Health-Optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports: Organizing A Sports Events
Health-Optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports: Organizing A Sports Events
Health-Optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports: Organizing A Sports Events
Health-optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports
Think back to your school years and recall
a favorite physical education or physical activity memory.
Does field day, a special field trip, or dance performance
come to mind? Perhaps it’s your first athletic competition
or a final state tournament appearance?
When it comes down to it, students may not
remember daily lessons, but they will remember the
“experiences” and the feeling of being successful at
something in your class or the lack thereof.
In this module, you will know the formula on how to successfully conduct and organize a sports event
and this may serve as one of the experiences you will remember in this Academic Year.
To guide you in this module, below is a simple map of the lessons covered in this module:
Organizing a
Sports Events
Organizing a Sports Event
In this lesson you will learn the following:
Learning target
Lesson No. and Title Essential Question
(Acquisition Make-Meaning Transfer)
Lesson 1 – o How can you be an agent of • I can discuss main target health
Organizing a Sports sports in your community? issue or concern of the sports event
Event – A;
• I can establish a theme that suits
the goals of the sports event – M;
• I can collaborate with the class to
organize a sports event for a target
health issue or concern – T.
Resources/Referen • Gialogo,R.C, and Gialogo,R.C.(2016). Fit for life “The K to 12 Physical
ces Education and Health Textbook. Phoenix Publishing House
Core Values Creativity, Innovativeness, Leadership Skill, Effectiveness and Efficiency
21st Century Skills Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication
a. What do you think is the most crucial part of planning and organizing an
Sports events can be the boost your business needs to engage members. Gym events are fun
and emphasize health, fitness, and wellness. Even with the most state-of-the-art facilities, you can still
experience dwindling membership rates. Most marketers believe that event marketing is the single
most-effective marketing channel. Sports events are an effective way to add value and drive
Sports events can bring people together and inspire them to make changes. Events allow
gyms, studios, and health clubs to think of creative ways to engage with members and the
local community. Whether the aim is to boost membership sales, increase the sense of
community, or engage current members, events can help you to meet your goal.
It makes sense that a successful event takes time and planning. When organizing a fitness event,
multiple factors need to be considered from invitations and budget to logistics and location. Event
planning is a task in itself. Here’s a breakdown of the steps you need to take to plan and
organize a sports event.
11 Steps to Plan and Organize a Sports Event
▪ Your timeline will be dependent on the type of event you’re hosting. While something like a weight loss
challenge may take less time to prepare than a fitness workshop, you still need to set a realistic timeline
no matter the event. Your marketing strategy and budget will be tied to a timeline which you will need
to stick to.
▪ If you can, give yourself at least three months to prepare for an event. If you’re collaborating with other
businesses, everyone involved needs enough time to bring everything together. When you’re strapped
for time, you often rush into things and make snap decisions. This can really affect how successful an
event will be.
Sports events can be marketing magnets. These days, experience is everything. People are
looking for more engagement, community, and interaction. With the right planning and organization,
you can host an event that your members and community will love. All the while, increasing brand
awareness, member engagement, and membership sales.
CS 17-2_S2T1_PT 5. Directions: The class shall create a proposal regarding sports event which
targets a health issue or concern. The template will be sent through GC. (30 pts)
Great job! We are done with Modules 1-7 already. Refer to these modules for your final examination on
Week 8. Congratulations!