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Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Quantitative Research
Intended Learning Outcomes

After this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Increase your vocabulary by giving the meanings, characteristics, and examples of terms used to
explain some concepts about experimental research;
2. Obtain a thorough or an in-depth understanding of experimental research;
3. Justify the link between scientific thinking and experimental thinking;
4. Identify the reason behind the differences between experimental research and quasi-experimental
5. Sequence the events to take place in any quasi-experimental research; and
6. Synthesize your understanding of experimental research through a specific graph or a topical outline.
Activity 1: Vocabulary Improvement

Directions: Using your experience or background knowledge, know the meaning of such words situated
in the middle of the Frayer Model Diagram. Explain your understanding of the word by writing some
details about it in each quadrant of the map. Be guided by the clues in the sentence below each graph.


Depends on the
Manage, direct, doer’s leadership,
guide directions, author

obeying their
Organizing head, servants
seminars, following
managing a class orders



Activity 2: Image Intensifier

Name some famous and great inventions you have known since birth. What makes you say they are
great? How do you think did the inventions come to discover the value or greatness of their creations?
Submit your answers to Edmodo.

Definition of Experimental Research

Experimental research is a quantitative research that treats or deals with the object or subject of the
research in a definite or exact manner and determines the extent pf the effects or influence of the
treatment on the object/subject, then discovers the causes of such effects. Two groups are involved in
any experimental research: the experimental group, the one on which the treatment or influence is
applied, and the control group, which does not receive any treatment. The objects or subjects involved
in these types of research are chosen randomly or selected by chance, rather than by the decision of the

Experimental research is categorized into two: true experimental research and quasi-experimental
research. Based on where the experimental research is done, it is either laboratory research or field
research. Your manner of selecting the participants indicates whether it is true experimental or quasi-
experimental. The true experimental research absolutely uses random selection in determining who
among the participants should compose the experimental group or the control group. The quasi-
experimental research adopts a comparative technique in choosing the subjects.
The experimental group on which the treatment or condition applied is not chosen randomly but
matched or compared with another group whom you, the researcher, believe as having the same
characteristics as the experimental group under treatment. Employing researcher’s influence in sampling
or subject selection, quasi-experimental research fails to qualify as a genuine experimental research.
Hence, discoveries or finding resulting from this kind of experimental research are susceptible to

Research Design of Non-Experimental Research

Any plan you have about a non-experimental research must have the following aspects that take place
in a sequential manner:

1. Specify the problem or topic of your research.

2. Formulate the research problem or hypotheses,
3. Determine the dependent and independent variables.
4. Select the participants or subjects.
5. Decide on the specific type of experimental research; meaning, whether it will be a tru experimental
or quasi-experimental research.
6. Conduct the experiment.
7. Collect, analyze and interpret the results.
In conducting an experimental research, first, give a pre-test to examine the initial condition of both
groups in relation to a variable, condition, or factor; second, apply to the control group a new condition;
and third, give the latter group a post-test to determine the effects or influence of the treatment or
condition applied on them.
Quasi-Experimental Research
Usually, participants chosen in a quasi-experimental research are those forming a class that remains as
one group incapable of disintegration. The not randomly chosen participants are subjected to any of these
types of quasi-experimental research (Mujis 2011)
1. Matched comparison- choosing a treatment group and another group that has similarities with the
treatment group
2. Time-series quasi-experimental research- giving them series of pre-tests and post-tests.
3. Single-subject quasi-experimental research- controls treatment and condition applied to just one
individual or a group.


Directions: Explain your understanding about the text by answering the following questions and
sending it to Edmodo.

1. Compare and contrast the two basic types of experimental research.

2. Why an experimental research is also called a scientific method?
3. What is the primary factor in determining whether a research is true experimental or quasi-
4. What are the implications of declaring what is true by means of a quasi-experimental research?
5. Which is better between two types of experimental research/ Justify your choice.

Discover more about the ins and outs of experimental research by browsing in the internet. Share your
discoveries on our Edmodo.

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