Arrow, 1944. Systematic Notes On Melolonthine Beetles Belonging To Holotrichia - Melolonthinae PDF
Arrow, 1944. Systematic Notes On Melolonthine Beetles Belonging To Holotrichia - Melolonthinae PDF
Arrow, 1944. Systematic Notes On Melolonthine Beetles Belonging To Holotrichia - Melolonthinae PDF
LV.—Systematic notes
on Melolonthine beetles
belonging to Holotrichia
and related genera
Gilbert J. Arrow F.Z.S. F.R.E.S.
British Museum (Natural History)
Published online: 18 Aug 2009.
(C. B. Kloss).
A single male specimen.
This species has an extremely close resemblance to H.
calva but will be easily recognised, at least in the male sex,
by the 6-jointed antennal club. The colour is darker, t h e
upper surface is rather more closely punctured and the
pygidium much more. The lower surface of the abdomen
is more scantily punctured in the type-specimen. The
club of the antenna, in addition to including an additional
lamella, is a little longer than those of males o f H . mirabilis
and calva.
Genus HEPTF.LTA Brsk.
The only described species of this genus is H. stvipidea
Brsk. ,(unknown to me), the antennal club of which
is composed in the male of seven lamell~e and in the
female of four. The 3rd joint is elongate in the male
but evidently not produced into a lamella. In a new
species it forms a lamella more than half as long
as the seven joints which follow, so t h a t an 8-
jointed club results. The female, instead of four joints,
has five in the club, of which the first two are shorter
than the rest, while the two preceding these are also
feebly produced. The third joint is rather large and angular
in front.
Heptelia polyphylla, sp. n.
Dark brown or reddish brown, rather darker upon the
head and pronotum, the lower surface and legs a little
paler, the head bearing rather scanty erect hairs and t h e
lower surface of the body and the pygidium clothed with
short b u t fairly close pale set~e. The elytra have also a
scanty and inconspicuous clothing of short pale setm.
Elongate, moderately shining, with the legs rather
slender, the antennae 10-jointed. Head and pronotum
4}46 Mr. Gilbert 0. Arrow on Melolonthine Beetles