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Practical Research 2: Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region v
Gallanosa National High School

Name of Student: _______________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _________________
Date: _______________

Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields

You have learned from Lesson 1 that quantitative research is a formal,
deductive, and systematic process that focuses mainly on obtaining and
analyzing numerical data. The method of data collection is objective and
replicable. At the same time, its analysis is statistical and generalizable to
the population making the findings of quantitative research very credible
and useful. It is for these reasons that quantitative analysis can be applied
and very useful to various fields of study. In this lesson, you will uncover
the role of quantitative research in the advancement of knowledge across

II. LEARNING SKILLS FROM MELCs: Illustrate the importance of

quantitative research across fields (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2)

Upon completion of this module, the learners are able to:

 illustrate the importance of quantitative research across fields

A. Let Us Review
Matching Type: Match the items in COLUMN A to COLUMN B and write the
answers on the space provided.

Column A Column B
1. Healthy Lifestyle vis-à-vis A. Quantitative Sports and Physical
Physical Fitness of Sports Education
Athletes: Impact on
Performance B. Quantitative Psychology

2. Effects of Cooperative Leaning
on Students’ Achievements C. Quantitative Education
3. Effectiveness of Redesivir on
Treating Patients with Novel D. Quantitative Medicine
Corona Virus 2019
4. Motives of Angeles City Dance E. Quantitative TVL/TLE
Athletes: Effects on Performance
5. Cooking Practices of Aetas in
Sapang Bato
6. Adolescent Psychopathology
and Substance Use: The
Moderating Effect of Prospective
7. Impact of Social Networking
on Students’ Learning Abilities
8. Work-Family Conflict and
Cognition among Older Adults
Working Full-Time
9. Development of Novel Corona
Virus 2019 Vaccine
10. Development of a Dual
Wheel for Beginner Drivers

B. Let Us Study

The value of quantitative research to man’s quest to discover the

unknown and improve underlying conditions is undeniable. Throughout
history, quantitative research has paved the way to finding meaningful
solutions to difficulties. For instance, the development of vaccines to
strengthen our immunity against viruses causing highly communicable
diseases like polio, influenza, chickenpox, and measles to name a few,
underwent thorough experimental trials. Scientists and medical experts all
over the world today are working their best to fast track the development,
testing and release of the vaccine for the Corona Virus Disease of 2019
(Covid-19) as the pandemic has critically affected the world economy,
education, as well as physical and emotional well-being of people.

The findings of the quantitative study can influence leaders and law-
makers’ decisions for crafting and implementing laws for the safety and
welfare of the more significant majority. For example, a community with high
cases of Covid-19 positive patients is mandated by law to be under
Enhanced Community Quarantine where only the most essential businesses
can operate. On the other hand, cities with less or zero case will be under
General Community Quarantine where some businesses, public and private
offices are already allowed to operate.

Using quantitative design helps us determine and better understand

relationships between variables or phenomenon crucial to reducing the
range of uncertainty because the mathematics behind quantitative studies
helps us make close estimates of the outcome (dependent variable) from a
given condition/s (independent variable). Relationship between demand and

supply, age and health, discipline and academic achievement, practice and
winning at sports, depression and suicidal rates, algae population and
Oxygen demand are just a few examples of real-life applications of
correlation studies in the past that we still apply today.

Most inventions and innovations are products of quantitative studies.

Before you can enjoy the uses and features of a smart phone, it took years of
research to establish compliance to standards for interoperability, to find the
most cost-effective raw materials, identify the sleekest and sturdiest design,
the fastest data saving and processing power, and most marketable add-ons
according to consumer needs. Indeed, mankind will dwell in the darkness of
ignorance if not for the people who conducted their research before reading
about it from books or manuals.

Listed below are the benefits that quantitative research can offer to
specific strands, as well as the field of interest you wanted to explore.

1. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

As part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, people need to

establish relationship within the society. Consider the old adage, “no
man is an island.” In relation to research, quantitative research helps
us understand the degree of behavioral and social interactions in our
environment, whether it is in our community, our workplace, and
even in religious places. This even extends to our relationships via
social media. Also, you can conduct a quantitative research to
investigate or explore the methods and approaches that enhance one’s
creativity. We can also investigate the relationship between humans
and arts.

You might want to consider the following topics as your interest

in research:

▪ Civic Engagement ▪ Cyber Behavior

▪ Digital Humanities ▪ Freedom of Speech
▪ Ethics and Social ▪ Government and Law
Responsibility ▪ World Religions
▪ Generation Studies ▪ Gender Discrimination
▪ Political Correctness ▪ Communication Theory
▪ Public Health and Welfare ▪ LGBTQ+ Studies

2. Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

Quantitative research can also be of help to companies and

organizations as it assesses the approaches that will help companies
in their decision-making policies. Researches in this area would not
only help the organizations to survive, but also to thrive.

The following topics might interest you in your research:

▪ Accounting and Financing ▪ Business Information Systems

▪ e-Commerce ▪ Gender Economics and
▪ Risk Assessment Consumption
▪ Government Regulations ▪ Organizational Behavior

▪ Online Business ▪ Digitization of Services
▪ Operations and Service ▪ Micro-Entrepreneurship
Management ▪ eSports Industry
▪ Lifelong Learning in the ▪ Internal Communications
Workforce ▪ Labor Standards
▪ Consumer Anxiety ▪ Human Resources Development
▪ Hospitality, Travel, and ▪ Aging Workforce
Tourism Management ▪ Business and Organizational
▪ Entrepreneurship Research
▪ Economics and Economic

3. General Academic Strand (GAS)

In educational settings, especially in higher education are

engrossed in conducting researches in order to identify the degree of
problems and provide suggestions that could improve pedagogical
practices and policies which later, will be passed to the future
educators. Also, these educator-researchers could help validate, test,
and challenge the existing pedagogical practices in order to
contextualize and localize those practices to cater the needs of the
learners (Faltado, Bombita, Boholano,& Pogoy, 2016).

You might be interested or inspired to make a research from

the following pool of topics:

▪ Career Pathways ▪ Adaptive Technologies

▪ Educational Administration ▪ Game-Based Learning
and Leadership ▪ Equality on Education
▪ K-12 Distance Learning ▪ Gender and Diversity
▪ Mobile Devices in Education ▪ Community-School
▪ Instructional Design Partnerships
▪ Learning Assessment ▪ Social-Emotional Learning
and Measurement ▪ Learning Disabilities
▪ Special Education ▪ School Counselling
▪ Teacher-Student ▪ Student Well-Being

4. Arts & Design/Sports

Research can be used to investigate methods or approaches

that enhance ones creativity. It can also be used to understand the
relationship between one’s health and athletic performance.

It can formulate development and innovations in the field of:

▪ Fine Arts & Design ▪ Scientific Coaching

▪ Film and Photography ▪ Sports Medicine
▪ Media and Visual Arts ▪ Safety and Firt-Aid
▪ Music Topics ▪ Sports Officiating
▪ Theatre Topics ▪ Sports Science
▪ Languages and Culture ▪ Sports Management
▪ Dance Topics ▪ Sports Science

▪ Literary Arts ▪ Athlete Performance
▪ Arts Production and ▪ Fitness and Exercises Programming
C. Let Us Practice
Essay. Answer the following questions clearly but briefly.

A. How important is quantitative research to different fields of discipline?


B. Choose two disciplines enumerated above. Explain how quantitative

research can be useful in these fields of study. Substantiate your
explanation with examples.

Area Practical Importance

D. Let Us Remember

How is quantitative research applicable across fields?

People indulge in research to know more, to solve problems, or to

improve existing conditions. More and more institutions promote
research studies while younger individuals indulge in research projects
not only because they are required to but also because they came to
realize the value and benefits research has to offer. The quantitative
research’s systematic way of finding the answers forges its pertinence
regardless of the area or sector. The more you perceive the value of
quantitative research to different groups or field of study, the more
you appreciate it, hence, igniting your interest from knowing that you
may make use of it in your own chosen track.

E. Let Us Practice More
Make a concept map (example below) of all other fields/disciplines not
mentioned above where you think quantitative research can also be applied.
Explain why quantitative research is important to these fields.

F. Evaluation
Directions: Search online, from a book or publication three (3) particular
quantitative studies for your field of study (track/strand) and indicate its
contribution to the development of knowledge to that field. An example is
given for you.

Field Title, Author/s, Year Contribution

Education (GAS) The Better You Feel the Better Finds a way to
You Learn: Do Warm Colours improve
and Rounded Shapes Enhance learning
Learning Outcome in through colors
Multimedia Learning? and shapes.
Munchow, H, Mengelkamp, C,
Bannert, M. (2017)


Let us Review
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. E 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. E

Let Us Practice
Answers may vary

Let Us Practice More

Answers may vary

Answers may vary

Rochelle A. Luzano, et al. PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Alternative
Delivery Mode Quarter 1 - Module 1:Nature of Inquiry and Research First
edition, Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City, 2020.

Adrian P. Tamayo, Practical Research 2 Learning Activity Sheet,

Department of Education, ACNHS, 2020.

Senior High School Remote Learning Module Practical Research 2,

Malayan Colleges, Mindanao, 2020.


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