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1 Deck + Abutment 15.88+load Combo 15.88

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0 Introduction
1.1 General background
The Department of Roads has received a detail design of a bridge as the part of the design and build contract.
The details of the bridge is as follows

Name of the Bridge Rapti Bridge Before Bhaise

Road Alignement
Bridge Type
Superstructure Pre-stressed concrete Box Girder
Sub Structure RCC Abutment and Piers
Foundation Open Foundation

Span 50.0 m PS Concrete Box Girder

Total Length 150.0 m in 3 spans

The Design of super structure is based on the following parameters

Concrete Grade PS Wire Untensioned Steel
M 40 ( for Deck ) Class II IS 6006 7 Ply Fe 500
M 30 ( for sub structure ) Fy 1582.1 FY
M 30 ( For foundation ) 12.7 mm dia Strain
98.7 mm2 -0.10000
0.775 Kg/m -0.00380
156.15 KN -0.00276
Strain Stress Strain Stress -0.00192
0.0000 -1.0000 -0.2000 -0.9500 -0.00163
0.0000 0.0000 -0.0050 -0.9500 -0.00163
0.0005 0.2210 -0.0020 -0.9000 -0.00144
0.0010 0.0350 -0.0010 -0.8700 0.00000
0.0015 0.4100 -0.0005 -0.8400 0.00144
0.0020 0.4470 0.0000 0.0000 0.00163
0.0035 0.4470 0.00192
1.2 Design Check Methodology
For the purpose of design verification, the major calculations are done based upon fundamental
priciples of pre-stressing. The detail calculation has been done using a spreadsheet ( MS Excel)
with proper formula input and macros (VBA fro MS Excel
Part 1: Super Structure
a) Generation of comprehensive table of Influence Line for Support Reaction Bending Moments /
Shear Forces for various sections along the span
b) Calculations of Dead Loads, Superimposed Dead Loads
c) Calculation of torsional effect due unequal distribution of Live Loads in transverse direction of
the bridge span
d) Summation of Final Design BMs and SFs
e) Calculation of cable profile and eccentricities so that the BM effect of pre-stressing can be
f) Calculation of stress in extreme fibers based upon calculated section modulus of the entire Box
g) Check for sectional capacity of the box girder under Ultimate Loads
i) The calculation of sectional capacity of the Box Girder is based upon the first
principle of strain distribution and corresponding stress level within the entire section
ii) The calculation of Forces and Moments within the section have been done dividing
the entire section in strips
iii) The ultimate Bending Moment Capacity has been obtained by balancing axial forces
( total compression = total tension) by hit and trail of the strain distribution along the
h) Similarly check for Ultimate Shear Force also has been done

Part 2 Sub Structure / Foundation

The conventional method of Analysis and Design of Abutments / Peirs and Foundations have been
adopted. All the calculations have been done in spreadsheet

The design verification is based on overall load carrying capacity of the different parts of the
bridge. Smaller details like bearings, slab reinforcement, hand rails have not be checked
1.3 Influence Line and Vehicle Movement Input
( for simply supported beam type bridges )
Span = 50 m
Vehicle Movement Increment = 0.5 m 104.5

Axle Load At Spacing Wheel Load Distribution

27 0.00 0.00
27 1.10 1.10 0.25
114 4.30 3.20 1.80
114 5.50 1.20 0.50
68 9.80 4.30
68 12.80 3.00 0.15
68 15.80 3.00
68 18.80 3.00
27 38.80 20.00
27 39.90 1.10
114 43.10 3.20
114 44.30 1.20
68 48.60 4.30

Points of Interest
S.No Fraction Dist
0 0.000 0.00
1 0.125 6.25
2 0.250 12.50
3 0.375 18.75
4 0.500 25.00
5 0.625 31.25
6 0.750 37.50
7 0.875 43.75
8 1.000 50.00

Above stated load ( Class A ) has been applied to the 50.0 m span. The Load train is moved in 0.5
m increment. For every increment, the Bending Moment and Shear Force have been calculated at 7
sections and 2 supports.

The entire calculation has been performed using spreadhseet and Sap 2000
1.4 Influene Line Table for Bending Moments

Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
Increment Postion of 455.43 MAX 0.00 2361.26 4067.58 5119.24 5526.15 5332.09 4357.55 2675.58 0.00
Load 0.14 MIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.50 26.73 0.00 11.81 10.13 8.44 6.75 5.06 3.38 1.69 0.00
1.00 26.46 0.00 23.63 20.25 16.88 13.50 10.13 6.75 3.38 0.00
1.50 52.97 0.00 44.89 38.48 32.06 25.65 19.24 12.83 6.41 0.00
2.00 52.43 0.00 68.51 58.73 48.94 39.15 29.36 19.58 9.79 0.00
2.50 51.89 0.00 92.14 78.98 65.81 52.65 39.49 26.33 13.16 0.00
3.00 51.35 0.00 115.76 99.23 82.69 66.15 49.61 33.08 16.54 0.00
3.50 50.81 0.00 139.39 119.48 99.56 79.65 59.74 39.83 19.91 0.00
4.00 50.27 0.00 163.01 139.73 116.44 93.15 69.86 46.58 23.29 0.00
4.50 163.28 0.00 206.59 177.08 147.56 118.05 88.54 59.03 29.51 0.00
5.00 161.60 0.00 280.09 240.08 200.06 160.05 120.04 80.03 40.01 0.00
5.50 273.92 0.00 353.59 303.08 252.56 202.05 151.54 101.03 50.51 0.00
6.00 271.10 0.00 476.96 408.83 340.69 272.55 204.41 136.28 68.14 0.00
6.50 268.28 0.00 593.59 514.58 428.81 343.05 257.29 171.53 85.76 0.00
7.00 265.46 0.00 703.46 620.33 516.94 413.55 310.16 206.78 103.39 0.00
7.50 262.64 0.00 809.29 726.08 605.06 484.05 363.04 242.03 121.01 0.00
8.00 259.82 0.00 905.66 831.83 693.19 554.55 415.91 277.28 138.64 0.00
8.50 257.00 0.00 1002.04 937.58 781.31 625.05 468.79 312.53 156.26 0.00
9.00 254.18 0.00 1098.41 1043.33 869.44 695.55 521.66 347.78 173.89 0.00
9.50 251.36 0.00 1194.79 1149.08 957.56 766.05 574.54 383.03 191.51 0.00
10.00 316.27 0.00 1303.06 1265.03 1054.19 843.35 632.51 421.68 210.84 0.00
10.50 312.77 0.00 1429.19 1396.28 1163.56 930.85 698.14 465.43 232.71 0.00
11.00 309.27 0.00 1504.01 1527.53 1272.94 1018.35 763.76 509.18 254.59 0.00
11.50 305.77 0.00 1573.14 1658.78 1382.31 1105.85 829.39 552.93 276.46 0.00
12.00 302.27 0.00 1613.76 1790.03 1491.69 1193.35 895.01 596.68 298.34 0.00
12.50 298.77 0.00 1625.89 1921.28 1601.06 1280.85 960.64 640.43 320.21 0.00
13.00 362.99 0.00 1649.91 2049.23 1718.94 1375.15 1031.36 687.58 343.79 0.00
13.50 358.81 0.00 1691.79 2192.48 1849.56 1479.65 1109.74 739.83 369.91 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
14.00 354.63 0.00 1733.66 2324.93 1980.19 1584.15 1188.11 792.08 396.04 0.00
14.50 350.45 0.00 1775.54 2454.68 2110.81 1688.65 1266.49 844.33 422.16 0.00
15.00 346.27 0.00 1817.41 2584.43 2241.44 1793.15 1344.86 896.58 448.29 0.00
15.50 342.09 0.00 1859.29 2714.18 2372.06 1897.65 1423.24 948.83 474.41 0.00
16.00 405.64 0.00 1913.06 2854.13 2511.19 2008.95 1506.71 1004.48 502.24 0.00
16.50 400.78 0.00 1954.09 3009.38 2663.06 2130.45 1597.84 1065.23 532.61 0.00
17.00 395.92 0.00 1991.71 3141.83 2814.94 2251.95 1688.96 1125.98 562.99 0.00
17.50 391.06 0.00 2029.34 3240.08 2966.81 2373.45 1780.09 1186.73 593.36 0.00
18.00 386.20 0.00 2066.96 3338.33 3118.69 2494.95 1871.21 1247.48 623.74 0.00
18.50 381.34 0.00 2104.59 3379.58 3270.56 2616.45 1962.34 1308.23 654.11 0.00
19.00 444.21 0.00 2154.11 3431.03 3424.19 2744.75 2058.56 1372.38 686.19 0.00
19.50 438.67 0.00 2190.89 3497.78 3583.81 2883.25 2162.44 1441.63 720.81 0.00
20.00 433.13 0.00 2224.26 3564.53 3739.39 3021.75 2266.31 1510.88 755.44 0.00
20.50 427.59 0.00 2257.64 3631.28 3885.51 3160.25 2370.19 1580.13 790.06 0.00
21.00 422.05 0.00 2291.01 3698.03 4031.64 3298.75 2474.06 1649.38 824.69 0.00
21.50 416.51 0.00 2324.39 3764.78 4177.76 3437.25 2577.94 1718.63 859.31 0.00
22.00 410.97 0.00 2357.76 3831.53 4323.89 3575.75 2681.81 1787.88 893.94 0.00
22.50 405.43 0.00 2360.54 3884.68 4470.01 3714.25 2785.69 1857.13 928.56 0.00
23.00 399.89 0.00 2359.91 3917.43 4616.14 3852.75 2889.56 1926.38 963.19 0.00
23.50 394.35 0.00 2359.29 3950.18 4710.96 3991.25 2993.44 1995.63 997.81 0.00
24.00 388.81 0.00 2358.66 3982.93 4800.09 4129.75 3097.31 2064.88 1032.44 0.00
24.50 383.27 0.00 2358.04 4015.68 4860.71 4268.25 3201.19 2134.13 1067.06 0.00
25.00 377.73 0.00 2357.41 4048.43 4892.84 4406.75 3305.06 2203.38 1101.69 0.00
25.50 372.19 0.00 2326.19 4067.58 4924.96 4531.75 3408.94 2272.63 1136.31 0.00
26.00 366.65 0.00 2291.56 4066.33 4957.09 4656.75 3512.81 2341.88 1170.94 0.00
26.50 361.11 0.00 2256.94 4065.08 4989.21 4770.95 3616.69 2411.13 1205.56 0.00
27.00 355.57 0.00 2222.31 4063.83 5021.34 4882.45 3720.56 2480.38 1240.19 0.00
27.50 350.03 0.00 2187.69 4062.58 5053.46 4993.95 3824.44 2549.63 1274.81 0.00
28.00 344.49 0.00 2153.06 4061.33 5085.59 5105.45 3928.31 2618.88 1309.44 0.00
28.50 338.95 0.00 2118.44 4046.48 5117.71 5216.95 4032.19 2688.13 1344.06 0.00
29.00 333.41 0.00 2083.81 4011.23 5119.24 5328.45 4136.06 2757.38 1378.69 0.00
29.50 327.87 0.00 2049.19 3975.98 5117.36 5417.15 4239.94 2826.63 1413.31 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
30.00 322.33 0.00 2014.56 3940.73 5115.49 5471.65 4343.81 2895.88 1447.94 0.00
30.50 316.79 0.00 1979.94 3905.48 5113.61 5526.15 4447.69 2965.13 1482.56 0.00
31.00 311.25 0.00 1945.31 3870.23 5111.74 5523.65 4551.56 3034.38 1517.19 0.00
31.50 305.71 0.00 1910.69 3821.38 5109.86 5521.15 4648.69 3103.63 1551.81 0.00
32.00 300.17 0.00 1876.06 3752.13 5077.39 5518.65 4739.06 3172.88 1586.44 0.00
32.50 294.63 0.00 1841.44 3682.88 5041.51 5516.15 4825.39 3242.13 1621.06 0.00
33.00 289.09 0.00 1806.81 3613.63 5005.64 5513.65 4902.26 3311.38 1655.69 0.00
33.50 283.55 0.00 1772.19 3544.38 4969.76 5511.15 4979.14 3380.63 1690.31 0.00
34.00 278.01 0.00 1737.56 3475.13 4933.89 5508.65 5056.01 3449.88 1724.94 0.00
34.50 272.47 0.00 1702.94 3405.88 4898.01 5506.15 5132.89 3519.13 1759.56 0.00
35.00 266.93 0.00 1668.31 3336.63 4831.54 5490.05 5209.76 3588.38 1794.19 0.00
35.50 261.39 0.00 1633.69 3267.38 4761.66 5453.55 5286.64 3657.63 1828.81 0.00
36.00 255.85 0.00 1599.06 3198.13 4691.79 5417.05 5312.21 3726.88 1863.44 0.00
36.50 250.31 0.00 1564.44 3128.88 4621.91 5380.55 5332.09 3796.13 1898.06 0.00
37.00 244.77 0.00 1529.81 3059.63 4552.04 5344.05 5323.46 3865.38 1932.69 0.00
37.50 239.23 0.00 1495.19 2990.38 4482.16 5307.55 5286.34 3934.63 1967.31 0.00
38.00 233.69 0.00 1460.56 2921.13 4381.69 5257.45 5249.21 3990.38 2001.94 0.00
38.50 228.15 0.00 1425.94 2851.88 4277.81 5186.95 5212.09 4046.13 2036.56 0.00
39.00 249.50 0.00 1396.04 2786.68 4177.31 5119.15 5176.99 4092.43 2071.86 0.00
39.50 243.69 0.00 1373.23 2727.55 4081.88 5055.40 5144.93 4138.05 2108.18 0.00
40.00 264.83 0.00 1352.78 2670.45 3988.13 4993.00 5113.88 4184.35 2144.83 0.00
40.50 258.75 0.00 1341.78 2621.45 3901.13 4936.00 5086.88 4233.35 2182.83 0.00
41.00 252.67 0.00 1330.78 2572.45 3814.13 4865.40 5059.88 4282.35 2220.83 0.00
41.50 246.59 0.00 1319.78 2523.45 3727.13 4774.40 5002.28 4331.35 2258.83 0.00
42.00 240.51 0.00 1308.78 2474.45 3640.13 4683.40 4941.28 4357.55 2296.83 0.00
42.50 234.43 0.00 1297.78 2425.45 3553.13 4592.40 4880.28 4349.55 2334.83 0.00
43.00 228.35 0.00 1286.78 2376.45 3466.13 4501.40 4819.28 4341.55 2372.83 0.00
43.50 335.36 0.00 1315.68 2361.65 3407.63 4433.20 4775.38 4287.95 2416.53 0.00
44.00 328.14 0.00 1354.55 2355.40 3356.25 4357.10 4735.75 4237.20 2454.90 0.00
44.50 434.46 0.00 1413.38 2366.25 3319.13 4272.00 4674.08 4192.15 2489.38 0.00
45.00 426.10 0.00 1502.13 2402.75 3303.38 4204.00 4621.83 4155.65 2524.08 0.00
45.50 417.74 0.00 1578.73 2439.25 3287.63 4136.00 4569.58 4119.15 2549.33 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
46.00 409.38 0.00 1653.98 2475.75 3271.88 4068.00 4517.33 4082.65 2574.58 0.00
46.50 401.02 0.00 1719.78 2512.25 3256.13 4000.00 4465.08 4046.15 2599.83 0.00
47.00 392.66 0.00 1781.53 2548.75 3240.38 3932.00 4412.83 4009.65 2625.08 0.00
47.50 384.30 0.00 1843.28 2585.25 3224.63 3864.00 4329.98 3959.55 2650.33 0.00
48.00 375.94 0.00 1905.03 2621.75 3208.88 3796.00 4243.73 3889.05 2675.58 0.00
48.50 367.58 0.00 1966.78 2658.25 3193.13 3728.00 4157.48 3818.55 2649.53 0.00
49.00 426.68 0.00 2052.33 2715.15 3194.38 3673.60 4081.43 3754.85 2621.18 0.00
49.50 417.64 0.00 2126.73 2777.15 3199.88 3622.60 4007.93 3692.85 2565.18 0.00
50.00 408.60 0.00 2161.23 2839.15 3205.38 3571.60 3934.43 3630.85 2480.68 0.00
50.50 399.83 0.00 2197.41 2904.53 3215.94 3527.35 3838.76 3565.38 2407.99 0.00
51.00 391.06 0.00 2182.30 2969.90 3226.50 3483.10 3739.70 3479.50 2335.30 0.00
51.50 382.50 0.00 2162.84 3032.58 3241.11 3444.25 3647.39 3401.73 2272.06 0.00
52.00 441.46 0.00 2167.51 3108.23 3273.74 3420.35 3566.96 3332.78 2214.59 0.00
52.50 432.28 0.00 2178.14 3186.28 3310.61 3399.85 3489.09 3265.53 2157.96 0.00
53.00 423.10 0.00 2188.76 3253.53 3347.49 3379.35 3411.21 3198.28 2101.34 0.00
53.50 413.92 0.00 2199.39 3320.78 3384.36 3358.85 3333.34 3117.43 2044.71 0.00
54.00 404.74 0.00 2210.01 3388.03 3421.24 3338.35 3255.46 3016.18 1957.49 0.00
54.50 396.01 0.00 2223.49 3460.98 3466.66 3329.25 3191.84 2932.03 1886.81 0.00
55.00 455.43 0.00 2254.84 3562.88 3541.91 3350.85 3159.79 2880.33 1849.46 0.00
55.50 446.71 0.00 2268.34 3669.88 3621.41 3375.85 3130.29 2830.33 1812.96 0.00
56.00 439.13 0.00 2288.96 3745.53 3722.29 3429.35 3136.41 2823.08 1826.34 0.00
56.50 431.55 0.00 2309.59 3809.78 3823.16 3482.85 3142.54 2802.23 1839.71 0.00
57.00 423.97 0.00 2330.21 3851.23 3924.04 3536.35 3148.66 2760.98 1822.49 0.00
57.50 416.39 0.00 2350.84 3858.48 4024.91 3589.85 3154.79 2719.73 1801.86 0.00
58.00 408.81 0.00 2361.26 3865.73 4113.64 3643.35 3160.91 2678.48 1781.24 0.00
58.50 401.23 0.00 2347.89 3872.98 4201.01 3696.85 3167.04 2637.23 1760.61 0.00
59.00 393.65 0.00 2334.51 3880.23 4278.94 3750.35 3173.16 2595.98 1739.99 0.00
59.50 386.07 0.00 2321.14 3887.48 4352.81 3803.85 3179.29 2554.73 1719.36 0.00
60.00 378.76 0.00 2309.46 3898.13 4431.79 3864.15 3193.91 2523.68 1680.04 0.00
60.50 371.86 0.00 2300.34 3913.88 4518.41 3934.65 3221.29 2507.93 1655.16 0.00
61.00 364.96 0.00 2281.01 3929.63 4605.04 4005.15 3248.66 2492.18 1630.29 0.00
61.50 358.06 0.00 2237.89 3918.18 4691.66 4075.65 3276.04 2476.43 1605.41 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
62.00 351.16 0.00 2194.76 3899.93 4761.19 4146.15 3303.41 2460.68 1580.54 0.00
62.50 344.26 0.00 2151.64 3881.68 4790.81 4216.65 3330.79 2444.93 1555.66 0.00
63.00 337.63 0.00 2110.21 3866.83 4825.54 4293.95 3366.66 2439.38 1512.09 0.00
63.50 331.41 0.00 2071.34 3857.08 4816.61 4381.45 3415.29 2449.13 1482.96 0.00
64.00 325.19 0.00 2032.46 3847.33 4801.99 4463.55 3463.91 2458.88 1453.84 0.00
64.50 318.97 0.00 1993.59 3810.38 4787.36 4537.55 3512.54 2468.63 1424.71 0.00
65.00 312.75 0.00 1954.71 3766.63 4772.74 4608.85 3561.16 2478.38 1395.59 0.00
65.50 306.53 0.00 1915.84 3722.88 4758.11 4669.35 3609.79 2488.13 1366.46 0.00
66.00 300.59 0.00 1878.66 3682.53 4748.59 4736.65 3666.91 2508.08 1349.24 0.00
66.50 295.05 0.00 1844.04 3647.28 4746.71 4814.15 3736.79 2543.33 1349.86 0.00
67.00 289.51 0.00 1809.41 3612.03 4744.84 4891.65 3806.66 2578.58 1350.49 0.00
67.50 283.97 0.00 1774.79 3549.58 4732.76 4969.15 3876.54 2613.83 1351.11 0.00
68.00 278.43 0.00 1740.16 3480.33 4696.89 5046.65 3946.41 2649.08 1351.74 0.00
68.50 272.89 0.00 1705.54 3411.08 4661.01 5078.55 4016.29 2684.33 1352.36 0.00
69.00 267.62 0.00 1672.61 3345.23 4630.24 5105.85 4094.66 2729.78 1364.89 0.00
69.50 262.76 0.00 1642.24 3284.48 4607.11 5120.55 4185.79 2790.53 1395.26 0.00
70.00 257.90 0.00 1611.86 3223.73 4583.99 5101.05 4276.91 2851.28 1425.64 0.00
70.50 253.04 0.00 1581.49 3162.98 4550.66 5081.55 4355.89 2912.03 1456.01 0.00
71.00 248.18 0.00 1551.11 3102.23 4493.54 5062.05 4433.51 2972.78 1486.39 0.00
71.50 243.32 0.00 1520.74 3041.48 4436.41 5042.55 4501.69 3033.53 1516.76 0.00
72.00 238.46 0.00 1490.36 2980.73 4379.29 5023.05 4565.81 3094.28 1547.14 0.00
72.50 233.60 0.00 1459.99 2919.98 4322.16 5003.55 4629.94 3155.03 1577.51 0.00
73.00 228.74 0.00 1429.61 2859.23 4265.04 4984.05 4694.06 3215.78 1607.89 0.00
73.50 223.88 0.00 1399.24 2798.48 4197.71 4964.55 4758.19 3276.53 1638.26 0.00
74.00 219.02 0.00 1368.86 2737.73 4106.59 4917.85 4822.31 3337.28 1668.64 0.00
74.50 214.16 0.00 1338.49 2676.98 4015.46 4864.35 4869.34 3398.03 1699.01 0.00
75.00 209.30 0.00 1308.11 2616.23 3924.34 4810.85 4876.46 3458.78 1729.39 0.00
75.50 204.44 0.00 1277.74 2555.48 3833.21 4757.35 4883.59 3519.53 1759.76 0.00
76.00 199.58 0.00 1247.36 2494.73 3742.09 4703.85 4839.41 3580.28 1790.14 0.00
76.50 194.72 0.00 1216.99 2433.98 3650.96 4650.35 4789.54 3635.63 1820.51 0.00
77.00 189.86 0.00 1186.61 2373.23 3559.84 4569.65 4739.66 3682.88 1850.89 0.00
77.50 185.00 0.00 1156.24 2312.48 3468.71 4482.15 4689.79 3727.43 1881.26 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
78.00 180.14 0.00 1125.86 2251.73 3377.59 4394.65 4639.91 3761.18 1911.64 0.00
78.50 175.28 0.00 1095.49 2190.98 3286.46 4307.15 4590.04 3794.93 1942.01 0.00
79.00 170.42 0.00 1065.11 2130.23 3195.34 4219.65 4540.16 3828.68 1972.39 0.00
79.50 165.56 0.00 1034.74 2069.48 3104.21 4132.15 4490.29 3862.43 2002.76 0.00
80.00 160.70 0.00 1004.36 2008.73 3013.09 4017.45 4430.21 3896.18 2033.14 0.00
80.50 155.84 0.00 973.99 1947.98 2921.96 3895.95 4346.34 3929.93 2063.51 0.00
81.00 150.98 0.00 943.61 1887.23 2830.84 3774.45 4262.46 3918.08 2093.89 0.00
81.50 146.12 0.00 913.24 1826.48 2739.71 3652.95 4178.59 3894.83 2124.26 0.00
82.00 141.26 0.00 882.86 1765.73 2648.59 3531.45 4094.71 3848.78 2154.64 0.00
82.50 136.40 0.00 852.49 1704.98 2557.46 3409.95 4010.84 3768.53 2185.01 0.00
83.00 131.54 0.00 822.11 1644.23 2466.34 3288.45 3916.76 3688.28 2203.24 0.00
83.50 126.68 0.00 791.74 1583.48 2375.21 3166.95 3798.89 3608.03 2220.11 0.00
84.00 121.82 0.00 761.36 1522.73 2284.09 3045.45 3681.01 3527.78 2227.54 0.00
84.50 116.96 0.00 730.99 1461.98 2192.96 2923.95 3563.14 3447.53 2230.91 0.00
85.00 112.10 0.00 700.61 1401.23 2101.84 2802.45 3445.26 3367.28 2234.29 0.00
85.50 107.24 0.00 670.24 1340.48 2010.71 2680.95 3327.39 3287.03 2237.66 0.00
86.00 102.38 0.00 639.86 1279.73 1919.59 2559.45 3199.31 3206.78 2241.04 0.00
86.50 97.52 0.00 609.49 1218.98 1828.46 2437.95 3047.44 3099.33 2244.41 0.00
87.00 92.66 0.00 579.11 1158.23 1737.34 2316.45 2895.56 2985.08 2230.69 0.00
87.50 87.80 0.00 548.74 1097.48 1646.21 2194.95 2743.69 2870.83 2177.06 0.00
88.00 82.94 0.00 518.36 1036.73 1555.09 2073.45 2591.81 2756.58 2123.44 0.00
88.50 78.08 0.00 487.99 975.98 1463.96 1951.95 2439.94 2642.33 2018.51 0.00
89.00 73.33 0.00 458.29 916.58 1374.86 1833.15 2291.44 2532.13 1912.61 0.00
89.50 68.74 0.00 429.60 859.20 1288.80 1718.40 2148.00 2400.80 1813.80 0.00
90.00 64.20 0.00 401.25 802.50 1203.75 1605.00 2006.25 2264.70 1717.35 0.00
90.50 59.88 0.00 374.25 748.50 1122.75 1497.00 1871.25 2136.70 1630.35 0.00
91.00 55.56 0.00 347.25 694.50 1041.75 1389.00 1736.25 2008.70 1543.35 0.00
91.50 51.24 0.00 320.25 640.50 960.75 1281.00 1601.25 1880.70 1456.35 0.00
92.00 46.92 0.00 293.25 586.50 879.75 1173.00 1466.25 1752.70 1369.35 0.00
92.50 42.60 0.00 266.25 532.50 798.75 1065.00 1331.25 1597.50 1272.15 0.00
93.00 38.28 0.00 239.25 478.50 717.75 957.00 1196.25 1435.50 1151.15 0.00
93.50 34.87 0.00 217.95 435.90 653.85 871.80 1089.75 1307.70 1070.05 0.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
94.00 31.69 0.00 198.08 396.15 594.23 792.30 990.38 1188.45 998.93 0.00
94.50 28.97 0.00 181.05 362.10 543.15 724.20 905.25 1086.30 947.75 0.00
95.00 26.93 0.00 168.30 336.60 504.90 673.20 841.50 1009.80 926.50 0.00
95.50 24.89 0.00 155.55 311.10 466.65 622.20 777.75 933.30 895.05 0.00
96.00 22.85 0.00 142.80 285.60 428.40 571.20 714.00 856.80 839.80 0.00
96.50 20.81 0.00 130.05 260.10 390.15 520.20 650.25 780.30 784.55 0.00
97.00 18.77 0.00 117.30 234.60 351.90 469.20 586.50 703.80 729.30 0.00
97.50 16.73 0.00 104.55 209.10 313.65 418.20 522.75 627.30 674.05 0.00
98.00 14.69 0.00 91.80 183.60 275.40 367.20 459.00 550.80 618.80 0.00
98.50 12.65 0.00 79.05 158.10 237.15 316.20 395.25 474.30 553.35 0.00
99.00 11.15 0.00 69.70 139.40 209.10 278.80 348.50 418.20 487.90 0.00
99.50 9.79 0.00 61.20 122.40 183.60 244.80 306.00 367.20 428.40 0.00
100.00 8.43 0.00 52.70 105.40 158.10 210.80 263.50 316.20 368.90 0.00
100.50 7.07 0.00 44.20 88.40 132.60 176.80 221.00 265.20 309.40 0.00
101.00 5.71 0.00 35.70 71.40 107.10 142.80 178.50 214.20 249.90 0.00
101.50 4.35 0.00 27.20 54.40 81.60 108.80 136.00 163.20 190.40 0.00
102.00 3.54 0.00 22.10 44.20 66.30 88.40 110.50 132.60 154.70 0.00
102.50 2.86 0.00 17.85 35.70 53.55 71.40 89.25 107.10 124.95 0.00
103.00 2.18 0.00 13.60 27.20 40.80 54.40 68.00 81.60 95.20 0.00
103.50 1.50 0.00 9.35 18.70 28.05 37.40 46.75 56.10 65.45 0.00
104.00 0.82 0.00 5.10 10.20 15.30 20.40 25.50 30.60 35.70 0.00
104.50 0.14 0.00 0.85 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 0.00
1.5 Influene Line Table for Shear Forces

Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
Increment Postion 455.43 MAX 455.43 372.19 305.71 233.69 160.70 102.38 42.60 12.65 0.00
of Load 0.14 MIN 0.14 -10.90 -47.73 -104.66 -170.73 -242.75 -314.77 -406.06 -513.26
0.00 27.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.50 26.73 26.73 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27
1.00 26.46 26.46 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54
1.50 52.97 52.97 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03
2.00 52.43 52.43 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57
2.50 51.89 51.89 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11
3.00 51.35 51.35 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65
3.50 50.81 50.81 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19
4.00 50.27 50.27 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73 -3.73
4.50 163.28 163.28 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72
5.00 161.60 161.60 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40 -6.40
5.50 273.92 273.92 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08
6.00 271.10 271.10 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90 -10.90
6.50 268.28 268.28 13.28 -13.72 -13.72 -13.72 -13.72 -13.72 -13.72 -13.72
7.00 265.46 265.46 10.46 -16.54 -16.54 -16.54 -16.54 -16.54 -16.54 -16.54
7.50 262.64 262.64 34.64 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36
8.00 259.82 259.82 31.82 -22.18 -22.18 -22.18 -22.18 -22.18 -22.18 -22.18
8.50 257.00 257.00 29.00 -25.00 -25.00 -25.00 -25.00 -25.00 -25.00 -25.00
9.00 254.18 254.18 26.18 -27.82 -27.82 -27.82 -27.82 -27.82 -27.82 -27.82
9.50 251.36 251.36 23.36 -30.64 -30.64 -30.64 -30.64 -30.64 -30.64 -30.64
10.00 316.27 316.27 20.27 -33.73 -33.73 -33.73 -33.73 -33.73 -33.73 -33.73
10.50 312.77 312.77 16.77 -37.23 -37.23 -37.23 -37.23 -37.23 -37.23 -37.23
11.00 309.27 309.27 127.27 -40.73 -40.73 -40.73 -40.73 -40.73 -40.73 -40.73
11.50 305.77 305.77 123.77 -44.23 -44.23 -44.23 -44.23 -44.23 -44.23 -44.23
12.00 302.27 302.27 234.27 -47.73 -47.73 -47.73 -47.73 -47.73 -47.73 -47.73
12.50 298.77 298.77 230.77 -24.23 -51.23 -51.23 -51.23 -51.23 -51.23 -51.23
13.00 362.99 362.99 226.99 -28.01 -55.01 -55.01 -55.01 -55.01 -55.01 -55.01
13.50 358.81 358.81 222.81 -32.19 -59.19 -59.19 -59.19 -59.19 -59.19 -59.19
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
14.00 354.63 354.63 218.63 -9.37 -63.37 -63.37 -63.37 -63.37 -63.37 -63.37
14.50 350.45 350.45 214.45 -13.55 -67.55 -67.55 -67.55 -67.55 -67.55 -67.55
15.00 346.27 346.27 210.27 -17.73 -71.73 -71.73 -71.73 -71.73 -71.73 -71.73
15.50 342.09 342.09 206.09 -21.91 -75.91 -75.91 -75.91 -75.91 -75.91 -75.91
16.00 405.64 405.64 201.64 -26.36 -80.36 -80.36 -80.36 -80.36 -80.36 -80.36
16.50 400.78 400.78 264.78 -31.22 -85.22 -85.22 -85.22 -85.22 -85.22 -85.22
17.00 395.92 395.92 259.92 77.92 -90.08 -90.08 -90.08 -90.08 -90.08 -90.08
17.50 391.06 391.06 255.06 73.06 -94.94 -94.94 -94.94 -94.94 -94.94 -94.94
18.00 386.20 386.20 250.20 182.20 -99.80 -99.80 -99.80 -99.80 -99.80 -99.80
18.50 381.34 381.34 245.34 177.34 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66
19.00 444.21 444.21 240.21 172.21 -82.79 -109.79 -109.79 -109.79 -109.79 -109.79
19.50 438.67 438.67 302.67 166.67 -88.33 -115.33 -115.33 -115.33 -115.33 -115.33
20.00 433.13 433.13 297.13 161.13 -66.87 -120.87 -120.87 -120.87 -120.87 -120.87
20.50 427.59 427.59 291.59 155.59 -72.41 -126.41 -126.41 -126.41 -126.41 -126.41
21.00 422.05 422.05 286.05 150.05 -77.95 -131.95 -131.95 -131.95 -131.95 -131.95
21.50 416.51 416.51 280.51 144.51 -83.49 -137.49 -137.49 -137.49 -137.49 -137.49
22.00 410.97 410.97 274.97 138.97 -89.03 -143.03 -143.03 -143.03 -143.03 -143.03
22.50 405.43 405.43 337.43 201.43 -94.57 -148.57 -148.57 -148.57 -148.57 -148.57
23.00 399.89 399.89 331.89 195.89 -100.11 -154.11 -154.11 -154.11 -154.11 -154.11
23.50 394.35 394.35 326.35 190.35 8.35 -159.65 -159.65 -159.65 -159.65 -159.65
24.00 388.81 388.81 320.81 184.81 2.81 -165.19 -165.19 -165.19 -165.19 -165.19
24.50 383.27 383.27 315.27 179.27 111.27 -170.73 -170.73 -170.73 -170.73 -170.73
25.00 377.73 377.73 309.73 173.73 105.73 -149.27 -176.27 -176.27 -176.27 -176.27
25.50 372.19 372.19 372.19 236.19 100.19 -154.81 -181.81 -181.81 -181.81 -181.81
26.00 366.65 366.65 366.65 230.65 94.65 -160.35 -187.35 -187.35 -187.35 -187.35
26.50 361.11 361.11 361.11 225.11 89.11 -138.89 -192.89 -192.89 -192.89 -192.89
27.00 355.57 355.57 355.57 219.57 83.57 -144.43 -198.43 -198.43 -198.43 -198.43
27.50 350.03 350.03 350.03 214.03 78.03 -149.97 -203.97 -203.97 -203.97 -203.97
28.00 344.49 344.49 344.49 208.49 72.49 -155.51 -209.51 -209.51 -209.51 -209.51
28.50 338.95 338.95 338.95 270.95 66.95 -161.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05
29.00 333.41 333.41 333.41 265.41 129.41 -166.59 -220.59 -220.59 -220.59 -220.59
29.50 327.87 327.87 327.87 259.87 123.87 -58.13 -226.13 -226.13 -226.13 -226.13
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
30.00 322.33 322.33 322.33 254.33 118.33 -63.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67
30.50 316.79 316.79 316.79 248.79 112.79 44.79 -237.21 -237.21 -237.21 -237.21
31.00 311.25 311.25 311.25 243.25 107.25 39.25 -242.75 -242.75 -242.75 -242.75
31.50 305.71 305.71 305.71 305.71 101.71 33.71 -221.29 -248.29 -248.29 -248.29
32.00 300.17 300.17 300.17 300.17 164.17 28.17 -226.83 -253.83 -253.83 -253.83
32.50 294.63 294.63 294.63 294.63 158.63 22.63 -205.37 -259.37 -259.37 -259.37
33.00 289.09 289.09 289.09 289.09 153.09 17.09 -210.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91
33.50 283.55 283.55 283.55 283.55 147.55 11.55 -216.45 -270.45 -270.45 -270.45
34.00 278.01 278.01 278.01 278.01 142.01 6.01 -221.99 -275.99 -275.99 -275.99
34.50 272.47 272.47 272.47 272.47 136.47 0.47 -227.53 -281.53 -281.53 -281.53
35.00 266.93 266.93 266.93 266.93 198.93 62.93 -233.07 -287.07 -287.07 -287.07
35.50 261.39 261.39 261.39 261.39 193.39 57.39 -238.61 -292.61 -292.61 -292.61
36.00 255.85 255.85 255.85 255.85 187.85 51.85 -130.15 -298.15 -298.15 -298.15
36.50 250.31 250.31 250.31 250.31 182.31 46.31 -135.69 -303.69 -303.69 -303.69
37.00 244.77 244.77 244.77 244.77 176.77 40.77 -27.23 -309.23 -309.23 -309.23
37.50 239.23 239.23 239.23 239.23 171.23 35.23 -32.77 -314.77 -314.77 -314.77
38.00 233.69 233.69 233.69 233.69 233.69 97.69 -38.31 -293.31 -320.31 -320.31
38.50 228.15 228.15 228.15 228.15 228.15 92.15 -43.85 -298.85 -325.85 -325.85
39.00 249.50 249.50 222.50 222.50 222.50 86.50 -49.50 -277.50 -331.50 -331.50
39.50 243.69 243.69 216.69 216.69 216.69 80.69 -55.31 -283.31 -337.31 -337.31
40.00 264.83 264.83 210.83 210.83 210.83 74.83 -61.17 -289.17 -343.17 -343.17
40.50 258.75 258.75 204.75 204.75 204.75 68.75 -67.25 -295.25 -349.25 -349.25
41.00 252.67 252.67 198.67 198.67 198.67 130.67 -73.33 -301.33 -355.33 -355.33
41.50 246.59 246.59 192.59 192.59 192.59 124.59 -11.41 -307.41 -361.41 -361.41
42.00 240.51 240.51 186.51 186.51 186.51 118.51 -17.49 -199.49 -367.49 -367.49
42.50 234.43 234.43 180.43 180.43 180.43 112.43 -23.57 -205.57 -373.57 -373.57
43.00 228.35 228.35 174.35 174.35 174.35 106.35 -29.65 -211.65 -379.65 -379.65
43.50 335.36 335.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 99.36 -36.64 -104.64 -386.64 -386.64
44.00 328.14 328.14 160.14 160.14 160.14 160.14 -43.86 -111.86 -366.86 -393.86
44.50 434.46 434.46 152.46 152.46 152.46 152.46 16.46 -119.54 -374.54 -401.54
45.00 426.10 426.10 144.10 144.10 144.10 144.10 8.10 -127.90 -355.90 -409.90
45.50 417.74 417.74 162.74 135.74 135.74 135.74 -0.26 -136.26 -364.26 -418.26
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
46.00 409.38 409.38 154.38 127.38 127.38 127.38 -8.62 -144.62 -372.62 -426.62
46.50 401.02 401.02 173.02 119.02 119.02 119.02 -16.98 -152.98 -380.98 -434.98
47.00 392.66 392.66 164.66 110.66 110.66 110.66 -25.34 -161.34 -389.34 -443.34
47.50 384.30 384.30 156.30 102.30 102.30 102.30 34.30 -101.70 -397.70 -451.70
48.00 375.94 375.94 147.94 93.94 93.94 93.94 25.94 -110.06 -406.06 -460.06
48.50 367.58 367.58 139.58 85.58 85.58 85.58 17.58 -118.42 -300.42 -468.42
49.00 426.68 426.68 130.68 76.68 76.68 76.68 8.68 -127.32 -309.32 -477.32
49.50 417.64 417.64 235.64 67.64 67.64 67.64 -0.36 -136.36 -204.36 -486.36
50.00 408.60 408.60 226.60 58.60 58.60 58.60 -9.40 -145.40 -213.40 -495.40
50.50 399.83 399.83 217.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 -86.17 -222.17 -477.17
51.00 391.06 391.06 323.06 41.06 41.06 41.06 41.06 -94.94 -230.94 -485.94
51.50 382.50 382.50 314.50 59.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 -103.50 -239.50 -467.50
52.00 441.46 441.46 305.46 50.46 23.46 23.46 23.46 -112.54 -248.54 -476.54
52.50 432.28 432.28 296.28 68.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 -121.72 -257.72 -485.72
53.00 423.10 423.10 287.10 59.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 -130.90 -266.90 -494.90
53.50 413.92 413.92 277.92 49.92 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -72.08 -276.08 -504.08
54.00 404.74 404.74 268.74 40.74 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -81.26 -217.26 -513.26
54.50 396.01 396.01 260.01 32.01 -21.99 -21.99 -21.99 -89.99 -225.99 -407.99
55.00 455.43 455.43 319.43 23.43 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -98.57 -234.57 -416.57
55.50 446.71 446.71 310.71 14.71 -39.29 -39.29 -39.29 -107.29 -243.29 -425.29
56.00 439.13 439.13 303.13 121.13 -46.87 -46.87 -46.87 -114.87 -250.87 -318.87
56.50 431.55 431.55 295.55 113.55 -54.45 -54.45 -54.45 -54.45 -258.45 -326.45
57.00 423.97 423.97 287.97 219.97 -62.03 -62.03 -62.03 -62.03 -198.03 -334.03
57.50 416.39 416.39 280.39 212.39 -69.61 -69.61 -69.61 -69.61 -205.61 -341.61
58.00 408.81 408.81 340.81 204.81 -50.19 -77.19 -77.19 -77.19 -213.19 -349.19
58.50 401.23 401.23 333.23 197.23 -57.77 -84.77 -84.77 -84.77 -220.77 -356.77
59.00 393.65 393.65 325.65 189.65 -38.35 -92.35 -92.35 -92.35 -228.35 -364.35
59.50 386.07 386.07 318.07 182.07 -45.93 -99.93 -99.93 -99.93 -235.93 -371.93
60.00 378.76 378.76 310.76 174.76 -53.24 -107.24 -107.24 -107.24 -175.24 -311.24
60.50 371.86 371.86 303.86 167.86 -60.14 -114.14 -114.14 -114.14 -182.14 -318.14
61.00 364.96 364.96 364.96 160.96 -67.04 -121.04 -121.04 -121.04 -189.04 -325.04
61.50 358.06 358.06 358.06 222.06 -73.94 -127.94 -127.94 -127.94 -195.94 -331.94
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
62.00 351.16 351.16 351.16 215.16 33.16 -134.84 -134.84 -134.84 -202.84 -338.84
62.50 344.26 344.26 344.26 208.26 26.26 -141.74 -141.74 -141.74 -209.74 -345.74
63.00 337.63 337.63 337.63 201.63 19.63 -148.37 -148.37 -148.37 -148.37 -284.37
63.50 331.41 331.41 331.41 195.41 127.41 -154.59 -154.59 -154.59 -154.59 -290.59
64.00 325.19 325.19 325.19 189.19 121.19 -133.81 -160.81 -160.81 -160.81 -296.81
64.50 318.97 318.97 318.97 250.97 114.97 -140.03 -167.03 -167.03 -167.03 -303.03
65.00 312.75 312.75 312.75 244.75 108.75 -119.25 -173.25 -173.25 -173.25 -309.25
65.50 306.53 306.53 306.53 238.53 102.53 -125.47 -179.47 -179.47 -179.47 -315.47
66.00 300.59 300.59 300.59 232.59 96.59 -131.41 -185.41 -185.41 -185.41 -253.41
66.50 295.05 295.05 295.05 227.05 91.05 -136.95 -190.95 -190.95 -190.95 -258.95
67.00 289.51 289.51 289.51 221.51 85.51 -142.49 -196.49 -196.49 -196.49 -264.49
67.50 283.97 283.97 283.97 283.97 147.97 -148.03 -202.03 -202.03 -202.03 -270.03
68.00 278.43 278.43 278.43 278.43 142.43 -153.57 -207.57 -207.57 -207.57 -275.57
68.50 272.89 272.89 272.89 272.89 136.89 -45.11 -213.11 -213.11 -213.11 -281.11
69.00 267.62 267.62 267.62 267.62 131.62 -50.38 -218.38 -218.38 -218.38 -218.38
69.50 262.76 262.76 262.76 262.76 126.76 58.76 -223.24 -223.24 -223.24 -223.24
70.00 257.90 257.90 257.90 257.90 121.90 53.90 -228.10 -228.10 -228.10 -228.10
70.50 253.04 253.04 253.04 253.04 185.04 49.04 -205.96 -232.96 -232.96 -232.96
71.00 248.18 248.18 248.18 248.18 180.18 44.18 -210.82 -237.82 -237.82 -237.82
71.50 243.32 243.32 243.32 243.32 175.32 39.32 -188.68 -242.68 -242.68 -242.68
72.00 238.46 238.46 238.46 238.46 170.46 34.46 -193.54 -247.54 -247.54 -247.54
72.50 233.60 233.60 233.60 233.60 165.60 29.60 -198.40 -252.40 -252.40 -252.40
73.00 228.74 228.74 228.74 228.74 160.74 24.74 -203.26 -257.26 -257.26 -257.26
73.50 223.88 223.88 223.88 223.88 223.88 19.88 -208.12 -262.12 -262.12 -262.12
74.00 219.02 219.02 219.02 219.02 219.02 83.02 -212.98 -266.98 -266.98 -266.98
74.50 214.16 214.16 214.16 214.16 214.16 78.16 -103.84 -271.84 -271.84 -271.84
75.00 209.30 209.30 209.30 209.30 209.30 73.30 -108.70 -276.70 -276.70 -276.70
75.50 204.44 204.44 204.44 204.44 204.44 68.44 -113.56 -281.56 -281.56 -281.56
76.00 199.58 199.58 199.58 199.58 199.58 63.58 -4.42 -286.42 -286.42 -286.42
76.50 194.72 194.72 194.72 194.72 194.72 58.72 -9.28 -264.28 -291.28 -291.28
77.00 189.86 189.86 189.86 189.86 189.86 121.86 -14.14 -269.14 -296.14 -296.14
77.50 185.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 117.00 -19.00 -247.00 -301.00 -301.00
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
78.00 180.14 180.14 180.14 180.14 180.14 112.14 -23.86 -251.86 -305.86 -305.86
78.50 175.28 175.28 175.28 175.28 175.28 107.28 -28.72 -256.72 -310.72 -310.72
79.00 170.42 170.42 170.42 170.42 170.42 102.42 -33.58 -261.58 -315.58 -315.58
79.50 165.56 165.56 165.56 165.56 165.56 97.56 -38.44 -266.44 -320.44 -320.44
80.00 160.70 160.70 160.70 160.70 160.70 160.70 24.70 -271.30 -325.30 -325.30
80.50 155.84 155.84 155.84 155.84 155.84 155.84 19.84 -276.16 -330.16 -330.16
81.00 150.98 150.98 150.98 150.98 150.98 150.98 14.98 -167.02 -335.02 -335.02
81.50 146.12 146.12 146.12 146.12 146.12 146.12 10.12 -171.88 -339.88 -339.88
82.00 141.26 141.26 141.26 141.26 141.26 141.26 5.26 -62.74 -344.74 -344.74
82.50 136.40 136.40 136.40 136.40 136.40 136.40 0.40 -67.60 -349.60 -349.60
83.00 131.54 131.54 131.54 131.54 131.54 131.54 63.54 -72.46 -327.46 -354.46
83.50 126.68 126.68 126.68 126.68 126.68 126.68 58.68 -77.32 -332.32 -359.32
84.00 121.82 121.82 121.82 121.82 121.82 121.82 53.82 -82.18 -310.18 -364.18
84.50 116.96 116.96 116.96 116.96 116.96 116.96 48.96 -87.04 -315.04 -369.04
85.00 112.10 112.10 112.10 112.10 112.10 112.10 44.10 -91.90 -319.90 -373.90
85.50 107.24 107.24 107.24 107.24 107.24 107.24 39.24 -96.76 -324.76 -378.76
86.00 102.38 102.38 102.38 102.38 102.38 102.38 102.38 -101.62 -329.62 -383.62
86.50 97.52 97.52 97.52 97.52 97.52 97.52 97.52 -38.48 -334.48 -388.48
87.00 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 -43.34 -225.34 -393.34
87.50 87.80 87.80 87.80 87.80 87.80 87.80 87.80 -48.20 -230.20 -398.20
88.00 82.94 82.94 82.94 82.94 82.94 82.94 82.94 -53.06 -235.06 -403.06
88.50 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 -57.92 -125.92 -407.92
89.00 73.33 73.33 73.33 73.33 73.33 73.33 73.33 -62.67 -130.67 -385.67
89.50 68.74 68.74 68.74 68.74 68.74 68.74 68.74 0.74 -135.26 -390.26
90.00 64.20 64.20 64.20 64.20 64.20 64.20 64.20 -3.80 -139.80 -367.80
90.50 59.88 59.88 59.88 59.88 59.88 59.88 59.88 -8.12 -144.12 -372.12
91.00 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56 -12.44 -148.44 -376.44
91.50 51.24 51.24 51.24 51.24 51.24 51.24 51.24 -16.76 -152.76 -380.76
92.00 46.92 46.92 46.92 46.92 46.92 46.92 46.92 -21.08 -157.08 -385.08
92.50 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 -93.40 -389.40
93.00 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 -97.72 -393.72
93.50 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 -101.13 -283.13
Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point of Interest 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50
94.00 31.69 31.69 31.69 31.69 31.69 31.69 31.69 31.69 -104.31 -286.31
94.50 28.97 28.97 28.97 28.97 28.97 28.97 28.97 28.97 -107.03 -175.03
95.00 26.93 26.93 26.93 26.93 26.93 26.93 26.93 26.93 -109.07 -177.07
95.50 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 -43.11 -179.11
96.00 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 -45.15 -181.15
96.50 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.81 -47.19 -183.19
97.00 18.77 18.77 18.77 18.77 18.77 18.77 18.77 18.77 -49.23 -185.23
97.50 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 -51.27 -187.27
98.00 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 -53.31 -189.31
98.50 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 -191.35
99.00 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 -124.85
99.50 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 -126.21
100.00 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 -127.57
100.50 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 -128.93
101.00 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 -130.29
101.50 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 -131.65
102.00 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 -64.46
102.50 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 -65.14
103.00 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 -65.82
103.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 -66.50
104.00 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 -67.18
104.50 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 -67.86
2.0 Design of Super-structure
The check of the super structure has been done with detailed manual calculations as shown below.
Mainly, the streeses in extreme fibre at different phase of load transfer (e.g. under permanent dead
load, under pre-stressing, under other dead loads and under service load) have been checked.
Span length = 50.00 m
2.1 Basic Configuration of Deck System

1.900 4.500 1.900


0.45mX0.15m top campher

3.100 3.750

0.45mX0.15m bottom chamoher



2.2 Girder Information

Girder Spacing= 3.300 m LA frm
Box Girder Portion Width Depth No Area Top Area
(m) (m) (m^2) (m) Moment(m^3)
Top Slab 4.5 0.250 1.000 1.125 0.125 0.141
Edge Slab 1.900 0.200 2.000 0.855 0.113 0.096
Webs 0.600 3.139 2.500 4.708 1.819 8.565
Bottom Slab 3.500 0.400 1.000 1.400 3.550 4.970
Top Campher inner 0.450 0.150 2.000 0.068 0.300 0.020
Bottom Campher 0.450 0.150 2.000 0.068 3.300 0.223
Depth Of Girder 3.750
Total 8.223 14.015
2.3 Weight Of Girder
Information Load
Self UDL Area Of Girder X Unit Wt of Concrete 197.351 KN/m
Foothpath length X Thickness X Unit Wt. 0.85 (l) 0.25 (t) 10.200 KN/m
Railing 1KN Per m 1.000 KN/m
Deck Wearing Thickness(.075) X Unit weight X Footpath length1.800 KN/m 5.040 KN/m
Railing Conc 0.150 0.500 3.600 KN/m
Other DL 19.840 KN/m
TOTAL UDL 217.191 KN/m

Other Deck Load added

Cross Girder at Supports
Top= 4.500 m Area of Deck 8.223 m^2
Bottom= 3.500 m Deductions
Height = 3.750 m Width Of Opening 1.200 m
Area= 15.000 m^2 Height Of Opening 1.000 m
Thickness= 0.600 m 1.200 m^2
So, extra point Load at support 80.309 KN

Tapered at the support

Length 5.975 m Load
Web 0.300 m ( extra due to tapering ) 135.024 KN
Bottom Slab 0.160 m ( extra due to tapering ) 26.386 KN
Extra load due to Tapered section 161.410 KN
Applied as point load at 3.983 m from support

Intermediate Cross Slabs

Top 3.300 m Opening Width= 1.200 m
Bottom 2.300 m Deduction Opening Height= 1.000 m
Height 3.139 m Area= 1.200 m^2
Thickness 0.300 m Load= 54.635 KN
Applied as point load at 12.500 m from support
so the extra load on deck
80.309 161.410 54.635 54.635 54.635 161.410 80.309
0.000 3.983 12.500 25.000 37.500 46.017 50.000

R1 =323.672 R1 =323.672
2.4 Bending Moment and Shear force Due to The Extra Dead Load of Girder
0.000 6.250 12.500 18.750 25.000 31.250 37.500 43.750 50.000
Moment @
Load Dist.
80.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
161.41 3.98 0.00 561.79 481.53 401.28 321.02 240.77 160.51 80.26 0.00
54.64 12.50 0.00 291.09 582.19 485.16 388.13 291.09 194.06 97.03 0.00
54.64 25.00 0.00 194.06 388.13 582.19 776.25 582.19 388.13 194.06 0.00
54.64 37.50 0.00 97.03 194.06 291.09 388.13 485.16 582.19 291.09 0.00
161.41 46.02 0.00 80.26 160.51 240.77 321.02 401.28 481.53 561.79 0.00
80.31 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 1155.2 1667.4 1838.1 2008.8 1838.1 1667.4 1155.2 0.00

Shear Force @ 0.000 6.250 12.500 18.750 25.000 31.250 37.500 43.750 50.000
Laod Dist.
80.31 0.00 100.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
161.41 3.98 148.34 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84 -12.84
54.64 12.50 46.58 46.58 46.58 -15.53 -15.53 -15.53 -15.53 -15.53 -15.53
54.64 25.00 31.05 31.05 31.05 31.05 31.05 -31.05 -31.05 -31.05 -31.05
54.64 37.50 15.53 15.53 15.53 15.53 15.53 15.53 -46.58 -46.58 -46.58
161.41 46.02 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 -148.34
80.31 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100.42
Total 323.67 81.95 27.32 27.32 -27.32 -27.32 -27.32 -81.95 -323.67

2.5 Moment Of Inertia Calculation

Width Depth Area
Component No Local I H Combined I
(m) (m) (m^2)
Top Slab 4.500 0.250 1.000 0.006 1.125 1.579 2.812
Edge Slab 1.900 0.200 2.000 0.004 0.855 1.592 2.170
Webs 0.600 3.139 2.500 3.865 4.708 -0.115 3.927
Bottom Slab 3.500 0.400 1.000 0.019 1.400 -1.846 4.787
Top Campher inner 0.450 0.150 2.000 0.000 0.068 1.404 0.133
Bottom Campher 0.450 0.150 2.000 0.000 0.068 -1.596 0.172
Total 14.002

2.6 Material Data

Cable/Tendon Data : IS 6006

Fy 1587.357 Strength of concrete : M 40
Class II 7 ply Nos. Pre Strand : 12
Diameter of Cable= 15.200 mm Allowalble Force in Strand : 2666.760 KN
Area of cable= 140.000 mm^2 Area of Strand : 1680.000 mm^2
Weight per Meter= 1.102 kgf/m
Force per Cable= 222.230 KN
2.7 Cable Nos. And Profile Eccentricity And Moment of
End Mid 0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00 ten
1 3.300 1.550 3.300 2.534 1.988 1.659 1.550 1.659 1.988 2.534 3.300 0
2 3.000 1.400 3.000 2.300 1.800 1.500 1.400 1.500 1.800 2.300 3.000 0
3 2.700 1.250 2.700 2.066 1.613 1.341 1.250 1.341 1.613 2.066 2.700 0
4 2.400 1.100 2.400 1.831 1.425 1.181 1.100 1.181 1.425 1.831 2.400 2
5 2.100 0.950 2.100 1.597 1.238 1.022 0.950 1.022 1.238 1.597 2.100 2
6 1.800 0.800 1.800 1.363 1.050 0.863 0.800 0.863 1.050 1.363 1.800 2
7 1.500 0.650 1.500 1.128 0.863 0.703 0.650 0.703 0.863 1.128 1.500 2
8 1.200 0.500 1.200 0.894 0.675 0.544 0.500 0.544 0.675 0.894 1.200 2
9 0.800 0.350 0.800 0.603 0.463 0.378 0.350 0.378 0.463 0.603 0.800 2
10 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 8
2.8 Eccentricity of cable
0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00
1 1.254 0.489 -0.058 -0.386 -0.496 -0.386 -0.058 0.489 1.254
2 0.954 0.254 -0.246 -0.546 -0.646 -0.546 -0.246 0.254 0.954
3 0.654 0.020 -0.433 -0.705 -0.796 -0.705 -0.433 0.020 0.654
4 0.354 -0.214 -0.621 -0.864 -0.946 -0.864 -0.621 -0.214 0.354
5 0.054 -0.449 -0.808 -1.024 -1.096 -1.024 -0.808 -0.449 0.054
6 -0.246 -0.683 -0.996 -1.183 -1.246 -1.183 -0.996 -0.683 -0.246
7 -0.546 -0.917 -1.183 -1.342 -1.396 -1.342 -1.183 -0.917 -0.546
8 -0.846 -1.152 -1.371 -1.502 -1.546 -1.502 -1.371 -1.152 -0.846
9 -1.246 -1.442 -1.583 -1.667 -1.696 -1.667 -1.583 -1.442 -1.246
10 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846 -1.846

Max Force In Each Cable= 2666.760 KN Taking 90% only

= 2400.084
Assuming 25% loss Taking 75% only 1800.063 KN
Total Prestress Force 36001.260 KN
2.9 Moment By Eccentricity Pre-stressing
0.00 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 1275.8 -771.7 -2234.3 -3111.8 -3404.3 -3111.8 -2234.3 -771.7 1275.8
5 195.8 -1615.5 -2909.3 -3685.6 -3944.3 -3685.6 -2909.3 -1615.5 195.8
6 -884.2 -2459.3 -3584.3 -4259.4 -4484.4 -4259.4 -3584.3 -2459.3 -884.2
7 -1964.3 -3303.1 -4259.4 -4833.1 -5024.4 -4833.1 -4259.4 -3303.1 -1964.3
8 -3044.3 -4146.9 -4934.4 -5406.9 -5564.4 -5406.9 -4934.4 -4146.9 -3044.3
9 -4484.4 -5193.1 -5699.4 -6003.2 -6104.4 -6003.2 -5699.4 -5193.1 -4484.4
10 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578 -26578
Total -35483 -44067 -50199 -53878 -55104 -53878 -50199 -44067 -35483
2.10 Torsional Effect Induced Due To Live Load

0.850 0.150 1.800 1.600 1.800 0.150 0.850

2.200 3.900 2.200

Load Dist. Left R Right R
114.00 -1.200 149.08 -35.08 SF Max S1 S2
114.00 0.600 96.46 17.54 When Left is Max 455.43 416.57 872.00
114.00 2.200 49.69 64.31 When Right is max 404.74 513.26 918.00
114.00 4.000 -2.92 116.92
456.00 292.31 163.69
Ratio 0.641 0.359
The Distribution of max load
Left G Right G Diff Lever Arm Torsional Moment
588.462 329.538 258.92 1.950 504.900
Equivalent Bending Moment Equivalent SF

 D 
T 1  
 b  1 .6 T
Me 
1 .7 Ve 
D= 3.439 b= 1.200
b= 3.300
Me= 606.478 Ve= 673.200

2.11 Design of BM and SF in box Girder

Bending Moment @ 0.000 6.250 12.500 18.750 25.000 31.250 37.500 43.750 50.000
PDL 0.000 26982 46254 57818 61672 57818 46254 26982 0.0
Additionla PDLs 0.000 1155.2 1667.4 1838.1 2008.8 1838.1 1667.4 1155.2 0.0
Other DLs 0.000 2712.5 4650.0 5812.5 6200.0 5812.5 4650.0 2712.5 0.0
Live Load 0.000 2361.3 4067.6 5119.2 5526.2 5332.1 4357.6 2675.6 0.0

Factor due to eccein G1= 0.641 in G2= 0.359 so factor 7.05%

Due to Torsional Effect induced due to eccentric Live Loa 606.478 KNm
Impact factor 1.100 for span greater than 45 m
Assuming 2 full lanes Total Live Load including effect of eccentricity, torsion and Impact
1428.3 6989.4 11008 13485 14443 13986 11691 7729.7 1428.3

Shear force @ 0.000 6.250 12.500 18.750 25.000 31.250 37.500 43.750 50.000
PDL 4933.8 3700.3 2466.9 1233.4 0.000 -1233.4 -2466.9 -3700.3 -4933.8
Additionla PDLs 323.67 81.953 27.318 27.318 -27.318 -27.318 -27.318 -81.953 -323.67
Other DLs 496.00 372.00 248.00 124.00 0.000 -124.00 -248.00 -372.00 -496.00
Max 455.43 372.19 305.71 233.69 160.70 102.38 42.600 12.648 0.000
Live Load
Min 0.136 -10.902 -47.734 -104.66 -170.73 -242.75 -314.77 -406.06 -513.26
Factor due to eccentric live load 7.05%
Due to Torsional Effect induced due to eccentric Live Loa 673.200
Impact factor 1.100
Assuming 2 full lanes Total Live Load including effect of eccentricity, torsion and Impact
2658.1 2462.0 2305.5 2135.8 1987.6 2157.2 2326.8 2541.8 2794.3

2.12 Calculation of final extreme stresses

Ytop= 1.704 Ybot= -2.046 MoI= 14.002
Permanent Dead Load
Top 0.00 3424.9 5833.2 7261.5 7751.5 7261.5 5833.2 3424.9 0.00
Bot 0.00 -4110.6 -7001.0 -8715.3 -9303 -8715.3 -7001.0 -4110.6 0.00
Top 59.0 -985.9 -1732.2 -2180.0 -2329.3 -2180.0 -1732.2 -985.88 59.0
Bot 9562.0 10816 11712 12249 12428 12249 11712 10816 9562.0
At Transfer
Top 59.0 2439.0 4100.9 5081.5 5422.2 5081.5 4100.9 2439.0 59.0
Bot 9562.0 6705.5 4710.8 3534.0 3125.1 3534.0 4710.8 6705.5 9562.0
Other Dead Loads
Top 0.00 330.17 566.01 707.52 754.68 707.52 566.01 330.17 0.00
Bot 0.00 -396.28 -679.33 -849.2 -905.8 -849.2 -679.33 -396.28 0.00
Just before Service
Top 59.0 2769.2 4666.9 5789.0 6176.8 5789.0 4666.9 2769.2 59.0
Bot 9562.0 6309.2 4031.5 2684.8 2219.3 2684.8 4031.5 6309.2 9562.0
Live Loading
Top 173.86 850.77 1339.9 1641.4 1758.1 1702.4 1423.1 940.88 173.86
Bot -208.67 -1021.1 -1608.2 -1970.0 -2110.0 -2043.3 -1708.0 -1129.2 -208.67
At Serive
Top 232.9 3620.0 6006.9 7430.4 7934.9 7491.4 6090.0 3710.1 232.9
Bot 9353.3 5288.1 2423.3 714.8 109.3 641.6 2323.5 5180.0 9353.3

2.13 Normal Reinforcement ( on Box Girder Section )

Top slab
Minimum Reinforce Requriement 990.000 mm^2
Dia Spacing No Area
Top 10 200 16 1256.637 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
Bottom 10 200 16 1256.637 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
Botom Slab
Minimum Reinforce Requriement 1104.000 mm^2
Dia Spacing No Area
Top 12 200 11 1244.071 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
Bottom 12 200 11 1244.071 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
Side Overhanging
minimum reinforced requriement 513.000 mm^2
Dia Spacing No Area
top 10 250 7 549.779 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
bottom 10 250 7 549.779 mm^2 ok more then minimum requrement
minimum reinforce requrement 2700.000 mm^2
Dia Spacing No Area
12 200 18 2035.752 mm^2 increse reinforcement
provide both side of web
2.14 Check for Ultimate Bending Strength
1.50 2.00 2.50
63681.05 6200.0 14443.1
Ultimate BM 147640.162 KNm

At Mid Span Stress Force Moment

Top Strain 3.750 0.0035 17.880
Mid Top Slab 3.625 0.0033 17.880 10057.500 21010.008
Bottom Top Slab 3.500 0.0031 17.880 10057.500 19752.821
2 9/10 girder 2.880 0.0021 17.880 13470.077 43442.345
3 8/10 girder 2.570 0.0016 16.582 6490.506 17889.269
4 7/10 girder 2.260 0.0011 2.922 3673.239 9098.585
5 6/10 girder 1.950 0.0005 8.244 2102.872 4419.212
6 5/10 girder 1.640 0.0000 0.520 1650.608 3067.911
7 4/10 girder 1.330 -0.0005 0.000 97.988 0.000
8 3/10 girder 1.020 -0.0010 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 2/10 girder 0.710 -0.0015 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 1/10 girder 0.400 -0.0020 0.000 0.000 0.000
NA 1.638 47600.289

Strain Distribution for cables

1 1.550 -0.0001 -379.6 0.000 0.000

2 1.400 -0.0004 -1030.4 0.000 0.000
3 1.250 -0.0006 -1345.8 0.000 0.000
4 1.100 -0.0009 -1369.0 -4599.973 2472.535
5 0.950 -0.0011 -1386.6 -4659.112 3203.190
6 0.800 -0.0014 -1398.3 -4698.156 3934.757
7 0.650 -0.0016 -1409.9 -4737.200 4678.036
8 0.500 -0.0019 -1421.5 -4776.244 5433.030
9 0.350 -0.0021 -1431.1 -4808.568 6191.084
10 0.200 -0.0023 -1437.6 -19321.037 27774.201
Bottom Strain -0.0027 0.000
Ultimate Bending Moment Capacity 172366.983 KNm: > Safe
2.15 Check for Shear
The Ultimate Shear Force is G SG SQ
1.5 2 2.5
15863.8 KN 5257.4 496.0 2794.3
And 7931.9 KN per girder
Considering a web only of 3.750 m depth
And the width of 0.577 m ( deducting the dia of duct)
Shear Stress = 3.668 N/mm2 < 4.7 for M 40 Concrete
Pres-stressing force ( Total) 36001.26 KN Stress= 4.378 MPa
Maximum Shear Capacity 0.67 bd sqrt ft^2 0.8 fcp ft)
ft= 0.24 sqrt(fck) 1.52
fcp= 4.378
So Vco= 3999.64 KN ( per girder )
So the shear reinforcement is required for 3932.29 KN
Using Fy 415
And d as 1.90 from bottom and 1.85 from top ( centroid of tendons)
Or depth of link ( assuming 100 mm covers) 3.55 m
So depth = 3.55 m
Assu 18 mm d 2.00 legged, As= 508.94 mm2
Spacing of 150 mm
Shear Capacity = 4348.8 KN, which is greater than 3932.29 KN Safe

2.15 Check for Anchorage Bearing Stress

Considering no increase in concentric area, so A2/A1 =1
Allowable bearing stress = 0.48 19 N/mm2
Maximum Force in cable = 90% 2666.76 KN
Bearing Area 400 400 160000 mm2
Bearing Stress 16.67 N/mm2 Safe
2.16 Load for Bearing and Sub-structure Design
PDL= 5257.4 KN
ODL= 496.0 KN The design of super
structure (pre-stressed
LL= 513.3 KN box girder) is OK
Imf Fact= 1.1
3.0 Design Of Abutment(Ht=15.88m)
3.0.1 Design Condition
a) Type :
b) Foundation Type : Open Foundation
c) [Superstructure Type : PSC(Span=50m)
d) Unit Weight of Abutment Materials : 24.50 KN/m3
e) Ground
Ground Soil Unit Weight (γ1) : 18 KN/m3
N-Value at pile end (N) : 10 (Soft Soil)
e) Back Fill
Self Unit Weight (γ2) : 18 KN/m3
Shear Resistance Angle (φ) : 35
f) Used Material and Strength
1) Concrete Design strength fck : 30 MPa
2) Rebar Yield Strength fy : 415 MPa
3) Bearing :
4) Bearing Friction Coefficient (μm) : 0.150
f) Live Load : IRC class A truck
g) Earth Pressure
A) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time ( Coulomb Earth Pressure )

Sin 2 (    )
Ka  2
 Sin (   ) Sin (   ) 
Sin  Sin (    )1 

 Sin (    ) Sin (   ) 

B) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Seismic ( Mononbe-Okabe Formula )

Sin 2 (      ' )
Ka  2
 Sin(   ) Sin(   ' ) 
Cos ' Sin  Sin(    ' )1 

 Sin(    ' ) Sin(   ) 
i) Impact Factor ( Span L = 50.00 m )
Using "IRS 6 2010 loads and stress" for specifying Loads on superstructure and substructure:
impact factor is taken as 10% as section 208

j) longitudinal force
A) Brake Load: IRS 6 2010 loads and stress section 211 (Breaking effect is invariablly greater then
B) Start Load : (Also called Tractive effort) tractive effect)
C) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearing due to
change of tempurature or any other cause
k) Surcharge Load
qL = 35 KN/m² (Live Load)
qD = 15 KN/m² (Dead Load)
l) Seismic Load
Using IRC:6 - 2010 Section 219 for seismic load:
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient:
for time period 𝑇=2∗√(𝐷/1000𝐹)

D= superstructre dead load+ live load (KN)

F= horizontal force in KN for 1 mm deflection of abutment
D= 5856.102 KN
F= 194.140 KN I= 6.252
(For EarthPressure: Kh =(Z/2 x (I)/R)(Z=0.36, Zone V, I=1.2, R=3)
Kh = 0.06 x 1.200 = 0.072
(Inertia force calculation of superstructure, (S a/g = 2.5)
kh = 0.072 x 2.5 = 0.180
m) Temperature Variation
Horizontal force due to temperature variation is given by
0.15 (PDL + PLL) =
which acts at a distance from abutment base of deck
3.0.2.Assumed Section
b1 b2
Approach slab
b3 b4 height up to bearing
H = 11.630 m
bearing height Bh = 0.500 m

Deck height Dh = 3.750 m
total height Ht = 15.880 m
A A Length of Abutment
L = 4.500 m
b1 = 0.600 m
b2 = 1.700 m
② b3 = 0.750 m
ⓐ H= 11.630 b4 = 0.950 m 589
b5 = 2.300 m
b6 = 2.900 m
b7 = 3.700 m
depth of foundation Df = 2.000 m

③ b5 ④ Df= 2.000 m
Aproach Slab BA = 8.300 m
LA = 3.700 m
b7= 3.700 b6= 2.900

3.0.3 Load Calculation

a) Abutment and Backfill Self Weight
1) Volume
① b1 x ( Dh + Bh ) x L = 11.475 m^3
② b5 x Ht x H = 120.371 m^3
③ ( B7 + B5 ) Df x T = 54.000 m^3
④ b6 x Df x T = 26.100 m^3
ⓐ B x ( H1 + H ) x L = 264.402 m^3
2) Self Weight & Moment
Unit Vertical force and momnet Horizental force and moment
Classification Volume
weight V X M H Y M
① 11.475 24.5 281.14 4.900 1,377.6 50.60475 15.755 797.2778
② 120.37 24.5 2,949.1 4.050 11,944 530.8339 7.815 4148.467
Abut. Self ③
54.000 24.5 1,323.0 5.900 7,805.7 238.14 1 238.14
④ 26.100 24.5 639.45 1.450 927.20 115.101 1 115.101
Σ 3,230.2 22,054 934.6797 5298.986
Backfill ⓐ 264.40 18 4,759.2 7.050 33552.6 856.6625 9.94 8515.225
Σ 4,759.2 33552.6 856.6625 8515.225
b) Surcharge Load
1) Dead Load
Vd = 15.00 × 4.50 × 3.700 = 249.750 KN
MVd = Vd × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 1685.813 KN·m
Horizontal Force due to Surcharge at seismic condition :
Vd h = 249.75 × 0.180 = 44.955 KN
Md h = Vd × Ht+Df = 803.80 KN·m
2) Live Load
(1) Single Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 4.150 × 4.300 = 625 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 4,216 KN·m
(2) Double Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 8.300 × 4.300 = 1,249 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 8,432 KN·m

c) Superstructure Load
1) Dead Load (Superstructure Calculation Reference)
Clasification G1 G2 Total Remarks
Reaction Force 5753.450

2) Live Load (except Impact, Superstructure Calculation Reference) - Single Track

Clasification G1 G2 Total Remarks
Reaction Force 513.262
d) Design Horizontal Force (Longitudinal Direction Horizontal Force)
1) Braking Load considering braking load only (breaking load > tracting load)
The longitudinal force for braking the class A
vehicle is maximum and is given by HBr = 0.20 Wt, where 0.20 is the
coefficient and Wt is the weight of the vehicle directly on the span = 554.000 KN
Effect due to class A loading will be less. Hence H Br = = 110.800 KN
this acts 1.2 m above deck level, i.e at a distance from abut. base of
Moment due to braking about abutment base = 2114.064 KN-m
2) Seismic Load
Seismic Force = Kh x Dead load of super structure
= 0.180 x 5753.450
= 1035.621 KN

e) Earth Pressure Coefficient & earth pressure

1) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary T ( Coulomb Formula )

φ (Angle of internal friction of soil) = 35 β = 90 (Slope of backfill)
δ (Friction between wall and soil) = 23 α = 0 (Inclination of earth
∴ Ka = 0.244 face of wall)

2) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Seismi( Mononbe-Okabe Formula )

φ (Angle of internal friction of soil) = 35 θ = 0.072 tan -1 [ Kh / (1-Kv) ]
δ (Friction between wall and soil) = 23 β = 90 (Slope of backfill)
α = 0 (Inclination of earth face of wall)
KhSeismic coefficient) = 0.072 Kv = 0 (Vertical seismic coefficient)
γ (Unit weight of soil) = 20.00 KN/㎥ i (Slope of backfill)
∴ Kae = 0.287
Earth pressure
qd = 15.00 KN/m² ql = 35 KN/m²
1) Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time
A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Pa1d = Ka X qd X H X L = 262 KN
Pa1L = Ka X ql X H X L = 610 KN
y1 = H/2 = 8 m
B) Earth Pressure
Pa2 = 1/2 X Ka X γ X H^2 X L = 2,492 KN
y2 = H /3 = 5 m
2) Active Earth Pressure at Seismic
A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Paed = Kae X qd X H X L = 308 KN
PaeL = Kae X ql X H X L = 718 KN
Ye1 = H/2 = 8 m
B) Earth Pressure
Pae = 1/2 X Kae X (1-Kv) X γ X H^2 X L = 3,257 KN
Ye2 = 0.6 X H = 9.528 m

f) temperature variation
Horizontal force due to temperature variation is given by
0.15 (PDL + PLL) = 865.61 KN
which acts at a distance from abutment base of 12.13 m
Moment due to temperature variation about abutment base 10499.81 KNm
3.0.4 Safety Check
Check of foundation: 1) Sliding Check
2) Overturning
3) Eccentricity
1) Load Combation A =
Vertical Forces and Moments Horizontal Forces and Moments
V X Mv H Y Mh
Abutment 3,230.215 22,054.24
Back fill 4,759.236 33,552.61
DL 5,753.450 3.850 22,150.78
Super Structure Reaction
DL 249.750 1,685.81
PD 261.544 7.940 2,076.656
Earth Pressure due to surcharge
Earth Pressure 2,491.987 5.293 13,190.920
Breaking Load
Sum 13,992.650 79,443 2,753.5 15,267.576

Eccentricity check
eccenticity (e)= Mo/V - B/2 = 0.136
B/3 = 2.967 OK
Factor of safety against overturning(F.S)= (∑Mv/∑Mh)
= 5.203 > 1.5 OK
Factor of safety against the sliding(F.S)= μ ∑V/∑H= 3.558 > 2 OK

2) Load Combation B =
Vertical Forces and Moments Horizontal Forces and Moments
V X Mv H Y Mh
Abutment 3,230.21 22,054.24
Back fill 4,759.24 33,552.61
DL 5,753.45 3.85 22,150.78
Super Structure Reaction
LL 513.26 3.85 1,976.06
DL 249.75 1,685.81
LL 1,249.15 8,431.76
PD 261.5436 7.94 2076.656
Earth Pressure due to surcharge
PL 610.2684 7.94 4845.531
Earth Pressure 2491.98742 5.293 13190.920
Breaking Load
Sum 15,755.06 89,851.27 3363.79942 20113.107

Eccentricity check
eccenticity (e)= Mo/V - B/2 = -0.0236
B/3 = 2.9667 OK
Factor of safety against overturning(F.S)= (∑Mv/∑Mh)
= 4.4673 > 1.5 OK
Factor of safety against the sliding(F.S)= μ ∑V/∑H= 3.28 > 2 OK
3) Load Combation C =
Vertical Forces and Moments Horizontal Forces and Moments
V X Mv H Y Mh
Abutment 3,230.21 22,054.24
Back fill 4,759.24 33,552.61
DL 5,753.45 22,150.78
Super Structure Reaction
LL 513.26 1,976.06
DL 249.75 1,685.81
LL 1,249.15 8,431.76
PD 261.5436 2076.656
Earth Pressure due to surcharge
PL 610.2684 4845.531
Earth Pressure 2491.98742 13190.920
Breaking Load 110.8 2114.064
Sum 15,755.06 89,851.27 3474.59942 22227.171

Eccentricity check
eccenticity (e)= Mo/V - B/2 = -0.158
B/3 = 2.967 OK
Factor of safety against overturning(F.S)= (∑Mv/∑Mh) = 4.04 > 1.5 OK

Factor of safety against the sliding(F.S)= μ ∑V/∑H = 3.17 > 2 OK

4) Load Combation D =
Vertical Forces and Moments Horizontal Forces and Moments
V X Mv H Y Mh
Abutment 3,230.21 22,054.24 934.679655 5298.986
Back fill 4,759.24 33552.6138 856.66248 8515.225
DL 5,753.45 22150.7807 1035.621 14.130 14633.324
Super Structure Reaction
LL - -
DL 249.75 1685.8125 44.955 803.795
LL - -
PD 262 2076.656
Earth Pressure due to surcharge
Earth Pressure 2,492 13190.920
Breaking Load
Sum 13,992.65 79,443 5,625 44,518.91

Eccentricity check
eccenticity (e)= Mo/V - B/2 = -1.95
B/3 = 2.967 OK
Factor of safety against overturning(F.S)= (∑Mv/∑Mh) = 1.784 > 1.5 OK
Factor of safety against the sliding(F.S)= μ ∑V/∑H = 1.74 > 1.2 OK
3.0.5 Design of Abutment
i) Service Load
A. Load Combination
Case 1 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure
Case 2 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure + 1.0·Live Load (Impact)
Case 3 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure + 1.0·Live Load (Impact)+ 1.0· Brake Load
Case 4 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load

B. Load Calculation
1) Self Weight and Moments
V & Mv H & Mh
Classification Volume γ
V X Mv H Y Mh
Section A- ① 11.475 24.5 281.138 0.3 84.341 50.60475 2.125 107.54
A Total 11.48 281.138 84.34125 50.605 107.54
① 11.48 24.5 281.138 0.3 84.341 50.605 2.125 107.54
Section B-
② 120.37 24.5 2949.077 1.15 3391.439 530.834 5.815 3086.80
Total 131.85 3230.215 3475.780088 581.439 3194.33

2) Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time

A) Earth Pressure due to surcharge load
(i) Effect on backwall due to Live Load as Surcharge Load
Wheel Width : 0.250 m
Aproach slab Length 8.300 m
a = 0.25+ 0.2/tan(45) X 2 45 0.2
= 0.650 m
b = + 0.2/tan(45) X 2
= 0.400 m
y = 0.65 X tan(40) 40 0.545
= 0.545 m 3.705

ql =
= 482.31 KN/m²

Pl = 2949.07725 X 482.307692307692 X X
= 296.90 KN
Horizontal Compone : Plh= Pl X COS δpi = 290.764 KN
Vertical Component : Plv= Pl X SIN δpi = 60.038 KN
yl = 0.545 / 2 + 3.705 = 3.978 m

ii) Earth Pressure at Backwall (Section A-A)

Earth Pressure due to Dead Load : Pd = Ka1·qd·(Dh+Bh)·L = 72.006 KN
Horizontal Component : Pdh = Pd X COS δpi = 70.518 KN
Vertical Component : Pdv = Pd X SIN δpi = 14.561 KN
Earth Pressure due to Live Load : Pl = Ka1·ql·(Dh+Bh)·L = 168.013 KN
Horizontal Component : Plh = Pd X COS δpi = 164.542 KN
Vertical Component : Plv = Pd X SIN δpi = 33.975 KN
Location of moment point : y = H2 / 2 = 2.125 m
iii) Earth Pressure at wall (Section B-B)
Earth Pressure due to Dead Load : Pd = Ka1·qd·H·L = 197.041 KN
Horizontal Component : Pdh = Pd X COS (δpi+θ) = 192.971 KN
Vertical Component : Pdv = Pd X SIN (δpi+θ) = 39.845 KN
Earth Pressure due to Live Load : Pl = Ka1·ql·H·L = 459.763 KN
Horizontal Component : Plh = PI X COS (δpi+θ) = 450.265 KN
Vertical Component : Plv = PI X SIN (δpi+θ) = 92.972 KN
Location of moment point : y = H/2 = 5.815 m
B) Earth Pressure due to backfill
i) Earth Pressure at Backwall (Section A-A)
Earth Pressure Force : P= 1/2·Ka1·γ2·(Dh+Bh)²·L = 183.614 KN
Horizontal Component : Ph = P X COS δpi = 179.821 KN
Vertical Component : Pv = P X SIN δpi = 37.130 KN
Location of moment point : y= H1 / 3 = 1.417 m
ii) Earth Pressure at Wall (Section B-B)
Earth Pressure : P1 = Ka1·γ2·(Dh+Bh) = 19.202 KN/m²
Earth Pressure : P2 = P1 + Ka1·γ2·H = 71.746 KN/m²
Earth Pressure Force : P= 1/2·(P1+P2)·H·L = 2,379.865 KN
Horizontal Component : Ph = PI X COS (δpi+θ) = 2,330.698 KN
Vertical Component : Pv = PI X SIN (δpi+θ) = 481.250 KN
Location of moment point : y= H·( 3P1 + P2 )/3.( P1 + P2) = 5.514 m

3) Earth Pressure at Seismic

A) Earth Pressure due to surcharge load
1) Earth Pressure at Backwall (Section A-A)
Earth Pressure due to Dead Load : Ped = Kae·qd·(Dh+Bh)·L = 89.218 KN
Horizontal Component : Pedh = Pd X COS δ = 87.375 KN
Vertical Component : Pedv = Pd X SIN δ = 18.041 KN
Location of moment point : y = (Dh+Bh) / 2 = 2.125 m
2) Earth Pressure at Wall (Section B-B)
Earth Pressure due to Dead Load : Ped = kae·qd·H·L = 244.1 KN
Horizontal Component : Pedh = Pd X COS δ = 239.1 KN
Vertical Component : Pedv = Pd X SIN δ = 49.4 KN
Location of moment point : y = H/2 = 5.815 m

B) Earth Pressure due to backfill

1) Earth Pressure at Backwall (Section A-A)
Earth Pressure Force : Pe = 1/2·Kea·γ2·(Dh+Bh)²·L = 227.506 KN
Horizontal Component : Peh = Pe·COSδ = 222.806 KN
Vertical Component : Pev = Pe·SINδ = 46.006 KN
Location of moment point : y = (Dh+Bh)/2 = 2.125 m

2) Earth Pressure at Wall (Section B-B)

Earth Pressure : Pe1 = Kae·γ2·(Dh+Bh) = 23.792 KN/m²
Earth Pressure : Pe2 = Pe1 + Kae·γ2·H = 88.896 KN/m²
Earth Pressure Force : Pe = 1/2·(Pe1+Pe2)·H·L = 294.876 KN/m²
Horizontal Component : Peh = PeI X SIN (β) = 294.876 KN/m²
Vertical Component : Pev = PeI X COS(β) = 0.000 KN/m²
Location of moment point : y = H/2 = 5.815 m
C) Section Force due to Load Combination
1) LOAD CASE 1 = 1.0 Dead Load + 1.0 Earth Pressure
A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.3 12.150 - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load - 0.000 - 0.000 - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.3 84.341 - - -
4 Surcharge Earth Pressure 1.0 14.561 - 0.000 1.0 70.518 2.125 149.851
Section A-A
5 Earth Pressure 1.0 37.130 - 0.000 1.0 179.821 1.417 254.746
Total ∑ V= 373.328 Mv= 96.491 H= 250.339 Mh= 404.597

B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.300 12.150 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.300 84.341 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.0 2949.077 1.150 3391.439 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.0 5753.450 1.350 7767.157 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL - - - - - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact - - - - - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.0 14.561 - - 1.0 70.518 13.76 969.976
9 E.P. Wall 1.0 39.845 - - 1.0 192.971 5.82 1122.124
Section B-B
10 Earth Back Wall 1.0 37.130 - - 1.0 179.821 13.05 2346.064
11 Pressure Wall 1.0 481.250 - - 1.0 2330.698 5.51 12850.559
Total ∑ V= 9596.951 Mv= 11255.087 H= 2774.008 Mh= 17288.723

2) LOAD CASE 2 = 1.0 Dead Load + 1.0 Earth Pressure + Live Load ( Impact)
A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.3 12.15 - - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load 1.0 94.500 0.3 28.35 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.3 84.34125 - - - -
Pd 1.0 14.561 - - 1.0 70.518 2.125 149.851
Surcharge E.P.
4 Section A-A Pl 1.0 33.975 - - 1.0 290.764 3.978 1156.514
5 Earth Pressure 1.0 37.130 - - 1.0 179.821 1.417 254.746
Total ∑ V= 501.804 Mv= 124.841 H= 541.103 Mh= 1561.111
B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.300 12.150 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load 1.0 94.500 0.300 28.350 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.300 84.341 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.0 2949.077 1.150 3391.439 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.0 5753.450 1.350 7767.157 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL 1.0 513.262 1.350 692.904 - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.0 51.326 1.350 69.290 - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.0 48.536 - - 1.0 235.060 2.125 499.503
9 E.P. Wall 1.0 132.817 - - 1.0 643.235 5.815 3740.412
Section B-B
10 Earth Back Wall 1.0 37.130 - - 1.0 179.821 2.125 382.120
11 Pressure Wall 1.0 481.250 - - 1.0 2330.698 5.514 12850.559
Total ∑ V= 10382.986 Mv= 12045.631 H= 3388.814 Mh= 17472.594

3) LOAD CASE 3 = 1.0 Dead Load + 1.0 Earth Pressure + Live Load ( Impact) + 1.0 Brake Load
A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.3 12.15 - - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load 1.0 94.500 0.3 28.35 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.3 84.34125 - - - -
Pd 1.0 14.561 - - 1.0 70.518 2.125 149.851
Surcharge E.P.
4 Section A-A Pl 1.0 33.975 - - 1.0 290.764 3.978 1156.514
5 Earth Pressure 1.0 37.130 - - 1.0 179.821 1.417 254.746
Total ∑ V= 501.804 Mv= 124.841 H= 541.103 Mh= 1561.111

B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.300 12.150 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load 1.0 94.500 0.300 28.350 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.300 84.341 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.0 2949.077 1.150 3391.439 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.0 5753.450 1.350 7767.157 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL 1.0 513.262 1.350 692.904 - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.0 51.326 1.350 69.290 - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.0 48.536 - - 1.0 235.060 2.125 499.503
9 E.P. Wall 1.0 132.817 - - 1.0 643.235 3.978 2558.468
10 Section B-B Earth Back Wall 1.0 37.130 - - 1.0 179.821 2.125 382.120
11 Pressure Wall 1.0 481.250 - - 1.0 2330.698 5.514 12850.559
Start & Break Load 1.0 0.000 - - 1.0 110.800 12.13 1344.004
Total ∑ V= 10382.986 Mv= 12045.631 H= 3499.614 Mh= 17634.653
4) LOAD CASE 4 = 1.0 Dead Load + 1.0 Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0 Seismic Load
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.3 12.15 1.0 7.29 4.25 30.983
Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - - 0.000
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.3 84.34125 1.0 50.605 2.125 107.535
Surcharge E.P. 1.0 - - - 1.0 87.375 2.125 185.672
Section A-A
5 Earth Pressure 1.0 - - - 1.0 222.806 2.125 473.463
Total ∑ V= 321.638 Mv= 96.491 H= 368.076 Mh= 797.652

B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 40.500 0.300 12.150 1.0 7.290 15.88 0.000
2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - 0.00 -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.300 84.341 1.0 50.605 13.76 0.000
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.0 5753.450 1.350 7767.157 1.0 1035.621 5.82 0.000
5 Super Structure DL 1.0 513.262 1.350 692.904 1.0 92.387 12.13 0.000
6 Super Structure LL 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 87.375 13.76 1201.842
9 E.P. Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 239.099 5.82 1390.360
10 Section B-B Earth Back Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 222.806 13.76 3064.698
11 Pressure Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 294.876 5.82 1714.702
Start & Break Load 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
Total ∑ V= 6588.349 Mv= 8556.552 H= 2030.058 Mh= 7371.602
D. Section Force Summary
∑M = ∑Mv +∑Mh e = ∑M /∑V -B/2 Mo = ∑V e
1) Back Wall Bottom (Section A-A)
Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 373.328 250.339 501.088 0.192 71.761
2 501.804 541.103 1685.952 2.210 1108.878
3 501.804 541.103 1685.952 2.210 1108.878
4 321.638 368.076 894.144 1.630 524.260
Max 541.103 1108.878

Member Force per unit width

Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 82.962 55.631 111.353 0.192 15.947
2 111.512 120.245 374.656 2.210 246.417
3 111.512 120.245 374.656 2.210 246.417
4 71.475 81.795 198.699 1.630 116.502
Max 120.245 246.417

2) Wall Bottom (Section B-B)

Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 9596.951 2774.008 28543.810 1.824 17507.31667
2 10382.986 3388.814 29518.225 1.393 14462.89468
3 10382.986 3499.614 29680.284 1.009 10471.75968
4 6588.349 2030.058 15928.154 1.418 9339.804848
Max 3499.614 17507.317

Member Force per unit width

Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 2132.656 616.446 6343.069 0.405 3890.515
2 2307.330 753.070 6559.606 0.310 3213.977
3 2307.330 777.692 6595.619 0.224 2327.058
4 1464.078 451.124 3539.590 0.315 2075.512
Max 777.692 3890.515
ii) Ultimate load
A. Load Combination
Case 1 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure
Case 2 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 2.0·Live Load (Impact)
Case 3 = 1.7·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 1.7·Live Load (Impact)
Case 4 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 1.4·Live Load (Impact)+ 1.4· Brake Load
Case 5 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load
B) Section Force due to Load Combination
Case 1 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure
A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.30 17.010 - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load - 0.000 0.00 0.000 - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.30 118.078 - - -
4 Surcharge Earth Pressure 1.7 24.753 - 0.000 1.7 119.881 2.125 254.746
Section A-A
5 Earth Pressure 1.7 63.121 - 0.000 1.7 305.696 1.417 433.069
Total ∑ V= 538.167 Mv= 135.088 H= 425.576 Mh= 687.815
B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.300 17.010 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.300 118.078 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.4 4128.708 1.150 4748.014 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.4 8054.829 1.350 10874.020 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL - - - - - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact - - - - - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.7 24.753 - - 1.7 119.881 13.76 1648.958
9 E.P. Wall 1.7 67.737 - - 1.7 328.050 5.82 1907.610
Section B-B
10 Earth Back Wall 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 13.05 3988.310
11 Pressure Wall 1.7 818.126 - - 1.7 3962.187 5.51 21845.951
Total ∑ V= 13607.567 Mv= 15757.122 H= 4715.813 Mh= 29390.829

Case 2 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 2.0·Live Load (Impact)

A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.3 17.01 - - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load 2.0 189.000 0.3 56.7 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.3 118.07775 - - - -
Pd 1.7 24.753 - - 1.7 119.881 2.125 254.746
Surcharge E.P.
4 Section A-A Pl 1.7 57.758 - - 1.7 494.299 3.978 1966.073
5 Earth Pressure 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 1.417 433.069
Total ∑ V= 784.925 Mv= 191.788 H= 919.875 Mh= 2653.889
B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.300 17.010 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load 2.0 189.000 0.300 56.700 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.300 118.078 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.4 4128.708 1.150 4748.014 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.4 8054.829 1.350 10874.020 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL 2.0 1026.524 1.350 1385.807 - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact 2.0 102.652 1.350 138.581 - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.7 82.511 - - 1.7 399.602 2.125 849.155
9 E.P. Wall 1.7 225.790 - - 1.7 1093.500 5.815 6358.700
Section B-B
10 Earth Back Wall 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 2.125 649.603
11 Pressure Wall 1.7 818.126 - - 1.7 3962.187 5.514 21845.951
Total ∑ V= 15141.554 Mv= 17338.210 H= 5760.984 Mh= 29703.409

Case 3 = 1.7·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 1.7·Live Load (Impact)

A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.7 68.850 0.30 20.655 - - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load 1.7 160.650 0.30 48.195 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.7 477.934 0.3 143.380125 - - - -
Pd 1.7 24.753 - - 1.7 119.881 2.125 254.746
Surcharge E.P.
4 Section A-A Pl 1.7 57.758 - - 1.7 494.299 3.978 1966.073
5 Earth Pressure 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 1.417 433.069
Total ∑ V= 853.066 Mv= 212.230 H= 919.875 Mh= 2653.889
B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.7 68.850 0.300 20.655 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load 1.7 160.650 0.300 48.195 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.7 477.934 0.300 143.380 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.7 5013.431 1.150 5765.446 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.7 9780.864 1.350 13204.167 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL 1.7 872.545 1.350 1177.936 - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.7 74.166 1.350 100.125 - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.7 82.511 - - 1.7 399.602 2.125 849.155
9 E.P. Wall 1.7 225.790 - - 1.7 1093.500 5.815 6358.700
Section B-B
10 Earth Back Wall 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 2.125 649.603
11 Pressure Wall 1.7 818.126 - - 1.7 3962.187 5.514 21845.951
Total ∑ V= 17637.989 Mv= 20459.904 H= 5760.984 Mh= 29703.409
Case 4 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 1.4·Live Load (Impact)+ 1.4· Brake Load
A) Back Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.3 17.01 - - - -

Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load 1.4 132.300 0.3 39.69 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.3 118.07775 - - - -
Pd 1.7 24.753 - - 1.7 119.881 2.125 254.746
Surcharge E.P.
4 Section A-A Pl 1.7 57.758 - - 1.7 494.299 3.978 1966.073
5 Earth Pressure 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 1.417 433.069
Total ∑ V= 728.225 Mv= 174.778 H= 919.875 Mh= 2653.889

B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.4 56.700 0.300 17.010 - - - -

2 Surcharge Live Load 1.4 132.300 0.300 39.690 - - - -
3 Self Weight ① 1.4 393.593 0.300 118.078 - - - -
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.4 4128.708 1.150 4748.014 - - - -
5 Super Structure DL 1.4 8054.829 1.350 10874.020 - - - -
6 Super Structure LL 1.4 718.567 1.350 970.065 - - - -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.4 71.857 1.350 97.007 - - - -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.7 82.511 - - 1.7 399.602 2.125 849.155
9 E.P. Wall 1.7 225.790 - - 1.7 1093.500 3.978 4349.395
10 Section B-B Earth Back Wall 1.7 63.121 - - 1.7 305.696 2.125 649.603
11 Pressure Wall 1.7 818.126 - - 1.7 3962.187 5.514 21845.951
Start & Break Load 1.4 0.000 - - 1.4 110.800 12.13 1344.004
Total ∑ V= 14746.101 Mv= 16863.883 H= 5871.784 Mh= 29038.108

Case 5 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load

Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 56.700 0.3 17.01 1.0 10.206 4.25 43.376
Back wall
2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - - 0.000
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.3 84.34125 1.0 50.605 2.125 107.535
Surcharge E.P. 1.0 - - - 1.0 87.375 2.125 185.672
Section A-A
5 Earth Pressure 1.0 - - - 1.0 222.806 2.125 473.463
Total ∑ V= 337.838 Mv= 101.351 H= 370.992 Mh= 810.045
B) Wall
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
Section Load
. L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh

1 Surcharge Dead Load 1.0 56.700 0.300 17.010 1.0 10.206 15.88 0.000
2 Surcharge Live Load - - - - - - 0.00 -
3 Self Weight ① 1.0 281.138 0.300 84.341 1.0 50.605 13.76 0.000
4 wall bottom Self Weight ② 1.0 8054.829 1.350 10874.020 1.0 1449.869 5.82 0.000
5 Super Structure DL 1.0 718.567 1.350 970.065 1.0 129.342 12.13 0.000
6 Super Structure LL 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
7 Super Structure Impact 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
8 Surcharge Back Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 87.375 13.76 1201.842
9 E.P. Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 239.099 5.82 1390.360
10 Section B-B Earth Back Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 222.806 13.76 3064.698
11 Pressure Wall 1.0 - - - 1.0 294.876 5.82 1714.702
Start & Break Load 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0.00 -
Total ∑ V= 9111.234 Mv= 11945.436 H= 2484.178 Mh= 7371.602
C. Section Force Summary
∑M = ∑Mv +∑Mh e = ∑M /∑V -B/2 Mo = ∑V e
1) Back Wall Bottom (Section A-A)
Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 538.167 425.576 822.903 0.379 204.011
2 784.925 919.875 2845.676 2.475 1943.013
3 853.066 919.875 2866.119 2.210 1885.093
4 728.225 919.875 2828.666 2.734 1991.208
5 337.838 370.992 911.397 1.548 522.883
Max 919.875 1991.208
Member Force per unit width
Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 119.593 94.573 182.867 0.379 45.336
2 174.428 204.417 632.373 2.475 431.781
3 189.570 204.417 636.915 0.491 418.910
4 161.828 204.417 628.593 2.734 442.491
5 75.075 82.443 202.533 1.548 116.196
Max 204.417 442.491

2) Wall Bottom (Section B-B)

Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 13607.567 4715.813 45147.951 2.168 29499.24894
2 15141.554 5760.984 47041.619 1.657 25086.36618
3 17637.989 5760.984 50163.313 0.994 17533.03433
4 14746.101 5871.784 45901.991 1.263 18621.70448
5 9111.234 2484.178 19317.038 1.120 10205.80446
Max 5871.784 29499.249
Member Force per unit width
Load Case ∑V ∑H ∑M e Mo
1 3023.904 1047.958 10032.878 2.168 6555.389
2 3364.790 1280.219 10453.693 1.657 5574.748
3 3919.553 1280.219 11147.403 0.994 3896.230
4 3276.911 1304.841 10200.443 1.263 4138.157
5 2024.719 552.039 4292.675 1.120 2267.957
Max 1304.841 6555.389

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