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Physical Education 11 My Fitness Goals: Quarter 3 - Module 3

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Physical Education 11

Quarter 3 – Module 3:
My Fitness Goals
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master what the FITT Principles stands for. The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. It is also to help you to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes for leading a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
● Lesson 1 - Explanation of FITT Principles
● Lesson 2 - Planning for a training session
● Lesson 3 - Health-related fitness and its components
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to;
Set FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF.
PEH11FH - IIi-j-7:

What I Know

Pre-test: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is the correct meaning of FITT?
a. Frequency Intense Time Type
b. Frequency Interior Time Type
c. Frequency Intensity Time Type
d. Frequency Invisible Time Type
2. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to set fuel and oxygen to
the body?
a. Cardio-vascular
b. Muscular endurance
c. Flexibility
d. Muscular strength
3. An activity that prepares a muscle for work is called?
a. Cooling-down
b. Stretching
c. Meditation
d. Warm-up
4. In which principles can use the appropriate type of exercise to improve our
a. Overload
b. Progression
c. Specificity
d. Reversibility
5. Part of an exercise program when the activity is performed at the highest peak.
a. Cooling-down
b. Warm-up
c. Stretching
d. Work-out
6. What is the duration or length of a session in physical activity is called ______.
a. Frequency
b. Intensity
c. Time
d. Type
7. Any adaptation that takes place as a result of training when you stop training is
called ____.
a. Progression
b. Specificity
c. Overload
d. Reversibility
8. _________ is the ability of the muscles to exert an external face or to lift a
a. Body Composition
b. Flexibility
c. Muscular endurance
d. Muscular strength

9. Refers to the number of times of physical activity in each week.

a. Frequency
b. Intensity
c. Time
d. Type
10. An activity requires physical effort, carried out to station and improve health and
fitness is called ____.
a. Exercise
b. Sports
c. Warm-up
d. Work-out


1 The FITT Principle

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to understand what FITT
Principles stand for.
The FITT Principle of physical activity
FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
All of these principles must be taken into consideration when undertaking a
training program by combining these four elements, a person may achieve the
minimum of level of fitness, or by adapting them further increasing the intensity, a
person can train to a higher level.

Frequency - How often or how many times per week you exercise
Is the number of times exercise is undertaken in a week. The more times a
person exercises the more often their body is put under stress. Exercising between
three and five times a week is the recommended amount to reach the minimum
level of fitness.
Physical activity as part of your healthy, active lifestyle Top-class
sportspeople have to train a lot more frequently, often several sessions a day, but
training very hard, every day, can also be harmful, even for a top-class athlete.

Intensity - How hard you exercise (how fast you run or how much weight you lift)
Is the level of difficulty of the exercise. In cardiovascular training, working in
a target zone of 60 to 80 percent of the maximum heart rate is the level where
fitness will usually increase.
Your exercise intensity also depends on your level of training and it also
depends on the type of exercise you performing. Exercise intensity is described as
low, moderate, or high. For example;

● Running intensities: Slow pace - like a turtle

Moderate pace - like a dog
Fast pace - like a horse

● Weight lifting exercise intensities:

Light weights
Moderate weights
Vigorous weights

When training for strength, the intensity is calculated in the same way. A person
can train within the target zone by finding the maximum weight they can lift and
working to 60 to 80 percent of that weight.
Active lifestyle as the amount of weight lifted increases with training, this will
add to the intensity.
Time - How long you train (the amount of time you spend exercising)
Refers to how long an exercise session lasts. 30 minutes, to include a
warmup is the recommended length of a session in order to maintain good health
and fitness.
The following are useful rules to follow in an exercise session:
1.Keep your pulse at 60 to 80 percent of its maximum for 20 minutes (the
maximum can be calculated by using this formula: 220 – your age).
2. Warming-up is not included in the 20 minutes.
3. The time begins when the pulse is at 60 percent of your maximum.

Type - The kind of exercise you choose

Refers to the variety of training a performer undertakes. If general fitness is
the aim, it can be a matter of personal preference to suit the individual.
If training for a specific event then less of a choice can be
made, as the training should reflect the activity. In this
instance, type links closely with the principle of specificity.
What’s In

Activity # 1:
Let see how the students can identify the principles of physical activity that can be
easily to understand the topic that already discussed by the teacher.

Direction: Re-arrange the jumbled letter to get the exact answer to the given

LOVERODA _______1. It is the most basic principle that indicates doing more than
normal for improvement.
NNESITITY _______2. The rate at which the activity is performed is called?
SEGRSPIONRO _______3. This principle aids for safe and effective results. EMIT
________4. Is a duration or length of the session of physical activity.
EVERLIISYTBIR ________5. In what principle when training effect is lost if the
training is discontinued.
CYREFEQUN ________6. Refers to the number of times, physical activity is done
each week.
ETYPEICISI ________7. This principle can be used in the appropriate type of
exercise to improve our muscles.
YEPT ________ 8. This will be the type of activity you select for
improvement is called?
EFISSTN _________ 9. It is the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupation,
and daily activities.
ISEXCER _______ 10. An activity requiring physical effort carried out to
sustain and improve health and fitness.

Planning for a training
2 session
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;
a. Describe how to use FITT when planning a training session;
b. Make your own daily fitness record.

Setting Physical Activity Goals

How can be sure to include physical activity in your daily routine?

* Set realistic fitness goals (USDA recommended a minimum of 60 minutes a day).
* Includes all sort of activity
1. Physical Education Class
2. Playing Sports
3. Household Tasks (mowing the lawn, cleaning your room)
4. School or community may offer programs that provide some variety of fun
and healthful activities.
Include many different physical activities in your program to make it more

Factors that may affect your decision making includes:

1. Cost - Some activities require specialized and possibly expensive equipment.

2. Where your Live - for convenience you want to do an activity that you can do
locally, without spending a lot of time travel. What type of terrain, climate,
what type of activity does the region best lend itself?
3. Your level of health - some health condition has risk that need to be
considered when planning a program.
5. Time and Place - build your program into your daily routine. Example: don’t
schedule a jogging program for 6:00 am if you are not a morning person.
6. Personal Safety - think about your own safety when building a program, don’t
go for runs through unsafe or dark areas.
7. Comprehensive Planning - select activities that address all five areas of
healthrelated fitness.

Basic Principles of Physical Activity Program

1. Overload - Working the body harder than it is normally worked. It builds

muscular strength and contributes to overall fitness. This achieved by increasing
weight, repetitions, or sets.
2. Progression - is the gradual increase in overload necessary to achieve
higher levels of fitness. As an activity gets easier increase the number of reps,
sets, or the time spent doing the activity.
3. Specificity - indicates that particular exercise and activities improve
particular areas of health-related fitness. Ex. Resistance training builds
Muscular Strength and Endurance, while aerobics exercise improves Cardio-
respiratory Endurance.
4. Reversibility - development of muscles will take place if regular
movement and execution are done, and if activity ceases, it will be reversed. This
shows that the benefits and changes achieved from overload will last only if
training continues. The training effects are lost if the training is discontinued.


1. WARM - UP
This prepares the muscles for work. Any exercise such as walking, jogging,
cycling, jumping rope, that will raise the body temperature. Then an easy stretching
of the large muscles.

The part of an exercise program when the activity is performed at its highest peak.
To be effective the activity needs to follow the F.I.T.T formula.

Is an activity that prepares the muscles to return to a resting state.
Cooldown can be done by slowing down the activity.


This time let us know what you have learned in the lesson.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Any adaption that takes place as a result of training when you stop training.
a. Progression b. Overload
c. Specificity d. Reversibility
2. Is the amount of time spent participating in physical activity.
a. Frequency b. Intensity
c. Time d. Type
3. Fitness can be improved by training more than normally do.
a. Progression b. Overload
c. Specificity d. Reversibility
4. Start and gradually increase the amount of exercise and keep overloading.
a. Progression b. Overload
c. Reversibility d. Specificity
5. An activity that prepares the muscle for work is called____?
a. Cooling-down b. Meditation
c. Stretching d. Warm-up
6. An activity that prepares the muscle to return to a resting state.
a. Cooling-down b. Stretching
c. Warm-up d. Work-out
7. Part of an exercise program when the activity is performed at the highest peak.
a. Cooling-down b. Stretching
c. Warm-up d. Work-out
8. Is the duration or length of session of a physical activity.
a. Frequency b. Intensity
c. Time d. Type
9. The ability of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory to supply fuel and oxygen
to the muscle.
a. Body composition b. Cardiovascular
c. Flexibility d. muscular endurance
10. Ability of the muscle to exert an external force or to lift a heavyweight.
a. Body Composition
b. Flexibility
c. Muscular endurance
d. Muscular strength

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