Local Council Crisis Plan
Local Council Crisis Plan
Local Council Crisis Plan
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is dedicated to building the character and integrity of
America’s youth. Local councils are essential to this mission and, as such, must be prepared to
communicate effectively with their respective members, employees, community partners, and
both local and national media at all times, especially when the BSA brand and the council’s
reputation are being called into question.
This external scrutiny often occurs in a crisis, or a sudden and unpredictable large-scale event
that has the potential to impact the BSA, its members, its employees or the community, the
BSA’s relationship with supporting organizations, or its reputation in general. A crisis can be
anything from a policy challenge or decision in the organization to a natural disaster in your
It is the first minutes and hours of a crisis that are the most critical, as it is during this timeframe
that public and media scrutiny will be at its peak and communication will be particularly
important. This period is when local council leadership must demonstrate that they are acting
responsibly and decisively to resolve the situation.
The purpose of this plan is to provide a clear course of action that will enable local council
leadership to better handle a broad range of issues and crises and ensure effective
communication occurs with all of the council’s key audiences and stakeholders.
The goal of this plan is to define the BSA’s crisis communications policies and procedures for
local councils, help councils improve their internal and external response systems to situations,
and assist local councils with identifying the appropriate resources so the organization can
continue to carry out our mission of serving America’s youth.
This plan explores a range of scenarios that may impact local councils, providing a
recommended response, action, or resource. It is important to bear in mind that some, if not
most, of these issues should be elevated to National Council to discuss strategy or to discuss if a
national response or spokesperson is best suited to handle the situation. These issues are
typically local market matters that require assistance from the National Council team and
national issues that may affect the organization as a whole.
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This plan is a guide that should be customized for your council’s needs, inserting relevant
information and contacts specific to your local council. The recommendations included in this
plan are provided by the National Council, but judgment is deferred to the Scout Executive of
each local council.
Email: effie.delimarkos@scouting.org
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The following section examines the concepts, organization, and methodology behind crisis
communications – the internal and external sharing of information during and after a crisis. This
section addresses the BSA’s crisis terminology, philosophy, and goals.
Brand: A brand is how a company or organization portrays its image—from their logo
and tag line, to advertisements and key messages. Built over time, a brand conveys the
personality of a company and its promise to customers.
Reputation: The public’s overall perception of the BSA’s brand and organization. These
perceptions can result from personal experiences with the brand and the organization,
messaging and advertisements that people see and hear, and the third-party
conversations that they are exposed to.
Incident: A discrete, isolated event that impacts one or more councils, members, adult
volunteer leaders, employees, or the community, and has the potential to attract the
attention of the media.
Issue: Any unresolved point of conflict between the BSA and one or more of its key
constituencies that, if not properly addressed, has the potential to escalate into a crisis.
Crisis: Any sudden and unpredictable large-scale event that invites external scrutiny and
has the potential to impact the BSA, its members, its employees or the community, the
BSA’s relationship with supporting organizations, or its reputation in general.
Crisis management: The process of responding to adverse situations that have already
occurred and taking a definitive course of action to neutralize them or minimize their
short- or long-term impact.
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Advocate: An individual or an organization who speaks on behalf of another person or
Online community member: A person or a group of people who discuss the BSA using
digital media such as blogs, social networks, mobile devices, etc., and that often use
these media as supplemental forms of communication with people they know in real
Follow the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. It is important to communicate to key
audiences and stakeholders that the BSA will uphold the Scout Oath and the Scout Law
in its words and actions at all times.
Manage issues and crises. Local councils should work to identify vulnerabilities and put
strategic plans in place in order to effectively manage issues before they become public
crises, as opposed to simply reacting to the issue at hand.
Speak with one voice. Councils should coordinate messaging with all involved parties to
unify internal and external communications.
Position the BSA management front and center. Local councils should use their
effective professional and volunteer leadership to tell their story, whether through an
on-camera interview or a letter sent to Scouting parents.
Engage stakeholders. Councils should consider which channels make sense for each
communication (e.g., digital, traditional media, social media, in-person meeting, etc.).
Also, local councils should always consider engaging stakeholders directly, whenever
possible, and not rely on communications through the media.
Consider your network. Each local council already has great relationships with many
businesses, organizations, and individuals in their community. Don’t forget to consider
tapping their support in the event of a crisis, as credible third-party voices can be used
to help tell the BSA’s story.
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There are five primary goals in every contact with the media during a crisis:
1. Position the BSA as the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and
values-based leadership, and position Scouting as an organization that provides unique,
life-changing experiences that youth can’t get anywhere else.
2. Reinforce the values and integrity of the BSA and its brand.
3. Engage in accurate, non-inflammatory discussion of any situation that might occur, and
do not allow others to tell the Scouting story for the organization.
5. Minimize the amount and length of negative discussion during an issue or crisis.
It is important to note that each of the categories require a unique set of messages tailored to a
specific set of audiences.
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The following outline includes the levels of preparedness and the general actions required of
the local and national communications teams.
Levels of Preparedness Planning
Level Situation Suggested Local Council Suggested National Council
Response Response
Level 1 The BSA’s brand and reputation Inform the National Evaluate the situation
Warning are positioned against an event Council crisis Discuss and provide
that may impact or require the communications team strategic
local council to take action of the situation and any recommendations
media inquiries they Draft materials for use by
Ex. A local volunteer is arrested received local council, as need
on youth protection charges Discuss strategy with
National Council crisis
communications team
Inform key management
of the issue or crisis
Level 2 The BSA’s brand and reputation Provide report to the Provide strategic counsel
Caution are put at risk by potential National Council, and and reactive materials
events that fall outside of the request strategic Brief executive, legal,
council’s immediate control counsel and reactive and/or risk manage-ment
media materials teams
Ex. Several Scouts at a camp are Scout Executive or other
isolated for cases of whooping key member of local
cough council leadership to
serve as spokesperson
Level 3 The BSA’s brand and reputation Provide regular updates Provide ongoing strategic
Hazard are under intense scrutiny by to the National Council counsel and reactive
organization members, and request ongoing media materials
employees, and/or members of strategic counsel and Provide regular updates to
the media reactive media materials the executive and legal
Scout Executive or other teams
Ex. A national media wire key member of local
service launches a prolonged council leadership to
investigative report on the serve as spokesperson
BSA’s land management
practices, profiling a local
council’s misuse of resources
Level 4 The BSA’s brand and reputation Provide updates to the Direct strategy
Severe are directly challenged and the National Council crisis Develop media relations
organization’s ability to achieve communications team materials
its mission is hampered Execute aggressive Work directly with the
media relations through executive and legal teams
Ex. A tornado strikes a Scout support of the National May provide spokes-
reservation killing four Scouts; Council person/on-site assistance,
or, four adult volunteer leaders Request and engage additional
are killed at the national spokesperson/on-site resources as necessary
jamboree while conducting an assistance Continue engagement as
activity appropriate
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During a crisis it is important to have identified and engaged a response team before the
incident escalates. At the local level, this should include the board president, marketing or
communications manager, Scout Executive, and other key players identified before a crisis
occurs. It is recommended to keep the crisis communications team to fewer than five members
in order to keep roles and approvals streamlined.
After determining who will serve as the point of contact for crisis situations at the local level,
please customize this contact sheet to include appropriate council members.
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When the local council is made aware of an issue or a crisis, the council must first confirm that
the situation is related to their specific council, and then determine if it is an issue that pertains
solely to the local council, several area councils, or if it is a National Council issue.
If the local council determines that the National Council should be informed of an issue, the
following representatives will serve as point of contact.
In extreme cases, local councils will face crises that require on-site assistance from the National
Council communications team. In order to initiate this action, the local council must ask for
assistance or, if not asked for, accept the offer from National Council if that team believes on-
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ground support is essential. The decision to offer on-site assistance will be made by Stephen
Medlicott, based on the recommendation of Effie Delimarkos, in coordination with the
appropriate regional director and the executive team.
Once the local council becomes aware of a potential crisis or issue, it is advised that the Scout
Executive and local council communications team take these steps to effectively manage
communications. First, an evaluation of the crisis should be conducted by the local team to
assess the facts at hand and examine the scope of the situation. If needed, sources outside the
team should be asked to provide pertinent information, but the crisis evaluation should take
stock of only the information relevant to the BSA. The following are general questions that may
be used to help inform this process:
What do we know about the situation? What has the BSA done to date?
Is this a local issue, or is National Council input needed?
What key stakeholders will be impacted? How should the BSA speak to them?
Is the BSA responsible? What corrective or remedial actions might be appropriate?
Has the BSA previously faced a similar issue? When did it face the issues, and what were
the circumstances and outcome?
Do we need a statement, talking points, or potential Q&A? What messaging exists on
this matter?
Who should serve as the spokesperson?
Is our approach member-centric and being communicated in plain language?
Does the marketing team need to be informed so that current or upcoming campaigns
can be adjusted or curtailed as needed?
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Local councils can refer to the following guidelines for communicating with media and the
public for both positive media encounters and in crisis situations:
[*Note: Engagement with online community members, such as bloggers, is addressed in the Digital
Communications section of this plan.]
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In the event of a media inquiry, those answering phones should use the following template for
capturing information on potential issues so that it is readily available should the issue suddenly
begin to escalate.
In order to ensure that our council responds to all media inquiries accurately,
consistently, and with the most appropriate information, I would like to remind you of
our policy about speaking with the traditional and digital news media.
Only designated local or National Council spokespersons are authorized to speak to the
media on behalf of the organization.
As a reminder, we have media inquiry guidelines for all types of media inquiries and
o For incoming calls, ask if the individual is with the media. If not, direct the person
to the appropriate department.
If the individual is with the media and asks a general BSA or non-issues-
related question, take down their information using the media inquiry log
and provide it to the Scout Executive.
If the individual is with the media and asks about an issue or a crisis
situation, take down their information using the media inquiry log and
provide it to the Scout Executive urgently. Depending on the issue, we
may engage the National Council to support us with the matter.
Anyone who is inquiring about issues or a crisis and will not reveal the
nature of their call should be handled as if they are a member of the
o If a member of the media appears on-site, inform him/her that you are not the
appropriate spokesperson and that you will take down their information and
provide it to the contact soon. Then, urgently notify the Scout Executive who can
handle the inquiry and engage National as needed.
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If you come into contact with a member of the media, you may choose to respond. We
have developed some language that may be helpful.
o For instance, if you are contacted by phone, you could say: “Thanks for calling,
but I’m not the appropriate person to answer your call. Let me take a message
and direct you to someone who will be able to assist you.”
o Or, if you are approached in person, you could say: “I’m sorry. I am not the
appropriate person to comment on this issue. Please have a seat and let me find
the appropriate person to help you.”
Additionally, if you notice any member of the media who is not accompanied by a
council staff member, please immediately notify the Scout Executive.
I will also share some of these points with you in an email.
As the local council engages in issues and crisis communications or public discussions, the
following policies should be kept in mind:
The BSA does not comment on issues that are not directly related to its programs or its
membership, such as political or social debates.
Due to member confidentiality, the BSA will not provide personal information about
minors or adults, except to confirm an individual’s name after it has been released by
local, state, or federal authorities. This confirmation will only take place if that individual
has an official relationship with the BSA, including youth members, adult volunteer
leaders, and personnel.
The BSA’s public statements typically follow a similar pattern to ensure message
o First, demonstrate concern and compassion for the people involved. Always
provide reassurance that the health and safety of members, volunteers, and
professionals is the council’s top priority, in addition to exhibiting the Scout Oath
and the Scout Law and serving the mission of the organization.
o Second, address relevant facts associated with the crisis, with due consideration
to privacy and legal issues. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? The BSA
will not speculate or engage in a discussion of any hypothetical situation.
o Third, address what the BSA is doing to resolve the situation and to ensure an
expeditious return to normal operations. The organization will not initially
attempt to attribute responsibility for an incident.
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It is generally best to begin media monitoring as soon as you become aware of a crisis situation,
even if you have not yet received a query from a reporter. The communications manager or
someone else should handle this assignment, keeping an eye out for any coverage of the event
on local media broadcasts, websites, and social media. This will help your team to know when
to expect inquiries from media or other stakeholders and gain a feel for the tone of the stories
being told, as well as who is already speaking about the event. Additionally, read all of the
coverage to ensure accuracy and determine if it is necessary to reach out with a correction. Be
sure to include all media coverage pertaining to the crisis into a document so you will have it
archived and all in one report to share with council leadership as appropriate.
The role of a spokesperson in a crisis situation is to effectively deliver the BSA’s core messages
with the ultimate goal of resolving the situation fairly and compassionately while preserving
integrity and reputation. This applies to communication with all stakeholders, including media,
youth members, Scouting parents, adult volunteer leaders, employees, business partners, and
the community.
Spokespersons should be chosen based on their levels of previous experience with the media,
knowledge of the issues, expertise, level of authority within management, and availability. This
determination will be made by the local council.
From time to time, depending on the issue or crisis, it might be in the organization’s best
interest to enlist a key executive or volunteer leader as the spokesperson.
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In a crisis situation, it is important to simultaneously engage various stakeholders, including key
volunteers, professionals, and the media to keep them informed of the impact the crisis might
have or has had on the organization and the actions that are currently being taken to minimize
any potential damage.
The following are the BSA’s key stakeholders as well as recommended modes, tools, and
protocols for reaching each audience.
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In the event of a crisis that affects the health, safety, or well-being of a youth member or adult
volunteer leader, it may be advised that a local council or a National Council representative
reach out to the family of those involved to convey sympathy and offer assistance, while being
careful not to admit liability. At the local level, this action should be coordinated by the Scout
Executive and the council’s legal counsel.
As mentioned above, there may be times during a crisis in which it is appropriate to proactively
reach out to the local media. For example, if there is a health or safety issue that could impact
the community. If you do not already, we recommend building and maintaining a media list
that includes all local newspapers, television news stations, and relevant radio stations with
contact names, phone numbers, and email addresses for each. Be sure to check these regularly
to make sure they are up to date so you can quickly share information with media.
To ensure consistent messaging and a clear understanding of all tactics executed during a crisis,
proper approval protocol should be followed for all communications and materials. The
following suggestions apply during a crisis situation, although professional judgment and
consideration of situational urgency should be used at all times.
All official BSA messages created for external use on behalf of National Council must be
approved by the National Council communications team. Messages created on behalf of
the local council may include National Council input, but do not necessarily need to be
Previously approved language may be distributed by the local council communications
team. Official BSA messages on behalf of National Council using new language—not
previously approved—should be reviewed by the BSA’s legal team.
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The following section is not meant to serve as the BSA’s positive digital communications plan,
but rather to better define how the BSA will use social media in times of crisis and respond to
online discussion about the organization.
The following summarizes the BSA’s social contract to assist in some of these decisions:
This digital Scouting community is governed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We will
reserve the right to delete any comment that we believe does not reflect the Scout Oath
and Scout Law, uses profanity or is offensive in nature, or any other content that
violates our community guidelines. Such users posting these comments may be banned
from commenting on this site. Also, from time to time, certain comments will be
investigated if they are deemed to affect the health and well-being of our current and
former Scouts, adult volunteers, or employees.
It is advised that all councils post their community guidelines or house rules for adding content
on the “About” page of a council or camp’s Facebook page. Councils should state that they
appreciate the thoughts and comments provided by the Scouting community and beyond, but
that there are some things that may be removed, at your discretion, to keep the conversation
fair and civil.
In the event that someone posts a message to a council social page or digital channel that
exposes a potential threat to the health and safety of one of the BSA members, present or past,
the team will forward that posting to the legal department for review and it will take
appropriate action.
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Determining the clear end to a crisis can be difficult, but it is important for local councils to take
stock of the situation after the crisis has been resolved and respond accordingly with key
stakeholders and audiences in mind.
Although the crisis may have ended, the local council should review the situation to inform
those handling future crisis situations. During this evaluation, the team should consider the
following questions as they relate to the post-crisis situation:
Did the crisis impact key stakeholders?
How did the crisis impact the brand or reputation of our local council? Did it impact the
National Council?
What was the extent and tone of media coverage surrounding the crisis?
Are there any apparent misconceptions by the public or media about the organization?
Are there any lingering concerns?
[If needed] How did the team coordinate with National Council? What improvements
could be made?
Following the conclusion of the crisis and post-crisis outreach, the local council should consider
preparing a report documenting the crisis, its impact, lessons learned, and any process or
organizational changes made as a result of the crisis. The report should be shared with key
players in the local council and filed for future internal use.
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In the event of a local or national crisis, it is important to swiftly and efficiently put the
principles and policies of this plan into action. To help facilitate this, below please find a
response guide checklist and set of questions to ensure that each council is responding in the
best interest of Scouting in each situation and level of preparedness planning. Each section
below offers a general guide of what should be accomplished at each level. Please note, each
level of action items is meant to build on the previous levels’ steps (e.g., when executing the
steps for Level 3, first accomplish the steps outlined in Levels 1 and 2).
If you have any questions about any of the information include in this plan, please contact:
Effie Delimarkos
Director of Communications FleishmanHillard
Boy Scouts of America, National Council Public Relations Crisis/Media Support
Office: (972) 580-7848 PR@scouting.org
Mobile: (646) 498-9371
Email: effie.delimarkos@scouting.org
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