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Shear Stress and Stirrups Details

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If a beam of homogeneous material is loaded with a
concentrated load say W, the shear force at any section of the
beam on account of the load would be equal to . If equal
resistance to the shear force could be offered throughout the
depth of the beam, the shear stress at the section of the beam

would have been and hence the shear force diagram would have
been a rectangle indicating uniform shear resistance of the beam
from top face to the bottom face.
Actually, the shear stress in a homogenous beam is zero at the
top and bottom face of the beam and increases to its maximum
value at the neutral axis of the beam i.e., at . Hence, the stress
diagram is parabolic as shown in the Fig. 22.1. It can be proved
by simple mechanics that the maximum shear stress in the beam,

Where              V= maximum shear force in the beam.

In case of reinforced concrete beam, the concrete below the
neutral axis in neglected and S.F. is assumed to be resisted by
the bond between the steel and the concrete. Hence, the shear
stress in a R.C. beam increase from zero at the top face of the
beam to its maximum value at the neutral axis and from neutral
axis down to the C.G. of the reinforcing bars, it remains uniform
as shown in Fig. 22.2.
            If V be the total shear force in the beam then, from stress
V = Area of stress diagram x Breadth of the beam.
Area of the stress diagram consists of two parts.


In IS: 456-1978 the equation for shear stress given above has
been simplified by dropping the lever arm factor and by
changing the term shear stress by the term nominal shear stress.
This simplification is reasonable since the nom.inal shear stress
represents merely a measure of the average intensity of stress in
the beam.
The formula for calculating nominal shear stress in beams or

slab of uniform depth specified in the code is    


22.3.1 Nominal Shear Stress in Case Beams of Varying

Beams of uniform width and varying depths are commonly used
in practice. Cantilever beams continuous beam with haunches at
support, footings etc. fall under this category. In case of beams
of varying depth the nominal shear stress is calculated by the
modified equation given below.

The negative sign in the formula applies when the bending

moment M increases numerically in the same direction as the
effective depth d increases and the positive sign when the
moment decreases numerically in this direction.
The effect of shear in R.C. beams is to create principal tensile
and compression stresses equal in magnitude to the shear stress
as obtained by normal shear stress equation given above but
acting at 45˚ to the horizontal.
The effect of shear on a block ABCD is shown in Fig. 22.3. It is
noted that when the block is subjected to shear stress of
intensity, compressive stresses are developed along the diagonal
plane BD and tensile stresses are developed along the diagonal
plane AC. The intensity of the diagonal compressive or tensile
stress being each equal to . Thus if the block is weak in
compression, it will fail by the crushing of a material of the
block on account of the diagonal compressive stress along
diagonal plane BD. On the other hand, if the material of the
block is weak in tension, it will have a tendency to split up into
two parts along the diagonal plane AC.
As an outcome of rigorous experimental test it has been
observed that beams without shear reinforcement can fail in the
following ways.
(a) Diagonal tension failure: In this type of failure diagonal
cracks appear in the beams (near support) which are inclined
nearly at 45˚ to the horizontal as shown in Fig. 22.4. This
situation arises when magnitude of shear force is large in
relation to bending moment.
(b) Flexural shear failure. In this case the cracks appear
normally at 90˚ to the horizontal as shown in Fig. 22.5. This
type of failure occurs when bending moment is comparatively
large in relation to the shear force.
(c) Diagonal compression failure. This type of failure takes
place by crushing of concrete in the compression zone near the
load as the diagonal crack formed independently penetrates in
that zone as shown in Fig. 22.6.
Shear reinforcement essentially provided to prevent formation of
crack and failure of the beam due to shear. To guard against
diagonal compression failure highlighted in team (c) above, the
code has fixed the upper limit for maximum allowable shear
stress in a member.
As a result of extensive studies it has been established that
concrete in beam without shear reinforcement is capable of
resisting certain amount of shear force. This shear strength or
shear resistance of concrete is due to many factors (refer Fig.
22.7) the most important of which are:
(a) Shear force resisted by uncracked compression zone of
(b) Shear force resisted by vertical component of the force due
to aggregate interlock.
(c) Shear force across longitudinal tensile reinforcement in beam
(also known as dowel force).
IS: 456-1978 has specified values of permissible shear stress in
concrete ( which account for the cumulative effect of all the
above factors for working out the shear resistance of concrete.
The value of ( for different grades of concrete and different
percentage of longitudinal tensile reinforcement as given in the
code are reproduced in Table 22.1
Table 22.1 Permissible shear stress in concrete

Permissible shear stress in concrete( in N/mm2 in different grades of concrete


M15 M 20 M25 M30 M35 M40

0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32

0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38

1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42

1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46

1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49

1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52

2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55

2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57

2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60

2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62

0.44 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.63
Note : As is that area of longitudinal tension reinforcement
which continues at least one effective    depth beyond the section
being considered except at supports where the full area of     
tension reinforcement may be used.
The shear resistance of concrete (Vc) in a beam is worked out by
multiplying value of  obtained from Table 22.1 with cross-
sectional area of the beam i.e., shear force resisted by
(i) Permissible shear stress in concrete without shear
reinforcement: The permissible shear stress in concrete in beams
without shear reinforcement shall be as given Table 22.1
For solid slabs the permissible shear stress in concrete, shall be
where K has the value given in Table 22.2
Table 5.2 K value

Overall depth of 300 or 150 or

275 250 225 200 175
slab in (mm) more less

K 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

Note :  The above do not apply to flat slabs.
(ii) Permissible shear stress in concrete with shear
reinforcement. When shear reinforcement is provided the
nominal shear stress ( in beams shall not exceed. Given in Table
Table 5.3 Maximum shear stress in beams

Grade of M M M M M M M
concrete 15 20 25 10 35 35 40

1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.5

Maximum shear stress for slabs: For slabs  shall not exceed half
the value of  given in Table 22.2.
It has now been established that in beam without shear
reinforcement sudden diagonal tension failure occur without
warning. This makes such a member unsafe. It is observed that
provision of certain minimum amount of shear reinforcement
(even if the shear force developed at the section is less than
shear resistance of concrete) has a distinct advantage. Such
reinforcement besides resisting part of shear by itself also
improves the capacity of concrete compression zone and the
longitudinal tensile reinforcement to resist shear. The minimum
shear reinforcement specified in the code also caters for any
sudden transfer of tensile stress from the web concrete to the
shear reinforcement.
As per IS: 456-1978 when the value of the nominal shear ( as
calculated from equation works out to be less than the
permissible shear stress in concrete (, minimum shear
reinforcement in the form of stirrups, shall be provided in
accordance with the relation

The term characteristic strength is defined as the strength of

material below which not more than 5 per cent of the test results
are expected to fall. For mild steel reinforcement  is taken = 250
N/mm2 and for High Yield Strength Deformed bars (HYSD
bars)  is taken = 415 N/mm2.
The above provision need not be applied to members of minor
structural importance such as lintels or when the maximum
shear stress calculated ( is less than half the permissible shear
stress in concrete (.
The above equation can be re-arranged as under to obtain an
expression giving maximum c/c spacing of stirrups required for

minimum shear reinforcement 

As per IS: 456-1978 the maximum spacing of shear
reinforcement measured along the axis of the member shall be as
(i) For vertical stirrups                                     0.75d or 450mm
whichever is less
(ii) For inclined stirrups at 45˚                         d or 450mm
whichever is less
Where d is the effective depth of the member.
When the shear force-V (or shear stress ) at a section exceeds
the shear resistance of concrete  (or permissible shear stress in
concrete-) shear reinforcement have to be provided  to prevent
formation of cracks or failure of the member. The method of
designing shear reinforcement based on the truss analogy is
accepted by the code. In this analogy it is assumed that concrete
and the shear reinforcement form a lattice-grider truss wherein
tension is carried by the longitudinal bars and the shear
reinforcement and the concrete carries the thrust in the
compression zone and the diagonal thrust across the web.
If  be the shear force to be carried by the shear reinforcement,
the shear capacity of a section can be written as 
In this expression the values of V (i.e., the shear force due to
design loads) and Vc (i.e., shear resistance of concrete = ) are
known and as such in normal practice the design procedure will
involve the determination of shear reinforcement for shear force
= Shear reinforcement can be provided in any of the following
(i) In the form of vertical bars known as stirrups.
(ii) In the form of bent up bars along with the stirrups.
(iii) In the form of inclined stirrups.
The design of different forms of shear reinforcement is
described in the following articles.
22.10.1 Design of Vertical Stirrups
Vertical stirrups may consist of 5mm to 12mm diameter bars
bent around the tension reinforcement and their free ends taken
into the compression zone of the beam. In the compression zone
the stirrups are anchored to the longitudinal bars (known as
anchor bars) so that the vertical legs may resist tension without
slippage. In case of doubly reinforced beams the stirrups are
taken around the compression reinforcement and suitably
anchored. Depending upon the magnitude of shear force ( to be
resisted, the vertical stirrups may be one legged, two legged,
four legged, six legged and so on. The various form of stirrups
are shown in Fig. 22.8.
To derive an expression for shear force resisted by vertical
Let us assume that concrete has failed in diagonal tension on
account of shear force. Let the diagonal crack be inclined at 45˚
to the axis of the beam and extend to the full depth of the beam.
The horizontal distance up to which the crack extends will
therefore be equal to the effective depth (d) of the beam – cover
(d’) to the anchor bars.
Since d’ is very small as compared to d we may consider the
distance of horizontal extension of crack as d.

The above formula is adopted for the design of vertical stirrups

as shear reinforcement. In the formula, the values of ,  and d are
known. We assume suitable diameter and number of legs for the
stirrups ( and work out the c/c spacing of the stirrups by re-

writing the above formula as under 

It should, however, be ensured that:
(1) The area of shear reinforcement ( provided is not less than
the area of minimum shear reinforcement specified by the code
(Ref. Art 22.8).
(2) The centre to centre spacing () does not exceed the
maximum limits prescribed in the code. (Ref. Art. 22.9).

22.10.2 Design of Inclined Bars or Inclined Stirrups as Sheer

In a beam some longitudinal bars can be bent up near support
where they are no longer needed to resist bending moment. The
bars can be bent up at uniform spacing at different cross-
section along the length of the beam or all the bars (which are no
longer needed for resisting B.M.) can be kept up at the same
The bars thus bent up are helpful in resisting shear. In order to
be fully effective in shear the bent up bars are continued beyond
the neutral axis in the compression zone for a distance equal to
the development length. (For details regarding development
length refer Lesson 23).
The expression for shear force resisted by the inclined bars can
be derived by considering the truss analogy. Instead of bending
up bars some designers prefer to use inclined stirrups. The case
of inclined stirrups or bent up bars is identical and as such the
following formula will apply to both bent up bars as well as
inclined stirrups.
Case I. For inclined stirrups or a series of bars bent up at
different cross-section.
From the Fig.(22.10) it can be seen that the number of inclined
bars or stirrups (n) crossing the diagonal crack

Case II. For single bar or single group of parallel bars, all bent
up at the same cross-section.
As already explained in derivation in Case I
IS: 456-1978 does not permit the shear reinforcement to be
entirely provided in the form of bent up bars since there is
insufficient evidence to show that such reinforcement is
satisfactory. As per code where bent up bars are provided as
shear reinforcement their contribution towards shear resistance
shall not be taken more than half that of the total shear
In other words the bent up bars can be used only in combination
with stirrups, where the stirrups must make up 50% of the total
shear reinforcement. In situations where more than one type of
shear reinforcement is used to reinforce the same portion in of
the beam, the total shear resistance shall be computed as the sum
of the resistance for various types separately. The area of the
stirrups shall not be less than the minimum specified in Art.
As per IS: 456-1978 the shear computed at the face of support
shall be used in the design of the member at that section except
when the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces
compression into the end region of the member, sections located
at a distance less than d from the face of the support may be
designed for the same shear as that computed at distance d.
Fig. 22.11 shows examples of cases where the support reaction
does not include compression in the end region. In such situation
a diagonal shear crack is likely to start at the face of support.
Hence the critical section for shear (section X – X) is taken at
the face of the support.
In all cases shown Fig. 22.12 the reaction from the beam/slab
introduces compression in the end region which has the
advantage of displacing the diagonal shear crack away from the
face of the support. Hence the code allows the support section to
be designed for shear computed at a distance d away from the
support. Thus the critical section for shear may in such case be
treated to be located at a distance d from the face of the support.
It is however, proposed to consider critical section for shear at
the face of the support in the above referred cases in Fig. 22.12
to simplify design. The following examples have been solved
Example 22.1 A reinforced concrete beam 200 mm wide and
450 mm deep to the centre of tensile reinforcement is subjected
to shear force of 98 kN at the supports. The area of the tensile
steel available at the supports is 0.75 per cent. Design suitable
shear reinforcement for the beam. Also calculate the minimum
shear reinforcement for the beam. Adopt the following data
Maximum spacing for shear reinforcement. As per rules the
maximum spacing of the stirrups should not exceed 0.75 d or
450 mm whichever is less. In this case
0.75 d = 0.75 x 450 = 337.5 mm = 335 mm (say)
The maximum spacing of stirrups as permissible under rule is
less than obtained from requirement of minimum shear
reinforcement .
Hence provide 10 mm  2 legged stirrups @ 335 mm c/c.
Example 5.2  A simply supported reinforced concrete beam,
300 mm wide and having  an effective depth of 600 mm carries
a uniformly distributed load of 35 kN/m (inclusive of its own
weight) over a clear span of 6m. Design suitable shear
reinforcement for the beam assuming that 0.5% tensile
reinforcement is available throughout its length. The following
data being given:
(i) Grade of concrete = M 15
(ii) Characteristic strength of stirrup reinforcement  ( = 250

The calculated value of nominal shear stress  is less than  .

Hence the beam section is O.K.
However, since the value of nominal shear stress  is more than
the permissible shear stress  , shear reinforcement will have to
be designed for section near support. The shear stress diagram
for the beam is shown in the Fig. 22.13.
To calculated distance x from the centre of the beam, where
permissible shear stress ( less than(), shear reinforcement will
have to be designed for section near support.
The shear stress diagram for the beam is shown in the Fig. 5.13.
To calculate distance x from the centre of the beam, where
permissible shear stress  is developed. From Fig. 22.13, we have

Hence the designed shear reinforcement is required in length AC
or BD = 3 – 1.5 = 1.5 m from either end. In the remaining length
CD, nominal shear reinforcement is to be provided to meet the
requirement of minimum shear reinforcement in the beam.
Design of shear reinforcement.  Magnitude of shear force (Vs)
for which shear reinforcement is to be designed is given by
Hence the centre to centre spacing of the 10 mm 2 legged
stirrups is to be varied from 250 mm at ends to 325 mm at a
section say z (meters) from the mid span. Let the shear force at
that section be = .
From S.F diagram
Hence vary the c/c spacing of 10 mm 2 legged stirrups from 250
mm at end to 325 mm c/c at 2.65m from mid span. For the
remaining length provide the stirrups at spacing of 325 mm c/c.

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