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Agriculture College: University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore - 560 065

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Agriculture College

University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065

Preparatory Test – II
Plant Protection- Subject Code-D
Date : 14-07-2007 Time 1.00 pm
Duration 2h 30 min.

c. σ /√ n
Multiple choice questions (No. 1 to 150); all d. σ 2/√ n
questions carry equal marks. Choose the
correct answer (a,b,c or d) and enter your 5. Mean, mode and median coincide for
choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) a) Normal distribution
on the OMR – answer sheet as per the b) Poisson distribution
instructions given on the answer sheet. c) Binomial distribution
d) Chi-square distribution
1. Which one of the following crops contributes
maximum to the production of cereals in the 6. Father of milk revolution
country? a) M. S. Swaminathan
a) Wheat b) Vergeese Kurien
b) Rice c) R. S. Paroda
c) Maize d) None of these
d) Sorghum
7. Which of the following soils is the most light-
2. Highest sugarcane yield per hectare textured
is in a) Situ clay loam
a) UP b) Sandy loam
b) Tamil Nadu c) Clay loam
c) Karnataka d) Loamy sand
d) Maharashtra
8. A farmer has provision of one irrigation for
3. Total food grain production (million tones) wheat crop. At what stage he should irrigate
in India in the year 2005-06 was around the crop?
a) 200 a) Crown root initiation
b) 190 b) Tillering
c) 180 c) Flowering
d) 170 d) Milking

4. The standard error of a sample mean is 9. What is the center of origin of wheat?
given by a) India
a. σ /n b) USA
b. σ 2/n c) Turkey
d) Australia
c) When the white fluid in grain is just
10. Which of the following represents debt- hardening up
equity ratio? d) The grain stage just before the harvest of the
a) Total assets
______________ 15. Photophosphorylation is a process in which
Total liabilities a) Chemical energy is used
to product ATP
b) Working assets b) Light energy is converted
_______________ into chemical energy in the form of ATP
Current liabilities c) NADP is formed
d) CO2 is reduced to
c) Current assets carbohydrates
Current liabilities 16. Which one is a metamorphic rock?
a) Marble
d) Deferred liabilities b) Granite
_______________ c) Basalt
Net worth d) All the above

11. Net sown area in the country is about 142 17. Water moves from the roots to the leaves
million ha. What is the approximate net area because the water potential of the leaves
covered by irrigation? a) Is higher than that of roots
a) 30 million ha b) Is lower than that of roots
b) 50 million ha c) Is equal to that of roots
c) 80 million ha d) Does not have any relation with that of
d) 100 million ha roots

12. Which one of the following countries has 18. Boll worm is a serious pest of
maximum arable land per person? a) Mango
a) Australia b) Citrus
b) Canada c) Wheat
c) India d) Cotton
d) Japan
19. Sugarcane has been classified as a
13. If a pest is confined to a particular area and a) Long day plant
occurs regularly, its infestation is formed as b) Short day plant
a) Chronic c) Day neutral
b) Epidemic d) Intermediate day length plant
c) Endemic
d) Sporadic 20. The fruit of rapeseed-mustard is known as

14. Dough stage in wheat refers to a) Pod

a) When the stem is swollen prior to ear b) Capsule
emergence c) Siliqua
b) The seed is swollen prior to germination d) Caryopsis
21. Most extensively grown rabi pulse in India 27. Name the pathogen which was
is responsible for Irish Famine in 1845.
a) Lentil a) Perenospora infestans
b) Chickpea b) Alternaria alternata
c) Blackgram c) Phytophthora infestans
d) Horsegram d) Rhizoctonia solani

22. Isotopes have 28. Loose smut pathogen of wheat is

a) Same number of protons a) Externally seed borne
b) Sane number of neutrons b) Internally seed borne
c) Same mass number c) Both a) and b)
e) None of the above d) Not seed borne

23. What type of fruit is guava 29. Who is the present Director-General
a) Pome of ICAR?
b) Stone a) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
c) Berry b) Dr. N.S. Randhawa
d) Drupe c) Dr. Mangala Rai
d) Dr. R.S. Paroda
24. Which one of the following states has
maximum geographical area? 30. Ooze test is done to detect
a) Andhra Pradesh a) Bacterial pathogens
b) Bihar b) Viral pathogens
c) Madhya Pradesh c) Fungal pathogens
d) Uttar Pradesh d) All the above

25. In each drainage system, ‘gullies’ 31. Pectinophora gossypiella is a major pest of
with defined side slopes, bed width and a) Radish
depth occur in a regular order. Gullies which b) Potato
are 3 m deep with bed width of more than c) Groundnut
18 m and varying side slopes are classified d) Cotton
32. Conjunctivities is transmitted by
a) Very small gullies a) Siphunculina funicola
b) Samll gullies b) Periplaneta Americana
c) Medium gullies c) Musca domestica
d) Deep and narrow gullies d) Pediculus humanis

26. Which one of the following crops has 33. The red hairy caterpillar is a serious pest of
maximum water requirement? a) Groundnut
b) Mango
a) Barley c) Citrus
b) Maize d) Mustard
c) Cotton
d) Sugarcane
34. The cotton leaf curl virus disease is 41. Pulses in storage suffer very heavy losses
transmitted by due to
a) Cotton thrips a) Callosobruchus spp.
b) Cotton jassid b) Periplanata Americana
c) American bollworm c) Corcyra cephalonica
d) Whitefly d) Musca domestica

35. Epilachna vigintioctopunctata causes 42. Black headed caterpillar is a major pest of
serious damage to a) Chillies
a) Onion b) Coconut palm
b) Linseed c) Jasmine
c) Barley d) Coffee
d) Brinjal
43. The surface grasshopper lays eggs
36. Castor capsules are seriously damaged by a) In the soil
a) Dichocrosis punctiferalis b) On the leaves of grasses
b) Carpomia visuviana c) In flower buds
c) Bagrada hilaris d) In leaf tissues
d) Aphis craccivora
44. Chrysoperla is a
37. Atherigona soccata is known as a) Parasitoid
a) Maize borer b) Defoliator
b) Rice hispa c) Root grub
c) Army worm d) Predator
d) Sorghum shootfly
45. For safe storage, the moisture
38. For rats control in the field, burrow content in food grain should be
fumigation is done with a) Below 10%
a) Celphos b) Between 11-15%
b) Chlorpyriphos c) Between 16-20%
c) Triazophos d) Above 20%
d) Saylos
46. Human beings play as hosts for the
39. Parasitization of a parasitoid is insects belonging to the order
known as a) Thysanoptera
a) Multiple parasitism b) Mecoptera
b) Hyperparasitism c) Mallophaga
c) Phagocytosis d) Siphunculata
d) Autocidal control
47. The secondary pest under storage is
40. Preying mantis is a a) Tribolium castaneum
a) Predator b) Sitophilus oryzae
b) Parasitoid c) Trogoderma granarium
c) Pest d) Callosobruchus maculatus
d) Hyperparasitoid
48. The ability to attack woolen garments in the 55. Tundu disease of wheat is caused by
household by insects is related to Anguina tritici in association with
a) Possession of strong mouth parts a) Rotylenchulus reniformis
b) Presence of keratinase enzyme b) Tylenchus gracilis
c) Odour emanating from the fibres c) Clavibacter utritici
d) Attraction to the physical texture of the d) Hoplolalmus indicus
56. White tips in rice is caused by
49. Yellow fever is transmitted by a) Ditylenchus angustus
a) Musca domestica b) Aphelenchoides besseyi
b) Cimex spp. c) Hirschmaniella spp.
c) Aedes aegyptii d) Clavibactor tritici
d) Periplaneta americana
57. Potato cyst nematodes occurs in
50. Calliphora erythrocephala is a) Nilgiri Hills of Tamil Nadu
normally attracted to b) Upper regions of Jammu & Kashmir
a) Hides c) Saurashtra region
b) Animal hairs d) Central parts of UP
c) Cow dung
d) Meat 58. Root knot nematode of vegetables
can be controlled by
51. Adult females of Tabanus striatus feed on a) Fenvalerate spray
a) Plant sap b) Aldicarb 1 kg a.i./ha in soil
b) Pollen grains c) Foliar sprays of chlorpyriphos 20 EC
c) Animal blood d) Dusting with malathion 5% dust
d) Nector
59. The burrowing nematode is a serious pest of
52. The host of Haematopinus tuberculatus is a) Wheat
a) Horse b) Rapeseed
b) Buffalo c) Rice
c) Camel d) Banana
d) Cat
60. Pratylenchus brachyurus causes serious
53. The common louse, Bovicola caprae is damage
found on a) Cucumber
a) Goats b) Sugarcane
b) Dog c) Carrot
c) Elephant d) Coffee
d) Beer
61. The commonly domesticated exotic
54. Tinea pallionella damage species of honey bee in India is
a) Books a) Apis florea
b) Pulses b) Apis cerana indica
c) Clothes c) Apis mellifera
d) Almonds d) Apis dorsata
62. Honey bees, the stinging apparatus is 69. Sunflower capitulum is seriously
a) Modified “U” abdominals segment damaged by
b) Modified male genitalia a) Parakeet
c) Modified ovipositor b) Sparrow
d) Modified mouth parts c) Wild pigeon
d) Crow
63. A safer pesticide to honey bees
e) Lindane 70. The most damaging rat species in India is
f) Chlorpyriphos a) Bandicota bengalensis
g) Endosulfan b) Tatera indica
h) Diflubenzuron c) Rattus meltada
d) Mus domestica
64. Acarine disease is caused by
a) Acarapis woodi 71. The insecticidal properties of DDT were
b) Tetranychus spp. investigated by
c) Panonychus ulmi a) Max Muller
d) Aceria spp. b) A.W.A. Brown
c) Paul Muller
65. The most progressive state for d) A.D. Imms
sericulture in India is
a) Punjab 72. Mechanical control of insect pests
b) Rajasthan means
c) Karnataka a) Summer ploughing
d) Uttar Pradesh b) Crop rotation
c) Use of mechanical devices to collect pests or
66. American foul brood is a serious disease of hand picking and killing
a) Silkworms d) Spraying with chemical pesticide
b) Lac insect
c) Honey bee 73. DDT was discovered in
d) Bollworms a) 1947
b) 1939
67. The Central Lac Research Institute is located c) 1941
at d) 1942
a) Gangtok (Sikkim)
b) Pusa, Dholi (Bihar) 74. Bollworm complex of cotton is
c) Namkum, Ranchi (Bihar)
d) Kalyani (West Bengal) a) Helicoverpa + Earias
b) Helicoverpa + Spodoptera
68. The lac insect thrives best on c) Helicoverpa + Earias + Pectinophora
d) Helicoverpa + Spodoptera + Pectinophora
a) Zizyphus mauritiana
b) Melia azadirach 75. Soil amendments with seed-cakes of neem
c) Acacia arabica are known to control
d) Shorea robusta e) Nematode pests
f) Sucking pests
g) Defoliators
h) Insect vectors c) On plants and soft bodied insects
76. Biology of insects is useful in d) On liquid matter like honey dew
identifying the
a) Weak-links in the life-cycle of the pest 83. Mayflies belong to order
b) Inter-specific competition a) Diptera
c) Parasites and predators b) Ephemeroptera
d) Flight-range c) Coleoptera
d) Isoptera
77. Which of the following order has pupal
instars? 84. Number of eggs in a oothecum of cockroach
a) Odonata is
b) Zoraptera a) 8
c) Siphunculata b) 16
d) Strepsiptera c) 10
d) 20
78. Salivary glands of earthworms
secrete 85. In cockroach, alary muscles are
a) Amylase and protease concerned with
b) Mucous and protease a) Exoskeleton
c) Protease only b) Gut
d) Mucous and amylase c) Fat bodies
d) Heart
79. In earthworm blood glands help in
a) Excretion 86. The main function of filter chamber
b) Digestion is
c) Secretion of plasma a) To filter the food material
d) Circulation b) To filter the air during respiration
c) To filter the excess water directly to hind gut
80. Which order of Apterygota d) To filter the blood
resembles the Pterygota in several aspects?
a) Diplura 87. Muga silk in India is obtained from
b) Protura a) Uttar Pradesh
c) Collembola b) Karnataka
d) Thysanura c) Orrisa
d) Assam
81. Peripatus is a single example of
class 88. Saltatorial type of legs are found in
a) Arachnida a) Grasshopper
b) Crustecea b) Cockroach
c) Onychophora c) Butterfly
d) Chilopoda d) Body louse

82. The members of Neuroptera feed 89. The ‘dead heart’ in paddy is
produced by
a) Only on plants
b) Only on soft bodied insects a) Corcyra cephalonica
b) Spodoptera mauritia 96. Gula is formed in the head of
c) Tryporyza incertulus a) Coleoptera
d) Chilo zonellus b) Diptera
c) Homoptera
d) Orthoptera

90. In insecticidal formulations, E.C. 97. Grassy stunt virus in paddy is

means transmitted by
a) Effective concentration a) Paddy gall midge
b) Equal concentration of ingredients b) Rice hispa
c) Estimated chemical toxicity c) Green leaf hopper
d) Emulsified concentrate d) Brown plant hopper

91. A pad like structure at the tip of the 98. Holes plugged with excreta on bolls of
insect leg between the claws is called cotton is due to
a) Arolium a) Red cotton bug
b) Tentorium b) Spotted bollworm
c) Podite c) Pink bollworm
d) Frontalin d) American bollworm

92. Parasitism has reached to its peak in the 99. Receptaculam seminalis is used for
order a) Storage of sperms
a) Hemiptera b) Liberaiton of sperms during oviposition
b) Diptera c) Laying eggs during oviposition
c) Coleoptera d) Fertilization takes place in this organ
d) Hymenoptera
100. Bunchy top of sugarcane is due to
93. Ecdysone is secreted by a) Internode borer
a) Corpora cardiaca b) Top shoot borer
b) Corpora allata c) Early shoot borer
c) Prothoracic gland d) Stem borer
d) Neurosecretary cells
101. Which of the following completes
94. In earthworm, typhlosole is part of only one generation within a year?
a) Vasa deferens a) Agrotis ipsilon
b) Blood vascular system b) Diphorina citri
c) Intestine c) Indarbela sp.
d) Nephridium d) Holotrichia serrata

95. The order which establishes the relationship 102. The larval of stages of Othreis spp.
of insects with other arthropods is feed on
a) Plecoptera a) Leaves of citrus
b) Thysanura b) Fruits of pomegranate
c) Collembola c) Wild plants
d) Diplura d) Leaves of pomogranate
103. Which pest of the groundnut is a
vector of tomato spotted wilt virus causing 110. Molya desease of wheat is most
bud necrosis? prevalent in
a) Pod sucking bug a) Punjab
b) Leaf miner b) Rajasthan
c) Aphids c) Haryana
d) Thrips d) Uttar Pradesh
104. A hymenopterous pest of cruciferous crop
is 111. Two main nitrogenous excretory
a) Plutella xylostella products of insects are
b) Athelia lugens a) Ammonia and uric acid
c) Bagarda sp. b) Uric acid and allantoin
d) Campoletis sp. c) Urea and ammonia
d) Urea and allantoic acid
105. Name the order whose all the species
are parasitic in nature 112. The nervous system of insects is
a) Hymenoptera a) Adrenergic
b) Strepsitera b) Cholinergic
c) Neuroptera c) Seratonergic
d) Diptera d) GABA-ergic

106. The excreta of earthworms is called 113. The insect that can perceive infrared
as light is
a) Vermi-wash a) Musca
b) Vermi-compost b) Mythimna
c) Vermi-casting c) Athalia
d) Vermi-manure d) Apis

107. Which of the following is a secondary 114. The silica that is used as diluent of
pest? pesticides is
a) Sitophilus oryzae a) Kaolinite
b) Corcyra cephalonica b) Diatomite
c) Trogoderma granarium c) Attapulgite
d) Sitotroga cerealella d) Fullers earth

108. Virachola isocrates is the pest of 115. Almond moth is

a) Mango a) Sitotroga cerealella
b) Tomato b) Galleria mellonella
c) Pomogranate c) Corcyra cephalonica
d) Guava d) Cadra cautella

109. A virus transmitting nematode is 116. The insect that feeds on the
a) Tylenchus poisonous weed Calotropis is
b) Rotylenchus a) Poecilocerus pictus
c) Xiphinema b) Schistocerca gregaria
d) Ditylenchus c) Locusta migratoria
d) Colemania spheneroids
a) Oil seed crops
117. The insecticide used for smoke b) Solanaceous vegetables
generation c) Millets
a) Lindane d) Citrus
b) Folidol
c) DDVP 124. “Swallow Tail” butterflies belong to
d) BHC the family
118. EDCT is a mixture of ethylene a) Nymphatidae
dichloride and carbon tetrachloride in the b) Papilionidae
ratio of c) Pieridae
a) 1:3 d) Hespiridae
b) 3:1
c) 1:1 125. The nematodes maintain their body
d) 1:4 shape
a) With the help of a tough cuticle
119. Crude oil is used as an effective b) Due to the turgor pressure of their
mosquito larvicide because pseudocoelomic fluid
a) It is volatile and hence toxic c) Due to their endoskeleton
b) It prevents emergence of adults d) Due to their strong longitudinal musculature
c) It prevents respiration
d) It forms a thin film and prevents feeding 126. The following is a nematode parasite of
120. The malarial parasite was first a) Xiphinema americanum
discovered by Sir Ronald Ross at b) Dracunculus medidensis
a) Rio-de-Janero c) Dorylaimus stagnalis
b) Madras d) Trichostrongilus colubriformis
c) Calcutta
d) Hyderabad 127. The following nematode is widely
used as a biological model
121. The commercial formulation of a) Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Bacillus thuringiensis is b) Meloidogyne incognita
a) DOOM c) Caenorhabditis elegans
b) DIPEL d) Turbatrix aceti
d) VAPONA 128. Nematocysts are
a) Protective dead females cuticle to protect
122. The insects whose adult life span is nematode eggs and juveniles from
only a few hours are desiccation
a) Collembolans b) Dormant stages of ear-cockle nematodes
b) Plecopterans c) Infectious stages of pathogenic fungi
c) Thysanopterans d) Protective devices of coelentrates
d) Ephemeropterans
129. The cultivation of the following crop
123. The sphingid well known as “Deaths can reduce the population densities of root-
head moth” is a pest on knot nematode
a) Cucumber d) Pratylenchus zeae
b) Fenugreek
c) African marigold 136. Nematodes are triploblastic animals
d) Capsicum because
a) They cause three kinds of blast diseases of
130. The duration of life cycle of b) They have three germ layers in their embryo
nematodes is to a great extent related to c) Their cuticle has three layers
a) Photoperiod d) They have triadiate symmetry in their
b) Nitrogen level oesophagus
c) Soil pH
d) Soil temperature 137. Ontogeny is
a) Sequence of development of embryo
131. Nematodes are metamerically b) Mechanism of reproduction in nematodes
a) Segmented c) Evolutionary sequence of forms of life on
b) Unsegmented earth
c) Superficially segmented d) A kind of cell division
d) Segmented only in the oesophageal region
138. A 3% formulation of an insecticide
132. The following is a nematode in the form granules is to be applied at 3 kg
resistant variety of tomato active ingredient per hectare over a 100
a) Hisar Lalit sq.m. area. The amount of formulation
b) S-120 required will be
c) Pusa Early dwarf a) 1 kg
d) Pusa Ruby b) 10 kg
c) 0.1 kg
133. The main chemical composition of d) 100 kg
mulberry silk is
a) 75 % fibroin and 25 % siricin 139. Syncytium is a condition
b) 75 % siricin and 25 % fibroin a) One cell with many nuclei
c) Only fibroin b) Many cells merged with one nucleus
d) Only siricin c) A mass of cells with nucleus
d) A group of cells attack by nemaotodes
134. Which one of the following orders
contains plant parasitic nematodes? 140. In Anguina tritici which one is the
a) Rhabditida quiescent stage in galled grains?
b) Tylenchida a) Egg
c) Enoplida b) Female
d) Strongylida c) Male
d) Second stage larva
135. One of the following nematodes causes 141. Which of the following is an
maceration of middle lamella of infected example of an insecticide of plant origin?
cells a) Toxaphine
a) Ditylenchus dipsaci b) Rotenone
b) Radopholus similis c) Malathion
c) Anguina agrostis d) Dazomet
142. Scent-producing scales on the wings 4. 2 pairs
of male moths are known as
a) Androconia 149. Mites do not have
b) Proprioreceptors
c) Chordotonal organs 1. Legs and wings
d) Meconia 2. Antennae and wings
143. Acrotergite Mesothorax is delimited 3. Spiracles and abdomens
posteriorly by 4. Mouthparts and legs
a) Ante-costal sulcus
b) Pre-scutal sulci 150. Coconut mite belongs to family
c) Sub-scutellar sulcus 1. Eriophyidae
d) Parapsidal furrows 2. Tarsonemidae
3. Tetranychidae
144. Anamorphosis is characteristic of 4. Acaridae
insect order
a) Thysanura 151
b) Protura I Van frish a Male sterility
c) Thysanoptera technique
d) Isoptera
II Ronald Ross b Locust Phase
145. Haemoglobin is present in the blood
of III Knipling c
a) Anopheles Malaria
b) Chironomus IV Linneus d Honey bees
c) Cimex V Uvarov e Systema naturae
d) Rhodnius
146. Chitin is absent in the walls of insect
a) Foregut
b) Midgut I Myrmecophhily a
c) Hindgut
d) Oesophagus
II Sphecophily b
Bee pollination
147. The function of rectal papillae is
III Psycophily c
a) Water conservation Ant pollination
b) Excretion IV Cantharophily d Beetle
c) Digestion pollination
d) Respiration V Melittophily e Butterfly
148. Mites are distinct from insects in
having ______ pairs of legs
1. 3 pairs
2. 4 pairs
3. 5 pairs
I Tegmina a
II Elytra b
154 Homoptera
I Nit a III Hemielytra c
Stink bugs Diptera
II Egg raft b IV Hamuli d Orthoptera
Rhinoceros V Halters e Honey bees
III Barrel shaped c
eggs Head louse
IV Campodeform d Mosquitoes
V Scarbaeiform e Lady bird beetle
I Arrhentoky a
Produce both
155. male and female
II Thelytoky b
I Alarm pheromone a Produce female
III Amphitoky c
II Trial marking b Produce male
pheromone Aphids
IV Polyembryony d Gall midges
III Aggregation c V Paedogenesis e Platygaster
pheromones Scolytid beetles
IV Batesian mimicry d Mimic restricted to
palatable species
V Mullerian mimicry e Both model and 158
mimic are
unpalatable species I Pentalonia a
nigronervosa Cow pea mosaic
II Aphis gossyphi b
Papaya mosaic
III Aphis cracivora c
I Head louse a Banana bunchy top
humanus pubis IV Bemicia tabaci d Bhendi yellow vein
II Crab louse b
Pediculus V Thrips sp. e Tomato spotted wilt
humanus corporis
III Body louse c
humanus captis
IV Chilopoda d Centipede
V Diplopoda e Milipede I Setaceous a
Honey bees
II Geniculate b
III Clavate c
IV Lammelate d Termite
V Monaliform e Ground beetle

I Taenidia a
Light producing
II Luciferin b
Inner lining of
III Self luminance c Contributors :
Dipterans Dr. A.R.V. Kumar, Dept. of Entomology, UAS,
IV Ostia d Elateridae GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
V Weismann’s e Opening of blood Dr. Prabhu C. Ganiger, Dept. of Entomology,
ring vessel UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. M. Thippaiah, Dept. of Entomology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. K.C. Narayana Swamy, Dept. of Sericulture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. Gavi Gowda, Dept. of Apiculture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. N.S. Bhat, Dept. of Apiculture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. N. Srinivas, Dept. of Entomology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. Ravichandra, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. V.T. Sannaveerappanavar, Dept. of Entomology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065
Dr. C.T. Ashok Kumar, Dept. of Entomology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065

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