Biopharmaceuticals An Overview PDF
Biopharmaceuticals An Overview PDF
Biopharmaceuticals An Overview PDF
34 (2010) 1-19 1
Review article
Biopharmaceuticals: an overview
Institute of Pharmacy, Punjab College of Technical Education, Jhande (Ludhiana)-142 021, India
Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Biopharmaceuticals drugs structurally mimics compounds found within the body and are produced
using biotechnologies. These have the potential to cure diseases rather than merely treat symptoms, and
have fewer side effects because of their specificity, for example, cytokines, enzymes, hormones, clotting
factors, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, cell therapies, antisense drugs, and peptide therapeutics.
Emerging technologies in the area of biopharmaceuticals include manufacture of monoclonal antibodies
in protein free media, designing chemically defined cells, genome based technologies, improving vaccine
manufacturing processes, a potential cancer treatment and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis. Biopharmaceuticals
have changed the treatment ways of many diseases like diabetes, malignant disorders; since these can
be tailored for specific medical problems in different individuals. With biotechnology, any drug can be
genetically modified using cell fusion or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-recombinant technologies to alter
specificities for individual diseases. Some distinct advantages of biotechnological processes include fewer
side effects and more potent effect on target cells. Biopharmaceuticalsû greatest potential lies in gene
therapy and genetic engineering.
Recombinant protein
Genetically modified cell Production of protein in a cell
Purification Recombinant protein
Cell therapy
Cells of animal or human origin Isolation of cells
Expansion Purification Cells for implantation
Vaccine against viral infection
Production of carrier system Inoculation with virus
Elimination of reproducibility and infectivity
Purification Virus fragment
Figure 1 Schematic production work flows of important product groups (For example, recombinant protein, cells for implantation,
virus fragment)
Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (2010) 1-19 3
Biopharmaceuticals are proteins (including antibodies), biological activity requirements [14]. Biopharmaceuticals
nucleic acids (DNA, RNA or antisense oligonucleotides) have more potential heterogeneity than small molecule
used for therapeutic or in vivo diagnostic purposes, drugs. The large majority of biopharmaceutical products
and are produced by means other than direct extraction are derived from life forms. Small molecule drugs are
from a native (non-engineered) biological source. The not typically regarded as biopharmaceutical in nature
key areas of investigation in the field, covers drug production, by the industry. The nature of the manufacturing process,
plus the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of action and the safety and efficacy profile of biopharmaceutical
together with the biotechnology of major biopharmaceutical products are also different.
types on the market or currently under development [9]. The majority of first generation biopharmaceuticals
The first biopharmaceutical substance approved for are unengineered murine monoclonal antibodies or simple
therapeutic use was biosynthetic ùhumanû insulin made replacement proteins displaying an identical amino
via recombinant DNA technology in 1982. In the late acid sequence to a native human protein. Modern
1990s advances in manufacturing and processing biopharmaceuticals are engineered, second-generation
revolutionized the production of biopharmaceuticals products. Engineering can entail alteration of amino acid
such as recombinant DNA technology and hybridoma sequence, glycocomponent of a glycosylated protein,
technology. In other words, biopharmaceuticals have or the covalent attachment of chemical moieties such
revolutionized the treatment of many diseases like as polyethylene glycol. Engineering has been applied
diabetes, malignant disorders etc. More than 150 biotech in order to alter immunological or pharmacokinetic
drugs (human insulin, interferons, human growth hormones profile of protein, or in order to generate novel fusion
and monoclonal antibodies, as well as thirteen blockbuster products [15].
drugs) are currently marketed around the world [10].
The biopharma market is growing at an annual rate of Biopharmaceutical classification system
around 15%-far higher than pharmaceuticals (c.6-7% Biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) is
per annum). In future, the market is forecast to be significantly a drug development tool that deals with the contributions
driven by a shift in usage from conventional drugs to of three major factors, dissolution, solubility and intestinal
biopharma products [11]. Majority of biopharmaceuticals permeability, affecting oral drug absorption from
products consist of glycoproteins and methods are immediate release solid oral dosage forms. According
now becoming available that allow the production of to BCS, drug substances are classified into different
recombinant monoclonal antibodies bearing pre-selected classes [16]. Class I: high solubility-high permeability;
oligosaccharides-glycoforms-to provide maximum efficacy Class II: low solubility-high permeability; Class III: high
for a given disease indication [12]. solubility-low permeability; Class IV: low solubility-low
Biopharmaceuticals versus conventional chemical
drugs Types of biopharmaceuticals
Biopharmaceuticals are fundamentally different Biopharmaceuticals are being developed to fight
from the conventional small molecule chemical drugs cancer, viral infections, diabetes, hepatitis and multiple
[13]. There is a fundamental difference in the average sclerosis and these can be grouped into various
size of the two types of drugs. The chemically synthesized categories. i) cytokines ii) enzymes iii) hormones iv)
products are known as çsmall moleculesé drugs (e.g. clotting factors v) vaccines vi) monoclonal antibodies
aspirin, molecular weight 180 Da). In general, the vii) cell therapies viii) antisense drugs, and ix) peptide
biopharmaceuticals are complex macromolecules that therapeutics.
are over 100 times larger (e.g. interferon beta, molecular i) Cytokines: Cytokines are hormone-like molecules
weight 19,000 Da) with complex structural and appropriate that can control reactions between cells. They activate
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cells of the immune system such as lymphocytes and as uric acid crystals or ATP) [27, 28]. Thus, they are
macrophages [17]. Interferon is potent glycoprotein considered major mediators of innate immune reactions
cytokine that acts against viruses and uncontrolled cell and blockade of IL-1 by the interleukin-1 receptor
proliferation [18]. Interleukins function as messengers antagonist (IL-1RA) has proven a central role of IL-1α
for various steps in the immune process. or IL-1β in a number of human auto-inflammatory diseases
Interleukin-2 (IL-2): IL-2 stimulates T lymphocytes. [29-31].
The FDA has approved a recombinant variant of IL-2, The signaling of the founding members, IL-1α and
aldesleukin (Proleukin), for treating renal cell carcinoma IL-1β, share only 24% amino-acid sequence identity
[19]. The antitumor effect of IL-2 and its recombinant but have largely identical biological function [32]. Further,
variant was found directly proportional to amount of IL-1 pathway has been reported [33]. IL-1 is made mainly
the agent administered. Endogenous IL-2 is scarce; by one type of white blood cell, the macrophage, and
aldesleukin can be mass-produced but has adverse helps another type of white blood cell, the lymphocyte,
side effects at relatively low levels of administration [20]. to fight infections. It also helps leukocytes pass through
The mechanism of action, methods of delivery, efficacy, blood vessel walls to sites of infection and causes
and side effect profile of the cytokines IL-2 and interferon fever by affecting areas of the brain that controls body
alfa were reported [21]. temperature.
Interleukin-3 (IL-3): IL-3 is an interleukin, a type of Interleukin 1β (IL-1β): IL-1β is a potent proinflammatory
biological signal (cytokine) that can improve the bodyûs factor during viral infection. Interleukin-1 made in the
natural response to disease as part of the immune laboratory is used as a biological response modifier
system. It acts by binding to the Interleukin-3 receptor. to boost the immune system in cancer therapy [34].
IL-3 stimulates bone marrow stem cells. Stimulation An IL-1 blocker, anakinra (Kineret), has been approved
of hematopoietic IL-3 and granulocyte-macrophage for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Another, rilonacept
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) appears to be able (Arcalyst, has been approved for cryopyrin-associated
to stimulate sympathetic nerve growth, via specific periodic syndromes [35].
cytokine receptors on neurons, which lead to activation Inflammasome: The inflammasome is a multiprotein
of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway complex that mediates the activation of caspase-1, which
that then mediated the observed neurotrophic effects promotes secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines
[22]. Researchers suggested that IL-3 neuroprotected interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-18, as well as ùpyroptosisû,
neuronal cells against neurodegenerative agents like a form of cell death induced by bacterial pathogens.
amyloid-β protein (Aβ) [23]. Members of the Nod-like receptor family, including
Interleukin-1 (IL-1): A protein produced by various NLRP1, NLRP3 and NLRC4, and the adaptor apoptosis-
cells, including macrophages. IL-1 raises body temperature, associated speck-like protein containing a C-terminal
spurs the production of interferon, and stimulates growth caspase recruitment domain (ASC) are critical components
of disease-fighting cells, among other functions. The of the inflammasome that links microbial and endogenous
IL-1 family of cytokines comprises 11 proteins (IL-1F1 ùdangerû signals to caspase-1 activation. Several diseases
to IL-1F11) encoded by 11 distinct genes (IL1A, IL1B, are associated with dysregulated activation of caspase-1
IL1RN, IL18, and IL1F5 to IL1F11 in man, Il1A to Ilf11 and secretion of IL-1β. In view of above, understanding
in mice) [24-26]. inflammasome pathways may provide insight into disease
The main function of IL-1-type cytokines is to control pathogenesis that might identify potential targets for
proinflammatory reactions in response to tissue injury therapeutic intervention [36]. Inflammasomes and IL-1
by pathogen-associated molecular pattern (such as bacterial are involved in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory
or viral products) or damage-or danger-associated disorders. The remarkable progress in this field has
molecular patterns released from damaged cells (such offered new hope for many patients with these disorders
Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (2010) 1-19 5
and also highlighted the role IL-1 might have in other Inhibiting this protein is highly efficient in blocking
inflammatory disorders, such as systemic juvenile virus replication [41].
idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), adult-onset Stillûs disease vi) Monoclonal antibodies: Monoclonal antibodies
(AOSD), and rheumatoid arthritis [37]. are produced from immortal cells with an antibody
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) producing spleen cells. Examples include Infliximab
stimulates the bone marrow to produce neutrophils (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira), rituximab (Rituxan
(antibacterial leukocytes), and is used for cancer , MabThera). Monoclonal antibodies now account for
treatments that are immunodepressants [38]. approximately one third of all new treatments. Their
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor applications include the treatment of breast cancers,
(GM-CSF) stimulates the bone marrow to produce leukemia, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, chronic
neutrophils and macrophages, and is used for chemo gastrointestinal inflammatory disease and transplant
and radio therapy that suppresses bone marrow function rejection. First fully human monoclonal antibody was
[38]. launched in 2003 (Humira) in UK-removing potential
ii) Enzymes: These are complex proteins that cause for immunogenic reactions. New indications and therapies
a specific chemical change in other substances without are emerging all the time. The development of human
being changed themselves. For example, alteplase antiviral monoclonal antibody therapies regarding
(Activase, TPA) (dissolves blood clots); dornase alfa antigenic variability of circulating viral strains and the
(Pulmozyme) (a recombinant DNAse I that digests ability of viruses to undergo neutralization escape was
DNA in the mucous secretions in lungs); imiglucerase reported [42]
(Cerezyme)-a recombinant glucocereborsidase for vii) Cell therapies: Cell therapy describes the
Gaucherûs disease, bone destruction and enlargement process of introducing new cells into tissues in order to
of the liver and spleen [38]. Factor IX (Alphanine SD, treat a disease. Several stem cell therapies are routinely
Benefix, Bebulin VH, Profilnine SD, Proplex T) used to treat disease today. Adult stem cell transplant
belonging to peptidase family S1, is one of the serine e.g. bone marrow stem cells, adult stem cell transplant
proteases of the coagulation system. Deficiency of this e.g. peripheral blood stem cells and umbilical cord blood
protein causes hemophilia B [39] stem cell transplant. Umbilical cord blood stem cell
iii) Hormones: These chemicals transfer information transplants are less prone to rejection than either bone
and instructions between cells in animals and plants. marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. The best-known
Examples include insulin (Insugen, Humulin, Novolin), stem cell therapy to date is the bone marrow transplant,
human growth hormone (Ascellacrin, Crescormon), which is used to treat leukemia and other types of cancer,
glucagon, growth hormone, gonadotrophins (Ovidrel) as well as various blood disorders [43].
iv) Clotting factors: These include any factor in the Regenerative medicine using stem-cell research,
blood that is essential for the blood to coagulate [40]. tissue engineering and gene therapy is cutting-edge
v) Vaccines: These are microorganisms or subunit research and it focuses on the repair, replacement and
of microorganisms that can be used to stimulate regeneration of cells, tissues or organs to restore
resistance in a human to specific diseases as well as to damaged function resulting from diseases and ailments.
stimulate immune response. Examples include hepatitis Stem cell-based therapies, tools and targets are our
B virus [Baraclude (Entecavir), Adefovir dipivoxil future. The big challenge for the stem cell community is
(Hepsera), Lamivudine (Epivir -HBV, 3TC), Alfa therefore to facilitate the best possible interaction with
Interferon (Intron A, Infergen, Roferon)], Ebola virus the population at large i.e. one stem cell world [44].
(No commercially available Ebola vaccines are available). Stem cell treatments are a type of genetic medicine
Researchers have identified a protein in infected liver that introduces new cells into damaged tissue in order
cells that is essential for hepatitis C virus replication. to treat a disease or injury. Many medical researchers
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believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to licensed, and only for topical applications [51]. It is now
change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. possible to produce very large quantities of therapeutic
The ability of stem cells to self-renew and give rise to peptides with tight specifications by using the wide
subsequent generations that can differentiate offered a possibilities offered by liquid phase and solid phase
large potential to culture tissues that can replace diseased technologies, alone or in combination depending on the
and damaged tissues in the body, without the risk of specific features of a given project. Moreover, many
rejection and side effects [45]. A number of stem cell peptides currently in the preclinical or clinical stages
treatments exist, although most are still experimental contain non-natural amino acids (β-amino acids or amino
and/or costly, with the notable exception of bone marrow acids having D configuration) to make them more active
transplantation. Medical researchers anticipate one day or more stable [52]. Selection methodologies addressing
being able to use technologies derived from adult and protease resistance have been developed and when
embryonic stem cell research to treat cancer, Type 1 combined with methods such as pegylation antibody
diabetes mellitus, Parkinsonûs disease, Huntingtonûs Fc attachment and binding to serum albumin look likely
disease, Celiac Disease, cardiac failure, muscle damage to finally turn therapeutic peptides into a widely accepted
and neurological disorders, along with many others [46]. drug class [53].
viii) Antisense drugs: Antisense drug is a medication
containing part of the non-coding strand of messenger Technologies
RNA (mRNA). Antisense drugs work at the genetic level PEGylation
to interrupt the process by which disease-causing It is the process of covalent attachment of poly
proteins are produced. Instead of attacking the bacteria (ethylene glycol) or PEG polymer chains to another
or viruses that cause diseases, antisense drugs will literally molecule, normally a drug or therapeutic protein.
throw a wrench into the portion of a cellûs genetic machinery PEGylation has been proven as a powerful new drug
that produces disease-related proteins. Among much delivery technology. Therapeutic proteins have been
new molecular therapeutics being explored for cancer modified chemically by the covalent addition of PEG, or
therapy, antisense oligonucleotides are emerging as a dextrans or other sugars, or by cross-linking to other
novel approach to cancer therapy, and used alone or in proteins with the main aims being to extend the circulation
combination with conventional treatments such as time and/or the avoidance of immunogenicity or toxicity
chemotherapy and radiation, with numerous antisense of those protein drugs. The recent achievements in
agents being evaluated in preclinical studies and several PEGylation processes with an emphasis on novel
anticancer antisense drugs in clinical trials [47]. One of PEG-drugs constructs, the unrealized potential of
the treatments for genetic disorder or infections is PEGylation for non-injected routes of delivery has been
antisense therapy. When the genetic sequence of a reported. [54]. Five PEGylated biopharmaceuticals:
particular gene is known to be causative of a particular pegademase bovine (Adagen) [PEG- bovine adenosine
disease, antisense drugs hybridize with and inactivate deaminase, used to treat cross-linked severe combined
mRNA, thereby, restricting a particular gene from immunogenicity syndrome, as an alternative to bone
producing the protein for which it holds the recipe [48]. marrow transplantation and enzyme replacement by
Although specificity and selectivity are the key features gene therapy], pegaspargase (Oncaspar) (PEGylated
of antisense oligonucleotides, the need to target the L-asparaginase for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic
right tissues and reach the nucleus remains a challenge leukemia in children who are hypersensitive to the native
to overcome [49, 50]. unmodified form of L-asparaginase), pegylated interferon
ix) Peptide therapeutics: Peptide therapeutics alfa-2a (Pegasys) or pegylated interferon alfa-2b
represents a novel class of therapeutic agents. Currently, (PegIntron) [PEGylated interferon alpha for use in the
only selected cationic antimicrobial peptides have been treatment of chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B],
Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (2010) 1-19 7
pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) (PEGylated recombinant with all of their disadvantages including high buffer
methionyl human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor requirements, large footprint, reuse and storage of resin
for severe cancer chemotherapy induced neutropenia), studies as well as costs.
and doxorubicin HCl (Doxil) (PEGylated liposome
containing doxorubicin for the treatment of cancer) were Bio-crystallization
commercialized. The crystallization of biopharmaceuticals is poorly
Releasable PEGylation employs customized linkers understood and is a rarely used commercial process
that reversibly bind a therapeutic moiety with polyethylene for the primary separation and purification of proteins.
glycol polymers. Based on the bioconjugates of cytokines, The development of the technology base for an essentially
peptide hormones, immunotoxins, enzymes, and reporter new biopharmaceuticals unit process operation-
proteins, researchers have described both aromatic and biocrystallization is desirable. The benefits of protein
aliphatic based customized linkers that release the crystallization in biopharmaceutical processing include i)
unaltered original drug under physiological conditions isolation and purification: streamlining the manufacturing
and at therapeutically useful release rates [55]. PEGylation process and making biopharmaceuticals less expensive
has become the biopharmaceutical delivery technology [62-64], ii) dosage levels-bioavailability: crystals are the
of choice for intravenously administered therapeutic most concentrated form and is beneficial for drugs such
proteins [56]. The benefits of PEGylation to a known as antibodies, which require high doses at the delivery
protein-based biopharmaceutical versus a non-PEGylated site [65], iii) protein crystallization may significantly improve
version include: i) improved pharmacokinetics i.e enhanced some aspects of protein handling, and change the way
solubility, improved stability, sustained absorption, biopharmaceuticals are produced, formulated, and
continuous biopharmaceutical action, ii) increased delivered [66], iv) sustained release-stability :reduced
circulation time i.e. decreased amount of protein required chemical degradation and as such may enhance drug
for therapeutic efficacy, decreased dosing frequency due efficacy over prolong period†[67], v) handling/processing/
to optimized biodistribution, reduced renal clearance, delivery-formulation: ability to achieve high concentration,
increased circulation time, iii) decreased toxicity, improved low viscosity formulation and controlled release protein
safety profile, reduced immunogenicity, reduced proteolysis. delivery [68], vi) engineering to suit purpose: the ability
Structural properties of PEGylated proteins could play to control crystal shape or habit and polymorphism as
an increasingly important role in developing optimal in the case of urate oxidase [69].
therapeutic protein drugs [57] Therapeutic applications of proteins include
Biologicals are produced under controlled conditions treatments for acute conditions, such as cancer, cardiovascular
and newly generated proteins undergo complex disease and viral disease, and chronic conditions, such
post-translational modifications. These are very sensitive as diabetes, growth hormone deficiency, haemophilia,
to production conditions and minor changes can arthritis, psoriasis and Crohnûs disease. Protein crystals
have major impacts on biological activity [58-60]. have shown significant benefits in the delivery of
Post-translational modifications add to complexity, for biopharmaceuticals to achieve high concentration, low
example, degree of glycoslyation can affect receptor viscosity formulation and controlled release protein
binding, and pegylation can affect receptor binding delivery. The utilization of protein crystals in biopharmaceutical
and metabolic removal [61]. applications has been reviewed [70].
The separation and purification of biopharmaceuticals The regulatory and commercial pressures to
represents one of the most time and cost intense accurately characterize complex biopharmaceutical
downstream operations in the manufacture of commercial molecules have lead to analysts looking beyond the
biopharmaceutical products. Separation and purification traditional tried and tested methods. Analytical techniques
of protein systems are usually achieved chromatographically include proteomic methods, mass spectrometry, 2D-PAGE,
8 B.S. Sekhon
CE-SDS gel method and sensitive micro/nano chromatography thaliana and others can generate many recombinant
[71, 72]. proteins [77]. The possible mechanisms by which
glycosylation improves the molecular stability of protein
Biopharmaceutical manufacturing pharmaceuticals have been reported [78]. Insulin Aspart
Biopharmaceutical manufacturing is complex and (NovoLog/NovoRapid) and insulin Glargine (Lantus)
variable. These may be produced from microbial cells are manufactured from recombinant DNA technology
(e.g. recombinant E. coli or yeast cultures), mammalian using the yeast, Pichia pastoris. Erythropoietin-alpha is
cell lines, plant cell cultures and moss plants in bioreactors a 165 amino acid glycoprotein manufactured by
of various configurations, including photobioreactors recombinant DNA technology and its biological effects
[73, 74]. The process of manufacturing a biopharmaceutical are the same as naturally occurring erythropoietin.
product entails two major steps that are referred to as Streptokinase (Kabikinase, Streptase) is manufactured
upstream and downstream processing. Upstream by recombinant DNA technology from E. coli as a
processing skills include those associated with the culture non-glycosylated polypeptide chain. Various aspects of
and maintenance of cells and downstream processing biopharmaceuticals development and clinical manufacturing
skills included those associated with the chemical and have been reported and an outline of drug substance
physical separations necessary for the isolation and production involving upstream and downstream process
purification of the product itself, from the complex is shown in Figure 2. [79, 80]
culture mixture [75, 76]. The production technologies and operations that
For proteins that require glycosylation, mammalian occur in the manufacturing facility were reported [81].
cells, fungi or the baculovirus system are chosen. The Scientists described practices applicable to the
two most utilized yeasts are Saccharomyces cerevisiae large-scale processing of biotechnological products [82].
and Pichia pastoris. Yeasts can produce high yields of Protein therapeutics-therapy using protein-based drugs
proteins at low cost, proteins larger than 50†kD can be especially monoclonal antibodies and recombinant
produced, signal sequences can be removed, and proteins, have emerged as the hottest approach in targeting
glycosylation can be carried out. The most popular system and treating a number of diseases. The demand for new
for producing recombinant mammalian glycosylated and effective biotherapeutic production has resulted in
proteins is that of mammalian cells. Genetically modified new technologies associated with protein expression
animals secrete recombinant proteins in their milk, blood and purification. In biopharmaceutical manufacturing,
or urine. Similarly, transgenic plants such as Arabidopsis process development accounts for 30% of costs, upstream
Cell expansion
Raw materials In process testing
Figure 2 An outline of biopharmaceutical manufacturing involving upstream and downstream process for drug substance (DS) production
Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (2010) 1-19 9
development will be biopharmaceuticals; a large proportion [100]. The technology used in biopharmaceutical filtration
of these will be recombinant protein therapeutics. and separation (the harvesting of mammalian cells to
Bioprocessing encompasses a wide range of techniques produce new drugs and medicines) has been reported
used in the development and manufacturing of bioscience [101].
based medicines, (known as biopharmaceuticals or
biologics). Applications include tissue engineering Disposable systems in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
(manufacturing approaches for tissue products); Disposable technologies are available for almost
biopharmaceutical formulation and delivery (novel every aspect of biopharmaceutical drug processing.
mechanisms for formulating and delivering biopharmaceuticals); In the case of a recombinant biotech product, completely
bioscience underpinning bioprocessing (understanding disposable manufacturing process means that each unit
the cellular and molecular processes which are predictive process operation, from fermentation through purification,
of process performance and which can inform strategies to final fill-and-finish, ideally should be redesigned and
for process design and metabolic engineering); improved retooled to enable the economical single use. The benefits
tools for bioprocessing (tools to accelerate bioprocess of disposable manufacturing are many; their relative
development including high throughput bioprocess significance depends on the type of drug to be
research); process modeling, improved analytics and ultra manufactured and the focus, size and resources of the
scale-down systems individual biopharmaceutical company. These benefits
Researchers provided an overview of recent include economy, speed to market, capacity and drug
developments in membrane technology, focusing on the process security [102].
special characteristics of the membrane systems that Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical
are now used for the commercial production and manufacturing
purification of recombinant protein products [94-98]. Single-use systems are designed with partnerships
The large-scale production of recombinant human between end-users and suppliers and users must evaluate
monoclonal antibodies demands economical purification supplier emerging technologies, sometimes with only
processes with high throughputs. Membrane chromatography minimal in-house. In biopharmaceutical manufacturing,
has already proven to be a powerful alternative to single-use components and systems can offer distinct
traditional packed-bed chromatography in flow-through advantages over reusable, cleanable systems and will
operations, such as polishing for the removal of viruses continue to grow in importance and demand as these
and contaminants in biologics manufacturing. The benefit have potential to reduce cross contamination, and
of using membrane chromatography is receiving elimination of many of the cleaning procedures [103].
increased recognition and is now becoming a routine One challenge in using single-use technology in
process step in large-scale biopharmaceutical manufacturing bioreactors is that not all cell lines are compatible with
processes, as it opens the opportunity for interesting disposable bioreactors [104-107].
new application areas, such as removal of impurities As most biopharmaceutical drugs are manufactured
and viruses. Some of the upcoming technologies that in small batches, the advantages offered by the use
can help to optimize time and cost of biopharmaceutical of disposables would seem especially applicable to
manufacturing have been recently reported [99]. These this market segment. The use of disposables in
technologies include i) tangential flow filtration microfiltration biopharmaceutical manufacturing can significantly impact
capsule for cell clarification and harvest, ii) hydrophobic manufacturing process efficiency by reducing capital
interaction membrane chromatography and iii) solutions costs, improving plant flexibility, reducing startup time
for high parvovirus retention. The disadvantages and and costs, eliminating some or all non-value added
advantages of using Q membrane chromatography as a process steps, eliminating cross-contamination, significantly
purification unit in large-scale production were reported reducing process waste, reducing labor costs and
Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 34 (2010) 1-19 11
reducing on-site quality and validation requirements. antibody (anti-lymphostat B). Scientists have discussed
However, the development of fully disposable manufacturing the efficacy and side effects of these agents, their impact
platforms to supply all scales of biopharmaceutical on current clinical practice and future trends. [115].
manufacturing remains in the future and is dependent The status on the use of biopharmaceuticals in the
on the development of new technologies, specifically treatment of rheumatoid arthritis indicated that blocking
in the areas of disposable chromatography, tangential of TNF-alpha, co-stimulation of CD28+ T-cells and
flow filtration (TFF) and centrifugation by the developers depletion of CD20+ B-cells were effective ways to
and producers of these technologies. However, the diminish inflammation and joint damage [116].
long-term future of disposables looks bright as applications Viral safety is a key issue for biological and
for disposables are expanding. They will be incorporated biotechnological medicinal products. Scientists discussed
into the toolbox of technologies available to the end the most up-to-date scientific knowledge and regulatory
user with the development of other disposable processes aspects in the areas of virus safety of recombinant
[108-112]. proteins, monoclonal antibodies, plasma-derived medicinal
products and advanced technology medicinal products
Miscellaneous aspects [117, 118].
New and emerging large-molecule bioactive agents Fusion proteins are successful biopharmaceuticals.
delivered from stent surfaces in drug-eluting stents (DESs) Fusion proteins can be categorized into several groups
to inhibit vascular restenosis in the context of interventional according to their features. In the first group, effectors
cardiology has been reported. New therapeutic agents molecules are fused to Fc domains, albumin or transferrin
representing proteins, nucleic acids (small interfering to extend the plasma half-life of the fusion product.
RNAs and large DNA plasmids), viral delivery vectors, In the second group, toxicity is conveyed by fusion
and even engineered cell therapies require specific proteins to toxins, enzymes or cytokines. The third
delivery designs distinct from traditional smaller-molecule application, which is not yet in clinical trials, utilizes
approaches on DESs. Many of the larger-molecule and fusion partners to enable novel delivery and targeting
biopharmaceutical approaches have been reported routes. Besides some specific disadvantages, many
recently for stent-based delivery with the challenges examples of fusion proteins suffer from the challenge of
associated with formulating and delivering these drug immunogenicity; however, future applications with novel
classes compared to the current small-molecule drugs fusion partners will reach beyond cancer, immunology
[113]. and inflammation [119]. The potential applications of
Biologicals as a group are highly effective in the erythrocytes in drug delivery have been reviewed with a
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Biologicals were particular stress on successful erythrocyte loading and
efficacious both in treatment naïve and methotrexate- characterization of the different classes of biopharmaceuticals
refractory patients [114]. A recent advance in the [120]. In recent years, recombinant therapeutic proteins
management of rheumatoid arthritis is the use of produced in mammalian cells demand has increased
biological agents which block certain key molecules dramatically and is now driving the development of a
involved in the pathogenesis of the illness. They include variety of improvements to maximize their expression in
tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-blocking agents such as mammalian cells [121]. Glycoengineered yeast can be
infliximab (Remicade), etanercept ((Enbrel) and used to produce functional full-length monoclonal
adalimumab (Humira), the anti-CD 20 agent rituximab antibodies at commercially viable productivities [122].
(Rituxan and MabThera) and CTLA-4 Ig abatacept DNA has the potential to meet the demands of emerging
(Orencia). Other agents which are in development and existing diseases and of particular interest for
include anti-IL6 tocilizumab (Actemra, RoActemra), therapeutic use is plasmid DNA that makes use of cellular
anti-CD22 (epratuzumab) and monoclonal anti-BLyS machinery to express proteins or antigens. The production
12 B.S. Sekhon
stages of fermentation and downstream purification using Regulatory authorities and the biopharmaceutical
DNA as a drug was reported [123]. Scientists have industry are continuously seeking to improve methods
described application of using RNAi technology to for the detection, identification, inactivation and removal
increase cellular productivity and the quality of recombinant of potentially contaminating pathogens in biotherapeutics.
proteins that are produced in Chinese hamster ovary The biopharmaceutical industry has employed a
(CHO) cells, the most important mammalian cell line multifaceted approach in pathogen detection, including
used in producing licensed biopharmaceuticals [124]. the rigorous screening of blood/plasma donations;
Researchers focused on the use of aqueous two-phase documented sourcing and screening of raw materials;
liquid-liquid extraction technique as an option for the thorough testing of production cell substrates and cell
downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals therapeutic culture harvest material during processing, and at the
proteins for the purification of monoclonal antibodies, stage of a final purified drug substance; and the evaluation
growth factors and hormones [125]. Monoclonal antibodies of microbe clearance during purification operations [129].
have become major therapeutic drugs for the treatment High-tech bioreactor-derived bioactive phytomolecules
of a number of diseases, thanks to a remarkable molecular and biopharmaceuticals hold the prospect of providing
engineering. The success of the first generation of permanent remedies for improving human well-being
monoclonal antibodies opens the way to new challenges [130].
such as antibody functional optimization, better control
of unwanted side effects, or low cost production at an Some specific uses of biopharmaceuticals
industrial scale. A new generation of antibodies is now Erythropoietin: Erythropoietin is the hormone
emerging and one can already foresee the future: responsible for inducing red blood cell production by
oligoclonal approaches based on the use of specific the bodyûs bone marrow. The most common use is in
antibodies cocktails, selection of eligible patients, and people with anemia (low blood count) related to kidney
antibody production at low costs [126]. dysfunction. Drugs such as epoietin alfa (Epogen,
Twenty five percent of women who have breast Procrit) and darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) increased the
cancer express a growth receptor called HER2. Breast production of red blood cells. They are used to treat
cancer with this receptor expressed grow exceptionally anaemia associated with chronic kidney failure, cancer
fast compared to other types. A genetically engineered chemotherapy, and antiretroviral HIV therapy [131].
monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) by Genentech, Erythropoietin plays an important role in the brainûs
Inc, is a drug designed specifically to block the activity response to neuronal injury and is also involved in the
of the HER2 receptor. It does not work in patients who wound healing process [132-134].
do not express the HER2 receptor, but it works Interferon-α : Imatinib (Gleevec) is a 2-phenylamino-
exceptionally in those patients who do express it. pyrimidine derivative that functions as a specific inhibitor
Scientists consider it as the ideal example of a truly of a number of tyrosine kinase (TK) enzymes. It occupies
targeted biopharmaceutical [127]. the TK active site, leading to a decrease in activity.
New antibody discovery tools have increased the IMATINIB is used in chronic myelogenous leukemia,
speed and precision with which potent neutralizing human gastrointestinal stromal tumors and a number of other
antiviral monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can be identified. malignancies [135].
As longstanding barriers to antiviral mAb development, Interferon-β : This is used for treatment of relapsing
such as antigenic variability of circulating viral strains multiple sclerosis [136].
and the ability of viruses to undergo neutralization escape, Monoclonal antibody: The newest monoclonal
are being overcome, deeper insight into the mechanisms antibody approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
of mAb action and engineering of effector functions are is rituximab (Rituxan). Like infliximab (Remicade), it is a
also improving the efficacy of antiviral mAbs [128]. chimeric mouse/human monoclonal antibody that is given
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