Comparative Advantage As A Success Factor in Football Clubs: Evidence From The English Premier League (EPL)
Comparative Advantage As A Success Factor in Football Clubs: Evidence From The English Premier League (EPL)
Comparative Advantage As A Success Factor in Football Clubs: Evidence From The English Premier League (EPL)
As in international trade, football clubs can benefit more if they specialize in what they have or can create
comparative advantage. In a world of scarce resources, clubs need to identify what makes them successful
and invest accordingly. The main objective of this study is to understand what influences the success of
football teams in the English Premier League (EPL) championship games. Based on Ricardo’s model of
comparative advantage and applying Factor analysis as well as Panel data approach, this study investigates
the need for specialization and tradeoffs between defensive and offensive patterns of the game in order for
EPL clubs to be more successful. The data used in this study covers the period 2010-2017 of the EPL data.
The results reveal that, in general, a better defense is slightly more important for success. The outcomes
were different for the top- and bottom-ranking clubs. We found that it is more important for bottom-ranking
teams to play better defensively than offensively, while for top-performing teams, the probability of success
is more affected by offensive style. In addition, there is a tradeoff between these two styles of play; when
bottom-ranking teams try to play better defensively, it often comes at the expense of a poor offensive pattern,
but almost no one plays offense at the expense of a poor defense. Unlike the bottom-ranking teams, the top-
ranking teams did not face tradeoffs, but they were able to improve both their defensive and offensive
patterns. The recommendation put forward by this study argue that bottom-ranking clubs should specialize
Corresponding author. Business College, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait.
Submitted for publication April 2018
Accepted for publication July 2018
Published June 2019 (in press October 2018)
© Faculty of Education. University of Alicante
292 | 2019 | ISSUE 2 | VOLUME 14 © 2019 University of Alicante
Georgievski et al. / Comparative advantage in football JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
first in defense. Keywords: Match analysis; Tactics; Offensive; Defensive; Success factors; Performance
indicators; Factor analysis; Comparative advantage; English Premier League.
Club success in sports is a relative term. While some teams are always trying to win the EPL, others are
happy with just staying in the competition. Before every season starts, sport experts analyze potential
overachievers and underachievers, based on money spent, squad experience, and other quantitative and
qualitative perceptions.
As in international trade, football clubs can benefit more if they specialize in what they have or can create
comparative advantage. In a world of scarce resources, clubs need to identify what makes them successful
and invest accordingly; in playing better defensively and/or offensively, in selecting players carefully, in using
smart management approaches, and so forth. We should keep in mind that having a comparative advantage
does not necessary lead to success, despite an abundance of resources; also, not everyone needs to
specialize in one direction, just as rich countries do not specialize in a few products. However, smaller clubs,
like smaller countries, need to make maximum use of the resources they have.
The purpose of this study is to discover the best strategies for clubs with different rankings to increase their
probability of success. By using quantitative methods, clubs can look at ways to create advantages in order
to increase that probability. Every season in every sport involves overachievers and underachievers. The
factors examined by the experts are plentiful – experience, squad chemistry, imbalanced squads, lack of
defense, and lack of offense – in short, anything you can quantify. We limit ourselves here to analyses of
how offensive and defensive play patterns affect the probability of success and explore what tradeoffs are
called for (if any) between these two strategies.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the next section reviews the theoretical framework of the issue
followed by relevant literature. Furthermore, section four describes the data and the econometric model.
Section five reports the main empirical results. Finally, last section of the article summarizes the main findings
and draws the conclusion.
Theoretical framework
Based on Ricardo’s comparative advantage model, the abilities possessed by different teams may lead to
comparative advantage in some parts of the game. As in international trade, all football clubs do not have
the same characteristics. As some countries can produce cars and have a comparative advantage in car
production, others offer a comparative advantage in oil production. Some countries have a comparative
advantage in fruit or vegetable production. (Alvarez & Fuentes, 2012). The theory of comparative advantage
has significant explanatory power and an impact on today’s international trade (Costinot & Donaldson, 2012).
Football clubs need to create advantage and to be more successful than their opponents. However, as
mentioned previously, all football clubs do not have the same goals, nor the same resources. Based on the
resources that they do possess, they need to be able to achieve their goals. Applying the theory of
comparative advantage to football reveals the potential of a tradeoff between offensive and defensive play
that can help a club be more successful. Clubs that specialize in one pattern of play, either defensive or
offensive (depends on their aspirations), are more successful than similar clubs that try to play better
defensively and offensively at the same time.
In an attempt to explain what makes a country more successful in trade, most Economists, instead of
analyzing only comparative advantage, focus on a narrower application of Ricardo’s theory and analyse
international trade relations through revealed comparative advantage (RCA) (Balassa, 1965; Laursen,
2015;Brakman & Van Marrewijk, 2017). While larger countries need less specialization due to their greater
resources, specialization, according to the theory of comparative advantage, still benefits a country by
pushing it to use its resources, and to produce and trade, in accordance with its comparative advantage
(Gallardo, 2005; Acharya, 2008).
The EPL was created on the back of the old First Division in 1992. It is the largest football league, and offers
the largest numbers of rich football clubs, in terms of revenue, in Europe. The financial success of the league
and its clubs depends on several factors, such as field success, brand value, and team investments (Rohde
& Breuer, 2016; Carmichael, McHale, & Thomas, 2011). With the influx of foreign direct investment and
changes in ownership within the EPL, clubs are able to afford better players, which leads to richer and better
teams, with strong financing and higher positions in the league. As a result, however, the competitive balance
of the league has been reduced (Jones & Cook, 2015), but one of the biggest fears, that increased spending
might cause a financial crisis, has so far been unfounded (Szymanski, 2010; Georgievski & Zeger, 2016). In
order for clubs to be more successful, they need to spend more, but increased spending and increased
income in the league, have led to an increase in the price of assets (players), and this had led to the fear of
a financial crisis. Moreover, key promoters of this increased spending on transfers and players have
increased the income in football from TV rights (Burdekin & Franklin, 2012); income for domestic TV rights
was £5.14 billion in 2018.
Football is becoming the most televised sport on the globe. The amount of money paid for TV broadcasting
rights points to the future development of the game (Buraimo, Paramio, & Campos, 2010). English football
clubs are reaping the highest income from selling the league’s game rights around the world. What is even
more interesting is that increased uncertainty of match outcome, increases revenue of the clubs. The more
balance a league has and the more uncertain game outcomes are, the more demand there is for broadcasts
across the entire league. Fans and consumers prefer watching uncertain games on TV (Buraimo & Simmons,
2008; Cox, 2018).
Since the nature of competition means teams must try to outscore their opponents, and at the end of year
collect more points, football clubs have been trying to develop ways and plays to win. Since the game consists
of both offensive and defensive play, this article focuses on the specialization of teams in regard to these
styles of play, in light of Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage.
Just as countries can have certain advantages in international trade, football clubs can achieve a comparative
advantage involving certain aspects of the game, such as details of defensive and offensive play, and
elements such as possession, set-piece scoring, and counter-attack plays.
Sports writers talk of achieving competitive advantage in sports, some look at different aspects of the game
as a model for creating comparative rather than competitive advantage. Berman et al. (2002) analyzed tacit
knowledge as way of creating competitive advantage in the NBA. They found that there is a positive
relationship between shared team experience and team performance, indicating that playing together for a
period of time can create an advantage for clubs.
One of the first studies in this area was conducted by Tcha and Pershin (2003), who observed that countries
may specialize in sports the way they specialize in international trade, by creating comparative advantage in
a specific sports. Additionally, these authors used the concept of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) to
examine the Olympic Games, analyzing both specialization in sports and the RCA concept, and found that
high-income countries specialize less.
Bois and Heyndels (2012) had very interesting findings regarding influences on patterns of specialization. In
their study, levels of success clearly relied on population and wealth. There was a tendency for high-income
countries to diversify their activity more. Other factors that influenced comparative advantage were population
size, politics, and religion. The results show that socialist countries have a significant RCA in non-running
events, where talent detection and youth development programs are crucial, whereas they have a revealed
disadvantage in sprinting.
Literature review
The application of economic theories to sports is not new. Many scholarly articles focus on the relationship
between economics and sports, and the impact of economics on sports. However, very few articles analyze
the use of comparative advantage in sports. Related articles on football address either the performance of
football clubs or aspects of the game that lead to competitive advantage.
Fernandez-Navarro, Fradua, Ford, and McRobert (2016) used a methodology similar to the one used in this
study to analyze the offensive and defensive styles of play of Spanish and English teams. Using factor
analysis, they examined 19 performance indicators (14 offensive and 5 defensive), with the aim of
categorizing the football teams. The authors concluded that teams could be differentiated by their playing
styles, based on specific performance indicators, which can be used to compare teams in competition and
can also be used by teams to design specific training to improve their profiles.
In an attempt to analyze the keys to success of EPL teams, Oberstone (2009) analyzed performance in 2007-
2008 years. He used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to separate the teams into three different categories (top,
bottom, and middle of the league) and then used a retrodictive linear multiple regression model that defined
five pitch factors (defending, crosses, goal attempts, discipline, passing) that contributed to success and
more points scored by a football club.
A similar approach, but one that focused on the European Champions League was used by Liu, Yi, Giménez,
Gómez, & Lago-Peñas (2015). It involved 16 performance-related items and clustered teams based on their
Among the most frequently analyzed aspects of sports competition are the home advantage and the
significance of playing in front of a home crowd (Carmichael & Thomas, 2005; Lago-Peñas & Lago-
Ballesteros, 2011). The home advantage is created by a number of factors (Legaz-Arrese, Moliner-Urdiales,
& Munguía-Izquierdo, 2013): crowd familiarity, travel, rules, and territoriality. Leite (2017) analyzed 3,223
games in ten football leagues in Europe for the 2015-2016 season. Marek and Vávra (2017) analyzed the
EPL teams from the 1992-1993 season to the 2015-2016 season. Their study used a goal-difference
approach rather than a points-scored approach to show home advantage. In addition, Ribeiro, Mukherjee,
and Zeng (2016) performed an analysis of home game advantage in the NBA. They analyzed in-game
changes and the effects of the home advantage, and concluded that home teams score an added 0.13 points
per minute in home matches.
Szimanski and Kuper (2009), in his book Soccernomics looked at racism issues in mid-1990s football in
England. In his book, used regression analysis to investigate the impact of black players on football clubs.
He found by comparing clubs with similar budgets, that clubs which were more willing to use black—namely,
lower-priced—players held better positions.
When comparative advantage is seen as a form of specialization intended to lower the cost of production, or
in this case, to lead to team success, the use of lower-priced players leads to comparative advantage. Thus,
in a similar way, the current EPL is exploring other leagues to find cheaper players.
One of the most frequent objects of analysis in the area of competitive sports is performance. Araya and
Larkin (2014) analyzed the performance of English teams in 2012-2013 and found that the factor that
distinguished the top ten from the bottom ten teams was possession. In order to control a football game, a
team needs to have more frequent possession of the ball. Similar findings, but for different leagues, can be
found from other studies (Lago-Peñas & Dellal , 2010; Armatas, Zaggelidis, Skoufas, Papadopoulou, &
Fragkos, 2009; GÖRAL, 2015; Kempe, Vogelbein, Memmert, & Nopp, 2014; Aquino, Garganta, Manechini,
Bedo, & Puggina, 2017). Moreover, for possession to be effective, it must happen closer to your opponent’s
goal; otherwise, an increase in possession is totally ineffective (Casal, Maneiro, Ardá, Marí, & Losada, 2017).
Using an Elo rating system, Gasquez and Royuela (2014) performed a sensitivity analysis and concluded
that economics, demographics, weather, geography, and football institutions are factors in success.
Additionally, they showed that this ranking based on these factors are better indicators of success than FIFA
Studies of performance often focus on parts of the game such as manager changes and their impact
(Gonzalez-Gomez, Picazo-Tadeo, & Garcia-Rubio, 2011) or the impact of ownership structure on team
performance (Wilson, Plumley, & Ramchandani, 2013; Flint , Plumley, & Wilson, 2015; Besters, Van Ours, &
Van Tuijl, 2016). While clubs can improve their performance with a mid-season manager change, they are
not as efficient as clubs that do not change managers. Additionally, clubs that are on the stock market perform
better and comply more with FIFA financial fair play rules.
Bois and Heyndels (2012) followed the same approach in exploring specialization and comparative
advantage in athletics. They found that richer countries diversify more, larger countries specialize in sprinting
and middle-distance running, and (former) socialist countries have a significant revealed comparative
advantage in non-running events and a disadvantage in sprinting. The date used and the empirical
methodology employed are discussed next.
The main objective of this study was to discover factors that influence the success of football teams in EPL
championship games. Each team observed was categorized according to its offensive and defensive play
patterns, using factor analysis. A total of 12 performance indicators were analyzed; six represented the
offensive and six the defensive style of play. Teams were ranked from 1 (the least successful) to 20 (the most
successful) based on points scored. Teams ranking 15th or above were defined as successful, teams ranking
sixth or below as unsuccessful. The analyses include 2010-2017 EPL championship panel data obtained
online from Variables used in empirical analysis can be summarized in Table 1 with
the respective notations.
Average number of shots allowed per game during the season Shots allowed pg
Average number of tackles per game during the season Tackles pg
Average number of interceptions per game during the season Interceptions pg
Average number of fouls per game during the season Fouls pg
Average number of off-sides per game during the season Offsides pg
Total scored goals during the season GF
Average number of shots per game during the season Shots pg
Average number of shots on target per game during the season Shots OT pg
Average number of dribbles per game during the season Dribbles pg
Average number of times a team was fouled in a game Fouled pg
Using factor analysis, we defined two patterns for each team in each season – how offensive and how
defensive they are. To understand the offensive patterns, we use following variables: Conceded Goals, Shots
allowed per game, Tackles per game, Interceptions per game, Fouls per game, Off-sides per game. To
assess defensiveness, we use the following variables: Scored goals, Shots per game, Shots on target per
game, Dribbles per game, Fouled per game (see table 1). As a dependent variable, we generate success,
which takes a value of 0 if a team’s rank is less than or equal to 6, a value of 2 if a team’s rank is 15 or above,
and a value of 1 otherwise. The rank of a team is based on total points scored. Teams with the same score
have the same rank. Thus, the number of teams in the different categories varies, as shown in Table 2.
Finally, we apply regression analysis with different modifications to identify factors that affect the success of
a football team in the EPL.
The first variable (ga) seems to be the most important for describing the defensive pattern of a team because
it affects all the other variables “positively” (coefficient = 0.7755), as shown by the signs in the first column of
the factor-loading table. The signs on three of the loadings are negative, while these variables have reversed
their influence. In other words, higher number of goals allowed (ga), shots allowed per game
(shotsallowedpg), and fouls per game (foulspg) are associated with poor defensive patterns, whereas a
higher number of tackles per game (tacklespg), interceptions per game (interceptionspg), and off-sides per
game (offsiderspg) are associated with good defensive patterns. Most of the uniqueness coefficients are not
high, which means that the variables are explained well by the factors. From the factor analysis, we save
fitted values under a new variable called defensive, with a reversed sign, so that a low value means a weak
defensive pattern, and a high value a strong one.
The variable defensive varies within a -1.8 to 1.8 interval. In general, looking at linear trends on Figure 1, we
observe that the top and bottom teams have positive trends, but improvement in defensiveness is more
pronounced top ranked teams in recent years. The gap between the most successful (= 2) and the least
successful (= 0) teams reached its maximum in 2017.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
The first three variables (gf, shotspg, shotsotpg) seem to be the most important for describing the offensive
patterns of a team. The other two variables (dribblespg, fouledpg) also have a positive influence, but it is
rather weak. This is reflected in the high uniqueness coefficients. Higher numbers for all the variables are
associated with more offensive patterns. The fitted values of the factor analyses we define as “offensive”
coefficients for each team.
The variable offensive varies within a -2 to 2.6 interval. On average offensive pattern has downward sloping
trend, meaning that teams played less offensively over time on average. The gap between the most
successful (= 2) and the least successful teams (= 0) reached its maximum in 2017 due to outstanding
offensive pattern among top ranked teams (Figure 2).
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Regression analysis
In order to understand how the offensive and defensive strategies of a team affect its success, we apply the
Tobit model as well as the OLS model. Panel-level variance is negligible and not different from the pooled
one, as shown by the rho coefficient (see Appendix C). Both models give robust results, and coefficients of
both variables are significant and similar (Table 3). A strong defense increases one’s chances of success
more than a strong offense. Our findings prove one of the oldest aphorisms in sports, one that applies
especially to football: “Defense wins championships“.
Even if we standardize the independent variables used in the models to control for small discrepancies,
defensive still appears to have a stronger impact on success, than offensive as seen in Table 4.
0,5 Everton
Stoke Blackburn
Birmingham Sunderland
-0,5 Wolverhampton
-1,0 Wanderers West Ham
Hull Portsmouth
-1,5 Burnley
-2,0 -1,0 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0
Middlesbrough Albion
StokeCrystal Palace
Watford West Ham
-0,5 Leicester
Burnley Bournemouth
-1,5 Hull
-2,5 -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5
The Figures 3 and 4 show that better-performing teams can improve in both defensive and offensive play
(that is, move away from the lower left in the graph toward the upper right), but there is a tradeoff for bottom-
ranking teams: If a team concentrates on playing better defensively, it might weaken its offense. In addition,
in general, these teams play better defensively than offensively (upper left quadrant), but almost none of
them plays offensively at the expense of a poor defense (the lower right quadrant is usually empty 1). The
correlation between degrees of offensive and defensive play differs significantly between the top- and bottom-
ranking teams,2 indicating that the tradeoff between these two strategies is weaker among the better teams,
which manage to improve simultaneously in both. We split our regression analysis into two parts to see which
strategy is more important for a team to move from success category 0 to 1 and separately from 1 to 2. In
Table 5, the column “Success 0-1” includes teams from the bottom- (0) and mid-ranking (1) categories,
whereas the column “Success 1-2” includes teams from the mid- (1) and top-ranking (2) categories.
Table 5. The importance of offensive vs. defensive strategies for different success categories
Success 0-1
Tobit Model OLS Model
Dependent Independent Coefficient Z-stat Coefficient T-stat
variable variables (Std. Error) (P-value) (Std. Error) (P-value)
Success Offensive 0.2208*** 2.65 0.1752*** 2.23
(0.0832) (0.008) (0.0785) (0.028)
Defensive 0.2762*** 4.24 0.2994*** 4.60
(0.0651) (0.000) (0.0650) (0.000)
Success 1-2
Tobit Model OLS Model
Dependent Independent Coefficient Z-stat Coefficient T-stat
variable variables (Std. Error) (P-value) (Std. Error) (P-value)
Success Offensive 0.2381*** 4.62 0.2712*** 5.86
(0.0516) (0.000) (0.0463) (0.000)
Defensive 0.2136*** 3.55 0.2277*** 3.86
(0.0601) (0.000) (0.0590) (0.000)
***, **, and * denotes statistical significance level at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
For more information, see Appendix G and H.
As can be seen from Table 5, the probability of success for the teams in the “Success 0-1” category is
influenced more by their defensive strategy, while for teams that want to shift from the middle category to the
top category, offense plays a greater role. The results are robust for all of the models, and all of the
coefficients are statistically significant.
We have also included the annual budgets for salaries in the analyses (not reported). For the subgroup
“Success 0-1,” the variable was not significant and the coefficient was almost zero, while for subgroup
“Success 1-2,” the variable had a positive coefficient and was statistically significant, with a p-value of 0.014.
These results indicate that among the mid- and top-ranking teams, the richer teams have a better chance of
becoming more successful compared to the similar teams, in terms of offensive and defensive patterns.
1 See Appendix I.
2 The correlation is 0.48 for the top-ranking teams and 0.02 for the bottom-ranking ones.
302 | 2019 | ISSUE 2 | VOLUME 14 © 2019 University of Alicante
Georgievski et al. / Comparative advantage in football JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
Success in football depends on many interrelated aspects – finances, talent selection, management
approaches, training, etc., and while resources are limited, teams need to make optimal decisions about how
to allocate their resources to increase their chances of success: Should they specialize and gain a
comparative advantage through their defensive or offensive style. This is the main question addressed in this
We found that top-ranking football clubs have less need for specialization; they can improve in both offense
and defense. Both modes of play increase the probability of success, but for the “good” 3 clubs, it is more
effective to play better offensive. Low-ranking clubs face tradeoffs between these two styles of play – for
them, better defensive play often comes at the expense of offense.
As a result, we argue that bottom-ranking clubs should specialize first in defense. The research also shows
that financial resources have a weak but significant influence on the probability of success for “good” clubs,
while they are totally insignificant for bottom-ranking clubs.
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VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 2 | 2019 | 305
Georgievski et al. / Comparative advantage in football JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
Appendix G: Tobit model and OLS results (xttobit, success, offensive, defensive if success<=1)
Appendix H: Tobit model and OLS results (xttobit, success, offensive, defensive if success>=1)