Objectives of Examining Cash Transactions
Objectives of Examining Cash Transactions
Objectives of Examining Cash Transactions
the validity and propriety of the cash transactions and to properly state the cash and hand for
purposes of financial statement presentation. Cash is no more valuable than any other asset of
equal current market price. The examination of cash and cash transaction is important because
cash is a favorite item for theft: the majority of all business transactions involves a cash count or
terminates in it. Error in any account can result in errors in cash accounts, and errors in cash
accounts indicate probable errors in other account principally account payable debit sand account
receivable credits (Arthur W. Homes: 1966).
Cash receipts may result from a variety of source: cash sales, collections on account from
customers; the receipt of interest, rents and dividends, investments by owners bank loans; and
proceeds from the sales of noncurrent assets. (John W. Cook year : 1980)
The control system must allow the incoming mail to be opened in the mail to be opened in the
mail room where the employee prepares a control listing of the incoming cash receipts which
shows the amount received and identify the customers by name and account number. One copy
of the control listing will be forwarded to the controller another copy to the cashier and the
remittance advices and control list will be given to the employee who is responsible for the
customers accounts. (O. Ray Whittington, and Kurt Pany 2001, p. 289)
Cash disbursements are the out flow of money from the organization for the services or goods
received in verifying the cash disbursement records, all items are not selected. Some individual
items will be selected for sampling and using the sampling techniques the records will be tested.
The items will include check register, vender’s invoices, contracts and agreements. (Kaiso,
Weggant and Kimmel 1999, p. 290)
2.4.1. Control of a voucher system
Most medium and large companies use a voucher system as a part of their internal control over
cash disbursements. A voucher system is an extensive network of approvals by authorized
individuals acting independently to ensure that all disbursements by check are proper.
The system begins with the authorization to incur the cost or expense and ends with the issuance
of a check for the liability incurred. A voucher is an authorization form prepared for each
expenditure in a voucher system. Vouchers are required for all types of cash disbursements
except those petty cash. The voucher is prepare din the account payable department. (Kaiso,
Waygent, Kimmel; 1999,p.290)
Financial institutions have developed electronic fund transfer system that process funds related
from sections for customers as an alternative to paying by checks increasingly, electronic data
interchange systems, which always the interchange of data from one company’s computer to
another’s are electronically transferring funds between companies bank account. (Kaiso,
Waygent and kimmel; 1999, p. 292)