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PBG 101-Mid Semester-Question Paper

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B.Sc. (Agri) Degree Programme

Mid semester Examination, Oct 2018
Year : 2018 (2017Syllabus) Time : 1 hr
Semester : I PBG 101 Introduction to Agricultural Botany
Max. Marks: 20
PART-A [40 x 0.5 = 20]
(Answer All questions)
Choose the correct answer (kindly bold the answer keys)

1. The book “Genera Plantarum” written by

A) Engler and Prantl B) Charles Darwin

C) George Bentham and Sir D) Linnaeus

Joseph Dalton Hooker

2. George Bentham and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker classified the plants based on

A) Artificial system B) Origin of species

C) Phylogenetic system D) Natural system

3. Which is not Pseudo cereals

A) Buck wheat B) Grain amaranthus
C) Maize D) Quina

4. Tobacco is
A) Fumigatories B) Mastigatories

C) Narcotics D) All of the above

5. Botanical name of Sorghum as per ICBN

A) Sorghum bicolor B) Sorghum bicolor


6. Brace root present in

A) Peepal B) Ficus

C) Maize D) Fig

7. Meaning of Phyllotaxy is

A) Arrangement of leave on B) Arrangement of Flowers on

stem or branches stem or branches
C) Arrangement of sepals D) Arrangement of stamens

8. Acicular leaves present in

A) Redgram B) Rice

C) Bamboo D) Onion

9. Which one is uni-paripinnate

A) B)

C) D)

10. Identify Palmately divergent leaf

A) B)
C) D)

11. The main axis of recemose infloresence is modified into flat or concave or
convex structure is called

A) Panicle B) Head

C) Spike D) Candle

12. Diadelaphos stamens are present in

A) Blackgram B) Castor

C) Coconut D) Maize

13. The parts of perfect flower arranged in

A) Five rings B) Four rings

C) Two rings D) Three rings

14. The male infloresence of maize is called

A) Cob B) Capitulum

C) Tassel D) Silk

15. The relationship between corolla and stamens in epipetalous condition

A) Corolla and stamens are B) Corolla and stamens are

attached. eg. Sesame separeted. eg Fabaceae

C) Gynoecieum and stamens D) Filaments are free and anthrs

attached eg. cotton are attached eg. Sunflower

16. Pineapple fruit is example for

A) Sorosis B) Simple Flesh y friut

C) Carryopsis D) Berry

17. Ancestor of Rice

A) Oryza glaberrima B) Oryza perennis

C) Oryza sativa D) Zea mexicana

18. Wonder rice is called

A) IR 50 B) IR 8

C) IR32 D) IR 40

19. The dwarfing gene in rice

A) Dee Gee woo gen B) CO 52

C) Norin 10 D) Oryza longistaminata

20. Cultivated wheat

A) Triticum monococcum B) Triticum dicoccum (tetraploid)


C) Tritucum squarossa D) Triticum aestivum

(diploid) (hexaploid)

21. Father of green revolution

A) Sir arthur lawley B) Freeman

C) N.E.Borlaug D) Dr.Ramaiah

22. Fruit of ragi is

A) Carryopsis B) Achene
C) Utricle D) Pod

23 Sorghum Poisoning due to

A) NaCl B) H2SO4
C) Oxalate D) HCN

24. Ancestor of maize

A) Teosinte B) Rye
C) Wheat D) Triticale

25 Protein of maize is called

A) Zein B) Lysine
C) tryptophan D) Methionine

26. Match the following

Common Name Botanical Name
1 Tenai / Fox tail millet / Italian i Echinocloa frumetaceae
2 Samai / Little millet ii Setaria italica L.

3 Kudiraivali / Barnyard millet iii Paspalum scrobiculatum

4 Varagu / Kodo millet iv Panicum miliare Lamk
A) ii, iv, iii, i B) ii, i, iv, iii
C) i, iv, ii, iii D) ii, iv, i, iii

27. Inflorescence of sugarcane is ---------------------

A) Head B) Arrow
C) Candle D) Lomentum

28 Which statement is correct related to term Nobilization process

A) Work done in Sugarcane at B) C.A. Barber and T. S.

Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Venkataraman
C) Evolution of high yielding, pest D) All above
and disease resistant North
Indian canes

29. Bajra-Napier hybrid is

A) Diploid B) Tetraploid
C) Triploid D) Hexaploid

30. Forage grasses

i. Guinea grass,
ii. Napier grass,
iii. Lucern
iv. Cenchrus grass

A) All above B) Except ii

C) Except i D) Except iii

31. Monoadelphous stamens present in

A) Soybean B) Blackgram
C) Redgram D) Cow pea
32. Papilionaceous corolla present in
A) Poaceae family B) Fabaceae family
C) Roseaceae family D) Astraceae family

33 Origin of Redgram
A) Africa B) China
C) America D) Mexico

34. Chemicals which are responsible for sour taste to leaves and fruits of Bengal
A) Sulphuric acid and B) Oxalic and Hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid
C) Malic acids and Sulphuric acid D) Oxalic or malic acids

35 Fruit of lab lab

A) Pod B) Siliqua
C) Carryopsis D) Utricle

36. Poor man’s pulses

A) Redgram B) Horse gram
C) Lab lab D) Blackgram
37. Choose wrong statement
A) Poaceae family has three B) Sunhemp is green manure crop
stamens except rice(6)
C) Fabaceae family has only D) Ground nut belongs to Fabaceae
pulses yielding crops family

38 Pollination type of ground nut

A) Cross pollination B) Geitonogamy
C) Often cross pollination D) Self pollination

39. Soybean contains

A) 20 % oil and 40% protein B) 20 % oil and 20% protein
C) 40 % oil and 40% protein D) 40 % oil and 20% protein

40. Protoandry condition present in

A) Pearl millet B) Redgram
C) Maize D) Cotton

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