Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Published by
176 Acharya, Commodification of Personal Letters
Commodification of Personal Letters: The
Cultural Politics of Print Industry in Nineteenth
Century England
-- Khagendra Acharya
Mero Katha, Mero Geet is a FM program. Kalyan Gautam, a RJ
reads out ‘true life stories’ sent to him by one of his many listeners.
Social change theory studies the causes, results, dynamics, and the
speed of any change in societies.
© 2008 Kathmandu University, Nepal.
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2 (1) 177
The application of social change theory demands for historical
consciousness about the subject of study. Hence, the paper,
before concentrating on the major issue: the cultural politics of
print industry in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, sketches
briefly the history of personal letters.
It was for the same reason any anthology of personal letters was
not published. Letters written by Romantic writers like William
Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Jane
Austen appeared only when they were instrumental for any
fitting cause. As publishers could locate no benefit in them,
they “publish[ed] and trade[d] in the copyrights of established
figures” rather than the letters by these writers. To understand
how economically oriented the mind of publishers was, we can
refer to the system of what economists now call ‘advance
payment’. The publishers would prefer the publish books that
would come with the list of subscribers.
The object of subscription was to secure down
payments on and promises to purchase a book before its
publication. This ensured that production and
distribution costs were covered before a work went to
press, an arrangement that pleased the booksellers
because it cut risks and could promise large profits.
(Brewer, 2002, p. 249)
The third component of cultural politics i.e. the old age system
of patronage also played a role in the publication of the book.
Here, the dedication of Edward accomplishes the job of
patronage. The dedication accomplishes two functions
simultaneously. First it reveals the nearness of the writer to the
queen and second it guarantees that the publisher would not
suffer loss at least. Hence, Brabourne’s ‘encroachment to Jane
Austen’s private sphere’ cannot simply be viewed as ‘a job to
satisfy the queen’. The following is Edward’s dedication.
I am, Madam,
Your Majesty's very humble
and obedient subject,