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54IJELS 110202036 TheForced PDF
54IJELS 110202036 TheForced PDF
Abstract— English playwrights in India are deeply concerned about various social, political and cultural ills
and maladies of Indian society. Among them Mahesh Dattani is the most serious contemporary playwrights.
His major study areas are social realities and sensational issues like unusual love relationship, same-sex
relationship, women exploitation and child-sex abuse, sexuality and gender discrimination. The play Seven
Steps Around the Fire highlights the plight of hijra community of Indian society. It alarms socio- psychological
crisis, conflict, anguish, fear, frustration and humiliation of the hijra community that is forced on them by the
so-called respected society. It questions the age-old belief of marriage being based on heterosexual
relationship. Present paper focusses social prejudices, discrimination and abuse against the hijra community.
Keywords— Maladies, social realities, sexuality, gender discrimination and heterosexual.
English playwrights in India – Vijay Tendulkar, Girish economically and politically. They are deprived of several
Karnad, Mohan Rakesh and Badal Sarkar- are deeply rights under the civil law because Indian law does not
concerned about various social, political and cultural ills and recognize neutral gender. They are thrown into an isolated
maladies of Indian society. Mahesh Dattani is the most and dark world and constituted an ‘invisible minority’ in the
serious contemporary playwrights. Like G B Shaw and society. It was believed that their curse couldn’t be revoked
Henry Ibsen, his plays deal with the burning social and because they are ‘chosen of god’.
political problems. His major study areas are social realities The Indian Constitution affirmed that every person is equal
and sensational issues like unusual love relationship, same- before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the
sex relationship, women exploitation and child-sex abuse, basis of religion, caste, class, sex, gender and place of birth.
sexuality and gender discrimination. He is a successful stage But we find social exclusion and inclination base biases on
director and playwright in India and abroad who won the ground of caste, class and religion. For hijra community,
prestigious Sahitya Academy Award for his Final Solution this discrimination is based on their neutral gender.More than
and Other Plays in 1998. His other significant plays are one million Indian hijra live in an unhygienic condition
Seven Steps Around the Fire, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, struggling with extreme penury and internal disharmony.
Do the Needful, Bravely Fought the Queen, and most famous They are no acceptable in the society as a ‘normal being’.
Tara. Most members of the community are those who have
The play Seven Steps Around the Firewas broadcast on BBC removed their genitals through castration, usually without
Radio 4, on January 9, 1999 as Seven Circles Around the consent. They sometime believed that their ambiguous
Fire and was first performed on stage at Museum Theatre, sexuality is a result of fate and trace their destiny; but forced
Chennai, by MTC Production & The Madras Players on 6 castration is a sheer violation of individual human right.
August 1999. Dattani in this play highlights the plight of The Seven Steps Around the Fire dismays socio-
hijra community of Indian society. The hijra community is psychological crisis, conflict, anguish, fear, frustration and
most vulnerable and backward community in India socially, humiliation of the hijra community that is forced on them by
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.54 1699
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/
the so-called respected society. About the theme of the play There are social prejudices, discrimination and abuse against
Dr. Beena Agarwal remarks, the hijra community. These prejudices translated into
Dattani in the process of engineering the current of violence, often brutal, in public spaces, police station,
Indian drama by bringing it closer to the real-life prisons, and even in their home. Uma, heroin of the play,
experiences tried to articulate the voice of the belongs to a reputed section of the society who is writing her
oppressed sections of the society whose identity is thesis on class-gender- based power implications. She is a
shrouded in the cover of myths and social model for those women who wish to establish their
prejudices. They have been dragged in darkness, individual identity in the male dominated society. Instead of
doomed to survive in perpetual silence bearing the any conventional cases of domestic violence and dowry
oppressive burden of hegemony of the elitist class. deaths, she is interested in a hijra (Kamala) murder case for
Dattani within the framework of dramatic structure which one of the hijra of her community, Anarkali, has been
tries to investigate the identities of those who arrested. Munswamy insisted Uma not to take the case about
occupy no space in social order. (34) the hijras. He thought that they are “worthless pig’ which
will ‘bring shame’ to her family. In the jail Uma meets
The hijra community has been the integral part of Indian
Anakali and asked about Kamla’s death. Uma after her
society since time immemorial. They were prized as guards
meeting with Anarkali, decides to visit Champa, the head
of harems, and as companions, by kings and emperor. They
hijra and ponders over the nature of hijra community and
possessed good military record during the Sultanate and the
their isolation. Uma thought,
Mughal Empire. In the first ‘voice-over’, Uma clears many
doubts regarding the hijras and their social positioning: Nobody seems to know anything about them.
Neither do they. Did they come to this country with
Case 7. A brief note on the popular myths on the
Islam, or are they a part of our glorious Hindu
origin of the hijras will be in order, before looking
tradition? Why are they so obsessed with weddings
at the class-gender-based power implications. The
and ceremonies of childbirth? How do they come to
term hijra, of course, is of Urdu origin, a
know of these weddings? Why do they just show up
combination of Hindi, Persian and Arabic, literally
without being invited? Are they just extortionists?
meaning ‘neither male nor female’. Another legend
And why do they not take singing
traces their ancestry to the Ramayana. The legend
lessons?(Collected Plays, 16)
has it that god Rama was going to cross the river
and go into exile in the forest. All the people of the InSeven Steps Around the FireDattani is questioning the age-
city wanted to follow him. He said, ‘Men and old belief of marriage being based on heterosexual
women, turn back.’ Some of his male followers did relationship. He seems to say that as heterosexual
not know what to do. They could not disobey him. relationship is natural so the homosexual and lesbian
So they sacrificed their masculinity, to become relationship and this should be permitted in India.The lower-
neither men nor women, and followed him to the class background and ambiguous sexuality make the hijras
forest. Rama was pleased with their devotion and on of the most disempowered community in the society.
blessed them. There are transsexuals all over the They are allowed “two events in mainstream Hindu culture
world, and India is no exception. The purpose of where their presence is acceptable- marriage and childbirth.”
this case study is to show their position in society. A hijra named Kamala was secretly married to Subbu, the
Perceived as the lowest of the low, they yearn for son of a Minister. She (Kamla) was burned to death at the
family and love. The two events in mainstream behest of the Minister who hastily arranged a girl for
Hindu culture where their presence is acceptable – marriage to his son. But at the wedding ceremony, which was
marriage and birth – ironically are the very same attended by guests as well as hijras, Subbu brought out a gun
privileges denied to them by man and nature. and shot at himself. The suicide was hushed up. The story of
the love affair between Kamala and Subbu shows the
Not for them the seven rounds witnessed by the fire
impossibility of the marriage between a eunuch and a man in
god, eternally binding man and woman in
Indian society.
matrimony, or the blessings of ‘May you be the
mother of a hundred sons.(Collected Plays, 10-11) The hijras areone of the major ‘subaltern’ marginalized
communities in the Indian society like homosexuals, lesbians
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.54 1700
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/
and women. They are forced to maintain silence against to think about the position and treatment of hijras in the
oppression and injustice. In the essay “Can the Subaltern society.
Speak?” by ‘subaltern’ Spivak means the oppressed subjects Karl Marx viewed that there was class struggle in the history
or more generally those ‘of inferior rank’. She anguished that of human evaluation, establishing one class himself over the
‘subaltern’ has no history and cannot speak deeply in subordinate class for economic, social and political
shadow. She said that the communications that take place advantage. At present era they become dominant and
between the subaltern and non-subaltern is actually lost due exploitative class, who are the owners of the means of
to element of noise. The element of noise is influenced by production and distribution. The subordinate class becomes
racial, cultural and socio-economic factors. Another problem wage-earning working class. The subordinate class is further
of subaltern, as Spivak opinioned, that their words cannot be divided in different sub groups. The lower group is brutally
properly interpreted. Dattani’s play Seven Steps Around the abused and subjugated and suppressed by the dominant class.
Fire represents the voice of hijra community who are not The play Seven Steps Around the Fire highlights the brutality
even allowed to show their faces in society. The play deals and cruel treatment of our cops to the hijra community.
with the violence inflicted on the hijras, who are unseen and Suresh, the Police superintendent, doesn’t have any
unheard in the society. They become an ‘invisible minority’ sympathy for the eunuch and advises her wife not to develop
and “they only come out in groups and make their presence good relationship with Anarkali. He calls them liar and
felt by their peculiar loud hand clap.”Uma very beautifully “castrated degenerate men”. Anarkali is hopeless and
remarks their condition and comments: frustrated. The helplessness of Anarkali is highlighted in the
Anarkali, Champa and all the hijra people knew following dialogues:
who was behind the killing of Kamla. They have no “Uma: You can’t do that! You have to report to
voice. The case was hushed up and was not even the police station.
reported in the newspaper. Champa was right. The
Anarkali: They will kill me also if I tell the truth.
police made no arrest. Subbu’s suicide was written
If I don’t tell the truth, I will die in jail.”
off as an accident. The photograph was destroyed.
So were the lives of two young people.... (Collected Mr. Sharma, the local MLA, is exploitative and evil in
Plays, 42) nature. His son, Subbu falls in love with Kamla, a hijra, and
marries her but with the help of Salim Mr. Sharma burn
Dattani'sSeven Steps Around the Firerevolves around the
Kamla into death. Hehides all the evidences and makes his
existential problem of the 'third gender', the community of
son to marry another‘normal’ girl. The corrupt behavior of
eunuchs, their existence on the fringes of the Indian milieu.
authority also expressed in the curse of Champa, guru of the
They inhabit at the tiny pockets of Indian cities and tread
hijras: “If I have money, I would throw it on that
areas that are generally brushed aside to the fringes, the
superintendent’s face and get her (Anarkali) back. Sons of
margins of society, as it were. This is literally a no man's
whores, all of them.” The injustice against the hijra
land in many senses of the term, and no woman's either.
community results death of Kamla, who just wanted to start
Violence is widespread and everyday reality for the hijras.
new life with Subbu. Subbu killed himself in the ceremony of
Public places and even police station they are often harassed
his second marriage. Subbu, seeing dancing Anarkali, recalls
and abused physically and sexually. This can be understood
the image of diseased Kamla. He becomes restless and
as a punishment for not conforming to the gender roles laid
fanatic. He snatches Suresh’s gun and cries out “you killed
by the society. The media have also reinforced stereotype
her”, and “I am leaving you all! You can’t keep me away
about hijras. Even progressive and anti-establishment
from Kamla.” But like other injustice, the case was not even
publication describe hijras as a race apart, freaks of the
reported in the newspapers next day.
underground, half-man half-women, almost devilish in their
customs and practices. While investigating the murder of Dattani shares intense concerns for the marginalized groups
Kalma, Uma said that there is little written about the hijra of the society in his writings, be they women, children,
community in the history. Their witness is not granted as true homosexuals or hijras. He admitted, “I’m strongly affected
in the Police Station, even in the court too. They are labeled by social issues, especially when it comes to power play in
as ‘liar’ who fought like ‘dogs’ every day. This puzzled Uma class and gender. A lot of my plays deal with them and they
remain the leitmotifs of my plays.” Though Uma belongs to
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.54 1701
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/
the upper echelons of the society, the play Seven Steps hope for this community when Manabi Banerjee became the
Around the Fire shows hijra and women are not treated so first transgender principal in India. But her resignation from
very differently. It reminds us about the worldwidemovement the post once again reflects the common men negative
of women for cultural, social, legal rights and right for attitude towards them. Recent Supreme Court order about the
equality.Virginia Woolf in her essay A Room of One’s rights of transgender brings solace in the heart and mind of
Own(1929) said that the “patriarchal’ society hindered and this community. In a landmark judgement in 2014, the
prevented women from realizing their cultural, economic, Supreme Court observed, “In view of the constitutional
educational productive and creative abilities. It is the male- guarantee, the transgender community is entitled to basic
centered society that controls all the aspects of women world. rights i.e. Right to Personal Liberty, dignity, Freedom of
Women become ‘others’ in the society, forced by the male expression, Right to Education and Empowerment, Right
dominated chauvinistic society. against violence, Discrimination and exploitation and Right
Simone de Beauvoir remarks, “One is not born, but rather to work. Moreover, every person must have the right to
becomes, a woman…. It is civilization as whole that decide his/her gender expression and identity, including
produces this creature… which is described as feminine.” transsexuals, transgender, hijras and should have right to
(TheSecond Sex, 35)Uma is an independent woman in the freely express their gender identity and be considered as a
male dominated patriarchal society. Her position as the wife third sex.”But they still have to go miles to get equal
of the Superintendent and daughter-in-law of the Deputy treatment in the society.
Commissioner gives her easy access to the prison where
Anarkali, a hijra, has been imprisoned for the murder of her REFERENCES
‘sister’ Kamala, a fellow hijra. Uma shows her strong attitude
[1] Agrawal, Beena.Mahesh Dattani’s Plays: A New Horizon in
and strength will at the prison, at Champa’s house, at Mr.
Indian Theatre.Book Enclave, 2011.
Sharma’s home or at Subbu’s wedding ceremony. And yet, [2] Dattani, Mahesh.Collected Plays I. Penguin, 2005.
for all her privileged background, her scholarly pursuits, or [3] De Beauvoir, Simone. TheSecond Sex. Éditions Gallimard,
even her attempt at playing detective, Uma is a powerless 1949.
individual, particularly disadvantaged as a ‘barren’ [4] Spivak, Gayatri. Can the Subaltern Speak? Edited by
woman.She submits to Suresh’s whims, lets herself be Rosalind C. Morris, Columbia University Press, 2010
treated as a sex object, and does little to resist his attempts to [5] The Constitution of India. Article 14-15.
control every aspect of her life, including deciding what [6] National Legal Service Authority versus Union of India and
Other Case. The Supreme Court of India. April 2014.
lingerie she should wear to please him. She is labeled as
[7] Woolf, Virginia.A Room of One's Own.Hogarth Press, 1929.
childless barren womanlike Anarkali who is confused about
her ‘gender’. Uma’s status as an educated woman from a
privileged socio-economic class cannot prevent her from
being treated much the same as a ‘hijra’. So, Uma is perhaps
far more marginalized than the hijras.
To conclude, it can be said that Dattani’sSeven Steps Around
the Fire deals with a pathetic controversial topic without
offering any suitable solution. One hand it brings out our
attention about the plight of hijra community, on the other
exposes the subaltern and subordinate position of females.
This divides the Indian society in to two poles i.e. ‘center’
and ‘margin’. The marginalized voice is suppressed by the
established order that prevails in the society. The play also
raises many questions regarding hijra identity, their
constitution, connotations, their social acceptability and
tolerability. India is now one of the global powers in the
world, economically and technologically, but the fears and
frustrations of hijras are still increasing. There was a ray of
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.54 1702