Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship
Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship
Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship
mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers. This is one of the 8 principles in Total
Quality Management. As ISO defined the mutually beneficial supplier relationships is:
“An organization and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial
relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.” An organization and its
suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability
of both to create value.
The present study attempts to analyze the following objectives. First, to study
importance of the business relationship between supplier and buyer. Second, to study
and to analyze impact of business relationships on purchasing decisions. Third, to
identify different types of business relationships in different business scenarios. Fourth,
to identify factors with which business relationship can be developed in faster way. For
this research study following hypothesis were formulated and studied. Appropriate
statistical techniques are employed to test and validate the hypothesis. Business
relationship is not important sourcing driver for any purchasing decision. Company
turnover targets can be achieved without having healthy business relationship with
business partners.
For this study data is collected from respondents involve in buying and selling
activity in the company so it is based on primary data in nature. The data collected
through online survey followed by personal discussions with buyers working in different
industries in Bhosari Industrial Area in Pune. Choice of area is obvious as MIDC
Bhosari is major industrial area and automobile and manufacturing hub. Starting with
small scale there are many multinational companies situated in this area. Researcher
framed a structured questionnaire and sent to multiple respondents across different
companies covering not only manufacturing but IT & ITes, trading firms and service
organizations. Responses received are analyzed for further study.
Pahurkar, R., Sangvikar, B., Khadke, K., & Kolte, A. (2020). An Exploratory Study of
Important Dimensions in Strengthening Buyer-Supplier Relationship. International
Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11(2), 803-810.
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