Question Bank - Temperate Vegetabless
Question Bank - Temperate Vegetabless
Question Bank - Temperate Vegetabless
(Telangana State Private Universities Act No.13 of 2020 and G.O.Ms.No.14, Higher Education (UE) Department)
Maisammaguda, Near Kompally, Hyderabad 500100. TS., India.
Objective part
I. Fill in the blanks 40
1. Edible part of knol - khol enlarged stem portion knobs.
2. knol- khol propagated by seeds.
3. Direct sowing seed rate of knol-khol 2.5-3 kg/hac.
4. Large green is variety of knol-khol.
5. Scientific name of knol-khol
6. Brassica olreracea var gongylodes.
7. Most richest antioxidant Cole crop is sprouting broccoli.
8. protogyny is seen in knol-khol.
9. which flower crop open only once lettuce.
10. Great lake is variety of lettuce.
11. stem type of lettuce is called celtuce.
12. Scientific name of lettuce lactuca sativa.
13. Emperor is variety of celary.
14. Edible part of celary is fleshy leaf stalk .
15. Celery is propagated through seeds.
16. seed rate of celary is 375-500grams.
17. seed germination in cauliflower is Epigeal.
18. Formation of very small button like curds is called Buttoning.
19. Whiptail in cauliflower is due to deficiency of Mo.
20. India ranks 1st in cauliflower production.
21. Damage of terminal bud causes Blinding disorder in cauliflower.
22. The pungency in onion is caused due to an enzyme called allyl propyl disulphide.
23. The process which helps onion in minimizing shrinkage by removing the moisture from the
interior called curing.
24. Removal of off type plants in onion known as roughing.
25. Garlic is propagated vegetatively by cloves.
26. Seed rate for rabhi season in onion is 10 to 12 kg per ha.
27. The flavour in garlic is caused due to allcin.
28. The disorder which occurs usually in the storage of onions is watery scales.
29. Alpha:Beta carotene ratio in carrot is 1:2.
30. Black carrot variety produces a fermented product called kanzi.
31. Seed germination inhibitor present in carrot called carratol.
32. Imperator cross :Nantes and chantenay.
33. pungency in radish is due to isothiocyanates .
34. Triple resistant variety of radish is Arka nishanth .
35. Name an example of Asiatic variety of radish Pusa chetki.
36. Shape of radish is Fusiform .
37. Scientific name of beet root is Beta vulgaris.
38. Seed rate of beet root is 7-9 kg /ha.
39. Fruit of carrot botanically called as Schizocarp.
40. Cavity spot is due to the deficiency of Calcium .
41. Botanical name of sprouting broccoli is Brassica oleracea var.italica
1. Cabbage ( g ) a) Curd
2. Cauliflower ( a ) b) Edible leaves
3. Knol- Khol ( f ) c) Axillary buds
4. Sprouting Broccoli ( e ) d) Stems and leaves
5. Kale ( d ) e) Flowers
6. Chinese cabbage ( b ) f) Knob
7. Brussels sprout ( c ) g) Head
8. Blanching ( i ) h) Varanasi
9. IIVR ( h ) i) Prevent yellowing of curd
10. Ricyness ( j ) j) High temperature
11. Beetroot ( o ) k) 2n = 20
12. Peas ( m ) l) 2n = 44
13. Turnip ( k ) m) 2n = 14
14. Spinach ( n ) n) 2n = 12
15. Rhubarb ( l ) o) 2n = 18
16. Globe artichoke ( q ) p) Tall pea varieties
17. Garlic ( r ) q) 2n = 34
18. Staking ( p ) r) 2n = 16
19. Allicin ( t ) s) 2n = 32