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1 HBO Course Outline

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Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

Course Outline

Course Title : Human Behavior in Organizations (HBO)

Credits : 1
Type : Compulsory
Session Duration : 75 minutes
Term : I
Year : 2020-21
Faculty : Prof. Agrata Pandey andProf. Koustab Ghosh

It is vital to know why people behave as they do in relation to their jobs, their work groups and
their organizations. This knowledge of individuals' perceptions, motivational attitudes and
behavior will enable managers to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt
appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness.

This course serves as an introduction to the field of Organizational Behavior (OB) and provides a
foundation for other related courses offered in the subsequent terms. The course covers a wide
breadth of topics and applications dealing with topics such as personality, perception, motivation,
decision making, group dynamics, negotiation and conflict management. The aim of this course is
to help participantsdevelop a conceptual understanding of OB theories and provide them with
skills to put those ideas and theories into practice.

Course Objectives

The specific objectives of the course are:

a. To provide an understanding of key concepts relating to organizational behavior

b. To develop the participant's ability to observe, understand and analyze the behavior
within the organizational context

c. To help the participant develop basic skills to deal with the behavioral dynamics in their
organization and contribute to organizational effectiveness


The course will use a mix of cases, discussions, simulations and exercises. The course relies
heavily on participation in class discussions and activities.

Evaluation Scheme

Quizzes 20%
Class Participation/Case Submission 20%
Mid Term Examination 30%
Final Examination 30%

Brief Outline

Module 1: Introduction to OrganizationalBehavior

Module 2: Basic Human Processes
Module 3:The Individual in the organization
Module 4: Dyadic and interpersonal processes
Module 4: Group dynamics
Module 5: Influencing others


1. e-Text:
 Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. & Vohra, N. (2017). Organizational Behavior (latest edition).
Pearson Education.

2. Other Readings:
 Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick and PreetamKhandelwal
(2016), Organizational Behaviour: A South Asian Perspective (2nd edition) Cengage
Learning India.
 S.L. McShane & M.A.V. Glinow (2015). Organizational Behavior (6 th edition). McGraw
Hill Education.

3. Other Materials (provided in course pack)

a) Other Selected Readings
b) Selected Cases

Special Instructions

Please read and prepare well in advance for case presentation and discussion in the class. Case for
each session is indicated in the Session Plan.The sessionswill be of 75 minutes duration. R
indicates additional readings. C indicates cases.

Session Plan
Topic Session Topic and Sub-topics Reference Case / Exercise /
No. No. (Book chapter / Page Assignment
numbers from the
1 1 Fundamentals of Text book: Chapter Introductory
Organizational Behavior : 1 Case:Opening Up the
 What is Pandora’s Box – A
Organizational Reading: Managing Consultancy Assignment
Behavior oneself. (Harvard
 Fundamental Business Review)
assumptions of the
 The Role of Manager

2 2 and 3 Values, Attitudes and Text book: Chapter Case:Life Stories of Recent
Emotions: 3 and 4; Chapter 5 MBAs: Values and Ethical

 Definition and (page 146-148) Challenges (HBS)
various components
of values, attitudes Reading: Values, Case: Ryan’s Dilemma
and behaviors Beliefs and Attitudes (IIMA)
 Managerial
implications of Exercise: Emotional
values, attitudes and Intelligence- self evaluation
behaviors in
 Ethical Values
 Understanding
emotions and mood
 Managing emotions
in organizations
 Emotional

3 4 Personality: Text book: Chapter Exercise: MBTI

 Its basic nature 5 (page 129-145) Instrument
 Determinants of
personality Reading:
 Trait vs. non-trait Appreciating
theories differences using the
 Linking an Myers-Briggs Type
individual’s Indicator
personality to

4 5 Perception and Attribution: Text book: Chapter Case: Tea Shall Not Be
 Factors influencing 6 Served (IIMA)
perception (Page 162-170)
 Common perceptual Movie: Eye of the
errors Reading: Perceptual Beholder
 Attribution process Processes

5 6, 7, & 8 Understanding Motivation at Text book: Case:Jieliang Phone

work: Chapter 7 and 8 Home (A)
 Content and process
theories of Reading:Is the Case:The Morning Star
motivation concept of Company: Self-
 Integrating various motivation relevant? Management at Work
theories of (HBS)
motivation. Reading:
 Impact of motivation Employee
theories in work Motivation: A
place. Powerful New

6 9&10 Dyadic and interpersonal Reading: Managing Case: Ramesh and Gargi
processes: your peers (A) & (B)* - IIMA

How to manage colleagues
* B will not be shared
before the session

Reading: Face your Case:Nitish @ Solutions

problem Unlimited - IIMA
How to manage the boss and subordinates now
subordinates (HBR)

Reading: Managing
your boss
7 11& 12 Group Dynamics: Text book: Movie: Twelve Angry Men
 What is a group and Chapter 9 and 10 or Group building exercise
types of group
 The formation of Reading: Group Case: David Fletcher
groups Dynamics: An (HBS)
 Factors affecting introductory note
effectiveness of
 Importance and
difference between
groups and teams
 Building work teams

8 13 & 14 Decision-making: Text book: Exercise: Group decision

 Individual and group Chapter 6 making
decision-making (page 170-188)
 Bounded rationality, Case: Mount Everest—
heuristics, biases and 1996 (HBS)
intuition Article: Introduction
 Factors that affect to Decision Making
 Techniques to
improve quality of
decision-making in

9 15 & 16 Power and Political Text book: Case:

Behavior: Chapter 13 Thomas Green: Power,
 The concept of Office politics and a Career
power Reading: Power in Crisis (HBS)
 Bases of power Dynamics in
 Managing political organizations
behavior in
10 17& 18 Conflict and Negotiation: Text book: Case: Meera Nair at
 Meaning and Chapter 14 PhoenixWay: Which way
definition of conflict to go (IIMA)

 Levels of conflict Article:When Does
 Functional vs. Gender Matter in Exercise: Negotiation
dysfunctional Negotiation?
 Negotiation: Article: Should You
meaning, definition Make the First
and process Offer?
 Approaches towards
effective negotiation.

11 19 Coping with organizational Text book:

life: Stress Chapter 17
 The basic nature of (page 557-562)
 Causes and effects of Reference book:
stress Chapter 7 (Nelson,
 Reducing stress Quick

12 20 Sum Up Session Case:Vasundhara’s

Appraisal (IIMA)

Table of Contents

Sl. Reading/ Reading / Case Title Session References

No. Case No. No.
1 R1 Managing oneself 1 HBS
2 R2 Values, Beliefs and Attitudes 2&3 IIMA
3 R3 Appreciating differences using the 4 IIMA
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
4 R4 Perceptual Processes 5 HBS

5 R5 Is the concept of motivation 6 IIMA

6 R6 Employee Motivation: A Powerful 7 HBS
New Model 

7 R7 Managing your peers 8 To be provided by

the instructor
8 R8 Face your problem subordinates 9 HBS
Managing your boss To be provided by
the instructor
7 R7 Group Dynamics: An introductory 10 & 11 IIMA

8 R8 Introduction to Decision Making 12& 13 HBS
9 R9 Power Dynamics in organizations 14 IIMA

10 R10 Article: When Does Gender Matter 15 HBS

in Negotiation?
11 R11 Article: Should You Make the 16 HBS
First Offer?
12 C1 Opening up the Pandora’s Box – A 1 Authored by course
Consultancy Assignment instructor
12 C2 Life Stories of Recent MBAs: 2 HBS
Values and Ethical Challenges
13 C3 Ryan’s Dilemma 3 IIMA
14 C4 Tea Shall Not Be Served 5 IIMA
15 C5 Jieliang Phone Home (A) 6 HBS
16 C6 The Morning Star Company: Self- 7 HBS
Management at Work
17 C7 Ramesh and Gargi (A) & (B)* 8 IIMA
18 C8 Nitish @ Solutions Unlimited 9 IIMA
14 C9 David Fletcher 10 & 11 HBS
15 C10 Mount Everest--1996 12 & 13 HBS
16 C11 Thomas Green: Power, Office 14 HBS
politics and a Career in Crisis
17 C11 Meera Nair at PhoenixWay: Which 15 & 16 IIMA
way to go
18 C12 Work and Friendship 17 IIMA
Firm and Fair IIMA
19 C13 Dr. Shekhawat 18 IIMA
20 C14 Vasundhara’s Appraisal 20 IIMA

Note: ‘R’ and ‘C’ in the second column stand for ‘Reading’ and ‘Case’ respectively.

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