Module 3 HW5
Module 3 HW5
Module 3 HW5
Homework 5
Problem 1
• A horizontal 30 degree bend has a diameter of 600 mm upstream and
300 mm downstream. If the flow is 0.127 m3/s of oil (S=0.88) and the
pressure on the smaller diameter is 265 kPa. (a) Calculate the
horizontal component of the force exerted by the oil on the bend. (b)
Calculate the vertical component of the force exerted by the oil on
the end. Neglect any losses in the bend. (c) Calculate the resultant
force exerted by the oil on the bend.
Problem 2
• A 60 degrees horizontal pipe bend reduces from a diameter of 200
mm to a diameter of 150 mm. The static pressure at the 200 mm
diameter is 138 kPa. If the flow is 8.5 liters per second and the fluid is
water. (a) Compute the static force on the bend. (b) Compute the
dynamic force on the bend. (c) Compute the total force on the bend.
Problem 3
• A nozzle discharge 50 liters/sec with a horizontal velocity of 12 m/s.
The entire jet strikes a series of vanes that are moving in the same
direction as the jet with a velocity of 3 m/s. Each vane has a
deflection angle of 150 degrees. (a) Compute the absolute velocity of
the water as it leaves the vane. (c) Compute the horizontal
component of the forces exerted by the water on the vane. (c)
Determine the work done per second
Problem 4
• A jet of water 75 mm in diameter and moving to right impinges on a
flat plate held normal to its axis. If the velocity of the jet is 25 m/s: (a)
What force will keep the plate in equilibrium? (b) If the plate were
moving to the right with a velocity 9 m/s, what force would the jet
exert on the plate? Had the plate been moving to the left at 9 m/s,
what force would the jet exert on the plate?
Problem 5
• A 50 mm diameter horizontal jet of water strikes a flat plate .(a)
Determine the jet velocity if an 80 N horizontal force is required to
permit the plate to move at a constant speed of 2 m/s. to the right.
(b)Determine the jet velocity if the plate is stationary. (c) Determine
the jet velocity if the plate is to move at a constant speed of 2 m/s to
the left .
Problem 6
• A stream having a discharge per meter width of channel of 1 m3/s has
a depth after the jump of 1m. (a) Determine the velocity after the
jump. (b) Solve for the hydrostatic forces at point before and after the
jump. (c) Check the critical depth.
Problem 7
• A rectangular channel carrying water with a velocity of 5m/s has a
uniform depth of 1m. (a) Determine the Froude Number at point 1
and classify the flow if supercritical , critical or subcritical? (b) If a
jump is possible what is the depth after the jump?
Problem 8
• The elasticity and dimensions of a pipe are such that the celerity of
pressure wave is 975 m/s. The pipe diameter is 1.2m and a valve is
located 600m downstream. Water is flowing initially at 0.85 m3/s. (a)
Find the water hammer pressure for instantaneous valve closure. (b)
what is the approximate water hammer pressure if the valve is closed
in 4 sec. (c) What is the water-hammer pressure if the valve is
manipulated so that the flow drops almost instantly from 0.85 m3/s to
0.28 m3/s.
Problem 9
• A non-rigid steel pipe 60 cm in diameter is to carry a maximum static
head of 350 m of water and additional pressure due to water hammer
when quick closing valve stops a flow of 0.85 cubic meter per second.
The pipe has a thickness of 18 mm and a bulk modulus of Eb = 3000
MPa, E = 200000 MPa for steel. (a) Compute the celerity of the
pressure wave. (b) Compute the total pressure on the pipe after the
closure of the valve. (c) Compute the maximum stress acting on the
pipe (hint : Use concept of thin walled pressures)
Problem 10
• A rigid pipe has a diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1020m. Water
having a bulk modulus of 2.0164 x 10^9 N/m2 flows in the pipe. (a)
Calculate the velocity of sound in the water. (b) Compute the
maximum permissible discharge if the water hammer pressure does
not exceed 1400 kPa when the outlet valve is suddenly closed in
liters/sec. (c) Compute the rise in pressure due to sudden closure of
the outlet valve when the valve closure takes in 4 seconds.
Problem 11
• Find the height of water that could rise behind a rectangular masonry
wall 2m thick and 5m high without causing an intensity of pressure at
the toe greater than twice the average pressure of the base. Assume
sp. gr. of masonry as 2.4.
Problem 12
• A trapezoidal masonry dam with vertical upstream face is 4.6 m high,
0.6m wide at the top and 3m wide at the base. Hydrostatic uplift
varies from full hydrostatic pressure at the heel to zero at the toe.
Find the depth of water if the pressure at the toe is twice the average
pressure at the base. Wt. of masonry is 2,400 kg/m3
Problem 13
• A trapezoidal dam having a top width of
0.60m and a bottom width of 1.2m is 1.8 m
high. The depth of water on the vertical side
of the dam is 2.4 m. Determine the max and
min pressure at the bottom of the dam.
Neglect the effect of water on the inclined