Biosimilars An Overview PDF
Biosimilars An Overview PDF
Biosimilars An Overview PDF
Biosimilars: an overview
Bhupinder Singh Sekhon Abstract: “Biologics”, considered one of the fastest growing sectors of the pharmaceutical
Vikrant Saluja industry, has introduced many new treatments to life-threatening and rare illnesses. The first
generation of biopharmaceutical products manufactured using recombinant technologies was
Institute of Pharmacy, PCTE Group
of Institutes, Near Baddowal Cantt. launched in the 1980s, and they are now on the way to patent expiration. As a result, research-
(Ludhiana), India based and generic pharmaceutical companies alike are pursuing the opportunity to develop
“generic” substitutes for original biologics, herein referred to as biosimilars. However, the
process of introducing a biosimilar to an innovator product is far more complex than the
relatively straightforward process of introducing a generic equivalent to an innovator product
based on a new chemical entity. Biologics are produced by cells in culture or whole organisms,
which are inherently more variable than chemical synthesis methods. Therefore, unlike
generic pharmaceuticals, it is impossible to generate the same or identical copy of an innovator
product. In this way, biosimilars are “similar but not the same” or in other words biosimilars
are “the twin but not the clone” to the original biologic innovator product. Therefore the field
of biosimilars presents several important challenges, including i) verification of the similarity,
ii) the interchangeability of biosimilars and innovator products, iii) the possible need for unique
naming to differentiate the various biopharmaceutical products, iv) regulatory framework,
v) commercial opportunities as well as guidelines to assist manufacturers in product development,
vi) intellectual property rights, and vii) public safety.
Keywords: biosimilars, biologics, innovator product, pharmacovigilance, regulatory
“Biologics” represent one of the fastest growing segments of the pharmaceutical
industry. They refer broadly to substances produced by living cells using biotechnology
(ie, recombinant DNA technology, controlled gene expression, or antibody
technologies), which have introduced many new treatments to life-threatening and rare
illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
They involve a wide range of substances, including recombinant hormones, growth
factors, blood products, monoclonal antibody-based products, recombinant vaccines,
and advanced technology products (gene and cell therapy biological products).1 The
global biologic industry has come a long way since its first drug Humulin earned US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 1982.2 Biologic sales now account
Correspondence: Bhupinder Singh Sekhon
Institute of Pharmacy, PCTE Group for about US$92 billion and are expected to worth more than US$167 billion by
of Institutes, Near Baddowal Cantt. 2015.3 By 2014, biologics are expected to occupy six of the top ten positions in the
(Ludhiana), 142021, India
Tel +91-161-2888550
pharmaceutical industry.4 The ever-increasing pressure on healthcare budgets globally,
Email requires cost savings analogous to those arising from the generic versions of original
innovator product.5–9 The pharma market is now open for of biosimilar products.13 Scientists are of the opinion that the
generic versions of biologics, referred to as “biosimilars” in use of biosimilars is an opportunity for us to use cutting-edge
Europe, “follow-on pharmaceuticals” in the US and Japan, technology to solve health problems and guide clinical
“subsequent entry biologics” in Canada, “biocomparables” processes.
in Mexico and, in this manuscript, “biosimilars”. These
terms arise from the loss of patent protection by many first- Biologics versus small-molecule
generation innovator products in the last few years, and the drugs
expectation that a few more will suffer the same fate in the Significant differences exist between biologics and typical
next few years. However, unlike the relatively uncomplicated small-molecule drugs basically because of difference in ori-
process of introducing a generic equivalent of an original gin (Tables 1 and 2). Chemical methods are generally used
chemical based drug, the process of introducing a biosimilar to produce small-molecule drugs whereas biological prod-
to an innovator product is far more complex. This is apparent ucts are synthesized usually by cells or living organisms.14
as i) biologics generally exhibit high molecular complexity This difference in origin leads to difference in structure,
ii) biologics are produced by cells in culture or whole organ- composition, manufacturing methods and equipment, intel-
isms, and iii) major changes in the product can occur due to lectual property, formulation, handling, dosing, regulation,
very minor changes in the process.10,11 and marketing.
Various complexities associated with approval of a bio- Compared with synthetic small molecules, biologics are
similar include: i) evidence of integrity and consistency of 100 to 1000 times larger in size, having several hundred
the manufacturing process, ii) conformance of manufactur- amino acids (average molecular weight of 150 per amino
ing standards to applicable regulations, iii) demonstration acid), biochemically joined together in a defined sequence
of product consistency with appropriate innovator product by peptide bonds to form a polypeptide. In contrast, conven-
or comparators using assays that should be relevant and tional drugs are far smaller, ie, molecular weight ,1000,
most of all standardized, so that several biosimilars of the self-contained, organic molecules that are, usually, chemi-
same biologic can be comparable, including comparative cally synthesized.15 Further, the bigger the molecule, the
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data and the extent greater the number of atoms that make up its structure and
of clinical data, and iv) experience with the approved the greater its complexity. Thus, structurally, biologics are
product.12 Further, issues like post-translation modification more complex than low molecular weight drugs, consisting
and immunogenicity are the key concern related to approval of primary (amino acid sequence) and secondary (α-helix and
β-pleated sheet) structures, which are folded into complicated neutralizing endogenous factors.26 Thus complex and often
3D tertiary structures.16 In some biopharmaceuticals, stable expensive biologics raise critical commercial challenges
associations of tertiary structures of individual proteins form compared with small-molecule drugs – the most important
a quaternary structure. After synthesis, these structures are of which pertains to developing a viable pricing, distribution
often further modified by post-translational modifications and reimbursement model that is intrinsically geared to the
such as glycosylation or sialylation, which may be crucial special characteristics of biologics and the expectations of a
for biological activity.17 Furthermore, due to larger size and diverse customer population.27 Because biologics now com-
structural complexity, the characterization of a biopharma- prise about a third of the medicines approved, understanding
ceutical presents an enormous challenge. whether their biological differences translate into commercial
Despite the availability of a wide range of novel tech- and economic differences is important for understanding
niques for characterizing structure and physicochemical health care economics, effective innovation incentives, and
properties, the inherent complexity of biopharmaceuticals anticipated public health improvements. Because of innate
means that the picture will be incomplete even if all available biology, production, and dosing regimes, biologics often
methods are used. Typically, it is impossible to fully define differ from small molecule medicines in their product devel-
these characteristics for any given product, and they may vary opment, regulatory approval, distribution, and commercial
with different manufacturing processes.18 In contrast, tradi- paths. Thus, although they have the same medical goal – to
tional small-molecule drugs have a well-defined and stable treat disease – small-molecule and biologics therapeutics dif-
chemical structure, which can be completely characterised fer substantially in ways that might affect innovation, safety,
by analytical methods.19 Moreover, biopharmaceutical pro- costs, clinical adoption, patient access, and pricing.28
duction methods are also more complex, involving several
steps and subject to variation affecting the biological and Regulation aspects of biosimilars
clinical properties of the drug (Figure 1).20 In short, the A generic drug is a much less expensive copy of an innova-
sensitivity of biological production to manufacturing con- tor drug product. Generics can be produced when the patent
ditions far exceeds that of chemical production.21 Further, on a drug has expired, for drugs which have never held
pre-clinical and clinical development of biologics are a major patent, in countries where a patent(s) is/are not in force,
issue with manufacturing costs easily reaching 100-fold of and where the generic companies certify that the branded
those of small molecules.22–25 Another important difference companies’ patents are either invalid, unenforceable, or
between biopharmaceuticals and low molecular weight drugs will not be infringed. Generic drug manufacturers apply
is their immunogenicity. Nearly all therapeutic proteins for marketing approval of generic drugs under the Abbrevi-
induce antibodies, irrespective of whether these proteins are ated New Drug Application (ANDA) pathway established
(partly) non-human or completely human homologs. They by FDA. Moreover, generic drug applications are termed
may decrease efficacy or may induce severe side effects by “abbreviated” because they are generally not required to
principles as well as economic considerations, and will have a efficacy is not feasible.46 However, the recent guidelines
significant positive therapeutic impact for millions of patients of the International Conference on Harmonization Q8
living with life-threatening and chronic diseases. on pharmaceutical development,47 and the roll-out of the
Quality by Design48 and Process Analytical Technology49
Quality, safety, and efficacy initiatives from the FDA have improved understanding of
The quality, safety, and efficacy of a biosimilar product the impact of manufacturing processes and their starting
must be approved by the relevant regulatory body before materials, on product quality.
marketing approval can be gained, which requires an Biochemical characterization of the protein product
appropriate comparability exercise. The EMEA requires requires sophisticated analytical tools to detect the possibili-
comparison of the biosimilar product with the innovator ties of changes to the product. Further, the characterization
product to determine absence of any detectable differences. of the product requires a variety of methods for different
The quality comparison between the biosimilar and the attributes or, alternatively, with orthogonal methods for
innovator product is crucial, because the quality of a pro- the characterization of a given attribute, thus developing
tein product affects its safety and efficacy. It is known that a comprehensive finger-printing of a protein product.50,51
biopharmaceutical manufacturing is a multistep process, However, key challenges remain that continue to require
involving cloning of the appropriate genetic sequence into a attention, primarily because of the high complexity of the
carefully selected expression vector, selection of a suitable products, processes, and raw materials that are part of the
cell expression system, and scale-up and purification, up manufacturing of biotechnology products.
to formulation of the end product18 (Figure 1). Towards the Virtually all therapeutic proteins induce some level of
particular manufacturing process used, biopharmaceuticals antibody response. The immune reaction can vary from low-
exhibited great sensitivity, and variation in product quality titer, low-affinity, and transient IgM antibodies to a high-titer,
was commonly observed, even when the exact same process high-affinity IgG response, with consequences ranging from
of manufacturing was used. The challenge then remains none to severe or life threatening. Many factors determine
to assess and quantify these differences, and determine the appearance of immunogenicity, including patient char-
whether the new product is as safe and efficacious as the acteristics and disease state, and the therapy itself influences
innovator product. Further, variability of source material the generation of an immune response. Product-related
has also been known to affect product quality. Thus the factors such as the molecule design, the expression system,
product is affected both by the host cell and the processing post-translational modifications, impurities, contaminants,
steps that follow. In addition, protein molecules can be formulation and excipients, container, closure, as well as
degraded during processing steps and impurities created degradation products are all implicated.52
in these steps can contribute to decreased potency and/ It is fundamental to conduct pre-clinical and clinical
or increased immunogenicity.45 With the large number of studies to understand the safety, efficacy, and quality of
quality attributes (Table 4), acquiring a complete knowledge both the innovator product and biosimilar medicines. Pre-
of the impact of each of the attributes on clinical safety and clinical studies are not yet capable of assessing the clinically
relevant immunogenicity potential of these product-related by the body’s exquisitely sensitive immune system. If one
factors. Understandably, most of the focus has been on change to a well-established complex manufacturing process,
assessing immunogenicity of protein products by non-clinical made by the manufacturer who has intimate knowledge of the
studies.53–55 Despite advances in biochemical characterization process, can cause a problem with immunogenicity, surely
and other non-clinical methods for assessment of immunoge- the risk is even greater with an entirely new manufacturer
nicity, the unpredictability of the human immune system still and process – as with biosimilar.60
necessitates detailed safety assessments, which will rely heav- Recently launched efforts, such as the EMEA concept
ily on clinical trials. This is why clinical experience, through paper on immunogenicity assessment of monoclonal antibodies
clinical trials and extensive pharmacovigilance programs, intended for in vivo clinical use, are expected to provide
remains the most reliable way to assess immunogenicity.56–58 further clarity on this topic.61 Further, when the Committee
The best example of unexpected things happening with for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)/EMEA
protein drugs that have been well characterized is Hospira’s evaluations to date were examined, any difference in host cell
biosimilar epoetin zeta (Retacrit®), which was approved by expression system, purity, and formulation appears acceptable if
EMEA. Eprex® (Amgen/Johnson & Johnson) is synthetic the clinical data show no negative effect.62 Besides safety of an
erythropoietin (epoetin alpha) and is used to replace the eryth- innovator product, evidence suggested that efficacy can also be
ropoietin that is lacking in people who cannot make enough, a concern. The products were characterized for similarity in the
usually because their kidneys are not working properly. Epo- types of glycoforms present, the relative degree of unfolding,
etin alpha is also used to treat people with cancer who develop in vitro potency, presence of covalent aggregates, and presence
anemia because of chemotherapy treatment. Although pre- of cleavage aggregates. The biochemical discrepancies between
approval physicochemical, in vivo, and animal testing showed the different copy products were most likely caused by the
that it was biosimilar to its innovator product epoetin alpha differences in the cell lines and the manufacturing process.63
(Eprex), it had lower potency in clinical trials.59 Accordingly,
current analytical techniques are unable to assess immunoge- EMEA status of biosimilars:
nicity and potency. This is evident from the Eprex case which approval or rejection
showed that one protein can be different from another in ways In the EU, a total of 14 brand name biosimilars (based on
that cannot be detected in the laboratory, but are seen only 4 reference products) from nine companies were approved
since the pathway for regulatory approval of biosimilars are considered essential to guarantee the product’s safety
was established (Table 5).64 In 2006, the EMEA rejected an and efficacy over time. Pharmacovigilance, as part of a
application for approval of a biosimilar interferon product due comprehensive risk management programme, will need to
to concerns about product characterization, manufacturing, include regular testing for consistent manufacturing of the
and quality control.65 Also, in December, 2007, Marvel Life drug.76 The most critical safety concern relating to biophar-
Sciences officially notified CHMP that it wished to withdraw maceuticals (including biosimilars) is immunogenicity.77,78
its applications for marketing authorizations for a range of Minimization of immunogenicity has to begin at the mol-
biosimilar insulins, based on the decision of the CHMP not to ecule design stage by reducing or eliminating antigenic
grant an extension to the timeframe given to them to respond epitopes and building in favorable physical and chemical
to a list of questions.66 Concerns raised by the CHMP over properties.79 Pharmacovigilance is important in the bio-
biosimilarity, drug product, and substance, and both clinical similars market because of the limited ability to predict
and non-clinical aspects, highlights that the approval pathway clinical consequences of seemingly innocuous changes in
for biosimilars is not straightforward, with products requiring the manufacturing process and the scientific information
assessment on a case-by-case basis.67 gap.56 The Eprex example also underscores other critical
EMEA provides information on the approval process for points. First, careful post-market monitoring of the safety
human medicines (the European Public Assessment Report, of a biologic, whether innovative or biosimilar, is extremely
EPAR), including a scientific discussion on the clinical data important. Increased pharmacovigilance with biopharma-
submitted for approval. Generally, the EPARs for biosimilars ceuticals was highlighted with the Eprex (epoetin alfa)
have stated that the biosimilar received approval because pure red cell aplasia issue. CHMP guidelines emphasize
it was shown to have a quality, safety, and efficacy profile the need for particular attention to pharmacovigilance,
comparable to the innovator product.68–75 especially to detect rare but serious side effects.56 Phar-
macovigilance systems should differentiate between inno-
vator product and biosimilar products, so that effects of
Pharmacovigilance of biosimilars
biosimilars are not lost in the back–ground of reports on
Pharmacovigilance is particularly concerned with adverse
innovator products.80 Further, the risk management plan for
drug reactions. Recently, pharmacovigilance concerns have
biosimilars should focus on increasing pharmacovigilance
been widened to include innovator product and biosimilars.
measures, identify immunogenicity risk, and implement
Clinical trials and post-authorization pharmacovigilance
special post-marketing surveillance. Although International
Nonproprietary Names (INNs) served as a useful tool in
Table 5 Biosimilars approved or rejected timeline worldwide pharmacovigilance, for biological products,
Biosimilar Reference Approval/Rejection they should not be relied upon as the only means of prod-
uct identification. In addition, biological products should
Omnitrope Somatropin 2006*
always be commercialized with a brand name or the INN
Valtropin Somatropin 2006*
Binocrit Epoetin alpha 2007*
plus the manufacturer’s name.81
Epoetin alpha Epoetin alpha 2007* To improve patient safety through enhanced pharma-
Hexal covigilance, Novartis supports the recent initiative in the
Abseamed Epoetin alpha 2007* EU to review and improve the pharmacovigilance system
Silapo Epoetin zeta 2007* of medicinal products in Europe. In addition, valid pharma-
Retacrit Epoetin zeta 2007*
covigilance procedures should be mandatory for all products
Filgrastim Filgrastim 2008*
Ratiopharm of a certain category (eg, biopharmaceutical) and not depend
Ratiograstim Filgrastim 2008* on whether the relevant brand is an innovator product or a
Biograstim Filgrastim 2008* biosimilar product.82
Tevagrastim Filgrastim 2008* Biologicals carry specific risks. Safety problems, for
Filgrastim hexal Filgrastim 2009*
example infliximab and the risk for tuberculosis, have been
Zarzio Filgrastim 2009*
identified via spontaneous reports of suspected adverse drug
Nivestim Filgrastim 2010*
Alpheon Roferon-A 2006** reactions (ADRs). Data obtained from the ADR database
Human insulin Humulin 2007** (VigiBase), maintained by the WHO Collaborating Centre
Notes: *Approved, **Rejected for International Drug Monitoring, indicated that biologicals
have a different safety profile compared with all other drugs in and clinical testing, most of which will be required anyway,
the database and, within the group of biologicals, differences to develop its product as a unique innovator product, and gain
exist between mechanistic classes. In addition, because not all the benefit of extended market exclusivity.89
adverse reactions can be predicted or detected during devel-
opment, spontaneous reporting remains an important tool for Biosimilars in clinical practice
the early detection of signals.83 Further, pharmacovigilance Despite the comparability of biosimilars to the innova-
plans developed and implemented by manufacturers are fre- tor product, clinicians and health care workers should be
quently part of the post-approval commitments to regulatory aware of some of the issues that have emerged during the
agencies to provide follow-up safety assessments. It was years development and approval of these products, which highlight
of pharmacovigilance that allowed physicians to determine the challenges of biosimilars.65 The use of biosimilars is
that the problem with Eprex occurred possibly because the essentially a change in clinical management.90 By taking a
switch to polysorbate 80 caused the drug to react to the rubber leading role in educating patients and medical professionals
stopper used in vials. Pharmacovigilance of biosimilars from about the risks and benefits of biosimilars, the Pan American
a regulatory point of view has been reported.84 and Health Education Foundation is actively involved in
improving patient safety.91
Commercial opportunities
Biosimilar development is a landmine of complexities The role of nurses in the use
with respect to regulatory, manufacturing, and marketing of biosimilars
aspects, making it one of the most expensive development Nurses are used to administering generic versions of
propositions in the pharmaceutical industry. Like generic chemically synthesized drugs which have identical thera-
pharmaceuticals, biosimilars enter the market with the aim of peutic properties, and cause the same adverse events as,
reducing healthcare cost, but entry to the biosimilar market their branded counterparts. Biosimilars, however, are not
carries higher costs, greater risks, and more time and exper- identical to the innovator biopharmaceutical products
tise in relation to the clinical development of these products. they seek to replicate. The lack of nursing awareness and
Furthermore, the marketing and launch of biosimilars education about biosimilars can lead to medication errors,
requires a different strategy than small-molecule generics. adverse events, or a delay in desired therapeutic gain for
The considerable costs to obtain FDA approval, and the sub- the patient.92
stantial costs to develop manufacturing capacity, will limit The complex nature of innovator products and biosimilar
the number of biosimilar competitors. In this scenario, very biopharmaceuticals requires that nurses are better informed
few biosimilar manufacturers are likely to attempt entry for about their differences (to the extent they exist), use, and
a given innovator product and are unlikely to introduce their effects. Experts are of the opinion that responsibility must
drugs only at discounts normally in the range of 10% to 30% be placed on manufacturers, professional bodies, and pre-
of the innovator product price. Further, the lack of automatic scribers to ensure that the nursing profession has continued
substitution between a biosimilar and an innovator product access to updated information on current and emerging
will slow the rate at which a biosimilar can obtain market biopharmaceutical products. In addition, safe use of such
share. Therefore, it is easy to see that currently, the type and products should be embedded in education, policies, and
amount of resources required for biosimilar development can procedures. Furthermore, the challenges and the need for
create high barriers of entry, not just for small to mid-sized increased awareness of biosimilars in nursing and clinical
companies, but even for the larger, well-established generics practice have been reported.93 In addition to education, it is
players and global biopharmaceutical companies.85–87 Gaining essential that nurses take meticulous records when adminis-
market share for a biosimilar could be challenging when there tering biopharmaceuticals.
is no added benefit over the innovator and insignificant cost Challenges facing biosimilars when educational cur-
savings. The price decrease can be achieved when multiple riculum or materials are designed, are adequate advice to
biosimilars are introduced to the market.88 patients and colleagues, assessing medication substitution,
On the other hand, if a substantial price decrease is and assessing and evaluating patients, thus requiring nurses
not viable for a biosimilar, a better strategy seems to be to to be proactive in being well informed about the biophar-
develop a biosimilar as a new product. It would benefit the maceuticals that are available, and to gain knowledge and
sponsor to use a scientific rationale and its own nonclinical training that is current and evidence-based.94
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