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07 - Diamonds Are Forever

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Number of faults: 26

In order of appearance
In the teaser Bond is "interrogating" the man wearing a fez. The man manages to say "Marie, ask
Marie" with his mouth wide open. The dialogue was obviously dubbed later on.

Still in the teaser, when Bond opens the mud bin on the unfortunate Blofeld double, Bond gets
splattered with mud as he hits the floor. Moments later, Bond gets up with a perfectly clean jacket!

Bond is discovered in the teaser by Blofeld

When Bond wants to investigate who he killed in the mud bath, he squirts the guy in the face with
the (very futuristic) water pistol. When he does this, the actor playing the dead guy blinks and
flinches very noticeably.

When Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint kill the dentist with a scorpion, it's very easy to see that it isn't a real
scorpion but a rubber replica.
Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd have just killed the dentist and hid his body behind a rock. A helicopter
comes to pick up the diamonds, which is really a bomb. Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd chat with the pilot
and give him the package. Right when the helicopter is taking off, the red stripe on the helicopter
changes to green.

In the fight with Peter Franks, Franks grabs what appears to be a crow-bar. He drops it and when
Bond starts spraying him he has it again and drops it without having picked it up before. You can
hear him drop the crow-bar twice!!

Notice the angle of the shadow on the wall as Bond places the urn of his deceased "brother" behind
the curtains. The angle can easily be seen as he walks by Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd. Then, as Bond is
dragged away by Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, the angle of the shadow on the wall is completely
different, indicating that the shooting of the scene must have taken a long time. The angle shouldn't
be different.

In the scene where Bond gets placed in a coffin by Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, the coffin goes straight
into a crematorium. Bond is rescued by Shady Tree and the funeral director. Shady opens the coffin
with his bare hands, but that coffin just came out of a burning inferno! Shady should have burned his
hands when he touched it!!

Bond and Plenty in the casino

Bond is sitting by a pool at a house when Tiffany Case walks in and asks what he's doing there and
what Plenty O'Toole is doing dead in the pool. Bond explains Plenty's presence to Tiffany saying,
"Poor Plenty...she must have stumbled in here looking for you...". Plenty didn't know Tiffany Case.
Why on earth would she have gone to visit her and how did she FIND her?

Apparently a couple of scenes have been cut. We are supposed to see Plenty finding Tiffany's
purse where she finds out her address and goes to see her. When she shows up there, a couple of
people take her for being Tiffany and kill her because they were ordered to do so. Bond has also
found out Tiffany's address since she stood him up at the car rental and he's looking for some
answers so he awaits her return at her house. Now the scene adds up!!
When Bond steals Willard Whyte's moon buggy he crashes through the wall to get outside. The
moon buggy takes some of the wall with it in the crash but when you see the outside shot the hole is
very square and a lot bigger than it should have been, suggesting that it was cut out!
Bond is driving on in the moon buggy and is chased by three guys on three-wheeled motorcycles.
One of the guys jump over a rock and falls. The motorcycle lands on the left side and when the
driver kicks it over it has no left back wheel. In the next scene, Bond is stealing the motorcycle and
the wheel is back on!!!
In one of the moon buggy scenes you can see a moon buggy tire rolling across the screen, but the
moon buggy still has all four tires!!!

During the car chase scene in the streets of Las Vegas, you can clearly see that a crowd of spectators
has gathered to watch a filming of a movie. When the cars go onto the sidewalk there are no people
there, but a section of sidewalk later is packed with people.

When the police chase Bond and Tiffany through a parking lot in Las Vegas, you can see wooden
panels on the side of a building to cushion the impact of the police car which crashes into it. (This
was, I understand, shot on the studio backlot in L.A.)

Goes in on the right wheelpair...

When Bond and Tiffany are trying to shake the police tail in Las Vegas, the chase leads them into a
dead end. Bond tells Tiffany to lean over as he drives up on a ramp with the LEFT wheel pair and
drives into the small alley on two wheels. When they come out on the other side, however, they are
riding on the RIGHT wheel pair.
BUT, when you look at the scene you can see that the car turns from left to right inside the alley
but that is not really possible, is it!!!
When Bond is riding the elevator outside the Whyte House you can see his shadow on the street
below. This is when he is at the top of the elevator. Apparently his shadow is on the rear projection
screen that shows the background, the cars down below and so on.

When James is trapped in the pipe, telling the mouse "someone smells like a tarts handkerchief",
how can he see? Where is the light coming from?
When Bond seeks help from Q in finding Willard Whyte, Q changes Bond's voice so that he sounds
like Blofeld's accomplice Bert Saxby. He succeeds in fooling Blofeld and Blofeld gives "Saxby" the
order to kill Willard Whyte. Bond and the rest arrive at the hideout, Whyte's summer house, and they
rescue him after some complications. One of those complications was that the real Bert Saxby took a
shot at Willard Whyte!! The problem is, how can the real Bert Saxby have found out that he was
ordered by Blofeld to kill Whyte when it was Bond that got the order?!!
When Bond is fighting Bamby and Thumper they throw him into a stack of metal tubes. You can see
that all the tubes fall over Bond, but the last one takes a little longer to fall over completely.
However, we never see or hear it fall to the ground!!
Bamby and Thumper have pushed Bond in the pool, but he manages to get the upper hand and hold
them under water. At this time his hair is a mess. Then the scene cuts to Leiter and his friends
barging in and back to Bond, who now has a perfect hairdo!! How is that possible? Both his hands
where busy holding the girls under water...!
Following above, Bond climbs out of the pool completely soaked but when he finds Whyte, a couple
of seconds later, he is almost dry!!

When Burt Saxby is shot in the chest and killed, you can see a small amount of blood on his shirt but
no bullet hole!

Tiffany Case makes it clear that she doesn't know who runs the diamond smuggling operation. In
fact, this is important to the plot that she doesn't know that Blofeld is running the scheme. As she
tells Bond, "All I hear are voices on the phone...". Yet when she's waiting for Bond in the casino she
begins to follow a suspicious looking "woman" walking through the lobby, presumably because she's
carrying a white cat. Why did this white cat suddenly arouse Tiffany's curiosity? If she had never
met, nor even heard of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, surely she had never met his cat!

The oil rig is under attack

When Bond comes down in Baja in the inflatable container it has parachutes. After we see it land, it
begins to roll over the water and the parachutes have unhooked and completely disappeared!

Just after Bond has escaped from confinement and is under the oil rig, bullets impact very close to
him. A small explosive charge used to simulate bullet hits can be seen going off in mid-air, a small
plume of smoke is given off but the gunshots have ceased.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld

In the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Blofeld is a scientist. But in this movie, Blofeld
mentions that "science was never my strong point!"
Noticed by Marne Bauer

When the diamond mining operation is being described a whole chunk of dialogue is repeated
seconds later: "The whole process, from start to finish, operates under an airtight security system. It's
an essential (necessary) precaution, even though the industry prides itself on the loyalty and devotion
of it's workers...". The word in brackets is the only word that is different the second time this is said!!

On Bert Saxby's desk is a name plate that is supposed to say his name but instead it says "Albert R.
Saxby." Seem familiar? Albert R. Broccoli the producer...........!!!

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