Adsorption PDF
Adsorption PDF
Adsorption PDF
Adsorption Dryers
Eurodry ED series
for Compressed Air
adsorption dryers
Heatless regenerated adsorption dryers use a simple regeneration principle, using a
small portion* of the dried compressed air, expanded to atmospheric pressure. This
extremely dry air flows in counter-flow direction through the saturated desiccant and
removes the moisture. The adsorption/regeneration cycle is electronically controlled
and varies from 4 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the dryer.
Heatless-regenerated adsorption dryers require a minimum of service, are very flexi-
ble in their application and can be installed easily. The relatively short cycle times
allow short on/off switching sequences. In case the dewpoint performance is not too
critical, heatless dryers can be controlled by the running contact of the compressor.
The Eurodry ED and EDC series are heatless adsorption dryers, providing a pressure
dewpoint from -20°C to -70°C. (ISO 8573, class 1-3)
EDC dryers are available in a capacity range from 6 to 240 m³/h, offering many
advantages. This very compact design requires a minimum of floor space. All service
parts are easy to access and the inlet and outlet connections can be chosen on
either side of the dryer, depending on the positioning of the compressor. Eurodry Compact EDC series
The drying cycle is controlled electronically and features a memory function, which
ensures that the regeneration cycle is completed after re-starting the dryer.
ED series heatless adsorption dryers (capacity range from 160 to 5.950 m³/h) offer a highly reliable performance, combined with
a maximum of economic use. Specially selected inlet valves are pneumatically-controlled and require a minimum of maintenance.
Using a manual setting device, the user can select the required dewpoint and adapt the dryer to varying loads. Inlet and outlet fil-
ters can be fitted to the dryer, forming a compact and complete quality air treatment package. Optionally, a third pressure vessel
can be installed, containing activated carbon. This adsorber will provide technically oil-free air for use in special applications, such
as electronic industry, medical applications and drug and food handling processes.
Optional ED series dryers can be supplied with a dewpoint-controlled cycling device. A highly sensitive dewpoint meter is installed
at the outlet of the dryer and measures the saturation degree of the drying adsorber. The regeneration will not start before the
maximum drying capacity has been reached. Under “low load” operating conditions this device will economize the regeneration
process and save an important quantity of regeneration air.
* Deltech dryers use about 15% of the dry air capacity for regeneration under standard operating conditions according to ISO 7183, for a pressure dewpoint of -40°C.
adsorption dryers
Deltech Serie MWE
These dryers have electrical heating ele-
ments placed into the drying bed which
warm-up the desiccant directly. A minimal
quantity of dried compressed air (about
2.5%) is used to transport the moisture out
of the adsorber and cool the desiccant
down at the end of the regeneration phase.
During changeover, the compressed air
flows through both vessels simultaneously
for about 20 minutes, whereby possible
temperature and dewpoint fluctuations are
The utilisation of the optional Energy Man-
agement System results here in significant
energy savings, especially in the case of
changing operating conditions. The MWE
series covers a range of performance from
245 to 4280 m³/h and provide a pressure
dewpoint of down to -40°C (Specification
according to ISO 7183)
MWE Series: Internally-heated Adsorption Dryer
Externally-heated adsorption dryers Heat of compression
Delair Serie DB Delair XD dryer
This heat-regenerated adsorption dryer is the most commonly used in medium-sized to The motivation behind the development
big-sized compressed air installations (from 350 to 13.000 m³/h). As opposed to the of the XD adsorption dryer series was
internally-heated dryers, the heaters used for regeneration are easy to control, simple to the desire to make rational use of avail-
service and they can optionally be combined with steam heating. able energies. Installations of this series
In these dryers, the flow during the drying and during the regeneration are both from top utilise the heat of compression of the
to bottom. This principle offers the following advantages: compressed air for the regeneration of
the saturated desiccant. The com-
An optimal utilisation of the regeneration energy and heat of adsorption
pressed air coming from an oil-free
No dewpoints peaks during changeover compressor with a temperature of 110
Protection against appearance of liquid water to 230°C is used for the regeneration
No loss of compressed air for the cooling process process, before being cooled down to
35°C in the compressor aftercooler.
Protection of the desiccant at starting of the compressor and from pressure and flow After being cooled down, the com-
fluctuations. pressed air is dried to a dewpoint of
Delair DB dryers do not make use of any compressed air and have a maximal pressure 0 to -40°C, depending on the available
drop of 0.1 bar. This drying principle also offers the possibility of an Energy Manage- regeneration temperature. By means of
ment System with ample technical and economical advantages. A special option is the this procedure no extra energy is need-
“closed-loop” cooling, which makes it possible to use the dryer with high ambient tem- ed and there is no loss of compressed
perature or when a pressure dewpoint of -70°C is required. Also under such conditions, air. Drying, regeneration and cooling
no compressed air is used for regeneration or cooling. take place under pressure. Because of
The DB series dryers are simple to operate and are equipped with a display showing this, the mechanical strain on the adsor-
current information and historical operating data. Extra communication modules for con- bent and the valves is minimal and the
nection with higher-level process control systems are also available. service intervals are extended.
Deltech Hybridryer, the synergy of combination
Certain production processes such as instrument air, air for pneumatic control systems and process engineering solutions, feed air for
the transport of powdery materials in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food processing industries, etc., require dependably treated,
high-quality compressed air - technically oil-free and very dry - with pressure dew points of below 0°C down to -40°C.
If the compressed air is channelled through extensive pipe networks or in areas exposed to ambient weather conditions, disturbances
due to frozen condensate are - especially in winter time - the order of the day.
Here, a flexible dryer type is necessary, which selects the dewpoint depending on the ambient conditions.
The Hybridryer uses the most cost-effective refrigerant dryer system for the air treatment up to +3°C, which removes the main water
load from the compressed air (85%!).
dessicant adsobers
heat exchanger
air outlet
10 dew 1 2 3 4 5 6
point (-70 ∞C) (-40 ∞C) (-20 ∞C) (+3 ∞C) (+7 ∞C) (+10 ∞C)
class HybriDryer
regenerative desiccant dryer refrigeration dryer
0 20 40 60 50 100 membrane dryer*
* only for small volume flows
relative huminity %
ideal condition for the adsorbent activated alumina dew point classes and their energy requirements
200 t
desiccant dryer* C02 reduction r*
49% d rye
CO2 emissions in 12 months
dew point -40∞C de
100 t
dew point -40∞C HybriDryer
1 2 3 4 5
CO2 reductions with the HybriDryer cost savings with the HybriDryer
Deltech filters
the air treatment.
All adsorption dryers use a highly effi-
cient adsorbent Delsorb HQ, which
has a lifetime of about 5 years under
standard operating conditions. This
durability can be considerably short-
ened due to oil, liquid water and other
impurities. For this reason, it is also
necessary to install a dirt filter and an
oil fine filter at the inlet of the dryer.
Since the desiccant produces some
dust as a result of the mechanical and
thermal strain, it is also necessary to
protect the downstream part of the
system with a dust filter.
Deltech offers a complete filter pro-
gramme, precisely conceived for the
adsorber series.
Hybrid-Serie DHD