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Learning Activities 7

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 Learning Activities 7

1. What are the factors that need to be considered before manufacturing food and materials?
Support your answer applying by the lesson/s learned from the discussions.

There are many factors that should be considered before manufacturing food and materials
such as the demand of the product. First of all, there has to be a demand for the product or products
you intend to manufacture. This requires extensive market research and an understanding of the
customers who will buy your products. Once you identify a need for your product, you can begin to
investigate other factors that will have an impact on your business. The cost of the food and materials
that you are going to manufacture, setting up a manufacturing business also involves the purchase of
specialized equipment and machinery. As well as this, you need to hire and pay experts who specialize in
the area you are manufacturing in. And the effects of the product unto the environment that you are
going to manufacture. In this time we should now be more mindful of the consequences we are going
make especially in manufacturing that some hazardous chemicals are really destructive to our mother

2. What do you think are the common human activities that can harm biodiversity? Consider the
small ways you can help to promote the conservation and preservation of biodiversity.

For me I think the most common human activities that can harm biodiversity were worldwide
are population growth and resource consumption, we humans have now higher demand in terms of
resources we use every day. Over consumption and demand with less resources can lead to
degradation of our biodiversity. By this, we should be more mindful and be careful on how much we
need and that it should be enough. We should preserve and use our natural resources efficiently.
Another one is habitat conversion and urbanisation. Due to the globalization and industrialization, the
developments and changes are now unending with the help of advance technology. We humans tend
to develop and develop without even thinking of the consequences and its effects into our biodiversity.
And lastly the over-exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation. Because of the
population growth, also the demands and consuming also grows. With what we are doing like too
much deforestation, wasting of natural resources and the abuse, it greatly harms and destroy our

We can participate in biodiversity conservation by increasing our knowledge of environmental

issues, increasing our awareness of the impacts of biodiversity loss, and increasing support for
government policies and actions that conserve our valuable ecosystems. We can become educators and
role models as stewards of the environment by aiding in the recovery of species at risk and preventing
other species from becoming at risk. Habitat stewardship consists of activities that range from
enhancing the quality of soil, water, air and other natural resources to monitoring and conserving
wildlife species and their habitat by donating the property to a land trust.

3. What do you think are the health conditions urgently need to be treated by gene therapy?
Support your answer.

Gene therapy replaces a faulty gene or adds a new gene in an attempt to cure disease
or improve your body's ability to fight disease. Gene therapy holds promise for treating a wide
range of diseases, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia and
AIDS. With that, gene therapy only focus on diseases that are very prevalent in regions of our
world. We should use the gene therapy to its maximum by using it diseases that are widely
spread, those that are very critical, those diseases that incurable due to the medicine or the
cure is not yet discovered. I will also add that we should prioritize the use of Gene Therapy on
very rare diseases. There are approximately 7,000 identified rare diseases, yet only a few hundred
have treatments are approved. Gene therapy is particularly relevant to rare disease patients, as
more than 80 percent of rare diseases have a known monogenic (single-gene) cause. 

4. Will you eat GMOs? Why and why not?

I will eat GMOs as long as it is approved by our government and the Health Sectors. If there is
studies that those GMOs are said to be safe and advised for consuming, why not eat that? Nowadays
genetically modified organisms are widely being used if foodstuffs and feed-staffs. The GMO products
have proponents and opponents. While proponents argue that because of increasing population and
shortage of fertile agricultural fields we must go to the land products which are highly yielding and
resistant to pest, opponents argue that using these products may have unknown effect on future
generation of human and environment. We these economics problems we have, I will support the
consumption of GMOs because of its benefits and its less production costs.

5. Watch the documentary film entitled “Nanotechnology of the Future” and write a
reflection/perception of this technological innovation of the 21st century.

In the said film, Nanotechnology is the manipulation of materials on an atomic or molecular

scale especially to build microscopic devices (such as robots) Placing atoms as though they were bricks,
nanotechnology will give us complete control over the structure of matter, allowing us to build any
substance or structure permitted by the laws of nature. In the future, nanotechnology could also enable
objects to harvest energy from their environment. New nano-materials and concepts are currently being
developed that show potential for producing energy from movement, light, variations in temperature,
glucose and other sources with high conversion efficiency. The possibilities are endless, ranging from
monitoring inflammation and post-surgery recovery to more exotic applications whereby electronic
devices actually interfere with our body's signals for controlling organ function. Although these
technologies might sound like a thing of the far future, multi-billion healthcare firms such as
GlaxoSmithKline are already working on ways to develop so-called "electroceuticals". I think
Nanotechnology could really help us and be our stepping stone for more productive and bright future
this millennium.

6. Write your vision of the future. Will it be better or worse?

For the future, as I study the developments and new outburst breakthroughs in the history of
humankind. For me, as long as these breakthroughs in Science and Technology are used efficiently and
for the development of humankind, I could see a bright future for us and all the living things. We
humans should realize now how can Technology can change and help our Mother Earth for betterment
and save it from destruction. With the help of Morality in Humankind and advent of Science and
Technology I could see a better and limitless future ahead of us.

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