Deif GC1F
Deif GC1F
Deif GC1F
GC-1F Generator Controller
SW 1.1X.X
Installation Instructions and
Reference Handbook
Installation instructions
Functional descriptions
Parameter list
DEIF A/S, Frisenborgvej 33 Tel.: +45 9614 9614, Fax: +45 9614 9615
DK-7800 Skive, Denmark E-mail:, URL:
GC-1F Installation Instructions and Reference Handbook
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Table of contents
1. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT.................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL PURPOSE..................................................................................................................................... 4
INTENDED USERS ........................................................................................................................................ 4
CONTENTS/OVERALL STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................. 4
2. WARNINGS AND LEGAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 6
LEGAL INFORMATION AND RESPONSIBILITY...................................................................................................... 6
ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS...................................................................................................... 6
SAFETY ISSUES........................................................................................................................................... 6
FACTORY SETTINGS..................................................................................................................................... 6
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 6
3. GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION................................................................................. 7
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 7
TYPE OF PRODUCT ...................................................................................................................................... 7
STANDARD FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................................. 7
OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................... 9
MOUNTING.................................................................................................................................................. 9
TERMINALS................................................................................................................................................. 9
WIRING.................................................................................................................................................... 12
BINARY INPUTS.......................................................................................................................................... 13
CHARGER ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................ 14
CONNECTION OF THE 3-PHASE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT................................................................................. 14
CONNECTION OF THE 3-PHASE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT................................................................................. 15
CONNECTION OF THE 1-PHASE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT................................................................................. 15
CONNECTION OF THE SPLIT-PHASE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ........................................................................... 16
TECHNICAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 17
5. PUSH-BUTTONS, LEDS AND DISPLAY............................................................................ 20
UNIT ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
ICON LIST ................................................................................................................................................. 24
6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS.......................................................................................... 28
ALARM FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 28
TIMER FUNCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 28
VOLTAGE UNBALANCE DETECTION ............................................................................................................... 29
PHASE SEQUENCE ERROR .......................................................................................................................... 29
UTILITY SOFTWARE INPUT CONFIGURATION................................................................................................... 29
OUTPUT FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 31
ALARM INDICATION LEDS........................................................................................................................... 32
FAIL CLASS............................................................................................................................................... 36
SERVICE TIMERS ....................................................................................................................................... 36
VDO SENSORS ......................................................................................................................................... 37
BINARY INPUTS WITH CABLE SUPERVISION.................................................................................................... 41
FUEL PUMP LOGIC...................................................................................................................................... 41
4-20MA INPUTS ........................................................................................................................................ 42
4-20MA INPUTS ........................................................................................................................................ 43
GENERATOR BREAKER CONTROL................................................................................................................. 46
TEST FUNCTION......................................................................................................................................... 47
M-LOGIC................................................................................................................................................... 48
BUZZER.................................................................................................................................................... 48
UTILITY SOFTWARE CONNECTION VIA MODEM................................................................................................ 50
PC UTILITY SOFTWARE COMMUNICATION SAFETY........................................................................................... 51
AUTO ENGINE START.................................................................................................................................. 52
START SEQUENCES ................................................................................................................................... 53
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STOP SEQUENCES..................................................................................................................................... 58
7. PARAMETER LIST.............................................................................................................. 60
PARAMETER GROUPS................................................................................................................................. 60
SETUP ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
FAIL CLASS............................................................................................................................................... 63
ENGINE ALARM SETTINGS (PROTECTION) ...................................................................................................... 63
BINARY INPUTS WITH CABLE SUPERVISION.................................................................................................... 66
4-20MA INPUTS ........................................................................................................................................ 66
VDO INPUTS............................................................................................................................................. 68
RPM INPUT .............................................................................................................................................. 69
HZ/V MONITORING SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................... 75
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1. About this document
This chapter includes general user information about this handbook concerning the general
purpose, the intended users, the overall purpose and the overall contents and structure.
General purpose
This document is the Installation Instructions and Reference Handbook for DEIFs Generator
Controller, the GC-1F. The document mainly includes installation instructions, presentation of
push-buttons, LEDs and display, functional descriptions and complete standard parameter lists.
The general purpose of the Installation Instructions and Reference Handbook is to provide the
information needed to install the unit correctly and to provide information about the functionality
of the unit and its applications. The handbook also offers the user the information he needs in
order to successfully set up the parameters needed in his specific application.
Intended users
The handbook is mainly intended for the person responsible for installing the unit and for the
person responsible for the unit setup. Naturally, others might also find useful information in the
Contents/overall structure
The Installation Instructions and Reference Handbook is divided into chapters and in order to
make the structure of the document simple and easy to use, each chapter will begin from the top
of a new page. The following will outline the contents of each of the chapters.
About this document
This first chapter includes general information about this handbook as a document. It deals with
the general purpose and the intended users of the Installation Instructions and Reference
Handbook. Furthermore, it outlines the overall contents and structure of the document.
Warnings and legal information
The second chapter includes information about general legal issues and safety precautions
relevant in the handling of DEIF products. Furthermore, this chapter will introduce note and warning
symbols, which will be used throughout the handbook.
General product information
The third chapter will deal with the unit in general and its place in the DEIF product range.
Installation instructions
This chapter includes the information needed to perform correct installation of the unit, e.g.
mounting instructions, terminals, wiring, inputs etc.
Push-buttons, LEDs and display
This chapter deals with push-button and LED functions. Furthermore, information about the
display including icon list is presented.
Please make sure to read this handbook before working with the multi-line 2
controller and the gen-set to be controlled. Failure to do this could result in
human injury or damage to the equipment.
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Functional descriptions
This chapter includes functional descriptions for the units standard functions. Screen dumps
and flow charts are used in order to simplify the information.
Parameter list
This chapter includes a complete standard parameter list for setup. Therefore, this chapter is to
be used for reference, when information about specific parameters is needed.
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2. Warnings and legal information
This chapter includes important information about general legal issues relevant in the handling of
DEIF products. Furthermore, some overall safety precautions will be introduced and
recommended. Finally, the highlighted notes and warnings, which will be used throughout the
document, are presented.
Legal information and responsibility
DEIF takes no responsibility for installation or operation of the generator set. If there is any doubt
about how to install or operate the generator set controlled by the unit, the company responsible for
the installation or the operation of the set must be contacted.
Electrostatic discharge awareness
Sufficient care must be taken to protect the terminals against static discharges during the
installation. Once the unit is installed and connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.
Safety issues
Installing the unit implies work with dangerous currents and voltages. Therefore, the installation
should only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in working
with live electrical equipment.
Factory settings
The unit is delivered with certain factory settings. Given the fact that these settings are based on
average values, they are not necessarily the correct settings for matching the individual engine.
Thus precautions must be taken to check the settings before running the engine.
Throughout this document a number of notes and warnings will be presented. To ensure that these
are noticed, they will be highlighted in order to separate them from the general text.
The notes provide general information which will be helpful for the reader to
bear in mind.
The warnings indicate a potentially dangerous situation which could result in
death, personal injury or damaged equipment, if certain guidelines are not
Be aware of the hazardous live currents and voltages. Do not touch any AC
measurement inputs as this could lead to injury or death.
The units are not to be opened by unauthorised personnel. If opened anyway, the
warranty will be lost.
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3. General product information
This chapter includes overall product information about the unit in general and its place in the
DEIF product range.
The concept of the GC-1F is to offer a simple and effective solution to gen-set builders, who
need a flexible yet cost-competitive protection and control unit for small and medium-sized
Type of product
The Generator Controller GC-1F is a microprocessor-based control unit containing all necessary
functions for protection and control of a power generator. Besides the control and protection of
the diesel engine it contains a full 3-phase AC voltage and current measuring circuit. The unit is
equipped with an LCD display presenting all values and alarms.
Standard functions
Engine control
Start preparation (preheating or prelubrication)
Start/stop sequences with selectable number of start attempts
Fuel solenoid selection (coil type)
Idle speed control
Local or remote start/stop
Stop sequence with cooling down
Running speed detection selectable
o Generator Hz/V
o Charger alternator input (W terminal)
o Binary input (D+)
o Oil pressure
Engine monitoring
3 configurable inputs, all selectable between
o VDO or
o 4-20mA from active transducer or
o Binary with cable supervision
6 binary inputs, configurable
RPM input, selectable
o Magnetic pick-up
o NPN or PNP pick-up
o Tacho generator
o Charger alternator W terminal
Generator monitoring
3-phase or single phase generator monitoring
o Voltage/current/frequency/power/reactive power
Generator protection (ANSI)
Over-/undervoltage (27/59)
Over-/underfrequency (81)
Overcurrent (51)
Reverse power (32)
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Voltage unbalance (60)
Phase sequence error (47)
Clear text display
128 x 64 pixel backlight STN
Graphic symbol messaging
Clear text alarm messages
Clear text diagnostics for both hardwired inputs and CANbus messages (J1939)
Log book holding 150 log entries
Real time clock for time and date
The basic GC-1F generator controller unit can be equipped with an AMF option needed to
provide a real emergency power system controller. Furthermore, CANbus communication for
different engine types is available and CANbus for up to two AOPs is possible at the same time.
Also Modbus RS485 is available as an option.
A full options list is included in the data sheet.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
L1 N L2 NA L3 L1 N NA L2 NA L3
ACV mains ACV Gen
+ 0 1 2 3
R21 R22 R23
Status Multi func-
tional input
1 2 3 4 5 6
R24 R26
Binary inputs Emergency
45 46 39 40 41 42 43 44
Gen Current
L2 L3
Can L
Can H
Can 1 J1939
Option H5
Option H2
Option X4
Can 2
Can H
Can L
47 48
4. Installation instructions
This chapter includes the information needed to perform correct installation of the unit, e.g.
mounting instructions, terminals, wiring, inputs etc.
The unit is designed for flush mounting by means of 4 fixing clamps (IP52), which are included
at delivery. To have the IP65 (12 fixing clamps) the unit must be ordered with option L. The two
fixing clamps on each side are mounted on the top and bottom of the GC-1F box.
Unit rear view
Chapter 4 includes detailed information on switchboard cutout and unit
The RJ11 connector for the PC connection interface box is placed on the side of
the unit.
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Terminal description
Term. Technical data Description
1 Power supply + 636V DC (UL/C-UL: 7.532.7V DC)
2 Power supply GND
3-4 Status out. Contact ratings 1A 24V DC/V AC
General status output for marine approvals
9 Common Common for term. 1015
10 Digital input Start enable/configurable
11 Digital input Remote start/stop/configurable
12 Digital input Charge alternator D+ (running)/configurable
13 Digital input Configurable
14 Digital input Coolant temperature/configurable
15 Digital input Oil pressure/configurable
19 Common Common for emergency stop term. 20
20 Emergency stop and common for 2123 Common for relay 1, 2 and 3 and input for
emergency stop*
21 Relay output 21. Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/V AC
(UL/C-UL: 1A Resistive)
Start prepare/configurable. Function NO
22 Relay output 22. Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/V AC
(UL/C-UL: 1A Resistive)
Starter (crank)/configurable. Function NO
23 Relay output 23. Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/V AC
(UL/C-UL: 1A Resistive)
Run coil /configurable. Function NO
24-25 Relay output 24. Contact ratings 8A 30V DC/V AC
(UL/C-UL: 6A Resistive)
Horn/configurable. Function NO
26-27 Relay output 26. Contact ratings 8A 30V DC/V AC
(UL/C-UL: 6A Resistive)
Alarm/configurable. Function NO
Multi-functional inputs
5 Common Common for term. 68
6 VDO1/4...20mA/binary input Fuel level/configurable
7 VDO2/4...20mA/binary input Oil pressure/configurable
8 VDO3/4...20mA/binary input Water temp./configurable
Tacho RPM input
16 RPM input Magnetic pick-up/tacho generator
17 RPM-GND Common for RPM input
18 RPM input W Magnetic pick-up. PNP, NPN or charge alternator W
3-phase generator voltage input
33 Gen. voltage L1
34 Gen. neutral
35 Not used, must not be connected
36 Gen. voltage L2
37 Not used, must not be connected
38 Gen. voltage L3
Generator voltage and frequency
3-phase generator current input
39 Gen. current L1, s1
40 Gen. current L1, s2
41 Gen. current L2, s1
42 Gen. current L2, s2
43 Gen. current L3, s1
44 Gen. current L3, s2
Generator current
For the relay outputs the following terms will be used:
NO means Normally Open.
NC means Normally Closed.
Com. means common terminal for the individual relay.
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Optional 3-phase mains voltage inputs
28 Mains voltage L1
29 Mains voltage neutral
30 Mains voltage L2
31 Not used, must not be connected
32 Mains voltage L3
Breaker relays
45 Relay R45 Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/250V AC
(UL/C-UL: Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/30V AC)
46 Relay R45
Generator circuit breaker/configurable, function NO
(normally open).
Optional relay for closing mains breaker (option B3)
47 Relay R47 Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/250V AC
(UL/C-UL: Contact ratings 2A 30V DC/30V AC)
48 Relay R47
Mains circuit breaker/configurable, function NC
(normally closed). Option B3.
Optional Modbus RS485 interface (option H2)
49 B (-)
50 GND
51 A (+)
Modbus RS485 RTU or ASCII
Optional CANbus engine interface
53 CAN-H
55 CAN-L
CAN J1939 engine communication
Optional CANbus AOP-2 interface (option X4)
57 CAN-H
59 CAN-L
CAN communication line to AOP-2
* If terminal 20 is used for emergency stop, please see wiring diagram on page 12.
** The status relay is the uP watchdog output. This relay is normally energised, and the switch
is closed after power-up. If the uP fails or the power is lost, the relay will deenergise and the
switch will open. If the unit fails to start up at power-up, then the relay switch will remain open.
The binary output functions are configurable via the PC utility software and can be configured to
cover the following functions:
- Alarm/limit
- Engine running
- Horn
- Idle speed
- Not used
- Start prepare
- Run coil
- Starter
- Stop coil
- Engine heater
- Stop coil (not acc. in start seq.)
It is possible to choose run coil on one relay and stop coil on another, thus supporting engines
with double systems.
The multi-functional inputs can be configured to cover the following functions:
- VDO sensor input
- 420mA input
- 020mA input
- Binary input with the possibility of cable supervision
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Tacho RPM input can be configured to cover the following functions:
- Magnetic pick-up (2-wire)
- W terminal on charger alternator
- NPN or PNP pick-up*
* These RPM inputs require external equipment.
The generator voltage and current input can be configured to the following:
- Voltage 10025000V primary
- Current 5.9000A primary
Engine communication
option H5
Can H
Can L
Multi-functional inputs
Binary input w. cable superv.
GC-1F 8
VDO sensors
Multi-functional inputs
8 GC-1F
4-20 mA transmitters
Multi-functional inputs
+ -
- +
- +
R= 100 Ohm
GC-1F 8
Magnetic pickup/
Tacho input
Tacho generator
Tacho input
NPN/PNP pickup
+24 VDC
W input from charger alternator
Tacho input
CAN bus for AOP2
option X4
Modbus RTU
option H2
Can H
Can L
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Binary inputs
All binary inputs are 12/24V DC bi-directional optocoupler type. The typical wiring is illustrated
12/24V DC
The illustrated configuration is the default factory setting. The use of the relays
can be chosen freely.
It is important to protect the unit against damage caused by high voltages.
Therefore, the fuse must not be more than 2A.
The binary inputs use fixed signals. Only the mode shift input and the test input
(if the timer is used) use pulse signal.
If a stop coil is used, the REX resistor can be connected to the starter relay
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Run coil
9 24 25 12 18 17
+ -
B+ D+ W
Coil (rotor)
Charger alternator connections
The charger alternator can be connected in 2 different ways:
1) Using the D+ terminal connected to terminal 12
2) Using the W terminal connected to the RPM input
Rex: Excitation resistor 12V systems: 47 4 W
24V systems: 100 6 W
At standstill the battery + is connected to terminal 9 (common), and a current flows to terminal
12 and via the D+ input on the alternator to ground (battery -). When the starter is engaged
(cranking), the battery will supply the D+ through the REX resistor, helping the alternator to
excite. When the alternator starts to produce voltage (excitation OK), the speed of the alternator
will be above running speed, and the voltage on term. 12 will rise to a value higher than the
battery voltage and then interrupt the current flow through REX and activate the running
feedback input. Engine is running.
Usually only one of these possibilities is used.
If a stop coil is used, the REX resistor can be connected to the starter relay
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N L1
U L1 33
36 U L2
40 L1 s2
39 L1 s1
N L1
14 GB OFF feedback
GB ON command
U L3 38
34 Neutral
L2 L3
L2 s1 41
L2 s2 42
44 L3 s2
43 L3 s1
N L1
U L1 33
36 Neutral
40 L1 s2
39 L1 s1
N L1
14 GB OFF feedback
GB ON command
Connection of the 3-phase voltage and current
Wiring, AC interface
Connection of the 1-phase voltage and current
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Connection of the split-phase voltage and current
N L1
U L1 33
36 U L2
40 L1 s2
39 L1 s1
N L1
14 GB OFF feedback
GB ON command
U L3 38
34 Neutral
L2 s1 41
L2 s2 42
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Technical information
Technical specifications
Accuracy: Class 2.0 to EN 60688/IEC 688
Galvanic separation: Between inputs and aux. power supply: 500V DC 1 min.
Connections: 1.5 mm
multi stranded
Operating temperature: -2070C (-4158F) (UL/C-UL: Max. 50C ambient)
Storage temperature: -4070C (-40158F)
Aux. supply: 6-36V DC (UL/C-UL: 7.532.7V DC) continuously
Max. 8W consumption
Measuring input voltage: 50480V AC phase to phase (+20%)
Load: 1.5M
Measuring input current (In): /1A or /5A AC from current transformer
Load: Max. 0.3VA per phase
Frequency: 3070Hz
Analogue input: From active transducer
Current: (0)420mA
Impedance: 50
Cable supervision: I <3mA = Fault
Response times: 500ms
(From the set point is reached till the output is activated or the delay timer is started).
Multi inputs: Resistor inputs, internal 3V supply
Cable supervision: R >150 = Wire break
Response times: 500ms
(From the set point is reached till the output is activated and the delay timer is started).
Active binary inputs: Dry contact inputs with cable supervision
Internal voltage: 3V DC
Impedance: 240 ~ 16mA
RPM input: 2.0...70V
Passive binary in voltage: Bi-directional optocoupler 636V DC
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Relay outputs: 3 relays (R21-R23): 30V DC/AC 2A (UL/C-UL: 1A Resistive)
2 relays (MB & GB): 250V AC 30V DC 2A (UL/C-UL: 2A
2 relays (R24 & R26): 30V DC/AC 8A (UL/C-UL: 6A Resistive)
1 status relay: 24V DC 1A Resistive
Mounting: Panel mounted
Size: 160 x 220mm
EMC/CE: To EN 61000-6-1/2/3/4
SS4631503 (PL4) and IEC 255-3
Material: All plastic materials are self-extinguishing according to UL94
Plug connections: AC voltage inputs:
3.5 mm
multi stranded (13 AWG)
1.5 mm
multi stranded (16 AWG)
Tightening torque, min.: AC voltage input: 0.5Nm
Other: 0.5Nm
PC connection: RS232 converter box (option J5)
Approval: CE & C-UL
Weight: Approx. 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs)
UL/C-UL demands: Use 60/75C copper conductors only
Main disconnect must be provided by installer
Installed in accordance with the NEC (United States) or the CEC
Use listed or R/C (XODW2,8) current transformers
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Unit dimensions and panel cutout
Panel cutout
H x W = 151 x 211 +1 mm
H x W = 5.94 x 8.31 +0.04
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5. Push-buttons, LEDs and display
This chapter deals with the display including the push-button and LED functions.
Front dimensions H x W 160 x 220 mm (6.30 x 8.66)
Unit depth 54 mm (2.13 )
Push-button functions
The push-buttons on the unit have the following functions:
Start engine (local (not auto)) running mode.
Stops the engine immediately.
If the unit is in AUTO mode,
the mode will change to MAN
and the engine will stop.
Breaker OFF.
Breaker ON. AUT:
AUTO running mode
Enters value or ack-
nowledges alarm.
Manual running mode
Reset horn relay.
Normal display: Scrolls
the display up once.
Increases set point
Normal display: Scrolls
the display down once.
Decreases set point
Jumps from parameter
settings to display.
Activates the selected
test in the entered
Lamp test:
Activates all LEDs for
3 seconds.
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I: Start engine (local (not auto)) running mode.
O: Stops the engine instantaneously. If the unit is in AUTO mode, the mode will change to
MANUAL and the engine will stop.
AUT: AUTO running mode selector.
MAN: Manual running mode selector.
TEST: Initiates the test sequence selected for the push-button.
: Lamp test. One push will illuminate all LEDs for 3 seconds.
ESC: Jumps from parameter settings to display. Removes pop-up messages.
: Resets horn relay. Press 2 seconds to jump to the alarm list.
: Normal display: Scrolls the display up once. Programming: Increases set point value.
: Normal display: Scrolls the display down once. Programming: Decreases set point
: Enters value/acknowledges alarm.
: Breaker closes.
: Breaker opens.
LED functions
Power OK indicator.
Flashing: Active, non-acknowledged alarm(s) present.
Steady: Active, acknowledged alarm(s) present.
U/f OK generator. Generator breaker
Running feedback
ON in manual
Additional alarm
indication LEDs:
On when the confi-
gured alarm or con-
dition is present (for
more information, see
Alarm indication
LEDs configuration).
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Power: Power OK indicator.
Alarm: Flashing (red): Active, non-acknowledged alarm(s) present (factory setting).
Steady (red): Active, acknowledged alarm(s) present (factory setting).
The alarm LED can also be adjusted to:
Flashing (red): Active, non-acknowledged shutdown alarm(s) present.
Steady (red): Active, acknowledged shutdown alarm(s) present.
Flashing (amber): Active trip stop alarm, trip GB alarm or warning non-
acknowledged alarm(s) present.
Steady (amber): Active trip stop alarm, trip GB alarm or warning acknowledged
alarm(s) present.
Additional alarm
indication LEDs: Flashing or steady light in the colour configured in M-logic when the defined
logic line(s) is (are) true.
This is adjusted in parameter 6940.
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Display functions
The display indicates both readings and alarms. Illustrated below are examples with icons and
English language.
Type and software version.
Battery voltage, RPM and running hours
Service timer 1 and 2.
Date and time.
Press to enter the list of active alarms.
Active alarm list. The alarm list pops up
automatically, when an alarm appears. When
the arrow is present, more alarms are active.
Press to scroll through the list. Exit the list by
pressing ESC.
Press to enter the parameter setting.
Parameter example: D+ delay setting. Use or
to scroll through the settings list. If change of
settings is necessary, press and enter the
password. Then use or to change values.
Use ESC to leave settings.
Min. value Actual value Max. value
The available parameters depend on the set options. Some parameters can only
be changed using the PC utility software (USW) for GC-1F. The parameter list
will automatically be abandoned, if no button is pressed during a 30 sec. period.
Battery 24.0 V
Alarm list
2 alarm(s)
2 alarm(s)
High Battery
D+ delay
0.0 s 10.0 s 100.0 s
1 0 d 0 h
2 0 d 0 h
27/11 2006 14:30:55
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Icon list
Warning list Icon
1 Low oil pressure warning
2 EIC temp. lube oil
3 High coolant temp. warning
4 High intercooler temp.
5 Defect coolant level switch
6 EMR warning
7 JDEC warning
8 Oil pressure
9 Intake manifold
10 Coolant temperature
11 Fuel injection pump
12 EI comm. error
13 EIC warning
14 Stop limit exceeded
15 EMS warning
16 Charge gen.
The list covers all available icons including those related to the engine
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Shutdown list Icon
17 Overspeed shutdown
18 Low oil pressure shutdown
19 EIC temp. lube oil
20 Low coolant level shutdown
21 High coolant temp. shutdown
22 High oil temp. shutdown
23 High charge air temp. shutdown
24 High coolant temp. shutdown
25 EMR shutdown
26 JDEC shutdown
27 Fuel temperature
28 Fuel control valve
29 ECU failure
30 EIC shutdown
31 EMS shutdown
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Analogue readings Icon
32 EIC speed
33 EIC coolant temp.
34 EIC oil pressure
35 EIC faults
36 EIC oil temp.
37 EIC fuel temp.
38 EIC boost pressure
39 EIC air inlet temp.
40 EIC coolant level
41 EIC fuel rate
42 EIC charge air pressure
43 EIC charge air temp.
44 EIC air inlet pressure
45 EIC exhaust gas temp.
46 EIC engine hours
47 EIC oil f. diff. press.
48 EIC battery voltage
49 EIC fuel del. press.
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50 EIC oil level
51 EIC crankcase press.
52 EIC coolant pressure
53 EIC water in. fuel
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6. Functional descriptions
This chapter includes functional descriptions for the units standard functions. Screen dumps
and flow charts are used in order to simplify the information.
Alarm function
The unit will detect and display individual alarms which are enabled. Furthermore, it is possible
to activate relays for alarm purposes. The alarms can be configured to any of the available relay
outputs. Each alarm function has two output settings, namely output A and output B.
Alarms can be acknowledged in one of two ways: Either the binary input alarm ack. (selectable
to be one of the binary inputs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) is used, if this is configured for alarm
acknowledge, or the select button on the display is used:
The alarm acknowledge input acknowledges all present alarms, and the alarm LED will
change from flashing to steady light.
The display can be used in the alarm information window. The alarm information window
displays one alarm at a time and the alarm state whether the alarm is acknowledged or
not. If it is unacknowledged, then press to acknowledge it. Use the and push-
buttons to scroll in the alarm list.
The alarm LED will be flashing, if unacknowledged alarms are present. The alarm relay will
deactivate, when the alarm situation is reset and the alarm is acknowledged.
Timer function
The delay settings are all of the definite time type, i.e. a set point and time is selected.
If the function is e.g. overspeed, the timer will be activated, if the set point is exceeded. If the RPM
value goes below the set point value before the timer runs out, then the timer will be stopped and
Set point
Time Timer
Timer setting
When the timer runs out and the alarm is present, the output is activated.
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Voltage unbalance detection
The formula for voltage unbalance is:
(Most deviating line-to-line voltage - average voltage)*100/average voltage (nominal value in %)
Phase sequence error
Prior to closing a breaker the unit checks that the phase sequence is correct (L1-L2-L3). If it is
incorrect (reversed) an alarm will be issued and the breaker in question (generator or option B3
mains breaker) will not be closed.
Utility software input configuration
It is possible to configure the inputs indicated in the table. The unit has a number of passive
binary inputs (input terminals 10-15).
Input function Comment
Test run Configurable
Alarm acknowledge Configurable
Parameter shift (secondary parameters) Configurable
Start enable (OFF = start blocked) Configurable
GB Pos on Configurable
GB Pos off Configurable
MB Pos on Configurable (option B3)
MB Pos off Configurable (option B3)
Access lock Configurable
Mode shift (auto/manual) Configurable
Fire pump (shutdown override) Configurable
Remote start/stop Configurable
D+ (digital running feedback) Configurable
Digital inputs no. 1.6 used as alarms Configurable
Idle speed Configurable
Inhibit EI alarms Configurable (option H5)
Input function description
1. Test run
When the test input is activated, the selected test sequence will start. Please see the test
function description for further information.
2. Alarm acknowledge
Acknowledges all present alarms.
3. Start enable
This input must be activated to start the engine.
4. GB Pos on
When this input is activated, the GC-1F sees the generator breaker as closed. If the GB on
and the off feedback are on or off simultaneously, a GB position failure is displayed.
5. GB Pos off
When this input is activated, the GC-1F sees the generator breaker as open. If the GB on and
the off feedback are on or off simultaneously, a GB position failure is displayed.
6. MB Pos on
When this input is activated, the GC-1F sees the generator breaker as open. If the MB on and
the off feedback are on or off simultaneously, an MB position failure is displayed.
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7. MB Pos off
When this input is activated, the GC-1F sees the generator breaker as open. If the MB on and
the off feedback are on or off simultaneously, an MB position failure is displayed.
8. Access lock
Activating the access lock input deactivates the control push-buttons on the display. It will be
possible to change parameters and view measurements, alarms and the log.
9. Mode shift
Selection between manual and auto running. The mode is changed every time the input is
activated (pulse input).
10. Fire pump (shutdown override)
Deactivates all protection functions except overspeed and emergency stop protection.
11. Remote start/stop input
Activating this input will start the gen-set. Deactivating it will stop the gen-set after cool down
(auto mode only).
12. D+ (digital running feedback)
This input is used as a running indication of the engine. When the input is activated, the start
relay is deactivated. Input for running feedback from charge generator +D terminal. (Runs
when charger U > battery voltage).
13. Digital inputs 16
These inputs are configurable as alarm inputs.
14. Idle speed
Activating the idle speed input holds the engine at idle speed for as long as it is set.
15. Inhibit EI alarms
When this input is active, it will inhibit all engine interface (option H5) alarms.
If nominal setting is going to be selected by a binary input, M-logic must be
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Output functions
It is possible to configure the output functions indicated in the table. The unit has 7 configurable
relay outputs (output terminals 20-27 and 45-48).
Input function Comment
Alarm/limit Factory setting Relay 26
Engine running
Horn Factory setting Relay 24
Idle speed
Prepare Factory setting Relay 21
Run coil Factory setting Relay 23
Starter Factory setting Relay 22
Stop coil
External heater
Stop coil (not acc in start seq.)
Generator breaker Factory setting Relay 45
Mains Breaker Factory setting Relay 47
Output function description
1. Alarm/limit
When this setting for the relay is selected, the relay can be used in the alarm parameters in
the setting Output A and Output B. This means that with factory settings the relay 2 can be
used in the parameters as an alarm relay. If the relay is preferred to be a Limit relay, this
selection must be done in the parameter list parameter 5000 to 5060.
2. Engine running
If a relay is configured to this function, this relay will close when a running feedback is
detected. The relay will open again when the engine stops.
3. Horn
The horn relay is a common alarm output. This means that every time an alarm state appears
the horn relay will close for the time configured in the parameter 6130 Alarm horn regardless
of fail class. If 6130 is set to 0 seconds, it will be on until the reset horn push-button is
activated or the alarm(s) has (have) been acknowledged.
4. Idle speed
This relay will close to give the engine governor the idle command (Low speed).
5. Prepare
This function will close the relay as the first thing in the start sequence. The relay will be
closed for the time programmed in parameter 6181. This function is used for preheating the
engine or for prelubrication.
6. Run coil
The relay configured to Run coil will be closed the entire time the engine is supposed to run.
7. Starter
The relay configured to Starter will be closed for the time selected in parameter 6184 in the
start sequence of the GC-1F.
Relay 21/22/23/24/25/26 can not be configured as MB or GB
Relay 47 is closed when deenergised, but works as all other relays when GC-1F
is powered up.
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8. Stop coil
This relay will close to stop the engine, and when no running feedback is present it will stay
closed in the ext. stop time (parameter 6212).
9. External heater
The relay configured to External heater will close when the temperature is below the set point
in parameter 6320 and open again when the temperature is above the set point in parameter
6330. For more information, see the description of the function.
10. Stop coil (not acc. in start seq.)
The relay configured to this function will do the same as the normal stop coil with one
exception: It will not close between the start attempts.
Alarm indication LEDs
Alarm indication LEDs are the 4 LEDs placed in the right side of the front label on the GC-1F. In
the clear window next to the LEDs a label can be placed to explain the function of the LEDs. No
label is provided from the factory. The label can be written on an overhead projector sheet and
can be used with the print template on the cd-rom.
Configuration of the alarm indication LEDs
The configuration of alarm indication LEDs is done from M-logic. This means the LEDs can have
three different colours, i.e. red, green or red flashing or steady light. The LEDs can be activated
by all the different input functions available in M-logic.
In the screen dump, the alarm LED 1 is configured to light up green when the engine is running.
description text.
Alarm indication LED 1.
Alarm indication LED 2.
Alarm indication LED 3.
Alarm indication LED 4.
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Configuration of the digital inputs
The digital inputs are configured via the utility software (USW).
Remember to write the settings to the unit.
Use this button to upload the menu.
The individual I/O number and the function
are now selected. In the example below
Digital input 1 is chosen, and a terminal
number must be assigned to the input. If the
input is used as alarm input, then the name
can be changed to the relevant name
selected from the predefined list below.
First, Digital input 1 is selected from parameter no. 3000-3050 Digital input term. 10-15, no
cable supervision
Then name the input from the roll down list.
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Complete the input settings and select the appropriate fail class and outputs. The outputs A and
B can be used to activate one or two of the configurable relay outputs or LEDs. If the relay
function is set as a limit relay, no warning pop-up will be shown in the display. The relay 0 is a
virtual relay, so both output A and B must be set to limit relays if no warning in the display is
Remember to activate the function by marking the Enable tick box.
If the alarm is only to be active when the gen-set is running, the inhibit settings must be used. If
the Not run status is ticked in the inhibit settings, it means that the alarm is inhibited when the
Run status timer has not yet expired.
If the High Alarm is set, then the alarm will be registered upon a closing contact. If the High
Alarm is not set, then the alarm will be registered upon an opening contact.
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After configuration of the input parameter it is possible to assign a relay. Use the dialog box
below for configuration of the output relay.
Remember to write the settings to the GC-1F before closing the dialog box.
Select the language in the language dialog box.
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Fail class
All the activated alarms of the GC-1F must be configured with a fail class. The fail classes define
the category of the alarms and the subsequent action of the alarm.
Four different fail classes are available:
Fail class
Open gen.
Cooldown Shutdown
0 Warning X X
1 Trip of GB X X X
2 Trip and stop X X x X X X
3 Shutdown X X x X X X
* When alarm horn relay output is selected active.
Fail class configuration
The fail class can be selected for each alarm function via the USW (PC software). To change
the fail class via the PC software, the alarm function to be configured must be selected. Select
the desired fail class in the fail class roll down panel.
The fail class roll down panel is activated, and the individual functions are ready for selection.
Service timers
The controller can monitor two different maintenance intervals:
Service timer 1
Service timer 2
The service timers both have the possibility of a setting for days (total elapsed time) and hours
(running hours). The day setting counts whenever there is aux. supply on the GC-1F, and the
hours count when a running feedback is present. It is possible to set the service timers to count
up or count down.
The service timer alarm activates whenever the amount of days or the amount of running hours
has expired. If the service timer is set to count down the display will shown 0 days or 0 hours; if
the service timer is set to count up the display will show the amount of days or hours
programmed in the parameter.
When the service timer alarm appears it can be acknowledged but the alarm will not become
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inactive before the service timer has been reset. This can be done from the display or via the
utility software. Whenever the service timer is reset, the timer will start counting from the initial
VDO sensors
There are three VDO inputs in the unit. The inputs have different functions due to the fact that
the hardware design is able to cover several VDO types.
VDO input 2: Oil pressure - max. 240 Ohm
VDO input 3: Cooling water temperature - max. 2500 Ohm
VDO input 1: Fuel level sensor - max. 180 Ohm
VDO input 2, oil pressure
VDO sensor type
Pressure Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Bar Psi
0 0 10.0 10.0 Configurable
0.5 7 27.2
1.0 15 44.9 195.6
1.5 22 62.9
2.0 29 81.0 51.5 162.2
2.5 36 99.2
3.0 44 117.1 71.0 135.7
3.5 51 134.7
4.0 58 151.9 89.6 116.6
4.5 65 168.3
5.0 73 184.0 107.3 98.0
6.0 87 124.3 78.9
7.0 102 68.8
8.0 116 155.7 57.2
9.0 131 47.7
10.0 145 184.0 40.0
Type 4 is fully configurable with 8 points in the range 0-240 and 0-10.0 bar. The
parameter settings can be found from menu 10810.
In the following description of the VDO inputs the order will be input 2, 3, 1. In this
way we are using the same order as in the PC utility software.
All VDO inputs have a general accuracy of 2%.
The service timer alarm must be reset in the parameter list of the GC-1F or via the
utility software in parameter 6116 or 6126 to remove the actual alarm.
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The PC utility software setting looks like this:
VDO input 3, cooling water temperature
VDO sensor
Temperature Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5
40 104 291.5 480.7 69.3 952 Configurable
50 122 622
60 140 134.0 222.5 36.0 426
70 158 97.1 27.9 290
80 176 70.1 113.2 19.8 197
90 184 51.2 83.2 15.8 147
100 212 38.5 62.4 11.7 106
110 230 29.1 47.6 9.5 90
120 248 22.4 7.4 76
130 266 28.9 65
140 284 55
150 302 18.2 46
8 settings are available from 0-10 bar.
Type 4 is fully configurable with 8 points in the range 0-2500 and 40-150C or
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The PC utility software setting looks like this:
VDO input 1, fuel level
VDO sensor type
Type 1
Value Resistance
0% 78.8
100% 1.6
VDO sensor type
Type 2
Value Resistance
0% 3
100% 180
VDO sensor type
Value Type 3
% Resistance
0 Configurable
8 settings are available from 0-150or 104-302F.
Type 3 is fully configurable with 8 points in the input range 0-180 and 0-100%.
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The PC utility software setting looks like this:
VDO usage
The VDO inputs are used as alarm inputs and can be configured in the following menus.
VDO input 2: Lubricating oil pressure - alarm settings in menus:
4310 VDO oil press. input 2.1
4320 VDO oil press. input 2.2
VDO input 3: Cooling water temperature - alarm settings in menus:
4460 VDO water temp. input 3.1
4470 VDO water temp. input 3.2
VDO input 1: Fuel level - alarm settings in menus:
4220 VDO fuel level input 1.1
4230 VDO fuel level input 1.2
4620 VDO fuel level input 1.3
In addition, VDO input 1 is also used for the fuel logic function.
8 settings are available from 0-150%.
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Illustration of configurable inputs
The 8 curve settings for the configurable VDO inputs cannot be changed in the display, but only
in the PC utility software.
Binary inputs with cable supervision
The binary inputs are based on the VDO inputs, i.e. if a VDO input is selected, the binary input
cannot be chosen, and vice versa. When selected as multi-functional inputs, the 3 VDO inputs
can be changed to binary inputs with cable supervision. The cable supervision is selectable
(ON/OFF) and based on the VDO inputs using a 100 Ohm resistor across the monitored switch.
The resulting function is:
R < 20 Ohm = Switch closed
30 < R < 140 Ohm = Switch open, cable OK
150 Ohm < R = Wire break
The setting of the alarm input is carried out in the same way as the setting of the standard binary
input. So the texts are not 100% configurable but have to be chosen from a preconfigured text
Fuel pump logic
The fuel pump logic is used in order to start and stop the fuel supply pump to maintain the fuel level
in the service tank at predefined levels. The start and stop limits are detected from the VDO 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Set point 1
Set point 2
Set point 3
Set point 4
Set point 5
Set point 6
Set point 7
Set point 8
Set points
Resistance (Ohm)
Value (bar/psi or C/F or %)
All Y and X axis values can be adjusted in the entire range.
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Start level, factory setting at 20% (S2 - 6550 Fuel pump logic
Stop level, factory setting at 80% (S3 - 6550 Fuel pump logic
Start level, relay 2 activates
Stop level, relay 2 deactivates
Fuel fill check
The fuel pump logic includes a fuel fill check function.
When the fuel pump is running, the fuel level must increase with 4% within the fuel fill check
timer. This timer is adjusted in 6550 Fuel pump logic
, but the level of increase cannot be changed. If the fuel level does not increase at least 4%
within the adjusted delay time, then the fuel pump relay will deactivate, and a fuel fill alarm
Fuel pump start level
Fuel level
Fuel service tank level
Fuel pump stop level
tFill check
level, 4%
level, 4%
The fuel pump relay is an NO relay and is configured to relay 2 by default. This
configuration cannot be changed. If other alarm functions have been configured
to relay 2, and the fuel logic is activated, then a relay channel error alarm will
occur. Please make sure that relay 2 is configured to Fuel Pump.
Emergency stop will also deactivate the fuel pump.
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4-20mA inputs
The 4-20mA setting can only be set in the PC utility software.
Scale top point value (click on the ...).
Name: Freely configurable (click on the ...).
Scale low point value.
Tick boxes: Select the needed function.
Unit: E.g. bar, mbar, C, F, %.
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9 26 27 12 18 17
+ -
B+ D+ W
Coil (rotor)
RPM inputs
Charger alternator connections
This schematic diagram shows the basic way the charger alternator and the GC-1F can
Only one running feedback is needed, but for optimal safety and function both the RPM (Tacho)
input and the digital running feedback (D+) can be used as in the example below.
Rex: Excitation resistor: 12V systems: 47 3 W
24V systems: 100 6 W
Charger alternator terminal W
The terminal W output is an AC voltage.
Magnetic pick-up
The 2-wire magnetic pick-up can be connected directly to terminals 17-18.
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NPN transistor output pick-up
Since the NPN output is a frequency modulated DC pulse signal, a few external components are
needed in order to eliminate the DC component.
R = 1200 (24V DC), 600 (12V DC)
PNP transistor output pick-up
Since the PNP output is a frequency modulated DC pulse signal, a few external components are
needed in order to eliminate the DC component.
R = 1200 (24V DC), 600 (12V DC)
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Generator breaker control
Breaker closing
Since the generator is assumed to run alone (single generator island), the breaker will close
immediately when the Hz/V OK status is reached (AUTO), or if the breaker close button is
activated (LOCAL). In LOCAL mode the breaker can be closed by pressing the GB close button
on the front of the GC-1F, when Hz/V is OK.
Relay output control
The generator breaker is assumed to be a contactor, i.e. the relay output is steady ON when the
breaker is closed, and steady OFF when the breaker is open. It is not possible to have 2 pulse
outputs for a motorised breaker (ON and OFF).
Breaker trip control
Any alarm selected to have the fail class Trip or Shutdown will automatically open the breaker
control relay. If the breaker is closed when the idle speed is activated, a breaker out signal will
be transmitted.
Breaker ON/OFF feedback
As default there is no feedback for breaker ON or OFF. The breaker position LED is paralleled
to the breaker control relay output. It is possible, however, to select a binary input to be breaker
ON feedback and/or an OFF feedback. This is done via an extra selection in the input settings of
the PC utility software. This extra input is called GB Pos on or GB Pos off.
This icon activates the inputs settings:
If the input Breaker ON feedback is selected, then the input must be connected and activated, if
the breaker is ON. The reason is that a Breaker close failure alarm will appear, if the breaker
control relay is activated without the binary input. Also, if the breaker control relay is OFF and the
binary input is ON, then a Breaker open failure alarm will appear.
These alarms are fixed with the fail class Warning.
Engine temperature controlled GB closing
This function can be used, if it is recommendable that the engine cooling water temperature
must be above a certain temperature before the engine is loaded. In the parameter 6360 it is
possible to set the cooling water temperature that must be exceeded, before the generator
breaker is closed.
The function is also enabled/disabled in parameter 6360. An engine heating message is
displayed, until the engine cooling water temperature has reached the set point in parameter
The engine cooling water temperature sensor must be selected to be a VDO sensor to make the
function work. If the option B3 (AMF logic) is enabled, this function will also work upon a mains
Cooldown controlled by engine temperature
The engine temperature-controlled cooldown is to ensure that the engine is cooled down below
the set point in parameter 6213 Cooldown temperature before the engine is stopped. This is
particularly beneficial if the engine has been running for a short period of time, and therefore has
not achieved normal cooling water temperature, as the cooldown period will be very short or
none at all. If the engine has been running for a long period it will have reached normal running
temperature, the cooldown period will be the exact time it takes to lower the temperature to be
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less than the temperature in set point 6213.
If, for some reason, the engine cannot lower the temperature below the temperature set point in
6230 within the time limit in parameter 6560, the engine will be shut down due to this timer. The
reason for this could be high ambient temperature.
The temperature-controlled cooldown function is selected in parameter 6214.
Test function
The GC-1F has two test sequences if the option B3 is enabled. The test sequences can be
initiated in two ways: Either with the test push-button on the front of the GC-1F or by a digital
input configured to this function.
Simple test function
When the simple test is initiated, the GC-1F will go through the start sequence and run the
engine for the time set in parameter 7090. In this parameter it is also selected if this sequence
should be started by a digital input and/or the test push-button on the front of the GC-1F. If the
timer is set to 0, the test sequence will be interrupted when the digital input or test push-button is
deactivated. This means that digital input can be used to activate and deactivate the test
sequence. When the timer runs out or the input is deactivated (timer set to 0), the stop
sequence including cooling down will be carried out.
AMF test function (B3 dependent)
When the AMF test is initiated, the GC-1F will go through the AMF sequence and run the engine
for the time set in parameter 7040. In this parameter it is also selected if this sequence should
be started by a digital input and/or the test push-button on the front of the GC-1F. If the timer is
set to 0, the test sequence will be interrupted when the digital input or test push-button is
deactivated. This means that digital input can be used to activate and deactivate the test
sequence. When the timer runs out or the input is deactivated (timer set to 0), the mains restore
sequence and the stop sequence including cooling down will be carried out.
The GC-1F must be in Aut. mode in order to initiate the test sequence.
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M-logic functionality is included in the unit and is not an option dependent function.
M-logic is used to execute different commands at predefined conditions. M-logic is not a PLC
but substitutes one, if only very simple commands are needed.
M-logic is a simple tool based on logic events. One or more input conditions are defined, and at
the activation of those inputs the defined output will occur. A great variety of inputs can be
selected, such as digital inputs, alarm conditions and running conditions. A variety of the outputs
can also be selected, such as relay outputs, change of gen-set modes, alarm LEDs and change
of running modes.
The main purpose of M-logic is to give the operator/designer more flexible possibilities of
operating the generator control system.
The GC-1F has a built-in buzzer. The buzzer is configured in M-logic. This means that if the
buzzer is going to be used as a horn annunciator, the input must be set to Horn and the output
must be set to Buzzer. The buzzer will act concurrently to the horn output timer. If the delay
timer in M-logic is used, the buzzer will be active after this time delay. See example below.
The M-logic is part of the PC utility software, and as such it can only be
configured in the PC utility software and not via the display.
Please refer to the Help function in the PC utility software for a full description
of this configuration tool.
If an AOP-2 is connected, the buzzer in the AOP-2 must be configured under the
AOP-2 setup. But the configuration of the AOP-2 buzzer is similar to the above.
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GSM communication
GSM communication can be used for 2 purposes:
1. Sending SMS alarm messages to up to 5 different mobile phones. The messages will be
sent in clear text, representing the alarm in question (e.g. Overspeed).
2. Communicate with the GC-1F PC utility software.
The connection is based on an RS232 connection to a GSM modem via the service port on the
GC-1F. Since the connection on the GC-1F is a TTL communication, the interface box PI-1
(option J5) is needed to convert the signals to RS232. The PI-1 connects via a cable with SUB-D
9-pin female connector on the modem side.
We recommend using Westermo GDW-11 modem. The easiest way to get the modem is to
purchase it through a local dealer. The SIM card needed comes from your local mobile net
provider. The easiest way to set the PIN code in the modem itself is to mount the SIM card in a
mobile phone and change the PIN code there. The SIM card will remember the PIN code when it
is installed in the modem.
Should an alarm occur during the interruption, the multi-line unit will re-transmit it when the
modem starts again, so no messages are lost.
The setting of communication protocol ASCII or RTU can be set in the display or via the utility
software parameter number 9020. If included in the GC-1F, option H2 can also be used for
modem communication.
Service port
SMS alarm
PC with
Utility Software
The GC-1F must be set up to use ASCII as protocol if a modem is connected to
the service port.
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Utility software connection via modem
PC utility software
Press the application settings push-button.
The settings dialog box appears:
Select modem and key in the telephone number of your GSM modem connected to the unit.
When you want to use modem dial-up, the PC utility software must also be set to run ASCII 7
bits data communication:
If a PC utility software connection is required, then the SIM card must support
data transfer. Contact your GSM provider for details.
In the above example the modem is selected automatically by the PC utility
software (internal modem in the PC).
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After this, dial-up can be used: Click on the telephone button:
PC utility software communication safety
If the communication fails, the GC-1F unit will operate according to the received data. If e.g. only
half of the parameter file has been downloaded when the communication is interrupted, the
settings are going to be a mix.
The modem communication is very much slower than the normal direct
connection, so please be patient. It is not recommended to download the entire
setting list. Use single setting downloads.
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Auto engine start
The mains fail
is an option
Initiate star t
Different mode
f/ U timer
Start sequence
Start fail
f/U OK
generat or fail
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Start sequences
Start sequence
Stop coil / normal prepare
Start prepare
Start output
Running feedback
Stop output
Start attempts
Start sequence
Run coil / normal prepare
Start prepare
Start output
Running feedback
Run coil
Start attempts
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Start sequence:
Run coil / extended prepare
Start prepare
Start output
Running feedback
Run coil
Start attempts
Start sequence
Stop coil / extended prepare
Start prepare
Start output
Running feedback
Stop output
Start attempts
1 2
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Start sequence
Stop coil (not acc. in start seq.) / normal
prepare / no stop between start attempts
Start prepare
Start output
Running feedback
Stop output
Start attempts
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Interruption of start sequence
The start sequence is interrupted in the following situations:
Start failure alarm
The start failure alarm will occur, if the engine has not started after the last start attempt (i.e. the
last crank period). A start failure will activate the HORN output and relay outputs if selected.
Start prepare
There are two possibilities for use of the start prepare timer:
Normal start prepare The start prepare relay is activated when the start
sequence is initiated for the adjusted time and
before each start attempt. It deactivates before
Extended start prepare The start prepare relay is activated when the start
sequence is initiated, and it stays activated when
Event Comment
Auto mode stop Removal of start cause (binary input) or shutdown.
Start failure
Running feedback Tacho set point, menu 6173.
Running feedback Binary input, D+.
Running feedback Frequency measurement above 30Hz.
The frequency measurement requires a voltage measurement of 30% UNOM.
So the running feedback based on the frequency measurement can only be
used where the voltage builds up rapidly.
Running feedback Oil pressure RUN detect menu 6550.
Emergency stop
Stop push-button on the
In manual as well as in auto operation.
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6290 Idle mode
Idle mode can be selected in 2 ways:
1. Configurable binary input
2. Timer setting
If a binary input for idle mode is used, activating this will hold the engine in idle mode for as long
as the input is activated. This works for both manual and auto mode. Any time the idle mode is
activated, the generator breaker will be opened.
If a binary input is not used, a timer function can be set to hold the engine in idle upon start until
the timer runs out. This function can be selected to be:
Off (no idling of engine upon start)
Active for:
- both manual and auto: Select Man./Aut.
- manual only: Select Man.
- auto only: Select Aut.
In both cases a relay must be selected to Idle in the output list. When idle mode is selected, a
delay where the engine is running at low RPM is given. The delay is controlled by the GC-1F,
and a relay output will activate the idle control on the engine.
Engine heater
The external heater function can be used to turn on an external heat source, when the engine
cooling water temperature gets below the limit in parameter 6320. When the engine cooling
water temperature reaches the temperature set point in parameter 6330, the heater is turned off
A relay must be selected in the output list to turn this external heat source on/off. The relay will
close to turn the heater on or open to turn it off.
This function will only work, if the engine cooling water temperature sensor is selected to be a
VDO sensor.
Timer 6290
Engine running
Idle mode relay output
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Stop sequences
The illustrations indicate the stop sequence schematically.
Cool down time
Run coil
Running f eedback
Stop sequence / RUN coil
Cool down time
Stop coil
Running f eedback
Stop sequence / STOP coil
Stop sequence / Stop coil and
Stop coil (not acc. in start seq.)
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Stop sequence
The stop sequence will be activated, if a stop command is given. The stop sequence can include
the cooling down time, if the stop is a normal or controlled stop.
Description Cooling down Stop Comment
Auto mode stop X X
Trip and stop X X
Stop button on display X
Binary shutdown input X
Emergency stop X Engine shutdown and GB opens.
The stop sequence can only be interrupted during the cool down period. Interruptions can occur
in these situations:
Event Comment
Start button is pressed Manual mode only.
Engine will run in idle speed if idle is ON.
Binary start input Auto mode.
GB close button is pressed Manual mode only.
Stop failure alarm
A stop failure alarm will occur, if the running feedback (or the generator voltage and frequency)
is still present. The stop failure timer is adjusted in menu 4580. Stop failure will activate the
HORN output, and relay outputs if selected. Factory setting is no relay outputs besides horn.
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7. Parameter list
This chapter includes a complete standard parameter list for setup. Therefore, this chapter is to
be used for reference, when information about specific parameters is needed.
Parameter groups
In the parameter overview, the parameters are divided into three parameter groups. The
parameter groups can be enabled and disabled in the parameters 6950-6970. If a parameter
group is enabled, the parameters will be accessible from the display of the GC-1F. To see the
specific parameter, see in the parameter list. If a parameter is marked (P2), it is available from
the display, if parameter group 2 is enabled. The default display parameter setting is the
parameter setting that will always be present in the display parameter list. These parameters are
marked with a *.
The setup of parameters is performed via the display or the PC utility software (USW).
Therefore, the default settings can be changed to the relevant settings through the utility
software or by means of the push-buttons on the display.
The settings can be entered through the setup menu. If no entry has taken place before, then
the first display to appear is the password display. Enter the factory setting password to gain
access to the menus.
If no action has been taken after 30 seconds, then the password entry will be deactivated, and a
new password entry is needed. (If entry via the USW is used, the password is only needed once
per connection).
Each parameter description is structured according to the same principles. Under the parameter
title heading, the detailed parameter descriptions are illustrated and presented. First, a table
indicating the parameter facts related to the individual parameter title is presented:
4310 VDO input oil pressure 2.x
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4311 Oil pressure 2.1 Set point 0.0 bar 10.0 bar 4.0 bar
4312 Oil pressure 2.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4313 Oil pressure 2.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4314 Oil pressure 2.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4315 Oil pressure 2.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4316 Oil pressure 2.1 Fail class Warning Shutdown Trip of GB
Min. - max. set
Default set point
from factory
indicated in
The factory Customer password is 2000. The factory Service password is 2001.
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The first column indicates the channel number in the USW.
The second column indicates the changeable setting in the PC utility software.
The third and fourth columns indicate the minimum/maximum set point available for this setting.
The fifth column indicates the default set point of the unit from the factory.
When it is necessary, additional information will be supplied after the table in order to make the
individual parameter descriptions as informative as possible.
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Parameter overview
Parameter group 1
6180 Starter 3490 Emergency stop (terminal 19-20)
6210 Run/stop (cooling down) 4120 4-20mA 1.1
4130 4-20mA 1.2
Parameter group 2 4250 4-20mA 2.1
1030 Overcurrent 1 4260 4-20mA 2.2
1040 Overcurrent 2 4310 VDO oil press. input 2.1
1150 Overvoltage 4320 VDO oil press. input 2.2
1170 Undervoltage 4380 4-20mA 3.1
1210 Overfrequency 4390 4-20mA 3.2
1240 Underfrequency 4460 VDO water temp. input 3.1
4470 VDO water temp. input 3.2
Parameter group 3 4510 Overspeed 1 (RPM input)
6550 Fuel pump logic 4520 Overspeed 2 (RPM input)
4220 VDO fuel level input 1.1 4630 VDO low coolant temp. input 3.3
4230 VDO fuel level input 1.2 5000...5060 Relay functions
4600 V-belt/RPM input failure 6000 Nominal settings 1
4610 Charger gen. 6010 Nominal settings 2
4620 VDO fuel level input 1.3 6020 Nominal settings 3 (1 ph)
6350 D+ input 6030 Nominal settings 4 (split ph)
6040 Transformer generator
Default display parameter settings 6080 Language
4560 Hz/V failure 6160 Run status
4580 Stop failure 6170 Tacho config.
4960 Battery low voltage 6190 Start attempts
4970 Battery high voltage 6290 Idle mode
6090 Date and time (internal clock) 6320 Engine heater on
6100 Counter 6330 Engine heater off
6110 Service timer 1 6360 GB on water temp.
6120 Service timer 2 6550 Oil press. run detection
6130 Alarm horn 6560 Cooldown timeout
6220 Hz/V OK 6940 Alarm LED function
9020 Service port 6950 Parameter group 1
6960 Parameter group 2
Parameters only configurable from USW 6970 Parameter group 3
1000 Reverse power 6980 Sleep mode
1630 Ph-0 readings 7090 Simple test function
2150 Phase sequence error 9110 Password
2160-2170 GB control 10320-10370 GSM pin code and dial-up numbers
3000-3050 Digital input term. 10-15 10470-10610 Fuel level config. sensor
3400 Binary input 1 (fuel) terminal 6 10640-10780 Oil pressure config. sensor
3410 Binary input 2 (oil) terminal 7 10810-10950 Water temp. config sensor
3420 Binary input 3 (temp.) terminal 8 10980 Configurable input selection
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Parameter table description
The table consists of the following possible adjustments:
Set point: The alarm set point is adjusted in the set point menu. The setting can be in
percentage of the nominal values.
Timer: The timer setting is the time that must expire from the alarm level is reached
until the alarm occurs.
Relay output A: A relay can be activated by output A.
Relay output B: A relay can be activated by output B.
Enable: The alarm can be activated or deactivated. ON means always activated. It is
possible to inhibit some of the alarms. This means it is only activated when the
running signal is present.
Fail class: When the alarm occurs, the unit will react depending on the selected fail class.
Fail class
The fail class settings for the protections have the following possibilities:
Value Comment
0: Warning Shown in alarm pop-up window and activates the
chosen relays.
1: Trip Shown in alarm pop-up window and activates the
chosen relays. Trips the breaker.
2: Trip and stop Shown in alarm pop-up window and activates the
chosen relays. Trips the breaker, cools down the
engine and stops it.
3: Shutdown Shown in alarm pop-up window and activates the
chosen relays. Trips the breaker and shuts the engine
down immediately.
Engine alarm settings (protection)
1000 Reverse power
No. Setting Min.
Max. setting Third
1001 Reverse power Set point -50.0% 0.0% - -5.0%
1002 Reverse power Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 10.0 s
1003 Reverse power Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0
1004 Reverse power Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0
1005 Reverse power Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1006 Reverse power Fail class Warning Shutdown - Trip
Small differences due to the character of the parameters may exist between the
individual tables.
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1030 Overcurrent 1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1031 Overcurrent 1 (P2) Set point 50.0% 200.0% - 115.0%
1032 Overcurrent 1 (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 10.0 s
1033 Overcurrent 1 Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1034 Overcurrent 1 Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1035 Overcurrent 1 Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1036 Overcurrent 1 Fail class Warning Shutdown - Trip
1040 Overcurrent 2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1041 Overcurrent 2 (P2) Set point 50.0% 200.0% - 120.0%
1042 Overcurrent 2 (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 5.0 s
1043 Overcurrent 2 Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1044 Overcurrent 2 Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1045 Overcurrent 2 Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1046 Overcurrent 2 Fail class Warning Shutdown - Trip
1150 Overvoltage
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1151 Overvoltage (P2) Set point 80.0% 150.0% - 115.0%
1152 Overvoltage (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 10.0 s
1153 Overvoltage Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1154 Overvoltage Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1155 Overvoltage Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1156 Overvoltage Fail class Warning Shutdown - Warning
1170 Undervoltage
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1171 Undervoltage (P2) Set point 50.0% 110.0% - 90.0%
1172 Undervoltage (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 5.0 s
1173 Undervoltage Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1174 Undervoltage Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1175 Undervoltage Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1176 Undervoltage Fail class Warning Shutdown - Warning
1210 Overfrequency
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1211 Overfrequency (P2) Set point 80.0% 150.0% - 115.0%
1212 Overfrequency (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 10.0 s
1213 Overfrequency Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1214 Overfrequency Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1215 Overfrequency Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1216 Overfrequency Fail class Warning Shutdown - Warning
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1240 Underfrequency
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
1241 Underfrequency (P2) Set point 50.0% 110.0% - 90.0%
1242 Underfrequency (P2) Timer 0.1 s 100.0 s - 5.0 s
1243 Underfrequency Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1244 Underfrequency Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
1245 Underfrequency Enable OFF ON Inhibit ON
1246 Underfrequency Fail class Warning Shutdown - Warning
1630 Ph-0 readings
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
1631 Ph-0 readings on/off Enable OFF ON ON
2150 Phase sequence error
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
2152 Phase seq error Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s - 1.0 s
2153 Phase seq error Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
2154 Phase seq error Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
2155 Phase seq error Enable OFF ON Inhibit OFF
2156 Phase seq error Fail class Warning Shutdown - Warning
2160 GB close failure
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
2161 GB close failure Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
2170 GB open failure
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
2171 GB open failure Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
3000-3050 Digital input term. 10-15, no cable supervision
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Third
30X1 Dig. input no. XX Timer 0.0 s 100.0 s - 10.0 s
30X2 Dig. input no. XX Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
30X3 Dig. input no. XX Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) - R0 (none)
30X4 Dig. input no. XX Enable OFF ON Inhibit OFF
30X5 Dig. input no. XX Fail class See description of fail classes
30X6 Dig. input no. XX NO/NC NO NC - NO
The setting Ph0 readings on/off enables/disables the display reading of the
phase to neutral readings. This can be used in applications with a three-phased
generator without a neutral connection.
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3490 Emergency stop (terminal 19-20)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
3491 Emergency STOP Timer 0.0 s 60.0 s 0.2 s
3492 Emergency STOP Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3493 Emergency STOP Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3494 Emergency STOP Enable OFF ON ON
3495 Emergency STOP Fail class See description of fail classes
Binary inputs with cable supervision
The text for the inputs for correct display reading can only be done via the utility software.
3400 Binary input 1 (fuel) terminal 6
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
3401 Term. 6 Cable supervision OFF ON OFF
3402 Term. 6 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
3403 Term. 6 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3404 Term. 6 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3405 Term. 6 Enable OFF ON OFF
3406 Term. 6 Fail class See description of fail classes
3410 Binary input 2 (oil) terminal 7
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
3411 Term. 7 Cable supervision OFF ON OFF
3412 Term. 7 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
3413 Term. 7 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3414 Term. 7 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3415 Term. 7 Enable OFF ON OFF
3416 Term. 7 Fail class See description of fail classes
3420 Binary input 3 (temp.) terminal 8
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
3421 Term. 8 Cable supervision OFF ON OFF
3422 Term. 8 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
3423 Term. 8 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3424 Term. 8 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
3425 Term. 8 Enable OFF ON OFF
3426 Term. 8 Fail class See description of fail classes
4-20mA inputs
The scaling of the 4-20mA inputs for correct display reading can only be done via the utility
software. Also the selection of HIGH/LOW alarm as well as cable supervision can be carried out
in the utility software.
4120 4-20mA 1.1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4121 4-20mA 1.1 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4122 4-20mA 1.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4123 4-20mA 1.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4124 4-20mA 1.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4125 4-20mA 1.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4126 4-20mA 1.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
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4130 4-20mA 1.2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4131 4-20mA 1.2 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4132 4-20mA 1.2 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4133 4-20mA 1.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4134 4-20mA 1.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4135 4-20mA 1.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4136 4-20mA 1.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4250 4-20mA 2.1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4251 4-20mA 2.1 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4252 4-20mA 2.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4253 4-20mA 2.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4254 4-20mA 2.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4255 4-20mA 2.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4256 4-20mA 2.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
4260 4-20mA 2.2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4261 4-20mA 2.2 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4262 4-20mA 2.2 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4263 4-20mA 2.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4264 4-20mA 2.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4265 4-20mA 2.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4266 4-20mA 2.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4380 4-20mA 3.1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4381 4-20mA 3.1 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4382 4-20mA 3.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4383 4-20mA 3.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4384 4-20mA 3.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4385 4-20mA 3.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4386 4-20mA 3.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
4390 4-20mA 3.2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4391 4-20mA 3.2 Set point 4mA 20mA 10mA
4392 4-20mA 3.2 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4393 4-20mA 3.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4394 4-20mA 3.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4395 4-20mA 3.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4396 4-20mA 3.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
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VDO inputs
4220 VDO fuel level input 1.1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4221 Fuel level 1.1 (P3) Set point 0% 100% 10%
4222 Fuel level 1.1 (P3) Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4223 Fuel level 1.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4224 Fuel level 1.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4225 Fuel level 1.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4226 Fuel level 1.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
4230 VDO fuel level input 1.2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4231 Fuel level 1.2 (P3) Set point 0% 100% 99%
4232 Fuel level 1.2 (P3) Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4233 Fuel level 1.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4234 Fuel level 1.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4235 Fuel level 1.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4236 Fuel level 1.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4310 VDO oil press. input 2.1
No. Setting (D) Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4311 VDO 2.1 Set point 0.0 bar 10.0 bar 4.0 bar
4312 VDO 2.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4313 VDO 2.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4314 VDO 2.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4315 VDO 2.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4316 VDO 2.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
4320 VDO oil press. input 2.2
No. Setting (D) Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4321 VDO 2.2 Set point 0.0 bar 10.0 bar 4.0 bar
4322 VDO 2.2 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4323 VDO 2.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4324 VDO 2.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4325 VDO 2.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4326 VDO 2.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4460 VDO water temp. input 3.1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4461 VDO 3.1 Set point 0C 150C 95C
4462 VDO 3.1 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4463 VDO 3.1 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4464 VDO 3.1 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4465 VDO 3.1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4466 VDO 3.1 Fail class See description of fail classes
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4470 VDO water temp. input 3.2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4471 VDO 3.2 Set point 0C 150C 95C
4472 VDO 3.2 Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4473 VDO 3.2 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4474 VDO 3.2 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4475 VDO 3.2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4476 VDO 3.2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4630 VDO low coolant temp. input 3.3
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4631 VDO 3.3 Set point -50C 50C 10C
4632 VDO 3.3 Delay 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
4633 VDO 3.3 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4634 VDO 3.3 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4635 VDO 3.3 Enable OFF ON OFF
4636 VDO 3.3 Fail class See description of fail classes
RPM input
4510 Overspeed 1 (RPM input)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4511 Overspeed 1 Set point 0% 400% 160%
4512 Overspeed 1 Timer 0.2 s 100.0 s 15.0 s
4513 Overspeed 1 Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4514 Overspeed 1 Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4515 Overspeed 1 Enable OFF ON OFF
4516 Overspeed 1 Fail class See description of fail classes
4520 Overspeed 2 (RPM input)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4521 Overspeed 2 Set point 0% 400% 160%
4522 Overspeed 2 Timer 0.2 s 100.0 s 15.0 s
4523 Overspeed 2 Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4524 Overspeed 2 Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4525 Overspeed 2 Enable OFF ON OFF
4526 Overspeed 2 Fail class See description of fail classes
4560 Hz/V failure
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4561 Hz/V failure* Timer 1.0 s 99.0 s 30.0 s
4562 Hz/V failure Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4563 Hz/V failure Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4565 Hz/V failure Enable OFF ON ON
4566 Hz/V failure Fail class See description of fail classes
VDO type: See functional description.
Overspeed 1 and 2 are always active if enabled regardless of nominal setting.
Thus it is possible to set two levels of overspeed.
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When the frequency and voltage have not been OK for the adjusted delay time, a Hz/V failure
alarm occurs, and output A and B activate.
4580 Stop failure
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4581 Stop failure* Timer 10.0 s 120.0 s 30.0 s
4582 Stop failure Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4583 Stop failure Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
If the engine has not stopped within the delay time, outputs A and B will activate and a stop
failure alarm occurs.
4600 V-belt/RPM input failure
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4601 V-belt (P3) Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
4602 V-belt Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4603 V-belt Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4604 V-belt Enable OFF ON OFF
4605 V-belt Fail class See description of fail classes
4610 Charger gen.
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4611 Charger gen. (P3) Timer 0.0 s 60.0 s 0.2 s
4612 Charger gen. Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4613 Charger gen. Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4614 Charger gen. Enable OFF ON OFF
4615 Charger gen. Fail class See description of fail classes
4620 VDO fuel level input 1.3
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4621 Fuel level 1.3 (P3) Set point 0% 100% 80%
4622 Fuel level 1.3 (P3) Delay 0.0 s 100.0 s 5.0 s
4623 Fuel level 1.3 Output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4624 Fuel level 1.3 Output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4625 Fuel level 1.3 Enable OFF ON OFF
4626 Fuel level 1.3 Fail class See description of fail classes
The V-belt failure is used on air-cooled engines to monitor that the V-belt driven
cooling fan is operating properly. This alarm requires W input to be used in
parallel with another running feedback at the same time. The status of both will
be compared. If they do not match, a V-belt alarm will be activated.
This alarm requires D+ input to be used in parallel with another running
feedback at the same time (binary input, tacho, generator voltage). The status of
both will be compared. If they do not match, a charger gen. alarm will be
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4960 Battery low voltage
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4961 Battery low V* Set point 6.0V 28.0V 16.0V
4962 Battery low V* Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
4963 Battery low V Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4964 Battery low V Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4965 Battery low V Enable OFF ON ON
4970 Battery high voltage
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
4971 Battery high V* Set point 15.0V 40.0V 28.0V
4972 Battery high V* Timer 0.0 s 10.0 s 1.0 s
4973 Battery high V Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4974 Battery high V Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
4975 Battery high V Enable OFF ON OFF
5000...5060 Relay functions
No. Setting First/min.
50X1 Relay X Function Alarm Limit Alarm
50X2 Relay X Off delay 0.0 s 999.9 s 5.0 s
The relays can be configured in the two different ways described below.
Alarm relay function: When an alarm activates the relay, it is activated as long as the
alarm is present and unacknowledged. If the Off delay is set
different from 0.0 s, a short reset of the relay will take place
when a new alarm appears.
Limit function: When an input activates the relay, no alarm message is
displayed. After the condition activating this relay has returned
to normal, the relay will deactivate when the Off delay has
6000 Nominal settings 1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6001 Nominal settings 1 Frequency 48.0Hz 62.0Hz 50.0Hz
6002 Nominal settings 1 Generator power 4kW 20000kW 480kW
6003 Nominal settings 1 Generator current 0A 9000A 787A
6004 Nominal settings 1 Generator volt. 50V 25000V 400V
6005 Nominal settings 1 Nom. RPM 1 0 RPM 4000 RPM 1500 RPM
6006 Nominal settings Set
Which set of nominal setting is used can be chosen in parameter 6006.
If option B3 is present, then parameter 5050 and 5060 are not available.
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6010 Nominal settings 2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6011 Nominal settings 2 Frequency 48.0Hz 62.0Hz 50.0Hz
6012 Nominal settings 2 Generator power 4kW 20000kW 480kW
6013 Nominal settings 2 Generator current 0A 9000A 787A
6014 Nominal settings 2 Generator volt. 50V 25000V 400V
6015 Nominal settings 2 Nom. RPM 2 0 RPM 4000 RPM 1500 RPM
6020 Nominal settings 3 (1 ph)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6021 Nominal settings 3 Frequency 48.0Hz 62.0Hz 50.0Hz
6022 Nominal settings 3 Generator power 4kW 20000kW 480kW
6023 Nominal settings 3 Generator current 0A 9000A 787A
6024 Nominal settings 3 Generator volt. 50V 25000V 230V
6025 Nominal settings 3 Nom. RPM 3 0 RPM 4000 RPM 1500 RPM
6030 Nominal settings 4 (split ph)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6031 Nominal settings 4 Frequency 48.0Hz 62.0Hz 50.0Hz
6032 Nominal settings 4 Generator power 4kW 20000kW 480kW
6033 Nominal settings 4 Generator current 0A 9000A 787A
6034 Nominal settings 4 Generator volt. 50V 25000V 400V
6035 Nominal settings 4 Nom. RPM 4 0 RPM 4000 RPM 1500 RPM
6040 Transformer generator
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6041 Transformer gen. Primary 50V 25000V 440V
6042 Transformer gen. Secondary 50V 480V 440V
6043 Transformer gen. Current prim. 5A 9000A 1000A
6045 Transformer gen. Current sec. 1A 5A 5A
If no voltage transformer is used, the setting 440/440V can be maintained.
The voltage set in nominal settings 1 and 2 is phase to phase values.
Each nominal setting can be selected by parameter 6006, M-logic or by external
The voltage set in nominal settings 4 is phase (L1) to phase (L2) values.
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6080 Language
No. Setting Setting Factory setting
6081 Language English English English
6090 Date and time (internal clock)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6091 Date and time* Year 2000 2099
6092 Date and time* Month 1 12
6093 Date and time* Day 1 31
6094 Date and time* Hour 0 23
6095 Date and time* Minute 0 59
6096 Date and time* Second 0 59
Depending on
the software
6100 Counter
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6101 Counter* Running time 0 20000 0
6103 Counter* No. of GB operations OFF ON OFF
6105 Counter* Reset counter kWh OFF ON OFF
6110 Service timer 1
No. Setting Min.
6111 Service timer 1 Type OFF Counting
Counting up Counting up
6112 Service timer 1* Set point hours 10 10000 150
6113 Service timer 1* Set point days 1 1000 365
6114 Service timer 1 Fail class See description of fail classes
6115 Service timer 1 Output A Relay 0 Relay 5 Relay 0
6116 Service timer 1* Reset OFF ON OFF
6120 Service timer 2
No. Setting Min.
6121 Service timer 2 Type OFF Counting
Counting up Counting
6122 Service timer 2* Set point hours 10 10000 150
6123 Service timer 2* Set point days 1 1000 365
6124 Service timer 2 Fail class See description of fail classes
6125 Service timer 2 Output A Relay 0 Relay 5 Relay 0
6126 Service timer 2* Reset OFF ON OFF
The date and time can easily be synchronised with the present date and time
from the utility software. So these parameters are only available in the display.
All settings in 6090 have the password level service.
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6130 Alarm horn
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6131 Alarm horn* Timer 0.0 s 990.0 s 20.0 s
According to factory setting the horn output will activate for 20 seconds when an alarm appears.
If the timer setting is adjusted to 0, the horn relay will be activated continuously, until the reset
alarm horn push-button is activated or the alarm is acknowledged.
6160 Run status
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6161 Run status Timer 0.0 s 60.0 s 5.0 s
6162 Run status Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6163 Run status Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6164 Run status Enable OFF ON OFF
The running status detection has two purposes:
1. When the time delay period expires, all the alarms which have Enable selected to Not
run status will be activated.
2. An output relay can be selected, if one is available. In that case, the settings output A
and output B must be set according to the desired relay. To avoid an unwanted display
alarm, RUN STATUS ALARM, the function of this relay must be selected to Limit
function to avoid the alarm when the engine starts. Notice that both output A and output
B must have the same settings, when the function of the relay is set only as limit switch.
6170 Tacho config.
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6173 Tacho config. Set point 0 RPM 4000 RPM 400 RPM
6171 Tacho config. Number of teeth 0 teeth 500 teeth 0 teeth
6180 Starter
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6181 Starter (P1) Start prepare 0.0 s 600.0 s 5.0 s
6183 Starter (P1) Start ON time 1.0 s 180.0s 5.0 s
6184 Starter (P1) Start OFF time 1.0 s 99.0 s 5.0 s
The * indicates parameters that can be changed via the push-buttons/display.
The tacho config. set point is used to deactivate the start relay. The number of
teeth is used to configure the tacho input. The tacho input must be configured to
0 teeth when not in use. The tacho input accepts magnetic pick-up (direct
connection) or NPN/PNP/charger generator W input. Refer to functional
description for information. Note that the frequency range for the tacho input is
10Hz to 10000Hz.
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6190 Start attempts
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6191 Start attempts Attempts 1 10 3
6192 Start attempts Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6193 Start attempts Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
The outputs A and B are activated at a start failure.
6210 Run/stop (cooling down)
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6211 Run/stop (P1) Cooling down time 0.0 s 999.0 s 240.0 s
6212 Run/stop (P1) Extended STOP 1.0 s 99.0 s 5.0 s
6213 Cool. down temp. Cool down temp. 0C 302C 70C
6214 Reference Input for temp. ref. VDO 3 EIC VDO 3
Hz/V monitoring settings
6220 Hz/V OK
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6221 Hz/V OK* Timer 1.0 s 99.0 s 5.0 s
6222 Hz/V OK* Voltage 1% 70% 10%
6223 Hz/V OK* Frequency 1Hz 20Hz 5Hz
6290 Idle mode
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6291 Idle mode Enable OFF ON OFF
6292 Idle mode Timer 1.0 s 300.0 s 5.0 s
6293 Idle mode Active Man. Man./aut. Aut.
Idle mode can be controlled via a binary input. If this is selected, the idle mode remains for as
long as the input is ON. If a binary input is not used, the idle mode can be selected to be active
for manual or auto or both running modes.
The settings start prepare, start ON time and start OFF time are the
periods in which the start relay is activated.
The start prepare output can e.g. be used for prelubricating or preheating. The
start relay output is for activating the engine starter. The start sequence can be
activated manually by pressing the START push-button in Local (hand) mode.
If no output relay has been chosen as starter relay, the start and stop
sequences (cooling down) will be ignored, and the GC-1F will only operate as a
safety stop device.
The setting ranges refer to nominal setting (nominal voltage +/- setting %, nominal
frequency +/- setting Hz).
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- Both manual and auto: Select Man./Aut.
- Manual only: Select Man.
- Auto only: Select Aut.
6320 Engine heater on
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6321 External heater on Set point 0 C/F 100 C/F 10 C/F
6330 Engine heater off
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6331 External heater off Set point 0 C/F 100 C/F 20 C/F
6350 D+ input
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6351 D+ input (P3) Timer 0.0 s 100.0 s 10.0 s
6352 D+ input Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6353 D+ input Enable OFF ON OFF
6354 D+ input NO/NC NO NC NO
6360 GB on water temp.
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6361 GB on water temp. Set point 0 C/F 100 C/F 40 C/F
6362 GB on water temp. Enable OFF ON OFF
6550 Fuel pump logic
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6551 Fuel pump logic (P3) Set point 1 0% 100% 20%
6552 Fuel pump logic (P3) Set point 2 0% 100% 90%
6553 Fuel pump logic (P3) Timer 0.1 s 300.0 s 60.0 s
6554 Fuel pump logic Enable OFF ON OFF
If the D+ input is selected to be ON, this will be used as a running feedback. The
D+ output from the charge generator must be connected to the input terminal
configured to this function. The terminal 9 (common for terminals 10-15) must
be connected to +, otherwise the D+ input does not work.
In order to make the external heater function work, a relay must be designated
to this function in the output settings.
10980 Conf. inp. 1 must be set to VDO to activate the fuel pump logic.
A relay must be configured to fuel pump in output settings.
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6560 Cooldown timeout
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6561 Cooldown timeout Timer 0.0 s 9999.0 s 900.0 s
6562 Cooldown timeout Relay output A R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6563 Cooldown timeout Relay output B R0 (none) R26 (relay 26) R0 (none)
6570 Oil press. run detection
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6571 Oil press. run detection Set point 0 bar/PSI 150 bar/PSI 1 bar/PSI
6572 Oil press. run detection Enable OFF ON OFF
6700 Diode compensation
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6700 Diode compensation Set point 0V 1V 0V
6950 Parameter group 1
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6950 Parameter group 1 Enable OFF ON OFF
6960 Parameter group 2
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6960 Parameter group 2 Enable OFF ON OFF
6970 Parameter group 3
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6970 Parameter group 3 Enable OFF ON OFF
6980 Sleep mode
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6981 Sleep Timer 0 sec. 1800 sec. 600 sec.
6982 Sleep ON/OFF OFF ON OFF
The sleep mode is a standstill power save mode. If the engine is stopped and nothing has
happened within the time setting, the unit will enter sleep mode, i.e. the most power consuming
If a parameter list is enabled, the parameters marked (PX) are available in the
display parameter list.
Parameter 6570 Oil pres. run detection makes it possible to use the oil pressure
as a running feedback.
The parameter 6700 can add an offset to the supply voltage measurement
displayed. This can be useful, if a diode is mounted in the supply connection.
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functions (e.g. display) are turned off. As soon as an event occurs (a button is activated, the
input state changes), the sleep mode is ended.
7090 Simple test function
No. Setting Min.
7091 Activation Set point Digital input Button Digital input
or button
7092 Timer Timer 0.0 s - 990.0 s 5.0 s
7093 Enable Enable OFF - ON ON
6940 Alarm LED function
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
6941 Alarm LED function Customer Red / Red
(Warning /
Amber / Red
(Warning /
Red / Red
(Warning /
9110 Password
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
9116 Password Customer 0 9999 2000
9117 Password Service 0 9999 2001
User password
If you forget the password, contact DEIF Support for details.
9020 Service port
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
9021 Service port Protocol RTU ASCII RTU
10320-10370 GSM pin code and dial-up numbers
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting
10320 GSM GSM pin code 0 9999 0
10331 GSM SMS telephone no. 0 +9999999999999 +4511223344
10332 GSM Enable OFF ON OFF
10341 GSM SMS telephone no. 0 +9999999999999 +4511223344
10342 GSM Enable OFF ON OFF
10351 GSM SMS telephone no. 0 +9999999999999 +4511223344
10352 GSM Enable OFF ON OFF
10361 GSM SMS telephone no. 0 +9999999999999 +4511223344
10362 GSM Enable OFF ON OFF
10371 GSM SMS telephone no. 0 +9999999999999 +4511223344
10372 GSM Enable OFF ON OFF
A telephone number set to 0 means not used. The prefix + and country code
must always be entered. E.g. +45 for Denmark.
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10460-10620 Fuel level config. sensor
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
10460 Fuel level type Type 1 3 1
10470 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 1 0 ohm 180 ohm 0 ohm
10480 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 1 0% 150% 40%
10490 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 2 0 ohm 180 ohm 40 ohm
10500 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 2 0% 150% 50%
10510 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 3 0 ohm 180 ohm 50 ohm
10520 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 3 0% 150% 60%
10530 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 4 0 ohm 180 ohm 60 ohm
10540 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 4 0% 150% 80%
10550 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 5 0 ohm 180 ohm 70 ohm
10560 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 5 0% 150% 100%
10570 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 6 0 ohm 180 ohm 80 ohm
10580 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 6 0% 150% 110%
10590 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 7 0 ohm 180 ohm 90 ohm
10600 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 7 0% 150% 90%
10610 VDO 1 Fuel level Input 8 0 ohm 180 ohm 100 ohm
10620 VDO 1 Fuel level Output 8 0% 150% 120%
10630-10790 Oil pressure config. sensor
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
10630 Oil pressure type Type 1 4 1
10640 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 1 0 ohm 240 ohm 30 ohm
10650 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 1 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 4.0 bar
10660 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 2 0 ohm 240 ohm 60 ohm
10670 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 2 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 5.0 bar
10680 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 3 0 ohm 240 ohm 90 ohm
10690 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 3 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 6.0 bar
10700 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 4 0 ohm 240 ohm 120 ohm
10710 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 4 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 8.0 bar
10720 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 5 0 ohm 240 ohm 150 ohm
10730 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 5 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 10.0 bar
10740 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 6 0 ohm 240 ohm 180 ohm
10750 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 6 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 11.0 bar
10760 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 7 0 ohm 240 ohm 210 ohm
10770 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 7 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 11.5 bar
10780 VDO 2 Oil pressure Input 8 0 ohm 240 ohm 240 ohm
10790 VDO 2 Oil pressure Output 8 0.0 bar 15.0 bar 15.0 bar
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10800-10950 Water temp. config. sensor
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
10800 VDO Type 1 5 1
10810 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 1 0 ohm 2500 ohm 0 ohm
10820 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 1 0 150 0C
10830 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 2 0 ohm 2500 ohm 40 ohm
10840 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 2 0 150 40C
10850 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 3 0 ohm 2500 ohm 60 ohm
10860 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 3 0 150 60C
10870 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 4 0 ohm 2500 ohm 80 ohm
10880 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 4 0 150 80C
10890 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 5 0 ohm 2500 ohm 90 ohm
10900 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 5 0 150 90C
10910 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 6 0 ohm 2500 ohm 100 ohm
10920 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 6 0 150 100C
10930 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 7 0 ohm 2500 ohm 120 ohm
10940 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 7 0 150 120C
10950 VDO 3 Water temp. Input 8 0 ohm 2500 ohm 150 ohm
10960 VDO 3 Water temp. Output 8 0 150 150C
10970-11000 Engineering units
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
10971 Unit Set point C / bar F / psi C / bar
10980 Configurable input selection
No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory
10980 Conf inp 1 Set point VDO Binary VDO
10990 Conf inp 2 Set point VDO Binary VDO
11000 Conf inp 3 Set point VDO Binary VDO
Possible selections:
- 4...20mA
- 020mA
- Binary
DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the above
It is possible to combine VDO inputs with binary inputs and (0)420mA inputs in a