 8

69 – Generic anomaly from input 9
70 – Generic anomaly from input 10
71 – Generic anomaly from input 11
72 – Generic anomaly from input 12
73 – Generic anomaly from input 13
74 – Generic anomaly from input 14
75 – Generic anomaly from input 15
76 – Generic anomaly from input 16
77 – Generic anomaly from input 17
78 – Generic anomaly from input 18
79 – Generic anomaly from input 19
80 – Generic anomaly from input 20
81 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 01
82 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 02
83 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 03
84 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 04
85 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 05
86 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 06
87 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 07
88 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 08
89 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 09
90 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 10
91 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 11
92 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 12
93 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 13
94 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 14
95 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 15
96 – Generic anomaly from expansion input 16

These anomalies are all equals to each other but they are activated by different inputs (the
one which code is 67 is activated by input 7, …, the one which code is 80 is activated by
input 20). From release 00.25 it is possible to connect to the second serial port an expansion
with 16 inputs; to these inputs anomalies with codes from 81 to 96 can be related. This
description is valid for all these anomalies, and refers to parameter P.507, P.508 e P.509.
These parameters are related to input 7. Naturally you must consider the equivalent
parameters related to the input you need. NOTE: for the expansion inputs parameters are
P.651, P.652 and P.653 for the first input, and so on for next.

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Type: Configurable
Category: Generic
Related parameters: P.507 P.508 P.509 P.216
To disable: P.507=0

With the P.507 parameter, you can configure the type of protection you want. The following
codes are available:

• 01: generic external warning. It is always enabled.

• 02: generic external deactivation. It is always enabled.

• 03: generic external alarm. It is always enabled.

• 04: generic external engine alarm, masked by P.216 parameter. It is enabled only
after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

• 19: generic external engine warning, masked by P.216 parameter. It is enabled only
after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

• 21: generic external warning, masked by gas valve control. It is enabled only when
this control is active.

• 22: generic external alarm, masked by gas valve control. It is enabled only when this
control is active.

• 23: generic external warning, masked by fuel solenoid control. It is enabled only
when this control is active.

• 24: generic external alarm, masked by fuel solenoid control. It is enabled only when
this control is active

• 31: external warning subjected to GCB closing. It is enabled only with GCB closed.

• 32: external alarm subjected to GCB closing. It is enabled only with GCB closed.

The codes 01, 19, 21, 23 and 31 act as warnings, the code 02 as deactivation and the codes
03, 04, 22 e 24 as alarms. The anomaly is activated when the input is grounded (in the
respect of the specific conditions of each) continuously for the time configured for that input
(P.508). You must configure the text related to the anomaly with the parameter P.509
because no text is provided by the board for those generic anomalies (but the numeric code
is fixed).

118 – Over speed from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 10 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the over speed state over the CAN

132 – High coolant temperature from CAN BUS

Type: Warning

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Category: Engine protection

Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 4 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the high coolant temperature state
over the CAN BUS, but only after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

134 – Maximum coolant temperature from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 5 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the maximum coolant temperature
state over the CAN BUS, but only after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

135 – Minimum coolant level from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 7 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the minimum coolant level
state over the CAN BUS.

136 – Low coolant level from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 6 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the low coolant level state
over the CAN BUS.

137 – Low battery voltage from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 9 of P.704 on

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This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the low battery voltage
state over the CAN BUS.

142 – Minimum oil pressure from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 1 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the minimum oil pressure state over
the CAN BUS, but only after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

144 – Low oil pressure from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 0 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the low oil pressure state over the
CAN BUS, but only after P.216 seconds from the engine starting time.

158 – High oil temperature from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 2 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and
stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the high oil temperature state over the

159 – Maximum oil temperature from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 3 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). The protection is enabled only if the engine was started by the
board (fuel solenoid control activated), and is disabled during the engine starting and

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stopping cycle. It is activated when the engine signals the maximum oil temperature state
over the CAN BUS.

160 – Water in fuel from CAN BUS

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700 P.704
To disable: bit 8 of P.704 on

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the water in fuel state
over the CAN BUS.

198 –Warnings from CAN BUS (cumulative)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700
To disable: -

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the active state of its
yellow lamp over the CAN BUS.

199 – Alarms from CAN BUS (cumulative)

Type: Warning
Category: Engine protection
Related parameters: P.700
To disable: -

This protection is enabled only if the board is connected to the engine via the CAN BUS
(P.700 different from zero). It is activated when the engine signals the active state of its red
lamp over the CAN BUS. Note: this is only a warning; the alarm should be activated on
another code 1xx.

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9. Other functions
9.1 Nonvolatile memory
The board is provided with a nonvolatile memory, used to store many information such as
parameters, counters etc... The memory is divided into eleven areas. The data stored in
each area are provided with a checksum for their validation. When you supply the power to
the board, it verifies all the data stored in each area: if at least one area is not correct, the
last two rows of the initial display page will show the error information.
SICES s.r.l.
DST4601 ver.xx.yy

Between the square brackets, one hexadecimal number is shown: each bit of this number
set to one corresponds to a not valid memory area. The following table shows the memory
areas and the related bits.
Area Version Bit Value Description
1 00.00 0 1 (001) Display contrast
2 00.00 1 2 (002) Current language
3 00.00 2 4 (004) Clock reliability (only up to revision 00.19) and service
required status
4 00.00 3 8 (008) Calibration offsets for measure inputs
5 00.00 4 16 (010) Calibration factors for measure inputs
6 00.00 5 32 (020) Fuel level sensor setting
7 00.00 6 64 (040) Maximum peaks
8 00.00 7 128 (080) Counters
9 00.00 8 256 (100) Parameters
10 00.14 9 512 (200) Parameters for outputs mapping
11 00.25 10 1024 (400) Expansion parameters

By example, if the value inside the square brackets is “80”, It means that only the counters
area is non valid. If the value is “102”, it means that both the parameters area (100) and the
current language area (002) are not valid.

If at least one area is not valid, the normal functional sequences are not executed until the
operator press the ENTER key: it is necessary that the operator acknowledge the situation
because there can be malfunctions (for example, if the non valid area is the parameters
one). The board reloads the default values for the not valid data only when the operator
press the ENTER key: this means that if you switch off the power of the board without
pressing the ENTER key, when you re-connect the power the board will show again the
same memory error.

9.2 Clock
The board is provided with a hardware clock. The date/time is shown in the S.04 page of the
multifunction display, is configurable from the menu 4.2 of the program function or from the
serial port, and is used for many functions:

• History logs recordings.

• Weekly planning of the start of the engine for TEST.

• Weekly planning of time intervals in which the genset must not automatically starts.

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The first function is widely explained in the paragraph 5, now will be explained the other two
9.2.1 Engine TEST weekly planning.
The planning for the TEST of the engine is made weekly. Thus it is possible to select in
which days the engine must be started for TEST. Attention: the periodic TEST is not related
in any way with the manual or automatic use of the engine. It is possible that the engine has
been used only a few minutes before, but the TEST will be performed any way. It is also
possible to select a time interval (start and end hours) for the test. This time interval is
common to all the days selected.

The parameters related to this function are:

• P.418: lets you specify in which days of week to perform the engine TEST. It is a bit-
configurable parameter; each bit of the parameter corresponds to a day of week.
The value you must set for the parameter is the sum of the value field of the
following table for the days needed.

Bit Value Day of week

0 1 Sunday

1 2 Monday

2 4 Tuesday

3 8 Wednesday

4 16 Thursday

5 32 Friday

6 64 Saturday

For example, if you want to perform the TEST only on Monday and Thursday, you
must set 18 (16+2).

• P.419: lets you set start time for the TEST (Hours and minutes).

• P.420: lets you configured the TEST duration (in minutes).

By P.420 you configure duration instead of a time for the end of TEST. This is because the
same parameter is used also for the TEST activated by an SMS command
9.2.2 Working time intervals weekly planning.
In some applications, it is useful to inhibit the automatic intervention of the engine for mains
failure in hours or days where the mains is not used. For example, if a factory is closed on
Sunday, the engine should never start in this day for mains fault (because it consumes
unnecessary fuel). With this function, you can select in which days and in which time
intervals the engine can start automatically. The planning is made weekly: it is so possible as
many days of week as required, and also one time interval for enabling automatic
intervention of the engine; this time interval will be the same for all selected days.

The parameters related to this function are:

• P.421: lets you specify in which days of week the engine can start automatically. It is
a bit-configurable parameter; each bit of the parameter corresponds to a day of
week. The value you must set for the parameter is the sum of the value field of the
following table for the days needed.

Bit Value Day of week

0 1 Sunday

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1 2 Monday

2 4 Tuesday

3 8 Wednesday

4 16 Thursday

5 32 Friday

6 64 Saturday

• P.422: lets you configure the start of the time interval into which the engine can start
automatically (by hours and minutes).

• P.423: lets you configure the end of the time interval into which the engine can start
automatically (by hours and minutes).

Normally P.422 will be set to a lower value than P.423. Instead, if it contains a greater value,
the board interprets that the time interval is configured across midnight: in this case, the time
set by P.422 is referred to the days selected by P.421, while the time set by P.423 is referred
to the next days.

By example, if you want that engine can automatically start only on Monday and Friday,
between 08:00 and 18:00, you must set:

P.421=62 (2+4+8+16+32)

P.422 = 08:00

P.424 = 18:00

9.3 Thermometer
The board is provided with a hardware thermometer, for measuring its internal temperature.
The temperature is shown on the M.10 page of the multifunction display, on the last row. It is
used for many functions:

• It is used for automatic compensation of the multifunction display contrast on

changes of the ambient temperature. Without this regulation, if you set the contrast
on summer, the reading of the display on winter should be not possible or much

• The display becomes slower in showing information at very low temperatures. By

using the thermometer, when the temperature falls under a very low threshold, the
board switches on the backlight lamp of the display, and this contributes to warm it
up and to improve its performances.

• The electronic components inside the board have an extended working temperature
range. Despite this, it is possible in critical ambient conditions that temperature goes
out of this range. The board uses the thermometer to activate a warning if the
ambient temperature becomes greater than a configurable threshold. This is useful
for alerting the operator, but is also possible to use one board configurable output for
activate an external cooling system (by using the bit-mapping function you can
configure one output to follow the state of the high internal temperature warning).

• For diagnosis purpose, the board stores in its history logs the most high and low
temperature measured, by using also the internal clock. With this function, it is
possible to examine in a second time the board working conditions, checking if it is
necessary to install external warming/cooling systems, in order to improve the
operating conditions.

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9.4 Serial number

The board is provided with a univocal hardware serial number. It is generated by an internal
integrated circuit. Two different circuits cannot provide the same serial number, so it is
possible to identify each single DST4601 board, without any kind of errors. The serial
number is shown on the S.04 page of the multifunction display, on the last row.

9.5 Second serial port

DST4601 can optionally be equipped with a second serial port. Its external appearance is
the same as the principal port (9 pins male connector). This second port cannot be used to
ask information to the board. At the contrary, the board uses this port as master, using the
ModBus protocol. The purpose of this second port is to allow the connection of a
TELESEGNALI board, which can manage up to 32 relays or 16 relays and 16 digital inputs.
DST4601 sends periodically all its status to TELESEGNALI board, and acquires the inputs

The TELESEGNALI board can be opportunely configured to “map” the status received from
DST4601 on its relays, making so available until 32 status signaling in addition of which
already present as standard on DST4601.

It is possible to insert two RS232/485 adapters built by SICES between DST4601 and
TELESEGNALI board, if it will be the need to put the two boards at a distance higher than 10
meters one from the other (for instance for the setup of little panels for remote signaling of
the main genset status):

The statuses transmitted by DST4601 on the second port are:

• All the anomalies, excluding those caused by TELESEGNALI digital inputs.

• Cumulative of anomalies, separated by categories (warning, deactivation, alarm)

and by acknowledgement (already acknowledged, not yet acknowledged)

• The “reset anomalies in progress” status

• The board status (OFF-MAN-AUTO-TEST; REMOTE START is managed as AUTO)

• The status of mains, generator, engine, changeover and inhibit contact.

Up to release 00.24, the TELESEGNALI digital inputs were acquired but not used by
DST4601, which made them available (for supervising purposes) through ModBus protocol
on the first serial port. From release 00.25, those inputs are managed as expansion of the
DST4601 inputs, so they can be used exactly as they were board inputs.

9.6 Auxiliary current

The DST4601 can be supplied with an input for the measurement of an auxiliary current. At
the moment of the request it is necessary to indicate if the current measurement will be
acquired with a standard C.T. or with a toroid C.T. When this option is present, the board is
equipped with a two pins connector (named JR), placed on the left side: to this connector it
should be connected the C.T. or the toroid. If a C.T. are used the maximum current on its
secondary cannot be higher than 5A.

To make the board acquiring the measurement, it must to indicate (with parameters P.108
and P.109) what the implemented option is:

• If a C.T. is used it must to set 1 for P.109 and the maximum primary nominal current
value for P.108.

• If a toroid is used, it must to set 2 for P.109 and the toroid primary/secondary ratio
for P.108.

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• If the board hasn’t got the option, leave 0 for P.109.

After done these configurations, the measurement is shown on page M.06 of the
multifunctional display. Using the parameters P.367 and P.368 to enable a protection (A45
alarm) if the value measured passes a threshold.

9.7 Fuel pump

DST4601 implements a fuel pump full management, for the loading of the tank on genset
board from the storage tank. The pump management is inclusive of automatic working and
manual controls, accessible from the frontal panel. It must at first to force the multifunctional
display on page S.04 (S.03 for releases previous to 00.25). Here it is possible to use the
standard setting procedure (ENTER to begin, ▲ and ▼ to modify and ENTER to confirm) to
select the pump control mode (NOTE: from release 00.16 the setting is disabled if the key is
in OFF). The available modes are:


• MAN-ON (pump activated)

• MAN-OFF (pump deactivated)

Second option can be inhibited by the board, relating to the fuel level (the pump cannot be
started with full tank). It is also available a more comfortable and faster method: pressing
together SHIFT and FUEL buttons the status is changed-over between MAN-ON and MAN-
OFF (the pressure on keys has also the effect to force the page S.04 on display). From
release 00.16 the combination of these keys is disabled if the key switch is in OFF):

NOTE: the pump is commanded also with the key switch in OFF/RESET until release
00.15; from release 00.16 it is disabled in OFF/RESET, but only if this mode persists
consecutively for five seconds.

The pump can work either with a detecting system with contacts or with an analogical

The minimum condition in order that this function is usable it is that one of the board
configurable outputs is associated to the pump: this configuration is done setting the code 03
in parameter P.581 (or in its equivalents for other outputs).
9.7.1 Usage with an analogical level transducer
To use this function it is required:

• The analogical transducer must exist and be connected between pins 35 and 36 of
JF connector.

• The board has got to be configured to acquire the measurement from the transducer
(P.114 different from zero)

• The board has got to be configured to command the pump according with this
transducer (parameter P.401 set to zero)

• At least the thresholds for the activation and deactivation of the pump (P.402 and
P.403) must be configured.

• If configured, also minimum, low and high fuel level are used (parameters P.347,
P.345, P.343).

Attention: if the first three conditions are verified, the board manages in any case the pump,
whatever is the threshold value. In particular, the thresholds defined in the last condition are
used also if their related acting times are set to zero (to disable the anomalies). The
configuration of the thresholds is very important; thresholds have to be put in scale (from

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lower to higher values) in this order: minimum, low, start, stop, high. For what we said
before, the board works also if the thresholds aren’t in this order; it is enough that the first
three are lower than the last two (internal to the two groups they can be exchanged, also if
this is not recommended).

9.7.2 Usage with a level transducer with contacts

To use this function it is required:

• The level transducer with steps signaled by contacts must exist.

• The board must to be configured to command the pump according to that transducer
(parameter P.401 set to 1)

• At least the pump start and stop contacts must be connected respectively to two
configurable inputs of the board (by default the pin 18 and 19 of JC connector are
configured to acquire this contacts)

• If connected, also minimum, low and high fuel levels are used (by default pins 16,17
and 20 of JC connector are configured for these functions).

Attention: if the first two conditions are verified, the board manages in any case the pump,
whatever are the connected contacts. In particular, the contacts indicated in the last
condition are used also if their related acting times are set to zero (to disable the anomalies).
Beware then to their configuration. At least, the contacts must respect the following

• Pin 16: closed if level is lower than minimum level threshold

• Pin17: closed if level is lower than low level threshold

• Pin 18: closed if level lower than pump start threshold

• Pin 19: closed if level lower than pump stop threshold

• Pin 20: closed if level higher than maximum level threshold.

9.7.3 Level evaluation
The board assigns the real fuel level present position by doing in the order all the following

• If the level is lower than the pump start threshold, the board assigns the “start”

• If a low level threshold exists, and the level is lower than threshold, the board
assigns the “low” position.

• If a minimum level threshold exists, and the level is lower than the threshold, the
board assigns the “minimum” position.

• If the level is higher than stop threshold, the board assigns the “stop” position.

• If a maximum level threshold exists, and the level is higher than the threshold, the
board assigns the “maximum” position.

• If no one of the previous condition is verified, the board assigns the “hysteresis”

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9.7.4 Automatic pump control

Referring to the position evaluated in the previous paragraph, the pump:

• Is activated if the level position is “start”, “low” or “minimum”.

• Is deactivated if the level position is ”stop” or “maximum”

• Retains the present control if in “hysteresis”.

9.7.5 Manual pump control

Pump can be activated and deactivated as operator likes. However, the board prevents the
start if the level position (see previous paragraphs) is “stop” or “maximum”

9.8 Counters
The board manages internally the following counters:

1. Active power (kWh): it counts only the supplied power, it does not count in case of
power reverse.

2. Reactive power (kvarh); it counts the absolute value.

3. Engine starts

4. Engine running hours

5. Absolute engine running hours

6. Time to next service (hours)

7. Board absolute supply time (hours)

Almost all these counters are visualised on board frontal panel (only the board absolute
supply time is not visible). All are however readable by means of serial port (with the
ModBus protocol). Some of these counters can be reset from operator by a proper
procedure or by means of the serial port; in no way can be reset the time to next service
counter, the absolute engine running hours counter and the board absolute supply time
counter. All these counters are saved in a non-volatile memory and so they maintain their
value also removing supply from the board. Since non-volatile memories “consume”
themselves writing in them, it is necessary to reduce at the minimum the number of writings.
For this reason, a counter is not immediately saved as its value changes, and it is then
important to know when values are saved and how to be sure that they are saved before
removing supply from the board.

Counters are saved (all together and in the same time) in the following conditions:

• Immediately after each engine start (with engine running, not after each start

• Immediately after each engine stop (when board acknowledges the engine stopped
status, not when stop is request)

• After each engine running hours counter increase, that is for each full hour, (total,
also if the engine has been started for instance six times for ten minutes each time)

• After each absolute engine running hours counter increase, which is for each full
hour, (total, also if the engine has been started for instance six times for ten minutes
each time).

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• Each time the key switch is switched on OFF/RESET.

• For each board supply hour.

• When parameter P.424 (time to next service) is changed.

Furthermore, counters are saved when they are reset (singularly or globally) from frontal
panel or serial port. Beware that some counters have a decimal part (example the minutes-
counters associated to hours-counters), which is saved in non-volatile memory too.
Removing supply to the board in an uncontrolled way, there is the risk to loose just this
decimal part. It is however sufficient switch the key to OFF/RESET to force the board to save
data, before removing the supply.
9.8.1 Counters reset
The reset procedure is common to all counters but acts only on some of them basing on the
page shown on multifunctional display. The procedure is very simple and consists in
pressing together the MODE and EXIT buttons for five seconds.

9.9 Maintenance
The board can signal automatically to the operator the periodical service request. This
function is configurable with the parameters P.424 and P.425. In particular, with P.424 it is
configured the running hours beyond which it is request a service. With P.425 it is configured
what kind of signalling has to be activated at the expiry: a warning, a deactivation or an
alarm (the anomaly code is W39 or D39 or A39).

The function is enabled if the parameter P.424 contains a value different from zero. The
count starts in the moment this parameter is set. When the time configured has elapsed, the
board memorizes in the non-volatile memory the status of the service request. In this way,
also removing supply to the board, this signalling cannot be lost and it cannot be reset.
Besides, if with P.425 it is selected the signalling by means of an alarm, then the genset will
not be anymore used. This function allows to manage rental contracts “by hour number”.

To cancel the service request (and also the related signalling) it needs to set again the
parameter P.424; it can be set to zero to disable the function, it can be simply confirmed to
require that next service will be after the same hours number, or it can be set with a new

Note that these parameters require the installer password.

9.10 Genset lock

By means of the serial port, directly from a PC or SMS, it is possible to send to the board a
command which inhibits the genset operation. After locked, it can be reactivated only with
the opposite command from serial port or SMS (it is not enough to remove the supply from
the board). The board signals this situation of inhibition activating the A12 alarm.

9.11 Loads protection from mains breaker damages

Normally, in the case mains is present, the board lets loads changed-over on it. If for any
reasons the breaker closing loads on mains does not work, loads will be unconnected. Using
this function, it is possible that in the described situation the board starts the engine and
changes-over the loads on genset.

To do this it needs:

• At least one of the configurable board inputs must acquire the actual mains breaker
status (code 06 in parameters P.507 or followings).

• The time associated with this input (P.508 or followings) must be different from zero.

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• Parameter P.221 must be set to 1.

In these cases, if the board is commanding the closing of loads to mains but it acquires that
mains breaker is open (consecutively for the time related to the input), it executes the
following actions:

• It actives the W13 warning.

• It starts the engine if stopped.

• It changes-over loads on genset when at rating.

Now loads will never automatically changed-over on mains. To do this the operator must:

• Switch the key to MAN

• Change-over manually loads on mains

• Switch again key switch to AUTO.

The W13 warning will be immediately disabled and a stop cycle with cooling will be started.
Nevertheless, if the mains breaker will not yet close, the warning will be again activated, the
cooling cycle will be interrupted and loads will be again changed-over on genset.

This function naturally is not operative with the key in MAN, and it is moreover disabled if the
inhibit input is active with the board configured to use the internal mains sensor (this input is
instead ignored if the mains sensor is not used, because in that case it acts as external
mains sensor and typically in this situation it will be active).

The warning is activated only if mains is present (or if the inhibit input is active if the mains
sensor is external): this because the breaker is often supplied by mains itself and then if
mains is not present the breaker cannot be driven.

NOTE: this function is not available with /P board version.

9.12 Engine speed (RPM)

The board can do a measurement of the engine speed, to visualize it, to use it optionally to
diagnose the running/stopped engine status, and to use it optionally to manage an over
speed protection (A18). That measurement can be done both from engine pick-up signal and
from battery alternator W signal. In both cases, the signal has to be connected to pin 37 of
JF connector, using pin38 as negative and connecting an eventual cable shield to pin 39. If
W signal is used, an external filtering circuit is needed. NOTE: the engine speed
measurement can also be acquired from CAN BUS.

The configuration of what type of signal has to be acquired is effectuated with the
parameters P.110 and P.111. Setting a value different from zero in P.110, it is enabled the
management of the pick-up, otherwise, setting a value different from zero in P.111, W signal
management is enabled (if both parameters are set, P.110 has priority). To use CAN BUS,
both parameters have to be leaved to zero, and the bus has to be enabled (P.700 different
from zero).

The number of the teeth of the gear must be set in parameter P.110. If this value is not
known, it can be easily computed.

In parameter P.111 there must to be the ratio between the W signal frequency and the
engine RPM (this one expressed in rotation/second). This number depends on many
factors and it is not easy to calculate. If a frequency counter is available, it is sufficient to
start the engine (it will run at is nominal and known speed, i.e. 1500 rpm) and measure the
W signal frequency, and then calculate the ratio. If a frequency counter is not available, the
following method can be used:

• Set a random value for P.111 (i.e. 15).

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• Start the engine and, when at its rate, note the rpm value shown by the board.

• Calculate the ratio between the visualized speed and the real engine speed

• Multiply the value previously set in P.111 by this ratio and set P.111 with the result.

Restarting the engine the speed measurement should be near to the real. Then P.111 can
be adjusted manually until the visualization will be correct; with the same real engine speed,
increasing P.111 the visualized value decreases. To determinate the engine speed, also the
generator frequency can be used.

9.13 Load management

This function allows to monitorize the trend of the active power in order to diagnose:

• A low load condition (used in plants with paralleled gensets to disable the
unnecessary ones).

• A high load condition, to disconnect, in case, a part of the loads.

The condition to monitorize must be chosen using the parameter P.481 being the two
function mutual exclusive. Setting it to zero it is selected the survey on low load, to one the
high load is selected.

NOTE: in the releases before 00.25, to this management was related also the maximum
power protection. By release 00.25 that protection is configurable with parameters P.350,
P.351 and P.352. See issue 02 of this manual for older board.
9.13.1 Low load
The purpose of this function is to diagnose a low load condition, in a scenario with more
genset working in parallel, in order to disable the ones not required. For the gensets
enabling/disabling it is used one of the configurable board outputs, for which the code 04
(load status) is configured in parameter P.581 (or followings). If no output is configured in
this way, this function is not available.

The board surveys the total active power supplied, confronting it with two thresholds (which
set a hysteresis band): the output is activated (requiring then the disabling of some gensets)
if the power stay below than the lower threshold for the configured time. These thresholds
and delays are set with following parameters:

• P.483: lower threshold (percentage in respect to the nominal power P.106).

• P.484: delay related to the lower threshold (in seconds).

• P.485: higher threshold (percentage in respect to the nominal power P.106):

• P.486: delay related to the higher threshold (in seconds).

If the thresholds P.483 and P.485 or inconsistent, the function is disabled. To makes things
working, the board must know the actual closing status of the gensets parallel bus bars
(GCB is only the enabling to the closing of the parallel panels). It must to exist so an input
configured to acquire this status (code 07 in parameters P.507 and followings): if there is
not, the function is not enabled. The moment of closing is needed because from it a timing
begins (its length is configured with parameter P.482), during which the output is kept low
independently from the power. This time is used to give a way to the system to stabilize itself
before starting to survey powers.

So the standard sequence will be:

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• Engine starting, waiting for generator at rate and enable to supply: in this phase the
output is not active.

• Wait for the closing on parallel bus bar (acquired from configurable input): in this
phase the output is not active.

• Wait for the time configured in P.482: in this phase the output is not active.

• Survey of power: if power drops down for P.484 seconds under the threshold P.483
the output is enabled, if it rises for P.486 seconds over the threshold P.485 the
output id disabled; in the other cases it stays unchanged (hysteresis).

Configuring thresholds P.483 and P.485, it must to take in account the power increase on
one genset when one other is stopped: if they are of the same power, there is a doubling of
the power supplied from first. If threshold P.485 is configured with a too low value, as soon
as the second genset is stopped the output will be disabled and this involves a new start of
first genset.

This system works properly only if, when the board acquires the “parallel done” status or at
least when P.482 is elapsed, loads are already connected. If they are not, in fact when the
initial survey time has finished power will be very low and so the other genset will be
stopped. When loads are connected, this genset will have to be restart.
The input acquiring the parallel done status should be conditioned to load presence.
9.13.2 High load
Purpose of this function is to diagnose a high load status in order to disconnect a part of the
less important loads. For the loads connecting/disconnecting it is used one of the
configurable outputs of the board, for which it has been configured the code 04 (power
status) in the parameter P.581 (or followings). If no output is configured in this way, the
function will work in any case, but only activating the signalling.

The board surveys the total active power supplied, comparing it with two thresholds (that fix
so a hysteresis band): the output are disabled if the power stays below the lower threshold
for the configured time. These thresholds and delays are configured with the same
parameters of the low load signalling (see previous paragraph). The time configured with
P.482 parameter is not used.

With release 00.25, to makes things working, the board must know the actual closing status
of the gensets parallel bus bars (GCB is only the approval to the closing in the parallel
panels). It must to exist so an input configured to acquire this status (code 07 in parameters
P.507 and followings): if there is not, the function is not enabled.

The output is then activated in a maximum power situation, and can so be used directly as
control for the disconnecting of loads. Here too it has to beware to the thresholds: when a
part of the loads is disconnected, the power will drop low. If the lower threshold is too high,
the output will be disabled, and this could make the load to be reconnected and so on.

9.14 Monostable
The board gives, to simplify the wirings, the opportunity to use this secondary but useful
function. It is possible to configure the board to generate one impulse on one output when an
input status changes from not active to active. The output, the input and the pulse length are
configurable. It is however possible to have only one “monostable”.

To use this function:

• Select the output, setting code 15 in parameter P.581 or followings, related to it.

• Select the input, setting code 20 in parameter P.507 or following, related to it

• Configure the pulse length with P.508 or following, related to the configured input.

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Possible signal changes during the output impulse are ignored.

9.15 Inputs setting

DST4601 has twenty digital inputs; only six of them (JA connector, pins 01…06) are
dedicated to specific function (see chapter 2.1 for the description). The others fourteen
inputs (connector JA pins 07-09, JB 10..15 and JC 16..20) are configurable using
programming parameters. This allows sometimes to simplify the panels, avoiding relays and
wirings dedicated to implement cumulative or other on plant signals. By release 00.25 it is
possible to manage other sixteen inputs (expansion with TELESEGNALI board on the
second serial port).

Generally an input can be used to active an anomaly (of every category), to acquire status or
controls. In the following, all possibility will be described.

To each configurable input are related three parameters (the following example is made only
for input 07; for other inputs use their own related parameters):

• P.507: this parameter, using a numerical code, allows to choose the function to be
assigned to the input (see after).

• P.508: allows to define a time (expressed in seconds) associated to the input. The
use of this time depends on the function selected with previous parameter.

• P.509: allows to relate a text message to the input (max eighteen characters). It is
used only for functions which configure the input to generate generic anomalies: this
text will be shown on multifunctional display as message for the anomaly; it is
available also from serial port with ModBus protocol.

The following tables show the possible functions (subdivided by the categories described at
the beginning), showing for each one if and how parameter P.508 is used and if parameter
P.509 is applicable. NOTE: some functions were been added in a second time and so they
are not available on older boards. See document EAAM008800 or most recent, whether for
each function it is underlined from what firmware release it is available.

Codes to relate the input to the anomaly. For all these functions, parameter P.509 defines
the minimum consecutive time of the input activation so that the board actives the related

Cod Description Anomaly P.509

1 External warning W67..W96 Yes
2 External deactivation D67..D96 Yes
3 External alarm A67..A96 Yes
4 External alarm after oil time mask A67..A96 Yes
8 Minimum fuel level alarm A25 No
9 Low fuel level warning W27 No
12 High fuel level warning W29 No
13 Minimum oil pressure alarm A41 No
14 Low oil pressure warning W43 No
15 High coolant temperature warning W31 No
16 High coolant temperature alarm A33 No
17 External overload alarm A15 No
18 External over speed alarm A17 No
19 External warning after oil time mask W67..W96 Yes
21 External warning after gas valve activation W67..W96 Yes

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22 External alarm after gas valve activation A67..A96 Yes

23 External warning after fuel solenoid activation W67..W96 Yes
24 External alarm after fuel solenoid activation A67..A96 Yes
31 External warning after GCB closing W67..W96 Yes
32 External alarm after GCB closing A67..A96 Yes

Codes to acquire external status. For all these functions parameter P.509 (the text) is not

Cod Name Description

6 MCB Status Used to visualize the breaker status. If
P.508 is different from zero also MCB
not open (W23) and MCB not close
(W13) anomalies are enabled. P508 is
the minimum consecutive time of input
activation to activate the anomaly. See
also 9.11

7 GCB Status Used to visualize the breaker status. If

P.508 is different from zero also GCB
not open (W24) and GCB not close
(W14) anomalies are enabled. P508 is
the minimum consecutive time of input
activation to activate the anomaly. See
also 9.11.
10 Fuel pump start request See 9.7.2.
11 Fuel pump stop request See 9.7.2.

Codes to acquire external commands. For all these functions parameter P.509 is not

Cod Name Description

5 Reset With this function, it is possible, activating the related input, to
command command the reset of all the anomalies (same as switching the
key to OFF/RESET). P.508 is not used. See also 8 for a
description of the input/output use related to the anomalies
20 Monostable See description in 9.14. P.508 configures the length of the output
27 Remote start See description in 7.1 P.508 is used.
29 Remote start It enables the command to the activating/deactivating of remote
enabling start from serial port and from SMS. P.508 is not used.
30 Change-over See EJP function description. P.508 is not used.

9.16 Output settings

DST4601 has many digital outputs. Several of them are reserved to specific functions (see
chapter 2.3 for the description). Many others are instead configurable using the
programming parameters. This allows sometimes to simplify panels. Up to release 00.13 of
the board firmware, these outputs were configurable:

• JD connector, pins 21 and 22.

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• JG connector, pins 45, 46 and 47.

Starting from release 00.14 the output number was increased, adding these others:

• JD connector, pins 24.

• JG connector, pins 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44.

Until eleven configurable outputs are so available. The configurable outputs are used to:

• Auxiliary engine commands.

• Auxiliary generic commands.

• Remote signalling of board status.

This paragraph will describe all possibilities. To each configurable output is related a
parameter (i.e. P.584 for output 21, refers to EAAM008800 for know the parameter related to
all the others), which allows configuring the function. From release 00.14 two further
parameters were added for each output (P.601 and P.602 for output 21), used to configure
the output as remote signalling of status, showing in details what status the board has to
signal (see after). No configurable timing is related to these outputs.

The following tables show all the possible functions (subdivided by categories). NOTE: some
function was added in the last releases and so it is not available on older boards. See
document EAAM008800 or successive, where for each function it is underlined the first
release which implement it.

Codes to associate the output to engine auxiliary commands. See also 7.5

Code Description
2 Glow-plugs preheater commands (Diesel engines)
14 Gas command (gas engines).
16 Stop solenoid command.
23 Idle speed command

Codes to relate the output to generic auxiliary commands.

Code Description
1 Reset pulse. The board generates a one-second length pulse on this output when
the anomalies reset is made (key switched to OFF/RESET). NOTE: no pulse is
generated when the MODE button is pressed. See also chapter 8.
3 Fuel pump command (see paragraph 9.7).
4 Load management (see paragraph 9.13).
15 Monostable: generates an impulse of known length when an input is activated (see
21 External horn: the output is activated in parallel to internal horn and to pin JD 23

Codes to relate the output to remote status signalling.

Code Description
5 TEST in progress signalling (see par. 7.1)
6 Mains measurements in tolerance signalling (see par.7.2).
7 Generator measurements in tolerance (see par. 7.3).
8 Engine running signalling.
9 Cumulative generator anomalies signalling: D01, A02, A06, A08, A15, A16, A52,
A53, X55.

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10 Cumulative engine anomalies signalling: A05, A21, A22, W31, W32, A33, A34,
W37, W38, X39, A41, A42, W43, W44, A47, W49.
11 Cumulative engine speed regulator anomalies signalling: D03, A04, A11, A17, A18,
12 Cumulative fuel anomalies signalling: A25, A26, W27, W28, W29, W30.
13 Cumulative changeover anomalies signalling: W13, W14, W23, W24.
17 Cumulative signalling of anomalies classified as alarms and deactivations.
18 Cumulative signalling of anomalies classified as warnings.
19 Key-lock switch in MAN or AUTO.
20 Key-lock in AUTO.

More than these all, there is the code 22. It configures the output for a generic signalling of
internal status. There are 128 conditions, which comprises all blocks and warnings (already
implemented or futures) and a series of status as mains, generator, engine, changeover,
key-lock switch, etc. To each output can be associated from one to 128 conditions, and the
output will be activated if at least one condition is verified (then with an OR logic). NOTE: an
AND logic is possible by selecting all the conditions except which desired, and inverting the
output status. In document EAAM008805 or in its successive releases, there is a table
showing all the possible conditions, numbered from 0 to 127. Not all conditions are
assigned: there are spares for future conditions. In particular, conditions between 0 and 95
are reserved for blocks and warnings.

The conditions can be configured on the board using the programming parameters. The 128
possible conditions were been divided in two blocks of 64. For each output two parameters
allow to set the two blocks of 64 bit (for output 21, parameters are P.601 and P.602). Each
parameter allows to set the 64 bit status as hexadecimal string (to represent 64 bit, 8 bytes
and then 16 hexadecimal characters are needed). In the 16 hexadecimal digits, the digit
more on the right is the less significant. Moreover, between the two parameters related to
each output, the one with lower index configures the conditions numbered from 0 to 63, the
one with higher index configures the conditions fro 64 to 127. Let us see a practical example:
let us suppose that parameter P.601 contains the string 0800000000000001 and parameter
P.602 the string 0100000400000000. These parameters configure the output 21 (as first in
parameter P.584 we need to set 22). In the string in P.601 bits 0 and 59 are active, which
correspond to the conditions 0 (overcranck alarm) and 59 (maximum auxiliary current
alarm). In the string P.602 the bits 34 and 56 are active, which correspond to the conditions
64+34=98 (cumulative alarms) and 64+56=120 (engine running). The output 21 then will be
active if at least one of the four previous conditions is verified (the example has no meaning;
it is used only to show the link between the parameters and the conditions for the outputs).

It has to remember that a hexadecimal digit has values included between 0 and 9 and
between A and F for a total of 16 different values. The 16 values are given by the
combination of 4 bits; for this reason, it needs 16 characters to express 64 bits. Therefore, to
locate the position of a function in the string, given the number of the function, we have to do
in this way:

• First digit on right contains bits (functions) from 0 to 3 or, if this is the higher
parameter (i.e. P.602), the functions from 64 to 67.

• For each digit shifting to the left, increase the counter of 4 until the digit containing
the bit (desired function) is located.

• In alternative, divide by 4 the number of the function and start to count from the left
up to reach the result of the division; remember that first digit on the left has index 0.

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9.17 CAN BUS

Only if the board is equipped with the CAN BUS option, it is able to interact with the engine
by the bus itself, reducing the needed wiring in the panel and between panel and engine. For
a complete description of the functions available with CAN BUS, see document
EAAM01360000 or its successive releases.

9.18 EJP function

Note: DST4601 board is not able to detect EJP signals on the grid. In order to use this
function, an external device detector should be used. The detector should provide
due output signals consistent with the DST4601 EJP functionality.

The EJP function allows to start the engine and warm it before mains faults, so when it will
happen, loads can be immediately changed-over on genset, reducing to the minimum the
time the loads stay unsupplied. EJP is used also to signal the beginning of more expansive
fare band for the energy; some users prefer to generate the energy by ourselves during that
band. EJP is a French specification and regulation.

DST4601 require the followings signal:

A. A signal activated well in advance with respect to the mains fault or fare change.

B. A signal activated just before mains fault or fare change.

What is desired is to start the engine in some advance (configurable) in respect to B signal;
load however is changed-over only when B is activated. The board can do this, but the
following rules have to be followed:

• A and B signals must stay active until mains comes back (or high fare ends).

• Both signals must be connected with relays with exchanging contacts.

• The time between A and B signals activation must be known.

To use this function the board has to be configured in the following way:

• Configure one digital input to acquire the “REMOTE START REQUEST” (code 27 in
P.507 or equivalent parameter for other inputs). Moreover, for this input it has to
configure the desired delay between A signal activation and the engine start (in
seconds, in parameter 508 or equivalents). If, by example, we want to warm the
engine for five minutes and A signal will be activated 30 minutes before B, the P.508
delay will be 1500 seconds, that is 25 minutes (it is possible to set delays up to 6000
seconds, that is 100 minutes).

• Configure one digital input to acquire the “CHANGEOVER SEQUENCE

INHIBITION” signal (code 30 in parameter P.507 or equivalents). NOTE: this input is
used only if the board is in REMOTE START mode and only if this mode is request
by a digital input (not by SMS or serial port command).

Then connect the N.O. contact of the relay on A signal to first configured input and N.C.
contact of B signal relay to second input.

When both signals are inactive, the board has not the remote start request and so stays at
rest in AUTO mode. The CHANGEOVER SEQUENCE INHIBITION command is ignored.

When A signal is activated, both board inputs will be active. The board will not pass
immediately to REMOTE START mode, but will do it only after the time configured in P.508
(or equivalents). So in this phase, too the CHANGEOVER SEQUENCE INHIBITION is
ignored. In this phase, window S.02 shows the remaining time.

After the configured time from A signal activation, the board passes in REMOTE START
mode and proceeds to start the engine. In this phase, the CHANGEOVER SEQUENCE

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INHIBITION is no more ignored, and being it active (connected on N.C. relay contact), it will
prevent the loads changeover on genset.

When B signal is activated, the CHANGEOVER SEQUENCE INHIBITION input is

deactivated, allowing so the load changeover on genset.

When the function ends, both A and B signals are deactivated. Therefore, the board comes
back in AUTO mode, and being mains present, it provides to stop the engine (with cooling

DST4601 technical handbook - 10/03/05 - pag. 95

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