San Isidro High School: Self-Paced Learning Module in H.O.P.E. 1
San Isidro High School: Self-Paced Learning Module in H.O.P.E. 1
San Isidro High School: Self-Paced Learning Module in H.O.P.E. 1
: This module is designed to help you achieve physical fitness for health
Module Overview reasons through health-related fitness (HRF) components and the application
of the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type).
Frequency = how often you perform physical activities
Intensity = how hard you perform physical activities
Time = how long do you perform such activities and:
Type = mode of physical activities
Instructional Materials : Physical Education and Health Volume I. REX Book Store., 2016
Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Warm You Up!
This activity will prepare your body for physical activity. Prepare yourself for physical activity using
general or sports-specific warm up exercises.
Choose a partner (members of the family)
Do light jogging around your house for gradual elevation of your heart rate
Stretch your legs, arms, back for several minutes
Note: The time allotted to properly warm up your body can spell the difference between performing well and
getting yourself injured. Spend around 5-10 minutes on warm-up routine. Execute either general warm-up
exercise like jogging and jumping jacks and body twisting or sports-specific warm-up exercises.
1. What have you noticed after warm –up exercise?
2. What is the effect of warm up exercise?
Good job! You did the activity very well! You may proceed to the next activity on this module. God bless!
Learning Activities
Effective training takes time and patience. If one adheres to the proper principles of training result will
definitely be seen. The performance will be improved and physiological changes will occur as well. A proper
program of exercise considers three principles of training: the principle of overload, the principle of progressive,
and principle of specificity.
Principle of Progression
To ensure that the results will still improve over time, the adapted workload should be continually
increased. A gradual and systematic increase within the workload over a period of time will lead to improvement
in fitness without risk of injury. If overload occurs and increase rapidly, it may lead to injury or muscle damage.
If increased slowly, improvement is unlikely. For instance, the athlete who exercises vigorously only on
weekends violates the principle of progression and may not see obvious fitness gains.
The Principle of Progression also stresses the requirement for correct rest and recovery.
Continual stress on the body and constant overload will lead to exhaustion and injury. You ought not to
train hard all the time, as you'll risk over training and a decrease in fitness.
Principle of Specificity
We have all heard the phrase, "Practice makes perfect." Well, this is often the principle of specificity in
action. This principle simply states that exercising a specific piece or component of the body primarily develops
that part. The principle of specificity implies that to become better at a selected exercise or skill, you need to
perform that exercise or skill. For example, a cyclist should be trained in cycling and a runner should be trained in
running. Use the acceptable sort of exercise that directly improves your target muscles.
Principle of Reversibility
Development of muscles will happen if regular movement and execution are completed. If activity
ceases, it will be reversed. This shows that benefits and changes achieved from overload will last as long as
training is continuous. On the flip side, this also implies that the detraining effect will be reversed once training is
resumed. Extended rest periods reduce fitness and therefore the physiological effects diminish over time which
throws the body back to its pre-training condition.
Note: The effect of training will be lost if the training is discontinued.
Factor Definition
Frequency Number of meeting in a week
Intensity Effort level of the exercise
Time Period covered in an exercise session
Type Kind of activity
The first thing to identify in the workout plan is frequency—how often you exercise. Your frequency
often depends on a spread of things including the sort of workout you're doing, how hard you're working, your
fitness level, and your exercise goals. Three to five times a week is a safe frequency for each component of health-
related physical fitness.
American College of Sports Medicine sets exercise guidelines to provide a place to start figuring out
how often to work-out:
For cardio: Include your goal, guidelines recommend moderate exercise five or more days every
week or intense cardio three days every week to improve your health. If your goal is to lose weight, you'll need
to work often up to six or more days a week.
For strength training: The suggested frequency is two to three non-consecutive days a week, it should
be one to two days between sessions. If you are doing a split routine, like upper body at some point and lower
body subsequent, your workouts are going to be more frequent than total body workouts.
Intensity refers to how hard you work during the physical activity period. Intensity is often measured in
several ways, counting on the health-related component. For instance, monitoring pulse rate is a technique to
measure intensity during aerobic endurance activities but gives no indication of intensity during flexibility
For cardio: For cardio, you will usually monitor intensity by heart rate or pulse rate. The
recommendation for steady-state workouts is at a moderate intensity and for interval training it should be done at a
high intensity for a shorter period of time.
For strength training: Monitoring the intensity of strength training involves a special set of
parameters. The intensity depends on the workload you are doing, the amount of weight you lift, and the number of
repetitions and sets. You can change the intensity based on your goals. For a beginner use a lighter weight and do
fewer sets with high repetitions (two or three sets of 12 to 20 repetitions). If your goal is to develop muscle, do a
higher number of sets with a moderate amount of repetitions (four sets of 10 to 12 reps each). If you want to create
strength, use heavyweights to try to do more sets with fewer repetitions for example, five sets of three repetitions
Time is the length of the physical activity. Considering the other aspects of the F.I.T.T principle, time differs
depending on the health-related fitness component targeted.
For cardio: The suggested cardio exercise is 30 to 60 minutes but the duration of your workout depends on
the type of exercise. For a beginner, you might start with a workout of 15 to 20 minutes. If you're doing steady-
state cardio, like going for a run, you may exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. If you're doing interval training and
working at a high intensity, your workout should be shorter, around 20 minutes to half-hour.
For strength training: How long you lift weights depends on the type of workout you're doing and on
your schedule. For total body workout, you may take up to an hour, but a split routine may take less time because
you're working for fewer muscle groups.
Type refers to the definite physical activity selected to improve a component of health-related fitness. For
example, a person who wants to improve the arm strength should exercise the triceps and biceps, while an
individual who wants to improve aerobic endurance needs to execute some other aerobically challenging activities
such as jogging, running, swimming.
For Cardio: Cardio is changeable since any activity that makes your heart rate up counts.
Dancing, running, walking, jogging, and cycling are some of the wide variety of activities you
may choose. Having more than one cardio activity helps reduce boredom.
For strength training: Strength training workouts can also offer a variety of exercises. It includes any
exercise using resistance like dumbbells, barbells, machines, and many others to work your muscles. You may also
use your body as resistance tool. You may change the type of your strength workout depending on your goal.
An exercise workout has three components: warm-up, exercise load and cool-down. The exercise load or
workout load is the program activity that would stimulate beneficial adaptation when performed regularly. A
warm-up is essential prior to actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity. It increases the
blood flow to the working muscles without an abrupt increase in lactic acid accumulation. According to
research, the warmer the body and muscle, the higher the muscular output. A good warm-up also prepares the
heart, muscles, and joints for the next activity by decreasing joint stiffness and increasing the nerve impulses.
Cool-down is essential after a workout as it permits the pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure for a gradual
recovery. Cooling down may be most vital for competitive endurance athletes, like marathoners, because it helps
regulate blood flow.
Warm-up - At least 5 to 10 minutes of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise or
resistance exercise with lighter weights.
Conditioning -15 to 60 minutes of aerobic, resistance, neuromuscular, and/or sport
Cool-down - At least 5 to 10 minutes of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise or
resistance exercise with lighter weights
Stretching - At least 10 minutes of stretching exercises performed after the warm- up or
cool-down phase
Note: For a beginner at least 15 to 30-minute exercise load
Metabolic equivalents (METs) express aerobic intensity as mL per kg per min of oxygen being consumed.
The energy expenditure while sitting at rest is equal to 1MET. It is taken by convention to
be an oxygen uptake of 3.5 mL per kg of body weight per min.
Light-intensity aerobic activity is an activity done at 1.1 to 2.9 METs, moderate-intensity
activity is an activity done at 3 to 5.9 METs while vigorous activity is an activity done at ≥
6 METs.
The intensity of aerobic activities is sometimes measured as the speed of the activity (for example,
walking at 5 km/h, jogging at 10 km/h).
Here are some examples of physical activities and exercises that you may integrate in your own fitness plan.
Remember that the intensity of exercise as well as the type of activity to be done will vary for each person, as it is
Activity 1:
Directions: Read the following statements carefully and write the word Yes on the space provided before the
number of the statements that applies to you, while leave it blank if it doesn’t.
________1. I engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes several days a week.
________2. I engage in physical activities that challenge my heart rate.
________3. I spend quality time with family, friends, and others in my social circle.
________4. I always find time to do leisure activities.
________5. I do warm-up, stretching, and cool down exercises.
________6. I do not stress myself about schoolwork deadlines.
________7. I take care of environment by doing small deeds such as throwing my trash into trash bin.
________8. I assess my physical fitness level and my participation in physical activities.
________9. I try to eat vegetables and fruits as much as I can.
________10. I have assign task to do household chores.
Count the number of yes to know your Healthy Lifestyle Assessment rating.
Excellent 9 - 10
Good 7-8
Fair 4-6
Needs Improvement 0-3
1. Get your resting heart rate
Purpose: To set the base or standard for evaluation purposes
Directions: The best time to get the resting heart rate is when you wake up in the morning. Locate
your radial, temporal, femoral (groin), or carotid artery with your index and middle finger. Do it in
one minute. Keep records.
2. Get your maximum heart rate(MHR)
Purpose: To determine the highest rate your heart is capable of attaining
Directions: Subtract your age from 220 (constant).
Example: If you are 16 years old, your maximum heart rate is (220-16) = 204 bpm
What did you notice about your heart rates? Do you think it is necessary to learn how to estimates these
types of heart rate? Why?
Awesome! You did a great job. You may now proceed to the next level for this activity.
Influencing your family, community and society, in general, to actively engage them in physical
fitness it can motivate others to do the same. Doing household chores and keep ourselves in motion our
body can benefit so much. Regardless of age, gender and social status, health is the most important. Using
our FITT formula we can calibrate our fitness programs that are suited to our age. The activities that are
found in this module can help you manage your health activity. Getting our resting heart before fitness
activity can help up monitor our and knowing our target heart we can personally identify ourselves the
status of our health.
Reflection Guide:
The COVID- 19 pandemic means that many of us are staying at home and sitting down more than we usually do.
It’s hard for a lot of us to do the sort of exercise we normally do. It’s even harder for people who don’t usually do a
lot of physical exercises.
How can you be physically fit in this time of pandemic? Why is physical fitness important nowadays?
Great job! You’re about to finish this activity. Do your best and enjoy!
Directions: Read the statement carefully. Choose only the letter and write it on the space provided before
the number.
_____1. Which of the following is true about frequency?
A. Effort level of the exercise C. Period covered in an exercise session
B. Number of session in a week D. Type of activity .
_____2. Jogging, dancing, lunges, brisk walking, squats and planking are examples of what FITT
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
_____3. What principle in physical activity is defined as gradual increase in exerting effort or load that is
done not too slowly, nor too rapidly?
A.Principle of Overload C. Principle of Reversibility
B. Principle of Progression D. Principle of Specificity
______4. Which of the given examples best describes time principle of physical activity?
A.2 times a day C. 1 hour per session
B. 3 times a week D. All of the above
______5. Karen is increasing the difficulty of her exercise, she runs 12km per hour. Which FITT
principle is manifested?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
______6. Which of the following given statements is true about Principles of Reversibility?
A. The benefits of training are lost with prolonged periods without training.
B. Repeatedly practicing a skill or a series of movements past required performance
C. Exposing the body to an entirely new stimulus creates consistent performance
D. To ensure that results will continue to improve over time, the degree of the training intensity must
continually increase above the adapted work load.
______7. Which part of the exercise program stimulates beneficial adaptation when performed regularly?
A. Cool-down B. Exercise load C. Warm-up D. Stretching
Answer Key
Pre Assessment
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
Post Assessment
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A