HEALTH 8 Module 3 PDF
HEALTH 8 Module 3 PDF
HEALTH 8 Module 3 PDF
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Personal Health Attitudes that
Influence Sexual Behavior
Health - Grade 8
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Personal Health Attitudes that Influence Sexual Behavior
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Personal Health Attitudes that
Influence Sexual Behavior
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Hi learner! How are you today? I know you are excited to venture another
spectrum of knowing yourself better. Come on! Let us start the journey.
Did you know that your personal health attitudes may influence your sexual
behavior? Adolescents, like you, are confronted with issues regarding personality and
attitudes which may affect sexual behavior towards self and others.
Having learned the concept of sexuality, you must have been aware of yourself
better now. As you grow older, you will experience a scope of social, emotional, and
physical changes. As you experience these changes, you would like to possess a deep
knowledge on how to deal with your attitudes and behavior. Healthy sexuality means
taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-
esteem, decision-making, and behavior.
Would you like to learn more? Well, just give your time and focus. Our journey
together will surely seek answers to your doubts and curiosity.
1. Assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior (H8FH-IC-d-
20); and
2. Understand healthy sexuality in relation to one’s feelings and behavior towards
What I Know
At this point, you will be provided with an activity to pre-assess your prior
knowledge about personal health attitudes that influence sexual behaviors.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices. Write your
answer in your activity sheet.
6. Which of the following behaviors is a manifestation of a sexually healthy
a. Engaging to abusive acts
b. Manifesting less tolerance towards others’ differences
c. Interacting with both genders in appropriate and respectful ways
d. Showing low self-esteem
10. It encompasses not only on your attitudes and behavior towards yourself but also
refers to your perceptions, feelings, and behaviors toward others.
a. Sexuality
b. Attitude
c. Behavior
d. Gender
12. Which of the following is not a healthy attitude that can influence sexual
behavior in the family?
a. Communicates effectively with family
b. Able to express love to family members
c. Takes responsibility for own behaviors
d. Performs duties and responsibilities at home
13. It is regarding yourself as a worthwhile person.
a. Self-love
b. Self-respect
c. Self-expression
d. Self-confidence
14. Among the choices below, which is the healthy attitude towards the peers that can
influence sexual behaviors?
a. Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways
b. Knowledgeable about sexuality issues
c. Appreciate own body
d. Express hate and indifference
Amazing! How did you fare in the test? Did you score high? Good job, then.
Thank you for answering honestly. You are now ready for the discussion.
Personal Health Attitudes that
1 Influence Sexual Behavior
What’s In
Hi learner! How are you? Have you learned a lot from our previous lesson? If
yes, well and good!
Now, I would like to know how far your understanding is on factors affecting
one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors.
Do you still remember the factors affecting one’s attitudes and practices in
relation to sexuality and sexual behaviors?
Aside from your family, who else can also have a significant impact on your
views on human sexuality? What is the center of information about sexual learning?
What can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards
set by society?
Why is it important to verify the information we take from the internet about
sexuality and sexual health?
Amazing! You did great! You are now ready to discover more about your
personal health attitudes that may influence your sexual behavior. It is important to
understand the concept of this topic. The people or things surround you can be the
factors influencing your attitude towards your sexual behavior.
What’s New
Hi learner! How well do you really know yourself? Do others perceive your
attitude the same way as you do? Well, your answers may vary but would you like to
know how others feel or think about you? Then, engage honestly to the activity below.
Listed below are characteristics which may or may not represent you. Use the
marks in the legend in describing yourself. When you are done, fold the paper in half
and ask a member of your family (father, mother, or older sibling) to rate you.
After completing the task, compare your responses with the answers of your
family member regarding your characteristics. Are they the same? Does your family
member see you as you see yourself? Reflect on this matter. Write your 2-3 sentences
reflection/realization inside the Realization Bubble found in the activity sheet.
I realized that _________________
Great Work! You are now ready to discover more about your personal health
attitudes as well as your sexuality in relation to your own feelings and behavior
towards others!
What is It
Are you still on board? Then, come on, let us learn more!
Now, based on the activity and your reflection, it can be noted that in most
cases, our perception and others’ perception towards our attitudes are significantly
In addition, our personal health attitudes may influence our behaviors
towards others. As you grow older, you will experience social, emotional, and physical
changes. As these happen, you need a thorough knowledge on how to deal with other
Moreover, reproductive health education is the primary factor that may
influence sexual behavior. People’s awareness of their body enables them to protect
themselves from any diseases or illnesses involving reproductive parts. Keeping
abreast with current information on sexually transmitted diseases would help them
avoid threat to their life.
Furthermore, studies show that sexually healthy individuals tend to behave
in the following ways:
Appreciate their own body
Avoid exploitative relationships
Interact with both genders in appropriate and respectful ways
Demonstrate tolerance for people with different values
Decide what is personality “right” and act upon these values
Talk with a partner about sexual activity before it occurs
Seek further information about sexuality.
Healthy sexuality goes beyond your being a man or a woman. It could also
be about your:
Attitudes and feelings
Physical and emotional needs
Sexual needs and desires throughout your lifetime.
Pleasure and fulfillment.
Reproduction and fertility.
Self-image and respect.
As to characteristics, healthy sexuality encompasses the following:
On the other hand, it can be further noted that sexuality encompasses not
only your attitudes and behavior towards yourself but also refers to your perceptions,
feelings, and behaviors toward others.
Below is the FA-SEL-PE diagram which shows healthy attitudes that can
influence sexual behavior. Let us see which of these do you possess.
FA-SEL-PE Diagram
(Family- Self- Peers)
FA- Family
Communicates effectively with family
Able to express love to family members
Performs duties and responsibilities at
SEL- Self
Appreciates own body
Taking good care of your body
Takes responsibility for own behaviors
Knowledgeable about sexuality issues
PE- Peers
Express love and intimacy in
appropriate ways
Have the skills to evaluate readiness for
mature relationship
Interact with both genders in
appropriate and respectful ways
Respect both genders in all aspects
The family as the basic unit of the society plays a vital role in exercising
one’s attitudes and behavior. The family environment creates a venue for
adolescents like you to engage and form the virtues of charity, temperance,
discipline, and respect. A person can be considered sexually healthy if he or
she is able to communicate effectively with the family. He or she is able to
express love and concern towards his or her family members. Performing your
duties and responsibilities at home, like doing your household chores, is a
manifestation of a healthy sexuality.
What’s More
How is your journey, so far? Did the discussion and activities answer
some of your queries and curiosity? Great! We assure you that your journey
with this lesson will equip you with essential ideas about your personal health
attitudes as well as your views and concepts of sexual behavior in relation to
yourself and to others.
Let us deepen your understanding of your personal health attitudes
and of yourself in general by engaging in the activity below. Enjoy learning!
Activity 2: Love You So Mask!
Our activity deals with the importance of mask nowadays. The mask,
may be surgical or cloth mask, helps to keep us safe from virus or bacteria
that may lead to illnesses and diseases. Using a mask today is already part of
our daily life.
In life, we also have our masks which we use in dealing with others.
Human as we are, our attitudes and behaviors towards our self and to others
are our daily masks. These personal masks that we have may help us if
properly used and practiced. On the other hand, this may also put us in
danger if we are not using these masks properly or if we are using weak and
filthy masks.
Below are masks with corresponding personal attitudes of a person.
Study the different masks and answer honestly the given questions.
Given Questions: (Accomplish this task in your activity sheet. Be ready with your
crayons or any coloring materials.)
1. Which three masks would you claim that you used in your day to day living?
2. Which one would you consider as your favorite mask? (You can color it red.)
Give your reason.
3. Among the masks, which mask will you not use? Why? (Color it brown.)
4. Which two masks will you use in dealing with your family? (Color it yellow.)
5. Which two masks would you think not advisable to use when dealing with
your peers? (Color it blue.)
6. Which five masks, if used, will bring you happiness and sense of fulfillment.
Color it Red.
7. In relation to your sexual behavior or in issues related to your sexuality,
which mask you should not use? (Color it black.)
8. Aside from the given masks, what other three masks would you think a
person must use every day?
9. Now, look closely to the masks, what have you observed in terms of the
colors? What will be your assessment of your attitudes with regards to the
color of the masks?
10. What are your reflections on the final look of your output? (Limit your
responses to 3-5 sentences only.)
Excellent! You are almost there. Your responses really showed that you
understood well our lesson today. Keep it up and be ready for greater challenges
ahead. Keep going!
To further assess your understanding and the things you have learned
from this lesson, kindly accomplish the process tasks below:
A. Put a check on the blank on items/ideas you have fully learned and
understood. You may also give reaction, comments or additional ideas on
each of the learned concepts.
____1. Reproductive health education is the primary factor that may influence
sexual behavior.
Additional ideas:
____2. Our personal health attitudes may influence our behaviors towards others.
Additional ideas:
___3. You can build strong relationship with others when you have a good attitude.
Additional ideas:
B. Analyze and share your thoughts regarding these questions then write your
answer on your activity notebook.
1. How essential is healthy sexuality?
2. How should sexually healthy individuals behave?
3. To what extent does healthy sexuality encompass?
4. Why is it important for us to understand the characteristics of a healthy
5. How does healthy attitudes influence your sexual behavior towards your family,
yourself, and your peers?
Bravo! You did great! Now, you’re on your way to the last stage.
Hi learner, you are really commendable! Now, let us see how you will apply
the concepts you have learned in this module to the real-life situations.
This activity is about your reactions and possible undertakings in the given
situations. This will assess your attitudes towards sexual behaviors presented in
each of the situation. Your personal health attitudes really matter. Keep learning.
Have Fun!
Read and understand the situations below. Do what is expected of you in the
situation. The task may require you to have an individual output to be rated using
a rubric. (Write your responses on your activity sheet.)
Situation 1:
You have an online friend who confessed that he/she is homosexual- a gay/
lesbian. Through a chat in a messenger he opened up that he/she was afraid to show
up his/her true self and feelings because he/she is afraid to be judged by others. As
a friend, how will you react on this? Will you change your treatment towards him/
her because of the confession? If given the chance to write a response letter or an
advice letter to that friend, what would be the content of your letter?
Situation 2:
You are an active student leader in your school. Your organization is planning
to conduct a Youth Development Program to help your fellow students better
appreciate themselves and their relationship with others. As a student leader, you
are tasked to create a poster-slogan about appreciating one’s uniqueness to be
posted on your Facebook account as part of your organizations’ way of informing the
students about the program. If you are the chosen leader to perform the task, what
will your poster-slogan look like?
*A poster-slogan is a combination of a poster and a slogan in a single art piece.
Use the activity sheet for your poster slogan.
Take note that your poster-slogan will be assessed using the Rubrics:
Awesome! You did a good job in applying what you have learned. It is good
that you pay attention to details. This time be ready to proceed to a more challenging
This time let’s check if you understood our lesson. Answer carefully because
your score will be recorded.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your
learning activity sheet. (15 points)
9. This is the primary factor that may influence sexual behavior.
a. Sexuality
b. Reproductive health education
c. Sexual Orientation
d. Health and Sanitation
10. It enables the individual to protect themselves from any diseases or illnesses
involving reproductive parts.
a. Health attitudes
b. Sexual desires
c. Body awareness
d. Gender crisis
11. The following are behaviors of sexually healthy individual, except:
a. Appreciate their own body
b. Engage to exploitative relationship
c. Talking about sexual activity with a partner
d. Demonstrate tolerance for people’s different values
12.It is your way of showing your individuality in expressing yourself as a man or as
a woman.
a. Self- love
b. Self- expression
c. Self- knowledge
d. Self- confidence
13. Self –love is defined as ___________.
a. Acceptance of yourself
b. Self-awareness
c. Understanding of your feelings
d. Regard yourself as worthwhile person
14.It is regarding yourself as a worthwhile person.
a. Self-love
b. Self-respect
c. Self-expression
d. Self-confidence
15. Among the choices below, which is the healthy attitude towards the peers that
can influence sexual behaviors?
a. Appreciate own body
b. Knowledgeable about sexuality issues
c. Express hate and indifference
d. Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways
Activity 4: Judging Over WEIGHT
Think of a friend. How far have you known this friend of yours? Complete
the diagram below with the positive and negative health attitudes of your friend.
After completing the diagram, answer the posted questions. Keep Learning. Have
CONGRATULATIONS on finishing the whole module! You are now ready for the
next module.
15. d 15. d
14. b 14. a
13. a 13. b
12. b 12. c
11. b 11. a
10. c 10. a
9. b 9. d
8. d 8. c
7. c 7. b
6. d 6. c
5. c 5. b
4. a 4. c
3. b 3. d
2. d 2. c
1. a 1. a
Pre- Assessment
What I Know
Benavinte, Renato Jr. P., et al. Physical Education and Health: Learner’s Module. (1st
Ed).Pasig City: Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc., 2013.
Cruz, Rosario C., Ph.D. MAPEH 21st Century 8. Manila: St. Augustine Publications,
Inc., 2014.
Gerardo C. Lacia, et al. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action: Worktext in Music, Arts,
Physical Education, and Health. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc., 2018.
Miranda, Queenie S., et al. MAPEH: Music, Art, Physical Education and Health 8.
Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016.
Miranda, Quennie S., et al. MAPEH for Today’s Learner 8. Quezon City: The Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc., 2018.
Santiago, Glinore B., et al. MAPEH: A Worktext in Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Health II. Manila: St. Augustine Publications, Inc., 2004.
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd
SOCCSKSARGEN with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing
the new normal. Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material
to be used by all learners of Region XII in all public schools beginning SY
2020-2021. The process of LR development was observed in the production of
this module. This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments,
and recommendations.